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* \file cy_ble_bas.c
* \version 3.60
* \brief
* Contains the source code for the Battery service.
* \copyright
* Copyright 2017-2021, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.
#include "cy_ble_event_handler.h"
* Global Variables
/* The pointers to the callback functions */
static cy_ble_callback_t Cy_BLE_BAS_ApplCallback = NULL;
static cy_ble_event_handler_cb_t Cy_BLE_BASC_EventHandlerCallback = NULL;
static cy_ble_event_handler_cb_t Cy_BLE_BASS_EventHandlerCallback = NULL;
/* The internal storage for the last request handle to check response */
static cy_ble_gatt_db_attr_handle_t cy_ble_bascReqHandle[CY_BLE_MAX_CONNECTION_INSTANCES];
/* The pointer to a global BLE BAS server config structure */
const cy_stc_ble_bass_config_t *cy_ble_bassConfigPtr = NULL;
/* The pointer to a global BLE BAS client config structure */
const cy_stc_ble_basc_config_t *cy_ble_bascConfigPtr = NULL;
* Private Function Prototypes
static cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t Cy_BLE_BAS_EventHandler(uint32_t eventCode, void *eventParam);
static cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t Cy_BLE_BASS_EventHandler(uint32_t eventCode, void *eventParam);
static cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t Cy_BLE_BASC_EventHandler(uint32_t eventCode, void *eventParam);
static cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t Cy_BLE_BASS_WriteEventHandler(const cy_stc_ble_gatts_write_cmd_req_param_t *eventParam);
static void Cy_BLE_BASC_DiscoverCharacteristicsEventHandler(cy_stc_ble_disc_char_info_t *discCharInfo);
static void Cy_BLE_BASC_DiscoverCharDescriptorsEventHandler(cy_stc_ble_disc_descr_info_t *discDescrInfo);
static void Cy_BLE_BASC_GetCharRange(cy_stc_ble_disc_range_info_t *charRangeInfo);
static void Cy_BLE_BASC_NotificationEventHandler(cy_stc_ble_gattc_handle_value_ntf_param_t *eventParam);
static void Cy_BLE_BASC_ReadResponseEventHandler(cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_rsp_param_t *eventParam);
static void Cy_BLE_BASC_WriteResponseEventHandler(const cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t *eventParam);
static void Cy_BLE_BASC_ErrorResponseEventHandler(const cy_stc_ble_gatt_err_param_t *eventParam);
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BASS_Init
* This function initializes the server of the Battery service.
* \param config: Configuration structure for the BAS.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. The following are possible error codes.
* Error Codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | The function completed successfully.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | On specifying NULL as input parameter.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED | Buffer overflow in the registration callback.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_BASS_Init(const cy_stc_ble_bass_config_t *config)
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult;
if(config == NULL)
/* Registers a pointer to config structure */
cy_ble_bassConfigPtr = config;
/* Registers event handler for the BAS */
apiResult = Cy_BLE_RegisterServiceEventHandler(&Cy_BLE_BAS_EventHandler);
/* Registers a pointer to server event handler function */
Cy_BLE_BASS_EventHandlerCallback = &Cy_BLE_BASS_EventHandler;
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BASC_Init
* This function initializes client of the Battery service.
* \param config: Configuration structure for the BAS.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. The following are possible error codes.
* Error Codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | The function completed successfully.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | On specifying NULL as input parameter.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED | Buffer overflow in the registration callback.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_BASC_Init(const cy_stc_ble_basc_config_t *config)
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult;
if((config == NULL) || ((cy_ble_configPtr->params->gattRole & CY_BLE_GATT_CLIENT) == 0u))
uint32_t idx;
/* Registers a pointer to config structure */
cy_ble_bascConfigPtr = config;
/* Registers event handler for the BAS */
apiResult = Cy_BLE_RegisterServiceEventHandler(&Cy_BLE_BAS_EventHandler);
/* Registers a pointer to client event handler function */
Cy_BLE_BASC_EventHandlerCallback = &Cy_BLE_BASC_EventHandler;
for(idx = 0u; idx < cy_ble_configPtr->params->maxClientCount; idx++)
uint32_t locServIdx;
for(locServIdx = 0u; locServIdx < (uint32_t)cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount; locServIdx++)
uint32 servCnt = cy_ble_configPtr->context->discServiCount;
uint32 basServIdx = cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceDiscIdx + locServIdx;
if(cy_ble_configPtr->context->serverInfo[(idx * servCnt) + basServIdx].range.startHandle ==
/* Get pointer to BAS client structure */
cy_stc_ble_basc_t *bascPtr = (cy_stc_ble_basc_t *)&cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->
attrInfo[(idx * cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount) + locServIdx];
/* Clean client structure */
(void)memset(bascPtr, 0, sizeof(cy_stc_ble_basc_t));
/* Initialize uuid */
cy_ble_configPtr->context->serverInfo[(idx * servCnt) + basServIdx].uuid = CY_BLE_UUID_BAS_SERVICE;
cy_ble_bascReqHandle[idx] = CY_BLE_GATT_INVALID_ATTR_HANDLE_VALUE;
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BAS_RegisterAttrCallback
* Registers a callback function for service-specific attribute operations.
* Service-specific Write Requests from the peer device will not be handled with
* an unregistered callback function.
* \param callbackFunc: An application layer event callback function to receive
* events from the PSoC 6 BLE Middleware. The definition of \ref cy_ble_callback_t
* for BAS service is:<br>
* typedef void (* cy_ble_callback_t) (uint32_t eventCode, void *eventParam),
* where:
* * eventCode: Indicates the event that triggered this callback
* * eventParam: Contains the parameters corresponding to the
* current event; (e.g. pointer to \ref cy_stc_ble_bas_char_value_t
* structure that contains details of the characteristic
* for which the notification enabled event was triggered).
void Cy_BLE_BAS_RegisterAttrCallback(cy_ble_callback_t callbackFunc)
Cy_BLE_BAS_ApplCallback = callbackFunc;
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BASS_SetCharacteristicValue
* Sets a characteristic value of the service, which is a value
* identified by charIndex, to the local database.
* \param serviceIndex: The index of the service instance.
* \param charIndex: The index of the service characteristic of type
* #cy_en_ble_bas_char_index_t.
* \param attrSize: The size of the characteristic value attribute.
* A battery level characteristic has a 1-byte length.
* \param attrValue: The pointer to the characteristic value data that
* should be stored to the GATT database.
* \return
* A return value of type \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t.
* Error Codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | The request was handled successfully.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Validation of the input parameter failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_BASS_SetCharacteristicValue(uint8_t serviceIndex,
cy_en_ble_bas_char_index_t charIndex,
uint8_t attrSize,
uint8_t *attrValue)
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult = CY_BLE_SUCCESS;
if((serviceIndex >= cy_ble_bassConfigPtr->serviceCount) || (charIndex >= CY_BLE_BAS_CHAR_COUNT) ||
/* Store data in the database */
cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_attr_val_info_t dbAttrValInfo;
dbAttrValInfo.connHandle.bdHandle = 0u;
dbAttrValInfo.connHandle.attId = 0u;
dbAttrValInfo.handleValuePair.attrHandle = cy_ble_bassConfigPtr->attrInfo[serviceIndex].batteryLevelHandle;
dbAttrValInfo.handleValuePair.value.len = attrSize;
dbAttrValInfo.handleValuePair.value.val = attrValue;
dbAttrValInfo.offset = 0u;
if(Cy_BLE_GATTS_WriteAttributeValueCCCD(&dbAttrValInfo) != CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_NONE)
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BASS_GetCharacteristicValue
* Gets a characteristic value of the Battery service, identified by charIndex.
* \param serviceIndex: The index of the service instance; e.g. if two Battery
* services are supported in your design, then the first
* service will be identified by serviceIndex of 0 and the
* second service by serviceIndex of 1.
* \param charIndex: The index of a service characteristic of type
* \ref cy_en_ble_bas_char_index_t.
* \param attrSize: The size of the characteristic value attribute. A
* battery-level characteristic has a 1-byte length.
* \param attrValue: The pointer to the location where characteristic value
* data should be stored.
* \return
* A return value of type \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t.
* Error Codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | The characteristic value was read successfully.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Validation of the input parameter failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_BASS_GetCharacteristicValue(uint8_t serviceIndex,
cy_en_ble_bas_char_index_t charIndex,
uint8_t attrSize,
uint8_t *attrValue)
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult = CY_BLE_SUCCESS;
if((serviceIndex >= cy_ble_bassConfigPtr->serviceCount) || (charIndex >= CY_BLE_BAS_CHAR_COUNT) ||
/* Read characteristic value from database */
cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_attr_val_info_t dbAttrValInfo;
dbAttrValInfo.connHandle.bdHandle = 0u;
dbAttrValInfo.connHandle.attId = 0u;
dbAttrValInfo.handleValuePair.attrHandle = cy_ble_bassConfigPtr->attrInfo[serviceIndex].batteryLevelHandle;
dbAttrValInfo.handleValuePair.value.len = attrSize;
dbAttrValInfo.handleValuePair.value.val = attrValue;
dbAttrValInfo.offset = 0u;
if(Cy_BLE_GATTS_ReadAttributeValueCCCD(&dbAttrValInfo) != CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_NONE)
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BASS_GetCharacteristicDescriptor
* Gets a characteristic descriptor of a specified characteristic of the
* Battery service from the local GATT database.
* \param connHandle: The BLE peer device connection handle.
* \param serviceIndex: The index of the service instance; e.g. if two Battery
* services are supported in your design, then the first
* service will be identified by serviceIndex of 0 and the
* second service by serviceIndex of 1.
* \param charIndex: The index of a service characteristic of type
* \ref cy_en_ble_bas_char_index_t.
* \param descrIndex: The index of a service characteristic descriptor of type
* \ref cy_en_ble_bas_descr_index_t.
* \param attrSize: The size of the characteristic descriptor attribute.
* \param attrValue: The pointer to the location where the characteristic
* descriptor value data should be stored.
* \return
* A return value of type \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t.
* Error Codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | The characteristic descriptor value was read successfully.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Validation of the input parameter failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_BASS_GetCharacteristicDescriptor(cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle,
uint8_t serviceIndex,
cy_en_ble_bas_char_index_t charIndex,
cy_en_ble_bas_descr_index_t descrIndex,
uint8_t attrSize,
uint8_t *attrValue)
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult = CY_BLE_SUCCESS;
if((serviceIndex >= cy_ble_bassConfigPtr->serviceCount) || (charIndex >= CY_BLE_BAS_CHAR_COUNT) ||
(descrIndex >= CY_BLE_BAS_DESCR_COUNT))
/* Read value from database */
cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_attr_val_info_t dbAttrValInfo;
dbAttrValInfo.handleValuePair.value.len = attrSize;
dbAttrValInfo.handleValuePair.value.val = attrValue;
dbAttrValInfo.connHandle = connHandle;
dbAttrValInfo.offset = 0u;
/* Get data from the database */
dbAttrValInfo.handleValuePair.attrHandle = cy_ble_bassConfigPtr->attrInfo[serviceIndex].cccdHandle;
dbAttrValInfo.handleValuePair.attrHandle = cy_ble_bassConfigPtr->attrInfo[serviceIndex].cpfdHandle;
if(Cy_BLE_GATTS_ReadAttributeValueCCCD(&dbAttrValInfo) != CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_NONE)
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BASS_WriteEventHandler
* Handles a Write Request event for the Battery service.
* \param *eventParam: The pointer to the data structure specified by the event.
* \return
* A return value of type \ref cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t.
* Error Codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_NONE | A Write Request is handled successfully.
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED | Notification isn't supported.
static cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t Cy_BLE_BASS_WriteEventHandler(const cy_stc_ble_gatts_write_cmd_req_param_t *eventParam)
cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t gattErr = CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_NONE;
cy_stc_ble_bas_char_value_t locCharIndex;
uint8_t locServIndex = 0u;
if(Cy_BLE_BAS_ApplCallback != NULL)
/* Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor Write Request */
if(eventParam->handleValPair.attrHandle == cy_ble_bassConfigPtr->attrInfo[locServIndex].cccdHandle)
/* Verify that the optional notification property is enabled for the Battery Level characteristic */
/* Fill GATT database attribute value parameters */
cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_attr_val_info_t dbAttrValInfo;
dbAttrValInfo.handleValuePair = eventParam->handleValPair;
dbAttrValInfo.connHandle = eventParam->connHandle;
dbAttrValInfo.offset = 0u;
gattErr = Cy_BLE_GATTS_WriteAttributeValueCCCD(&dbAttrValInfo);
if(gattErr == CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_NONE)
locCharIndex.connHandle = eventParam->connHandle;
locCharIndex.serviceIndex = locServIndex;
locCharIndex.charIndex = CY_BLE_BAS_BATTERY_LEVEL;
locCharIndex.value = NULL;
Cy_BLE_BAS_ApplCallback((uint32_t)CY_BLE_EVT_BASS_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED, &locCharIndex);
Cy_BLE_BAS_ApplCallback((uint32_t)CY_BLE_EVT_BASS_NOTIFICATION_DISABLED, &locCharIndex);
cy_ble_eventHandlerFlag &= (uint8_t) ~CY_BLE_CALLBACK;
while(locServIndex < cy_ble_bassConfigPtr->serviceCount);
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BASS_SendNotification
* This function updates the value of the Battery Level characteristic in the
* GATT database. If the client has configured a notification on the Battery
* Level characteristic, the function additionally sends this value using a
* GATT Notification message.
* On enabling notification successfully for a service characteristic, this function sends out
* a Handle Value notification that results in a \ref CY_BLE_EVT_BASC_NOTIFICATION
* event at the GATT client's end.
* \param connHandle: The BLE peer device connection handle
* \param serviceIndex: The index of the service instance; e.g. if two Battery
* services are supported in your design, then the first
* service will be identified by serviceIndex of 0 and the
* second service by serviceIndex of 1.
* \param charIndex: The index of a service characteristic of type
* \ref cy_en_ble_bas_char_index_t.
* \param attrSize: The size of the characteristic value attribute. A Battery
* Level characteristic has a 1-byte length.
* \param attrValue: The pointer to the characteristic value data that should
* be sent to the client device.
* \return
* A return value of type \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t.
* Error Codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | The request was handled successfully.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Validation of the input parameter failed.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | Operation is invalid for this characteristic.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE | Connection with the client is not established.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED | Memory allocation failed.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_NTF_DISABLED | Notification is not enabled by the client.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_BASS_SendNotification(cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle,
uint8_t serviceIndex,
cy_en_ble_bas_char_index_t charIndex,
uint8_t attrSize,
uint8_t *attrValue)
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult;
/* Store new data in the database */
apiResult = Cy_BLE_BASS_SetCharacteristicValue(serviceIndex, charIndex, attrSize, attrValue);
if(apiResult == CY_BLE_SUCCESS)
/* Send notification if it is enabled and connected */
if(Cy_BLE_GetConnectionState(connHandle) < CY_BLE_CONN_STATE_CONNECTED)
else if((cy_ble_bassConfigPtr->attrInfo[serviceIndex].cccdHandle == CY_BLE_GATT_INVALID_ATTR_HANDLE_VALUE) ||
(!CY_BLE_IS_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED(connHandle.attId, cy_ble_bassConfigPtr->attrInfo[serviceIndex].cccdHandle)))
/* Fill all fields of the Write Request structure ... */
cy_stc_ble_gatts_handle_value_ntf_t ntfReqParam;
ntfReqParam.handleValPair.attrHandle = cy_ble_bassConfigPtr->attrInfo[serviceIndex].batteryLevelHandle;
ntfReqParam.handleValPair.value.val = attrValue;
ntfReqParam.handleValPair.value.len = attrSize;
ntfReqParam.connHandle = connHandle;
/* ... and send notification to client device. */
apiResult = Cy_BLE_GATTS_Notification(&ntfReqParam);
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BASC_DiscoverCharacteristicsEventHandler
* This function is called on receiving a #CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_READ_BY_TYPE_RSP
* event. Based on the service UUID, the appropriate data structure is populated
* using the data received as part of the callback.
* \param discCharInfo: The pointer to a characteristic information structure.
static void Cy_BLE_BASC_DiscoverCharacteristicsEventHandler(cy_stc_ble_disc_char_info_t *discCharInfo)
uint32_t discIdx = Cy_BLE_GetDiscoveryIdx(discCharInfo->connHandle);
uint32_t basDiscIdx = cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceDiscIdx;
if((discCharInfo->uuidFormat == CY_BLE_GATT_16_BIT_UUID_FORMAT) &&
(discCharInfo->uuid.uuid16 == CY_BLE_UUID_CHAR_BATTERY_LEVEL) &&
(cy_ble_configPtr->context->discovery[discIdx].servCount >= basDiscIdx) &&
(cy_ble_configPtr->context->discovery[discIdx].servCount <= ((basDiscIdx + cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount) - 1u)))
/* The index of the service instance */
uint32_t basServIdx = cy_ble_configPtr->context->discovery[discIdx].servCount -
/* Get pointer (with offset) to BAS client structure with attribute handles */
cy_stc_ble_basc_t *bascPtr = (cy_stc_ble_basc_t *)&cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->
attrInfo[(discIdx * cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount) + basServIdx];
/* Check and store characteristic handle */
/* Indicate that request was handled */
cy_ble_eventHandlerFlag &= (uint8_t) ~CY_BLE_CALLBACK;
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BASC_DiscoverCharDescriptorsEventHandler
* This function is called on receiving a #CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_FIND_INFO_RSP event.
* Based on the descriptor UUID, an appropriate data structure is populated
* using the data received as part of the callback.
* \param discDescrInfo: The pointer to a descriptor information structure.
static void Cy_BLE_BASC_DiscoverCharDescriptorsEventHandler(cy_stc_ble_disc_descr_info_t *discDescrInfo)
uint32_t discIdx = Cy_BLE_GetDiscoveryIdx(discDescrInfo->connHandle);
uint32_t basDiscIdx = cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceDiscIdx;
if((cy_ble_configPtr->context->discovery[discIdx].servCount >= basDiscIdx) &&
(cy_ble_configPtr->context->discovery[discIdx].servCount <= ((basDiscIdx + cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount) - 1u)))
/* The index of the service instance */
uint32_t basServIdx = cy_ble_configPtr->context->discovery[discIdx].servCount -
/* Get pointer (with offset) to BAS client structure with attribute handles */
cy_stc_ble_basc_t *bascPtr = (cy_stc_ble_basc_t *)&cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->
attrInfo[(discIdx * cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount) + basServIdx];
if(discDescrInfo->uuid.uuid16 == CY_BLE_UUID_CHAR_CLIENT_CONFIG)
else if(discDescrInfo->uuid.uuid16 == CY_BLE_UUID_CHAR_FORMAT)
else if(discDescrInfo->uuid.uuid16 == CY_BLE_UUID_CHAR_REPORT_REFERENCE)
else /* BAS doesn't support other descriptors */
/* Empty else */
/* Indicate that request was handled */
cy_ble_eventHandlerFlag &= (uint8_t) ~CY_BLE_CALLBACK;
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BASC_GetCharRange
* Returns a possible range of the current characteristic descriptor via
* input parameter charRangeInfo->range
* \param *charRangeInfo: The pointer to a descriptor range information structure.
static void Cy_BLE_BASC_GetCharRange(cy_stc_ble_disc_range_info_t *charRangeInfo)
uint32_t discIdx = Cy_BLE_GetDiscoveryIdx(charRangeInfo->connHandle);
uint32_t basDiscIdx = cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceDiscIdx;
if((cy_ble_configPtr->context->discovery[discIdx].servCount >= basDiscIdx) &&
(cy_ble_configPtr->context->discovery[discIdx].servCount <= ((basDiscIdx + cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount) - 1u)))
uint32_t locServCount = cy_ble_configPtr->context->discovery[discIdx].servCount;
uint32_t discServiNum = cy_ble_configPtr->context->discServiCount;
/* The index of the service instance */
uint32_t basServIdx = locServCount - basDiscIdx;
/* Get pointer (with offset) to BAS client structure with attribute handles */
cy_stc_ble_basc_t *bascPtr = (cy_stc_ble_basc_t *)&cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->
attrInfo[(discIdx * cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount) + basServIdx];
if(charRangeInfo->srviIncIdx != CY_BLE_DISCOVERY_INIT)
if((cy_ble_configPtr->context->discovery[discIdx].charCount == 0u) &&
(cy_ble_configPtr->context->serverInfo[(discIdx * discServiNum) + locServCount].range.endHandle !=
charRangeInfo->range.startHandle = bascPtr->batteryLevel.valueHandle + 1u;
charRangeInfo->range.endHandle =
cy_ble_configPtr->context->serverInfo[(discIdx * discServiNum) + locServCount].range.endHandle;
/* Indicate that request was handled */
cy_ble_eventHandlerFlag &= (uint8_t) ~CY_BLE_CALLBACK;
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BASC_GetCharacteristicValue
* This function is used to read the characteristic value from the server
* identified by charIndex.
* This function call can result in generation of the following events based on
* a response from the server device:
* \param connHandle: The BLE peer device connection handle.
* \param serviceIndex: The index of the service instance; e.g. if two Battery
* services are supported in your design, then the first
* service will be identified by serviceIndex of 0 and the
* second service by serviceIndex of 1.
* \param charIndex: The index of a service characteristic of type
* \ref cy_en_ble_bas_char_index_t.
* \return
* A return value of type \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t.
* Error Codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | The Read Request was sent successfully.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Validation of the input parameter failed.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | Operation is invalid for this characteristic.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE | Connection with the server is not established.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED | Memory allocation failed.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_GATT_DB_INVALID_ATTR_HANDLE | The peer device doesn't have the particular characteristic.
* \events
* If execution is successful (return value = \ref CY_BLE_SUCCESS),
* these events can appear: \n
* If the BAS service-specific callback is registered
* (with \ref Cy_BLE_BAS_RegisterAttrCallback):
* * \ref CY_BLE_EVT_BASC_READ_CHAR_RESPONSE - If the requested attribute is
* successfully read on the peer device, the details (charIndex,
* value, etc.) are provided with an event parameter structure
* of type \ref cy_stc_ble_bas_char_value_t.
* Otherwise (if a BAS service-specific callback is not registered):
* * \ref CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_READ_RSP - If the requested attribute is
* successfully read on the peer device, the details (handle,
* value, etc.) are provided with the event parameters structure
* \ref cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_rsp_param_t.
* * \ref CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_ERROR_RSP - If an error occurred with the
* requested attribute on the peer device, the details are provided
* with the event parameters structure \ref cy_stc_ble_gatt_err_param_t.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_BASC_GetCharacteristicValue(cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle,
uint8_t serviceIndex,
cy_en_ble_bas_char_index_t charIndex)
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult;
uint32_t discIdx = Cy_BLE_GetDiscoveryIdx(connHandle);
/* Get pointer (with offset) to BAS client structure with attribute handles */
cy_stc_ble_basc_t *bascPtr = (cy_stc_ble_basc_t *)&cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->
attrInfo[(discIdx * cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount) + serviceIndex];
if(Cy_BLE_GetConnectionState(connHandle) != CY_BLE_CONN_STATE_CLIENT_DISCOVERED)
else if((serviceIndex >= (uint32_t)cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount) || (charIndex > CY_BLE_BAS_BATTERY_LEVEL) ||
(discIdx >= cy_ble_configPtr->params->maxClientCount))
else if(bascPtr->batteryLevel.valueHandle != CY_BLE_GATT_INVALID_ATTR_HANDLE_VALUE)
/* Fill Read Request parameter */
cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_req_t readReqParam;
readReqParam.attrHandle = bascPtr->batteryLevel.valueHandle;
readReqParam.connHandle = connHandle;
apiResult = Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadCharacteristicValue(&readReqParam);
/* ... and send a request to the server device. */
if(apiResult == CY_BLE_SUCCESS)
cy_ble_bascReqHandle[discIdx] = bascPtr->batteryLevel.valueHandle;
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BASC_SetCharacteristicDescriptor
* Sends a request to set a characteristic descriptor of the specified Battery service
* characteristic on the server device.
* Internally, a Write Request is sent to the GATT Server and on successful
* execution of the request on the server side, the following events can be
* generated:
* \param connHandle: The BLE peer device connection handle.
* \param serviceIndex: The index of the service instance; e.g. if two Battery services
* are supported in your design, then the first service will be
* identified by serviceIndex of 0 and the second service by
* serviceIndex of 1.
* \param charIndex: The index of a service characteristic of type
* \ref cy_en_ble_bas_char_index_t.
* \param descrIndex: The index of a service characteristic descriptor of type
* \ref cy_en_ble_bas_descr_index_t.
* \param attrSize: The size of the characteristic descriptor attribute.
* \param attrValue: The pointer to the characteristic descriptor value data that should
* be sent to the server device.
* \return
* A return value of type \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t.
* Error Codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | The request was sent successfully.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Validation of the input parameter failed.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | Operation is invalid for this characteristic.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_GATT_DB_INVALID_ATTR_HANDLE | The peer device doesn't have the particular characteristic.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE | Connection with the server is not established.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED | Memory allocation failed.
* \events
* If execution is successful (return value = #CY_BLE_SUCCESS),
* these events can appear: \n
* If a BAS service-specific callback is registered
* with \ref Cy_BLE_BAS_RegisterAttrCallback():
* * #CY_BLE_EVT_BASC_WRITE_DESCR_RESPONSE - If the requested attribute is
* successfully written on the peer device, the details (charIndex,
* descrIndex, etc.) are provided with an event parameter structure
* of type \ref cy_stc_ble_bas_descr_value_t.
* Otherwise (if a BAS service-specific callback is not registered):
* * #CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_WRITE_RSP - If the requested attribute is successfully
* written on the peer device.
* * #CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_ERROR_RSP - If an error occurred with the requested
* attribute on the peer device, the details are provided with an event
* parameter structure \ref cy_stc_ble_gatt_err_param_t.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_BASC_SetCharacteristicDescriptor(cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle,
uint8_t serviceIndex,
cy_en_ble_bas_char_index_t charIndex,
cy_en_ble_bas_descr_index_t descrIndex,
uint8_t attrSize,
uint8_t *attrValue)
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult;
uint32_t discIdx = Cy_BLE_GetDiscoveryIdx(connHandle);
/* Get pointer (with offset) to BAS client structure with attribute handles */
cy_stc_ble_basc_t *bascPtr = (cy_stc_ble_basc_t *)&cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->
attrInfo[(discIdx * cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount) + serviceIndex];
if(Cy_BLE_GetConnectionState(connHandle) != CY_BLE_CONN_STATE_CLIENT_DISCOVERED)
else if((serviceIndex >= (uint32_t)cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount) || (charIndex > CY_BLE_BAS_BATTERY_LEVEL) ||
(descrIndex >= CY_BLE_BAS_DESCR_COUNT) || (discIdx >= cy_ble_configPtr->params->maxClientCount))
else if(descrIndex != CY_BLE_BAS_BATTERY_LEVEL_CCCD)
/* Fill all the fields of the Write Request structure ... */
cy_stc_ble_gattc_write_req_t writeReqParam;
writeReqParam.handleValPair.attrHandle = bascPtr->cccdHandle;
writeReqParam.handleValPair.value.val = attrValue;
writeReqParam.handleValPair.value.len = attrSize;
writeReqParam.connHandle = connHandle;
/* ... and send a request to the server device. */
apiResult = Cy_BLE_GATTC_WriteCharacteristicDescriptors(&writeReqParam);
/* Save the handle to support service-specific read response from the device */
if(apiResult == CY_BLE_SUCCESS)
cy_ble_bascReqHandle[discIdx] = writeReqParam.handleValPair.attrHandle;
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BASC_GetCharacteristicDescriptor
* Sends a request to get a characteristic descriptor of the specified Battery service
* characteristic from the server device. This function call can result in
* generation of the following events based on a response from the server
* device:
* \param connHandle: The BLE peer device connection handle.
* \param serviceIndex: The index of the service instance; e.g. if two Battery services
* are supported in your design, then the first service will be
* identified by serviceIndex of 0 and the second service by
* serviceIndex of 1.
* \param charIndex: The index of a service characteristic of type
* \ref cy_en_ble_bas_char_index_t.
* \param descrIndex: The index of a service characteristic descriptor of type
* \ref cy_en_ble_bas_descr_index_t.
* \return
* A return value of type \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t.
* Error Codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | The request was sent successfully.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Validation of the input parameter failed.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | Operation is invalid for this characteristic.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE | Connection with the server is not established.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED | Memory allocation failed.
* \events
* If execution is successful (return value = \ref CY_BLE_SUCCESS),
* these events can appear: \n
* If a BAS service-specific callback is registered
* (with \ref Cy_BLE_BAS_RegisterAttrCallback):
* * \ref CY_BLE_EVT_BASC_READ_DESCR_RESPONSE - If the requested attribute is
* successfully read on the peer device, the details (charIndex,
* descrIndex, value, etc.) are provided with an event parameter structure
* of type \ref cy_stc_ble_bas_descr_value_t.
* .
* Otherwise (if a BAS service-specific callback is not registered):
* * \ref CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_READ_RSP - If the requested attribute is
* successfully read on the peer device, the details (handle,
* value, etc.) are provided with the event parameters structure
* \ref cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_rsp_param_t.
* * \ref CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_ERROR_RSP - If an error occurred with the
* requested attribute on the peer device, the details are provided
* with the event parameters structure \ref cy_stc_ble_gatt_err_param_t.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_BASC_GetCharacteristicDescriptor(cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle,
uint8_t serviceIndex,
cy_en_ble_bas_char_index_t charIndex,
cy_en_ble_bas_descr_index_t descrIndex)
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult;
cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_req_t readReqParam;
uint32_t discIdx = Cy_BLE_GetDiscoveryIdx(connHandle);
/* Get pointer (with offset) to BAS client structure with attribute handles */
cy_stc_ble_basc_t *bascPtr = (cy_stc_ble_basc_t *)&cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->
attrInfo[(discIdx * cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount) + serviceIndex];
if(Cy_BLE_GetConnectionState(connHandle) != CY_BLE_CONN_STATE_CLIENT_DISCOVERED)
else if((serviceIndex >= cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount) || (charIndex > CY_BLE_BAS_BATTERY_LEVEL) ||
(descrIndex >= CY_BLE_BAS_DESCR_COUNT) || (discIdx >= cy_ble_configPtr->params->maxClientCount))
readReqParam.attrHandle = bascPtr->cccdHandle;
readReqParam.attrHandle = bascPtr->cpfdHandle;
readReqParam.connHandle = connHandle;
apiResult = Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadCharacteristicDescriptors(&readReqParam);
/* Save the handle to support a service-specific read response from the device */
if(apiResult == CY_BLE_SUCCESS)
cy_ble_bascReqHandle[discIdx] = readReqParam.attrHandle;
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BASC_GetCharacteristicValueHandle
* Returns the discovered peer device characteristic value handle.
* \param connHandle: The connection handle.
* \param serviceIndex: The index of the service instance.
* \param charIndex: The index of a service characteristic.
* \return
* Returns characteristic value handle of type cy_ble_gatt_db_attr_handle_t.
* * CY_BLE_GATT_INVALID_ATTR_HANDLE_VALUE: when a peer device doesn't have
* an optional characteristic
cy_ble_gatt_db_attr_handle_t Cy_BLE_BASC_GetCharacteristicValueHandle(cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle,
uint8_t serviceIndex,
cy_en_ble_bas_char_index_t charIndex)
cy_ble_gatt_db_attr_handle_t locAttrHandle = CY_BLE_GATT_INVALID_ATTR_HANDLE_VALUE;
uint32_t discIdx = Cy_BLE_GetDiscoveryIdx(connHandle);
uint32_t basServiceCount = cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount;
if((discIdx < cy_ble_configPtr->params->maxClientCount) && (charIndex < CY_BLE_BAS_CHAR_COUNT) &&
(serviceIndex < basServiceCount))
/* Get pointer (with offset) to BAS client structure with attribute handles */
cy_stc_ble_basc_t *bascPtr =
(cy_stc_ble_basc_t *)&cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->attrInfo[(discIdx * basServiceCount) + serviceIndex];
/* Get attribute handles */
locAttrHandle = bascPtr->batteryLevel.valueHandle;
return (locAttrHandle);
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BASC_GetCharacteristicDescriptorHandle
* Returns the discovered peer device characteristic descriptor handle.
* \param connHandle: The connection handle.
* \param serviceIndex: The index of the service instance.
* \param charIndex: The index of a service characteristic.
* \param descrIndex: The index of the descriptor.
* \return
* Returns characteristic value handle of type cy_ble_gatt_db_attr_handle_t.
* * CY_BLE_GATT_INVALID_ATTR_HANDLE_VALUE: when a peer device doesn't have an optional descriptor
cy_ble_gatt_db_attr_handle_t Cy_BLE_BASC_GetCharacteristicDescriptorHandle(cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle,
uint8_t serviceIndex,
cy_en_ble_bas_char_index_t charIndex,
cy_en_ble_bas_descr_index_t descrIndex)
cy_ble_gatt_db_attr_handle_t locAttrHandle = CY_BLE_GATT_INVALID_ATTR_HANDLE_VALUE;
uint32_t discIdx = Cy_BLE_GetDiscoveryIdx(connHandle);
uint32_t basServiceCount = cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount;
if((discIdx < cy_ble_configPtr->params->maxClientCount) && (charIndex < CY_BLE_BAS_CHAR_COUNT) &&
(serviceIndex < basServiceCount) && (descrIndex < CY_BLE_BAS_DESCR_COUNT))
/* Get pointer (with offset) to BAS client structure with attribute handles */
cy_stc_ble_basc_t *bascPtr =
(cy_stc_ble_basc_t *)&cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->attrInfo[(discIdx * basServiceCount) + serviceIndex];
/* Get attribute handles */
locAttrHandle = (descrIndex == CY_BLE_BAS_BATTERY_LEVEL_CCCD) ? bascPtr->cccdHandle : bascPtr->cpfdHandle;
return (locAttrHandle);
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BASC_NotificationEventHandler
* Handles a Notification event.
* \param eventParam: The pointer to the data structure specified by the event.
static void Cy_BLE_BASC_NotificationEventHandler(cy_stc_ble_gattc_handle_value_ntf_param_t *eventParam)
uint32_t discIdx = Cy_BLE_GetDiscoveryIdx(eventParam->connHandle);
uint32_t i;
if((discIdx < cy_ble_configPtr->params->maxClientCount) && (Cy_BLE_BAS_ApplCallback != NULL))
for(i = 0u; i < cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount; i++)
/* Get pointer (with offset) to BAS client structure with attribute handles */
cy_stc_ble_basc_t *bascPtr = (cy_stc_ble_basc_t *)&cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->
attrInfo[(discIdx * cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount) + i];
if(bascPtr->batteryLevel.valueHandle == eventParam->handleValPair.attrHandle)
cy_stc_ble_bas_char_value_t locCharValue;
locCharValue.serviceIndex = (uint8_t)i;
locCharValue.connHandle = eventParam->connHandle;
locCharValue.charIndex = CY_BLE_BAS_BATTERY_LEVEL;
locCharValue.value = &eventParam->handleValPair.value;
Cy_BLE_BAS_ApplCallback((uint32_t)CY_BLE_EVT_BASC_NOTIFICATION, &locCharValue);
cy_ble_eventHandlerFlag &= (uint8_t) ~CY_BLE_CALLBACK;
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BASC_ReadResponseEventHandler
* Handles a Read Response event.
* \param eventParam: The pointer to the data structure specified by the event.
static void Cy_BLE_BASC_ReadResponseEventHandler(cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_rsp_param_t *eventParam)
uint32_t discIdx = Cy_BLE_GetDiscoveryIdx(eventParam->connHandle);
uint32_t locReqHandle = 0u;
uint8_t locServIndex;
if((discIdx < cy_ble_configPtr->params->maxClientCount) && (Cy_BLE_BAS_ApplCallback != NULL) &&
(cy_ble_bascReqHandle[discIdx] != CY_BLE_GATT_INVALID_ATTR_HANDLE_VALUE))
for(locServIndex = 0u; (locServIndex < cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount) && (locReqHandle == 0u); locServIndex++)
/* Get pointer (with offset) to BAS client structure with attribute handles */
cy_stc_ble_basc_t *bascPtr = (cy_stc_ble_basc_t *)&cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->
attrInfo[(discIdx * cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount) + locServIndex];
if(bascPtr->batteryLevel.valueHandle == cy_ble_bascReqHandle[discIdx])
cy_stc_ble_bas_char_value_t batteryLevelValue;
batteryLevelValue.connHandle = eventParam->connHandle;
batteryLevelValue.serviceIndex = locServIndex;
batteryLevelValue.charIndex = CY_BLE_BAS_BATTERY_LEVEL;
batteryLevelValue.value = &eventParam->value;
cy_ble_eventHandlerFlag &= (uint8_t) ~CY_BLE_CALLBACK;
cy_ble_bascReqHandle[discIdx] = CY_BLE_GATT_INVALID_ATTR_HANDLE_VALUE;
Cy_BLE_BAS_ApplCallback((uint32_t)CY_BLE_EVT_BASC_READ_CHAR_RESPONSE, &batteryLevelValue);
locReqHandle = 1u;
else if((bascPtr->cccdHandle == cy_ble_bascReqHandle[discIdx]) ||
(bascPtr->cpfdHandle == cy_ble_bascReqHandle[discIdx]))
cy_stc_ble_bas_descr_value_t locDescrValue;
locDescrValue.connHandle = eventParam->connHandle;
locDescrValue.serviceIndex = locServIndex;
locDescrValue.charIndex = CY_BLE_BAS_BATTERY_LEVEL;
locDescrValue.descrIndex = ((bascPtr->cccdHandle == cy_ble_bascReqHandle[discIdx]) ?
locDescrValue.value = &eventParam->value;
cy_ble_eventHandlerFlag &= (uint8_t) ~CY_BLE_CALLBACK;
cy_ble_bascReqHandle[discIdx] = CY_BLE_GATT_INVALID_ATTR_HANDLE_VALUE;
Cy_BLE_BAS_ApplCallback((uint32_t)CY_BLE_EVT_BASC_READ_DESCR_RESPONSE, &locDescrValue);
locReqHandle = 1u;
else /* Unsupported event code */
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BASC_WriteResponseEventHandler
* Handles a Write Response event.
* \param eventParam: The pointer to the data structure specified by the event.
static void Cy_BLE_BASC_WriteResponseEventHandler(const cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t *eventParam)
uint32_t discIdx = Cy_BLE_GetDiscoveryIdx(*eventParam);
uint8_t locServIndex;
if((discIdx < cy_ble_configPtr->params->maxClientCount) && (Cy_BLE_BAS_ApplCallback != NULL) &&
(cy_ble_bascReqHandle[discIdx] != CY_BLE_GATT_INVALID_ATTR_HANDLE_VALUE))
for(locServIndex = 0u; locServIndex < cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount; locServIndex++)
/* Get pointer (with offset) to BAS client structure with attribute handles */
cy_stc_ble_basc_t *bascPtr = (cy_stc_ble_basc_t *)&cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->
attrInfo[(discIdx * cy_ble_bascConfigPtr->serviceCount) + locServIndex];
if(bascPtr->cccdHandle == cy_ble_bascReqHandle[discIdx])
cy_stc_ble_bas_descr_value_t locDescIndex;
locDescIndex.connHandle = *eventParam;
locDescIndex.serviceIndex = locServIndex;
locDescIndex.charIndex = CY_BLE_BAS_BATTERY_LEVEL;
locDescIndex.descrIndex = CY_BLE_BAS_BATTERY_LEVEL_CCCD;
locDescIndex.value = NULL;
cy_ble_bascReqHandle[discIdx] = CY_BLE_GATT_INVALID_ATTR_HANDLE_VALUE;
cy_ble_eventHandlerFlag &= (uint8_t) ~CY_BLE_CALLBACK;
Cy_BLE_BAS_ApplCallback((uint32_t)CY_BLE_EVT_BASC_WRITE_DESCR_RESPONSE, &locDescIndex);
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BASC_ErrorResponseEventHandler
* Handles an Error Response event.
* \param eventParam: The pointer to the data structure specified by the event.
static void Cy_BLE_BASC_ErrorResponseEventHandler(const cy_stc_ble_gatt_err_param_t *eventParam)
if(eventParam != NULL)
if(cy_ble_bascReqHandle[Cy_BLE_GetDiscoveryIdx(eventParam->connHandle)] == eventParam->errInfo.attrHandle)
cy_ble_bascReqHandle[Cy_BLE_GetDiscoveryIdx(eventParam->connHandle)] = CY_BLE_GATT_INVALID_ATTR_HANDLE_VALUE;
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BAS_EventHandler
* Handles the events from the BLE Stack for the BAS service.
* \param eventCode: the event code
* \param eventParam: the event parameters
* \return
* A return value of type cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t.
static cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t Cy_BLE_BAS_EventHandler(uint32_t eventCode,
void *eventParam)
cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t gattErr = CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_NONE;
* Handling GATT Server events
if(Cy_BLE_BASS_EventHandlerCallback != NULL)
gattErr = Cy_BLE_BASS_EventHandlerCallback(eventCode, eventParam);
* Handling GATT Client events
if(Cy_BLE_BASC_EventHandlerCallback != NULL)
(void)Cy_BLE_BASC_EventHandlerCallback(eventCode, eventParam);
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BASS_EventHandler
* Handles the server events from the BLE Stack for the BAS service
* \param eventCode: the event code
* \param eventParam: the event parameters
* \return
* A return value of type cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t.
static cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t Cy_BLE_BASS_EventHandler(uint32_t eventCode, void *eventParam)
cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t gattErr = CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_NONE;
/* Handling GATT Server events */
gattErr = Cy_BLE_BASS_WriteEventHandler((cy_stc_ble_gatts_write_cmd_req_param_t*)eventParam);
return (gattErr);
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_BASC_EventHandler
* Handles the client events from the BLE Stack for the BAS service
* \param eventCode: the event code
* \param eventParam: the event parameters
* \return
* A return value of type cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t.
static cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t Cy_BLE_BASC_EventHandler(uint32_t eventCode, void *eventParam)
cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t gattErr = CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_NONE;
if(eventCode > (uint32_t)CY_BLE_EVT_MAX)
/* Handling service-specific events */
/* Discovery events */
/* Handling GATT Client events */
uint32_t discIdx = Cy_BLE_GetDiscoveryIdx(((cy_stc_ble_gatt_err_param_t*)eventParam)->connHandle);
if((discIdx < cy_ble_configPtr->params->maxClientCount) &&
(cy_ble_configPtr->context->discovery[discIdx].autoDiscoveryFlag == 0u) &&
(((cy_stc_ble_gatt_err_param_t*)eventParam)->errInfo.errorCode != CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND))
#endif /* CY_BLE_LIB_HOST_CORE */
/* [] END OF FILE */