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* Copyright 2016-2024, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This software, including source code, documentation and related
* materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
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* If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
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* \file <wiced_bt_mesh_cfg.h>
* Definitions for Bluetooth Mesh Configuration
#ifndef __WICED_BT_MESH_CFG_H__
#define __WICED_BT_MESH_CFG_H__
#include "wiced_bt_mesh_model_defs.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_core Mesh Core Library API
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh
* Mesh Core library of the AIROC BTSDK provide a simple method for an application to integrate
* Bluetooth Mesh functionality.
* @{
* @name Supported features bitmap
* \details The following is the list of optional features that a mesh node can support.
* @{
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_FEATURE_BIT_RELAY 0x0001 /**< Relay feature support: 0 = False, 1 = True */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_FEATURE_BIT_FRIEND 0x0002 /**< Friend feature support: 0 = False, 1 = True */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_FEATURE_BIT_LOW_POWER 0x0004 /**< Low Power feature support: 0 = False, 1 = True */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_FEATURE_BIT_GATT_PROXY_SERVER 0x0008 /**< GATT Proxy support: 0 = False, 1 = True */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_FEATURE_BIT_PB_GATT 0x0010 /**< PB_GATT support: 0 = False, 1 = True */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_FEATURE_BIT_NO_ADV_BEARER 0x0020 /**< For GATT client mode: advert scanning but no advert sending and receiving: 0 = False, 1 = True */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_FEATURE_BIT_DISABLE_NET_BEACON 0x0040 /**< Makes net beacon disabled by default: 0 = False, 1 = True */
* @anchor BT_MESH_CORE_OOB
* @name OOB bitmap
* \details The OOB field is used to help drive the provisioning process by indicating the availability of OOB data, such as a public key of the device.
* @{
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_OOB_BIT_OTHER 0x0001 /**< Other */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_OOB_BIT_ELECTRONIC_URI 0x0002 /**< Electronic / URI */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_OOB_BIT_2D_CODE 0x0004 /**< 2D machine-readable code */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_OOB_BIT_BAR_CODE 0x0008 /**< Bar code */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_OOB_BIT_NFC 0x0010 /**< Near Field Communication (NFC) */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_OOB_BIT_NUMBER 0x0020 /**< Number */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_OOB_BIT_STRING 0x0040 /**< String */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_OOB_BIT_CERTIFICATE 0x0080 /**< Certificate-based provisioning */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_OOB_BIT_RECORD 0x0100 /**< Provisioning records */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_OOB_BIT_RFU3 0x0200 /**< Reserved for Future Use */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_OOB_BIT_RFU4 0x0400 /**< Reserved for Future Use */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_OOB_BIT_ON_BOX 0x0800 /**< On box */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_OOB_BIT_INSIDE_BOX 0x1000 /**< Inside box */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_OOB_BIT_ON_PIECE_OF_PAPER 0x2000 /**< On piece of paper */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_OOB_BIT_INSIDE_MANUAL 0x4000 /**< Inside manual */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_OOB_BIT_ON_DEVICE 0x8000 /**< On device */
/** @} BT_MESH_CORE_OOB */
#pragma pack(1)
#ifndef PACKED
#define PACKED
* Sensor descriptor structure exchanged between the application and the Sensor Model
typedef struct
uint16_t positive_tolerance; /**< value representing the magnitude of a possible positive tolerance with sensor measurement*/
uint16_t negative_tolerance; /**< value representing the magnitude of a possible negative tolerance with sensor measurement*/
uint8_t sampling_function; /**< averaging operation or type of sampling function applied to the measured value*/
uint8_t measurement_period; /**< uint8 value n that represents the averaging time span, accumulation time, or measurement period in seconds*/
uint8_t update_interval; /**< measurement reported by a sensor is internally refreshed at the frequency indicated in the Sensor Update Interval field*/
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_config_descriptor_t;
* Sensor setting configuration exchanged between the application and the Sensor Model
typedef struct
uint16_t setting_property_id; /**< Setting ID identifying a setting within a sensor */
uint8_t access; /**< Read / Write access rights for the setting */
uint8_t value_len; /**< Length of the raw_value corresponding to property_id*/
uint8_t *val; /**< Raw value for the setting */
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_config_setting_t;
* Sensor column data configuration exchanged between the application and the Sensor Model
typedef struct
uint8_t *raw_valuex; /**< Raw value representing the left corner of the column on the X axis*/
uint8_t *column_width; /**< Raw value representing the width of the column*/
uint8_t *raw_valuey; /**< Raw value representing the height of the column on the Y axis*/
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_config_column_data_t;
* Defines Configuration of Sensor Cadence in the structure between the application and the Sensor Model
typedef struct
uint16_t fast_cadence_period_divisor; /**< Divisor for the Publish Period */
wiced_bool_t trigger_type_percentage; /**< If true, the delta down/up are percentage, otherwise native values */
uint32_t trigger_delta_down; /**< Delta down value that triggers a status message */
uint32_t trigger_delta_up; /**< Delta up value that triggers a status message */
uint32_t min_interval; /**< Minimum interval between two consecutive Status messages */
uint32_t fast_cadence_low; /**< Low value for the fast cadence range */
uint32_t fast_cadence_high; /**< High value for the fast cadence range */
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_config_cadence_t;
* Defines configuration data of the one model in the array models of the structure wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_element_t
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t company_id; /**< Company ID of the model. It is 0 for SIG models */
uint16_t model_id; /**< Model ID */
void *p_message_handler; /**< message handler for this model */
void *p_scene_store_handler; /**< function to call to store the scene contents */
void *p_scene_recall_handler; /**< function to call to recall the scene contents */
} wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_model_t;
* Defines configuration data of the one sensor in the array of structure wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_element_t
typedef struct
uint16_t property_id; /**< Property ID identifying a sensor */
uint8_t prop_value_len; /**< Length of the raw_value corresponding to property_id*/
wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_config_descriptor_t descriptor; /**< Sensor Descriptor state*/
uint8_t *data; /**< Sensor Data state*/
wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_config_cadence_t cadence; /**< Sensor Cadence state*/
uint8_t num_series; /**< Number of series data present in sensor*/
wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_config_column_data_t *series_columns; /**< List of series column values of sensor*/
uint8_t num_settings; /**< Number of settings present in sensor*/
wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_config_setting_t *settings; /**< List of setting data present in sensor*/
} wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_sensor_t;
* Defines configuration data of the one property in the array properties of the structure wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_element_t
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t id; /**< Property ID of the property. */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_PROPERTY_ID_READABLE 0x01 /**< Property is readable */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_PROPERTY_ID_WRITABLE 0x02 /**< Property is writable */
uint8_t type; /**< Property type (client, admin, manufacturer or user */
uint8_t user_access; /**< User Access state of the property */
uint8_t max_len; /**< len for the property value */
uint8_t *value; /**< pointer to the property value */
} wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_property_t;
* Defines configuration data of the one element in the array elements of the structure wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_t
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t location; /**< A location description as defined in the GATT Bluetooth Namespace Descriptors section of the Bluetooth SIG Assigned Numbers */
uint32_t default_transition_time; /**< Default transition time for models of the element in milliseconds */
uint8_t onpowerup_state; /**< Default element behavior on power up */
uint16_t default_level; /**< Default value of the variable controlled on this element (for example power, lightness, temperature, hue...) */
uint16_t range_min; /**< Minimum value of the variable controlled on this element (for example power, lightness, temperature, hue...) */
uint16_t range_max; /**< Maximum value of the variable controlled on this element (for example power, lightness, temperature, hue...) */
uint8_t move_rollover; /**< If true when level gets to range_max during move operation, it switches to min, otherwise move stops. */
uint8_t properties_num; /**< Number of properties in the properties array */
wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_property_t *properties; /**< Array of properties of that element. Properties data is defined by structure wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_property_t */
uint8_t sensors_num; /**< Number of sensors in the sensor array */
wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_sensor_t *sensors; /**< Array of sensors of that element */
uint8_t models_num; /**< Number of models in the array models */
wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_model_t *models; /**< Array of models located in that element. Model data is defined by structure wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_model_t */
} wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_element_t;
* Defines configuration data for Low Power Feature in the wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_t
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t rssi_factor; /**< The contribution of the RSSI measured by the Friend node used in Friend Offer Delay calculations.Must be <= 3. RSSIFactor = 1 + (rssi_factor * 0.5) */
uint8_t receive_window_factor; /**< The contribution of the supported Receive Window used in Friend Offer Delay calculations.Must be <= 3. ReceiveWindowFactor = 1 + (receive_window_factor * 0.5) */
uint8_t min_cache_size_log; /**< The minimum number of messages that the Friend node can store in its Friend Cache.Must be >= 1 and <= 7. MinCacheSizeLog = 2 * * min_cache_size_log */
uint8_t receive_delay; /**< Receive delay in 1 ms units to be requested by the Low Power node. It should be >= 0x0a */
uint32_t poll_timeout; /**< Poll timeout in 100ms units to be requested by the Low Power node. It should be between 0x00000a and 0x34bbff */
uint8_t startup_unprovisioned_adv_to; /**< Interval in seconds of the advertisments of unprovisioned beacon and service on startup. Value 0 means default 30 seconds. */
} wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_low_power_t;
* Defines configuration data for Friend Feature in the wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_t
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t receive_window; /**< Receive Window value in milliseconds supported by the Friend node. It must be > 0. */
uint16_t cache_buf_len; /**< Length of the buffer for the cache */
uint16_t max_lpn_num; /**< Max number of Low Power Nodes with established friendship. Must be > 0 if Friend feature is supported. See note below for calculating max_lpn_num */
} wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_friend_t;
/** To calculate max_lpn_num:
#define MSG_OFFSET 20 // offset in friend structure defined internally in mesh core library is 20 bytes
#define MSG_QUE_SIZE 33 // Each message in the queue takes 33 bytes
#define FRIEND_LPN_STATE 140 // sizeof friend LPN structure defined internally in mesh core library is 140 bytes
uint16_t max_lpn_msg_num; // number of messages user application needs in the queue
uint64_t app_available_memory; // available user application memory
max_lpn_num = (app_available_memory - MSG_OFFSET) / (FRIEND_LPN_STATE + max_lpn_msg_num* MSG_QUE_SIZE);
// For example, if max_lpn_msg_num = 4, and app_available_memory = 6K, then max_lpn_num = (6k - MSG_OFFSET) / (FRIEND_LPN_STATE + max_lpn_msg_num * MSG_QUE_SIZE) = 22
* Defines mesh device configuration data
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t company_id; /**< Company identifier assigned by the Bluetooth SIG */
uint16_t product_id; /**< Vendor-assigned product identifier */
uint16_t vendor_id; /**< Vendor-assigned product version identifier */
uint16_t features; /**< A bit field indicating the device features (see @ref BT_MESH_CORE_FEATURE "Supported features bitmap") */
uint16_t oob; /**< The OOB field (see @ref BT_MESH_CORE_OOB "OOB bitmap"). It indicates the availability of OOB data.*/
const char *uri; /**< Optional URI (can be NULL) for advertising along with the Unprovisioned Device beacon. Can start from "HTTP://" or "HTTPS://"*/
wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_friend_t friend_cfg; /**< Friend feature configuration. It is ignored if Friend feature isn't supported (no FRIEND bit in the features).*/
wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_low_power_t low_power; /**< Low Power configuration. It is ignored if Low Power feature isn't supported (no LOW_POWER bit in the features).*/
wiced_bool_t gatt_client_only; /**< If TRUE, the device only connects to mesh over GATT proxy. */
uint8_t elements_num; /**< Number of elements in the following array elements */
wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_element_t *elements; /**< Array of elements defined by tFND_ELEMENT with size elements_num */
} wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_t;
extern wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_t mesh_config;
#pragma pack()
// Max size of the NVRAM chunk
#if defined(CYW20819A1)
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_core */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __WICED_BT_MESH_CFG_H__ */