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* \file cy_ble.h
* \version 3.60
* \brief
* Contains the prototypes and constants used in the PSoC 6 BLE Middleware.
* \copyright
* Copyright 2017-2021, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.
#ifndef CY_BLE_H
#define CY_BLE_H
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <cy_device_headers.h>
#include "cy_syslib.h"
#include "cy_sysint.h"
#include "cy_syspm.h"
#include "cy_scb_uart.h"
#include "cy_ble_gatt.h"
#include "cy_ble_gap.h"
#if defined(CY_IP_MXBLESS)
* BLE Stack includes
#include "cy_ble_stack.h"
#include "cy_ble_stack_host_main.h"
#include "cy_ble_stack_host_error.h"
#include "cy_ble_stack_gap.h"
#include "cy_ble_stack_gap_central.h"
#include "cy_ble_stack_gap_peripheral.h"
#include "cy_ble_stack_gatt_server.h"
#include "cy_ble_stack_gatt_client.h"
#include "cy_ble_stack_gatt_db.h"
#include "cy_ble_stack_l2cap.h"
/* The C binding of definitions if building with the C++ compiler */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
* API Constants
/** Library major version */
/** Library minor version */
#define CY_BLE_SEMA (3u)
/* Align the buffer size value to 4 */
#define CY_BLE_ALIGN_TO_4(x) ((((x) & 3u) == 0u) ? (x) : (((x) - ((x) & 3u)) + 4u))
#define CY_BLE_MTU_MIN_VALUE (23u)
#define CY_BLE_MTU_MIN_BUFF_NUM (3u)
/* Package type constants */
/* Support Host side only on CM4 core */
#if !defined(CY_BLE_LIB_HOST_CORE)
#define CY_BLE_LIB_HOST_CORE (1)
#define CY_BLE_LIB_HOST_CORE (0)
#endif /* defined(COMPONENT_BLESS_HOST) || defined(COMPONENT_BLESS_HOST_IPC) */
#endif /* !defined(CY_BLE_LIB_HOST_CORE) */
* These defines are obsolete and kept for backward compatibility only.
* They will be removed in the future versions.
* Data Types
* \addtogroup group_ble_common_api_definitions
* \{
/** Interrupt callback feature */
typedef enum
/** Interrupt callback feature is disabled */
/** Executed on every trigger of BLESS interrupt. */
/** Executed when the BLESS exits BLESS deep sleep mode and enters BLESS active mode.
* BLESS deep sleep exit can be triggered automatically by link layer hardware
* or by different BLE_PDL data transfer APIs that need BLESS to be active.
/** Executed when the BLESS connection engine in slave mode detects a BLE packet
* that matches its access address.
/** Executed when the BLESS connection engine receives a non-empty packet from
* the peer device.
/** Executed when the BLESS connection engine receives an ACK packet from the peer
* device for the previously transmitted packet.
/** Executed when the BLESS connection engine closes the connection event.
* This interrupt will be executed on every connection interval for a connection,
* irrespective of data tx/rx state.
/** Executed when the BLESS enters deep sleep mode. User call to Cy_SysPm_DeepSleep API
* will trigger BLESS deep sleep entry sequence.
/** Executed when the BLESS scan engine receives an advertisement packet from the
* peer device
/** Executed when the BLESS scan engine receives a scan response packet from the peer
* device in response to a scan request from the scanner.
/** Executed when the BLESS advertisement engine receives a connection request from
* the peer central device
} cy_en_ble_interrupt_callback_feature_t;
/** \} group_ble_common_api_definitions */
* \addtogroup group_ble_common_api_gap_definitions
* \{
/** The event callback function prototype to receive events from the PSoC 6 BLE Middleware */
typedef void (* cy_ble_callback_t) (uint32_t eventCode, void *eventParam);
/** Application Notify Callback */
typedef void (* cy_ble_app_notify_callback_t) (void);
/** \} */
typedef void (* cy_ble_intr_callback_t) (uint32_t interruptType);
typedef cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t (* cy_ble_event_handler_cb_t) (uint32_t eventCode, void *eventParam);
* Pointer to function initializes services.
typedef void (* cy_fn_service_init_t)(void);
/** \cond IGNORE */
/* Interrupt notification feature structure */
typedef struct
uint8_t clientID;
uint8_t pktType;
uint16_t intrRelMask;
bool configFlag; /* Flag indicates that Controller receive
* address of structure */
uint32_t mask; /* Mask of interrupts */
uint32_t data; /* Detected interrupt type */
uint8_t userIpcChan; /* IPC channel. Used only in BLE dual CPU mode */
uint8_t userIpcIntr; /* IPC Interrupt structure. Used only in BLE dual CPU mode */
uint8_t userIpcIntrPrior; /* IPC Interrupt priority. Used only in BLE dual CPU mode */
} cy_stc_ble_intr_notify_t;
/** \endcond */
/** Structure to store bonding data */
typedef struct
/** Bonding data storage */
uint8_t *stackFlashPtr; /** Pointer to bonding data storage in auxiliary flash */
uint32_t stackFlashSize; /** Buffer size in auxiliary flash */
/** CCCD data storage */
uint8_t *cccdFlashPtr; /** Pointer to CCCD values storage in auxiliary flash */
uint8_t *cccdRamPtr; /** Pointer to CCCD values storage in RAM */
uint8_t cccdCount; /** Number of CCCD */
} cy_stc_ble_flash_storage_t;
/** BLE Configuration parameters structure */
typedef struct
/** Silicon Device Address Enabled */
bool siliconDeviceAddressEn;
/** Using external buffer for Prepare Write Request */
bool gattPrepareWriteExtBuffEn;
/** The parameter to enable the configuration of the
* L2CAP logical channels */
bool l2capEn;
/** BLESS Power reflecting power level values supported
* by BLESS radio (for advertising channel) */
cy_en_ble_bless_pwr_lvl_t txPowerLevelAdv;
/** BLESS power reflecting power level values supported
* by BLESS radio (for connection channel) */
cy_en_ble_bless_pwr_lvl_t txPowerLevelConn;
/** IO capability */
cy_en_ble_gap_iocap_t securityIoCapability;
/** L2CAP MTU Size */
uint16_t l2capMtuSize;
/** L2CAP MPS Size */
uint16_t l2capMps;
/** The number of L2CAP Logical channels */
uint16_t l2capChanCount;
/** Number of L2CAP PSMs */
uint16_t l2capPsmCount;
/** Size of prepare write queue buffer */
uint16_t gattPrepareWriteQueueSize;
/** Length of attribute value */
uint16_t totalAttrValueLength;
/** The GATT Maximum attribute length */
uint16_t gattAttrMaxLen;
/** Index count for GATT DB */
uint16_t gattDbIndexCount;
/** The MTU Size */
uint16_t mtuSize;
/** The GAP Role */
uint8_t gapRole;
/** The number of GAP Peripheral configurations */
uint8_t gappConfCount;
/** The number of GAP Central configurations */
uint8_t gapcConfCount;
/** The GATT Role */
uint8_t gattRole;
/** The number of BLE connections (client) */
uint8_t maxClientCount;
/** The Bonding Requirement */
uint8_t isBondingReq;
} cy_stc_ble_params_t;
/** BLE internal context structure */
typedef struct
/** Structure with information about registered service callbacks */
cy_stc_ble_event_handler_t *eventHandlerPool;
/** Discovery information structure */
cy_stc_ble_discovery_t *discovery;
/** Service data received with read by group type response during discovery process */
cy_stc_ble_disc_srvc_info_t *serverInfo;
/** Total Count of client services that will be discovered */
uint32_t discServiCount;
} cy_stc_ble_context_t;
/** BLE Stack parameters */
typedef struct
/** Tx 5dbm mode enable */
bool tx5dbmModeEn;
/** Configuration parameter for Radio PA calibration */
cy_stc_ble_mxd_pa_cal_param_t *paCalConfig;
/** The feature set mask used to control usage of
* specified feature in the BLE stack */
uint16_t featureMask;
/** Max Tx payload size */
uint16_t dleMaxTxCapability;
/** Max Rx payload size */
uint16_t dleMaxRxCapability;
/** Memory heap pointer size */
uint16_t totalHeapSz;
/** Memory heap pointer */
uint8_t *memoryHeapPtr;
/** Controller memory heap size (uses only in dual CPU mode) */
uint16_t controllerTotalHeapSz;
/** Controller memory heap pointer (uses only in dual CPU mode) */
uint8_t *controllerMemoryHeapPtr;
/** Configuration for the L2CAP buffer for data transmission */
uint8_t l2capBufferPerConn;
/** The maximum number of devices that can be added to the resolve list */
uint8_t maxResolvableDevListSize;
/** The maximum number of devices that can be added to the white list */
uint8_t maxBondedDevListSize;
/** The maximum number of bonded devices to be supported by this device */
uint8_t maxWhiteListSize;
/** Maximum number of BLE connections */
uint8_t maxConnCount;
/** Package type */
uint16_t packageType;
/** Package type */
} cy_stc_ble_stack_params_t;
/** BLE HW Configuration structure */
typedef struct
/** BLESS interrupt configuration */
const cy_stc_sysint_t *blessIsrConfig;
/** HCI mode */
/** UART interrupt configuration */
const cy_stc_sysint_t *uartIsrConfig;
/** UART driver configuration */
const cy_stc_scb_uart_config_t *uartConfig;
/** UART driver hardware instance */
CySCB_Type *uartHw;
} cy_stc_ble_hw_config_t;
/** BLE Configuration structure */
typedef struct
/** Pointer to advertising information structure */
cy_stc_ble_gapp_disc_mode_info_t *discoveryModeInfo;
/** Pointer to advertising configuration structure */
cy_stc_ble_gapp_adv_params_t *gappAdvParams;
/** Pointer to Discovery information collected by client structure */
cy_stc_ble_gapc_disc_info_t *discoveryInfo;
/** Pointer to scan configuration structure */
cy_stc_ble_gapc_scan_params_t *gapcScanParams;
/** Pointer to structure to store bonding data */
const cy_stc_ble_flash_storage_t *flashStorage;
/** Pointer to cy_ble_attValuesCCCD */
uint8_t *attValuesCCCD;
/** Pointer to GATT database structure used in the GAP server */
const cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_t *gattDB;
/** Pointer to Authentication Parameters Information structure */
cy_stc_ble_gap_auth_info_t *authInfo;
/** Bluetooth Device Address */
cy_stc_ble_gap_bd_addr_t *deviceAddress;
/** Services initialize function */
cy_fn_service_init_t ServiceInitFunc;
/** Pointer to BLE Configuration Parameters structure */
const cy_stc_ble_params_t *params;
/** Internal usage context */
cy_stc_ble_context_t *context;
#endif /* CY_BLE_LIB_HOST_CORE */
/** BLE Stack configuration */
cy_stc_ble_stack_params_t *stackParam;
/** BLE HW configuration */
cy_stc_ble_hw_config_t *hw;
* Function Prototypes
* \addtogroup group_ble_common_api_functions
* \{
/* Host API */
void Cy_BLE_RegisterEventCallback(cy_ble_callback_t callbackFunc);
/** \cond IGNORE */
/* Low Power mode API */
void Cy_BLE_EnableSystemLowPowerMode(void);
void Cy_BLE_EnableHostLowPowerMode(void);
void Cy_BLE_EnableControllerLowPowerMode(void);
/** \endcond */
/* BLE application Host callback feature API */
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_RegisterAppHostCallback(cy_ble_app_notify_callback_t CallBack);
void Cy_BLE_UnRegisterAppHostCallback(void);
/* Interrupt functions */
void Cy_BLE_BlessIsrHandler(void);
/** \} group_ble_common_api_functions */
/* Host API */
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_InitHost(const cy_stc_ble_config_t *config);
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_EnableHost(void);
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_DisableHost(void);
/* Controller API */
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_InitController(const cy_stc_ble_config_t *config);
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_EnableController(void);
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_EnableHCIModeController(void);
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_EnableControllerFromHost(void);/** \endcond */
* \addtogroup group_ble_common_Intr_feature_api_functions
* \{
/* BLE interrupt notifications feature API */
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_RegisterInterruptCallback(uint32_t intrMask,
cy_ble_intr_callback_t CallBack);
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_UnRegisterInterruptCallback(void);
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_ConfigureIpcForInterruptCallback(uint32_t ipcChan, uint32_t ipcIntr,
uint32_t ipcIntrPrior);
/* Interrupt functions for interrupt notifications feature */
void Cy_BLE_IntrNotifyIsrHandler(void);
/** \} */
* Private Function Prototypes
void Cy_BLE_EventHandlerWrapper(cy_en_ble_event_t event, void *evParam);
* External Data references
/* BLE application callback */
extern cy_ble_callback_t Cy_BLE_ApplCallback;
/* Global structure to initialize Cy_BLE_Init */
extern const cy_stc_ble_config_t *cy_ble_configPtr;
extern cy_stc_ble_intr_notify_t intrNotify;
/* BLE application IPC notification handler */
extern cy_ble_app_notify_callback_t Cy_BLE_HostRegisteredCallback;
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_ConfigureExtPA
* This function controls the external Power Amplifier and Low Noise Amplifier
* outputs.
* \param controlValue Enables and controls polarity of the outputs.
* To control external PA and LNA, the following mask defines are used:
* - BLE_BLESS_EXT_PA_LNA_CTRL_ENABLE_EXT_PA_LNA_Msk - When set to 1, enables
* the external PA & LNA and BLESS power profile for energy profiler
* - BLE_BLESS_EXT_PA_LNA_CTRL_CHIP_EN_POL_Msk - Controls the polarity of the
* chip-enable control signal:
* * 0 - HIGH enable, LOW disable
* * 1 - LOW enable, HIGH disable, Incorrect power profile
* - BLE_BLESS_EXT_PA_LNA_CTRL_PA_CTRL_POL_Msk - Controls the polarity of the PA
* control signal:
* * 0 - HIGH enable, LOW disable
* * 1 - LOW enable, HIGH disable, Incorrect power profile
* - BLE_BLESS_EXT_PA_LNA_CTRL_LNA_CTRL_POL_Msk - Controls the polarity of the LNA
* control signal:
* * 0 - HIGH enable, LOW disable
* * 1 - LOW enable, HIGH disable, Incorrect power profile
* - BLE_BLESS_EXT_PA_LNA_CTRL_OUT_EN_DRIVE_VAL_Msk - Configures the drive value
* on the output enables of PA, LNA and CHI_EN signals
* * 0 - drive 0 on the output enable signals
* * 1 - drive 1 on the output enable signals
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_BLE_ConfigureExtPA(uint32_t controlValue)
BLE->BLESS.EXT_PA_LNA_CTRL = controlValue;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* CY_IP_MXBLESS */
#endif /* CY_BLE_H */
/* [] END OF FILE */