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* Copyright 2016-2024, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This software, including source code, documentation and related
* materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* or one of its affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to
* worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
* United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
* Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
* agreement accompanying the software package from which you
* obtained this Software ("EULA").
* If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
* non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software
* source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
* integrated circuit products. Any reproduction, modification, translation,
* compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
* above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.
* reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
* does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
* Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
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* \file
* \brief This file provides definitions of the persnoal access network(PAN)
* library interface.
#ifndef WICED_BT_PAN_H
#define WICED_BT_PAN_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* \addtogroup wiced_bt_pan_api_functions PAN Library API
* \ingroup wicedbt
* @{
* PAN library of the AIROC BTSDK provide a simple method for an application to integrate PAN
* functionality. Application calls the library APIs to init/register/connect/disconnect and
* send data. Library in turn indicates status of the connection and passes to the application.
#include "pan_api.h"
* Function Prototypes
* Function Name: wiced_bt_panu_sdp_init
* This function initializes the pan sdp unit. It should be called
* before accessing any other APIs to initialize the control block
* \param none.
* \return none.
void wiced_bt_panu_sdp_init(void);
* Function Name: wiced_bt_bnep_init
* This function initializes the BNEP unit. It should be called
* before accessing any other APIs to initialize the control block
* \param none.
* \return none.
void wiced_bt_bnep_init(void);
* Function Name: wiced_bt_pan_init
* This function initializes the PAN unit. It should be called
* before accessing any other APIs to initialize the control block.
* \param none.
* \return none.
void wiced_bt_pan_init(void);
* Function Name: wiced_bt_pan_register
* This function is called by the application to register
* its callbacks with PAN profile. The application then
* should set the PAN role explicitly.
* \param p_register: contains all callback function pointers.
* \return none
void wiced_bt_pan_register(tPAN_REGISTER *p_register);
* Function Name: wiced_bt_pan_setrole
* This function is called by the application to set the PAN
* profile role. This should be called after wiced_bt_pan_register.
* This can be called any time to change the PAN role.
* \param role: is bit map of roles to be active
* PAN_ROLE_CLIENT is for PANU role
* PAN_ROLE_GN_SERVER is for GN role
* PAN_ROLE_NAP_SERVER is for NAP role.
* \return Status of the PAN operation.
tPAN_RESULT wiced_bt_pan_setrole(uint8_t role);
* Function Name: wiced_bt_pan_writebuf
* This sends data over the PAN connections. If this is called
* on GN or NAP side and the packet is multicast or broadcast
* it will be sent on all the links. Otherwise the correct link
* is found based on the destination address and forwarded on it
* If the return value is not PAN_SUCCESS the application should
* take care of releasing the message buffer.
* \param handle: PAN connection handle.
* \param dst: MAC or BD Addr of the destination device.
* \param src: MAC or BD Addr of the source who sent this packet.
* \param protocol: protocol of the ethernet packet like IP or ARP.
* \param p_buf: pointer to the data buffer.
* \param ext: to indicate that extension headers present.
* \return Status of the PAN operation.
tPAN_RESULT wiced_bt_pan_writebuf(uint16_t handle,
BD_ADDR dst,
BD_ADDR src,
uint16_t protocol,
BT_HDR *p_buf,
* Function Name: wiced_bt_pan_set_multicast_filters
* This function is used to set multicast filters on the peer.
* \param handle: handle for the connection.
* \param num_filters: number of multicast filter ranges.
* \param p_start_array: Pointer to sequence of beginings of all
* multicast address ranges.
* \param p_end_array: Pointer to sequence of ends of all
* multicast address ranges.
* \return Status of the PAN operation.
tBNEP_RESULT wiced_bt_pan_set_multicast_filters(uint16_t handle,
uint16_t num_mcast_filters,
uint8_t *p_start_array,
uint8_t *p_end_array);
* Function Name: wiced_bt_pan_set_protocol_filters
* This function is used to set protocol filters on the peer.
* \param handle: handle for the connection.
* \param num_filters: number of protocol filter ranges.
* \param p_start_array: array of starting protocol numbers
* \param p_end_array: array of ending protocol numbers
* \return Status of the PAN operation.
tPAN_RESULT wiced_bt_pan_set_protocol_filters(uint16_t handle,
uint16_t num_filters,
uint16_t *p_start_array,
uint16_t *p_end_array);
* Function Name: wiced_bt_pan_deregister
* This function is called by the application to de-register
* its callbacks with PAN profile. This will make the PAN to
* become inactive. This will deregister PAN services from SDP
* and close all active connections.
* \param none
* \return none
void wiced_bt_pan_deregister(void);
* Function Name: wiced_bt_pan_connect
* This function is called by the application to initiate a
* connection to the remote device.
* \param rem_bda: BD Addr of the remote device.
* \param src_role: Role of the local device for the connection.
* \param dst_role: Role of the remote device for the connection
* \param handle: Pointer for returning Handle to the connection
* \return Status of the PAN operation.
tPAN_RESULT wiced_bt_pan_connect(BD_ADDR rem_bda, uint8_t src_role,
uint8_t dst_role, uint16_t *handle);
* Function Name: wiced_bt_pan_disconnect
* This is used to disconnect the connection.
* \param handle: handle for the connection
* \return Status of the PAN operation.
tPAN_RESULT wiced_bt_pan_disconnect(uint16_t handle);
* Function Name: wiced_bt_panu_connect
* This function do sdp search and then connect request from panu to the NAP.
* \param bd_addr: BD Addr of the remote device.
* \return none
void wiced_bt_panu_connect(BD_ADDR bd_addr);
* Function Name: wiced_bt_panu_disconnect
* This function disconnect request from panu to the NAP.
* \param handle: handle for the connection.
* \return none
void wiced_bt_panu_disconnect(uint16_t handle);
/** @} */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* WICED_BT_PAN_H */