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* \file cy_ble_stack_gatt_client.h
* \version 3.60
* \brief
* This file contains declarations of public BLE APIs of Generic Attribute Profile - Client Role.
* Also specifies the defines, constants, and data structures required for the APIs.
* Related Document:
* BLE Standard Spec - CoreV4.2, CSS, CSAs, ESR05, ESR06
* \copyright
* Copyright 2017-2021, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.
* Common BLE Stack includes
#include "cy_ble_stack_gatt.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
** Exported data structures
\addtogroup group_ble_common_api_gatt_definitions
/** Stop command parameter */
typedef struct
/**Connection handle*/
cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle;
/** GATT Discover primary service request parameter */
typedef struct
/** Handle Range */
cy_stc_ble_gatt_attr_handle_range_t range;
/**Connection handle*/
cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle;
/** GATT Discover primary service by UUID request parameter */
typedef struct
/** Attribute Value to Find */
cy_stc_ble_gatt_value_t value;
/** Handle Range - Start and End Handle */
cy_stc_ble_gatt_attr_handle_range_t range;
/** 16-bit UUID to Find */
cy_ble_uuid16_t uuid;
/**Connection handle*/
cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle;
/** GATT read by type request parameter */
typedef struct
/** Handle Range */
cy_stc_ble_gatt_attr_handle_range_t range;
/** GATT UUID type */
cy_ble_uuid_t uuid;
/** Format indicating, 16-bit or 128-bit UUIDs
* For 16-bit UUID format - CY_BLE_GATT_16_BIT_UUID_FORMAT (0x01)
* For 128-bit UUID format - CY_BLE_GATT_128_BIT_UUID_FORMAT (0x02)
uint8_t uuidFormat;
/**Connection handle*/
cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle;
/** GATT find info request parameter */
typedef cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_by_group_req_t cy_stc_ble_gattc_find_info_req_t;
/** Read request parameter */
typedef struct
/** Handle on which Read Blob is requested */
cy_ble_gatt_db_attr_handle_t attrHandle;
/**Connection handle*/
cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle;
/** Handle-offset pair parameter */
typedef struct
/** Handle on which Read Blob is requested */
cy_ble_gatt_db_attr_handle_t attrHandle;
/** Value Offset from which the Read is Requested */
uint16_t offset;
/** Read blob request parameter */
typedef struct
/** Handle-offset pair parameter */
cy_stc_ble_gattc_handle_offset_pair_t handleOffset;
/**Connection handle*/
cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle;
/** GATT handle list type */
typedef struct
/** Handle list where the UUID with value indicated is found */
uint16_t * handleList;
/** Number of Handles in the list */
uint16_t listCount;
/** Actual Number of Handles Packed. This is a output parameter */
uint16_t actualCount;
/** Read multiple request parameter */
typedef struct
/** GATT handle list type */
cy_stc_ble_gattc_handle_list_t handleListType;
/**Connection handle*/
cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle;
/** Write request parameter */
typedef cy_stc_ble_gatt_write_param_t cy_stc_ble_gattc_write_req_t;
/** Prepare Write request parameter */
typedef cy_stc_ble_gatt_prep_write_param_t cy_stc_ble_gattc_prep_write_req_t;
/** Prepare Write request parameter for reliable write request */
typedef struct
/** handle value offset pair */
cy_stc_ble_gatt_handle_value_offset_param_t * handleValOffsetPair;
/** Connection handle */
cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle;
/** Number of requests. That is, the count of array of structures
of type 'cy_stc_ble_gatt_handle_value_offset_param_t'. Each array element
represents a value and the attribute to which the value has
to be written */
uint8_t numOfRequests;
/** Execute Write request parameter */
typedef struct
/** Connection handle */
cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle;
/** Indicates whether Queued Write is to be executed (0x01) or canceled (0x00) */
uint8_t flag;
/** Write command request to be sent to Server */
typedef cy_stc_ble_gattc_write_req_t cy_stc_ble_gattc_write_cmd_req_t;
/** Signed Write command request to be sent to Server */
typedef cy_stc_ble_gattc_write_req_t cy_stc_ble_gattc_signed_write_cmd_req_t;
/** Signed Write command request to be sent to Server */
typedef cy_stc_ble_gattc_stop_cmd_param_t cy_stc_ble_gattc_confirmation_req_t;
/* --------------------------Structure corresponding to events-------------------- */
/** Read response parameter type received from server*/
typedef struct
/** Attribute Value */
cy_stc_ble_gatt_value_t value;
/** Connection handle */
cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle;
/** Handle value notification data received from server */
typedef cy_stc_ble_gattc_write_req_t cy_stc_ble_gattc_handle_value_ntf_param_t;
/** GATT handle value indication parameter received from server type */
typedef cy_stc_ble_gattc_write_req_t cy_stc_ble_gattc_handle_value_ind_param_t;
/** Data Element for Group Response */
typedef struct
/** attribute handle value pair */
uint8_t * attrValue;
/** Length of each Attribute Data Element including the Handle Range */
uint16_t length;
/** Total Length of Attribute Data */
uint16_t attrLen;
/** Read By Group Response received from Server*/
typedef struct
/** Group attribute data list */
cy_stc_ble_gattc_grp_attr_data_list_t attrData;
/** Connection handle */
cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle;
/** GATT read by type response received from server*/
typedef cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_by_grp_rsp_param_t cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_by_type_rsp_param_t;
/** GATT find by type value response received from server*/
typedef struct
/** Handle Range list */
cy_stc_ble_gatt_attr_handle_range_t * range;
/** Size of list */
uint8_t count;
/** Connection handle */
cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle;
/** GATT list of Handle UUID pair parameter type */
typedef struct
/** Handle - UUID Pair list
This is a packed byte stream, hence it needs to be unpacked and decoded. */
uint8_t *list;
/** Number of elements in the list in bytes */
uint16_t byteCount;
/** GATT find info response received from Server*/
typedef struct
/** Handle Value list */
cy_stc_ble_gattc_handle_uuid_list_param_t handleValueList;
/** Connection handle */
cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle;
/** Format indicating, 16-bit (0x01) or 128-bit (0x02) UUIDs */
uint8_t uuidFormat;
/** Execute Write result */
typedef struct
/**Connection handle*/
cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle;
/** Result of the execute write request */
uint8_t result;
/** Long procedure end indication event parameter */
typedef struct
/**Connection handle*/
cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle;
/** Result of the execute write request */
uint8_t opcode;
/** Execute Write response parameter */
typedef cy_stc_ble_gattc_exec_write_req_t cy_stc_ble_gattc_exec_write_rsp_t;
/** @} */
** Exported APIs
\addtogroup group_ble_common_api_gatt_client_functions
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_StopCmd
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to stop any of the following ongoing
* GATT procedures:
* 1. Cy_BLE_GATTC_DiscoverPrimaryServices()
* 2. Cy_BLE_GATTC_DiscoverPrimaryServiceByUuid()
* 3. Cy_BLE_GATTC_FindIncludedServices()
* 4. Cy_BLE_GATTC_DiscoverCharacteristics()
* 5. Cy_BLE_GATTC_DiscoverCharacteristicByUuid()
* 6. Cy_BLE_GATTC_DiscoverCharacteristicDescriptors()
* 7. Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadLongCharacteristicValues()
* 8. Cy_BLE_GATTC_WriteLongCharacteristicValues()
* 9. Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReliableWrites()
* 10. Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadLongCharacteristicDescriptors()
* 11. Cy_BLE_GATTC_WriteLongCharacteristicDescriptors()
* 12. Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadByTypeReq()
* .
* If none of the above procedures is ongoing, then this command will be ignored.
* This function has no effect on ATT procedures other than those listed above.
* If the procedure is ongoing, this function will stop it and inform that the operation
* is successful through the event 'CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_STOP_CMD_COMPLETE'.
* This is a non-blocking function.
* If the user intends to start a new GATT procedure including those listed above
* and there is an ongoing GATT procedure (any one from the above list), the user
* needs to call this function to stop the ongoing GATT procedure and then invoke
* the desired GATT procedure.
* \param param: parameter is of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_stop_cmd_param_t.
* param->connHandle: Connection handle to identify the peer GATT entity of type
* cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t.
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or 'connHandle' is invalid.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_StopCmd
cy_stc_ble_gattc_stop_cmd_param_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_ExchangeMtuReq
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to send Exchange MTU Request PDU.
* This function is used to send maximum size of packet (GATT MTU) that cab be received by
* GATT Client application. This is a non-blocking function.
* Default GATT MTU size as per Bluetooth 5.0 core specification is 23 bytes. If
* the GATT Client application supports a size greater than the default, it has to invoke
* this function with the desired GATT MTU size. This function should be
* initiated only once during a connection.
* Refer to Bluetooth 5.0 core specification, Volume 3, Part G, section 4.3.1
* for more details on GATT MTU exchange operation.
* If the peer GATT Server device is a PSoC 6 MCU, Exchange MTU Request PDU results in
* CY_BLE_EVT_GATTS_XCNHG_MTU_REQ event at the GATT Server's end, in response
* to which the GATT Server is expected to send its maximum size of packet (GATT MTU).
* The CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_XCHNG_MTU_RSP event is generated at the
* GATT Client application on receiving GATT MTU response from the GATT Server.
* \param param: parameter is of type CY_BLE_GATT_XCHG_MTU_REQ_PARAM_T.
* param->mtu: Size of GATT MTU.
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or 'connHandle' is invalid or, 'mtu' value is greater than that set on calling Cy_BLE_StackInit().
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_ExchangeMtuReq
cy_stc_ble_gatt_xchg_mtu_param_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_DiscoverPrimaryServices
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to discover the primary services as
* per the handle-range provided, on a peer GATT Server.
* This is a non-blocking function.
* Internally, this function initiates multiple Read By Group Type Requests to
* the peer device, in response to which it receives Read By Group Type Responses.
* Each Read By Group Type Response results in
* CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_READ_BY_GROUP_TYPE_RSP event, which is propagated to the
* application layer for handling.
* Primary service discovery is complete when Error Response
* (CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_ERROR_RSP) is received with Error Code set to Attribute
* Not Found or when the End Group Handle in the Read by Group Type Response is
* 0xFFFF. Completion of this operation is notified to the upper layer(s) using
* Application can stop the primary service discovery if the
* desired primary service is found prior to discovering all the primary services
* on the GATT Server. This can be achieved by using the Cy_BLE_GATTC_StopCmd()
* function.
* Refer to Bluetooth 5.0 core specification, Volume 3, Part G, section 4.5.0 for
* more details on this sequence of operations.
* \param param: parameter is of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_by_group_req_t.
* param->connHandle: Connection handle of type cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t
* to identify the peer GATT entity.
* param->range: Parameter is of type cy_stc_ble_gatt_attr_handle_range_t where,
* 1. 'range.startHandle' can be set to the start handle of the desired
* primary service.
* 2. 'range.endHandle' can be set to the end handle of the desired
* primary service.
* \note
* 'startHandle' & 'endHandle' should not be zero and 'startHandle' shall be less than or equal to the 'endHandle'.
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or if any of the input parameters is invalid.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_DiscoverPrimaryServices
cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_by_group_req_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_DiscoverPrimaryServiceByUuid
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to discover a specific primary
* service on a peer GATT Server, when only the Service UUID is known.
* This is a non-blocking function.
* Internally, this function initiates multiple Find By Type Value Requests with
* the Attribute Type parameter set to the UUID for Primary Service and the
* Attribute Value set to the 16-bit Bluetooth UUID or 128-bit UUID for the
* specific primary service. Each Find By Type Value Response received from the
* peer device is passed to the application as
* The sequence of operations is complete when the Error Response is received
* and the Error Code is set to Attribute Not Found or when the End Group
* Handle in the Find By Type Value Response is 0xFFFF. Completion of this
* function is notified to the upper layer using CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_ERROR_RSP or
* Application can stop this procedure if a desired primary service is found
* prior to the discovery of all the primary services of the specified service UUID supported
* on the GATT Server. This can be achieved by using the Cy_BLE_GATTC_StopCmd()
* function.
* Refer to Bluetooth 5.0 core specification, Volume 3, Part G, section 4.4.2
* for more details on this sequence of operations.
* \param param: parameter is of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_find_by_type_value_req_t.
* param->connHandle: Connection handle of type cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t
* to identify the peer GATT entity.
* param->range and param->uuid are ignored in this function.
* param->value: Parameter is of type cy_stc_ble_gatt_value_t, where,
* 1. 'value.val' should point to uint8_t array containing the UUID to
* look for. UUID can be 16 or 128 bit.
* 2. 'value.len' should be set to 2 if the 16-bit UUID is to be found.
* The length should be set to 16 if 128-bit UUID is to be found.
* 3. 'value.actualLen' is an unused parameter and should be ignored.
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or 'connHandle' is invalid.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_DiscoverPrimaryServiceByUuid
cy_stc_ble_gattc_find_by_type_value_req_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_DiscoverCharacteristics
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to find all characteristic
* declarations within a service definition on a peer GATT Server, when
* only the service handle range is known.
* This is a non-blocking function.
* Internally, multiple Read By Type Requests are sent to the GATT Server in
* response to which Read By Type Responses are received. Each response results
* in the event CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_READ_BY_TYPE_RSP, which is passed to the
* application layer for handling.
* The sequence of operations is complete when the Error Response is received and the
* Error Code is set to Attribute Not Found or the Read By Type Response has an
* Attribute Handle that is equal to the Ending Handle of the request.
* Completion of this function is notified to the upper layer using
* event.
* Application can stop this procedure if a desired characteristic is found
* prior to the discovering all the characteristics of the specified service supported
* on the GATT Server. This can be achieved by using the Cy_BLE_GATTC_StopCmd()
* function.
* Refer to Bluetooth 5.0 core specification, Volume 3, Part G, section 4.6.1 for
* more details on the sequence of operations.
* \param param: Pointer to a variable of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_by_type_req_t,
* The following must be set:
* param->range.startHandle <br>
* param->range.endHandle <br>
* param->connHandle <br>
* The following must be ignored:
* param->uuidFormat (CY_BLE_GATT_16_BIT_UUID_FORMAT or
* param->uuid.uuid16 or param->uuid.uuid128
* based on the uuidFormat
* \note
* 'startHandle' & 'endHandle' should not be zero, and 'startHandle' shall be less than or equal to the 'endHandle'.
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or if any of the input parameters is invalid.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_DiscoverCharacteristics
cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_by_type_req_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_DiscoverCharacteristicByUuid
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to discover service characteristics
* on a peer GATT Server, when only the service handle ranges are known and the
* characteristic UUID is known.
* This is a non-blocking function.
* Internally, multiple Read By Type Requests are sent to the peer device in
* response to which Read By Type Responses are received. Each of these responses
* results in the event CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_READ_BY_TYPE_RSP, which is passed to the
* application layer for further processing.
* The sequence of operations is complete when the Error Response is received and the
* Error Code is set to Attribute Not Found or the Read By Type Response has an
* Attribute Handle that is equal to the Ending Handle of the request.
* Completion of this function is notified to the upper layer using
* Application can stop this procedure if a desired characteristic is found
* prior to the discovering all the characteristics of the specified service supported
* on the GATT Server. This can be achieved by using the Cy_BLE_GATTC_StopCmd()
* function.
* Refer to Bluetooth 5.0 core specification, Volume 3, Part G, section 4.6.2
* for more details on the sequence of operations.
* \param param: Pointer to a variable of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_by_type_req_t,
* The following must be set:
* param->range.startHandle
* param->range.endHandle
* param->connHandle
* param->uuidFormat (CY_BLE_GATT_16_BIT_UUID_FORMAT or
* param->uuid.uuid16 or readByTypeReqParam->uuid.uuid128
* based on the uuidFormat
* \note
* 'startHandle' & 'endHandle' should not be zero, and 'startHandle' shall be less than or equal to the 'endHandle'.
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or if any of the input parameters is invalid.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_DiscoverCharacteristicByUuid
cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_by_type_req_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_DiscoverCharacteristicDescriptors
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to find all the characteristic
* descriptors on a peer GATT Server. This is a non-blocking function.
* Internally, multiple Find Information Requests are sent to the peer device in
* response to which Find Information Responses are received by the GATT Client application.
* Each of these responses generate CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_FIND_INFO_RSP event at the
* GATT Client application end.
* The sequence of operations is complete when the Error Response is received and the
* Error Code is set to Attribute Not Found or the Find Information Response has
* an Attribute Handle that is equal to the Ending Handle of the request.
* Completion of this function is notified to the upper layer using CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_ERROR_RSP or
* Application can stop this procedure if the desired Characteristic Descriptor
* is found prior to the discovering all the characteristic descriptors of the
* specified characteristic. This can be achieved by using the Cy_BLE_GATTC_StopCmd()
* function.
* Refer to Bluetooth 5.0 core specification, Volume 3, Part G, section 4.7.1 for
* more details on the sequence of operations.
* \param param: Pointer to a variable of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_find_info_req_t.
* The following must be set:
* param->range.startHandle <br>
* param->range.endHandle <br>
* param->connHandle <br>
* \note
* 'startHandle' & 'endHandle' should not be zero, and 'startHandle' shall be less than or equal to the 'endHandle'.
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or if any of the input parameters is invalid.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_DiscoverCharacteristicDescriptors
cy_stc_ble_gattc_find_info_req_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_FindIncludedServices
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to find Included Service
* declarations within a GATT Service on a peer GATT Server. This is a
* non-blocking function.
* Internally, multiple Read By Type Requests are sent to the peer device in
* response to which Read By Type Responses are received
* (CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_READ_BY_TYPE_RSP) and passed to the application layer.
* When Read By Type Response data does not contain the service UUID,
* indicating the service uses a 128-bit UUID, the application layer can
* choose to get the service UUID by performing the following steps:
* 1. Stop ongoing GATT operation by invoking Cy_BLE_GATTC_StopCmd()
* 2. Send Read Request by invoking the function
* Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadCharacteristicValue() with the read request attribute handle set to
* the included service attribute handle. Application should handle CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_READ_RSP event.
* 3. Include service discovery can further be continued by calling Cy_BLE_GATTC_FindIncludedServices() function with
* start handle (param->range.startHandle) equals to (included service attribute handle + 1).
* The sequence of operations is complete when either the Error Response is received
* with the Error Code set to Attribute Not Found or the Read By Type Response
* has an Attribute Handle of the included service declaration that is equal to the
* Ending Handle of the request. Completion of
* this function is notified to the upper layer using CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_ERROR_RSP
* Application can stop this procedure if the desired included service is
* found prior to the discovering all the included services of the
* specified service. This can be achieved by using the Cy_BLE_GATTC_StopCmd()
* function.
* Refer to Bluetooth 5.0 core specification, Volume 3, Part G, section 4.5.1
* for more details on the sequence of operations.
* \param param: Pointer to a variable of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_by_type_req_t,
* The following must be set:
* param->range.startHandle <br>
* param->range.endHandle <br>
* param->connHandle <br>
* The following must be ignored:
* param->uuidFormat (CY_BLE_GATT_16_BIT_UUID_FORMAT or
* param->uuid.uuid16 or readByTypeReqParam->uuid.uuid128
* based on the uuidFormat
* \note
* 'startHandle' & 'endHandle' should not be zero, and 'startHandle' shall be less than or equal to the 'endHandle'.
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or if any of the input parameters is invalid.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_FindIncludedServices
cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_by_type_req_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadByTypeReq
* This function allows the user to send Read by type request to a peer GATT server.
* This function results in CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_READ_BY_TYPE_RSP event or
* CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_ERROR_RSP event at the GATT client depending on whether the GATT server
* sends read by type response or GATT Error response.
* Refer to Bluetooth 5.0 core specification, Volume 3, Part G, section 4.5.1
* for more details on the sequence of operations.
* \param param: Pointer to a variable of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_by_type_req_t,
* Where, the following needs to be set:
* param->range.startHandle
* param->range.endHandle
* param->connHandle
* param->uuidFormat (CY_BLE_GATT_16_BIT_UUID_FORMAT or
* param->uuid.uuid16 or readByTypeReqParam->uuid.uuid128
* based on the uuidFormat
* \note
* 'startHandle' & 'endHandle' should not be zero, and 'startHandle' shall be less than or equal to the 'endHandle'.
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or if any of the input parameters is invalid.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadByTypeReq
cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_by_type_req_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadCharacteristicValue
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to read a Characteristic Value
* from a peer GATT Server, when the GATT Client application knows the Characteristic
* Value Handle. This is a non-blocking function.
* Internally, Read Request is sent to the peer GATT Server. If the read operation
* is successful, GATT Server sends a Read Response. This response results in
* CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_READ_RSP event at the GATT Client's end, and response is passed to the application.
* In response to the Read Request GATT server shall send an Error Response if
* 1. GATT Client has insufficient authentication to read requested characteristic value OR
* 2. GATT Client has insufficient authorization to read requested characteristic value OR
* 3. GATT Client has used insufficient encryption key size OR
* 4. GATT Client has insufficient encryption to read requested characteristic value OR
* 5. If GATT Client requested handle is invalid OR
* 6. If a read operation is not permitted on the requested Characteristic Value.
* The Error Code parameter is set as specified in the Attribute Protocol.
* This Error response results in CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_ERROR_RSP event at the GATT client application.
* If the peer GATT Server is a PSoC 6 MCU, Read Request PDU results in
* CY_BLE_EVT_GATTS_READ_CHAR_VAL_ACCESS_REQ event at the GATT server's end, if the corresponding
* characteristic's attribute permission is set to CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_CHAR_VAL_RD_EVENT.
* Refer to Bluetooth 5.0 core specification, Volume 3, Part G, section 4.8.1
* for more details on the sequence of operations.
* \param param: Pointer to a variable of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_req_t.
* The following must be set:
* param->attrHandle: Attribute handle to be read <br>
* param->connHandle
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or 'connHandle' is invalid, or if 'attrHandle' is zero.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadCharacteristicValue
cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_req_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadUsingCharacteristicUuid
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to read a Characteristic Value from a peer
* GATT Server when the application knows only the characteristic UUID and
* does not know the handle of the characteristic. This is a non-blocking function.
* Internally, Read By Type Request is sent to the peer GATT server. If the read operation
* is successful, GATT Server sends a Read By Type Response. This response results in
* CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_READ_RSP event at the GATT Client's end, and response is passed to the application.
* In response to this Request GATT server shall send an Error Response if
* 1. GATT Client has insufficient authentication to read the requested characteristic value OR
* 2. GATT Client has insufficient authorization to read the requested characteristic value OR
* 3. GATT Client has insufficient encryption to read the requested characteristic value OR
* 3. GATT Client has used insufficient encryption key size OR
* 4. Read operation is not permitted on the requested Characteristic Value OR
* 5. characteristic does not exist on the GATT server within the handle OR
* range provided OR
* 6. Starting Handle parameter greater than the Ending Handle parameter or the
* Starting Handle parameter is 0x0000
* The Error Code parameter is set as specified in the Attribute Protocol.
* This Error response results in CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_ERROR_RSP event at the GATT client application.
* If the peer GATT Server is a PSoC 6 MCU, Read By Type Request PDU results in the
* CY_BLE_EVT_GATTS_READ_CHAR_VAL_ACCESS_REQ event at the GATT server's end if the
* corresponding characteristic's attribute permission is set to
* Refer to Bluetooth 5.0 core specification, Volume 3, Part G, section 4.8.2 for
* more details on the sequence of operations.
* \param param: Pointer to a variable of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_by_type_req_t,
* Where, the following needs to be set:
* param->range.startHandle
* param->range.endHandle
* param->connHandle
* param->uuidFormat (CY_BLE_GATT_16_BIT_UUID_FORMAT or
* param->uuid.uuid16 or readByTypeReqParam->uuid.uuid128
* based on the uuidFormat
* \note
* 'startHandle' & 'endHandle' should not be zero, and 'startHandle' shall be less than or equal to the 'endHandle'.
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or if any of the input parameters is invalid.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadUsingCharacteristicUuid
cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_by_type_req_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadLongCharacteristicValues
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to read a Characteristic Value from a peer
* GATT Server when the GATT Client knows the Characteristic Value Handle and the length
* of the Characteristic Value is longer than that can be sent in a single Read Response
* Attribute Protocol message. This is a non-blocking function.
* Internally multiple Read Blob Requests are sent to the peer device in response
* to which Read Blob Responses are received. For each Read Blob Request, a Read
* Blob Response event is received (CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_READ_BLOB_RSP) with a
* portion of the Characteristic Value contained in the Part Attribute Value
* parameter. These events are propagated to the application layer
* for further processing. Each read blob response will return up to (GATT MTU-1) bytes of
* data. If the size of characteristic value field is an integral multiple of (GATT MTU-1)
* then the operation terminates with an error response event, where the error code is
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_INVALID_OFFSET. If the size of the characteristic value field is
* not an integral multiple of (GATT MTU-1), the last read blob response will return
* data bytes that are less than (GATT MTU-1). The application must monitor these two
* conditions before proceeding with the initiation of any other GATT operation.
* In response to the this Request GATT server shall send an Error Response if
* 1. GATT Client has insufficient authentication to read the requested characteristic value OR
* 2. GATT Client has insufficient authorization to read the requested characteristic value OR
* 3. GATT Client has insufficient encryption to read the requested characteristic value OR
* 4. GATT Client has used insufficient encryption key size OR
* 5. Read operation is not permitted on the requested Characteristic Value OR
* 6. The Characteristic Value is not longer than (GATT MTU - 1) OR
* 7. The requested handle is invalid OR
* 8. Value offset is greater than length attribute value.
* The Error Code parameter is set as specified in the Attribute Protocol.
* This Error response results in CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_ERROR_RSP event at the GATT client application.
* If the peer GATT Server is a PSoC 6 MCU, Read Blob Request PDU results in the
* CY_BLE_EVT_GATTS_READ_CHAR_VAL_ACCESS_REQ event at the GATT server's end if the
* corresponding characteristic's attribute permission is set to
* Refer to Bluetooth 5.0 core specification, Volume 3, Part G, section 4.8.3
* for more details on the sequence of operations.
* \param param: Pointer to a variable of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_blob_req_t.
* Where, the following needs to be set:
* param->attrHandle
* param->offset
* param->connHandle
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or 'connHandle' is invalid, or if 'attrHandle' is zero.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadLongCharacteristicValues
cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_blob_req_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadMultipleCharacteristicValues
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to read multiple Characteristic Values
* from a peer GATT Server when the GATT Client application knows the Characteristic
* Value Handles. This is a non-blocking function.
* Internally, Read Multiple Request is sent to the peer GATT Server. If the read operation
* is successful, GATT Server sends a Read Multiple Response. This response results in
* CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_READ_RSP event at the GATT Client's end, and response is passed to the application.
* In response to the this Request, the GATT server shall send an Error Response if
* 1. GATT Client has insufficient authentication to read the requested characteristic value OR
* 2. GATT Client has insufficient authorization to read the requested characteristic value OR
* 3. GATT Client has insufficient encryption to read the requested characteristic value OR
* 4. GATT Client has used insufficient encryption key size OR
* 5. Read operation is not permitted on any of the requested Characteristic Value OR
* 6. Any of requested handle are invalid.
* The Error Code parameter is set as specified in the Attribute Protocol.
* This Error response results in CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_ERROR_RSP event at the GATT client application.
* If the peer GATT Server is a PSoC 6 MCU, Read Multiple Request PDU results in the
* CY_BLE_EVT_GATTS_READ_CHAR_VAL_ACCESS_REQ event at the GATT server's end if the
* corresponding characteristic's attribute permission is set to
* Refer to Bluetooth 5.0 core specification, Volume 3, Part G, section 4.8.4
* for more details on the sequence of operations.
* \param param: Pointer to a variable of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_mult_req_t.
* Where, the following needs to be set:
* param->handleList
* param->listCount
* param->connHandle
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or if any of the input parameters is invalid.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadMultipleCharacteristicValues
cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_mult_req_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadCharacteristicDescriptors
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to read a characteristic descriptor
* from a peer GATT Server when the GATT Client application knows the Attribute handle
* from the characteristic descriptor declaration. This is a non-blocking function.
* Internally, Read Request is sent to the peer GATT Server. If the read operation
* is successful, GATT Server sends a Read Response. This response results in
* CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_READ_RSP event at the GATT Client's end, and response is passed to the application.
* In response to the this Request GATT server shall send an Error Response if
* 1. GATT Client has insufficient authentication to read the requested descriptor value OR
* 2. GATT Client has insufficient authorization to read the requested descriptor value OR
* 3. GATT Client has used insufficient encryption key size OR
* 4. GATT Client has insufficient encryption to read the requested descriptor value OR
* 5. GATT Client requested handle is invalid OR
* 6. Read operation is not permitted on the requested descriptor.
* The Error Code parameter is set as specified in the Attribute Protocol.
* This Error response results in CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_ERROR_RSP event at the GATT client application.
* If the peer GATT Server is a PSoC 6 MCU, Read Request PDU results in the
* CY_BLE_EVT_GATTS_READ_CHAR_VAL_ACCESS_REQ event at the GATT server's end if the
* corresponding characteristic's attribute permission is set to
* Refer to Bluetooth 5.0 core specification, Volume 3, Part G, section 4.12.1
* for more details on the sequence of operations.
* \param param: Pointer to a variable of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_req_t.
* Where, the following needs to be set:
* param->attrHandle: Attribute handle to be read
* param->connHandle
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or 'connHandle' is invalid, or if 'attrHandle' is zero.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadCharacteristicDescriptors
cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_req_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadLongCharacteristicDescriptors
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to read a characteristic descriptor
* from a peer GATT Server when the GATT Client application knows the Attribute handle
* from the characteristic descriptor declaration and the length of the characteristic
* descriptor declaration is longer than what can be sent in a single Read Response
* Attribute Protocol message. This is a non-blocking function.
* Internally multiple Read Blob Requests are sent to the peer device in response
* to which Read Blob Responses are received. For each Read Blob Request, a Read
* Blob Response event is received (CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_READ_BLOB_RSP) with a portion
* of the Characteristic Value contained in the Part Attribute Value parameter.
* These events are propagated to the application layer for further processing.
* Each read blob response will return up to (GATT MTU-1) bytes of data. If the size of
* characteristic descriptor field is an integral multiple of (GATT MTU-1) then the
* operation terminates with an error response event, where the error code is
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_INVALID_OFFSET. If the size of the characteristic descriptor
* field is not an integral multiple of (GATT MTU-1), the last read blob response will
* return data bytes that are less than (GATT MTU-1). The application must monitor
* these two conditions before proceeding with the initiation of any other GATT
* operation.
* In response to the this Request GATT server shall send an Error Response if
* 1. GATT Client has insufficient authentication to read the requested descriptor value OR
* 2. GATT Client has insufficient authorization to read the requested descriptor value OR
* 3. GATT Client has insufficient encryption to read the requested descriptor value OR
* 4. GATT Client has used insufficient encryption key size OR
* 5. Read operation is not permitted on the requested descriptor Value. OR
* 6. The Characteristic descriptor value is not longer than (GATT MTU - 1)
* 7. The requested handle is invalid OR
* 8. The value offset is greater than length of attribute value.
* The Error Code parameter is set as specified in the Attribute Protocol.
* This Error response results in CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_ERROR_RSP event at the GATT client application.
* If the peer GATT Server is a PSoC 6 MCU, Read Blob Request PDU results in the
* CY_BLE_EVT_GATTS_READ_CHAR_VAL_ACCESS_REQ event at the GATT server's end if the
* corresponding characteristic's attribute permission is set to
* Refer to Bluetooth 5.0 core specification,
* Volume 3, Part G, section 4.12.2 for more details on the sequence of operations.
* \param param: Pointer to a variable of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_blob_req_t.
* Where, the following needs to be set:
* param->attrHandle
* param->offset
* param->connHandle
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or 'connHandle' is invalid, or if 'attrHandle' is zero.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReadLongCharacteristicDescriptors
cy_stc_ble_gattc_read_blob_req_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_WriteCharacteristicValue
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to write a Characteristic Value to
* a peer GATT Server when the GATT Client knows the Characteristic Value Handle.
* This is a non-blocking function.
* Internally, Write Request is sent to the peer GATT Server. If write operation is
* successful GATT server sends Write Response. This Response results in the event
* CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_WRITE_RSP at the GATT Client application.
* In response to the this Request GATT server shall send an Error Response if
* 1. GATT Client has insufficient authentication to write the requested Characteristic value OR
* 2. GATT Client has insufficient authorization to write the requested Characteristic value OR
* 3. GATT Client has insufficient encryption to write the requested Characteristic value OR
* 4. GATT Client has used insufficient encryption key size OR
* 5. Write operation is not permitted on the requested Characteristic Value OR
* 6. The requested handle is invalid OR
* 7. The requested value length is greater than attribute value length.
* The Error Code parameter is set as specified in the Attribute Protocol.
* This Error response results in CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_ERROR_RSP event at the
* GATT client application.
* If the peer GATT Server is a PSoC 6 MCU, Write Request PDU results in the
* CY_BLE_EVT_GATTS_WRITE_REQ event at the GATT server's end.
* Refer to Bluetooth 5.0 core specification, Volume 3, Part G, section
* 4.9.3 for more details on the sequence of operations.
* \param param: Pointer to a variable of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_write_req_t.
* Where, the following needs to be set:
* param->handleValPair
* param->connHandle
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or 'connHandle' is invalid, or if 'attrHandle' is zero or if 'param->handleValPair.value.len' value is greater than (Effective GATT MTU-3).
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_WriteCharacteristicValue
cy_stc_ble_gattc_write_req_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_WriteCharacteristicDescriptors
* This function is used by the GATT client application to write a characteristic descriptor value
* to a peer GATT Server when the GATT Client application knows the characteristic
* descriptor handle. This is a non-blocking function.
* Internally, Write Request is sent to the peer GATT Server. If write operation is
* successful GATT server sends Write Response. This Response results in the event
* CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_WRITE_RSP at the GATT Client application.
* In response to the this Request, the GATT server shall send an Error Response if
* 1. GATT Client has insufficient authentication to write the requested descriptor value OR
* 2. GATT Client has insufficient authorization to write the requested descriptor value OR
* 3. GATT Client has insufficient encryption to write the requested descriptor value OR
* 4. GATT Client has used insufficient encryption key size OR
* 5. Write operation is not permitted on the requested descriptor Value OR
* 6. The requested handle is invalid OR
* 7. The requested value length is greater than attribute value length.
* The Error Code parameter is set as specified in the Attribute Protocol.
* This Error response results in CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_ERROR_RSP event at the
* GATT client application.
* If the peer GATT Server is a PSoC 6 MCU, Write Request PDU results in the
* CY_BLE_EVT_GATTS_WRITE_REQ event at the GATT server's end.
* Refer to Bluetooth 5.0 core specification, Volume 3, Part G, section 4.12.3
* for more details on the sequence of operations.
* \param param: Pointer to a variable of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_write_req_t.
* Where, the following needs to be set:
* param->handleValPair
* param->connHandle
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or 'connHandle' is invalid, or if 'attrHandle' is zero or if 'param->handleValPair.value.len' value is greater than (Effective GATT MTU-3).
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_WriteCharacteristicDescriptors
cy_stc_ble_gattc_write_req_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_WriteLongCharacteristicValues
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to write a Characteristic Value to a
* peer GATT Server when the GATT Client knows the Characteristic Value Handle but the
* length of the Characteristic Value is longer than GATT MTU size and cannot be sent in
* a single Write Request Attribute Protocol message. This is a non-blocking function.
* Internally, multiple Prepare Write Requests are sent to the GATT Server,
* in response to which Prepare Write Responses are received. No events are generated
* by the BLE Stack for these Responses.
* Prepare Write Requests are repeated until the complete Characteristic Value
* has been transferred to the GATT Server, after which an Execute Write Request
* is sent to the GATT Server to write the initially transferred value at the
* GATT Server's end.
* If the write operation is successful, GATT Server sends an Execute Write Response.
* This response results in CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_EXEC_WRITE_RSP event at the GATT Client
* application. The value associated with this event has to be checked by the
* application layer to confirm that the long write operation is succeeded.
* In response to the Prepare Write Request, GATT server shall send an Error Response if
* 1. GATT Client has insufficient authentication to write the requested characteristic value OR
* 2. GATT Client has insufficient authorization to write the requested characteristic value OR
* 3. GATT Client has insufficient encryption to write the requested characteristic value OR
* 4. GATT Client has used insufficient encryption key size OR
* 5. Write operation is not permitted on the requested Characteristic Value OR
* 6. The requested handle is invalid.
* In response to Execute Write Request, GATT server shall send an Error Response if
* 1. If the prepared attribute value exceeds the maximum length of attribute value OR
* 2. If the prepare value offset is greater than the current length of the attribute
* value
* The Error Code parameter is set as specified in the Attribute Protocol.
* This Error response results in CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_ERROR_RSP event at the GATT client application.
* If the peer GATT Server is a PSoC 6 MCU, this function results in following events at the GATT Server's end.
* 1. CY_BLE_EVT_GATTS_PREP_WRITE_REQ - event for Prepare Write Request.
* 2. CY_BLE_EVT_GATTS_EXEC_WRITE_REQ - event for Execute Write Request.
* 3. CY_BLE_EVT_MEMORY_REQUEST - Need confirmation from NPAL.
* Refer to Bluetooth 5.0 core specification, Volume 3, Part G, section 4.9.4
* for more details on the sequence of operations.
* \param param: Pointer to a variable of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_prep_write_req_t,
* where 'param->value.val' points to the actual
* data to be written. 'param' and all associated
* variables need to be retained in memory by the calling
* application until the GATT Write Long Characteristic Value
* operation is completed successfully.
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or 'connHandle' is invalid, or if 'attrHandle' is zero.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_WriteLongCharacteristicValues
cy_stc_ble_gattc_prep_write_req_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReliableWrites
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to write a Characteristic Value to
* a peer GATT Server when the GATT Client knows the Characteristic Value Handle,
* and assurance is required that the correct Characteristic Value is going to be
* written by transferring the Characteristic Value to be written in both directions
* before the write is performed. This is a non-blocking function.
* Internally, multiple Prepare Write Requests are sent to the GATT Server,
* in response to which Prepare Write Responses are received. No events are generated
* by the BLE Stack for these Responses.
* Prepare Write Requests are repeated until the complete Characteristic Value
* has been transferred to the GATT Server, after which an Execute Write Request
* is sent to the GATT Server to write the initially transferred value at the
* GATT Server's end.
* If the write operation is successful, GATT Server sends an Execute Write Response.
* This response results in CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_EXEC_WRITE_RSP event at the GATT Client
* application. The value associated with this event has to be checked by the
* application layer to confirm that the long write operation is succeeded.
* In response to the Prepare Write Request GATT server shall send an Error Response if
* 1. GATT Client has insufficient authentication to write the requested characteristic value OR
* 2. GATT Client has insufficient authorization to write the requested characteristic value OR
* 3. GATT Client has insufficient encryption to write the requested characteristic value OR
* 4. GATT Client has used insufficient encryption key size OR
* 5. Write operation is not permitted on the requested Characteristic Value OR
* 6. GATT server does not have sufficient space to queue this request.
* In response to Execute Write Request, GATT server shall send an Error Response if
* 1. The prepared attribute value exceeds the maximum length of attribute value OR
* 2. The prepare value offset is greater than the current length of the attribute
* value
* The Error Code parameter is set as specified in the Attribute Protocol.
* This Error response results in CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_ERROR_RSP event at the GATT client application.
* If the peer GATT Server is a PSoC 6 MCU, this function results in following events at the GATT Server's end.
* 1. CY_BLE_EVT_GATTS_PREP_WRITE_REQ - event for Prepare Write Request.
* 2. CY_BLE_EVT_GATTS_EXEC_WRITE_REQ - event for Execute Write Request.
* 3. CY_BLE_EVT_MEMORY_REQUEST - Need confirmation from NPAL.
* Refer to Bluetooth 5.0 core specification, Volume 3, Part G, section 4.9.5
* for more details on the sequence of operations.
* \param param: Pointer to a variable of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_reliable_write_req_t.
* Since more than one writes are performed 'param' and
* all associated variables need to be retained in memory by
* the calling application until the GATT Reliable Write
* operation is completed successfully.
* param->handleValOffsetPair: array of type 'cy_stc_ble_gatt_handle_value_offset_param_t', which
* contains the values to be written, has to be specified.
* param->numOfRequests: Number of requests. That is, the count of array of structures
* of type cy_stc_ble_gatt_handle_value_offset_param_t. Each array element
* represents a value and the attribute to which the value has
* to be written.
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' or 'handleValOffsetPair' is NULL or 'connHandle' is invalid, or if 'numOfRequests' is zero.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_ReliableWrites
cy_stc_ble_gattc_reliable_write_req_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_WriteLongCharacteristicDescriptors
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to write a characteristic descriptor value
* to a GATT Server when the GATT Client application knows the characteristic descriptor
* handle but the length of the characteristic descriptor value is longer than what can be
* sent in a single Write Request Attribute Protocol message. This is a non-blocking function.
* Internally, multiple Prepare Write Requests are sent to the GATT Server,
* in response to which Prepare Write Responses are received. No events are generated
* by the BLE Stack for these Responses.
* Prepare Write Requests are repeated until the complete descriptor value
* has been transferred to the GATT Server, after which an Execute Write Request
* is sent to the GATT Server to write the initially transferred value at the
* GATT Server's end.
* If the write operation is successful, GATT Server sends an Execute Write Response.
* This response results in CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_EXEC_WRITE_RSP event at the GATT Client
* application. The value associated with this event has to be checked by the
* application layer to confirm that the long write operation is succeeded.
* In response to the Prepare Write Request GATT server shall send an Error Response if
* 1. GATT Client has insufficient authentication to write the requested descriptor value OR
* 2. GATT Client has insufficient authorization to write the requested descriptor value OR
* 3. GATT Client has insufficient encryption to write the requested descriptor value OR
* 4. GATT Client has used insufficient encryption key size OR
* 5. Write operation is not permitted on the requested descriptor value OR
* 6. GATT server does not have sufficient space to queue this request.
* In response to Execute Write Request, GATT server shall send an Error Response if
* 1. The prepared attribute value exceeds the maximum length of attribute value OR
* 2. The prepare value offset is greater than the current length of the attribute
* value
* The Error Code parameter is set as specified in the Attribute Protocol.
* This Error response results in CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_ERROR_RSP event at the GATT client application.
* If the peer GATT Server is a PSoC 6 MCU, this function results in following events at the GATT Server's end.
* 1. CY_BLE_EVT_GATTS_PREP_WRITE_REQ - event for Prepare Write Request.
* 2. CY_BLE_EVT_GATTS_EXEC_WRITE_REQ - event for Execute Write Request.
* 3. CY_BLE_EVT_MEMORY_REQUEST - Need confirmation from NPAL.
* Refer to Bluetooth 5.0 core specification, Volume 3,
* Part G, section 4.12.4 for more details on the sequence of operations.
* \param param: Pointer to a variable of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_prep_write_req_t,
* where 'param->value.val' points to the actual
* data to be written. 'param' and all associated
* variables must be retained in memory by the calling
* application until the GATT Write Long Characteristic Value
* operation is completed successfully.
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or 'connHandle' is invalid, or if 'attrHandle' is zero.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_WriteLongCharacteristicDescriptors
cy_stc_ble_gattc_prep_write_req_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_SendExecuteWriteReq
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to send execute write request to peer
* GATT Server. This function should be called if client has previously initiated long/reliable
* write operation but GATT Client has received error response from GATT Server. Using this
* function GATT client application can request to cancel all the pending prepare write requests
* on GATT Server.
* In response to this request, GATT server sends Execute Write Response. This response
* results in CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_EXEC_WRITE_RSP event at the GATT Client application.
* If the peer GATT Server is a PSoC 6 MCU, Execute Write Request PDU results in
* CY_BLE_EVT_GATTS_EXEC_WRITE_REQ event at the GATT Server's end.
* \param param: Pointer to a variable of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_exec_write_req_t.
* param->connHandle: Connection handle to identify the peer GATT entity of type
* cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t.
* param->flag: Indicates whether Queued Write is to be executed (0x01) or canceled (0x00)
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or 'connHandle' is invalid.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_SendExecuteWriteReq
cy_stc_ble_gattc_exec_write_req_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_WriteWithoutResponse
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to do a Write Without Response procedure
* on a Characteristic in the peer GATT Server. This is a blocking function. No event is
* generated on calling this function.
* Internally, Write Command is sent to the GATT Server and nothing is
* received in response from the GATT Server.
* Refer to Bluetooth 5.0 core specification, Volume 3, Part G, section 4.9.1
* for more details on the sequence of operations.
* If the peer GATT server is a PSoC 6 MCU, Write Without Response PDU results in
* \param param: Pointer to a variable of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_write_req_t.
* Where, the following needs to be set:
* param->handleValPair
* param->connHandle
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or 'connHandle' is invalid, or if 'attrHandle' is zero or if 'param->handleValPair.value.len' value is greater than (Effective GATT MTU-3).
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_WriteWithoutResponse
cy_stc_ble_gattc_write_cmd_req_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_SignedWriteWithoutRsp
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to write a specific characteristic value
* when the ATT bearer is not encrypted. This procedure shall be used only if the
* Characteristic Properties authenticated bit is enabled and the GATT client and GATT server
* devices share a bond as defined in Bluetooth Spec 5.0 [Vol. 3] Part C, Generic Access Profile.
* This is a blocking function. No event is generated on calling this function.
* This function only writes the first (GATT_MTU - 15) octets of an
* Attribute Value. This function cannot be used to write a long Attribute.
* Internally, Signed Write Command is used.
* Refer to Bluetooth Spec 5.0 Security Manager [Vol. 3] Part H, Section 2.4.5.
* If the authenticated Characteristic Value that is written is the wrong size,
* has an invalid value as defined by the profile, or the signed value does not
* authenticate the client, then the write shall not succeed and no error shall
* be generated by the server.
* If peer GATT server is a PSoC 6 device, Signed Write Without Response PDU results in
* CY_BLE_EVT_GATTS_DATA_SIGNED_CMD_REQ event at the GATT Server's end.
* \param param: Pointer to a variable of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_write_req_t.
* Where, the following needs to be set:
* param->handleValPair
* param->connHandle
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or if 'attrHandle' is zero.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_NO_DEVICE_ENTITY | 'connHandle.bdHandle' value does not represent any existing entry in the Stack.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES | BLE Stack resources are unavailable.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_SignedWriteWithoutRsp
cy_stc_ble_gattc_signed_write_cmd_req_t * param
/** \cond IGNORE */
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTC_Confirmation
* This function is used by the GATT Client application to send Handle Value confirmation PDU
* to the GATT Server. The application should use this function on receiving Handle Value
* Indication through CY_BLE_EVT_GATTC_HANDLE_VALUE_IND event at the GATT
* Client application's end. This is a non-blocking function.
* If the peer GATT Server is a PSoC 6 MCU, Handle Value Confirmation PDU results in
* CY_BLE_EVT_GATTS_HANDLE_VALUE_CNF event at the GATT Server's end.
* Refer to the Bluetooth 5.0 core specification, Volume 3, Part G, section 4.11.1
* for more details on the sequence of operations.
* \param param: Pointer to a variable of type cy_stc_ble_gattc_confirmation_req_t.
* Where, the following needs to be set:
* param->connHandle
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If 'param' is NULL or 'connHandle' is invalid.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | This operation is not permitted.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED| Memory allocation failed.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTC_Confirmation
cy_stc_ble_gattc_confirmation_req_t * param
/** \endcond */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/** @} */
/* EOF */