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2324 lines (1921 sloc) 91 KB
* \file cy_ble_event_handler.h
* \version 3.60
* \brief
* Contains the prototypes and constants used in the event Handler State Machine
* of the PSoC 6 BLE Middleware.
* \copyright
* Copyright 2017-2021, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.
#include "cy_ble.h"
#if defined(CY_IP_MXBLESS)
/* C binding of definitions if building with C++ compiler */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
* Service-specific includes
#include "cy_ble_ancs.h"
#include "cy_ble_ans.h"
#include "cy_ble_aios.h"
#include "cy_ble_bas.h"
#include "cy_ble_bls.h"
#include "cy_ble_bcs.h"
#include "cy_ble_bms.h"
#include "cy_ble_bts.h"
#include "cy_ble_cgms.h"
#include "cy_ble_cps.h"
#include "cy_ble_cscs.h"
#include "cy_ble_cts.h"
#include "cy_ble_custom.h"
#include "cy_ble_dis.h"
#include "cy_ble_ess.h"
#include "cy_ble_gls.h"
#include "cy_ble_hids.h"
#include "cy_ble_hps.h"
#include "cy_ble_hrs.h"
#include "cy_ble_hts.h"
#include "cy_ble_ias.h"
#include "cy_ble_ips.h"
#include "cy_ble_lls.h"
#include "cy_ble_lns.h"
#include "cy_ble_ndcs.h"
#include "cy_ble_pass.h"
#include "cy_ble_plxs.h"
#include "cy_ble_rscs.h"
#include "cy_ble_rtus.h"
#include "cy_ble_scps.h"
#include "cy_ble_tps.h"
#include "cy_ble_uds.h"
#include "cy_ble_wpts.h"
#include "cy_ble_wss.h"
* Definitions
/* cy_ble_eventHandlerFlag defines */
#define CY_BLE_CALLBACK (0x01u)
#define CY_BLE_AUTO_DISCOVERY (0x02u)
#define CY_BLE_START_FLAG (0x04u)
#define CY_BLE_STOP_FLAG (0x08u)
#define CY_BLE_ENABLE_ALL_EVENTS (0x10u)
#define CY_BLE_DISC_INCL_INFO_128_LEN (6u)
#define CY_BLE_LE_MASK_LENGTH (0x8u)
#define CY_BLE_LE_MASK_DEFAULT (0x003Fu)
#define CY_BLE_LE_MASK_DLE (((cy_ble_configPtr->stackParam->featureMask & \
CY_BLE_DLE_FEATURE_MASK) != 0u) ? (0x0040u) : (0u))
#define CY_BLE_LE_MASK_SECURE_CONN (((cy_ble_configPtr->stackParam->featureMask & \
CY_BLE_DLE_FEATURE_MASK) != 0u) ? (0x0180u) : (0u))
#define CY_BLE_LE_MASK_LL_PRIVACY (((cy_ble_configPtr->stackParam->featureMask & \
CY_BLE_PRIVACY_1_2_FEATURE_MASK) != 0u) ? (0x0600u) : (0u))
#define CY_BLE_LE_MASK_PHY (((cy_ble_configPtr->stackParam->featureMask & \
CY_BLE_PHY_UPDATE_FEATURE_MASK) != 0u) ? (0x0800u) : (0u))
/* Internal command run status defines */
#define CY_BLE_STATUS_SET_TX_PWR_LVL (uint32_t)(1ul << 0u)
* Data Types
* \addtogroup group_ble_service_api_events
* \{
/** Service-specific events */
typedef enum
* Security events
/* \cond IGNORE */
/* \endcond */
* GATT Service events
/** GATT Server - This event indicates that the CCCD data CRC is wrong.
* If this event occurs, removing the bonding information of all devices
* by using the Cy_BLE_GAP_RemoveBondedDevice() API is recommended.
* The CCCD buffer in the RAM for the current connection is cleaned (set to zero)
* The event parameter is NULL.
/** GATT Server - Indication for GATT Service's "Service Changed"
* Characteristic was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* \ref cy_stc_ble_gatts_write_cmd_req_param_t type.
/** GATT Server - Indication for GATT Service's "Service Changed"
* Characteristic was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* \ref cy_stc_ble_gatts_write_cmd_req_param_t type.
/** GATT Client - GATT Service's "Service Changed" Characteristic Indication
* was received. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the \ref cy_stc_ble_gattc_handle_value_ind_param_t type.
* Service Discovery events
/** GATT Client - The Service discovery procedure failed. This event may
* be generated on calling Cy_BLE_GATTC_DiscoverPrimaryServices().
* The parameter of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t type.
/** GATT Client - The discovery of included services failed. This event may
* be generated on calling Cy_BLE_GATTC_FindIncludedServices().
* The parameter of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t type.
/** GATT Client - The discovery of the service's Characteristics failed. This event may
* be generated on calling Cy_BLE_GATTC_DiscoverCharacteristics() or
* Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadUsingCharacteristicUuid().
* The parameter of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t type.
/** GATT Client - The discovery of the service's Characteristics failed. This event may
* be generated on calling Cy_BLE_GATTC_DiscoverCharacteristicDescriptors().
* The parameter of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t type.
/** GATT Client - A duplicate service record was found during the server device
* discovery. The parameter of this event is a structure of cy_stc_ble_disc_srv_info_t
* type.
/** GATT Client - Duplicate service's Characteristic record was found during
* server device discovery. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of cy_stc_ble_disc_char_info_t type.
/** GATT Client - A duplicate service's Characteristic descriptor record was found
* during server device discovery. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of cy_stc_ble_disc_descr_info_t type.
/** GATT Client - The Service discovery procedure completed successfully. This
* event may be generated on calling Cy_BLE_GATTC_DiscoverPrimaryServices().
* The parameter of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t type.
/** GATT Client - The included services discovery is completed
* successfully. This event may be generated on calling
* Cy_BLE_GATTC_FindIncludedServices().
* The parameter of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t type.
/** GATT Client - The discovery of service's Characteristics discovery is completed
* successfully. This event may be generated on calling
* Cy_BLE_GATTC_DiscoverCharacteristics() or
* Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadUsingCharacteristicUuid().
* The parameter of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t type.
/** GATT Client - The service (not defined in the GATT database) was found during
* the server device discovery. The discovery procedure skips this service.
* This event parameter is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_disc_srv_info_t type.
/** GATT Client - The discovery of a remote device completed successfully.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t type.
* AIOS Service events
/** AIOS Server - Notification for Automation Input Output Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* cy_stc_ble_aios_char_value_t type.
/** AIOS Server - Notification for Automation Input Output Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* cy_stc_ble_aios_char_value_t type.
/** AIOS Server - Indication for Automation Input Output Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of cy_stc_ble_aios_char_value_t type.
/** AIOSS Server - Indication for Automation Input Output Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of cy_stc_ble_aios_char_value_t type.
/** AIOS Server - Automation Input Output Service Characteristic
* Indication was confirmed. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of cy_stc_ble_aios_char_value_t type.
/** AIOS Server - Write Request for Automation Input Output Service Characteristic
* was received. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of cy_stc_ble_aios_char_value_t type.
/** AIOSS Server - Write Request for Automation Input Output Service
* Characteristic descriptor was received. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* cy_stc_ble_aios_char_value_t type.
/** AIOS Client - Automation Input Output Characteristic Service Notification
* was received. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of cy_stc_ble_aios_char_value_t type.
/** AIOS Client - Automation Input Output Service Characteristic
* Indication was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of cy_stc_ble_aios_char_value_t type.
/** AIOS Client - Read Response for Read Request for Automation Input Output Service Characteristic
* Value. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* cy_stc_ble_aios_char_value_t type.
/** AIOS Client - Write Response for Write Request for Automation Input Output Service
* Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* cy_stc_ble_aios_char_value_t type.
/** AIOS Client - Read Response for Read Request for Automation Input Output Service
* Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The parameter of this event is a
* structure of cy_stc_ble_aios_descr_value_t type.
/** AIOS Client - Write Response for Write Request for Automation Input Output Service
* Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor Value. The parameter of
* this event is a structure of cy_stc_ble_aios_descr_value_t type.
/** AIOS Client - Error Response for Write Request for Automation Input Output Service
* Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* cy_stc_ble_ancs_char_value_t type.
* ANCS Service events
/** ANCS Server - Notification for Apple Notification Center Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_ancs_char_value_t type.
/** ANCS Server - Notification for Apple Notification Center Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_ancs_char_value_t type.
/** ANCS Server - Write Request for Apple Notification Center Service Characteristic
* was received. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_ancs_char_value_t type.
/** ANCS Client - Apple Notification Center Characteristic Service Notification
* was received. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_ancs_char_value_t type.
/** ANCS Client - Write Response for Write Request for Apple Notification Center Service
* Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* cy_stc_ble_ancs_char_value_t type.
/** ANCS Client - Read Response for Read Request for Apple Notification Center Service
* Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The parameter of this event is a
* structure of the cy_stc_ble_ancs_descr_value_t type.
/** ANCS Client - Write Response for Write Request for Apple Notification Center Service
* Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor Value. The parameter of
* this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_ancs_descr_value_t type.
/** ANCS Client - Error Response for Write Request for Apple Notification Center Service
* Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_ancs_char_value_t type.
* ANS Service events
/** ANS Server - Notification for Alert Notification Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_ans_char_value_t type.
/** ANS Server - Notification for Alert Notification Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_ans_char_value_t type.
/** ANS Server - Write Request for Alert Notification Service Characteristic
* was received. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_ans_char_value_t type.
/** ANS Client - Alert Notification Characteristic Service Notification
* was received. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_ans_char_value_t type.
/** ANS Client - Read Response for Alert Notification Service Characteristic
* Value. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_ans_char_value_t type.
/** ANS Client - Write Response for Write Request for Alert Notification Service
* Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_ans_char_value_t type.
/** ANS Client - Read Response for Read Request for Alert Notification Service
* Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The parameter of this event is a
* structure of the cy_stc_ble_ans_descr_value_t type.
/** ANS Client - Write Response for Write Request for Alert Notification Service
* Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor Value. The parameter of
* this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_ans_descr_value_t type.
* BAS Service events
/** BAS Server - Notification for Battery Level Characteristic was enabled. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_bas_char_value_t type.
/** BAS Server - Notification for Battery Level Characteristic was disabled. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_bas_char_value_t type.
/** BAS Client - Battery Level Characteristic Notification was received. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_bas_char_value_t type.
/** BAS Client - Read Response for Battery Level Characteristic Value. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_bas_char_value_t type.
/** BAS Client - Read Response for Battery Level Characteristic descriptor Read
* Request. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_bas_descr_value_t type.
/** BAS Client - Write Response for Battery Level Client Characteristic
* Configuration Descriptor Value. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_bas_descr_value_t type.
* Body Composition Service events
/** BCS Server - Indication for Body Composition Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_bcs_char_value_t type.
/** BCS Server - Indication for Body Composition Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_bcs_char_value_t type.
/** BCS Server - Body Composition Service Characteristic
* Indication was confirmed. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_bcs_char_value_t type.
/** BCS Client - Body Composition Service Characteristic
* Indication was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_bcs_char_value_t type.
/** BCS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Body Composition
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_bcs_char_value_t type.
/** BCS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Body Composition
* Service Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_bcs_descr_value_t type.
/** BCS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Body Composition
* Service Characteristic Configuration Descriptor value.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_bcs_descr_value_t type.
* Blood Pressure Service events
/** BLS Server - Indication for Blood Pressure Service Characteristic was enabled.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_bls_char_value_t type.
/** BLS Server - Indication for Blood Pressure Service Characteristic was
* disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_bls_char_value_t type.
/** BLS Server - Blood Pressure Service Characteristic Indication was confirmed.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of cy_stc_ble_bls_char_value_t type
/** BLS Server - Notification for Blood Pressure Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_bls_char_value_t type.
/** BLS Server - Notification for Blood Pressure Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_bls_char_value_t type.
/** BLS Client - Blood Pressure Service Characteristic Indication was received.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_bls_char_value_t type.
/** BLS Client - Blood Pressure Service Characteristic Notification was received.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_bls_char_value_t type.
/** BLS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Blood Pressure Service
* Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_bls_char_value_t type.
/** BLS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Blood Pressure Service
* Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The parameter of this event is a
* structure of the cy_stc_ble_bls_descr_value_t type.
/** BLS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Blood Pressure Service
* Characteristic Configuration Descriptor value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_bls_descr_value_t type.
* Bond Management Service events
/** BMS Server - Write Request for Bond Management
* was received. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_bms_char_value_t type.
/** BMS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Bond Management Service
* Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_bms_char_value_t type.
/** BMS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Bond Management
* Service Characteristic Value. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_bms_char_value_t type.
/** BMS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Bond Management Service
* Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The parameter of this event is a
* structure of cy_stc_ble_bms_descr_value_t type.
* CGM Service events
/** CGMS Server - Indication for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_cgms_char_value_t type.
/** CGMS Server - Indication for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_cgms_char_value_t type.
/** CGMS Server - Continuous Glucose Monitoring Service Characteristic
* Indication was confirmed. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_cgms_char_value_t type.
/** CGMS Server - Notification for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_cgms_char_value_t type.
/** CGMS Server - Notification for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_cgms_char_value_t type.
/** CGMS Server - Write Request for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Service
* was received. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_cgms_char_value_t type.
/** CGMS Client - Continuous Glucose Monitoring Service Characteristic
* Indication was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_cgms_char_value_t type.
/** CGMS Client - Continuous Glucose Monitoring Service Characteristic
* Notification was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_cgms_char_value_t type.
/** CGMS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Continuous Glucose Monitoring
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_cgms_char_value_t type.
/** CGMS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Continuous Glucose Monitoring
* Service Characteristic Value. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_cgms_char_value_t type.
/** CGMS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Continuous Glucose Monitoring
* Service Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_cgms_descr_value_t type.
/** CGMS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Continuous Glucose Monitoring
* Service Characteristic Configuration Descriptor value.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_cgms_descr_value_t type.
* CPS Service events
/** CPS Server - Notification for Cycling Power Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_cps_char_value_t type.
/** CPS Server - Notification for Cycling Power Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_cps_char_value_t type.
/** CPS Server - Indication for Cycling Power Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_cps_char_value_t type.
/** CPS Server - Indication for Cycling Power Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_cps_char_value_t type.
/** CPS Server - Cycling Power Service Characteristic
* Indication was confirmed. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_cps_char_value_t type.
/** CPS Server - Broadcast for Cycling Power Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_cps_char_value_t type.
/** CPS Server - Broadcast for Cycling Power Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_cps_char_value_t type.
/** CPS Server - Write Request for Cycling Power Service Characteristic
* was received. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_cps_char_value_t type.
/** CPS Client - Cycling Power Service Characteristic
* Notification was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_cps_char_value_t type.
/** CPS Client - Cycling Power Service Characteristic
* Indication was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_cps_char_value_t type.
/** CPS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Cycling Power Service
* Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_cps_char_value_t type.
/** CPS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Cycling Power Service
* Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_cps_char_value_t type.
/** CPS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Cycling Power
* Service Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_cps_descr_value_t type.
/** CPS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Cycling Power
* Service Characteristic Configuration Descriptor value.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_cps_descr_value_t type.
/** CPS Client - This event is triggered every time a device receive
* non-connectable undirected advertising event.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_cps_char_value_t type.
/** CPS Client - Cycling Power CP procedure timeout was received. The parameter
* of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_cps_char_value_t type.
* Cycling Speed and Cadence Service events
/** CSCS Server - Notification for Cycling Speed and Cadence Service
* Characteristic was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_cscs_char_value_t type.
/** CSCS Server - Notification for Cycling Speed and Cadence Service
* Characteristic was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_cscs_char_value_t type.
/** CSCS Server - Indication for Cycling Speed and Cadence Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_cscs_char_value_t type.
/** CSCS Server - Indication for Cycling Speed and Cadence Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_cscs_char_value_t type.
/** CSCS Server - Cycling Speed and Cadence Service Characteristic
* Indication was confirmed. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_cscs_char_value_t type.
/** CSCS Server - Write Request for Cycling Speed and Cadence Service
* Characteristic was received. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_cscs_char_value_t type.
/** CSCS Client - Cycling Speed and Cadence Service Characteristic
* Notification was received. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_cscs_char_value_t type.
/** CSCS Client - Cycling Speed and Cadence Service Characteristic
* Indication was received. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_cscs_char_value_t type.
/** CSCS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Cycling Speed and Cadence
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_cscs_char_value_t type.
/** CSCS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Cycling Speed and Cadence
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_cscs_char_value_t type.
/** CSCS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Cycling Speed and Cadence
* Service Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_cscs_descr_value_t type.
/** CSCS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Cycling Speed and Cadence
* Service Characteristic Configuration Descriptor value. The parameter of
* this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_cscs_descr_value_t type.
* Current Time Service events
/** CTS Server - Notification for Current Time Characteristic was enabled. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_cts_char_value_t type.
/** CTS Server - Notification for Current Time Characteristic was disabled. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_cts_char_value_t type.
/** CTS Server - Write Request for Current Time Service
* Characteristic was received. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_cts_char_value_t type. When this event is received, the user is
* responsible for performing any kind of data verification and writing the
* data to the GATT database in case of successful verification or setting
* the error if data verification fails.
/** CTS Client - Current Time Characteristic Notification was received. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_cts_char_value_t type.
/** CTS Client - Read Response for Current Time Characteristic
* Value Read Request. The parameter of this event is a
* structure of the cy_stc_ble_cts_char_value_t type.
/** CTS Client - Read Response for Current Time Client
* Characteristic Configuration Descriptor Value Read
* Request. The parameter of this event is a
* structure of the cy_stc_ble_cts_descr_value_t type.
/** CTS Client - Write Response for Current Time Characteristic
* Configuration Descriptor Value. The parameter of this
* event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_cts_descr_value_t type.
/** CTS Client - Write Response for Current Time or Local
* Time Information Characteristic Value. The parameter of this
* event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_cts_descr_value_t type.
* DIS Service events
/** DIS Client - Read Response for a Read Request for a
* Device Information Service Characteristic. The parameter of this
* event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_dis_char_value_t type.
* Environmental Sensing Service events
/** ESS Server - Notification for Environmental Sensing Service
* Characteristic was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* cy_stc_ble_ess_char_value_t type.
/** ESS Server - Notification for Environmental Sensing Service
* Characteristic was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* cy_stc_ble_ess_char_value_t type.
/** ESS Server - Indication for Environmental Sensing Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_ess_char_value_t type.
/** ESS Server - Indication for Environmental Sensing Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* cy_stc_ble_ess_char_value_t type.
/** ESS Server - Environmental Sensing Service Characteristic
* Indication was confirmed. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* cy_stc_ble_ess_char_value_t type.
/** ESS Server - Write Request for Environmental Sensing Service
* Characteristic was received. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_ess_char_value_t type.
/** ESS Server - Write Request for Environmental Sensing Service
* Characteristic descriptor was received. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_ess_descr_value_t type. This event is generated only when write for
/** ESS Client - Environmental Sensing Service Characteristic
* Notification was received. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_ess_char_value_t type.
/** ESS Client - Environmental Sensing Service Characteristic
* Indication was received. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* cy_stc_ble_ess_char_value_t type.
/** ESS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Environmental Sensing
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_ess_char_value_t type.
/** ESS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Environmental Sensing
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_ess_char_value_t type.
/** ESS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Environmental Sensing
* Service Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_ess_descr_value_t type.
/** ESS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Environmental Sensing
* Service Characteristic Configuration Descriptor value. The parameter of
* this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_ess_descr_value_t type.
* Glucose Service events
/** GLS Server - Indication for Glucose Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of cy_stc_ble_gls_char_value_t type.
/** GLS Server - Indication for Glucose Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_gls_char_value_t type.
/** GLS Server - Glucose Service Characteristic
* Indication was confirmed. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_gls_char_value_t type.
/** GLS Server - Notification for Glucose Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_gls_char_value_t type.
/** GLS Server - Notification for Glucose Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_gls_char_value_t type.
/** GLS Server - Write Request for Glucose Service
* was received. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of cy_stc_ble_gls_char_value_t type.
/** GLS Client - Glucose Service Characteristic
* Indication was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_gls_char_value_t type.
/** GLS Client - Glucose Service Characteristic
* Notification was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_gls_char_value_t type.
/** GLS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Glucose
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_gls_char_value_t type.
/** GLS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Glucose
* Service Characteristic Value. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_gls_char_value_t type.
/** GLS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Glucose
* Service Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_gls_descr_value_t type.
/** GLS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Glucose
* Service Characteristic Configuration Descriptor value.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_gls_descr_value_t type.
* HIDS Service events
/** HIDS Server - Notification for HID service was
* enabled. The parameter of this event is a
* structure of the cy_stc_ble_hids_char_value_t type.
/** HIDS Server - Notification for HID service was
* disabled. The parameter of this event is a
* structure of the cy_stc_ble_hids_char_value_t type.
/** HIDS Server - Enter boot mode request. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_hids_char_value_t type.
/** HIDS Server - Enter report mode request. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_hids_char_value_t type.
/** HIDS Server - Enter suspend mode request. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* cy_stc_ble_hids_char_value_t type.
/** HIDS Server - Exit suspend mode request. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_hids_char_value_t type.
/** HIDS Server - Write Report Characteristic
* request. The parameter of this event is a
* structure of the cy_stc_ble_hids_char_value_t type.
/** HIDS Client - HID Service Characteristic
* Notification was received. The parameter of this
* event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_hids_char_value_t type.
/** HIDS Client - Read Response for Read Request of HID
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this
* event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_hids_descr_value_t type.
/** HIDS Client - Write Response for Write Request of
* HID Service Characteristic Value. The parameter
* of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_hids_char_value_t type.
/** HIDS Client - Read Response for Read Request of HID
* Service Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_hids_descr_value_t type.
/** HIDS Client - Write Response for Write Request of HID
* Service Characteristic Configuration Descriptor value.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_hids_char_value_t type.
* HTTP Proxy Service events
/** HPS Server - Notification for HTTP Proxy Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_hps_char_value_t type.
/** HPS Server - Notification for HTTP Proxy Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_hps_char_value_t type.
/** HPS Server - Write Request for HTTP Proxy Service
* Characteristic was received. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_hps_char_value_t type.
/** HPS Client - HTTP Proxy Service Characteristic
* Notification was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_hps_char_value_t type.
/** HPS Client - Read Response for Read Request of HTTP Proxy
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_hps_char_value_t type.
/** HPS Client - Read Response for Read Request of HTTP Proxy
* Service Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_hps_descr_value_t type.
/** HPS Client - Write Response for Write Request of HTTP Proxy
* Service Characteristic Configuration Descriptor value.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_hps_descr_value_t type.
/** HPS Client - Write Response for Write Request of HPS
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_hps_char_value_t type.
* HRS Service events
/** HRS Server - Reset Energy Expended. The parameter of
* this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_hrs_char_value_t type.
/** HRS Server - Notification for Heart Rate Measurement
* Characteristic was enabled. The parameter of this
* event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_hrs_char_value_t type.
/** HRS Server - Notification for Heart Rate Measurement
* Characteristic was disabled. The parameter of this
* event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_hrs_char_value_t type.
/** HRS Client - Heart Rate Measurement Characteristic
* Notification was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_hrs_char_value_t type.
/** HRS Client - Read Response for Read Request of HRS
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_hrs_char_value_t type.
/** HRS Client - Write Response for Write Request of HRS
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_hrs_char_value_t type.
/** HRS Client - Read Response for Read Request of HRS
* Service Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_hrs_char_value_t type.
/** HRS Client - Write Response for Write Request of HRS
* Service Characteristic Configuration Descriptor value.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_hrs_char_value_t type.
* HTS Service events
/** HTS Server - Notification for Health Thermometer Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_hts_char_value_t type.
/** HTS Server - Notification for Health Thermometer Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_hts_char_value_t type.
/** HTS Server - Indication for Health Thermometer Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_hts_char_value_t type.
/** HTS Server - Indication for Health Thermometer Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_hts_char_value_t type.
/** HTS Server - Health Thermometer Service Characteristic
* Indication was confirmed. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_hts_char_value_t type.
/** HTS Server - Write Request for Health Thermometer Service Characteristic
* was received. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_hts_char_value_t type.
/** HTS Client - Health Thermometer Service Characteristic
* Notification was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_hts_char_value_t type.
/** HTS Client - Health Thermometer Service Characteristic
* Indication was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_hts_char_value_t type.
/** HTS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Health Thermometer
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_hts_char_value_t type.
/** HTS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Health Thermometer
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_hts_char_value_t type.
/** HTS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Health Thermometer
* Service Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_hts_descr_value_t type.
/** HTS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Health Thermometer
* Service Characteristic Configuration Descriptor value.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_hts_descr_value_t type.
* Immediate Alert Service events
/** IAS Server - Write Command Request for Alert Level
* Characteristic. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_ias_char_value_t type.
* Indoor Positioning Service events
/** IPS Server - Read Request for Indoor Positioning Service Characteristic
* was received. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_ips_char_value_t type.
/** IPS Server - Write Request for Indoor Positioning Service Characteristic
* was received. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of cy_stc_ble_ips_char_value_t type.
/** IPS Server - Write command request for Indoor Positioning Service
* Characteristic. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_ips_char_value_t type.
/** IPS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Indoor Positioning
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_ips_char_value_t type.
/** IPS Client - Read Multiple Response for Read Multiple Request of
* Indoor Positioning Service Characteristic Value. The parameter
* of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_ips_char_value_t type.
/** IPS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Indoor Positioning
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_ips_char_value_t type.
/** IPS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Indoor Positioning
* Service Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_ips_descr_value_t type.
/** IPS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Indoor Positioning
* Service Characteristic Configuration Descriptor value.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_ips_descr_value_t type.
/** IPS Client - Error Response for Write Request for Indoor Positioning
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_ips_char_value_t type.
/** IPS Client - Read Response for Long Read Request of Indoor Positioning
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_ips_char_value_t type.
* Link Loss Service events
/** LLS Server - Write Request for Alert Level Characteristic.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_lls_char_value_t type.
/** LLS Client - Read response for Alert Level Characteristic.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_lls_char_value_t type.
/** LLS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Alert
* Level Characteristic. The parameter of this event is a
* structure of the cy_stc_ble_lls_char_value_t type.
* Location and Navigation Service events
/** LNS Server - Indication for Location and Navigation Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_lns_char_value_t type.
/** LNS Server - Indication for Location and Navigation Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_lns_char_value_t type.
/** LNS Server - Location and Navigation Service Characteristic
* Indication was confirmed. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_lns_char_value_t type.
/** LNS Server - Notification for Location and Navigation Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_lns_char_value_t type.
/** LNS Server - Notification for Location and Navigation Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_lns_char_value_t type.
/** LNS Server - Write Request for Location and Navigation Service Characteristic
* was received. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_lns_char_value_t type.
/** LNS Client - Location and Navigation Service Characteristic
* Indication was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_lns_char_value_t type.
/** LNS Client - Location and Navigation Service Characteristic
* Notification was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_lns_char_value_t type.
/** LNS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Location and Navigation
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_lns_char_value_t type.
/** LNS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Location and Navigation
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_lns_char_value_t type.
/** LNS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Location and Navigation
* Service Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_lns_descr_value_t type.
/** LNS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Location and Navigation
* Service Characteristic Configuration Descriptor value.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_lns_descr_value_t type.
* Next DST Change Service events
/** NDCS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Next DST Change
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_ndcs_char_value_t type.
* Phone Alert Status Service events
/** PASS Server - Notification for Phone Alert Status Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_pass_char_value_t type.
/** PASS Server - Notification for Phone Alert Status Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_pass_char_value_t type.
/** PASS Server - Write Request for Phone Alert Status Service Characteristic
* was received. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_pass_char_value_t type.
/** PASS Client - Phone Alert Status Service Characteristic
* Notification was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_pass_char_value_t type.
/** PASS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Phone Alert Status
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of cy_stc_ble_pass_char_value_t type.
/** PASS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Phone Alert Status
* Service Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_pass_descr_value_t type.
/** PASS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Phone Alert Status
* Service Characteristic Configuration Descriptor value.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_pass_descr_value_t type.
* Pulse Oximeter Service events
/** PLXS Server - Indication for Pulse Oximeter Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of cy_stc_ble_plxs_char_value_t type.
/** PLXS Server - Indication for Pulse Oximeter Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_gls_char_value_t type.
/** PLXS Server - Pulse Oximeter Service Characteristic
* Indication was confirmed. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_plxs_char_value_t type.
/** PLXS Server - Notification for Pulse Oximeter Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_plxs_char_value_t type.
/** PLXS Server - Notification for Pulse Oximeter Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_plxs_char_value_t type.
/** PLXS Server - Write Request for Pulse Oximeter Service
* was received. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of cy_stc_ble_plxs_char_value_t type.
/** PLXS Client - Pulse Oximeter Service Characteristic
* Indication was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_plxs_char_value_t type.
/** PLXS Client - Pulse Oximeter Service Characteristic
* Notification was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_plxs_char_value_t type.
/** PLXS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Pulse Oximeter
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_plxs_char_value_t type.
/** PLXS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Pulse Oximeter
* Service Characteristic Value. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_plxs_char_value_t type.
/** PLXS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Pulse Oximeter
* Service Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_plxs_descr_value_t type.
/** PLXS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Pulse Oximeter
* Service Characteristic Configuration Descriptor value.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_plxs_descr_value_t type.
/** PLXS Client - PLX RACP procedure timeout was received. The parameter
* of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_plxs_char_value_t type.
* Running Speed and Cadence Service events
/** RSCS Server - Notification for Running Speed and Cadence Service
* Characteristic was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_rscs_char_value_t type.
/** RSCS Server - Notification for Running Speed and Cadence Service
* Characteristic was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_rscs_char_value_t type.
/** RSCS Server - Indication for Running Speed and Cadence Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_rscs_char_value_t type.
/** RSCS Server - Indication for Running Speed and Cadence Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_rscs_char_value_t type.
/** RSCS Server - Running Speed and Cadence Service Characteristic
* Indication was confirmed. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_rscs_char_value_t type.
/** RSCS Server - Write Request for Running Speed and Cadence Service
* Characteristic was received. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of cy_stc_ble_rscs_char_value_t type.
/** RSCS Client - Running Speed and Cadence Service Characteristic
* Notification was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_rscs_char_value_t type.
/** RSCS Client - Running Speed and Cadence Service Characteristic
* Indication was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_rscs_char_value_t type.
/** RSCS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Running Speed and Cadence
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_rscs_char_value_t type.
/** RSCS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Running Speed and Cadence
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_rscs_char_value_t type.
/** RSCS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Running Speed and Cadence
* Service Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_rscs_descr_value_t type.
/** RSCS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Running Speed and Cadence
* Service Characteristic Configuration Descriptor value.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_rscs_descr_value_t type.
* Reference Time Update Service events
/** RTUS Server - Write command request for Reference Time Update
* Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of cy_stc_ble_rtus_char_value_t type.
/** RTUS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Reference Time Update
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_rtus_char_value_t type.
* Scan Parameters Service events
/** ScPS Server - Notification for Scan Refresh Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_scps_char_value_t type.
/** ScPS Server - Notification for Scan Refresh Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_scps_char_value_t type.
/** ScPS Client - Read Response for Scan Interval Window
* Characteristic Value of Scan Parameters service. The
* parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_scps_char_value_t type.
/** ScPS Client - Scan Refresh Characteristic Notification
* was received. The parameter of this event is a
* structure of the cy_stc_ble_scps_char_value_t type.
/** ScPS Client - Read Response for Scan Refresh Characteristic
* Descriptor Read Request. The parameter of this event is a
* structure of the cy_stc_ble_scps_descr_value_t type.
/** ScPS Client - Write Response for Scan Refresh Client
* Characteristic Configuration Descriptor Value. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_scps_descr_value_t type.
* Tx Power Service events
/** TPS Server - Notification for Tx Power Level Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_tps_char_value_t type.
/** TPS Server - Notification for Tx Power Level Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_tps_char_value_t type.
/** TPS Client - Tx Power Level Characteristic Notification.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_tps_char_value_t type.
/** TPS Client - Read Response for Tx Power Level Characteristic
* Value Read Request. The parameter of this event is a
* structure of the cy_stc_ble_tps_char_value_t type.
/** TPS Client - Read Response for Tx Power Level Client
* Characteristic Configuration Descriptor Value Read Request.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_tps_descr_value_t type.
/** TPS Client - Write Response for Tx Power Level Characteristic
* Descriptor Value Write Request. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_tps_descr_value_t type.
* User Data Service events
/** UDS Server - Indication for User Data Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of cy_stc_ble_uds_char_value_t type.
/** UDS Server - Indication for User Data Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_uds_char_value_t type.
/** UDS Server - User Data Service Characteristic
* Indication was confirmed. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_uds_char_value_t type.
/** UDS Server - Notification for User Data Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_uds_char_value_t type.
/** UDS Server - Notification for User Data Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_uds_char_value_t type.
/** UDS Server - Read Request for User Data Service Characteristic
* was received. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_uds_char_value_t type.
/** UDS Server - Write Request for User Data Service Characteristic
* was received. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_uds_char_value_t type.
/** UDS Client - User Data Service Characteristic
* Indication was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_uds_char_value_t type.
/** UDS Client - User Data Service Characteristic
* Notification was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_uds_char_value_t type.
/** UDS Client - Read Response for Read Request of User Data
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_uds_char_value_t type.
/** UDS Client - Write Response for Write Request of User Data
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_uds_char_value_t type.
/** UDS Client - Read Response for Read Request of User Data
* Service Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_uds_descr_value_t type.
/** UDS Client - Write Response for Write Request of User Data
* Service Characteristic Configuration Descriptor value.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_uds_descr_value_t type.
/** UDS Client - Error Response for Write Request for User Data Service
* Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_uds_char_value_t type.
* Wireless Power Transfer Service events
/** WPTS Server - Notification for Wireless Power Transfer Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_wpts_char_value_t type.
/** WPTS Server - Notification for Wireless Power Transfer Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_wpts_char_value_t type.
/** WPTS Server - Indication for Wireless Power Transfer Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_wpts_char_value_t type.
/** WPTS Server - Indication for Wireless Power Transfer Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_wpts_char_value_t type.
/** WPTS Server - Wireless Power Transfer Service Characteristic
* Indication was confirmed. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_wpts_char_value_t type.
/** WPTS Server - Write Request for Wireless Power Transfer Service Characteristic
* was received. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of cy_stc_ble_wpts_char_value_t type.
/** WPTS Client - Wireless Power Transfer Service Characteristic
* Notification was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_wpts_char_value_t type.
/** WPTS Client - Wireless Power Transfer Service Characteristic
* Indication was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_wpts_char_value_t type.
/** WPTS Client - Write Response for Read Request of Wireless Power Transfer
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_wpts_char_value_t type.
/** WPTS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Wireless Power Transfer
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_wpts_char_value_t type.
/** WPTS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Wireless Power Transfer
* Service Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_wpts_descr_value_t type.
/** WPTS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Wireless Power Transfer
* Service Characteristic Configuration Descriptor value.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_wpts_descr_value_t type.
* Weight Scale Service events
/** WSS Server - Indication for Weight Scale Service Characteristic
* was enabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_wss_char_value_t type.
/** WSS Server - Indication for Weight Scale Service Characteristic
* was disabled. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_wss_char_value_t type.
/** WSS Server - Weight Scale Service Characteristic
* Indication was confirmed. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_wss_char_value_t type.
/** WSS Client - Weight Scale Service Characteristic
* Indication was received. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_wss_char_value_t type.
/** WSS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Weight Scale
* Service Characteristic Value. The parameter of this event
* is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_wss_char_value_t type.
/** WSS Client - Read Response for Read Request of Weight Scale
* Service Characteristic descriptor Read Request. The
* parameter of this event is a structure of
* cy_stc_ble_wss_descr_value_t type.
/** WSS Client - Write Response for Write Request of Weight Scale
* Service Characteristic Configuration Descriptor value.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_wss_descr_value_t type.
* Bootloader Service events
/** BT Server - Notification for Bootloader Service Characteristic
* was enabled.
/** BT Server - Notification for Bootloader Service Characteristic
* was disabled.
/** BT Server - Write Request event for the Bootloader Service Characteristic.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_bts_char_value_t type.
/** BT Server - Write Without Response Request event for the Bootloader Service Characteristic.
* The parameter of this event is a structure of the cy_stc_ble_bts_char_value_t type.
/** Send Prepare Write Response that identifies acknowledgement for
* long Characteristic value write. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_gatts_prep_write_req_param_t type.
/** Execute Write Request for Bootloader Service
* Characteristic was received. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_gatts_exec_write_req_t type.
* Discovery Procedure events
/** Discovery Services event. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_disc_srv_info_t type.
/** Discovery Includes event. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_disc_incl_info_t type.
/** Discovery Characteristic event. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_disc_char_info_t type.
/** Discovery Descriptors event. The parameter of this event is a structure of
* the cy_stc_ble_disc_descr_info_t type.
/** event for run a procedure which returns a possible range of the current
* Characteristic descriptor. The parameter of this event is a structure
* of the cy_stc_ble_disc_range_info_t type.
} cy_en_ble_evt_t;
/** \} group_service_api_events */
* Private Function Prototypes
void Cy_BLE_EventHandler(cy_en_ble_event_t event, void *evParam);
void Cy_BLE_ServerEventHandler(cy_en_ble_event_t event, void *evParam);
void Cy_BLE_ClientEventHandler(cy_en_ble_event_t event, void *evParam);
uint8_t Cy_BLE_IsDeviceAddressValid(const cy_stc_ble_gap_bd_addr_t *deviceAddress);
/* Registration Service's event Handler functions */
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_RegisterServiceEventHandler(cy_ble_event_handle_t eventHandlerFunc);
cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t Cy_BLE_InvokeServiceEventHandler(uint32_t eventCode, void *eventParam);
* External Data references
extern volatile uint8_t cy_ble_eventHandlerFlag;
extern volatile uint8_t cy_ble_busyStatus[CY_BLE_MAX_SUPPORTED_CONN_COUNT];
extern cy_ble_app_ev_cb_t Cy_BLE_ServerEventHandlerCallback;
extern cy_ble_app_ev_cb_t Cy_BLE_ClientEventHandlerCallback;
extern void (* Cy_BLE_UnregisterPmCallbacksPtr)(void);
extern void (* Cy_BLE_RegisterPmCallbacksPtr)(void);
/* Pointer to the BLE device address in SROM */
extern cy_stc_ble_gap_bd_addr_t *cy_ble_sflashDeviceAddress;
* Macro Functions
* \addtogroup group_ble_common_api_gatt_functions
* \{
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATT_GetBusyStatus
* This function returns a status of the BLE Stack (busy or not busy).
* The status is changed after the #CY_BLE_EVT_STACK_BUSY_STATUS event.
* \param attId: Identifies the active ATT connection Instance.
* \return
* uint8_t: The busy status.
* * CY_BLE_STACK_STATE_BUSY - The BLE Stack is busy.
* * CY_BLE_STACK_STATE_FREE - The BLE Stack is not busy.
#define Cy_BLE_GATT_GetBusyStatus(attId) (cy_ble_busyStatus[attId])
/** \} group_ble_common_api_gatt_functions */
* \addtogroup group_ble_common_api_functions
* \{
/** \cond IGNORE */
/** Macro to check the Characteristic handle */
#define CY_BLE_GapcCheckCharHandle(handle, discCharInfo) \
do { \
{ \
(handle) = (discCharInfo)->valueHandle; \
} \
else \
{ \
(discCharInfo)); \
} \
} while(0)
/** Macro to check and store the Characteristic handle */
#define Cy_BLE_CheckStoreCharHandle(handle) \
do { \
if((handle).valueHandle == CY_BLE_GATT_INVALID_ATTR_HANDLE_VALUE) \
{ \
(handle).valueHandle = discCharInfo->valueHandle; \
(handle).properties = discCharInfo->properties; \
} \
else \
{ \
discCharInfo); \
} \
} while(0)
/** Macro to check and store the Characteristic descriptor handle */
#define Cy_BLE_CheckStoreCharDescrHandle(handle) \
do { \
{ \
(handle) = discDescrInfo->descrHandle; \
} \
else \
{ \
discDescrInfo); \
} \
} while(0)
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_Get16ByPtr
* Returns the two-bytes value by using a pointer to the LSB.
* \param ptr: Pointer to the LSB of two-bytes data (little-endian).
* \return
* uint16_t: Two-bytes data.
__STATIC_INLINE uint16_t Cy_BLE_Get16ByPtr(const uint8_t ptr[])
return((uint16_t)ptr[0u] | ((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)ptr[1u]) << 8u)));
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_Set16ByPtr
* Sets the two-bytes value by using a pointer to the LSB.
* \param ptr: Pointer to the LSB of two-bytes data (little-endian).
* \param value: Two-bytes data to be written.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_BLE_Set16ByPtr(uint8_t ptr[],
uint16_t value)
ptr[0u] = (uint8_t)value;
ptr[1u] = (uint8_t)(value >> 8u);
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_Get24ByPtr
* Returns the three-bytes value by using a pointer to the LSB.
* \param ptr: Pointer to the LSB of two-bytes data (little-endian).
* \return
* uint16_t: Two-bytes data.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_BLE_Get24ByPtr(const uint8_t ptr[])
return(((uint32_t)ptr[0u]) | ((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)ptr[1u]) << 8u)) | ((uint32_t)((uint32_t)ptr[2u]) << 16u));
/** \endcond */
/** \} group_common_api_functions */
* Private Function Prototypes
void Cy_BLE_NextInclDiscovery(cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle, uint8_t incrementIndex);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* CY_IP_MXBLESS */
/* [] END OF FILE */