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* Copyright 2016-2024, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This software, including source code, documentation and related
* materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* or one of its affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to
* worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
* United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
* Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
* agreement accompanying the software package from which you
* obtained this Software ("EULA").
* If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
* non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software
* source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
* integrated circuit products. Any reproduction, modification, translation,
* compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
* above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.
* reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
* does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
* Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
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* \file <wiced_bt_mesh_models.h>
* Definitions for interface between Bluetooth Mesh Models and Mesh Core
#include "wiced_bt_mesh_event.h"
#include "wiced_bt_mesh_core.h"
#include "wiced_bt_mesh_model_defs.h"
extern uint64_t wiced_bt_mesh_core_get_tick_count(void);
* NVRAM sections used by different models. Each model uses IDs from START_ID to (START_ID + number of elements on the device)
* The values should be initialized by the application.
extern uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_scene_register_nvram_id;
extern uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_scene_nvram_id_start;
extern uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_scene_nvram_id_end;
extern uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_scheduler_nvram_id_start;
extern uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_default_trans_time_nvram_id_start;
extern uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_power_level_nvram_id_start;
extern uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_power_onoff_nvram_id_start;
extern uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_nvram_id_start;
extern uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_nvram_id_start;
extern uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_nvram_id_start;
extern uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_nvram_id_start;
extern uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_light_lc_run_nvram_id_start;
extern uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_light_lc_nvram_id_start;
extern uint8_t wiced_bt_mesh_scene_max_num;
extern uint8_t wiced_bt_mesh_scheduler_events_max_num;
* @name Definition for messages exchanged between an app and Generic Battery Model
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_BATTERY_GET 0 /**< Get battery state */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_BATTERY_STATUS 1 /**< Reply to get battery or battery changed notification */
* @name Definition for messages exchanged between an app and Generic Location Model
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LOCATION_GLOBAL_GET 2 /**< Get global location */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LOCATION_GLOBAL_STATUS 4 /**< Reply to get/set global location or global location changed notification */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LOCATION_LOCAL_GET 5 /**< Get local location */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LOCATION_LOCAL_STATUS 7 /**< Reply to get/set local location or local location changed notification */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_VENDOR_DATA 8 /**< Vendor data received from peer device */
* @anchor ONOFF_EVENT
* @name Definition for messages exchanged between an app and Generic OnOff Model
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_ONOFF_STATUS 10 /**< Reply to get/set on off message or on off state changed notification */
/** @} ONOFF_EVENT */
* @anchor LEVEL_EVENT
* @name Definition for messages exchanged between an app and Generic Level Model
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LEVEL_STATUS 16 /**< Reply to level message or level state changed notification */
/** @} LEVEL_EVENT */
* @name Definition for messages exchanged between an app and Generic Default Transition Time Service Model
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_DEFAULT_TRANSITION_TIME_STATUS 20 /**< Reply to get/set default transition time message */
* @name Definition for messages exchanged between an app and Generic Power OnOff Model and Generic Power OnOff Setup Model
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_POWER_ONOFF_ONPOWERUP_STATUS 23 /**< Reply to get power on off message or power on off state changed notification */
* @name Definition for messages exchanged between an app and Generic Power Level Model and Generic Power Level Setup Models
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_POWER_LEVEL_STATUS 28 /**< Reply to power level message or level state changed notification */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_POWER_LEVEL_LAST_STATUS 33 /**< Reply to Get Last Power Level message */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_POWER_LEVEL_DEFAULT_STATUS 34 /**< Reply to Get default Power :evel message or default changed notification */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_POWER_LEVEL_RANGE_STATUS 35 /**< Reply to Get range power level message or range changed notification */
* @name Definition for messages exchanged between an app and Light Lightness Model and Light Lightness Setup Models
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_CONTROL 38 /**< Set command received from the external source */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_STATUS 40 /**< Reply to Light Lightness Get/Set message or Light Lightness Actual changed notification */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_LINEAR_STATUS 43 /**< Reply to Light Lightness Get/Set message or Light Lightness Status changed notification */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_LAST_STATUS 45 /**< Reply to Get last Light Lightness Actual message */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_DEFAULT_STATUS 46 /**< Reply to Get Light Lightness Actual default message or default level state changed notification */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_RANGE_STATUS 47 /**< Reply to Get Light Lightness Actual range message or range changed notification */
* @name Definition for messages exchanged between an app and Light CTL Model and Light CTL Setup Models
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_CTL_STATUS 54 /**< Reply to Light CTL Get/Set message or Light CTL changed notification */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_CTL_TEMPERATURE_STATUS 59 /**< Reply to Get last Light CTL message */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_CTL_DEFAULT_STATUS 61 /**< Reply to Get Light CTL default message or default level state changed notification */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_CTL_TEMPERATURE_RANGE_STATUS 63 /**< Reply to Get Light CTL range message or range changed notification */
* @name Definition for messages exchanged between an app and Light CTL Model and Light CTL Setup Models
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_HSL_STATUS 66 /**< Reply to Light HSL Get/Set message or Light HSL changed notification */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_HSL_TARGET_STATUS 68 /**< Light HSL Target status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_HSL_DEFAULT_STATUS 69 /**< Reply to Get Light HSL default message or default level state changed notification */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_HSL_RANGE_STATUS 71 /**< Reply to Get Light HSL range message or range changed notification */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_HSL_HUE_STATUS 73 /**< Reply to Get/Set Light HSL Hue message */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_HSL_SATURATION_STATUS 75 /**< Light HSL Saturation changed or reply message */
* @name Definition for messages exchanged between an app and Light CTL Model and Light CTL Setup Models
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_XYL_STATUS 78 /**< Reply to Light xyL Get/Set message or Light xyL changed notification */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_XYL_TARGET_STATUS 80 /**< Light xyL Target values */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_XYL_DEFAULT_STATUS 81 /**< Reply to Get Light xyL default message or default level state changed notification */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_XYL_RANGE_STATUS 83 /**< Reply to Get Light xyL range message or range changed notification */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_XYL_X_STATUS 85 /**< Reply to Get last Light xyL message */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_XYL_Y_STATUS 87 /**< Reply to Get last Light xyL message */
* @anchor LIGHT_LC_EVENT
* @name Definition for messages exchanged between an app and Light CTL Model and Light CTL Setup Models
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_LC_MODE_STATUS 90 /**< Reply to Light LC Mode Get/Set */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_LC_OCCUPANCY_MODE_STATUS 93 /**< Reply to Light LC Occupancy Mode Get/Set */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_LC_LIGHT_ONOFF_STATUS 96 /**< Reply to Light LC Light OnOff Get/Set */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_LC_PROPERTY_GET 97 /**< Get Light LC Property Get state */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_LC_PROPERTY_STATUS 99 /**< Reply to Light LC Property Get/Set */
/** @} LIGHT_LC_EVENT */
* @name Definition for messages exchanged between an app and Generic User Property Model
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_USER_PROPERTY_GET 100 /**< Get Property state */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_ADMIN_PROPERTIES_STATUS 102 /**< A list of the Admin Properties reported by the peer */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_ADMIN_PROPERTY_STATUS 103 /**< Reply to get/set Property message or Property state changed notification */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_MANUF_PROPERTIES_STATUS 104 /**< A list of the Manufacturer Properties reported by the peer */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_MANUF_PROPERTY_STATUS 105 /**< Reply to get/set Property message or Property state changed notification */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_USER_PROPERTIES_STATUS 106 /**< A list of the User Properties reported by the peer */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_USER_PROPERTY_STATUS 107 /**< Reply to get/set Property message or Property state changed notification */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CLIENT_PROPERTIES_STATUS 108 /**< A list of the Client Properties reported by the peer */
* @anchor SENSOR_EVENT
* @name Definition for messages exchanged between an app and Sensor Model
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SENSOR_DESCRIPTOR_STATUS 111 /**< A list of the Descriptors reported by the peer */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SENSOR_GET 112 /**< Library asks application to report sensor data for a property or all properties of an element. */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SENSOR_STATUS 113 /**< A list of the sensor values reported by the peer */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SENSOR_COLUMN_GET 114 /**< Get Sensor Column values from the peer */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SENSOR_COLUMN_STATUS 115 /**< A list of the sensor Column values from the peer */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SENSOR_SERIES_GET 116 /**< Get sensor Series values from the peer */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SENSOR_SERIES_STATUS 117 /**< A list of the Series values reported by the peer */
/* Sensor Setup */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SENSOR_CADENCE_GET 120 /**< Get Sensor Cadence state */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SENSOR_CADENCE_STATUS 123 /**< Sensor Cadence state values reported by peer */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SENSOR_SETTINGS_GET 124 /**< Get Sensor Settings list from the peer */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SENSOR_SETTINGS_STATUS 125 /**< A list of the sensor setting values reported by the peer */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SENSOR_SETTING_GET 126 /**< Get Sensor Setting state */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SENSOR_SETTING_STATUS 129 /**< Sensor Setting state values reported by peer */
/** @} SENSOR_EVENT */
* @anchor SCENE_EVENT
* @name Definition for messages exchanged between an app and Scene Model
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCENE_GET 130 /**< Get the scene */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCENE_RECALL 131 /**< Recall the scene */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCENE_STORE 132 /**< Store the scene */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCENE_DELETE 133 /**< Delete the scene */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCENE_STATUS 134 /**< Scene Status reply */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCENE_REGISTER_STATUS 135 /**< Scene Register Status reply */
/** @} SCENE_EVENT */
* @name Definition for messages exchanged between an app and Scheduler Model
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCHEDULER_GET 135 /**< Get the scheduler register */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCHEDULER_STATUS 136 /**< Scheduler register status reported by the peer */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCHEDULER_ACTION_GET 137 /**< Get the scheduler entry */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCHEDULER_ACTION_STATUS 139 /**< Scheduler entry status reply */
* @anchor TIME_EVENT
* @name Definition for messages exchanged between an app and Time Model
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_TIME_GET 140 /**< Get Time state */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_TIME_SET 141 /**< Set Time state */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_TIME_STATUS 142 /**< Get Time status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_TIME_ROLE_GET 143 /**< Get Time role state */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_TIME_ROLE_SET 144 /**< Set Time role state */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_TIME_ROLE_STATUS 145 /**< Time role state value reported by time setup model */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_TIME_ZONE_GET 146 /**< Get Time zone state */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_TIME_ZONE_SET 147 /**< Set Time zone state */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_TIME_ZONE_STATUS 148 /**< Time zone status values reported by time model */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_TAI_UTC_DELTA_GET 149 /**< Get Time delta state */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_TAI_UTC_DELTA_SET 150 /**< Set Time delta state */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_TAI_UTC_DELTA_STATUS 151 /**< Time Delta state values reported by time model */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_TIME_CHANGED 152 /**< Time changed event state */
/** @} TIME_EVENT */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_TX_COMPLETE 255 /**< Transmission completed, or timeout waiting for peer ack. */
/* TODO : Move this defines into sensor structures */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_MAX_PROP_VAL_LEN 36 // Manufactrure name is Fixed String 36
* Sensor property id structure exchanged between the application and the Sensor Model
typedef struct
uint16_t property_id; /**< Property ID identifying a sensor */
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_get_t;
* Sensor Descriptor structure exchanged between the application and the Sensor Model
typedef struct
uint16_t property_id; /**< property that describes the meaning and format of data reported by sensor*/
uint16_t positive_tolerance; /**< 12-bit value representing the magnitude of a possible positive tolerance with sensor measurement*/
uint16_t negative_tolerance; /**< 12-bit value representing the magnitude of a possible negative tolerance with sensor measurement*/
uint8_t sampling_function; /**< averaging operation or type of sampling function applied to the measured value*/
uint8_t measurement_period; /**< uint8 value n that represents the averaging time span, accumulation time, or measurement period in seconds*/
uint8_t update_interval; /**< measurement reported by a sensor is internally refreshed at the frequency indicated in the Sensor Update Interval field*/
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_descriptor_data_t;
* Sensor Descriptor status structure exchanged between the application and the Sensor Model
typedef struct
uint8_t num_descriptors; /**< Total number of descriptors present in status structure*/
wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_descriptor_data_t descriptor_list[1]; /**< Start of the descriptor data list */
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_descriptor_status_data_t;
* Sensor status data structure exchanged between the application and the Sensor Model
typedef struct
uint16_t property_id; /**< Property identifying a sensor */
uint8_t prop_value_len; /**< Length of the raw_value corresponding to property_id*/
uint8_t raw_value[WICED_BT_MESH_MAX_PROP_VAL_LEN]; /**< Value of the Property */
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_status_data_t;
* Sensor Column get structure exchanged between the application and the Sensor Model
typedef struct
uint16_t property_id; /**< Property identifying a sensor*/
uint8_t prop_value_len; /**< Length of the raw_value corresponding to property_id*/
uint8_t raw_valuex[WICED_BT_MESH_MAX_PROP_VAL_LEN]; /**< Raw value identifying a column*/
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_column_get_data_t;
* Sensor column data structure exchanged between the application and the Sensor Model
typedef struct
uint8_t raw_valuex[WICED_BT_MESH_MAX_PROP_VAL_LEN]; /**< Raw value representing the left corner of the column on the X axis*/
uint8_t column_width[WICED_BT_MESH_MAX_PROP_VAL_LEN]; /**< Raw value representing the width of the column*/
uint8_t raw_valuey[WICED_BT_MESH_MAX_PROP_VAL_LEN]; /**< Raw value representing the height of the column on the Y axis*/
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_column_data_t;
* Sensor Column status structure exchanged between the application and the Sensor Model
typedef struct
uint16_t property_id; /**< Property identifying a sensor and the Y axis*/
uint8_t prop_value_len; /**< Length of the raw_value corresponding to property_id*/
wiced_bool_t is_column_present; /**< boolean value indicating if the column width is present in the message*/
wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_column_data_t column_data; /**< Data field of column status */
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_column_status_data_t;
* Sensor Series get structure exchanged between the application and the Sensor Model
typedef struct
uint16_t property_id; /**< Property identifying a sensor*/
uint8_t prop_value_len; /**< Length of the raw_value corresponding to property_id*/
uint8_t start_index; /**< Start index of the series to be copied */
uint8_t end_index; /**< End index of the series to be copied */
uint8_t raw_valuex1[WICED_BT_MESH_MAX_PROP_VAL_LEN]; /**< Raw value identifying a starting column*/
uint8_t raw_valuex2[WICED_BT_MESH_MAX_PROP_VAL_LEN]; /**< Raw value identifying an ending column*/
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_series_get_data_t;
* Sensor series status data structure exchanged between the application and the Sensor Model
typedef struct
uint16_t property_id; /**< Property identifying a sensor*/
uint8_t prop_value_len; /**< Length of the raw_value corresponding to property_id*/
uint8_t no_of_columns; /**< Total number of columns*/
wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_column_data_t column_list[WICED_BT_MESH_SENSOR_MAX_SERIES_COLUMN]; /**< Series of column states*/
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_series_status_data_t;
* Sensor setting exchanged between the application and the Sensor Model
typedef struct
uint16_t setting_property_id; /**< Setting ID identifying a setting within a sensor */
uint8_t access; /**< Read / Write access rights for the setting */
uint8_t value_len; /**< Length of the raw_value corresponding to property_id*/
uint8_t val[WICED_BT_MESH_MAX_PROP_VAL_LEN]; /**< Raw value for the setting */
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_setting_t;
* Sensor Setting status data structure exchanged between the application and the Sensor Model
typedef struct
uint16_t property_id; /**< Property ID identifying a sensor */
wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_setting_t setting; /**< Sensor setting data */
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_setting_status_data_t;
* Sensor Setting get structure exchanged between the application and the Sensor Model
typedef struct
uint16_t property_id; /**< Property ID identifying a sensor */
uint16_t setting_property_id; /**< Setting ID identifying a setting within a sensor */
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_setting_get_data_t;
* Sensor Setting set structure exchanged between the application and the Sensor Model
typedef struct
uint16_t property_id; /**< Property ID identifying a sensor */
uint16_t setting_property_id; /**< Setting ID identifying a setting within a sensor */
uint8_t prop_value_len; /**< Length of the raw_value corresponding to property_id*/
uint8_t setting_raw_val[WICED_BT_MESH_MAX_PROP_VAL_LEN]; /**< Raw value for the setting */
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_setting_set_data_t;
* Sensor Settings status structure exchanged between the application and the Sensor Model
typedef struct
uint16_t property_id; /**< Property ID identifying a sensor */
uint16_t num_setting_property_id; /**< Total Setting IDs identifying a setting within a sensor */
uint16_t setting_property_id_list[WICED_BT_MESH_SENSOR_MAX_SETTINGS]; /**< List of setting ID identifying a setting within a sensor */
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_settings_status_data_t;
* Sensor Cadence structure exchanged between the application and the Sensor Model
typedef struct
uint16_t fast_cadence_period_divisor; /**< Divisor for the Publish Period */
wiced_bool_t trigger_type; /**< Defines the unit and format of the Status Trigger Delta fields*/
uint32_t trigger_delta_down; /**< Delta down value that triggers a status message */
uint32_t trigger_delta_up; /**< Delta up value that triggers a status message */
uint32_t min_interval; /**< Minimum interval between two consecutive Status messages */
uint32_t fast_cadence_low; /**< Low value for the fast cadence range */
uint32_t fast_cadence_high; /**< High value for the fast cadence range */
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_cadence_t;
* Sensor Cadence set structure exchanged between the application and the Sensor Model
typedef struct
uint16_t property_id; /**< Property ID identifying a sensor */
uint8_t prop_value_len; /**< Length of the raw_value corresponding to property_id*/
wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_cadence_t cadence_data; /**< Cadence data field of set message */
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_cadence_set_data_t;
* Sensor Cadence status structure exchanged between the application and the Sensor Model
typedef struct
uint16_t property_id; /**< Property ID identifying a sensor */
wiced_bool_t is_data_present;/**< Cadence data is received from peer */
wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_cadence_t cadence_data; /**< Optional cadence data field of status message */
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_cadence_status_data_t;
* Sensor status data structure exchanged between the sensor model and Application
typedef union
wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_descriptor_status_data_t desc_status; /**< Descriptor Status data received from Server*/
wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_status_data_t sensor_status; /**< Sensor Status data received from Server*/
wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_column_status_data_t column_status; /**< Column Status data received from Server*/
wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_series_status_data_t series_status; /**< Series Status data received from Server*/
wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_setting_status_data_t setting_status; /**< Setting Status data received from Server*/
wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_settings_status_data_t settings_status; /**< Settings Status data received from Server*/
wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_cadence_status_data_t cadence_status; /**< Cadence Status data received from Server*/
} wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_status_message_data_t;
* Scene Data structure exchanged between the application and the Scene Models
typedef struct
uint8_t type; /**< Scene Request Type */
uint16_t scene_number; /**< The number of the scene to be recalled */
} wiced_bt_mesh_scene_request_t;
* Scene Recall Data structure exchanged between the application and the Scene Models
typedef struct
uint16_t scene_number; /**< The number of the scene to be recalled */
uint32_t transition_time; /**< Transition time to the target level */
uint16_t delay; /**< Delay before starting the transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_scene_recall_t;
* Scene Status Data structure exchanged between the application Scene Models
typedef struct
uint8_t status_code;
uint16_t current_scene; /**< Scene Number of a current scene */
uint16_t target_scene; /**< Scene Number of a target scene */
uint32_t remaining_time; /**< Remaining time for transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_scene_status_data_t;
* Scene Register Status Data structure exchanged between the application Scene Models
typedef struct
uint8_t status_code; /**< Scene operation status code (see @ref WICED_BT_MESH_SCENE_STATUS_CODE */
uint16_t current_scene; /**< Scene Number of a current scene */
uint8_t scene_num; /**< Number of scenese reported */
uint32_t scene[WICED_BT_MESH_MODELS_MAX_SCENES];/**< Remaining time for transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_scene_register_status_data_t;
* Time State structure exchanged between the Time Client and Time Server
typedef struct
uint64_t tai_seconds; /**< Current TAI time in seconds since the epoch */
uint8_t subsecond; /**< The sub-second time in units of 1/256s */
uint8_t uncertainty; /**< Estimated uncertainty in 10-millisecond steps */
uint8_t time_authority; /**< Element has a reliable source of TAI or not */
uint16_t tai_utc_delta_current; /**< Current difference between TAI and UTC in seconds */
uint8_t time_zone_offset_current; /**< Current zone offset in 15-minute increments */
} wiced_bt_mesh_time_state_msg_t;
* Time Zone State structure exchanged between the Application and Time model
typedef struct
uint8_t time_zone_offset_new; /**< Upcoming local time zone offset */
uint64_t tai_of_zone_change; /**< Absolute TAI time when the Time Zone Offset will change from Current to New */
} wiced_bt_mesh_time_zone_set_t;
* Time Zone Status structure exchanged between the Application and Time model
typedef struct
uint8_t time_zone_offset_current; /**< Current local time zone offset */
uint8_t time_zone_offset_new; /**< Upcoming local time zone offset */
uint64_t tai_of_zone_change; /**< Absolute TAI time when the Time Zone Offset will change from Current to New */
} wiced_bt_mesh_time_zone_status_t;
* Time TAI UTC delta set structure exchanged between the Application and Time model
typedef struct
uint16_t tai_utc_delta_new; /**< Upcoming difference between TAI and UTC in seconds */
uint64_t tai_of_delta_change; /**< Absolute TAI time when the TAI-UTC Delta will change from Current to New */
} wiced_bt_mesh_time_tai_utc_delta_set_t;
* Time TAI UTC delta status structure exchanged between the Application and Time model
typedef struct
uint16_t tai_utc_delta_current; /**< Current difference between TAI and UTC in seconds */
uint16_t tai_utc_delta_new; /**< Upcoming difference between TAI and UTC in seconds */
uint64_t tai_of_delta_change; /**< Absolute TAI time when the TAI-UTC Delta will change from Current to New */
} wiced_bt_mesh_time_tai_utc_delta_status_t;
* Time role structure exchanged between the Application and Time model
typedef struct
uint8_t role; /**< The Time Role for the element */
} wiced_bt_mesh_time_role_msg_t;
* Scheduler Status Data structure exchanged between the application Scheduler Models
typedef struct
uint16_t actions; /**< Bit field indicating defined Actions in the Schedule Register */
} wiced_bt_mesh_scheduler_status_t;
* Scheduler Status Data structure exchanged between the application Scheduler Models
typedef struct
uint8_t action_number; /**< Index of the Schedule Register entry to get */
} wiced_bt_mesh_scheduler_action_get_t;
* @name Scheduler Actions
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCHEDULER_ACTION_TURN_OFF 0 /**< Scheduler action Turn Off */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCHEDULER_ACTION_TURN_ON 1 /**< Scheduler action Turn On */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCHEDULER_ACTION_SCENE_RECALL 2 /**< Scheduler action Scene Recall */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCHEDULER_ACTION_NONE 0x0f /**< Scheduler action None */
/* @} */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCHEDULER_EVERY_YEAR 0x64 /**< Scheduled event should happen every year */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCHEDULER_EVERY_DAY 0x00 /**< Scheduled event should happen every day */
* @name Scheduler Hours
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCHEDULER_EVERY_HOUR 0x18 /**< Scheduled event should happen every hour */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCHEDULER_RANDOM_HOUR 0x19 /**< Scheduled event should happen on a random hour */
/* @} */
* @name Scheduler Minutes
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCHEDULER_EVERY_MINUTE 0x3C /**< Scheduled event should happen every minute */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCHEDULER_EVERY_15_MINUTES 0x3D /**< Scheduled event should happen every 15 minutes */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCHEDULER_EVERY_20_MINUTES 0x3E /**< Scheduled event should happen every 20 minutes */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCHEDULER_RANDOM_MINUTE 0x3F /**< Scheduled event should happen on a random minute */
/* @} */
* @name Scheduler Seconds
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCHEDULER_EVERY_SECOND 0x3C /**< Scheduled event should happen every second */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCHEDULER_EVERY_15_SECONDS 0x3D /**< Scheduled event should happen every 15 seconds */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCHEDULER_EVERY_20_SECONDS 0x3E /**< Scheduled event should happen every 20 seconds */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SCHEDULER_RANDOM_SECOND 0x3F /**< Scheduled event should happen on a random second */
/* @} */
* Scheduler Actions Data structure exchanged between the application Scheduler Models
typedef struct
uint8_t action_number; /**< zero based entry number */
uint8_t year; /**< scheduled year for the action, or 0 if action needs to happen every year */
uint16_t month; /**< Bit field of the months for the action */
uint8_t day; /**< Scheduled day of the month, or 0 to repeat every day */
uint8_t hour; /**< Scheduled hour for the action, values 0-23 indicate the hour, or use one of the (@ref SCHEDULER_HOUR "special values") */
uint8_t minute; /**< Scheduled hour for the action, values 0-59 indicate the minute, or use one of the (@ref SCHEDULER_MINUTE "special values") */
uint8_t second; /**< Scheduled second for the action, values 0-59 indicate the second, or use one of the (@ref SCHEDULER_SECONDS "special values") */
uint8_t day_of_week; /**< Bit field of the days of week when the action should happen */
uint8_t action; /**< Action to be executed (see @ref SCHEDULER_ACTIONS "possible scheduler actions") */
uint32_t transition_time; /**< Transition time to turn on/off or to transition to a scene */
uint16_t scene_number; /**< Scene number to transition to */
} wiced_bt_mesh_scheduler_action_data_t;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh
* @{
* @page wiced_bt_mesh_application_structure Mesh Application Structure
* Each AIROC Mesh Application shall contain a @ref wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_t "device configuration" and
* application callbacks. The device configuration provides to the mesh stack the information about
* the device which is supported. For example it can be a color bulb, or a dimmer, or a dimmable light
* with additional vendor specific functionality. The callbacks are used by the mesh stack to notify
* the application when certain actions shall be performed. For example, the application for the color
* bulb would probably be interested to process notification when the brightness shall be set to 50%,
* or when the color shall be set to red.
* @}
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_models Mesh Models Library API
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh
* Mesh Models library of the AIROC BTSDK provide a simple method for an application to use various Mesh models
* defined in the Bluetooth Mesh Model specification.
* @{
* @name Following macros can be used instantiate the mesh models
* \details Following macros instantiate the mesh models on a given element.
* Based on the device definition the mesh core creates a device composition data
* that can be read by the the provisioner.
* There certain rules that application shall follow when building device composition data.
* 1. The first element of the device shall always contain WICED_BT_MESH_DEVICE which
* instantiates models that shall be present on every device, including the Configuration
* Server Model and the Health Server Model.
* 2. Each model consists of the model definition itself (company ID and model ID) and callback
* function which is executed by the Mesh Core library on receiving a mesh message. Application can
* use Mesh Library's callback. In that case all validation of the messages, sending responses, and
* other protocol requirements are executed by the model. Alternatively application can implement
* callback itself. In that case, customer will be required to perform certification.
* 3. A model cannot be repeated twice in the same element.
* @{
extern wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_remote_provisioning_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* Mesh Device includes Configuration Server and Health Server models. This need to be included
* in the first element of the device.
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_CONFIG_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_config_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
* Mesh Configuration Client Model
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_CONFIG_CLNT, wiced_bt_mesh_config_client_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* Mesh Health Client Model
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_HEALTH_CLNT, wiced_bt_mesh_model_health_client_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* Mesh Remote Provisioning Model
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_REMOTE_PROVISION_CLNT, wiced_bt_mesh_config_client_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* Mesh Remote Provisioning Server Model.
* The model is used by a Provisioner to provision new devices not in the immediate radio range, i.e. provision
* over mesh. This is an optional feature, but will provide additional flexibility for a mesh network.
* It is recommended to include in the first element space permitted.
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_REMOTE_PROVISION_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_remote_provisioning_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* Mesh Location Server Device.
* The device provides global and/or local location. The device can exist standalone and can be combined with other devices.
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LOCATION_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_location_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LOCATION_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_location_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_USER_PROPERTY_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_user_property_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ADMIN_PROPERTY_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_admin_property_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_MANUFACT_PROPERTY_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_manufacturer_property_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_CLIENT_PROPERTY_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_client_property_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* Mesh Light HSL/CTL Server Device.
* The device implements all required models for the main element of a color bulb that supports
* brightness, hue and saturation but also a color temperature controls.
* Note that for the full color bulb implementation this device needs to be combined with
* hue server (WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_HSL_HUE_SERVER), saturation server
* server (WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_CTL_TEMPERATURE_SERVER) on the consecutive elements.
* The time and scheduler models are optional and can be commented out to reduce memory footprint.
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCHEDULER_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCHEDULER_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LEVEL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_HSL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_HSL_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_CTL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_CTL_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LEVEL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_HSL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_HSL_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_CTL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_CTL_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* Mesh Light HSL/CTL/XYL Server Device.
* The device implements all required models for the main element of a color bulb that supports
* brightness, hue and saturation but also a color temperature controls and xyL controls.
* Note that for the full color bulb implementation this device needs to be combined with
* hue server (WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_HSL_HUE_SERVER), saturation server
* server (WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_CTL_TEMPERATURE_SERVER) on the consecutive elements.
* The time and scheduler models are optional and can be commented out to reduce memory footprint.
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCHEDULER_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCHEDULER_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LEVEL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_HSL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_HSL_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_CTL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_CTL_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_XYL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_XYL_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LEVEL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_HSL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_HSL_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_CTL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_CTL_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_XYL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_XYL_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* Mesh Light Controller Device.
* This is an additional part of the light controller. The main part will contain one or
* more elements required to implement a dimmable or a colored bulb.
* The time and scheduler models are optional and can be commented out to reduce memory footprint.
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LC_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LC_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SENSOR_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SENSOR_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* Mesh Level Client Device.
* The device implements a Generic Level device.
* The device can be configured to control any device that supports Generic Level Server model (WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LEVEL_SRV).
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LEVEL_CLNT, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_client_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_CLNT, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_client_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_CLNT, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_client_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_BATTERY_CLNT, wiced_bt_mesh_model_battery_client_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LOCATION_CLNT, wiced_bt_mesh_model_location_client_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_PROPERTY_CLNT, wiced_bt_mesh_model_property_client_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SENSOR_CLNT, wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_client_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_CLNT, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_client_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCHEDULER_CLNT, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_client_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_CLNT, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_client_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LC_CLNT, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_client_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* @name Battery Presence Flags
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_BATTERY_FLAG_NOT_PRESENT 0x00 /**< The battery is not present */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_BATTERY_FLAG_PRESENT_REMOVABLE 0x01 /**< The battery is present and is removable */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_BATTERY_FLAG_PRESENT_NON_REMOVABLE 0x02 /**< The battery is present and is non-removable */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_BATTERY_FLAG_PRESENCE_UNKNOWN 0x03 /**< The battery presence is unknown */
/* @} */
typedef uint8_t wiced_bt_mesh_battery_presence_t; /**< Generic Battery Flags Presence State (see @ref BATTERY_PRESENCE_FLAGS "Battery Presence Flags") */
* @name Battery Indicator Flags
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_BATTERY_FLAG_LEVEL_CRITICALLY_LOW 0x00 /**< The battery charge is Critically Low Level. */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_BATTERY_FLAG_LEVEL_LOW 0x01 /**< The battery charge is Low Level. */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_BATTERY_FLAG_LEVEL_GOOD 0x02 /**< The battery charge is Good Level. */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_BATTERY_FLAG_LEVEL_UNKNOWN 0x03 /**< The battery charge is unknown. */
/* @} */
typedef uint8_t wiced_bt_mesh_battery_indicator_t; /**< Generic Battery Flags Indicator States (see @ref BATTERY_INDICATOR_FLAGS "Battery Indicator Flags") */
* @name Battery Charging State Flags
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_BATTERY_FLAG_NOT_CHARGABLE 0x00 /**< The battery is not chargeable. */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_BATTERY_FLAG_NOT_CHARGING 0x01 /**< The battery is chargeable and is not charging. */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_BATTERY_FLAG_CHARGING 0x02 /**< The battery is chargeable and is charging. */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_BATTERY_FLAG_CHARGING_UNKNOWN 0x03 /**< The battery charging state is unknown. */
/* @} */
typedef uint8_t wiced_bt_mesh_battery_charging_t; /**< Generic Battery Flags Charging States (see @ref BATTERY_CHARGING_FLAGS "Battery Charging Flags") */
* @name Battery Service Required State Flags
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_BATTERY_FLAG_SERVICE_NOT_REQUIRED 0x01 /**< The battery does not require service. */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_BATTERY_FLAG_SERVICE_REQUIRED 0x02 /**< The battery requires service. */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_BATTERY_FLAG_SERVICABILITY_UNKNOWN 0x03 /**< The battery serviceability is unknown. */
/* @} */
typedef uint8_t wiced_bt_mesh_battery_servicibility_t; /**< Generic Battery Flags Serviceability States (see @ref BATTERY_SERVICABLITY_FLAGS "Battery Service Required Flags") */
#define WICED_BT_BATTERY_LEVEL_UNKNOWN 0xff /**< Current battery level unknown */
#define WICED_BT_BATTERY_TIME_TO_DISCHARGE_UNKNOWN 0xffffff /**< Time to full discharge unknown */
#define WICED_BT_BATTERY_TIME_TO_CHARGE_UNKNOWN 0xffffff /**< Time to full charge unknown */
* Mesh Battery Status Event used to report battery state to the client device
typedef struct
uint8_t battery_level; /**< The Generic Battery Level state is a value ranging from 0 percent through 100 percent */
uint32_t time_to_discharge; /**< The remaining time (in minutes) of the discharging process */
uint32_t time_to_charge; /**< The remaining time of the charging process is not known. */
wiced_bt_mesh_battery_presence_t presence; /**< Generic Battery Flags Presence */
wiced_bt_mesh_battery_indicator_t level_inidicator; /**< Generic Battery Flags Indicator */
wiced_bt_mesh_battery_charging_t charging; /**< Generic Battery Flags Charging */
wiced_bt_mesh_battery_servicibility_t servicability; /**< Generic Battery Flags Serviceability */
} mesh_battery_event_t;
* Global Location Data structure exchanged between the application Generic Location Model
typedef struct
uint32_t global_latitude; /**< Global latitude */
uint32_t global_longitude; /**< Global longitude */
uint16_t global_altitude; /**< Global altitude */
} wiced_bt_mesh_location_global_data_t;
* Local Location Data structure exchanged between the application Generic Location Model
typedef struct
uint16_t local_north; /**< North coordinate of the device using a local coordinate system */
uint16_t local_east; /**< East coordinate of the device using a local coordinate system */
uint16_t local_altitude; /**< Altitude of the device relative to the Generic Location Global Altitude */
uint8_t floor_number; /**< Floor number where the element is installed */
uint8_t is_mobile; /**< 0 if device is stationary, 1 if mobile */
uint8_t update_time; /**< time in seconds elapsed since the last update of the device's position (t = 2 ^ (update_time - 3)) */
uint8_t precision; /**< location precision in meters position (m = 2 ^ (precision - 3)) */
} wiced_bt_mesh_location_local_data_t;
#define WICED_BT_MESH_ONOFF_MAX_RETRANSMIT_TIME 6 /**< Max retransmit duration for on/off set command in seconds */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_TRANSITION_TIME_DEFAULT 0xFFFFFFFF /**< Application or parent model should use default setting for transition time */
* OnOff Set Data structure exchanged between the application Generic OnOff Model
typedef struct
uint8_t onoff; /**< The target value of the Generic OnOff state */
uint32_t transition_time; /**< Transition time to the target state */
uint16_t delay; /**< Delay before starting the transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_onoff_set_data_t;
* OnOff Status Data structure exchanged between the application and Generic OnOff Model
typedef struct
uint8_t present_onoff; /**< The present value of the Generic OnOff state */
uint8_t target_onoff; /**< The target value of the Generic OnOff state */
uint32_t remaining_time; /**< Remaining time for transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_onoff_status_data_t;
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LEVEL_MAX_RETRANSMIT_TIME 6 /**< Max retransmit duration for level set command in seconds. This time is also indicates max duration of the delta command. */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LEVEL_MOVE_MAX_TRANSITION_TIME 0x3E /**< Max transition time for Move command */
* Level Set Data structure exchanged between the application and the Generic Level Model
typedef struct
int16_t level; /**< The target value of the Generic Level state */
uint32_t transition_time; /**< Transition time to the target level */
uint16_t delay; /**< Delay before starting the transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_level_set_level_t;
* Delta Set Data structure exchanged between the application and the Generic Level Model
typedef struct
int32_t delta; /**< The Delta change of the Generic Level state */
uint32_t transition_time; /**< Transition time to the target level */
uint16_t delay; /**< Delay before starting the transition */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LEVEL_DELTA_START 0 /**< Delta transaction start */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LEVEL_DELTA_CONTINUATION 1 /**< Delta transaction continuation */
uint8_t continuation; /**< If false, a new delta transaction is started */
} wiced_bt_mesh_level_set_delta_t;
* Move Set Data structure exchanged between the application and the Generic Level Model
typedef struct
int16_t delta; /**< The Delta Level step to calculate Move speed for the Generic Level state. */
uint32_t transition_time; /**< Transition time to the target level */
uint16_t delay; /**< Delay before starting the transition */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LEVEL_MOVE_START 0 /**< Move transaction start */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_LEVEL_MOVE_STOP 1 /**< Move transaction stop */
uint8_t continuation; /**< If false, a new delta transaction is started */
} wiced_bt_mesh_level_set_move_t;
* Level Status Data structure exchanged between the application and Generic Level Model
typedef struct
int16_t present_level; /**< The present value of the Generic Level state */
int16_t target_level; /**< The target value of the Generic Level state */
uint32_t remaining_time; /**< Remaining time for transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_level_status_data_t;
* Default Transition Time Data structure exchanged between an application and the Generic Default Transition Time Model
typedef struct
uint32_t time; /**< Transition time in milliseconds */
} wiced_bt_mesh_default_transition_time_data_t;
* Power OnOff Data structure exchanged between an application and the Power OnOff Model
typedef struct
uint8_t on_power_up; /**< Value on power up */
} wiced_bt_mesh_power_onoff_data_t;
* Power Level Status Data structure exchanged between the application and Generic Power Level Model
typedef struct
uint16_t present_power; /**< The present value of the Generic Power Actual state */
uint16_t target_power; /**< The target value of the Generic Power Actual state */
uint32_t remaining_time; /**< Remaining time for transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_power_level_status_data_t;
* Power Level Last Status Data structure exchanged between the application and Generic Power Level Model
typedef struct
uint16_t power; /**< The value of the Generic Power Last state. */
} wiced_bt_mesh_power_level_last_data_t;
* Power Level Default Status Data structure exchanged between the application and Generic Power Level Model
typedef struct
uint16_t power; /**< The value of the Generic Power Default state. */
} wiced_bt_mesh_power_default_data_t;
* Power Level Set Range Data structure exchanged between the application and Generic Power Level Model
typedef struct
uint16_t power_min; /**< The value of the Generic Power Min field of the Generic Power Range state. */
uint16_t power_max; /**< The value of the Generic Power Range Max field of the Generic Power Range state. */
} wiced_bt_mesh_power_level_range_set_data_t;
* Power Range Status Data structure exchanged between the application and Generic Power Level Model
typedef struct
uint8_t status; /**< status of set range */
uint16_t power_min; /**< The value of the Generic Power Min field of the Generic Power Range state. */
uint16_t power_max; /**< The value of the Generic Power Range Max field of the Generic Power Range state. */
} wiced_bt_mesh_power_range_status_data_t;
* Level Set Data structure exchanged between the application and the Generic Power Level Model
typedef struct
uint16_t level; /**< The target value of the Generic Power Actual state */
uint32_t transition_time; /**< Transition time to the target level */
uint16_t delay; /**< Delay before starting the transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_power_level_set_level_t;
* Light Lightness Status Data structure exchanged between the application and Light Lightness Model
typedef struct
uint16_t present; /**< The present value of the Light Lightness Actual state */
uint16_t target; /**< The target value of the Light Lightness Actual state */
uint32_t remaining_time; /**< Remaining time for transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_status_data_t;
typedef struct
uint16_t lightness_actual_present; /**< The present value of the Light Lightness Actual state */
uint16_t lightness_linear_present; /**< The present value of the Light Lightness Linear state */
uint16_t lightness_actual_target; /**< The target value of the Light Lightness Actual state */
uint16_t lightness_linear_target; /**< The target value of the Light Lightness Linear state */
uint32_t remaining_time; /**< Remaining time for transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_status_t;
* Light Lightness Set Data structure exchanged between the application and the models Light Lightness Server library
typedef struct
uint16_t lightness_actual; /**< The target value of the Light Lightness Actual */
uint16_t lightness_linear; /**< The target value of the Light Lightness Linear */
uint32_t transition_time; /**< Transition time to the target level */
uint16_t delay; /**< Delay before starting the transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_set_t;
* Light Lightness Actual Set Data structure exchanged between the application and the models Light Lightness Client library
typedef struct
uint16_t lightness_actual; /**< The target value of the Light Lightness Actual */
uint32_t transition_time; /**< Transition time to the target level */
uint16_t delay; /**< Delay before starting the transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_actual_set_t;
* Light Lightness Linear Set Data structure exchanged between the application and the models Light Lightness Client library
typedef struct
uint16_t lightness_linear; /**< The target value of the Light Lightness Linear */
uint32_t transition_time; /**< Transition time to the target level */
uint16_t delay; /**< Delay before starting the transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_linear_set_t;
* Light Lightness Last Status Data structure exchanged between the application and Light Lightness Model
typedef struct
uint16_t last_level; /**< The value of the Light Lightness Last state. */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_last_data_t;
* Lightness Default Status Data structure exchanged between the application and Light Lightness Model
typedef struct
uint16_t default_level; /**< The default lightness level for the Light Lightness Actual state. */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_default_data_t;
* Lightness Range Status Data structure exchanged between the application and Generic Power Level Model
typedef struct
uint16_t min_level; /**< The value of the Light Lightness Min field of the Light Lightness Range state. */
uint16_t max_level; /**< The value of the Light Lightness Max field of the Light Lightness Range state. */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_range_set_data_t;
* Lightness Range Status Data structure exchanged between the application and Light Lightness Model
typedef struct
uint8_t status; /**< status of set range */
uint16_t min_level; /**< The value of the Light Lightness Min field of the Light Lightness Range state. */
uint16_t max_level; /**< The value of the Light Lightness Max field of the Light Lightness Range state. */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_range_status_data_t;
* Property types defined in the Mesh Models specifications
* wiced_bt_mesh_property_type enumeration
#define WICED_BT_MESH_PROPERTY_TYPE_CLIENT 0 /**< Property type client */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_PROPERTY_TYPE_ADMIN 1 /**< Property type admin */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_PROPERTY_TYPE_MANUFACTURER 2 /**< Property type manufacturer */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_PROPERTY_TYPE_USER 3 /**< Property type user */
* Properties Get Data for Generic Property Models
typedef struct
uint8_t type; /**< One of the property types defined in the wiced_bt_mesh_property_type enumeration */
uint16_t starting_id; /**< The property ID to be reported in the property status message */
} wiced_bt_mesh_properties_get_data_t;
* Property Get Data for Generic Property Models
typedef struct
uint8_t type; /**< One of the property types defined in the wiced_bt_mesh_property_type enumeration */
uint16_t id; /**< The property ID to be reported in the property status message */
} wiced_bt_mesh_property_get_data_t;
* Properties Status Data for Generic Property Models
typedef struct
uint8_t type; /**< One of the property types defined in the wiced_bt_mesh_property_type enumeration */
uint8_t properties_num; /**< Number of property IDs */
uint16_t id[1]; /**< Start of the list of Property IDs. */
} wiced_bt_mesh_properties_status_data_t;
* Property Set Data structure exchanged between the application Generic User Property Models
typedef struct
uint8_t type; /**< One of the property types defined in the wiced_bt_mesh_property_type enumeration */
uint16_t id; /**< The Property ID received in the set message */
uint8_t access; /**< Access level to be set for the property. This is a bit map when 0x01 indicates readable and 0x02 writable */
uint16_t len; /**< Size of the Property Value */
uint8_t value[MESH_MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE_LEN]; /**< Property value */
} wiced_bt_mesh_property_set_data_t;
* Property Status Data structure exchanged between the application Generic User Property Models
typedef struct
uint8_t type; /**< One of the property types defined in the wiced_bt_mesh_property_type enumeration */
uint16_t id; /**< The Property ID received in the set message */
uint8_t access; /**< Access level allowed for the property. This is a bit map when 0x01 indicates readable and 0x02 writable */
uint16_t len; /**< Size of the Property Value */
uint8_t value[1]; /**< First byte of property value */
} wiced_bt_mesh_property_status_data_t;
* Data structure representing the state of Light Color Temperature device
typedef struct
uint16_t lightness; /**< Value of the Light CTL Lightness state */
uint16_t temperature; /**< Value of the Light CTL Temperature state */
uint16_t delta_uv; /**< Value of the Light CTL Delta UV state*/
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_data_t;
* Light CTL Status Data structure exchanged between the application and the models library
typedef struct
wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_data_t present; /**< Present value of the Light CTL Lightness, Temperature and Delta UV */
wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_data_t target; /**< Target value of the Light CTL Lightness, Temperature and Delta UV */
uint32_t remaining_time; /**< Remaining time for transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_status_data_t;
* Light CTL Set Data structure exchanged between the application and the models library
typedef struct
wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_data_t target; /**< Target value of the Light CTL state */
uint32_t transition_time; /**< Transition time to the target level */
uint16_t delay; /**< Delay before starting the transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_set_t;
* Light Lightness Last Status Data structure exchanged between the application and Light Lightness Model
typedef struct
uint16_t target_temperature; /**< Target value of the Light CTL Temperature state */
uint16_t target_delta_uv; /**< Target value of the Light CTL Delta UV state */
uint32_t transition_time; /**< Transition time to the target level */
uint16_t delay; /**< Delay before starting the transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_temperature_set_t;
* Lightness Default Status Data structure exchanged between the application and Light Lightness Model
typedef struct
wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_data_t default_status; /**< The default lightness, temperature, delta uv for the Light CTL state. */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_default_data_t;
* Temperature Range Status Data structure exchanged between the application and Light CTL Temperature Model
typedef struct
uint8_t status; /**< Status of the Set Range operation */
uint16_t min_level; /**< The value of the Light Lightness Min field of the Light Lightness Range state. */
uint16_t max_level; /**< The value of the Light Lightness Max field of the Light Lightness Range state. */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_temperature_range_status_data_t;
* Temperature Range Set Data structure exchanged between the application and Light CTL Temperature Model
typedef struct
uint16_t min_level; /**< The value of the Light Temperature Min field of the Light CTL Temperature Range state. */
uint16_t max_level; /**< The value of the Light Lightness Max field of the Light Lightness Range state. */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_temperature_range_data_t;
* Light Lightness Set Data structure exchanged between the application and the models library
typedef struct
uint16_t level; /**< The target value of the Light Lightness Actual state */
uint32_t transition_time; /**< Transition time to the target level */
uint16_t delay; /**< Delay before starting the transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_delta_uv_set_level_t;
* Light Lightness Last Status Data structure exchanged between the application and Light Lightness Model
typedef struct
uint16_t last_level; /**< The value of the Light Lightness Last state. */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_delta_uv_last_data_t;
* Lightness Default Status Data structure exchanged between the application and Light Lightness Model
typedef struct
uint16_t default_level; /**< The default lightness level for the Light Lightness Actual state. */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_delta_uv_default_data_t;
* Lightness Range Status Data structure exchanged between the application and Generic Power Level Model
typedef struct
uint16_t min_level; /**< The value of the Light Lightness Min field of the Light Lightness Range state. */
uint16_t max_level; /**< The value of the Light Lightness Max field of the Light Lightness Range state. */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_delta_uv_range_data_t;
* Data structure representing the state of Light HSL device
typedef struct
uint16_t lightness; /**< Value of the Light HSL Lightness state */
uint16_t hue; /**< Value of the Light HSL Hue state */
uint16_t saturation; /**< Value of the Light HSL Saturation UV state*/
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_data_t;
* Light HSL Status Data structure exchanged between the application and the models library
typedef struct
wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_data_t present; /**< Present value of HSL state */
uint32_t remaining_time; /**< Remaining time for transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_status_data_t;
* Light HSL Target Status Data structure exchanged between the application and the models library
typedef struct
wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_data_t target; /**< Target value of HSL state */
uint32_t remaining_time; /**< Remaining time for transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_target_status_data_t;
* Light HSL Set Data structure exchanged between the application and the models library
typedef struct
wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_data_t target; /**< Target value of the Light HSL state */
uint32_t transition_time; /**< Transition time to the target level */
uint16_t delay; /**< Delay before starting the transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_set_t;
* Light HSL Hue Set Data structure exchanged between the application and the models library
typedef struct
uint16_t level; /**< The target value of the Light HSL Hue state */
uint32_t transition_time; /**< Transition time to the target level */
uint16_t delay; /**< Delay before starting the transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_hue_set_t;
* Light HSL Saturation Set Data structure exchanged between the application and the models library
typedef struct
uint16_t level; /**< The target value of the Light HSL Saturation state */
uint32_t transition_time; /**< Transition time to the target level */
uint16_t delay; /**< Delay before starting the transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_saturation_set_t;
* Light HSL Set Default Data structure exchanged between the application and the models library
typedef struct
wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_data_t default_status; /**< Target value of the Light HSL state */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_default_data_t;
* Light HSL Hue status Data structure exchanged between the application and Light HSL Model
typedef struct
uint16_t present_hue; /**< The present value of the Light HSL Hue state */
uint16_t target_hue; /**< The target value of the Light HSL Hue state */
uint32_t remaining_time; /**< Remaining time for transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_hue_status_data_t;
* Light HSL Saturation Status Data structure exchanged between the application and Light HSL Model
typedef struct
uint16_t present_saturation; /**< The present value of the Light HSL Saturation state */
uint16_t target_saturation; /**< The target value of the Light HSL Saturation state */
uint32_t remaining_time; /**< Remaining time for transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_saturation_status_data_t;
* Light HSL Range Set Data structure exchanged between the application and Light HSL Level Model
typedef struct
uint16_t hue_min; /**< The value of the Hue Min */
uint16_t hue_max; /**< The value of the Hue Max */
uint16_t saturation_min; /**< The value of the Saturation Min */
uint16_t saturation_max; /**< The value of the Saturation Max */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_range_set_data_t;
* Light HSL Range Set Data structure exchanged between the application and Light HSL Level Model
typedef struct
uint8_t status; /**< Status Code for the requesting message */
uint16_t hue_min; /**< The value of the Hue Min */
uint16_t hue_max; /**< The value of the Hue Max */
uint16_t saturation_min; /**< The value of the Saturation Min */
uint16_t saturation_max; /**< The value of the Saturation Max */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_range_status_data_t;
* Light HSL Range Default Status structure exchanged between the application and Light HSL Level Model
typedef struct
wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_data_t default_status; /**< HSL status data */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_default_status_data_t;
* Data structure reppresenting the state of the Light xyL device
typedef struct
uint16_t lightness; /**< Value of the Light xyL Lightness */
uint16_t x; /**< x coordinate on the CIE1931 color space chart of a color light emitted by an element */
uint16_t y; /**< y coordinate on the CIE1931 color space chart of a color light emitted by an element */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_data_t;
* Light xyL x_y_default and range settings
typedef struct
uint16_t x_default; /**< default value of x */
uint16_t x_min; /**< minimum value of x */
uint16_t x_max; /**< maximum value of x */
uint16_t y_default; /**< default value of x */
uint16_t y_min; /**< minimum value of y */
uint16_t y_max; /**< maximum value of y */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_xy_settings_t;
* Light xyL Status Data structure exchanged between the application and the models library
typedef struct
wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_data_t present; /**< Present value of xyL state */
uint32_t remaining_time; /**< Remaining time for transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_status_data_t;
* Light xyL Target Value Data structure exchanged between the application and the models library
typedef struct
wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_data_t target; /**< Target value of xyL state */
uint32_t remaining_time; /**< Remaining time for transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_target_status_data_t;
* Light xyL Set Data structure exchanged between the application and the models library
typedef struct
wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_data_t target; /**< Target value of the Light xyL state */
uint32_t transition_time; /**< Transition time to the target levels */
uint16_t delay; /**< Delay before starting the transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_set_t;
* Light xyL Set Default Data structure exchanged between the application and the models library
typedef struct
wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_data_t default_status; /**< Default value of the Light xyL state */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_default_data_t;
* Light xyL Range Set Data structure exchanged between the application and Light xyL Level Model
typedef struct
uint16_t x_min; /**< Light xyL x Range Min field of the Light xyL x Range state */
uint16_t x_max; /**< Light xyL x Range Max field of the Light xyL y Range state */
uint16_t y_min; /**< Light xyL y Range Min field of the Light xyL y Range state */
uint16_t y_max; /**< Light xyL y Range Max field of the Light xyL y Range state */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_range_set_data_t;
* Light xyL Range Set Data structure exchanged between the application and Light xyL Level Model
typedef struct
uint8_t status; /**< Status Code for the requesting message */
uint16_t x_min; /**< Light xyL x Range Min field of the Light xyL x Range state */
uint16_t x_max; /**< Light xyL x Range Max field of the Light xyL y Range state */
uint16_t y_min; /**< Light xyL y Range Min field of the Light xyL y Range state */
uint16_t y_max; /**< Light xyL y Range Max field of the Light xyL y Range state */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_range_status_data_t;
* Light xyL Range Default Status structure exchanged between the application and Light xyL Level Model
typedef struct
wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_data_t default_status; /**< Light xyL x Default value */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_default_status_data_t;
* Light LC Mode Set data structure exchanged between the application and Light LC library
typedef struct
uint8_t mode; /**< The target value of the Light LC Mode state */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_lc_mode_set_data_t;
* Light LC Occupancy Mode Set data structure exchanged between the application and Light LC library
typedef struct
uint8_t mode; /**< The target value of the Light LC Mode state */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_lc_occupancy_mode_set_data_t;
* Light LC Light OnOff Set data structure exchanged between the application and Light LC library
typedef struct
uint8_t light_onoff; /**< The target value of the Light LC Light OnOff state */
uint32_t transition_time; /**< Transition time to the target state */
uint16_t delay; /**< Delay before starting the transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_lc_light_onoff_set_data_t;
* Light LC Light OnOff Status data structure exchanged between the application and Light LC library
typedef struct
uint8_t present_onoff; /**< Present value of the Light LC Light OnOff state */
uint8_t target_onoff; /**< Target value of the Light LC Light OnOff state */
uint32_t remaining_time; /**< Remaining time */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_lc_light_onoff_status_data_t;
* Light LC Light OnOff Set data structure exchanged between the application and Light LC library
typedef struct
uint16_t linear_out; /**< The target value of the Light LC Linear Output state */
uint32_t transition_time; /**< Transition time to the target state */
uint16_t delay; /**< Delay before starting the transition */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_lc_linear_out_set_data_t;
* Light LC Property Get Data structure exchanged between the application and Light LC library
typedef struct
uint16_t id; /**< The Property ID identifying a Light LC Property */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_lc_property_get_data_t;
* Light LC Property Set Data structure exchanged between the application and Light LC library
typedef struct
uint16_t id; /**< The Property ID identifying a Light LC Property */
uint16_t len; /**< Size of the Property Value */
#define MESH_MAX_LIGHT_LC_PROPERTY_VALUE_LEN 4 /**< Light LC maximum property value len */
uint8_t value[MESH_MAX_LIGHT_LC_PROPERTY_VALUE_LEN]; /**< Property value */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_lc_property_set_data_t;
* Light LC Property Status Data structure exchanged between the application and Light LC library
typedef struct
uint16_t id; /**< The Property ID received in the set message */
uint16_t len; /**< Size of the Property Value */
uint8_t value[MESH_MAX_LIGHT_LC_PROPERTY_VALUE_LEN]; /**< Property value */
} wiced_bt_mesh_light_lc_property_status_data_t;
* \brief Scene store message handler
* \details Each model may define a message handler if it needs to store data per scene in the NVRAM. When Scene Server
* receives Scene Store message it calls each model's handler.
* @param element_idx Element index for which scene information is being stored
* @param p_buffer Pointer to a buffer where data should be stored
* @param buf_size Maximum amount of data a model can store
* @return Number of bytes the model wrote into the provided buffer
typedef uint16_t (*wiced_model_scene_store_handler_t)(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint16_t buf_size);
* \brief Scene retrieve message handler
* \details Each model may define a message handler if it stores data per scene in the NVRAM. When Scene Server
* receives Scene Recall message it calls each model's handler.
* @param element_idx Element index for which scene information is being recalled
* @param p_buffer Pointer to a buffer where model's data is located
* @param buf_size Maximum amount of data a model can get from the buffer
* @return Number of bytes the model read from the provided buffer
typedef uint16_t (*wiced_model_scene_recall_handler_t)(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint16_t buf_size, uint32_t transition_time, uint32_t delay);
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_battery_server Mesh Battery Server
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Battery Server module provides a way for a client to retrieve the Battery status of this device. The Server Model
* can also be configured by a Provisioner to allow sending the Status message to a specific node or group of nodes.
* On startup the application should call wiced_bt_mesh_model_battery_server_init function providing the callback that
* will be called when a request for the battery status is received. The application should call the wiced_bt_mesh_battery_server_send_status
* function in response to a get request, or when application logic requires battery status to be sent out. In the latter
* case the message will be sent out only if device is configured remotely with the destination address where the battery status
* should be sent to and the application key to be used to secure the message.
* @{
* Mesh Battery Server Device.
* The device can exist standalone, but usually is combined with other battery powered devices.
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_BATTERY_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_battery_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* \brief Battery Server callback
* \details The Battery Server callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a get message from the peer
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref BATTERY_EVENT "Mesh Battery Events")
* @param p_event information about the message received. The same pointer should be used in the reply if required.
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_battery_server_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Battery Server Module initialization
* \details Application should call this function during startup to register a callback which will be executed when received message requires application processing.
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the mesh models library when application action is required, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return WICED_TRUE if initialization was successful
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_battery_server_init(wiced_bt_mesh_battery_server_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Battery Server Message Handler
* \details Application can call this models library function to process a message received from the Battery Client.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the application back to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_battery_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief The application can call this function to send status message to the Battery Client. The mesh event should
* contain information if this is a reply or an unsolicited message.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the Battery data
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_battery_server_send_status(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, mesh_battery_event_t *p_data);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_battery_server */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_battery_client Mesh Battery Client
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Battery Client module provides a way for an application to retrieve the battery status of a mesh node. The module
* can also process unsolicited status messages from mesh nodes.
* On startup the application should call wiced_bt_mesh_model_battery_client_init function providing the callback that
* will be called when battery status message is received. The application can call the wiced_bt_mesh_battery_client_send_get
* function to retrieve the battery status of a mesh device.
* @{
* \brief Battery Client callback
* \details The Battery Client callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a Battery Status message from the peer
* @param event Event that the application should process (see @ref BATTERY_EVENT "Mesh Battery Events")
* @param p_event The information about the message received. The same pointer should be used in the reply if required.
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_battery_client_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, mesh_battery_event_t *p_data);
* \brief Battery Client Module initialization
* \details Application should call this function during startup to register a callback which will be executed when received message requires application processing.
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the mesh models library when application action is required, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_battery_client_init(wiced_bt_mesh_battery_client_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Battery Client Message Handler
* \details The application should call this models library function to process a message received from the Battery Server.
* The function parses and validates the message and if appropriate calls the application to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_battery_client_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Battery Client Send
* \details The application can call this function to send get request to the Battery Server. The mesh event should
* contain the destination address and the application key index to be used to secure the message. In some cases the
* model can be configured by the provisioner to send the request to a specific address and use specific key. In that
* case application can use zeroes in the destination address and app key index fields.
* @param p_event Mesh event created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_battery_client_send_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_battery_client */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_location_server Mesh Location Server
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Location Server module provides a way for a client to set the Global and Local location for a mesh device.
* Setup location can be retrieved by the same or different clients. The Location Server may also be configured to
* publish unsolicited messages with the location information to a specific node or to a group of nodes.
* Two types of location information can be exchanged between the client and the server. The Global Location Data (see
* @ref wiced_bt_mesh_location_global_data_t) and the Local Location Data (see @ref wiced_bt_mesh_location_local_data_t).
* On startup the application should call the wiced_bt_mesh_model_location_server_init function providing the callback
* to be executed when a Get or Set request is received from a mesh device. The application should call the
* wiced_bt_mesh_model_location_server_send function in response to a get request, a set request when reply is required
* or when application logic requires location information to be sent out. In the latter case the message will be sent
* out only if device is configured remotely with the destination address where the location status should be set to and
* and the application key to be used to secure the message.
* @{
* \brief Location Server callback.
* \details The Location Server callback is executed by the Mesh Models library on receiving a Get or a Set message from
* the peer. In case of the Set the application should update the location information. In case of the Get or if the
* reply variable is set to TRUE in the p_event structure, the application should call the wiced_bt_mesh_model_location_server_send
* function returning p_event back to the library. Otherwise p_event should be released.
* @param element_idx Element Index of the model
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref LOCATION_EVENT "Location Events")
* @param p_data Pointer to the local/global location data
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_location_server_callback_t)(uint8_t element_idx, uint16_t event, void *p_data);
* \brief Location Server initialization
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the mesh models library when application action is required, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_location_server_init(wiced_bt_mesh_location_server_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Location Server Message Handler
* \details Application can call this models library function to process a message received from the Location Client
* and targeted to the Generic Location Server model.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the application back to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_location_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Location Setup Server Message Handler
* \details Application can call this models library function to process a message received from the Location Client
* and targeted to the Generic Location Setup Server model.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the application back to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_location_setup_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief The application can call this function to send status message to the Location Client. The mesh event should
* contain information if this is a reply or an unsolicited message.
* @param type Type of the message to be send to the Client (see @ref LOCATION_EVENT "Location Events")
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Depending on the type of the message this should point to the Global Location Data (@ref wiced_bt_mesh_location_global_data_t) or the Local Location Data (see @ref wiced_bt_mesh_location_local_data_t)
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_location_server_send(uint16_t type, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_location_server */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_location_client Mesh Location Client
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Location Client module provides a way for an application to configure the device with a Global or a Local Location
* data or to retrieve this data. The module can also process unsolicited status messages from mesh nodes.
* On startup the application should call wiced_bt_mesh_model_location_client_init function providing the callback that
* will be called when location status message is received. The application can call the appropriate Get or Set
* function to retrieve or setup the Global or Local Location data on a specific mesh node.
* @{
* \brief Location Client callback
* \details The Location Client callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a message from the peer.
* Depending on the event, the p_data can contain he Global Location Data (see @ref wiced_bt_mesh_location_global_data_t) or
* the Local Location Data (see @ref wiced_bt_mesh_location_local_data_t). The application is responsible for releasing the
* p_event when it completes processing of the data.
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref LOCATION_EVENT "Mesh Location Events")
* @param p_event information about the message received including the message source address.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_location_client_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief Location Client Module initialization
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the mesh models library when application action is required, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_location_client_init(wiced_bt_mesh_location_client_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Location Client Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent back to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_location_client_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Global Location Get client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_location_client_send_global_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Set Global Location client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_location_client_send_global_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_location_global_data_t* p_location_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Local Location Get client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_location_client_send_global_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Get Location client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_location_client_send_local_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Set Location client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_location_client_send_local_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_location_local_data_t* p_location_data);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_location_client */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_onoff_server Mesh OnOff Server
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh OnOff Server module of the Mesh Models library provides a way to implement functionality for the
* devices that can be controlled using a simple On/Off switch, aka On/Off client.
* The OnOff Server module is typically not used by a target applications. It is used by other modules that
* extend OnOff functionality. A simple example is a Power Plug application. Instead of using OnOff module, the
* application uses Power On/Off, which in addition to OnOff provides On Power Up behavior, i.e. the library
* saves in the NVRAM configuration of the state required when device is powered up and controls application accordingly.
* Similarly, an application for dimmable light uses Light Lightness module. If peer sends OnOff command, the application receives a
* callback from the Light Lightness module that the lightness is set to zero.
* To use the OnOff Server, on startup an application or a module that extends the OnOff functionality should call
* wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_init function providing the callback that will be executed when an OnOff request is received
* to turn the device on or off.
* The module which extends OnOff server should call the wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_changed function when the OnOff state
* of the device is changed locally.
* @{
* Mesh OnOff Server Device.
* The model is used as a base for multiple other models. This device is typically not used standalone. The closest
* is Power OnOff Device which adds on power up behavior to the device and then can be used standalone.
* With the TIME_AND_SCHEDULER_SUPPORT the model TIME_CLNT is needed just to send TIME_GET message. Therefore message_handler is NULL.
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCHEDULER_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCHEDULER_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_scene_recall_handler }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_scene_recall_handler }
* \brief Generic On/Off Server callback
* \details The Generic On/Off Server callback is executed by the Mesh Models library on receiving
* a SET message from the peer. The callback is provided by the application or by the mesh model
* which extends the Generic On/Off server during the initialization.
* @param element_idx Element Index of the model
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref ONOFF_EVENT "On/Off Events")
* @param p_data Pointer to the on/off state data
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_onoff_server_callback_t)(uint8_t element_idx, uint16_t event, void *p_data);
* \brief On/Off Server Module initialization
* \details The function shall be called to initialize the On/Off Server Module of the Mesh Models library.
* For multi element applications, the initialization shall be done for each element that supports on/off get, on/off set
* functionality.
* @param element_idx Device element where OnOff model is used
* @param p_callback Application or Parent model callback that will be executed on receiving a message
* @param transition_interval Interval in milliseconds to update application during transition change with STATUS messages. If 0, library will send a single SET message when the transition should start.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE, the device is unprovisioned.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_onoff_server_callback_t *p_callback, uint32_t transition_interval, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief On/Off Server Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. This function is implemented by Mesh Models library and does not need to be replicated
* by the application or any other module. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model,
* and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief On/Off Server Scene Store Handler
* \details The mesh Scene Server calls this function so that the module can store required data for the scene. The function is
* implemented in the Mesh Models library and does not need to be replicated by the application. To extend library functionality,
* the application can replace the function in the @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_ONOFF_SERVER, performs its functionality and then call
* this function directly.
* @param element_idx Element index for which scene information is being stored
* @param p_buffer Pointer to a buffer where data should be stored
* @param buf_size Maximum amount of data a model can store
* @return Number of bytes the model wrote into the provided buffer
uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_scene_store_handler(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint16_t buffer_len);
* \brief On/Off Server Scene Recall Handler
* \details When the Scene Server receives the Scene Recall message it calls this function with data previously stored in the NVRAM.
* The function is implemented in the Mesh Models library and does not need to be replicated by the application. To extend
* library functionality, the application can replace the function in the @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_ONOFF_SERVER, performs
* its functionality and then call this function directly.
* @param element_idx Element index for which scene information is being recalled
* @param p_buffer Pointer to a buffer where model's data is located
* @param buf_size Maximum amount of data a model can get from the buffer
* @param transition_time Specified time in milliseconds to transition to the target state
* @param delay Specifies time in milliseconds before starting to transition to the target state
* @return Number of bytes the model read from the provided buffer
uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_scene_recall_handler(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint16_t buffer_len, uint32_t transition_time, uint32_t delay);
* \brief If On/Off state of the device can be changed locally, the application shall call this function to notify
* OnOff library that the value has been changed.
* @param element_idx Element index for which onoff state has changed
* @param onoff New value of onoff
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_changed(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t onoff);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_onoff_server */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_onoff_client Mesh OnOff Client
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh On/Off Client module of the Mesh Models library provides a way for an application to send OnOff
* commands to the server and optionally receive status information.
* To include On/Off functionality, the device description shall contain @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_ONOFF_CLIENT. To
* implement a device which supports multiple switches, the @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_ONOFF_CLIENT shall be included
* in multiple elements. Based on this information, the device that performs configuration will be able to
* specify different destination for every switch.
* In a simplest form, an application needs to initialize using the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_client_init function
* and then call @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_client_set to tell the Mesh Library to send a command. The configuration
* of the destination address and security credential is done during the provisioning/configuration process and
* the application does not need to worry about it.
* If an application needs more control of how messages are sent out, it can use @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_client_send_get
* and @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_client_send_set functions. These functions require to use the p_event parameter which
* include among others address of the desgination, application key index, retrnansmission parameters, TTL, and various others.
* After creating the event, the application can adjust the paramters as needed.
* To receive On/Off status information, an application during initialization specifies the callback that will
* be executed when OnOff status message is received. The status information can be received as a result of sending
* On/Off Get and Set commands. In addition to that, the On/Off server can be configured to send the status information
* to the device that implements the OnOff Client module, or to a group of the devices to which the OnOff Client belongs.
* @{
* Mesh On/Off Client Device.
* The device implements a Generic On/Off switch.
* The device can be configured to control any device that supports Generic On/Off Server model (WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ONOFF_SRV).
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ONOFF_CLNT, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_client_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* \brief On/Off Client callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a On/Off status message from the peer.
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref ONOFF_EVENT "Mesh On/Off Events")
* @param p_event information about the message received. It is application responsibility to release the event using @ref wiced_bt_mesh_release_event.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_onoff_client_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief On/Off Client Module initialization
* \details The function shall be called to initialize the On/Off Module of the Mesh Models library. For multi element
* applications, the initialization shall be done for each element that supports On/Off get/set functionality.
* The p_callback parameter may be set to NULL if no On/Off Status processing is required.
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the mesh models library when application action is required, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_client_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_onoff_client_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief On/Off Client Message Handler
* \details This is an internal Mesh Models library function and does not need to be implemented or called by the application,
* unless application wants to replace the library functionality. The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received.
* The function shall return WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_client_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief The application can call this function to send get On/Off state client message to the server.
* Model library will send the message out only if the OnOff Client model is configured by the provisioner
* for publication.
* If the application has registerd the callback during the initialization, the callback will be executed
* twice, first with @ref WICED_BT_MESH_TX_COMPLETE event indicating that the event has been sent out
* and then with @ref WICED_BT_MESH_ONOFF_STATUS event with the status information.
* @param element_idx Element Index of the model
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_client_get(uint8_t element_idx);
* \brief The application can call this function to send get On/Off state client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_client_send_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send On/Off command. The application
* does not need to know the destination of the command or application key that will be used to
* secure the packet. The Mesh Models library will send the message out only if the OnOff Client
* model of the referenced element is configured by the provisioner for publication.
* If the application has registered the callback during the initialization, the callback will be executed
* with @ref WICED_BT_MESH_TX_COMPLETE event indicating that the event has been sent out. The OnOff
* command is sent not requiring acknowledgment. The @ref WICED_BT_MESH_ONOFF_STATUS event
* will only be executed only if the provisioner configured the recipient of the command to publish
* the status data to this element, or to a group to which this element belongs to.
* @param element_idx Element Index of the model
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_client_set(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_onoff_set_data_t* p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Set OnOff client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_client_send_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_onoff_set_data_t* p_data);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_onoff_client */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_level_server Mesh Level Server
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Level Server module of the Mesh Models library provides a way to implement functionality for the
* devices that can be controlled using a simple level slider, aka Level client.
* The Level Server module is typically not used by a target applications. It is used by other modules that
* extend Level functionality. For example a power adapter with controllable power level uses a Power Level
* module which in addition to Level provides Power On/Off and On Power Up control. Similarly,
* an application for a dimmable light uses Light Lightness module. While the client sends Level command,
* the application receives callback from the Light Lightness module that the lightness is changed appropriately.
* To use the Level Server, on startup an application or a module that extends the Level functionality should call
* @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_init function providing the callback that will be executed when the change
* of the level is requested.
* Note, that the Mesh Models library implements the transition state machine. For example, when the change in
* the level is requested over some transition time, the application will be called periodically while transition
* is in progress.
* If the application initializes the Level server directly it should call @ref the wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_changed
* function when the Level state of the device is changed locally.
* @{
* Mesh Level Server Device.
* The model is used as a base for multiple other models. It is typically not used standalone. The closest
* is Power Level Device which adds on power up behavior to the device and then can be used standalone.
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCHEDULER_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCHEDULER_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LEVEL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_scene_recall_handler }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LEVEL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_scene_recall_handler }
* \brief Generic Level Server callback is called by the Mesh Models library when the level needs
* to be changed. If peer device sends Set Level, Delta Level or Move Level command specifying
* not zero transition interval, the callback will be called periodically. The only event that
* the application needs to process is @ref WICED_BT_MESH_LEVEL_STATUS.
* @param element_idx Element Index of the model
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref LEVEL_EVENT "Level Events")
* @param p_data Pointer to the level state data
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_level_server_callback_t)(uint8_t element_idx, uint16_t event, void *p_data);
* \brief Level Server Module initialization
* \details The function shall be called to initialize the Level Module of the Mesh Models library. For multi element
* applications, the initialization shall be done for each element that supports level get, level set, level delta,
* or level move functionality.
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback Application or Parent model callback that will be executed on receiving a message
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_level_server_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Level Server Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Level Server Scene Store Handler
* \details The mesh Scene Server calls this function so that the module can store required data for the scene.
* @param element_idx Element index for which scene information is being stored
* @param p_buffer Pointer to a buffer where data should be stored
* @param buf_size Maximum amount of data a model can store
* @return Number of bytes the model wrote into the provided buffer
uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_scene_store_handler(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint16_t buffer_len);
* \brief Level Server Scene Store Handler
* \details When Scene Server receives Scene Recall message it calls this function with data previously stored in the NVRAM.
* @param element_idx Element index for which scene information is being recalled
* @param p_buffer Pointer to a buffer where model's data is located
* @param buf_size Maximum amount of data a model can get from the buffer
* @param transition_time Specified time in milliseconds to transition to the target state
* @param delay Specifies time in milliseconds before starting to transition to the target state
* @return Number of bytes the model read from the provided buffer
uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_scene_recall_handler(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint16_t buffer_len, uint32_t transition_time, uint32_t delay);
* \brief An application can call this function to notify Generic Level library that the value has been changed locally.
* @param element_idx Element index for which level state has changed
* @param value New value of level
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_changed(uint8_t element_idx, int16_t value);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_level_server */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_level_client Mesh Level Client
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Level Client module of the Mesh Models library provides a way for an application to send Level
* commands (set, delta and move) to the server and optionally receive status information. The module can be
* used in an implementation of a simple slider device.
* To include Level functionality, the device description shall contain @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LEVEL_CLIENT. To
* implement a device which supports multiple sliders, the @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LEVEL_CLIENT shall be included
* in multiple elements. Based on this information, the device that performs configuration will be able to
* specify different destination for different sliders supported by the device.
* There are three controlling methods which can be used depending on the application. The device which remembers its
* state (for example, the current level), can use Level Set command. The device which does not remember the state
* but knows how much the level is being changed can use Delta Set command. The device which can detect speed of the change
* can use Move Set command.
* In a simplest form, an application needs to initialize using the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_client_init function
* and then call @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_client_set to tell the Mesh Library to send a command. The configuration
* of the destination address and security credential is done during the provisioning/configuration process and
* the application does not need to worry about it.
* If an application needs more control of how messages are sent out, it can use @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_client_send_get,
* @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_client_send_set, @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_client_send_delta_set, or
* @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_client_send_move_set functions. These functions require to use the p_event parameter which
* include among others address of the desgination, application key index, retrnansmission parameters, TTL, and various others.
* After creating the event, the application can adjust the paramters as needed.
* To receive Level Status information, an application during initialization specifies the callback that will
* be executed when Level status message is received. The status information can be received as a result of sending
* Level Get and Set commands. In addition to that, the Level server can be configured to send the status information
* to the device that implements the Level Client module, or to a group of the devices to which the OnOff Client belongs.
* @{
* \brief Generic Level Client callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a message from the peer
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref LEVEL_EVENT "Mesh Level Events")
* @param p_event information about the message received. The same pointer should be used in the reply if required.
* @param p_data Pointer to the level data
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_level_client_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief Generic Level Client Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise. Generic Level Server device.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent back to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_client_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Level Client Module initialization
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the mesh models library when application action is required, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_client_init(uint8_t element_idx, void *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Set Level client message. The function parameters doe not contain any information on where and how the
* message has not be sent because configuration has been done by the Confoguration client.
* This function will likely be used in the controlling application
* where application remembers the target Level state. If application does not remember the target state, the send_delta is more appropriate.
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param is_final WICED_TRUE, if this is a final set command. WICED_FALSE if application expects more commands to come.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data with current level and transition time
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_client_set(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bool_t is_final, wiced_bt_mesh_level_set_level_t *p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Generic Level Get message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_client_send_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Set Level client message to the server. This function will likely be used in the controlling application
* where application remembers the target Level state. If application does not remember the target state, the send_delta is more appropriate.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_client_send_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_level_set_level_t* p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Set Delta Level client message to the server. This command will likely be used in the controlling application
* where application does not remember the target Level state. The instant command is just to adjust level.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_client_send_delta_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_level_set_delta_t* p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Set Move client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_client_send_move_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_level_set_move_t* p_data);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_level_client */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_default_transition_time_server Mesh Default Transition Time Server
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Default Transition Time Server module of the Mesh Models library provides implementation of the Default Transition
* Time model. The module cannot be used as a standalone device. But it is required to be included in the definition of various
* other devices.
* All functions of the module are implemented internally in the Mesh Models library and do not need to be replicated in the
* application, unless application needs to replace the functionality of the server.
* @{
* Mesh Default Transition Time Server Module.
* The model is used as a base for multiple other models. It is typically not used standalone.
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* \brief Generic Default Transition Time Server callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a message from the peer
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref DEFAULT_TRANSITION_TIME_EVENT "Default Transition Time Events")
* @param p_event information about the message received. The same pointer should be used in the reply if required.
* @param p_data Pointer to the on/off state data
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_default_transition_time_server_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *wiced_bt_mesh_default_transition_time_data_t);
* \brief Generic Default Transition Time Module initialization
* \details An application should initialize default transition time model for each element which supports any of the server models that have transitions.
* The callback that is passed as a parameter will be executed if the provisioner changes the value of the default transition time.
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the mesh models library when application action is required, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_default_transition_time_server_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Default Transition Time Server Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received.
* The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific
* model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_default_transition_time_server */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_default_transition_time_client Mesh Default Transition Time Client
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Default Transition Time Client module of the Mesh Models library provides a way for a controlling device
* to set default transition time for the devices in the mesh network.
* @{
* \brief Default Transition Time Client callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a message from the peer
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref DEFAULT_TRANSITION_TIME_EVENT "Mesh Default Transition Time Events")
* @param p_event information about the message received. The same pointer should be used in the reply if required.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_default_transition_time_client_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief Default Transition Time Client Module initialization
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the mesh models library when application action is required, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_client_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_default_transition_time_client_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Default Transition Time Client Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise. Default Transition Time Server device.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent back to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_client_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief The application can call this function to send get Default Transition Time client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_client_send_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Set Default Transition Time client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the application for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_client_send_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_default_transition_time_data_t* p_data);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_default_transition_time_client */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_power_onoff_server Mesh Power OnOff Server
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Power OnOff Server module of the Mesh Models library provides a way to implement functionality for the
* devices that can be controlled using a simple On/Off switch, aka On/Off client. In addition to that
* the device would support a default transition time server functionality and application can specify On Power Up behavior.
* The default transition time and behavior of the device on power up is managed by the Mesh Models library
* and is not exposed to the application. The library stores in the persistent storage the configured values and
* controls application based on the configuration.
* To instantiate the Power OnOff Server module, that application includes the
* @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_POWER_ONOFF_SERVER in the device definition. In addition to that, the application shall call
* @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_server_init function providing the callback that will be executed when an OnOff request
* is received to turn the device on or off.
* The Mesh Power OnOff Server module maintains the On/Off state and notifies the application when the
* state changes. The application shall call the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_server_onoff_changed function
* when the OnOff state of the device is changed locally.
* @{
* Mesh Power OnOff Server Device.
* The device combines onoff server functionality with default on power up behavior.
* The model can be used standalone, for example, to implement a power plug.
* The time and scheduler models are optional and can be commented out to reduce memory footprint.
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCHEDULER_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCHEDULER_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* \brief Generic Power On/Off Server callback
* \details The Generic Power On/Off Server callback is executed by the Mesh Models library on receiving
* a On/Off Set message from the peer. The callback is provided by the application during the initialization.
* @param element_idx Element Index of the model
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref ONOFF_EVENT "On/Off Events")
* @param p_data Pointer to the on/off state data
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_power_onoff_server_callback_t)(uint8_t element_idx, uint16_t event, void *p_data);
* \brief Power On/Off Server Module initialization
* \details The function shall be called to initialize the Power On/Off Server Module of the Mesh Models library.
* For multi element applications, the initialization shall be done for each element that supports
* Power On/Off functionality.
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback Application or Parent model callback that will be executed when application action is required, for example, to adjust the hardware.
* @param transition_interval Interval in milliseconds to update application during transition change with STATUS messages. If 0, library will send a single SET message when the transition should start.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_server_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_power_onoff_server_callback_t *p_callback, uint32_t transition_interval, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Power On/Off Server Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. This function is implemented by Mesh
* Models library and does not need to be replicated by the application or any other module. The function returns
* WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Power On/Off Setup Server Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. This function is implemented by Mesh
* Models library and does not need to be replicated by the application or any other module. The function returns
* WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_setup_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \details The application shall call this function if the onoff status has changed locally.
* The Power On/Off module stores new state information and publishes the status change if appropriate.
* @param element_idx Element index for which onoff state has changed
* @param onoff New value of onoff
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_server_onoff_changed(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t onoff);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_power_onoff_server */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_power_onoff_client Mesh Power OnOff Client
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Power On/Off Client module of the Mesh Models library provides a way for an application to
* manage the On Power Up behavior of other mesh devices. It is typicallly used by the applications running on
* devices which performs mesh network configuration.
* To include Power On/Off functionality, the device description shall contain @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_POWER_ONOFF_CLIENT.
* The application shall also initialize the Power On/Off Client calling the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_client_init
* registering a callback to receive Power OnOff status messages
* To find out the current On Power Up state set on a particular device and to modify the behavior the application
* shall use @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_client_send_onpowerup_get. and @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_client_send_onpowerup_set
* methods respectively. These functions require to use the p_event parameter which include among others the address of
* the desgination device, the application key index, the retrnansmission parameters, the TTL, and various others.
* @{
* \brief Power On/Off Client callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving @ref WICED_BT_MESH_POWER_ONOFF_ONPOWERUP_STATUS
* message from the peer. The function is also called when transmission of the request has been completed @ref WICED_BT_MESH_TX_COMPLETE
* with tx_failed field of the p_event parameter indicating if the request has been sent out successfully.
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref POWER_ONOFF_EVENT "Mesh Power On/Off Events")
* @param p_event information about the message received.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data with the status information
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_power_onoff_client_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief Power On/Off Client Module initialization
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the Mesh Models library when a request has been sent out, or failed, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_client_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_power_onoff_client_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Generic Power OnOff Client Message Handler
* \details This is an internal Mesh Models library function and does not need to be implemented or called by the application,
* unless application wants to replace the library functionality. The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received.
* The function shall return WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_client_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief The application can call this function to send the Get Power On/Off state client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the application.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_client_send_onpowerup_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Set OnOff client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the application.
* The p_event->reply specifies if application wants to receive Status from the peer.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_client_send_onpowerup_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_power_onoff_data_t* p_data);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_power_onoff_client */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_power_level_server Mesh Power Level Server
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Power Level Server module of the Mesh Models library provides a way to implement functionality of
* a power plug type of a device that can be controlled using a Level slider (Generic Level client) and On/Off
* switch (Generic On/Off client). In addition to that the device supports a default transition time server
* functionality and the application can specify on power up behavior.
* To instantiate the Power Level Server module, that application includes the
* @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_POWER_LEVEL_SERVER in the device definition. In addition to that, the application shall call
* @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_server_init function providing the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_power_level_server_callback_t
* callback that will be executed when power level of the device needs to be changed.
* If the device supports several elements with the Power Level Server, for example a power strip with several power plugs, the @ref
* WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_POWER_LEVEL_SERVER shall be included for each element.
* The Mesh Power Level Server module in the Mesh Models library maintains the On/Off and Level states and notifies the
* application on the state changes. The application shall call the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_server_level_changed function
* when the power level of the device is changed locally.
* Most of the functionality of the Mesh Power Level server device is implemented in the Mesh Models Library. The
* application only needs to set hardware appropriately on receiving @ref WICED_BT_MESH_POWER_LEVEL_STATUS event.
* If client requests to change power to the target value over a period of time, the library will maintain the timer
* and will periodically call the application with appropriate power level.
* The default transition time is managed by the Mesh Models library. The application provides factory default
* in the default_transition_time element of the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_t configuration structure.
* The default value is used unless overwritten by the default transition time client.
* The on power up behavior is managed by the Mesh Models library. The application provides factory default
* in the onpowerup_state element of the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_t configuration structure.
* The default value is used unless overwritten by the default transition time client.
* @{
* \brief Mesh Power Level Server Device Composition Data.
* \details The Mesh Power Level Server device combines power level and power onoff server functionality with default transition time and on power up behavior.
* The model can be used standalone, for example, to implement a power plug with adjustible level.
* The time and scheduler models are optional and can be commented out to reduce memory footprint.
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCHEDULER_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCHEDULER_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LEVEL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_LEVEL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_LEVEL_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LEVEL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_LEVEL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_LEVEL_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* \brief Generic Power Level Server callback.
* \details Generic Power Level Server callback is executed by the Mesh Models library to change the power level of the device.
* The p_data parameter points to the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_power_level_status_data_t structure. Typically the application
* will only need to use the value of the present_power field which specify the power level of the
* device which shall be set at this particular moment. If the remaining_time field is not zero, the Mesh Library
* will execute the callback at least once more before the transition is completed.
* If peer device requested to transition to the power level over a period of time, the callback will be
* executed repeatedly. Mesh Library calculates the present power level and submits to the application to
* update the hardware.
* @param element_idx Element Index of the model
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref POWER_LEVEL_EVENT "Power Level Events")
* @param p_data Pointer to the power level data
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_power_level_server_callback_t)(uint8_t element_idx, uint16_t event, void *p_data);
* \brief Power Level Module initialization
* \details A Mesh application which contains Power Level Server should call this function for each element where the Power Level Server is present.
* If application needs to support multiple Power Level servers, the initialization shall be called multiple times, once for each element of the device.
* The application callback will be executed by the Model Library when it is required to set hardware to the desired power level
* to a certain level.
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback Application callback that will be executed to set the hardware to the specified level.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the Mesh Models Library deletes this module's configuration data stored in the NVRAM.
* @return WICED_TRUE if initialization was successful
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_server_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_power_level_server_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Power Level Changed
* \details The application shall call this function if the power level of the device has been changed locally.
* The Power Level module stores new state information and publishes the status change if appropriate.
* @param element_idx Element index for which onoff state has changed
* @param level New value of the power level
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_server_level_changed(uint8_t element_idx, uint16_t level);
* \brief Power Level Server Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. This function is implemented by Mesh
* Models library and does not need to be replicated by the application or any other module. The function returns
* WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Power Level Setup Server Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. This function is implemented by Mesh
* Models library and does not need to be replicated by the application or any other module. The function returns
* WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_setup_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Power Level Server Scene Store Handler
* \details The mesh Scene Server calls this function so that the module can store required data for the scene. This function is implemented by Mesh
* Models library and does not need to be replicated by the application or any other module.
* @param element_idx Element index for which scene information is being stored
* @param p_buffer Pointer to a buffer where data should be stored
* @param buf_size Maximum amount of data a model can store
* @return Number of bytes the model wrote into the provided buffer
uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_server_scene_store_handler(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint16_t buffer_len);
* \brief Power Level Server Scene Store Handler
* \details When Scene Server receives Scene Recall message it calls this function with data previously stored in the NVRAM. This function is implemented by Mesh
* Models library and does not need to be replicated by the application or any other module.
* @param element_idx Element index for which scene information is being recalled
* @param p_buffer Pointer to a buffer where model's data is located
* @param buf_size Maximum amount of data a model can get from the buffer
* @param transition_time Specified time in milliseconds to transition to the target state
* @param delay Specifies time in milliseconds before starting to transition to the target state
* @return Number of bytes the model read from the provided buffer
uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_server_scene_recall_handler(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint16_t buffer_len, uint32_t transition_time, uint32_t delay);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_power_level_server */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_power_level_client Mesh Power Level Client
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Power Level Client module of the Mesh Models library provides a way for an application to control
* power level of the Power Level Servers in the mesh network optionally receive status information.
* To include Power Level Client functionality, the device description shall contain @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_POWER_LEVEL_CLIENT.
* @{
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_LEVEL_CLNT, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_client_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* \brief Power Level Client callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a message from the peer
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref POWER_LEVEL_EVENT "Power Level Events")
* @param p_event information about the message received. The same pointer should be used in the reply if required.
* @param p_data Pointer to the level data
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_power_level_client_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief Generic Power Level Client Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise. Generic Power Level Server device.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent back to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_client_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Power Level Client Module initialization
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the mesh models library when application action is required, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_client_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_power_level_client_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Generic Power Level Get message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_client_send_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Set Level client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_client_send_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_power_level_set_level_t* p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Get Last Level client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_client_send_last_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Get Default Level client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_client_send_default_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Set Default Level client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_client_send_default_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_power_default_data_t* p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Get Range Level client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_client_send_range_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Set Range Level client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_level_client_send_range_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_power_level_range_set_data_t* p_data);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_power_level_client */
* \brief Generic User Property Server callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a message from the peer
* @param element_idx Element Index of the model
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref USER_PROPERTY_EVENT "User Property Events")
* @param p_data Pointer to the property data
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_property_server_callback_t)(uint8_t element_idx, uint16_t event, void *p_data);
* \brief Property Module initialization
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback Application or Parent model callback that will be executed on receiving a message
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_property_server_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_property_server_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief User Property Server Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_user_property_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Admin Property Server Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_admin_property_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Manufacturer Property Server Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_manufacturer_property_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Client Property Server Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_client_property_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* Application can call this function to send the Properties Status message to the Client. The mesh event should
* contain information if this is a reply or an unsolicited message.
* @param p_event information about the message to be set.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_property_server_send_properties_status(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_properties_status_data_t *p_data);
* Application can call this function to send the Property Status message to the Client. The mesh event should
* contain information if this is a reply or an unsolicited message. The wiced_bt_mesh_property_status_data_t contains
* the type, ID and the value of the property
* @param p_event information about the message to be set.
* @param type of the property requested
* @param p_data Pointer to the property configuration
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_property_server_send_property_status(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t type, wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_property_t *p_property);
* \brief Property Client callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a message from the peer
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref PROPERTY_EVENT "Mesh Property Events")
* @param p_event information about the message received. The same pointer should be used in the reply if required.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_property_client_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief Property Client Module initialization
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the mesh models library when application action is required, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_property_client_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_property_client_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Property Client Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_property_client_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Properties Get client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_property_client_send_properties_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_properties_get_data_t *p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Property Get client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_property_client_send_property_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_property_get_data_t *p_get);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Property Set client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_property_client_send_property_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_property_set_data_t* p_sata);
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_server Mesh Light Lightness Server
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Light Lightness Server module provides a way for an application to implement a dimmable light device which
* can be controlled specifically by setting the brightness, but also can be can be controlled using a Level slider (Generic
* Level client) and On/Off switch (Generic On/Off client). In addition to that the device supports a default transition time
* server functionality and the application can specify on power up behavior.
* To include the Mesh Models support for the Light Lightness Server model the application includes @ref
* WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SERVER in the device definition. If the device supports several
* elements with Light Lightness Server, for example, a light fixture or a chandelier with several dimmable
* lights, the @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SERVER shall be included for each element.
* In addition to the definition, the application shall initialize the Light Lightness module by calling
* @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_server_init function for each element where the light dimming
* functionality is required providing the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_server_callback_t
* callback that will be executed when the brightness level of the device needs to be changed.
* Note: The Light Lightness module is used internally by the mesh models library in color light scenarios where
* dimming is one of the methods controlling the light. In that case, the application shall not implicitely include
* @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SERVER and shall not perform module initialization.
* While performing initialization the application provides the callback that will be executed when the library needs
* to change the brightness of a light due to a request received over the mesh network, or due to the internal schedule.
* If brightness of the dimmable light is changed locally the application should call the
* @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_status_changed so that the library can maintain correct state and
* send an appropriate status message if it is configured to do so.
* Most of the functionality of the Light Lightness server device is implemented in the Mesh Models Library. The
* application only needs to set hardware appropriately on receiving @ref WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_STATUS event.
* If client requests to change the brightness to the target value over a period of time, the library will maintain
* the timer and will periodically call the application with appropriate power level.
* The default transition time is managed by the Mesh Models library. The application provides factory default
* in the default_transition_time element of the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_t configuration structure.
* The default value is used unless overwritten by the default transition time client.
* The on power up behavior is managed by the Mesh Models library. The application provides factory default
* in the onpowerup_state element of the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_t configuration structure.
* The default value is used unless overwritten by the default transition time client.
* @{
* \brief Mesh Light Lightness Server Device.
* \details The Mesh Light Lightness Server Device device implements all required models for a dimmable bulb.
* The time and scheduler models are optional and can be commented out to reduce memory footprint.
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCHEDULER_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCHEDULER_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LEVEL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LEVEL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* \brief Light Lightness Server callback
* \details Light Lightness Server callback is executed by the Mesh Models library when the application is required to
* adjust the amount of light emitted by the device. The application is responsible for setting the hardware
* (for example, by controlling PWM) to comply with the value requested by the library.
* If peer device requested to transition to the new brightness level over a period of time, the callback will be
* executed repeatedly. Mesh Library calculates the present lightness level and submits to the application to
* update the hardware.
* The p_data parameter points to the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_status_t structure. Typically the application
* will only need to use the value of the lightness_linear_present field which specify the lightness of the
* device which shall be set at this particular moment. If the remaining_time field is not zero,
* the transition to the new target level is in progress and the Mesh Library will execute the callback at
* least once more before the transition is completed.
* @param element_idx Element index of the primary element
* @param event The only event that the application should process is @ref WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_STATUS
* @param p_data Pointer to the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_status_t structure
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_server_callback_t)(uint8_t element_idx, uint16_t event, void *p_data);
* \brief Light Lightness Server Module initialization
* \details A Mesh application which contains Light Lightness Server (for example, an application for a dimmable light)
* should call this function during application initialization passing element index of the element. If application
* needs to support multiple dimmable lights, the initialization shall be called multiple times, once per each
* element.
* The application shall not call this function if the Light Lightness is not the top level function of the device, for example,
* when the Light Lightness is included as a part of the HSL Light.
* The application callback @ref wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_server_callback_t will be executed by the Model Library
* when it is required to set amount of light emitted by the light to a certain level.
* @param element_idx Element index where the server is located.
* @param p_callback Application or Parent model callback that will be executed to control the device hardware.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the Mesh Models Library deletes this module's configuration data stored in the NVRAM.
* @return WICED_TRUE if initialization was successful
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_server_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_server_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Light Lightness Actual changed
* \details An application shall call this function to notify the Models Library that the value of Lightness has
* been changed locally.
* @param element_idx Element index for which lightness value has changed
* @param value New value of lightness
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_actual_changed(uint8_t element_idx, uint16_t value);
* \brief Light Lightness Linear changed
* \details An application shall call this function to notify the Models Library that the value of Lightness has
* been changed locally.
* @param element_idx Element index for which lightness value has changed
* @param value New value of lightness
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_linear_changed(uint8_t element_idx, uint16_t value);
* \brief Light Lightness Server Message Handler
* \details The Light Lightness Server Message Handler is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns
* WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this model, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Light Lightness Setup Server Message Handler
* \details The Light Lightness Server Message Handler is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns
* WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this model, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_setup_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Light Lightness Server Set Parent
* \details This is an internal Mesh Models library function and does not need to be implemented or called by the application,
* unless application wants to replace the library functionality. In multi server applications, for example a color light which supports
* both HSL and CTL controls, only one model should receive Get/Set for lightness, level and on/onff messages.
* This function should be called when the startup controller changes.
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback Application or Parent model callback that will be executed on receiving a message
* @return WICED_TRUE if initialization was successful
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_set_parent(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_server_callback_t *p_callback);
* \brief Light Lightness Server Scene Store Handler
* \details This is an internal Mesh Models library function and does not need to be implemented or called by the application,
* unless application wants to replace the library functionality. The mesh Scene Server calls this function so that the module
* can store required data for the scene.
* @param element_idx Element index for which scene information is being stored
* @param p_buffer Pointer to a buffer where data should be stored
* @param buf_size Maximum amount of data a model can store
* @return Number of bytes the model wrote into the provided buffer
uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_server_scene_store_handler(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint16_t buffer_len);
* \brief Light Lightness Server Scene Restore Handler
* \details This is an internal Mesh Models library function and does not need to be implemented or called by the application,
* unless application wants to replace the library functionality. When Scene Server receives Scene Recall message it calls
* this function with data previously stored in the NVRAM.
* @param element_idx Element index for which scene information is being recalled
* @param p_buffer Pointer to a buffer where model's data is located
* @param buf_size Maximum amount of data a model can get from the buffer
* @param transition_time Specified time in milliseconds to transition to the target state
* @param delay Specifies time in milliseconds before starting to transition to the target state
* @return Number of bytes the model read from the provided buffer
uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_server_scene_recall_handler(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint16_t buffer_len, uint32_t transition_time, uint32_t delay);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_server */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_client Mesh Light Lightness Client
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Light Lightness Client module of the Mesh Models library provides a way for an application to control
* brightness level of the Light Lightness Servers in the mesh network optionally receive status information.
* To include Light Lightness Client functionality, the device description shall contain @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_CLIENT.
* @{
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_CLNT, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_client_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* \brief Light Lightness Client callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a message from the peer
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_EVENT "Mesh Light Lightness Events")
* @param p_event information about the message received. The same pointer should be used in the reply if required.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_client_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief Light Lightness Client Module initialization
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the mesh models library when application action is required, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_client_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_client_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Light Lightness Client Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_client_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief The application can call this function to send the Light Lightness Get client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_client_send_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light Lightness Set client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_client_send_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_actual_set_t* p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send the Light Lightness Linear Get client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_client_send_linear_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light Lightness Linear Set client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_client_send_linear_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_linear_set_t* p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send the Light Lightness Last Get client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_client_send_last_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send the Light Lightness Default Get client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_client_send_default_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light Lightness Default Set client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_client_send_default_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_default_data_t* p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send the Light Lightness Range Get client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_client_send_range_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light Lightness Default Set client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_client_send_range_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_range_set_data_t* p_data);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_client */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_server Mesh Light CTL Server
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Color Temperature Lightness (CTL) Server module provides a way for an application to implement a dimmable light
* device with color temperature support. The device can be controlled by setting the brightness, color temperature and delta UV,
* but also can be can be controlled using a Level slider (Generic Level client) applied to the brightness or color
* temperature and by a On/Off switch (Generic On/Off client). The device also supports a default transition time
* server functionality and the application can specify on power up behavior.
* The definition of the CTL Server spans two elements. To include the Mesh Models support for the CTL Server model the
* in two consecutive elements in the device definition. If the device supports several
* lights with CTL Server, for example, a light fixture or a chandelier with several color
* shall be repeated for each physical device.
* In addition to the definition, the application shall initialize the CTL Server module by calling
* @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_init function for each primary element where the CTL
* functionality is required providing the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_server_callback_t
* callback that will be executed when the brightness level or the color temperature of the device needs to be changed.
* If the brightness or color temperature of the device is changed locally the application should call the
* @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_status_changed so that the library can maintain correct state and
* send an appropriate status message if it is configured to do so.
* Most of the functionality of the Light CTL server device is implemented in the Mesh Models Library. The
* application only needs to set hardware appropriately on receiving @ref WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_CTL_STATUS event.
* If client requests to change the brightness or the color temperature to the target value over a period of time,
* the library will maintain the timer and will periodically call the application with appropriate values.
* The default transition time is managed by the Mesh Models library. The application provides factory default
* in the default_transition_time element of the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_t configuration structure.
* The default value is used unless overwritten by the default transition time client.
* The on power up behavior is managed by the Mesh Models library. The application provides factory default
* in the onpowerup_state element of the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_t configuration structure.
* The default value is used unless overwritten by the default transition time client.
* @{
* Mesh Light CTL Server Device.
* The device implements all required models for the two elements of a color bulb that supports
* brightness and color temperature control. The WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_CTL_TEMPERATURE_SERVER
* should be defined in the element with the higher index than one with WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_CTL_SERVER,
* but before the next primary element of the device. For example, if application supports two CTL
* lights, the consecutive elements should be WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_CTL_SERVER,
* The time and scheduler models are optional and can be commented out to reduce memory footprint.
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCHEDULER_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCHEDULER_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LEVEL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_CTL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_CTL_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LEVEL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_CTL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_CTL_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LEVEL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_CTL_TEMPERATURE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_temperature_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_temperature_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_temperature_server_scene_recall_handler }
* \brief Light CTL Server callback
* \details Light CTL Server callback is executed by the Mesh Models library when the application is required to
* adjust the amount of light emitted by the device or its color. The application is responsible for setting the hardware
* (for example, by controlling PWM) to comply with the values requested by the library.
* If peer device requested to transition to the new brightness level over a period of time, the callback will be
* executed repeatedly. The Mesh Models Library calculates the present lightness level, color temperature and
* delta UV and submits to the application to setup the hardware.
* The p_data parameter points to the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_status_data_t structure. Typically the application
* will only need to use the value of the present lightness, temperature and delta_uv fields which specify the target
* values that the device shall be set at present time. If the remaining_time field is not zero,
* the transition to the new target level is in progress and the Mesh Models Library will execute the callback at
* least once more before the transition is completed.
* @param element_idx Element Index of the model
* @param event The only event that the application should process is @ref WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_CTL_STATUS
* @param p_data Pointer to the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_status_data_t structure
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_server_callback_t)(uint8_t element_idx, uint16_t event, void *p_data);
* \brief Light CTL Server Module initialization
* \details A Mesh application which contains Light CTL Server (for example, a dimmable bulb with color temperature control)
* should call this function during application initialization. The CTL functionality is split into two elements, the
* lightness and the color temperature. The initialization function should use the index of the primary - lightness element.
* If the application needs to support multiple CTL lights (for example, a light fixture or a chandelier),
* the function shall be called multiple times, once per each primary element.
* @param lightness_element_idx Element index where lightness part of the CTL is located
* @param p_callback Application callback that will be executed to set device hardware to required brightness, color temperature, delta UV values.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return WICED_TRUE if initialization was successful
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_init(uint8_t lightness_element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_server_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Light CTL state changed
* \details The application shall call the Light CTL state changed function to notify the Mesh Models
* library when values brightness, color temperature or delta UV are changed internally.
* @param element_idx Element index for which scene information is being recalled
* @param p_data Pointer to the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_status_data_t status data
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_state_changed(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_status_data_t *p_data);
* \brief Light CTL Server Message Handler
* \details The Light CTL Server Message Handler is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function shall return WICED_TRUE if the message is
* destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Light CTL Setup Server Message Handler
* \details The Light CTL Server Message Handler is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function shall return WICED_TRUE if the message is
* destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_setup_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Light CTL Temperature Server Message Handler
* \details The Light CTL Temperature Server Message Handler is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function shall return WICED_TRUE if the message is
* destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_temperature_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Light CTL Server Scene Store Handler
* \details The Light CTL Scene Store Server Message Handler is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* The mesh Scene Server calls this function so that the module can store required data for the scene.
* @param element_idx Element index for which scene information is being stored
* @param p_buffer Pointer to a buffer where data should be stored
* @param buf_size Maximum amount of data a model can store
* @return Number of bytes the model wrote into the provided buffer
uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_scene_store_handler(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint16_t buffer_len);
* \brief Light CTL Temperature Server Scene Store Handler
* \details The Light CTL Scene Store Server Message Handler is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* The mesh Scene Server calls this function so that the module can store required data for the scene.
* Note that if Scene Server is not present on CTL Temperature Server, this function will be called by the internally by the
* CTL Server
* @param element_idx Element index for which scene information is being stored
* @param p_buffer Pointer to a buffer where data should be stored
* @param buf_size Maximum amount of data a model can store
* @return Number of bytes the model wrote into the provided buffer
uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_temperature_server_scene_store_handler(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t* p_buffer, uint16_t buffer_len);
* \brief Light CTL Server Scene Restore Handler
* \details The Light CTL Scene Restore Server Message Handler is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* When Scene Server receives Scene Recall message it calls this function with data previously stored in the NVRAM.
* @param element_idx Element index for which scene information is being recalled
* @param p_buffer Pointer to a buffer where model's data is located
* @param buf_size Maximum amount of data a model can get from the buffer
* @param transition_time Specified time in milliseconds to transition to the target state
* @param delay Specifies time in milliseconds before starting to transition to the target state
* @return Number of bytes the model read from the provided buffer
uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_scene_recall_handler(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint16_t buffer_len, uint32_t transition_time, uint32_t delay);
* \brief Light Temperature Server Scene Restore Handler
* \details The Light Temperature Scene Restore Server Message Handler is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* When Scene Server receives Scene Recall message it calls this function with data previously stored in the NVRAM.
* Note that if SCENE_SERVER is not implemented on the Light Temperature element, this function will be call internally by the
* parent Light Ctl Server
* @param element_idx Element index for which scene information is being recalled
* @param p_buffer Pointer to a buffer where model's data is located
* @param buf_size Maximum amount of data a model can get from the buffer
* @param transition_time Specified time in milliseconds to transition to the target state
* @param delay Specifies time in milliseconds before starting to transition to the target state
* @return Number of bytes the model read from the provided buffer
uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_temperature_server_scene_recall_handler(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t* p_buffer, uint16_t buffer_len, uint32_t transition_time, uint32_t delay);
* \brief Set Light CTL Model as a startup controller
* \details The Light CTL Scene Restore Server Message Handler is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* For multi-model applications, for example, when application supports both HSL and CTL controls, only one can be setup as a startup controller.
* If the controller mode is set, the library will execute the power on requirements, for example it can set the temperature, lightness
* based on the last set state. If the model is not set as a controller, it will not execute on power up state.
* @param element_idx The element index of the top level model
* @param startup_controller If set to WICED_TRUE, the model will execute On Power Up operation
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_server_set_startup_controller(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bool_t startup_controller);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_server */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_client Mesh Light CTL Client
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Light CTL Client module of the Mesh Models library provides a way for an application to configure and control
* color lights that support Color Temperature adjustments.
* To include Light CTL Client functionality, the device description shall contain @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_CTL_CLIENT.
* @{
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_CTL_CLNT, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_client_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* \brief Light CTL Client callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a message from the peer
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref LIGHT_CTL_EVENT "Light CTL Events")
* @param p_event information about the message received. The same pointer should be used in the reply if required.
* @param p_data Pointer to the level data
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_client_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief Light CTL Client Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent back to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_client_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Light CTL Client Module initialization
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the mesh models library when application action is required, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_client_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_client_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light CTL Get message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_client_send_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light CTL Set client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_client_send_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_set_t* p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light CTL Temperature Get message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_client_send_temperature_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light CTL Temperature Set client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_client_send_temperature_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_temperature_set_t* p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light CTL Get Default client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_client_send_default_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light CTL Set Default client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_client_send_default_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_default_data_t* p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light CTL Temperature Range Get client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_client_send_temperature_range_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light CTL Temperature Range Set client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_ctl_client_send_temperature_range_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_temperature_range_data_t* p_data);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_light_ctl_client */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_server Mesh Light HSL Server
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Hue Saturation Lightness (HSL) Server module provides a way for an application to implement a dimmable light
* device with hue/saturation support. The device can be controlled by a device with rich UI which can control the brightness,
* hue and saturation, but also the device can be can be controlled using a Level sliders (Generic Level client) applied to the
* brightness, hue or saturation and by a On/Off switch (Generic On/Off client). The device also supports a default transition time
* server functionality and the application can specify on power up behavior.
* The definition of the HSL Server spans three elements. To include the Mesh Models support for the HSL Server module the
* the @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_HSL_SATURATION_SERVER in three consecutive elements in the device definition.
* If the device supports several lights with HSL Server support, for example, a light fixture or a chandelier with several color
* @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_HSL_SATURATION_SERVER shall be repeated for each physical device.
* In addition to the definition, the application shall initialize the HSL Server module by calling
* @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_init function for each primary element where the HSL
* functionality is required providing the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_server_callback_t
* callback that will be executed when the brightness level, the hue or the saturation of the device needs to be changed.
* If device supports local control, for example, when the brightness of the device can be changed locally,
* the application should call the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_status_changed function so that the library can
* maintain correct state and send an appropriate status message if it is configured to do so.
* Most of the functionality of the Light HSL server device is implemented in the Mesh Models Library. The
* application only needs to set hardware appropriately on receiving @ref WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_HSL_STATUS event.
* If a client requests to change the brightness or the color to the target values over a period of time,
* the library will maintain the timer and will periodically call the application with appropriate values.
* The default transition time is managed by the Mesh Models library. The application provides factory default
* in the default_transition_time element of the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_t configuration structure.
* The default value is used unless overwritten by the default transition time client.
* The on power up behavior is managed by the Mesh Models library. The application provides factory default
* in the onpowerup_state element of the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_t configuration structure.
* The default value is used unless overwritten by the default transition time client.
* @{
* \brief Mesh Light HSL Server device definition.
* \details The Mesh Light HSL Server device implements all required models for the primary, hue and saturation
* elements of a color bulb that supports brightness, hue and saturation control. The WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_HSL_HUE_SERVER
* and WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_HSL_SATURATION_SERVER should be defined in the element with the higher index than one with
* WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_HSL_SERVER, but before the next primary element of the device. For example, if application
* supports one HSL and one dimmable light, the consecutive elements should be WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_HSL_SERVER,
* The time and scheduler models are optional and can be commented out to reduce memory footprint.
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCHEDULER_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCHEDULER_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LEVEL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_HSL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_HSL_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LEVEL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_HSL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_HSL_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LEVEL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_HSL_HUE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_hue_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LEVEL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_HSL_SATURATION_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_saturation_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* \brief Light HSL Server callback
* \details Light HSL Server callback is executed by the Mesh Models library when the application is required to
* adjust the amount of light emitted by the device or its color. The application is responsible for setting the hardware
* (for example, by controlling PWM) to comply with the values requested by the library.
* If peer device requested to transition to the new brightness, hue or saturation level over a period of time, the
* callback will be executed repeatedly. The Mesh Models Library calculates the present levels and submits to the
* application to setup the hardware.
* The p_data parameter points to the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_status_data_t structure. Typically the application
* will only need to use the value of the present lightness, hue and saturation fields which specify the target
* values that the device shall be set at present time. If the remaining_time field is not zero,
* the transition to the new target levels is in progress and the Mesh Models Library will execute the callback at
* least once more before the transition is completed.
* @param element_idx Element index of the primary element
* @param event The only event that the application should process is @ref WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_HSL_STATUS
* @param p_data Pointer to the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_status_data_t structure
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_server_callback_t)(uint8_t element_idx, uint16_t event, void *p_data);
* \brief Light HSL Server Module initialization
* \details A Mesh application which contains Light HSL Server (for example, a dimmable color bulb)
* should call this function during application initialization passing element index of the primary element.
* The functionality of the HSL Server is split into three elements, the lightness, the hue and the
* saturation. The initialization function should use the index of the primary - lightness element.
* If the application needs to support multiple HSL lights (for example, a light fixture or a chandelier),
* the function shall be called multiple times, once per each primary element.
* @param lightness_element_idx Element index where lightness part of the HSL is located.
* @param p_callback Application callback that will be executed to set device hardware to required brightness, hue, saturation values.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return WICED_TRUE if initialization was successful
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_init(uint8_t lightness_element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_server_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Light HSL state changed
* \details The application shall call the Light HSL state changed function to notify the Mesh Models
* library when values brightness, hue or saturation are changed internally.
* @param element_idx Element index for the lightness part of the HSL device
* @param p_data Pointer to the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_status_data_t status data
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_state_changed(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_status_data_t *p_data);
* \brief Light HSL Server Message Handler
* \details The Light HSL Server Message Handler is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function shall return WICED_TRUE if the message is
* destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Light HSL Setup Server Message Handler
* \details The Light HSL Server Message Handler is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function shall return WICED_TRUE if the message is
* destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_setup_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Light HSL Hue Server Message Handler
* \details The Light HSL Hue Server Message Handler is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined
* for this specific model, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_hue_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Light HSL Saturation Server Message Handler
* \details The Light HSL Saturation Server Message Handler is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined
* for this specific model, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_saturation_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Light HSL Server Scene Store Handler
* \details The Light HSL Server Store Handler is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* The mesh Scene Server calls this function so that the module can store required data for the scene.
* @param element_idx Element index for which scene information is being stored
* @param p_buffer Pointer to a buffer where data should be stored
* @param buf_size Maximum amount of data a model can store
* @return Number of bytes the model wrote into the provided buffer
uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_scene_store_handler(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint16_t buffer_len);
* \brief Light HSL Server Scene Recall Handler
* \details The Light HSL Server Recall Handler is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* When Scene Server receives Scene Recall message it calls this function with data previously stored in the NVRAM.
* @param element_idx Element index for which scene information is being recalled
* @param p_buffer Pointer to a buffer where model's data is located
* @param buf_size Maximum amount of data a model can get from the buffer
* @param transition_time Specified time in milliseconds to transition to the target state
* @param delay Specifies time in milliseconds before starting to transition to the target state
* @return Number of bytes the model read from the provided buffer
uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_scene_recall_handler(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint16_t buffer_len, uint32_t transition_time, uint32_t delay);
* \brief Set Light HSL Model as a startup controller
* \details This is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* For multi-model applications, for example the ones that support both HSL and CTL controls, only one can be setup as a startup controller.
* If the controller mode is set, the library will execute the power on requirements, for example it can set the lightness/hue/saturation
* based on the last state before the power off. If the model is not set as a controller, it will not execute on power up state.
* @param element_idx The element index of the top level model
* @param startup_controller If set to WICED_TRUE, the model will execute on power up operation
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_server_set_startup_controller(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bool_t startup_controller);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_server */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_client Mesh Light HSL Client
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Light HSL Client module of the Mesh Models library provides a way for an application to configure and control
* color lights that support Hue/Saturation control.
* To include Light HSL Client functionality, the device description shall contain @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_HSL_CLIENT.
* @{
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_HSL_CLNT, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_client_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* \brief Light HSL Client callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a message from the peer
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref LIGHT_HSL_EVENT "Light HSL Events")
* @param p_event information about the message received. The same pointer should be used in the reply if required.
* @param p_data Pointer to the level data
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_client_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief Light HSL Client Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent back to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_client_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Light HSL Client Module initialization
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the mesh models library when application action is required, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_client_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_client_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light HSL Get message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_client_send_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light HSL Set client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_client_send_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_set_t* p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light HSL Hue Get message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_client_send_hue_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light HSL Hue Set client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_client_send_hue_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_hue_set_t* p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light HSL Saturation Get message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_client_send_saturation_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light HSL Saturation Set client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_client_send_saturation_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_saturation_set_t* p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light HSL Target Get message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_client_send_target_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light HSL Get Default client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_client_send_default_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light HSL Set Default client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_client_send_default_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_default_data_t* p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light HSL Range Get client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_client_send_range_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light HSL Range Set client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_hsl_client_send_range_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_range_set_data_t* p_data);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_light_hsl_client */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_server Mesh Light xyL Server
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Light xyL Server module provides a way for an application to implement a dimmable light
* device with x and y chromaticity coordinates support. The device can be controlled by a device with rich UI which can control the brightness,
* x and y states, but also the device can be can be controlled using a Level sliders (Generic Level client) applied to the
* brightness and by a On/Off switch (Generic On/Off client). The device also supports a default transition time
* server functionality and the application can specify on power up behavior.
* To include the Mesh Models support for the XYL Server module the application includes the @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_XYL_SERVER
* in the device definition. If the device supports several lights with XYL Server support, for example, a light fixture or a chandelier with several color
* lights, the @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_XYL_SERVER, shall be repeated for each physical device.
* In addition to the definition, the application shall initialize the XYL Server module by calling
* @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_server_init function for each primary element where the XYL
* functionality is required providing the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_server_callback_t
* callback that will be executed when the brightness level, the hue or the saturation of the device needs to be changed.
* If device supports local control, for example, when the brightness of the device can be changed locally,
* the application should call the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_status_changed function so that the library can
* maintain correct state and send an appropriate status message if it is configured to do so.
* Most of the functionality of the Light XYL server device is implemented in the Mesh Models Library. The
* application only needs to set hardware appropriately on receiving @ref WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_XYL_STATUS event.
* If a client requests to change the brightness or the color to the target values over a period of time,
* the library will maintain the timer and will periodically call the application with appropriate values.
* The default transition time is managed by the Mesh Models library. The application provides factory default
* in the default_transition_time element of the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_t configuration structure.
* The default value is used unless overwritten by the default transition time client.
* The on power up behavior is managed by the Mesh Models library. The application provides factory default
* in the onpowerup_state element of the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_t configuration structure.
* The default value is used unless overwritten by the default transition time client.
* @{
* Mesh Light XYL Server Device.
* The device implements all required models for the main element of a color bulb that supports
* brightness and xyL color control.
* The time and scheduler models are optional and can be commented out to reduce memory footprint.
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCHEDULER_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCHEDULER_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_TIME_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LEVEL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_XYL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_XYL_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_DEFTT_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_default_transition_time_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_POWER_ONOFF_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_power_onoff_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_GENERIC_LEVEL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_level_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lightness_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_XYL_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_server_message_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_server_scene_store_handler, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_server_scene_recall_handler }, \
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_XYL_SETUP_SRV, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_setup_server_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* \brief Light XYL Server callback
* \details Light XYL Server callback is executed by the Mesh Models library when the application is required to
* adjust the amount of light emitted by the device or its color. The application is responsible for setting the hardware
* (for example, by controlling PWM) to comply with the values requested by the library.
* If peer device requested to transition to the new brightness, x or y states over a period of time, the
* callback will be executed repeatedly. The Mesh Models Library calculates the present levels and submits to the
* application to setup the hardware.
* The p_data parameter points to the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_status_data_t structure. Typically the application
* will only need to use the value of the present lightness, x and y fields which specify the target
* values that the device shall be set at present time. If the remaining_time field is not zero,
* the transition to the new target levels is in progress and the Mesh Models Library will execute the callback at
* least once more before the transition is completed.
* @param element_idx Element index of the element
* @param event The only event that the application should process is @ref WICED_BT_MESH_LIGHT_XYL_STATUS
* @param p_data Pointer to the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_status_data_t structure
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_server_callback_t)(uint8_t element_idx, uint16_t event, void *p_data);
* \brief Light XYL Module initialization
* \details A Mesh application which contains Light XYL Server (for example, a dimmable color bulb)
* should call this function during application initialization passing element index of the element.
* If the application needs to support multiple XYL lights (for example, a light fixture or a chandelier),
* the function shall be called multiple times, once per each primary element.
* @param element_idx Element index corresponding to XYL device
* @param p_callback Application callback that will be executed to set device hardware to required brightness, x and y values.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the device is not provision and NVRAM is erased.
* @return WICED_TRUE if initialization was successful
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_server_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_server_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_xy_settings_t *p_xy_settings, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Light XYL state changed
* \details The application shall call the Light XYL state changed function to notify the Mesh Models
* library when values of brightness, x or y are changed internally.
* @param element_idx Element index corresponding to the XYL device
* @param p_data Pointer to the @ref wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_status_data_t status data
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_server_state_changed(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_status_data_t *p_data);
* \brief Light XYL Server Message Handler
* \details The Light XYL Server Message Handler is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function shall return WICED_TRUE if the message is
* destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Light XYL Setup Server Message Handler
* \details The Light XYL Server Setup Message Handler is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function shall return WICED_TRUE if the message is
* destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_setup_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Light xyL Server Scene Store Handler
* \details The Light HSL Saturation Server Message Handler is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* The mesh Scene Server calls this function so that the module can store required data for the scene.
* @param element_idx Element index for which scene information is being stored
* @param p_buffer Pointer to a buffer where data should be stored
* @param buf_size Maximum amount of data a model can store
* @return Number of bytes the model wrote into the provided buffer
uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_server_scene_store_handler(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint16_t buffer_len);
* \brief Light xyL Server Scene Store Handler
* \details The Light HSL Saturation Server Message Handler is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* When Scene Server receives Scene Store message it calls this function with data previously stored in the NVRAM.
* @param element_idx Element index for which scene information is being recalled
* @param p_buffer Pointer to a buffer where model's data is located
* @param buf_size Maximum amount of data a model can get from the buffer
* @param transition_time Specified time in milliseconds to transition to the target state
* @param delay Specifies time in milliseconds before starting to transition to the target state
* @return Number of bytes the model read from the provided buffer
uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_server_scene_recall_handler(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint16_t buffer_len, uint32_t transition_time, uint32_t delay);
* \brief Set Light XYL Model as a startup controller
* \details This is an internal Mesh Models library function and
* does not need to be implemented or called by the application, unless application wants to replace the library functionality.
* For multi-model applications, for example the ones that support HSL, CTL and XYL controls, only one can be setup as a startup controller.
* If the controller mode is set, the library will execute the power on requirements, for example it can set the lightness/hue/saturation
* based on the last state before the power off. If the model is not set as a controller, it will not execute on power up state.
* @param element_idx The element index of the top level model
* @param startup_controller If set to WICED_TRUE, the model will execute on power up operation
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_server_set_startup_controller(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bool_t startup_controller);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_server */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_client Mesh Light xyL Client
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Light XYL Client module of the Mesh Models library provides a way for an application to configure and control
* color lights that support xyL control.
* To include Light XYL Client functionality, the device description shall contain @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_XYL_CLIENT.
* @{
{ MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG, WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_XYL_CLNT, wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_client_message_handler, NULL, NULL }
* \brief Light xyL Client callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a message from the peer
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref LIGHT_XYL_EVENT "Light xyL Events")
* @param p_event information about the message received. The same pointer should be used in the reply if required.
* @param p_data Pointer to the level data
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_client_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief Light xyL Client Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent back to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_client_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Light xyL Client Module initialization
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the mesh models library when application action is required, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_client_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_client_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light xyL Get message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_client_send_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light xyL Set message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_client_send_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_set_t *p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light xyL Target Get message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_client_send_target_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light xyL Get Default client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_client_send_default_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light xyL Set Default client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_client_send_default_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_default_data_t* p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light xyL Range Get client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_client_send_range_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light xyL Range Set client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_xyl_client_send_range_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_range_set_data_t* p_data);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_light_xyl_client */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_server Mesh Light LC Server
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Light LC Server module provides a way for an application to implement a Light Control Server
* device which can be a client to a Sensor Server model and controls the Light Lightness Actual state via defined state bindings.
* To include the Mesh Models support for the LC Server module the application shall contain the @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_LC_SERVER
* \brief Light LC Server Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Light LC Setup Server Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_setup_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief An application or a a parent model can call this function to send Light Lightness Status message to the Client. The mesh event should
* contain information if this is a reply or an unsolicited message.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the status data
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_server_send_status(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_lightness_status_data_t *p_data);
* \brief Light LC Server Mode Changed
* \details Application should call this function when LC Mode is changed locally
* @param element_idx Element index where the LC Model is located
* @param p_status Pointer to the structure with the new mode
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_mode_changed(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_light_lc_mode_set_data_t *p_status);
* \brief Light LC Server Occupancy Mode Changed
* \details Application should call this function when LC Occupancy Mode is changed locally
* @param element_idx Element index where the LC Model is located
* @param p_status Pointer to the structure with the new mode
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_occupancy_mode_changed(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_light_lc_occupancy_mode_set_data_t *p_status);
* \brief Light LC Server Occupancy Detected
* \details Application should call this function when LC Occupancy is detected locally
* @param element_idx Element index where the LC Model is located
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_occupancy_detected(uint8_t element_idx);
* \brief Light LC Server OnOff Changed
* \details Application should call this function when LC Light OnOff is changed locally
* @param element_idx Element index where the LC Model is located
* @param p_status Pointer to the structure with the new Light OnOff State
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_onoff_changed(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_onoff_set_data_t *p_status);
* \brief Light LC Property Changed
* \details Application should call this function when an LC LC property is changed locally
* @param element_idx Element index where the LC Model is located
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_property_changed(uint8_t element_idx);
* \brief Light LC Server Scene Store Handler
* \details The mesh Scene Server calls this function so that the module can store required data for the scene.
* @param element_idx Element index for which scene information is being stored
* @param p_buffer Pointer to a buffer where data should be stored
* @param buf_size Maximum amount of data a model can store
* @return Number of bytes the model wrote into the provided buffer
uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_server_scene_store_handler(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint16_t buffer_len);
* \brief Light LC Server Scene Store Handler
* \details When Scene Server receives Scene Recall message it calls this function with data previously stored in the NVRAM.
* @param element_idx Element index for which scene information is being recalled
* @param p_buffer Pointer to a buffer where model's data is located
* @param buf_size Maximum amount of data a model can get from the buffer
* @param transition_time Specified time in milliseconds to transition to the target state
* @param delay Specifies time in milliseconds before starting to transition to the target state
* @return Number of bytes the model read from the provided buffer
uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_server_scene_recall_handler(uint8_t element_idx, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint16_t buffer_len, uint32_t transition_time, uint32_t delay);
* \brief Light Control Setup Server callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a message from the peer
* Application or higher level model should be able process messages for the Light LC Setup server model as well as
* bound models including generic Light Lightness, Power On/Off, Generic Level and Generic On/Off.
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref LIGHT_LIGHTNESS_EVENT Light Lightness Events, @ref ONOFF_EVENT "On/Off Events, @ref LEVEL_EVENT "Level Events")
* @param p_event information about the message received. The same pointer should be used in the reply if required.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data structure specific to the event
* @return None
typedef void (wiced_bt_mesh_light_lc_server_callback_t)(uint8_t element_idx, uint16_t event, void *p_data);
* \brief Light LC Setup Server Module initialization
* \details A Mesh application which contains Light LC Setup Server (for example a dimmable bulb) should call this function for each element where the Light LC Server is present (for example for each bulb).
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback Application or Parent model callback that will be executed on receiving a message
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return WICED_TRUE if initialization was successful
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_server_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_light_lc_server_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_server */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_light_lc_client Mesh Light LC Client
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Light LC Client module of the Mesh Models library provides a way for an application to configure and control
* lights that support LC control.
* To include Light LC Client functionality, the device description shall contain @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_LIGHT_LC_CLIENT.
* @{
* \brief Light Control Client callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a message from the peer
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref LIGHT_LC_EVENT "Mesh Light LC Events")
* @param p_event information about the message received. The same pointer should be used in the reply if required.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_light_lc_client_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief Light Control Client Module initialization
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the mesh models library when application action is required, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_client_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_power_onoff_client_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Light Control Client Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_client_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief The application can call this function to send the Light LC Mode Get client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_client_send_mode_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light LC Mode Set client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_client_send_mode_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_lc_mode_set_data_t* p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send the Light LC Occupancy Mode Get client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_client_send_occupancy_mode_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light LC Occupancy Mode Set client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_client_send_occupancy_mode_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_lc_occupancy_mode_set_data_t* p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send the Light LC OnOff Get client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_client_send_light_onoff_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light LC Occupancy Mode Set client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_client_send_light_onoff_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_lc_light_onoff_set_data_t* p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light LC Property Get client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send containing property ID to retrieve
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_client_send_property_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_lc_property_get_data_t *p_data);
* \brief The application can call this function to send Light LC Property Set client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send containing property ID and the value.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_client_send_property_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_light_lc_property_set_data_t *p_data);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_model_light_lc_client */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_server Mesh Sensor Server
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Sensor Server module provides a way for an application to implement a functionality for the devices that can be controlled using sensor.
* To include the Mesh Models support for the Sensor Server module the application shall contain the @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_SENSOR_SERVER
* \brief Sensor server Config callback is called by the Mesh Models library to notify cadence and setting changes.
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref SENSOR_EVENT "Sensor Events")
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_server_config_callback_t)(uint8_t element_idx, uint16_t event, void* p_data);
* \brief Sensor server report callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a Get message from the sensor client.
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref SENSOR_EVENT "Sensor Events")
* @param element_idx Index of the element which contains the sensor.
* @param p_get_params Get parameters spefic to the Get request being processed
* @param p_ref_data When application replies to the callback with sensor_server_data, it should pass back to the library the same pointer.
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_server_report_callback_t)(uint16_t event, uint8_t element_idx, void *p_get_params, void *p_ref_data);
* \brief Sensor Senosr Module initialization
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_report_callback The application callback that will be executed on receiving a sensor get messages.
* @param p_config_change_callback The application callback that will be executed to notify cadenence and setting changes.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_server_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_server_report_callback_t *p_report_callback, wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_server_config_callback_t *p_config_change_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Sensor Server Message Handler
* \details An application or a parent model can call this models library function to process a message received
* from the Sensor Client device. The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent back
* to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Sensor Setup Server Message Handler
* \details An application or a parent model can call this models library function to process a message received
* from the Sensor Client device. The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent back
* to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_setup_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Sensor Series Status send status
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param series_status_data pointer to the series data
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_server_series_status_send(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_series_status_data_t *series_status_data);
* \brief Sensor Column Status send status
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param column_status_data pointer to the column data
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_server_column_status_send(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_column_status_data_t *column_status_data);
* \brief Format Sensor Data
* \details An Application can call this function to format sensor data to be sent out. Function returns length of the data filled in the buffer.
* Property_id 0 means that we need to send data for all sensors of the element.
* @param element_idx Element Index where the sensor is located
* @param property_id Property ID of the sensor for which sensor data shall be used. If Property ID is zero, the data will include all sensors of the element.
* @param p_buffer Buffer to be filled with information
* @param buffer_len size of the buffer
* @return number of bytess filled in the buffer.
uint16_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_format_sensor_server_data(uint8_t element_idx, uint16_t property_id, uint8_t* p_buffer, uint16_t buffer_len);
* \brief Sensor Status send
* @param element_idx Element Index where the sensor is located
* @param property_id Property ID of the sensor for which sensor data shall be reported. If Property ID is zero, the Status will include all sensors of the element.
* @param p_ref_data If application is sending data based on the Get request from the library, the parameter should contain the values passed in the GET request. Should be zero otherwise.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_server_data(uint8_t element_idx, uint16_t property_id, void *p_ref_data);
* \brief Sensor Setting status
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param property_id Property ID of the sensor for which Sensor Setting status shall be reported
* @param setting_property_id Property ID of the Sensor Setting, that the Sensor Setting status shall be reported
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_server_setting_status_send(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint16_t property_id, uint16_t setting_property_id);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_server */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_client Mesh Sensor Client
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Sensor Client module provides a way for an application to control Sensor Servers in the mesh network
* To include the Mesh Models support for the Sensor Client module the application shall contain the @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_SENSOR_CLIENT
* @{
* \brief Sensor Client callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a message from the peer
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref LIGHT_LC_EVENT "Mesh Light LC Events")
* @param p_event information about the message received. The same pointer should be used in the reply if required.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data to send
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_client_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t* p_event, void* p_data);
* \brief Sensor Client Module initialization
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the mesh models library when application action is required, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_client_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_client_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Sensor client Message Handler
* \details An application or a parent model can call this models library function to process a message received
* from the Sensor Server device. The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent back
* to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_client_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Sensor Descriptor get
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param desc_get_data pointer to descriptor get values
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_client_descriptor_send_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_get_t *desc_get_data);
* \brief Sensor Data get
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param sensor_get pointer to the sensor data to be received
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_client_sensor_send_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_get_t *sensor_get);
* \brief Sensor Column get
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param column_data pointer to data portion of the sensor column get message
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_client_sensor_column_send_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_column_get_data_t *column_data);
* \brief Sensor Series get
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param series_data pointer to data portion of the sensor series get message
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_client_sensor_series_send_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_series_get_data_t *series_data);
* \brief Sensor Setting get
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param setting_data pointer to data portion of the sensor setting get message
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_client_sensor_setting_send_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_setting_get_data_t *setting_data);
* \brief Sensor Settings get
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param settings_data pointer to data portion of the sensor settings get message
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_client_sensor_settings_send_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_get_t *settings_data);
* \brief Sensor Setting set
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param setting_data pointer to data portion of the sensor settings get message
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_client_sensor_setting_send_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_setting_set_data_t *setting_data);
* \brief Sensor Cadence get
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param cadence_data pointer to data portion of the cadence get message
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_client_sensor_cadence_send_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_get_t *cadence_data);
* \brief Sensor Cadence set
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param cadence_set pointer to data portion of the cadence set message
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_client_sensor_cadence_send_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_cadence_set_data_t *cadence_set);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_client */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_scene_server Mesh Scene Server
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Scene Server module provides a way for an application to implement a functionality for the devices that support scene state.
* To include the Mesh Models support for the Scene Server module the application shall contain the @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_SCENE_SERVER
* \brief Scene Server callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a message from the peer
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref SCENE_EVENT "Scene Events")
* @param p_event information about the message received. The same pointer should be used in the reply if required.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data structure
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_scene_server_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief Scene Server Module initialization
* @param p_callback Application or Parent model callback that will be executed on receiving a message
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_init(wiced_bt_mesh_scene_server_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Scene Server Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent back to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Scene Setup Server Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent back to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_setup_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Scene Data Changed
* The Scene Data Changed function should be called when any data stored with a scene has changed
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_data_changed(uint8_t element_idx);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_server */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_scene_client Mesh Scene Client
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Scene Client module provides a way for an application to control Scene Servers in the mesh network
* To include the Mesh Models support for the Scene Client module the application shall contain the @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_SCENE_CLIENT
* @{
* \brief Scene Client callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a message from the peer
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref SCENE_EVENT "Scene Events")
* @param p_event information about the message received. The same pointer should be used in the reply if required.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data structure
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_scene_client_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief Scene Client Module initialization
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback Application or Parent model callback that will be executed on receiving a message
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_client_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_scene_client_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Scene client Message Handler
* \details An application or a parent model can call this models library function to process a message received
* from the Scene Server device. The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent back
* to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_client_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Scene Client send request
* \details Application can call Scene Client send request function to send Scene Store/Recall/Get/Delete client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_request pointer to a data structure containing request type and scene number
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_client_send_request(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_scene_request_t *p_request);
* \brief Scene Client Send Recall
* \details Application can call Scene Client Send Recall function to send Scene Recall client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_request pointer to a data structure containing request type and scene number
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_client_send_recall(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_scene_recall_t *p_request);
* \brief Scene Client Send Register Get
* \details Application can call Scene Client Send Register Get function to send Scene Register Get client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_client_send_register_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_model_scene_client */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_time_server Mesh Time Server
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Time Server module provides a way for an application to implement a functionality for the devices that support time state.
* To include the Mesh Models support for the Time Server module the application shall contain the @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_TIME_SERVER
* @{
* \brief Time Server callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a message from the peer
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref TIME_EVENT "Time Events")
* @param p_data Pointer to the RTC Time data structure
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_time_server_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief Time Server Module initialization
* @param p_callback Application or Parent model callback that will be executed on receiving a message
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_server_init(wiced_bt_mesh_time_server_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Time Server Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent back to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Time Setup Server Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent back to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_setup_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Time server status send
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_time_zone_status_data pointer to data portion of the time zone status message
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_server_status_send(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_time_state_msg_t *p_time_status_data);
* \brief Time zone status send
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_time_status_data pointer to data portion of the time status message
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_server_zone_status_send(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_time_zone_status_t *p_time_zone_status_data);
* \brief Time TAI_UTC delta status send
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_time_delta_status_data pointer to data portion of the Time TAI_UTC delta status message
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_server_tai_utc_delta_status_send(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_time_tai_utc_delta_status_t *p_time_delta_status_data);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_server */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_time_client Mesh Time Client
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Time Client module provides a way for an application to control Time Servers in the mesh network
* To include the Mesh Models support for the Time Client module the application shall contain the @ref WICED_BT_MESH_MODEL_TIME_CLIENT
* @{
* \brief Time Client callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a message from the peer
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref TIME_EVENT "Time Events")
* @param p_event information about the message received. The same pointer should be used in the reply if required.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data structure
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_time_client_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief Time Client Module initialization
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback Application or Parent model callback that will be executed on receiving a message
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_client_init(wiced_bt_mesh_time_client_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Time Client Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent back to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_client_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Time Get send
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_client_time_get_send(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Time Set send
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_time_set_data pointer to data portion of the Time set message
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_client_time_set_send(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_time_state_msg_t *p_time_set_data);
* \brief Time Zone Get send
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_client_time_zone_get_send(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Time Zone Set send
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_set_data pointer to data portion of the Time zone set message
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_client_time_zone_set_send(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_time_zone_set_t *p_set_data);
* \brief Time TAI UTC delta Get send
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_client_tai_utc_delta_get_send(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Time TAI UTC delta Set send
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_time_delta_set pointer to data portion of the Time TAI UTC delta Set message
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_client_tai_utc_delta_set_send(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_time_tai_utc_delta_set_t *p_time_delta_set);
* \brief Time Role get send
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_client_time_role_get_send(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Time role Set send
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_set_data pointer to data portion of the Time role Set message
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_time_client_time_role_set_send(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_time_role_msg_t *p_set_data);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_time_client */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_scheduler_server Mesh Scheduler Server
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Scheduler Server module provides a way for an application to implement a functionality for the devices that support Scheduler.
* @{
* \brief Scheduler Server callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a message from the peer
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref SCHEDULER_EVENT "Scheduler Events")
* @param p_event information about the message received. The same pointer should be used in the reply if required.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data structure
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_scheduler_server_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief Scheduler Server Module initialization
* @param p_callback Application or Parent model callback that will be executed on receiving a message
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_server_init(wiced_bt_mesh_scheduler_server_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Scheduler Server Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent back to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Scheduler Setup Server Message Handler
* \details The Mesh Core library calls this function for each message received. The function returns WICED_TRUE if the message is destined for this specific model and successfully processed, and returns WICED_FALSE otherwise.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent back to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_setup_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_scheduler_server */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_scheduler_client Mesh Scheduler Client
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh_models
* The AIROC Mesh Scheduler Client module provides a way for an application to control Scheduler Servers in the mesh network
* @{
* \brief Scheduler Client callback is called by the Mesh Models library on receiving a message from the peer
* @param event The event that the application should process (see @ref SCHEDULER_EVENT "Scheduler Events")
* @param p_event information about the message received. The same pointer should be used in the reply if required.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data structure
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_scheduler_client_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief Scheduler Client Module initialization
* @param element_idx Device element to where model is used
* @param p_callback Application or Parent model callback that will be executed on receiving a message
* @param is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_client_init(wiced_bt_mesh_scheduler_client_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Scheduler client Message Handler
* \details An application or a parent model can call this models library function to process a message received
* from the Scheduler Server device. The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the parent back
* to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model/Element Index combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_client_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Scheduler Client send Get request
* \details Application can call Scheduler Client Get function to send Scheduler Get client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_client_send_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Scheduler Client Send Action Get request
* \details Application can call Scheduler Client Action Get function to send Scheduler Action Get client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data structure containing the action number of interest
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_client_send_action_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_scheduler_action_get_t *p_data);
* \brief Scheduler Client Send Action Set request
* \details Application can call Scheduler Client Action Set function to send Scheduler Action Set client message to the server.
* @param p_event Mesh event with the information about the message that has been received in the request, or created by the app for unsolicited message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data structure containing the action number of interest, time stamp when action should accure and the scene number for the device to move to.
* @return WICED_BT_SUCCESS if message has been queued for transmission.
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_scheduler_client_send_action_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_scheduler_action_data_t *p_data);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_scheduler_client */
* Application can register with remote provisioning server to receive notification
* when unprovisioned device is detected
typedef void (*wiced_bt_mesh_unprovisioned_device_cb_t)(uint8_t* p_uuid, uint16_t oob, uint32_t uri_hash, int8_t rssi);
* \brief Remote Provisioning Server initialization
* @param None
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_remote_provisioning_server_init(void);
* \brief Configures Remote Provisioning Server shall drop all unprovisioned beacons and provisioning service adverts with RSSI less than min_rssi.
* It shall be called after wiced_bt_mesh_remote_provisioning_server_init;
* @param min_rssi min RSSI to handle
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_remote_provisioning_server_set_min_rssi(int8_t min_rssi);
* \brief Process Scan Response Packets to check if the packet is for remote provisioning server.
* @param p_adv_report Advertising report paremeters
* @param p_adv_data Advertising data
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_remote_provisioning_scan_rsp(wiced_bt_ble_scan_results_t* p_adv_report, uint8_t* p_adv_data);
* \brief Process Connectable Advertising Packets to check if the packet is for remote provisioning server.
* @param p_adv_report Advertising report paremeters
* @param p_adv_data Advertising data
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_remote_provisioning_connectable_adv_packet(wiced_bt_ble_scan_results_t* p_adv_report, uint8_t* p_adv_data);
* \brief Process None Connectable Advertising Packets to check if the packet is for remote provisioning server.
* @param p_adv_report Advertising report paremeters
* @param p_adv_data Advertising data
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_remote_provisioning_nonconnectable_adv_packet(wiced_bt_ble_scan_results_t* p_adv_report, uint8_t* p_adv_data);
* \brief Sets trace level for mesh_models_lib and mesh_provisioner_lib.
* \details Application may call this function to set trace level for mesh_models_lib and mesh_provisioner_lib. By default trace level is 0(no trace).
* @param[in] level Trace level to set. It can be any of WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_TRACE_XXX.
void wiced_bt_mesh_models_set_trace_level(uint8_t level);
* \brief Find model in the node configuration starting with specified element index
* @param[in] company_id Company ID of the model
* @param[in] model_id Model ID of the model
* @param[in] start_idx Starting element index
int wiced_bt_mesh_model_find_element_idx(uint16_t company_id, uint16_t model_id, uint8_t start_idx);
* Interval in seconds to send time get message while the time isn't set yet. The value can be changed by the application. 0 means don't send time get message if time isn't initialized. Default value is 0.
extern uint8_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_timer_server_get_interval;
* \brief Config Server Model Message Handler
* \details Application Library typically calls this function when function to process a message received from the Config Client.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the application back to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t* p_event, uint8_t* p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* This function can be called to send message through the core. The function keeps track of the output event .
* @param p_event Fully prepared wiced_bt_mesh_event_t structure with information on where and how event should be sent
* @param opcode opcode to send
* @param params Pointer to the parameters data to be sent out.
* @param len Size of the parameters data to be sent out. The maximum length is about 377 bytes (depends on the size of the opcode).
void wiced_bt_mesh_config_server_send_reply(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t* p_event, uint16_t opcode, uint8_t* p_buffer, uint16_t len);
* This function can be called to configure configuration server to send always segmented messages regardless of the message size.
* @param enable WICED_TRUE enables the mode when config server always sends segmented messages. WICED_FALSE disables that mode.
void wiced_bt_mesh_config_server_send_segmented(wiced_bool_t enable);
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_models */
#define MESH_NODE_ID_INVALID 0x0000
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __WICED_BT_MESH_MODELS_H__ */