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* \file cy_ble_gap.c
* \version 3.60
* \brief
* This file contains the source code for the GAP API of the PSoC 6 BLE Middleware.
* \copyright
* Copyright 2017-2021, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.
#include "cy_ble.h"
#include "cy_ble_hal_pvt.h"
#if defined(CY_IP_MXBLESS)
* Global Variables
/* BLE state */
cy_en_ble_state_t cy_ble_state;
/* BLE Advertising state */
cy_en_ble_adv_state_t cy_ble_advState;
/* BLE Scanning state */
cy_en_ble_scan_state_t cy_ble_scanState;
/* BLE Connection state */
cy_en_ble_conn_state_t cy_ble_connState[CY_BLE_MAX_SUPPORTED_CONN_COUNT];
/** Variable is initialized after connection with peer device,
* after CY_BLE_EVT_GATT_CONNECT_IND event, and could be used by application code
* to send data to peer device */
cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t cy_ble_connHandle[CY_BLE_MAX_SUPPORTED_CONN_COUNT];
/* Connection parameter */
cy_stc_ble_gapc_conn_info_t cy_ble_connectionParameters;
* Connecting timeout is set to 30 seconds in Cy_BLE_Init function.
* Not zero value starts timer in Cy_BLE_GAPC_ConnectDevice().
cy_stc_ble_timer_info_t cy_ble_connectingTimeout;
/* Active Advertising configuration */
uint8_t cy_ble_advIndex;
/* Active Scanning configuration */
uint8_t cy_ble_scanIndex;
* Store information that device connected as role:
uint8_t cy_ble_devConnRole[CY_BLE_MAX_SUPPORTED_CONN_COUNT];
/* Stored information is device paired */
bool cy_ble_pairStatus[CY_BLE_MAX_SUPPORTED_CONN_COUNT];
* Bonding type setting of peer device, CY_BLE_GAP_BONDING_NONE or
* CY_BLE_GAP_BONDING. It is initialized after pairing with peer device and
* used for cy_ble_pendingFlashWrite variable setting.
uint8_t cy_ble_peerBonding[CY_BLE_MAX_SUPPORTED_CONN_COUNT];
/* Store advertising interval type (fast or slow) with timings entered. Need to process advertising timeout */
uint8_t cy_ble_advertisingIntervalType;
/* Store scanning interval type (fast or slow) with timings entered. Need to process scanning timeout */
uint8_t cy_ble_scanningIntervalType;
/* The pointer to the global BLE GAP server config structure */
const cy_stc_ble_gaps_config_t *cy_ble_gapsConfigPtr = NULL;
/* The pointer to the global BLE GAP client config structure */
const cy_stc_ble_gapc_config_t *cy_ble_gapcConfigPtr = NULL;
/* Stored BD handle to clear CCCD values by Cy_BLE_StoreBondingData() */
uint8_t cy_ble_pendingFlashClearCccdHandle = 0u;
* \addtogroup group_ble_common_api_global_variables
* \{
* Variable is used to detect status of pending write to flash operation for
* BLE Stack data and CCCD.
uint8_t cy_ble_pendingFlashWrite;
/** \} group_ble_common_api_global_variables */
* Private Function Prototypes
static void Cy_BLE_ChangeAdLocalName(const char8 name[], uint8_t dest);
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GAPS_Init
* This function initializes server of the GAP service.
* \param config: Configuration structure for the GAP.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. The following are possible error codes.
* Error Codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | The function completed successfully.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | On specifying NULL as input parameter.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GAPS_Init(const cy_stc_ble_gaps_config_t *config)
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult = CY_BLE_SUCCESS;
if(config == NULL)
/* Registers a pointer to config structure */
cy_ble_gapsConfigPtr = config;
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GAPC_Init
* This function initializes client of the GAP service.
* \param config: Configuration structure for the GAP.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. The following are possible error codes.
* Error Codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | The function completed successfully.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | On specifying NULL as input parameter.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED | Buffer overflow in the registration callback.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GAPC_Init(const cy_stc_ble_gapc_config_t *config)
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult = CY_BLE_SUCCESS;
if((config == NULL) || ((cy_ble_configPtr->params->gattRole & CY_BLE_GATT_CLIENT) == 0u))
uint32_t idx;
/* Registers a pointer to config structure */
cy_ble_gapcConfigPtr = config;
for(idx = 0u; idx < cy_ble_configPtr->params->maxClientCount; idx++)
uint32 servCnt = cy_ble_configPtr->context->discServiCount;
uint32 gapServIdx = cy_ble_gapcConfigPtr->serviceDiscIdx;
/* Check service range before clearing to support partial discovery */
if(cy_ble_configPtr->context->serverInfo[(idx * servCnt) + gapServIdx].range.startHandle ==
(void)memset(&cy_ble_gapcConfigPtr->attrInfo[idx], 0, sizeof(cy_stc_ble_gapc_t));
/* Initialize UUID */
cy_ble_configPtr->context->serverInfo[(idx * servCnt) + gapServIdx].uuid = CY_BLE_UUID_GAP_SERVICE;
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_StoreAppData
* This function is used to back up application-specific data into the flash.
* This function works in two Write modes: blocking or non-blocking:
* * Blocking (#CY_BLE_STORE_DATA_MODE_BLOCKING) - The function writes
* all data from srcBuff and returns #CY_BLE_SUCCESS when finished.
* <br>
* * Non-blocking (#CY_BLE_STORE_DATA_MODE_NON_BLOCKING) - The function initiates
* Write data and returns #CY_BLE_INFO_FLASH_WRITE_IN_PROGRESS when the Write
* is in progress, or #CY_BLE_SUCCESS when finished. In order to write complete
* data, the application needs to continue calling this function with
* the same input parameter (param), until this function returns CY_BLE_SUCCESS.
* The application must not change the input parameter's structure and content
* until this function returns CY_BLE_SUCCESS.
* \param param: The parameter of type \ref cy_stc_ble_app_flash_param_t.
* * param->srcBuff: The source buffer.
* * param->destAddr: The destination address. The destination buffer size
* should be greater than or equal to the source buffer.
* * param->buffLen: The length of srcData (in bytes).
* * param->writeMode: Blocking or non-blocking Write mode.
* param->destAddr - An array address to be defined in the
* application and aligned to the size of the device's flash row.
* An example of a declaration of such an array (100 bytes):
* - CY_ALIGN(CY_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW) const uint8_t appBuff[100u] = {0u}; <br>
* <br>
* CY_ALIGN() - Aligns the array to the size of the device's flash row.
* Even if the length of srcData is not a multiple of the flash row size,
* Cy_BLE_StoreAppData() forms whole rows, and programs them in sequence.
* The approximate time to write one row - 16ms.
* The following code snippet shows the usage of Cy_BLE_StoreAppData()
* \snippet ble/snippet/main.c BLE Common API: Cy_BLE_StoreAppData()
* \return
* \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function
* succeeded or failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_INFO_FLASH_WRITE_IN_PROGRESS | Write operation is in progress.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | An invalid input parameter.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_FLASH_WRITE | An error in the flash Write.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_FLASH_WRITE_NOT_PERMITED | Flash operation is not permitted (see Note)
* \note: Flash operation is not permitted with protection context (PC)
* value > 0 and core voltage 0.9V, because of a preproduction
* hardware limitation.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_StoreAppData(const cy_stc_ble_app_flash_param_t *param)
static cy_en_ble_api_result_t storeState = CY_BLE_SUCCESS;
static uint32_t tLength = 0u;
if ((param == NULL) || (param->writeMode > CY_BLE_STORE_DATA_MODE_NON_BLOCKING))
uint8_t *tSrcPtr = (uint8_t *) param->srcBuff;
uint32_t tOffset = (uint32) param->destAddr - CY_FLASH_BASE; /* Get offset */
uint32_t blockSize;
bool exitFlag = false;
switch (storeState)
tLength = param->buffLen;
if (tLength == 0u)
storeState = CY_BLE_SUCCESS;
exitFlag = true;
/* Restore offset and srcPtr according to length */
if(tSrcPtr != NULL)
tSrcPtr += param->buffLen - tLength;
tOffset += param->buffLen - tLength;
while((tLength != 0u) && (exitFlag == false))
/* Split srcBuff into parts of flash row size (512 bytes) */
blockSize = (tOffset >> 9) << 9; /* Get current row size regarding to address */
blockSize = CY_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW - (tOffset - blockSize); /* Calculate final length of the block which
we can write to row */
blockSize = (blockSize > tLength ) ? tLength : blockSize;
/* Write 512 byte block */
storeState = Cy_BLE_HAL_NvramWrite(tSrcPtr, (uint8_t *)(tOffset + CY_FLASH_BASE),
if((storeState & CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR) != 0u)
exitFlag = true;
if(tSrcPtr != NULL)
tSrcPtr += blockSize;
tOffset += blockSize;
tLength -= blockSize;
/* For CY_BLE_STORE_DATA_MODE_NON_BLOCKING mode write one row per call */
if (storeState == CY_BLE_SUCCESS)
exitFlag = true;
/* Cy_BLE_ProcessEvents() allows BLE Stack to process pending events */
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_StoreBondingData
* This function writes the new bonding data from RAM to the dedicated flash
* location as defined by the PSoC 6 BLE Middleware. It performs a data comparison
* between RAM and flash before writing to flash. If there is no change between
* RAM and flash data, then no write is performed. It writes one flash row
* in one call.
* The application should keep calling this function until it returns
* #CY_BLE_SUCCESS. This function is available only when Bonding requirement
* is selected in Security settings.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function
* succeeded or failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Error Codes | Description
* ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation
* CY_BLE_ERROR_FLASH_WRITE | Error in flash write
* CY_BLE_ERROR_FLASH_WRITE_NOT_PERMITED | Flash operation is not permitted (see Note)
* \note: Flash operation is not permitted with protection context (PC)
* value > 0 and core voltage 0.9V, because of a preproduction
* hardware limitation.
* \globalvars
* The \ref cy_ble_pendingFlashWrite variable is used to detect status
* of pending write to flash operation for BLE Stack data and CCCD.
* This function automatically clears pending bits after the write operation
* completes.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_StoreBondingData(void)
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult = CY_BLE_SUCCESS;
if(cy_ble_configPtr != NULL)
/* Store BLE Stack data */
if((cy_ble_pendingFlashWrite & CY_BLE_PENDING_STACK_FLASH_WRITE_BIT) != 0u)
cy_stc_ble_stack_flash_param_t stackFlashParam =
apiResult = Cy_BLE_StoreStackData(&stackFlashParam);
if(apiResult == CY_BLE_SUCCESS)
cy_ble_pendingFlashWrite &= (uint8_t) ~CY_BLE_PENDING_STACK_FLASH_WRITE_BIT;
/* Change apiResult if there are more pending data to store */
if((cy_ble_pendingFlashWrite & CY_BLE_PENDING_CCCD_FLASH_WRITE_BIT) != 0u)
/* Store CCCD values */
if( (apiResult == CY_BLE_SUCCESS) && (cy_ble_configPtr->flashStorage->cccdCount != 0u) &&
((cy_ble_pendingFlashWrite & CY_BLE_PENDING_CCCD_FLASH_WRITE_BIT) != 0u) )
uint32_t i;
cy_stc_ble_app_flash_param_t appFlashParam;
/* Update CCCD values from RAM for active connections supporting bonding */
for(i = 0u; i < cy_ble_configPtr->stackParam->maxConnCount; i++)
if((Cy_BLE_GetConnectionState(cy_ble_connHandle[i]) >= CY_BLE_CONN_STATE_CONNECTED) &&
(cy_ble_peerBonding[cy_ble_connHandle[i].attId] == CY_BLE_GAP_BONDING))
uint32_t cccdBlockSize = (uint32_t) cy_ble_configPtr->flashStorage->cccdCount + CY_BLE_CCCD_CRC_BYTE;
uint32_t cccdBlockCrcOffset = cccdBlockSize - CY_BLE_CCCD_CRC_BYTE;
uint32_t cccdBlockOffsetRam = cy_ble_connHandle[i].attId * cccdBlockSize;
uint32_t cccdBlockOffsetFlash = cy_ble_connHandle[i].bdHandle * cccdBlockSize;
uint8_t calcCrc;
appFlashParam.buffLen = (uint32_t) cy_ble_configPtr->flashStorage->cccdCount + CY_BLE_CCCD_CRC_BYTE;
appFlashParam.srcBuff = &cy_ble_configPtr->flashStorage->cccdRamPtr[cccdBlockOffsetRam];
appFlashParam.destAddr = &cy_ble_configPtr->flashStorage->cccdFlashPtr[cccdBlockOffsetFlash];
appFlashParam.writeMode = CY_BLE_STORE_DATA_MODE_BLOCKING;
/* Calculate CRC for CCCD block */
calcCrc = Cy_BLE_HAL_CalcCRC8(&cy_ble_configPtr->flashStorage->cccdRamPtr[cccdBlockOffsetRam],
/* Store new CRC value */
cy_ble_configPtr->flashStorage->cccdRamPtr[cccdBlockOffsetRam + cccdBlockCrcOffset] = calcCrc;
apiResult = Cy_BLE_StoreAppData(&appFlashParam);
if(apiResult != CY_BLE_SUCCESS)
if(apiResult == CY_BLE_SUCCESS)
cy_ble_pendingFlashWrite &= (uint8_t) ~CY_BLE_PENDING_CCCD_FLASH_WRITE_BIT;
/* Clear requested CCCD values */
if( (apiResult == CY_BLE_SUCCESS) && (cy_ble_configPtr->flashStorage->cccdCount != 0u) &&
((cy_ble_pendingFlashWrite & CY_BLE_PENDING_CCCD_FLASH_CLEAR_MASK) != 0u) )
if((cy_ble_pendingFlashWrite & CY_BLE_PENDING_CCCD_FLASH_CLEAR_ALL_BIT) != 0u)
/* Remove CCCD values for all bonded devices */
uint32_t maxBond = (cy_ble_configPtr->stackParam->maxBondedDevListSize + cy_ble_configPtr->stackParam->maxConnCount);
uint32_t cccdBlockSizeAll = (cy_ble_configPtr->flashStorage->cccdCount + CY_BLE_CCCD_CRC_BYTE) * maxBond;
cy_stc_ble_app_flash_param_t appFlashParam;
appFlashParam.srcBuff = NULL;
appFlashParam.destAddr = (uint8_t*)cy_ble_configPtr->flashStorage->cccdFlashPtr;
appFlashParam.buffLen = cccdBlockSizeAll;
appFlashParam.writeMode = CY_BLE_STORE_DATA_MODE_BLOCKING;
apiResult = Cy_BLE_StoreAppData(&appFlashParam);
if(apiResult == CY_BLE_SUCCESS)
cy_ble_pendingFlashWrite &= (uint8_t) ~CY_BLE_PENDING_CCCD_FLASH_CLEAR_ALL_BIT;
else /* Remove CCCD values for particular device */
uint32_t cccdBlockSize = cy_ble_configPtr->flashStorage->cccdCount + CY_BLE_CCCD_CRC_BYTE;
cy_stc_ble_app_flash_param_t appFlashParam;
appFlashParam.srcBuff = NULL;
appFlashParam.destAddr = (uint8_t*)&cy_ble_configPtr->flashStorage->
cccdFlashPtr[cy_ble_pendingFlashClearCccdHandle * cccdBlockSize];
appFlashParam.buffLen = cccdBlockSize;
appFlashParam.writeMode = CY_BLE_STORE_DATA_MODE_BLOCKING;
apiResult = Cy_BLE_StoreAppData(&appFlashParam);
if(apiResult == CY_BLE_SUCCESS)
cy_ble_pendingFlashWrite &= (uint8_t) ~CY_BLE_PENDING_CCCD_FLASH_CLEAR_BIT;
/* Flash operation is not allowed */
cy_ble_pendingFlashWrite = 0u;
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GAP_RemoveBondedDevice
* This function removes the bonding information of the device including CCCD
* values.
* This function is available only when Bonding requirement is selected in
* Security settings.
* \param bdAddr: Pointer to peer device address,
* of type \ref cy_stc_ble_gap_bd_addr_t.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function
* succeeded or failed. The following are possible error codes.
* Error Codes | Description
* --------------------------------- | ------------------------------------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | On specifying NULL as input parameter. for 'bdAddr'.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | Whitelist is already in use or there is pending write to flash operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_NO_DEVICE_ENTITY | Device does not exist in the bond list.
* \globalvars
* The bdHandle is set in \ref cy_ble_pendingFlashWrite variable to indicate that
* data should be stored to flash by Cy_BLE_StoreBondingData() afterwards.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GAP_RemoveBondedDevice(cy_stc_ble_gap_bd_addr_t* bdAddr)
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult = CY_BLE_SUCCESS;
cy_stc_ble_gap_peer_addr_info_t peerAddrInfoParam;
if(bdAddr == NULL)
else if( (cy_ble_configPtr != NULL) && (cy_ble_pendingFlashWrite == 0u) )
if(cy_ble_configPtr->flashStorage->cccdCount != 0u)
/* Request to clear CCCD values which will be done by Cy_BLE_StoreBondingData() */
cy_stc_ble_gap_bd_addr_t invalidBdAddr = { { 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u }, 0u };
if(memcmp(((uint8_t*)&(bdAddr->bdAddr)), ((uint8_t*)&(invalidBdAddr.bdAddr)), CY_BLE_GAP_BD_ADDR_SIZE) == 0u)
/* Request to remove all bonded devices by Cy_BLE_StoreBondingData() */
cy_ble_pendingFlashWrite |= CY_BLE_PENDING_CCCD_FLASH_CLEAR_ALL_BIT;
/* Get the BD handle from Address */
peerAddrInfoParam.bdAddr = *bdAddr;
apiResult = Cy_BLE_GAP_GetPeerBdHandle(&peerAddrInfoParam);
if(apiResult == CY_BLE_SUCCESS)
/* Store BD handle to clear CCCD values by Cy_BLE_StoreBondingData() */
cy_ble_pendingFlashWrite |= CY_BLE_PENDING_CCCD_FLASH_CLEAR_BIT;
cy_ble_pendingFlashClearCccdHandle = peerAddrInfoParam.bdHandle;
if(apiResult == CY_BLE_SUCCESS)
apiResult = Cy_BLE_GAP_RemoveDeviceFromBondList(bdAddr);
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GAPP_StartAdvertisement
* This function is used to start the advertisement using the advertisement data
* set in the BLE Component customizer's GUI indicated by the advertisingParamIndex.
* After invoking this function, the device will be available for connection by
* the devices configured for GAP central role. It is only included if the
* device is configured for GAP Peripheral or GAP Peripheral + Central role.
* On start of advertisement, GAP Peripheral receives the
* #CY_BLE_EVT_GAPP_ADVERTISEMENT_START_STOP event. The following events are
* possible on invoking this function:
* * #CY_BLE_EVT_GAP_DEVICE_CONNECTED - If the device connects to a GAP Central and
* Link Layer Privacy is disabled.
* * #CY_BLE_EVT_GAP_ENHANCE_CONN_COMPLETE - If the device connects to a GAP Central and
* Link Layer Privacy is enabled.
* * #CY_BLE_EVT_TIMEOUT: If no device in GAP Central mode connects to this
* device within the specified timeout limit. BLE Stack
* automatically initiate stop advertising when Slow
* advertising was initiated, or starts Slow advertising
* after Fast advertising timeout occur.
* * #CY_BLE_EVT_GAPP_ADVERTISEMENT_START_STOP: If device started or stopped
* advertising. Use Cy_BLE_GetAdvertisementState() to
* determine the state. Sequential advertising could be
* started when #CY_BLE_ADV_STATE_STOPPED state is returned.
* \param advertisingIntervalType: Fast or slow advertising interval with timings
* entered in Advertising settings section of the
* BT Configurator.
* \param advertisingParamIndex: The index of the peripheral and broadcast
* configuration in BT Configurator. For example:
* \return
* \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. The following are possible error codes.
* Error Codes | Description
* --------------------------------- | --------------------------------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | On passing an invalid parameter.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE | On calling this function not in Stopped state.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | The operation is not permitted due to connection
* | limit exceeded.
* \note
* #CY_BLE_EVT_GAPP_ADVERTISEMENT_START_STOP event is generated after calling
* Cy_BLE_GAPP_StartAdvertisement() and Cy_BLE_GAPP_StopAdvertisement() functions.
* Application should keep track of which function call resulted into this event
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GAPP_StartAdvertisement(uint8_t advertisingIntervalType,
uint8_t advertisingParamIndex)
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult;
if(cy_ble_configPtr == NULL)
else if((advertisingIntervalType > CY_BLE_ADVERTISING_CUSTOM) ||
(advertisingParamIndex >= cy_ble_configPtr->params->gappConfCount))
else if( ((cy_ble_configPtr->params->gapRole & CY_BLE_GAP_PERIPHERAL) != 0u) &&
(Cy_BLE_GetNumOfActiveConn() == cy_ble_configPtr->stackParam->maxConnCount) &&
((cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryModeInfo[advertisingParamIndex].advParam->advType <
(cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryModeInfo[advertisingParamIndex].advParam->advType >
else if(Cy_BLE_GetAdvertisementState() == CY_BLE_ADV_STATE_STOPPED)
cy_ble_advIndex = advertisingParamIndex;
if(advertisingIntervalType == CY_BLE_ADVERTISING_FAST)
cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryModeInfo[advertisingParamIndex].advTo =
cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryModeInfo[advertisingParamIndex].advParam->advIntvMin =
cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryModeInfo[advertisingParamIndex].advParam->advIntvMax =
else if(advertisingIntervalType == CY_BLE_ADVERTISING_SLOW)
cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryModeInfo[advertisingParamIndex].advTo =
cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryModeInfo[advertisingParamIndex].advParam->advIntvMin =
cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryModeInfo[advertisingParamIndex].advParam->advIntvMax =
else /* Do not update advertising intervals */
cy_ble_advertisingIntervalType = advertisingIntervalType;
apiResult = Cy_BLE_GAPP_EnterDiscoveryMode(&cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryModeInfo[cy_ble_advIndex]);
if(apiResult == CY_BLE_SUCCESS)
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GAPP_StopAdvertisement
* This function can be used to exit from discovery mode. After the execution
* of this function, there will no longer be any advertisements. On stopping
* advertising, GAP Peripheral receives #CY_BLE_EVT_GAPP_ADVERTISEMENT_START_STOP
* event.
* The following event occurs on invoking this function:
* \return
* \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. The following are possible error codes.
* Error Codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED | Memory allocation failed.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE | On calling this function not in Advertising state.
* \note
* #CY_BLE_EVT_GAPP_ADVERTISEMENT_START_STOP event is generated after calling
* Cy_BLE_GAPP_StartAdvertisement() and Cy_BLE_GAPP_StopAdvertisement() functions.
* Application should keep track of which function call resulted into this event.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GAPP_StopAdvertisement(void)
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult;
if(Cy_BLE_GetAdvertisementState() != CY_BLE_ADV_STATE_STOPPED)
apiResult = Cy_BLE_GAPP_ExitDiscoveryMode();
if(apiResult == CY_BLE_SUCCESS)
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_ChangeAdDeviceAddress
* This function is used to set the Bluetooth device address into the
* advertisement or scan response data structures.
* \param bdAddr: Bluetooth Device address. The variable is of type #cy_stc_ble_gap_bd_addr_t.
* \param dest: 0 - selects advertisement structure, not zero value selects scan
* response structure.
void Cy_BLE_ChangeAdDeviceAddress(const cy_stc_ble_gap_bd_addr_t* bdAddr,
uint8_t dest)
uint32_t fFlag;
uint32_t byteCounter;
uint32_t maxLength;
uint32_t advIndex = 0u;
uint8_t *destBuffer;
if(cy_ble_configPtr != NULL)
fFlag = 0u;
byteCounter = 0u;
if(dest == 0u) /* Destination - advertising structure */
destBuffer = cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryModeInfo[advIndex].advData->advData;
maxLength = cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryModeInfo[advIndex].advData->advDataLen;
else /* Destination - scan response structure */
destBuffer = cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryModeInfo[advIndex].scanRspData->scanRspData;
maxLength = cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryModeInfo[advIndex].scanRspData->scanRspDataLen;
while((byteCounter < maxLength) && (fFlag == 0u))
uint32_t adLength = destBuffer[byteCounter];
if(adLength != 0u)
/* Increment byte counter so it can point to AD type */
if(destBuffer[byteCounter] == CY_BLE_ADV_DEVICE_ADDR)
/* Start of the device address type was found. Set flag and exit the loop. */
fFlag = 1u;
byteCounter += adLength;
/* The end of advertisement data structure was encountered though exit the loop. */
if(fFlag != 0u)
uint32_t i;
/* Increment byte counter so it can point to Device address */
/* Update Device Address type */
destBuffer[byteCounter] = bdAddr->type;
for(i = 0u; i < CY_BLE_GAP_BD_ADDR_SIZE; i++)
destBuffer[byteCounter + i + 1u] = bdAddr->bdAddr[i];
while(advIndex < cy_ble_configPtr->params->gappConfCount);
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GAPC_StartScan
* This function is used for discovering GAP peripheral devices that are
* available for connection. It performs the scanning routine using the
* parameters entered in the Component's customizer indicated by
* scanParamIndex parameter.
* As soon as the discovery operation starts, #CY_BLE_EVT_GAPC_SCAN_START_STOP
* event is generated. The #CY_BLE_EVT_GAPC_SCAN_PROGRESS_RESULT event is
* generated when a GAP peripheral device is located. There are three discovery
* procedures can be selected in the customizer's GUI:
* * Observation procedure: A device performing the observer role receives only
* advertisement data from devices irrespective of
* their discoverable mode settings. Advertisement
* data received is provided by the event,
* requires the scanType sub parameter to be passive
* scanning.
* * Discovery procedure: A device performing the discovery procedure receives
* the advertisement data and scan response data from
* devices in both limited discoverable mode and the
* general discoverable mode. Received data is provided
* This procedure requires the scanType sub-parameter
* to be active scanning.
* Every Advertisement / Scan response packet is received in a new event,
* If 'scanTo' sub-parameter is a non-zero value, then upon commencement of
* discovery procedure and elapsed time = 'scanTo', #CY_BLE_EVT_TIMEOUT event
* is generated with the event parameter indicating #CY_BLE_GAP_SCAN_TO.
* Possible generated events are:
* * #CY_BLE_EVT_GAPC_SCAN_START_STOP: If a device started or stopped scanning.
* Use Cy_BLE_GetScanState() to determine the
* state. Sequential scanning could be
* started when #CY_BLE_ADV_STATE_STOPPED
* state is returned.
* \param scanningIntervalType: Fast or slow scanning interval with
* timings entered in Scan settings section of the customizer.
* \param scanParamIndex: The index of the central and scan configuration
* in customizer.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. The following are possible error codes.
* Error Codes | Description
* ---------------------------------- | -----------------------------------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | On passing an invalid parameter.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE | On calling this function not in Stopped state.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GAPC_StartScan(uint8_t scanningIntervalType,
uint8_t scanParamIndex)
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult;
if(scanningIntervalType > CY_BLE_SCANNING_CUSTOM)
else if((cy_ble_configPtr != NULL) && (Cy_BLE_GetScanState() == CY_BLE_SCAN_STATE_STOPPED))
cy_ble_scanIndex = scanParamIndex;
if(scanningIntervalType == CY_BLE_SCANNING_FAST)
cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryInfo[scanParamIndex].scanTo =
cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryInfo[scanParamIndex].scanIntv =
cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryInfo[scanParamIndex].scanWindow =
else if(scanningIntervalType == CY_BLE_SCANNING_SLOW)
cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryInfo[scanParamIndex].scanTo =
cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryInfo[scanParamIndex].scanIntv =
cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryInfo[scanParamIndex].scanWindow =
else /* Do not update scanning intervals */
cy_ble_scanningIntervalType = scanningIntervalType;
apiResult = Cy_BLE_GAPC_StartDiscovery(&cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryInfo[scanParamIndex]);
if(apiResult == CY_BLE_SUCCESS)
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GAPC_StopScan
* This function used to stop the discovery of devices. On stopping discovery
* operation, #CY_BLE_EVT_GAPC_SCAN_START_STOP event is generated. Application
* layer needs to keep track of the function call made before receiving this
* event to associate this event with either the start or stop discovery
* function.
* Possible events generated are:
* \return
* \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. The following are possible error codes.
* Error Codes | Description
* ------------------------------------- | -----------------------------------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED | Memory allocation failed.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE | On calling this function not in Scanning state.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GAPC_StopScan(void)
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult;
apiResult = Cy_BLE_GAPC_StopDiscovery();
if(apiResult == CY_BLE_SUCCESS)
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GAPC_ConnectDevice
* This function is used to send a connection request to the remote device with
* the connection parameters set in the BLE Component customizer. This function
* needs to be called only once after the target device is discovered by
* Cy_BLE_GAPC_StartScan() and further scanning has stopped. Scanning is
* successfully stopped on invoking Cy_BLE_GAPC_StopScan() and then receiving the
* event #CY_BLE_EVT_GAPC_SCAN_START_STOP with sub-parameter 'success' = 0x01u.
* On successful connection, the following events are generated at the GAP
* Central device (as well as the GAP Peripheral device), in the following order.
* * #CY_BLE_EVT_GAP_DEVICE_CONNECTED - If the device connects to a GAP Central and
* Link Layer Privacy is disabled.
* * #CY_BLE_EVT_GAP_ENHANCE_CONN_COMPLETE - If the device connects to a GAP Central and
* Link Layer Privacy is enabled.
* A procedure is considered to have timed out if a connection response packet is
* not received within time set by cy_ble_connectingTimeout global variable
* (30 seconds by default). #CY_BLE_EVT_TIMEOUT event with #CY_BLE_GENERIC_APP_TO parameter
* will indicate about connection procedure timeout. Connection will automatically
* be canceled and state will be changed to #CY_BLE_STATE_ON.
* \param address: The device address of the remote device to connect to.
* \param centralParamIndex: The index of the central configuration in customizer.
* For example:
* \return
* \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. The following are possible error codes.
* Error Codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | On passing an invalid parameter.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE | On calling this function not in Disconnected state.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | The operation is not permitted due to connection limit exceeded.
* Note: Please refer the description of Cy_BLE_GAPC_InitConnection() for recommended
* Connection Interval values.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GAPC_ConnectDevice(const cy_stc_ble_gap_bd_addr_t * address,
uint8_t centralParamIndex)
cy_en_ble_adv_state_t advState = Cy_BLE_GetAdvertisementState();
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult;
uint32_t i;
if(address == NULL)
else if(Cy_BLE_IsPeerConnected((uint8_t *)address->bdAddr) == true)
else if((cy_ble_configPtr == NULL) ||
(Cy_BLE_GetNumOfActiveConn() == cy_ble_configPtr->stackParam->maxConnCount))
else if( ((cy_ble_configPtr->params->gapRole & CY_BLE_GAP_PERIPHERAL) != 0u) &&
((cy_ble_configPtr->stackParam->maxConnCount - Cy_BLE_GetNumOfActiveConn()) == 1u) &&
((cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryModeInfo[cy_ble_advIndex].advParam->advType <
(cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryModeInfo[cy_ble_advIndex].advParam->advType >
/* Init default connection parameters.
* Application may change it before initiating a connection */
cy_ble_connectionParameters.scanIntv =
cy_ble_connectionParameters.scanWindow =
cy_ble_connectionParameters.ownAddrType =
cy_ble_connectionParameters.initiatorFilterPolicy =
cy_ble_connectionParameters.connIntvMin =
cy_ble_connectionParameters.connIntvMax =
cy_ble_connectionParameters.connLatency =
cy_ble_connectionParameters.supervisionTO =
cy_ble_connectionParameters.minCeLength = 0x0000u;
cy_ble_connectionParameters.maxCeLength = 0xFFFFu;
cy_ble_connectingTimeout.timeout = CY_BLE_GAPC_CONNECTING_TIMEOUT;
for(i = 0u; i < CY_BLE_GAP_BD_ADDR_SIZE; i++)
cy_ble_connectionParameters.peerBdAddr[i] = address->bdAddr[i];
cy_ble_connectionParameters.peerAddrType = address->type;
apiResult = Cy_BLE_StartTimer(&cy_ble_connectingTimeout);
if(apiResult == CY_BLE_SUCCESS)
apiResult = Cy_BLE_GAPC_InitConnection(&cy_ble_connectionParameters);
if(apiResult == CY_BLE_SUCCESS)
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GAPC_CancelDeviceConnection
* This function cancels a previously initiated connection with the remote
* device. It is a blocking function. No event is generated on calling this
* function. If the devices are already connected then this function should not
* be used. If you intend to disconnect from an existing connection, the function
* Cy_BLE_GAP_Disconnect() should be used.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. The following are possible error codes.
* Error Codes | Description
* ----------------------------------- | --------------------------------------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE | On calling this function not in Connecting state.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GAPC_CancelDeviceConnection(void)
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult;
apiResult = Cy_BLE_GAPC_CancelConnection();
if(cy_ble_connectingTimeout.timeout != 0u)
if(apiResult == CY_BLE_SUCCESS)
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_ChangeAdLocalName
* This function is used to set the local device name in the advertisement or scan
* response data structure.
* \param name: The local device name string to be set in advertisement data
* structure.
* \param dest: 0 - advertisement structure, not zero value selects scan response
* structure.
static void Cy_BLE_ChangeAdLocalName(const char8 name[],
uint8_t dest)
uint8_t fFlag;
uint8_t adLength;
uint8_t byteCounter;
uint8_t *destBuffer;
uint8_t maxLength;
uint8_t advIndex = 0u;
if(cy_ble_configPtr != NULL)
fFlag = 0u;
adLength = 0u;
byteCounter = 0u;
if(dest == 0u) /* Destination - advertising structure */
destBuffer = cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryModeInfo[advIndex].advData->advData;
maxLength = cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryModeInfo[advIndex].advData->advDataLen;
else /* Destination - scan response structure */
destBuffer = cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryModeInfo[advIndex].scanRspData->scanRspData;
maxLength = cy_ble_configPtr->discoveryModeInfo[advIndex].scanRspData->scanRspDataLen;
while((byteCounter < maxLength) && (fFlag == 0u))
adLength = destBuffer[byteCounter];
if(adLength != 0u)
/* Increment byte counter so it can point to AD type */
if((CY_BLE_SHORT_LOCAL_NAME == destBuffer[byteCounter]) ||
(CY_BLE_COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME == destBuffer[byteCounter]))
/* Start of the Local Name AD type was found. Set flag and exit the loop. */
fFlag = 1u;
byteCounter += adLength;
/* The end of advertisement data structure was encountered though exit the loop. */
if(fFlag != 0u)
uint32_t i;
/* Reuse "adLength" to hold location of the last character of local name in
* AD structure. */
adLength += byteCounter;
/* Increment byte counter to point to start of the local Name string */
for(i = byteCounter; ((i < (adLength)) && (name[i - byteCounter] != CY_BLE_NULL_CHARCTER)); i++)
destBuffer[i] = (uint8_t)name[i - byteCounter];
/* This loop handles the case when new local name is shorter than old one.
* In this case all remaining characters should be null characters. */
while(adLength > i)
/* Terminate string */
destBuffer[i] = (uint8_t)CY_BLE_NULL_CHARCTER;
while(advIndex < cy_ble_configPtr->params->gappConfCount);
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_SetLocalName
* This function is used to set the local device name - a Characteristic of the
* GAP service. If the characteristic length entered in the Component customizer
* is shorter than the string specified by the "name" parameter, the local device
* name will be cut to the length specified in the customizer.
* \param name: The local device name string. The name string to be written as
* the local device name. It represents a UTF-8 encoded User
* Friendly Descriptive Name for the device. The length of the local
* device string is entered into the Component customizer and it can
* be set to a value from 0 to 248 bytes. If the name contained in
* the parameter is shorter than the length from the customizer, the
* end of the name is indicated by a NULL octet (0x00).
* \return
* \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. The following are possible error codes.
* Error Codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | The function completed successfully.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | On specifying NULL as input parameter.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_SetLocalName(const char8 name[])
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult = CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if((name != NULL) && (cy_ble_configPtr != NULL) && (cy_ble_gapsConfigPtr != NULL))
uint32_t i;
char8 *ptr;
uint8_t charLen;
/* Get the pointer to the Device Name characteristic */
ptr = (char8*)CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_GET_ATTR_GEN_PTR(cy_ble_gapsConfigPtr->attrInfo->deviceNameCharHandle);
/* First need to get the maximum length of the characteristic data in the GATT
* database to make sure there is enough place for the data. The length
* can't be longer than 248, so only the LSB of 16 bit of length is to
* be used. */
charLen = (uint8_t)CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_GET_ATTR_GEN_MAX_LEN(cy_ble_gapsConfigPtr->attrInfo->deviceNameCharHandle);
/* Copy name into characteristic */
for(i = 0u; ((i < charLen) && (name[i] != CY_BLE_NULL_CHARCTER)); i++)
ptr[i] = name[i];
if(i < charLen)
/* Terminate string */
/* Update device name in advertising and scan response structure */
if((cy_ble_configPtr->params->gapRole & CY_BLE_GAP_PERIPHERAL) != 0u)
Cy_BLE_ChangeAdLocalName(name, 0u);
Cy_BLE_ChangeAdLocalName(name, 1u);
apiResult = CY_BLE_SUCCESS;
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GetLocalName
* This function is used to read the local device name - a Characteristic of
* the GAP service.
* \param name: The local device name string. Used to read the local name to the
* given string array. It represents a UTF-8 encoded User Friendly
* Descriptive Name for the device. The length of the local device
* string is entered into the Component customizer and it can be set
* to a value from 0 to 248 bytes. If the name contained in the
* parameter is shorter than the length from the customizer, the end
* of the name is indicated by a NULL octet (0x00).
* \return
* \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. The following are possible error codes.
* Error Codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | The function completed successfully.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | On specifying NULL as input parameter.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GetLocalName(char8 name[])
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult = CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if((name != NULL) && (cy_ble_configPtr != NULL) && (cy_ble_gapsConfigPtr != NULL))
uint32_t i;
uint8_t charLen;
char8 *ptr;
/* Get the pointer to the Device Name characteristic */
ptr = (char8*)CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_GET_ATTR_GEN_PTR(cy_ble_gapsConfigPtr->attrInfo->deviceNameCharHandle);
/* First need to get the length of the characteristic data in the GATT
* database to make sure there is enough place for the data. The length
* can't be longer than 248, so only the LSB of 16 bit of length is to
* be used. */
charLen = (uint8_t)CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_GET_ATTR_GEN_LEN(cy_ble_gapsConfigPtr->attrInfo->deviceNameCharHandle);
/* Copy name from characteristic */
for(i = 0u; ((i < charLen) && (CY_BLE_NULL_CHARCTER != ptr[i])); i++)
name[i] = ptr[i];
/* Terminate string */
apiResult = CY_BLE_SUCCESS;
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_IsPeerConnected
* This function checks if the peer device represented by the bdAddr parameter
* is connected or not.
* \param *bdAddr: Pointer to the peer bdAddr array. Peer bdAddr is returned
* as an event parameter of #CY_BLE_EVT_GAP_DEVICE_CONNECTED
* or similar events.
* \return
* * true - The peer device is connected.
* * false - The peer device is not connected.
bool Cy_BLE_IsPeerConnected(uint8_t *bdAddr)
cy_en_ble_api_result_t apiResult = CY_BLE_SUCCESS;
uint32_t i;
bool isConnected = false;
if(cy_ble_configPtr != NULL)
for(i = 0u; i < cy_ble_configPtr->stackParam->maxConnCount; i++)
if(Cy_BLE_GetConnectionState(cy_ble_connHandle[i]) >= CY_BLE_CONN_STATE_CONNECTED)
/* Get BdAddress from bdHandle of the connected device */
cy_stc_ble_gap_peer_addr_info_t param =
.bdHandle = cy_ble_connHandle[i].bdHandle
apiResult = Cy_BLE_GAP_GetPeerBdAddr(&param);
if(apiResult == CY_BLE_SUCCESS)
if(memcmp(&param.bdAddr.bdAddr,(void*) bdAddr, CY_BLE_GAP_BD_ADDR_SIZE) == 0u)
isConnected = true;
return (isConnected);
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_IsDevicePaired
* The function is used to get the device pairing state.
* \param connHandle: Pointer to the connection handle of the peer device.
* \return
* * true - The peer device pairing is successful. A successful pairing is
* indicated when #CY_BLE_EVT_GAP_AUTH_COMPLETE event is received.
* * false - The peer device is not yet paired.
bool Cy_BLE_IsDevicePaired(cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t *connHandle)
bool isPaired = false;
if( (cy_ble_configPtr != NULL) && (connHandle != NULL) &&
(connHandle->attId < cy_ble_configPtr->stackParam->maxConnCount) )
isPaired = cy_ble_pairStatus[connHandle->attId];
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GetDeviceRole
* The function returns the local link layer device role which is connected
* to peer device with connection handle indicated by connHandle parameter.
* \param connHandle: Pointer to the connection handle of the peer device.
* \return
* * CY_BLE_GAP_LL_ROLE_MASTER (0x00): The local device is connected as a master.
* * CY_BLE_GAP_LL_ROLE_SLAVE (0x01): The local device is connected as a slave.
* * CY_BLE_INVALID_CONN_HANDLE_VALUE (0xff): Invalid connection handle.
uint8_t Cy_BLE_GetDeviceRole(cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t *connHandle)
if( (cy_ble_configPtr != NULL) && (connHandle != NULL) &&
(connHandle->attId < cy_ble_configPtr->stackParam->maxConnCount) )
ret = cy_ble_devConnRole[connHandle->attId];
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GetRssiPeer
* Replacement for Cy_BLE_GetRssi() API where unused parameters are removed.
* This function reads the recorded Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)
* value of the last received packet on the specified connection.
* sub-system.
* The RSSI value is informed through #CY_BLE_EVT_GET_RSSI_COMPLETE.
* Deprecate the Cy_BLE_GetRssi() API in BLE_PDL v2_0.
* \param bdHandle: The bd handle of the peer device.
* \return
* \ref cy_en_ble_api_result_t : The return value indicates whether the
* function succeeded or failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Errors codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_NO_DEVICE_ENTITY | If there is no connection for corresponding bdHandle.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED | If Memory allocation failed.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES | If BLE Stack resources are unavailable.
* Information | Description
* ----------- | -----------
* Range | -85 <= N <= 5
* \note: The value is in dBm.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GetRssiPeer(uint8_t bdHandle)
cy_stc_ble_rssi_info_t param = { .bdHandle = bdHandle };
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GetNumOfActiveConn
* Used to get active number of connections.
* \return
* connNum - number of active connections
uint8_t Cy_BLE_GetNumOfActiveConn(void)
uint32_t i;
uint8_t connNum = 0u;
if(cy_ble_configPtr != NULL)
for(i = 0u; i < cy_ble_configPtr->stackParam->maxConnCount; i++)
if(cy_ble_connState[i] >= CY_BLE_CONN_STATE_CONNECTED)
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GetConnHandleByBdHandle
* Used to get connection handle by bdHandle
* This function halts in debug mode if bdHandle does not exist in the connected device
* list
* \param bdHandle: Peer device handle
* \return
* * connHandle: Full connection handle.
* * connHandle.attId = CY_BLE_INVALID_CONN_HANDLE_VALUE: invalid bdHandle
cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t Cy_BLE_GetConnHandleByBdHandle(uint8_t bdHandle)
uint32_t i;
cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t cHandle =
if (cy_ble_configPtr != NULL)
for(i = 0u; i < cy_ble_configPtr->stackParam->maxConnCount; i++)
if((Cy_BLE_GetConnectionState(cy_ble_connHandle[i]) >= CY_BLE_CONN_STATE_CONNECTED) &&
(cy_ble_connHandle[i].bdHandle == bdHandle))
cHandle = cy_ble_connHandle[i];
/* HALT in debug mode */
return cHandle;
#endif /* CY_BLE_LIB_HOST_CORE */
#endif /* CY_IP_MXBLESS */
/* [] END OF FILE */