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* Copyright 2016-2024, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This software, including source code, documentation and related
* materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* or one of its affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to
* worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
* United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
* Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
* agreement accompanying the software package from which you
* obtained this Software ("EULA").
* If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
* non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software
* source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
* integrated circuit products. Any reproduction, modification, translation,
* compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
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* reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
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* \file <wiced_bt_mesh_app.h>
* Definitions for interface for mesh application interface library
#ifndef __WICED_BT_MESH_APPS_H__
#define __WICED_BT_MESH_APPS_H__
#include "wiced_bt_mesh_event.h"
#include "wiced_bt_mesh_model_defs.h"
#include "wiced_bt_gatt.h"
#define TRACE_NONE 0
#define TRACE_ERROR 1
#define TRACE_INFO 3
#define TRACE_DEBUG 4
* Following bits may be set in the uuid[4] if SELF_CONFIG and/or EMBEDDED_PROVISION features supported
#define CY_MAGIC_L1 0x10
#define CY_MAGIC_L2 0x20
#pragma pack(1)
#ifndef PACKED
#define PACKED
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t src;
uint16_t dst;
uint16_t app_key_idx;
uint8_t element_idx;
int8_t rssi;
uint8_t ttl;
uint16_t company_id;
uint16_t opcode;
uint8_t data[1];
} wiced_bt_mesh_hci_event_t;
* @name Bits of the wiced_bt_mesh_hci_command_t::flags
* \details The following is the bits meaning of the field flags in the structure wiced_bt_mesh_hci_command_t.
* @{
* Bits meaning
// Bits of the field wiced_bt_mesh_hci_command_t::flags
#define WICED_BT_MESH_HCI_COMMAND_FLAGS_SEND_SEGMENTED 0x01 /**< 1 means core uses segmentation to send that message even if it fits into unsegmented message. */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_HCI_COMMAND_FLAGS_TAG_USE_DIRECTED 0x02 /**< Tag Use Directed. */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_HCI_COMMAND_FLAGS_TAG_IMMUTABLE_CREDENTIALS 0x04 /**< Tag Immutable Credentials */
// Represents WICED-HCI command. In the stream it is has LE bytes order
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t dst;
uint16_t app_key_idx;
uint8_t element_idx;
uint8_t reply;
uint8_t flags;
uint8_t ttl;
uint8_t retrans_cnt;
uint8_t retrans_time;
uint8_t reply_timeout;
uint8_t data[1];
} wiced_bt_mesh_hci_command_t;
#pragma pack()
extern uint8_t mesh_model_num[WICED_BT_MESH_PROPERTY_LEN_DEVICE_MODEL_NUMBER];
extern uint8_t mesh_system_id[8];
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
// Functions to be implemented by application
* \brief A callback function to perform application startup initialization.
* \details The mesh_app_init function shall be implemented by the mesh application. It is executed at startup, when device is provisioned,
* and when device is gets unprovisioned (processing of the Node Reset).
* @param[in] is_provisioned If TRUE a device is provisioned.
* @return None
typedef void(*wiced_bt_mesh_app_init_t)(wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief A callback function to perform application hardware initialization.
* \details The mesh_app_hardware_init function shall be implemented by the mesh application if it
* wants to control hardware. If application does not implement this callback the mesh application
* library performs default action. It will register the interrupt callback for the application
* button of the platform and perform the factory reset when the button is pushed.
* @return None
typedef void(*wiced_bt_mesh_app_hardware_init_t)(void);
* \details A callback function notifying the application when GATT connection has been established or lost.
* @param[in] p_status The status of the GATT connection.
* @return None
typedef void(*wiced_bt_mesh_app_gatt_conn_status_t)(wiced_bt_gatt_connection_status_t *p_status);
* \brief A callback function to attract human attention by LED blinks or other.
* \details Application shall implement the mesh_attention function to support Health Server Model and Attention
* functionality during provisioning. A client device may request device to show itself. The device should
* blink or change colors, or make sound, or whatever device can do.
* @param[in] element Index of the element
* @param[in] time 0 - Off; 0x01 - 0xff - On, time to attract user attention in seconds.
* @return None
typedef void (*wiced_bt_mesh_app_attention_t)(uint8_t element, uint8_t time);
* \brief Notification period changed.
* \details Application may be notified by the model library that it needs to periodically send
* current Status notifications. Application for the sensor devices, i.e. declare
* WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_SENSOR_SERVER model on one of the elements, are required to handle this
* callback. If the device does not have sensors, support for this callback is optional.
* Applications that do not want to handle the callback, should make sure that they report
* changes to the local states to the Mesh Models library. For example, an application for a light
* where the brightness can be adjusted both over Bluetooth and locally, may report local changes
* every time something is adjusted locally. The Mesh Models library will remember
* all the status changes and will automatically send notifications as appropriate.
* @param[in] element Index of the element
* @param[in] company_id Company ID
* @param[in] model_id Model ID
* @param[in] time interval in milliseconds, if 0, application should not send periodic notifications.
* @return Returns WICED_TRUE if application will take care of the periodic publications.
typedef wiced_bool_t (*wiced_bt_mesh_app_notify_period_set_t)(uint8_t element, uint16_t company_id, uint16_t model_id, uint32_t time);
* \brief Processing of a AIROC HCI Command from the MCU.
* \details Application shall implement this function to process AIROC HCI commands
* received over the "WICED UART" or SPI transport.
* @param[in] opcode AIROC HCI Command Opcode
* @param[in] p_data AIROC HCI Command parameters
* @param[in] length Length of the AIROC HCI Command parameters
* @return WICED_TRUE if application processed opcode.
typedef uint32_t (*wiced_bt_mesh_app_proc_rx_cmd_t)(uint16_t opcode, uint8_t *p_data, uint32_t length);
* \brief Low Power Node sleep.
* \details Low Power Node application shall implement this function to receive notification
* when sleep mode can be entered. Application can adjust timeout according to its preferences
* and enter HID_OFF state. If HID_OFF is not desirable, application can just return.
* @param[in] timeout Amount of time Mesh Core does not require processing in milliseconds
typedef void (*wiced_bt_mesh_app_lpn_sleep_t)(uint32_t duration);
* \brief Non-connectable adv packet application handler
* \details A customer application can implement this function to handle application
* specific non-connectable adv packets.
* @param[in] rssi Adv packet RSSI value
* @param[in] p_adv_data Adv packet data
* @param[in] remote_bd_addr Remote device address
* @return WICED_TRUE if application processed adv and it does not need to be processed by the core
typedef wiced_bool_t (*wiced_bt_mesh_app_non_conn_adv_handler_t)(int8_t rssi, const uint8_t *p_adv_data, const uint8_t* remote_bd_addr);
* \brief Factory reset notification.
* \details Application shall implement this function if it has internal NVRAM storage
* which needs to be deleted when device is instructed to perform the factory reset.
typedef void (*wiced_bt_mesh_app_factory_reset_t)(void);
typedef struct
wiced_bt_mesh_app_init_t p_mesh_app_init;
wiced_bt_mesh_app_hardware_init_t p_mesh_app_hw_init;
wiced_bt_mesh_app_gatt_conn_status_t p_mesh_app_gatt_conn_status;
wiced_bt_mesh_app_attention_t p_mesh_app_attention;
wiced_bt_mesh_app_notify_period_set_t p_mesh_app_notify_period_set;
wiced_bt_mesh_app_proc_rx_cmd_t p_mesh_app_proc_rx_cmd;
wiced_bt_mesh_app_lpn_sleep_t p_mesh_app_lpn_sleep;
wiced_bt_mesh_app_factory_reset_t p_mesh_app_factory_reset;
} wiced_bt_mesh_app_func_table_t;
extern wiced_bt_mesh_app_func_table_t wiced_bt_mesh_app_func_table;
extern void mesh_application_gen_uuid(uint8_t* uuid);
extern void mesh_application_factory_reset(void);
// If uuid_len == 16 then assigns UUID to the node. It does factory reset. And it does factory reset
extern void mesh_application_hard_reset(uint8_t* uuid, uint8_t uuid_len);
*@brief Returns the first usable by application NVRAM Identifier.
* Application can use the NVRAM IDs starting from returned value.
extern uint16_t mesh_application_get_nvram_id_app_start(void);
*@brief Register an application dependent non-connectable adv packet handler
* Register an application dependent non-connectable adv packet handler
extern void mesh_application_reg_non_conn_adv_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_app_non_conn_adv_handler_t handler);
extern wiced_bt_mesh_hci_event_t *wiced_bt_mesh_create_hci_event(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
extern wiced_bt_mesh_hci_event_t *wiced_bt_mesh_alloc_hci_event(uint8_t element_idx);
extern wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *wiced_bt_mesh_create_event_from_wiced_hci(uint16_t opcode, uint16_t company_id, uint16_t model_id, uint8_t **p_data, uint32_t *len);
extern void wiced_bt_mesh_skip_wiced_hci_hdr(uint8_t **p_data, uint32_t *len);
extern uint8_t wiced_bt_mesh_get_element_idx_from_wiced_hci(uint8_t **p_data, uint32_t *len);
extern wiced_result_t mesh_transport_send_data(uint16_t opcode, uint8_t *p_trans_buf, uint16_t data_len);
extern void wiced_bt_mesh_send_hci_tx_complete(wiced_bt_mesh_hci_event_t *p_hci_event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
// converts 6 bits of bin value to base 64 character (A-Z,a-z,0-9,+,/)
uint8_t wiced_bt_mesh_base64_encode_6bits(uint8_t bin);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __WICED_BT_MESH_APP_H__ */