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* Copyright 2016-2024, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
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* \file <wiced_bt_mesh_event.h>
* Mesh Model definitions
#ifndef __MESH_EVENT_H__
#define __MESH_EVENT_H__
#include "wiced_timer.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
* @name Bits of the wiced_bt_mesh_event_t::app_key_idx
* \details The following is the bits meaning of the field app_key_idx in the structure wiced_bt_mesh_event_t.
* @{
* Bits meaning
// Bits of the field wiced_bt_mesh_event_t::app_key_idx
#define WICED_BT_MESH_EVENT_KEY_IDX_DEFAULT_NETKEYIDX 0xffff /**< Use device key with default (first) net key idx. */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_EVENT_KEY_IDX_FLAG_DEVKEY 0x8000 /**< 1 means it is protected by device key and remaining part contains net_key_idx. 0 means it is protected by application key and remaining part contains app_key_idx. */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_EVENT_KEY_IDX_FLAG_INT_IDX 0x4000 /**< 1 means it is internal key index in the same order as added. 0 means it is global key index. */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_EVENT_KEY_IDX_MSK_KEYIDX 0x0fff /**< Mask of the app_key_index/net_key_index depending on value 0/1 of the bit WICED_BT_MESH_EVENT_KEY_IDX_FLAG_DEVKEY */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_core Mesh Core Library API
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh
* Mesh Core library of the AIROC BTSDK provide a simple method for an application to integrate
* Bluetooth Mesh functionality.
* @{
* Mesh event structure is exchanged between the app and the mesh models library
typedef struct wiced_bt_mesh_event__t
struct wiced_bt_mesh_event__t *p_next; /**< Pointer to the next event in the queue */
void *complete_callback; /**< pointer to the send complete callback */
uint16_t company_id; /**< Company ID for the Model ID */
uint16_t model_id; /**< Model ID */
uint16_t opcode; /**< Opcode of the message to be transmitted or that has been received */
uint16_t hci_opcode; /**< HCI Opcode received of the message from the MCU being processed */
uint8_t element_idx; /**< Element Index of the source or destination of the message */
uint8_t ttl; /**< Time to leave to be used when transmitting or as received from the peer */
uint16_t src; /**< Address of the source mesh node */
uint16_t dst; /**< Address of the destination mesh node */
uint16_t app_key_idx; /**< Application key index used to decrypt when message was received or which should be used to encrypt to send the message */
uint16_t data_len; /**< Length of data corresponding to the event */
#define CREDENTIAL_FLAG_FLOODING 0x00 /*< Flooding Credentials */
#define CREDENTIAL_FLAG_FRENDSHIP 0x01 /*< Friendship Credentials */
#define CREDENTIAL_FLAG_DIRECTED 0x02 /*< Directed Forwarding Credentials */
uint8_t credential_flag;/**< One of the CREDENTIAL_FLAG_XXX value. It comes from publication or credentials of the received message */
uint8_t retrans_cnt; /**< Number of retransmissions for each message. Should be <= 0x7f. It is ignored using 0 value or if it is reply (reply == WICED_TRUE). */
/**< If bit 0x80 is set, the retransmission count and time applies to number of network rexmits, no access layer rexmits, the time is in 10ms ticks */
/**< The number of transmissions is the retrans_cnt + 1. The transmission interval = (retrans_time + 1) * 10 */
uint8_t retrans_time; /**< Interval between retransmissions in 50-millisecond steps. If bit 0x80 of the retrans_cnt is set then The transmission interval = (retrans_time + 1) * 10 */
uint8_t reply; /**< If TRUE the reply is expected */
uint8_t reply_timeout; /**< Time to wait for the peer model layer acknowledgment in 50-millisecond steps */
uint8_t tx_flag; /**< Transmission failed or timeout occurred waiting for peer reply */
#define RPL_DELAY_DONT_SAVE 0xff
uint8_t rpl_delay; /**< Model indicates how SEQ shall be saved by the core. It is delay in seconds to save SEQ in RPL. 0-save immediatly; 0xff - don't save; */
uint8_t tx_delay; /**< If this value is not 0, wiced_bt_mesh_core_send() will delay sending of the event by this number of milliseconds. */
} status;
#define TAG_USE_DIRECTED 0x01
uint8_t flags;
uint16_t friend_addr; /**< core sets it to friend address when calls complete_callback if segmented message has been sent and acked by the friend OnBehalfOf LPN. Otherwise it is 0 */
uint8_t send_segmented; /**< if non-0 then core uses segmentation to send that message even if it fits into unsegmented message. */
int8_t rssi; /**< RSSI of the received message */
wiced_timer_t timer;
} wiced_bt_mesh_event_t;
* \brief Create message reply mesh event from the received mesh event
* \details This function doesn't create but just updates received mesh event to be used to send message back to the originator.
* After application or a models library calls Mesh Models Library or Mesh Core library passing the pointer to the mesh event, it loses the ownership of the event and should not
* use it again.
* @param p_event information about the message received.
* @return Pointer to the input p_event updated for response
wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *wiced_bt_mesh_create_reply_event(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Create the copy of the existing mesh event
* \details This function creates new mesh event with same content as input mesh event.
* @param p_event mesh event to copy.
* @return Pointer to the created mesh event
wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *wiced_bt_mesh_copy_event(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Create mesh event for an unsolicited message.
* \details In case dst is 0 the function takes all information from the model's publication or fails if publication is not configured for the specified model.
* In case non-0 dst the function uses specified dst and app_key_idx and fills all other fields with default values.
* In special case with company_id equals to 0xffff the function creates a message event with default ttl.
* @param element_index Element index.
* @param company_id Company ID.
* @param model_id Model ID.
* @param dst Destination address. If parameter is 0, the function finds publication and take uses its fields for the mesh event.
* @param app_key_idx Application key index used to decrypt when message was received or which should be used to encrypt to send the message. Or it can be net key index - see @ref WICED_BT_MESH_EVENT_KEY_IDX "Bits of the wiced_bt_mesh_event_t::app_key_idx")
* @return p_event Pointer to a newly allocated mesh event.
wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *wiced_bt_mesh_create_event(uint8_t element_index, uint16_t company_id, uint16_t model_id, uint16_t dst, uint16_t app_key_idx);
* \brief Release mesh event
* \details The application should call this function when it receives the mesh event in the callback and the reply value is set to 0.
* @param p_event information for the message.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_release_event(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_core */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __MESH_EVENT_H__ */