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# Copyright 2016-2024, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
# an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
# This software, including source code, documentation and related
# materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
# or one of its affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to
# worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
# United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
# Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
# agreement accompanying the software package from which you
# obtained this Software ("EULA").
# If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
# non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software
# source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
# integrated circuit products. Any reproduction, modification, translation,
# compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
# above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.
# reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
# does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
# Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
# not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
# failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
# significant property damage, injury or death ("High Risk Product"). By
# including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer
# of such system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing
# so agrees to indemnify Cypress against all liability.
This script can be used to
* create JSON file with application TLV data to be programmed to the static section (SS)
* convert JSON type/value pairs to binary TLV
* insert TLVs into the SS area of a hex file,
* just dump the SS from the hex file.
Usage [hex file] [json file] [-tv:<name>:<type>:<value>] [-20706A2] [-20829] [-ssl:0x....] [-sss:0x....]
If only hex file name is provided, the tool prints the TLVs in the SS section.
Note that the -20706A2 flag is necessary to tell the tool to use the 20706 style of TLV,
otherwise it defaults to the TLV style used for newer devices like 20835B1, 20819A1, 30739A0, or 43012C0...
If hex file already contains application TLVs the printout will display both original
and application TLVs.
If only the JSON file is provided, the tool prints the hex TLV that would be generated.
If only one or several -tv structures are included, the tool prints the JSON file that would be generated
If one or several -tv triplets are included and JSON file is provided, the tool creates the JSON file
that includes array of Name/Type/Value objects. For example -tv:static_oob_data:e1:000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f
If HEX file and JSON file are included, the tool merges data from the JSON into the static section of the
hex file. Note that if hex files contained application TLVs those will be replaced with the
TLVs specified in the json file.
If HEX file and array of TLVs are included, the tool merges TLV information into the static section
of the hex file. Note that if hex files contained application TLVs those will be replaced with the
TLVs specified in the command line.
for non-20829 chips: Watch_download.hex -tv:uuid:e1:b9fe1e3a278b4437a66f59cc74b6cf86
20829 Chip:
The following options are for 20829.
Usage -20829 [hex file] [bin file] [json file] [-tv:<name>:<type>:<value>] [-ssl:0x....] [-sss:0x....]
-ssl flag is static section address for 20829 chips only. The default address is 0x600FF000, if flag is not present.
-sss flag is static section size for 20829 chips only. The default size is 0x1000, if flag is not present.
[bin file] is for static data converted from either []json file] or [-tv:<name>:<type>:<value>]
for 20829 chip: -20829 -ssl:0x6007F000 -sss:0x1000 -tv:uuid:e1:b9fe1e3a278b4437a66f59cc74b6cf86
import sys
import json
import os
ss_address_limit = 2048
ss_size_20829 = 0x1000
ss_start_low_addr_20829 = 0xF000
ss_start_high_addr_20829 = 0x600F
def parse_tv(tv_str):
name = tv_str[:tv_str.index(":")]
tv_str = tv_str[len(name) + 1:]
type = tv_str[:tv_str.index(":")]
value = tv_str[len(type) + 1:]
# a Python object (dict):
tv = {
"name": name,
"type": type,
"value": value
# check that the type is 1 byte hex integer
assert (len(type) == 2), "TV format is <name>:<type>:<value>, where type is 2 hex symbol string, for example, e0"
# add to the array of TVs
# Make TLV contained in a JSON file
def make_tlv(filename):
# Load JSON file
with open(filename) as f:
data = json.load(f)
tlv = ""
for i in range(len(data)):
# print("make_tlv: " + data[i]['type'])
# print("make_tlv: " + data[i]['name'])
# print("make_tlv: " + data[i]['value'])
tlv += data[i]['type']
length = len(data[i]['value']) // 2;
tlv += format(length % 256, '02X')
tlv += format(length // 256, '02X')
tlv += data[i]['value']
return tlv
# Print TLV contained in a JSON file
def print_json(filename):
print ("TLV: " + make_tlv(filename))
# Read static section bytes. Return string with all bytes concatenated
def read_fw_ss_bytes(hex_filename, fw_only):
hex_file = open(hex_filename, "r")
hex_lines = hex_file.readlines()
num_lines = len(hex_lines)
ss_bytes = ""
end_address = 0
# check if read hex file
assert (num_lines != 0), "read_fw_ss_bytes: failed to read " + hex_filename
if is_20829:
is_nvm_found = False
is_ss_found = False
ss_size = ss_size_20829
ss_start_addr = ss_start_low_addr_20829
ss_end_addr = ss_start_addr + ss_size
j = 0
# search static section location
for i in range(0, num_lines):
byte_count = int(hex_lines[i][1:3], 16)
address = int(hex_lines[i][3:7], 16)
record_type = int(hex_lines[i][7:9], 16)
data = int(hex_lines[i][9:13], 16)
# print("byte_count " + str(byte_count) + " address " + str(address) + " record_type " + str(record_type) + " data " + hex(data))
# Step 1: find the nvm location
if (byte_count == 2) and (address == 0) and (record_type == 4) and (data == ss_start_high_addr_20829):
# print("NVM Location is found at line " + str(i))
is_nvm_found = True
# Step 2: find the ss location
if (is_nvm_found == True) and (byte_count == 0x10) and (address == int(ss_start_addr)) and (record_type == 0):
# print("SS Location is found at line " + str(i))
is_ss_found = True
# Step 3: get the data of static section
if is_ss_found == True:
if address < int(ss_end_addr):
ss_bytes += hex_lines[i][9:9 + 2 * byte_count]
return ss_bytes
return ss_bytes
for i in range(0, num_lines):
# hex format start_code (1), byte count (1), address (2), record type (1), data (byte_count), checksum (1)
assert(hex_lines[i][0] == ':'), "read_fw_ss_bytes: hex file parse line " + str(i) + " no start code"
byte_count = int(hex_lines[i][1:3], 16)
address = int(hex_lines[i][3:7], 16)
record_type = int(hex_lines[i][7:9], 16)
# print("read_fw_ss_bytes: byte count " + str(byte_count) + " addr " + str(address) + " type " + str(record_type))
if record_type == 4:
assert (byte_count == 2), "read_fw_ss_bytes: hex file illegal record_type 4 byte count " + byte_count
extended_addr = int(hex_lines[i][9:11], 16)
# print("read_fw_ss_bytes: extended address " + hex(extended_addr))
if (address >= ss_address_limit) or (end_address != address):
assert (len(hex_lines[i]) == 2 * (byte_count + 6)), "read_fw_ss_bytes: hex file bad length " + str(2 * (byte_count + 6)) + " expected " + str(len(hex_lines[i]))
ss_bytes += hex_lines[i][9:9 + 2 * byte_count]
end_address = address + byte_count;
# It is possible that this hex file already have application bytes.
# If true, remove them
if not is_20706:
ss_offset = 32
ss_offset = 0
# Static section contains FW TLVs followed by App TLVs
# App TLVs always formatted as 20706
app_tlvs = False
while ss_offset < len(ss_bytes):
if is_20706 or app_tlvs:
# First byte is item Id then 2 bytes of length.
item_id = ss_bytes[ss_offset:ss_offset+2];
group_id = '00'
length = int(ss_bytes[ss_offset+2:ss_offset+4], 16) + (256 * int(ss_bytes[ss_offset+4:ss_offset+6], 16))
# First byte is item id, then 1 byte group Id, then 1 byte of length
item_id = ss_bytes[ss_offset:ss_offset+2];
group_id = ss_bytes[ss_offset+2:ss_offset+4];
length = int(ss_bytes[ss_offset+4:ss_offset+6], 16)
# print("read_fw_ss_bytes: item " + item_id + " group " + group_id + " length " + str(length))
ss_offset += 2 * (3 + length)
if (item_id == 'FE') and (group_id == '00'):
if fw_only:
app_tlvs = True;
return ss_bytes[:ss_offset]
# Print content of a static section of a hex file
def print_ss(hex_filename):
if is_20829:
if bin_present:
with open(hex_filename, "rb") as f:
s =
# check for signature 'Infineon'
if s[0] != 0x49 or s[1] != 0x6E or s[2] != 0x66 or s[3] != 0x69 or s[4] != 0x6E or s[5] != 0x65 or s[6] != 0x6F or s[7] != 0x6E:
print("illegal format")
index = 8
bytes = len(s)
while index < bytes:
item_id = str(hex(s[index]))
if item_id == "0xff":
print("Type : " + item_id)
index += 1
length = s[index]
length += s[index + 1] * 256
print("Length : " + str(length))
index += 2
value = ""
for i in range(0, length):
value += str(hex(s[index + i]))
value += " "
print("Value : " + value)
index += length
# read static section from the hex file
ss_bytes = read_fw_ss_bytes(hex_filename, False)
# check if header is correct
if ss_bytes.find('496E66696E656F6E') != 0:
print("illegal format " + ss_bytes)
ss_bytes = ss_bytes[16:]
item_index = 0;
while True:
item_id = ss_bytes[0:2]
if item_id == "FF":
item_length = int(ss_bytes[2:4], 16) + int(ss_bytes[4:6], 16) * 256
item_data = ss_bytes[6:6+item_length*2]
ss_bytes = ss_bytes[6+item_length*2:]
item_index += 1
print("Item " + str(item_index) + ": ID = " + item_id + ": Length = " + str(item_length) + ": Data = " + item_data)
print("Total " + str(item_index) + " items.")
# read static section from the hex file
ss_bytes = read_fw_ss_bytes(hex_filename, False)
# check if header is correct
if not is_20706:
if ss_bytes.find('4252434D636667') != 0:
print("illegal format " + ss_bytes)
# ss_bytes is contatenated string of static section TLVs
# print("print_ss: " + ss_bytes[0:size])
# skip header
if not is_20706:
ss_bytes = ss_bytes[32:]
# Static section contains FW TLVs followed by App TLVs
# App TLVs always formatted as 20706
app_tlvs = False
while True:
if is_20706 or app_tlvs:
# First byte is item Id then 2 bytes of length.
item_id = ss_bytes[0:2];
group_id = '00'
length = int(ss_bytes[2:4], 16) + (256 * int(ss_bytes[4:6], 16))
print("item " + item_id + " len " + hex(length) + " data " + ss_bytes[6:6 + 2 * length]);
# First byte is item id, then 1 byte group Id, then 1 byte of length
item_id = ss_bytes[0:2];
group_id = ss_bytes[2:4];
length = int(ss_bytes[4:6], 16)
print("item " + item_id + " group " + group_id + " len " + hex(length) + " data " + ss_bytes[6:6+2*length]);
ss_bytes = ss_bytes[2 * (3 + length):]
# print(ss_bytes)
if (item_id == 'FE') and (group_id == '00'):
app_tlvs = True;
if len(ss_bytes) < 3:
# Sets the BDADDR of a static section of a hex file
def set_bdaddr(hex_filename, bdaddr):
hex_file = open(hex_filename, "r")
hex_lines = hex_file.readlines()
num_lines = len(hex_lines)
ss_bytes = ""
end_address = 0
found_bdaddr = False
ss_info = [] # Used to track SS # of lines and bytes per line
bda_line_num = 0
bdaddr_offset = 0
if is_20829:
print("Not supported yet. TBD .....")
# check if read hex file
assert (num_lines != 0), "read_fw_ss_bytes: failed to read " + hex_filename
for line_num in range(0, num_lines):
# hex format start_code (1), byte count (1), address (2), record type (1), data (byte_count), checksum (1)
assert(hex_lines[line_num][0] == ':'), "read_fw_ss_bytes: hex file parse line " + str(line_num) + " no start code"
byte_count = int(hex_lines[line_num][1:3], 16)
address = int(hex_lines[line_num][3:7], 16)
record_type = int(hex_lines[line_num][7:9], 16)
# print("read_fw_ss_bytes: byte count " + str(byte_count) + " addr " + str(address) + " type " + str(record_type))
if record_type == 4:
assert (byte_count == 2), "read_fw_ss_bytes: hex file illegal record_type 4 byte count " + byte_count
extended_addr = int(hex_lines[line_num][9:11], 16)
# print("read_fw_ss_bytes: extended address " + hex(extended_addr))
ss_info[line_num] = 0
if (address >= ss_address_limit) or (end_address != address):
ss_info[line_num] = byte_count
assert (len(hex_lines[line_num]) == 2 * (byte_count + 6)), "read_fw_ss_bytes: hex file bad length " + str(2 * (byte_count + 6)) + " expected " + str(len(hex_lines[line_num]))
ss_bytes += hex_lines[line_num][9:9 + 2 * byte_count]
end_address = address + byte_count;
ss_info[line_num] = byte_count
# It is possible that this hex file already have application bytes.
# If true, remove them
if not is_20706:
ss_offset = 32
bdaddr_item_id = '00'
bdaddr_group_id = '03'
ss_offset = 0
bdaddr_item_id = '40'
bdaddr_group_id = '00'
# Static section contains FW TLVs followed by App TLVs
# App TLVs always formatted as 20706
app_tlvs = False
if( ss_info[0] == 0 ):
bda_line_num = 1
while ss_offset < len(ss_bytes):
if is_20706 or app_tlvs:
# First byte is item Id then 2 bytes of length.
item_id = ss_bytes[ss_offset:ss_offset+2];
group_id = '00'
length = int(ss_bytes[ss_offset+2:ss_offset+4], 16) + (256 * int(ss_bytes[ss_offset+4:ss_offset+6], 16))
# First byte is item id, then 1 byte group Id, then 1 byte of length
item_id = ss_bytes[ss_offset:ss_offset+2];
group_id = ss_bytes[ss_offset+2:ss_offset+4];
length = int(ss_bytes[ss_offset+4:ss_offset+6], 16)
# print("read_fw_ss_bytes: item " + item_id + " group " + group_id + " length " + str(length))
if (item_id == bdaddr_item_id) and (group_id == bdaddr_group_id) and (length == 6):
found_bdaddr = True
bdaddr_offset = (ss_offset - 2*sum(ss_info[:bda_line_num]) + 15 )
# print "Found BDADDR at line number %d at offset %d" % (bda_line_num, bdaddr_offset)
ss_offset += 2 * (3 + length)
if( ss_offset > 2*sum(ss_info[:bda_line_num+1]) ):
bda_line_num += 1
if (item_id == 'FE') and (group_id == '00'):
assert (found_bdaddr), "ERROR: Cannot find BDADDR Identifier in hex file"
# BDADDR is written to flash in little endian format
new_bda_flipped = new_bda[10:12] + new_bda[8:10] + new_bda[6:8] + new_bda[4:6] + new_bda[2:4] + new_bda[0:2]
# Cannot modify string characters directly, must use list
hex_line_list = list(hex_lines[bda_line_num])
# Write new BDADDR to line
for i in range(0,12):
hex_line_list[bdaddr_offset+i] = new_bda_flipped[i]
# Join characters into a single line to be written back to hex file, without the Checksum byte (will be calculated later)
hex_lines[bda_line_num] = "".join(hex_line_list[:-3])
# Add the Checksum byte
hex_lines[bda_line_num] = hex_lines[bda_line_num] + hex_line_checksum(hex_lines[bda_line_num]) + "\n"
hex_file_out = open(hex_filename, "w")
print ("Done updating the BDADDR")
# Hex Line checksum
def hex_line_checksum(hex_line):
assert((hex_line[0] == ':') and ((len(hex_line) - 1) % 2 == 0)), "checksum bad hex_line"
hex_line = hex_line[1:]
byte = 0
for i in range(0, len(hex_line) // 2):
byte += int(hex_line[2 * i: 2 * i + 2], 16)
if (byte % 256) == 0:
return format(0x00, '02X')
return format((0x100 - (byte % 256)), '02X')
# merge TVs defined in the JSON file into a static section of the hex file
def hex_merge(hex_filename, json_filename):
if is_20829:
ss_offset = 32
ss_size = ss_size_20829
ss_start_addr = ss_start_low_addr_20829
ss_bytes_json = "496E66696E656F6E"
ss_append = False
# concatenate with TLVs from the JSON file
ss_bytes_json += make_tlv(json_filename)
ss_bytes_jason_size = len(ss_bytes_json)
hex_file_in = open(hex_filename, "r")
hex_lines = hex_file_in.readlines()
num_lines = len(hex_lines)
# read static section from the hex file
ss_bytes = read_fw_ss_bytes(hex_filename, True)
if ss_bytes.find('496E66696E656F6E') != 0:
print("Append SS data to hex file")
ss_append = True
if hex_lines[num_lines-1].find(':00000001FF') != 0:
print("Invalid end-of-file recoed")
start_line = num_lines-1
hex_line = ":" + format(2, '02X') + format(0, '04X') + "04" + format(ss_start_high_addr_20829, '04X')
hex_line += hex_line_checksum(hex_line) + "\n"
hex_lines.insert(start_line, hex_line)
hex_file_out = open(hex_filename, "w")
hex_file_out = open(hex_filename, "a")
address = ss_start_low_addr_20829
ss_size = ss_size_20829
while ss_size > 0:
if ss_bytes_json != "":
num_bytes = min (len(ss_bytes_json) // 2, 16)
hex_line = ":" + format(16, '02X') + format(address, '04X') + "00" + ss_bytes_json[:num_bytes * 2]
num_bytes = 0
hex_line = ":" + format(16, '02X') + format(address, '04X') + "00"
while num_bytes < 16:
hex_line += "FF"
num_bytes = num_bytes + 1
hex_line += hex_line_checksum(hex_line) + "\n"
address += num_bytes
ss_bytes_json = ss_bytes_json[num_bytes * 2:]
ss_size -= 16
# find the SS location line # in file
is_nvm_found = False
# search static section location
for i in range(0, num_lines):
byte_count = int(hex_lines[i][1:3], 16)
address = int(hex_lines[i][3:7], 16)
record_type = int(hex_lines[i][7:9], 16)
data = int(hex_lines[i][9:13], 16)
# Step 1: find the nvm location
if (byte_count == 2) and (address == 0) and (record_type == 4) and (data == ss_start_high_addr_20829):
is_nvm_found = True
# Step 2: find the ss location
if (is_nvm_found == True) and (byte_count == 0x10) and (address == int(ss_start_addr)) and (record_type == 0):
start_line = i
address = ss_start_low_addr_20829
ss_size = ss_size_20829
while ss_size > 0:
if ss_bytes_json != "":
num_bytes = min (len(ss_bytes_json) // 2, 16)
hex_line = ":" + format(16, '02X') + format(address, '04X') + "00" + ss_bytes_json[:num_bytes * 2]
num_bytes = 0
hex_line = ":" + format(16, '02X') + format(address, '04X') + "00"
while num_bytes < 16:
hex_line += "FF"
num_bytes = num_bytes + 1
hex_line += hex_line_checksum(hex_line) + "\n"
hex_lines.insert(start_line, hex_line)
address += num_bytes
ss_bytes_json = ss_bytes_json[num_bytes * 2:]
start_line += 1
ss_size -= 16
hex_file_out = open(hex_filename, "w")
# read static section from the hex file
ss_bytes = read_fw_ss_bytes(hex_filename, True)
# print(ss_bytes)
# on 20706 FW is not always terminated with FE0000 (end item, end group, 0 length) add it here
if is_20706:
print(ss_bytes[len(ss_bytes) - 6:])
if ss_bytes[len(ss_bytes) -6:] != 'FE0000':
ss_bytes += 'FE0000'
# concatenate with TLVs from the JSON file
ss_bytes += make_tlv(json_filename)
# print("hex_merge ss_bytes: " + ss_bytes)
hex_file_in = open(hex_filename, "r")
hex_lines = hex_file_in.readlines()
num_lines_in = len(hex_lines)
# calculate max number of bytes in a line
max_bytes = 0
for i in range(0, num_lines_in):
max_bytes = max((len(hex_lines[i]) - 11) // 2, max_bytes)
num_lines = 0
# find beginning of the static section
for i in range(0, num_lines_in):
address = int(hex_lines[i][3:7], 16)
record_type = int(hex_lines[i][7:9], 16)
if (record_type == 0) and (address == 0):
num_lines += 1
# find the first record not related to the FW static section
next_record_address = 0
for j in range(i, num_lines_in):
byte_count = int(hex_lines[j][1:3], 16)
address = int(hex_lines[j][3:7], 16)
record_type = int(hex_lines[j][7:9], 16)
if (record_type != 0) or (address >= ss_address_limit) or (next_record_address != address):
next_record_address = address + byte_count
# Delete SS related records from the list of hex_lines
for k in range (j - 1, i - 1, -1):
address = 0
while ss_bytes != "":
num_bytes = min (len(ss_bytes) // 2, max_bytes)
hex_line = ":" + format(num_bytes, '02X') + format(address, '04X') + "00" + ss_bytes[:num_bytes * 2]
hex_line += hex_line_checksum(hex_line) + "\n"
address += num_bytes
hex_lines.insert(num_lines, hex_line)
num_lines += 1
ss_bytes = ss_bytes[num_bytes * 2:]
hex_file_out = open(hex_filename, "w")
# Create binary file for static section data from JSON file, only for 20829
def create_binary_file(bin_filename, json_filename):
if is_20829:
ss_bytes_json = "496E66696E656F6E"
# concatenate with TLVs from the JSON file
ss_bytes_json += make_tlv(json_filename)
ss_bytes_jason_size = len(ss_bytes_json)
newFile = open(bin_filename, "wb")
xs = bytes.fromhex(ss_bytes_json)
# write to file
# Start processing command line parameters
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print(" [hex file] [json file] [-tv:<name>:<type>:<value>] [-20706A2] [-20829]")
is_20706 = False
is_20829 = False
hex_present = False
bdaddr_present = False
json_present = False
json_filename = ""
bin_present = False
bin_filename = ""
num_app_tvs = 0
app_tvs = []
num_fw_tvs = 0
fw_tvs = []
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if arg == "-20829":
is_20829 = True
if arg.find("-ssl:") == 0:
ss_address_20829 = (int(arg[5:], 16))
ss_start_low_addr_20829 = ss_address_20829 % 65536
ss_start_high_addr_20829 = int(ss_address_20829 / 65536)
print("ss high address : " + str(hex(ss_start_high_addr_20829)))
print("ss low address : " + str(hex(ss_start_low_addr_20829)))
if arg.find("-sss:") == 0:
ss_size_20829 = int(arg[5:], 16)
if arg == "-20706A2":
is_20706 = True
if arg.find("-bda:") == 0:
new_bda = arg[5:]
assert (len(new_bda) == 12), "ERROR with bda length"
bdaddr_present = True
if arg.find("-tv:") == 0:
num_app_tvs += 1
file_extension = os.path.splitext(arg)
if file_extension[1] == ".hex":
hex_filename = arg
hex_present = True
elif file_extension[1] == ".json":
json_filename = arg
json_present = True
elif file_extension[1] == ".bin":
bin_filename = arg
bin_present = True
# If only binary file name preset, print the contect of the static section of the binary file, only for 20829
if is_20829 and bin_present and not json_present and num_app_tvs == 0:
# If binary file name preset and json file present, only for 20829
if is_20829 and bin_present and json_present and num_app_tvs == 0:
create_binary_file(bin_filename, json_filename)
# If there are only TVs in the command line and binary present, only for 20829
if is_20829 and num_app_tvs != 0 and not json_present and bin_present:
with open("___temp__.json", 'w') as f:
json.dump(app_tvs, f, indent=2)
create_binary_file(bin_filename, "___temp__.json")
# If only hex file name present print the content of the static section of the hex file
if hex_present and not json_present and num_app_tvs == 0 and not bdaddr_present:
# If hex file name present and -bda argument is given, update the BDADDR in the hex file
if hex_present and bdaddr_present:
print ("Updating BDADDR to " + new_bda + " in " + hex_filename)
set_bdaddr(hex_filename, new_bda)
# If only json file name present print the content of the JSON file
if json_present and not hex_present and num_app_tvs == 0:
# There are TVs in the command line and json file name, create a JSON file with the content from TVs
if num_app_tvs != 0 and json_present and not hex_present:
with open(json_filename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(app_tvs, f, indent=2)
with open(json_filename, 'r') as f:
# There are only TVs in the command line print out the content in JSON format
if num_app_tvs != 0 and not json_present and not hex_present:
with open("___temp__.json", 'w') as f:
json.dump(app_tvs, f, indent=2)
with open("___temp__.json", 'r') as f:
# There are only TVs in the command line print out the content in JSON format
if num_app_tvs != 0 and not json_present and hex_present:
with open("___temp__.json", 'w') as f:
json.dump(app_tvs, f, indent=2)
hex_merge(hex_filename, "___temp__.json")
# If hex file name present and json file present, convert json file info to binary and merge to hex file
if hex_present and json_present:
hex_merge(hex_filename, json_filename)
if not bdaddr_present:
print(" [hex file] [json file] [-tv:<name>:<type>:<value>] [-20706A2] [-bda:<value>]")