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* Copyright 2016-2024, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This software, including source code, documentation and related
* materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* or one of its affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to
* worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
* United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
* Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
* agreement accompanying the software package from which you
* obtained this Software ("EULA").
* If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
* non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software
* source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
* integrated circuit products. Any reproduction, modification, translation,
* compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
* above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.
* reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
* does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
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* \file <wiced_bt_mesh_provision.h>
* Mesh Provisioning definitions.
#include "wiced_bt_mesh_event.h"
#include "wiced_bt_mesh_model_defs.h"
#include "wiced_bt_mesh_models.h"
#if defined _WIN32 || defined WICEDX_LINUX || defined __ANDROID__ || defined __APPLE__
#define PACKED
#pragma pack(1)
#ifndef PACKED
#define PACKED
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
/* Maximum number of vendor specific opcode according to spec. */
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_mesh_provisioning Mesh Provisioning Library API
* @ingroup wiced_bt_mesh
* Mesh provisioning is split into two parts. The server side applies to all
* devices and allows a provisioner to add this device to a mesh network. It
* is implemented in the Mesh application library so that each mesh application
* can easily link this functionality in. The client part is implemented in
* the Mesh Provisioning library of the AIROC BTSDK which provide a simple method for
* an application to integrate functionality to add other devices to the
* mesh network.
* @{
* @name Definition for messages exchanged between the Provisioner Library and the Provisioner Client Application
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_COMMAND_STATUS 200 /**< Local device processed command from the MCU */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_PROVISION_CONNECT_STATUS 202 /**< Provision Link established or dropped */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_PROVISION_STARTED 203 /**< Provisioning started */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_PROVISION_END 204 /**< Provisioning completed */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_PROVISION_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES 205 /**< Provisioning device capabilities */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_PROVISION_GET_OOB_DATA 206 /**< Provisioning get out of band data request */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_PROXY_DEVICE 207 /**< Proxy device info */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_DEVICE_PROVISIONING_RECORD_LIST 208 /**< List of provisioning record */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_DEVICE_PROVISIONING_RECORD_RESP 209 /**< Provisioning record response */
* @anchor CONFIG_EVENT
* @name Definition for the mesh config messages exchanged between the Provisioner Library and the Provisioner Client Application
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_NODE_RESET_STATUS 210 /**< Config Node Reset Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_FRIEND_STATUS 211 /**< Config Friend Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_GATT_PROXY_STATUS 212 /**< Config GATT Proxy Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_RELAY_STATUS 213 /**< Config Relay Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_BEACON_STATUS 214 /**< Config Beacon Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_DEFAULT_TTL_STATUS 215 /**< Config Default TTL Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_NODE_IDENTITY_STATUS 216 /**< Config Node Identity Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_MODEL_PUBLICATION_STATUS 217 /**< Config Model Publication Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_MODEL_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS 218 /**< Config Model Subscription Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_MODEL_SUBSCRIPTION_LIST 219 /**< Config Model Subscription List */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_NETKEY_STATUS 220 /**< Config Network Key Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_NETKEY_LIST 221 /**< Config Network Key List */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_APPKEY_STATUS 222 /**< Config Application Key Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_APPKEY_LIST 223 /**< Config Application List */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_MODEL_APP_BIND_STATUS 224 /**< Config Model Application Bind Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_MODEL_APP_BIND_LIST 225 /**< Config Model Application Bind List */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_COMPOSITION_DATA_STATUS 226 /**< Config Composition Data Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_HEARBEAT_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS 227 /**< Config Heartbeat Subscription Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_HEARBEAT_PUBLICATION_STATUS 228 /**< Config Heartbeat Publication Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_NETWORK_TRANSMIT_STATUS 229 /**< Config Network Transmit Parameters Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_LPN_POLL_TIMEOUT_STATUS 230 /**< Low Power Node Poll Timeout Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_KEY_REFRESH_PHASE_STATUS 231 /**< Config Network Transmit Parameters Status */
/** @} CONFIG_EVENT */
* @anchor HEALTH_EVENT
* @name Definition for the mesh health messages exchanged between the Provisioner Library and the Provisioner Client Application
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_HEALTH_CURRENT_STATUS 232 /**< Current Health state of an element */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_HEALTH_FAULT_STATUS 233 /**< Registered Fault state of an element */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_HEALTH_PERIOD_STATUS 234 /**< Registered Fault state of an element */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_HEALTH_ATTENTION_STATUS 235 /**< Registered Fault state of an element */
/** @} HEALTH_EVENT */
* @anchor PROXY_EVENT
* @name Definition for the mesh filter messages exchanged between the Provisioner Library and the Provisioner Client Application
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_PROXY_FILTER_STATUS 237 /**< Current filter status of the proxy */
/** @} PROXY_EVENT */
* @anchor CORE_EVENT
* @name Definition for the mesh core messages exchanged between the Core Library and the Provisioner Client Application
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SEQ_CHANGED 238 /**< Sequence number changed */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_IV_CHANGED 239 /**< IV Index or/and IV_UPDATE flag changed */
/** @} CORE_EVENT */
* @name Definition for the mesh provisioning messages exchanged between the Provisioner Library and the Provisioner Client Application
* @{ */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_PROVISION_SCAN_STATUS 241 /**< Scan Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_PROVISION_SCAN_REPORT 242 /**< Scan Report */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_PROVISION_SCAN_EXTENDED_REPORT 243 /**< Scan Extended Report */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_PROVISION_LINK_STATUS 244 /**< Link Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_PROVISION_LINK_REPORT 245 /**< Link Report */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_TX_TO_FRIEND_COMPLETE 252 /**< Transmission to friend completed */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_RAW_MODEL_DATA 253 /**< Raw model data for the apps that handle model layer */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_PROXY_CONNECTION_STATUS 254 /**< Proxy connection status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_TX_COMPLETE 255 /**< Transmission completed, or timeout waiting for peer ack. */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_PRIVATE_BEACON_STATUS 262 /**< Private Beacon Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_PRIVATE_GATT_PROXY_STATUS 263 /**< Private GATT Proxy Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_PRIVATE_NODE_IDENTITY_STATUS 264 /**< Private Node Identity Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_CONFIG_ON_DEMAND_PRIVATE_PROXY_STATUS 265 /**< On-Demand Private Proxy Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_SOLICITATION_PDU_RPL_ITEMS_STATUS 266 /**< Solicitation PDU RPL Items Status */
#define WICED_BT_MESH_NETWORK_FILTER_STATUS 267 /**< Network Filter Status */
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to setup local device */
typedef struct
uint16_t addr; /**< Local Node Address */
uint8_t dev_key[16]; /**< Local Device Key */
uint8_t network_key[16]; /**< Mesh Network Key */
uint16_t net_key_idx; /**< Network Key Index */
uint32_t iv_idx; /**< Current Network IV Index */
uint8_t key_refresh; /**< 1 if Key Refresh Phase 2 is in progress */
uint8_t iv_update; /**< 1 if IV Update procedure is in progress */
uint8_t model_level_access; /**< 1 if application implements model level, 0 if application talks to model library */
} wiced_bt_mesh_local_device_set_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to set device key to be used in consecutive configuration messages.*/
typedef struct
uint16_t dst; /**< Destination address */
uint8_t dev_key[16]; /**< Device Key */
uint16_t net_key_idx; /**< Network Key Used to provision this device */
} wiced_bt_mesh_set_dev_key_data_t;
/* This structure contains information provided by the application to add vendor model.*/
typedef struct
uint16_t company_id; /**< Company ID */
uint16_t model_id; /**< Model ID */
uint8_t num_opcodes; /**< Number of opcodes */
uint8_t opcode[WICED_BT_MESH_MAX_VENDOR_MODEL_OPCODES*3]; /**< List of opcodes */
} wiced_bt_mesh_add_vendor_model_data_t;
* This structure contains information sent to the provisioner application from the provisioner library with information from the proxy device advertisements
* while device advertises network identity
typedef struct
uint8_t bd_addr[6]; /**< Proxy device address */
uint8_t bd_addr_type; /**< Proxy device address type */
int8_t rssi; /**< Receive Signal Strength of Proxy advertisements */
uint16_t net_key_idx; /**< Network key index */
} wiced_bt_mesh_proxy_device_network_data_t;
/* This structure contains scan information status data */
typedef struct
uint8_t max_scanned_items; /**< The maximum number of UUIDs that can be reported during scanning */
uint8_t active_scan_supported; /**< Indication if active scan is supported */
} wiced_bt_mesh_provision_scan_capabilities_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains scan start data */
typedef struct
uint8_t scanned_items_limit; /**< Max number of scanned items to report */
uint8_t timeout; /**< Time limit for a scan(in seconds) */
uint8_t scan_single_uuid; /**< If true, client searches for a specific UUID */
uint8_t uuid[MESH_DEVICE_UUID_LEN];/**< Specific UUID client is interested in */
} wiced_bt_mesh_provision_scan_start_data_t;
/* This structure contains extended scan info get data */
typedef struct
uint8_t timeout; /**< Time limit for a scan(in seconds) */
uint8_t num_ad_filters; /**< Number of ad_types */
uint8_t ad_filter_types[WICED_BT_MESH_AD_FILTER_TYPES_MAX]; /**< AD Types to be report */
uint8_t uuid_present; /**< If True, next field is present */
uint8_t uuid[16]; /**< UUID of the device to be scanned(Optional) */
} wiced_bt_mesh_provision_scan_extended_start_t;
/* This structure contains scan status data */
typedef struct
uint8_t status; /**< Status for the requesting message */
uint8_t state; /**< The Remote Provisioning Scanning Server State value */
uint8_t scanned_items_limit; /**< Maximum number of the scanned items to be reported */
uint8_t timeout; /**< Time limit for a scan(in seconds) */
} wiced_bt_mesh_provision_scan_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains scan report data */
typedef struct
int8_t rssi; /**< Signed integer that is interpreted as an indication of received signal strength measured in dBm */
uint8_t uuid[16]; /**< Value of the Device UUID */
uint16_t oob; /**< OOB information */
uint32_t uri_hash; /**< URI Hash if available from the device */
uint8_t bdaddr[BD_ADDR_LEN];
} wiced_bt_mesh_provision_scan_report_data_t;
/* This structure contains scan extended report data */
typedef struct
uint8_t status; /**< status of the extended scan start, 0 if success */
uint8_t uuid[16]; /**< Value of the Device UUID */
uint16_t oob; /**< out of band provisioning data */
uint8_t adv_data[62]; /**< Variable length ADV data for the UUID */
} wiced_bt_mesh_provision_scan_extended_report_data_t;
/* This structure contains provision link status data */
typedef struct
uint8_t status; /**< Status for the requesting message */
} wiced_bt_mesh_provision_link_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains provision link report data */
typedef struct
uint8_t link_status; /**< Status of the provisioning bearer */
uint8_t rpr_state; /**< Remote Provisioner state */
uint8_t reason; /**< Link close reason code */
uint8_t over_gatt; /**< True if connection over GATT only if provisioning done by local device */
} wiced_bt_mesh_provision_link_report_data_t;
/* This structure contains provision outbound pdu report data */
typedef struct
uint8_t outbound_pdu_number; /**< Outbound PDU Number */
} wiced_bt_mesh_provision_outbound_pdu_report_data_t;
/* This structure contains provision inbound pdu report data */
typedef struct
uint8_t inbound_pdu_number; /**< Inbound PDU number */
uint8_t data[1]; /**< Inbound PDU */
} wiced_bt_mesh_provision_inbound_pdu_report_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to establish provisioning link */
typedef struct
uint8_t uuid[16]; /**< UUID of the device to provision */
uint8_t identify_duration; /**< Duration of the identify state */
uint8_t procedure;
} wiced_bt_mesh_provision_connect_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to establish provisioning link */
typedef struct
uint16_t provisioner_addr; /**< Remote provisioning server address */
uint16_t addr; /**< Address of the first element of the device. Maybe 0 when unprovisioned. */
uint8_t connected; /**< If TRUE, connection has been established */
uint8_t over_gatt; /**< If TRUE, connection is over GATT */
} wiced_bt_mesh_connect_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to the provisioner library to establish a proxy connection to a mesh network through the specified device. */
typedef struct
#define CONNECT_TYPE_NODE_ID 0 /**< Connect to a just provisioned device advertising Node Identity */
#define CONNECT_TYPE_NET_ID 1 /**< Connect to a proxy using network ID */
#define CONNECT_TYPE_BDADDR 2 /**< In some cases a device may connect to a specific BDADDR */
#define CONNECT_TYPE_UUID 3 /**< For provisioning connection needs to be established using UUID */
uint8_t connect_type; /**< Specifies how GATT connection should be established */
uint16_t node_id; /**< Address of the node to connect to */
uint8_t bd_addr[6]; /**< Proxy device address */
uint8_t bd_addr_type; /**< Proxy device address type */
uint8_t uuid[16]; /**< UUID of the device we need to connect to */
uint8_t scan_duration; /**< timeout to wait for searching for the node to connect in seconds */
} wiced_bt_mesh_proxy_connect_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to start provisioning on the establish provisioning link */
typedef struct
uint16_t addr; /**< Address to assign to the device during provisioning */
uint16_t net_key_idx; /**< The network key index to assign to the device during provisioning */
uint8_t algorithm; /**< The algorithm used for provisioning */
uint8_t public_key_type; /**< If 1 Public Key OOB information available */
uint8_t auth_method; /**< Authentication Method used */
uint8_t auth_action; /**< Selected Output OOB Action or Input OOB Action */
uint8_t auth_size; /**< Size of the Output OOB used or size of the Input OOB used */
} wiced_bt_mesh_provision_start_data_t;
/* This structure contains provisioning configuration of the device */
typedef struct
uint8_t pub_key_type; /**< Bitmap of Supported public key types (Static OOB information available 0x01 is the only one supported at 1.0 time) */
uint8_t static_oob_type; /**< Supported static OOB Types (1 if available) */
uint8_t static_oob[32]; /**< static data if static_oob_type is 1 */
uint8_t output_oob_size; /**< Maximum size of Output OOB supported (0 - device does not support output OOB, 1-8 max size in octets supported by the device) */
uint16_t output_oob_action; /**< Output OOB Action field values (see @ref BT_MESH_OUT_OOB_ACT "Output OOB Action field values") */
uint8_t input_oob_size; /**< Maximum size in octets of Input OOB supported */
uint16_t input_oob_action; /**< Supported Input OOB Actions (see @ref BT_MESH_IN_OOB_ACT "Input OOB Action field values") */
} wiced_bt_mesh_provision_capabilities_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent to the provisioner application from the provisioner library with provisioning result */
typedef struct
uint16_t provisioner_addr; /**< Address of the remote provisioning server, or 0 if provisioning is by local device */
uint16_t addr; /**< address to assign */
uint16_t net_key_idx; /**< NetKeyIdx of the key provisioned to the device */
uint8_t result; /**< result of the provision operation */
uint8_t dev_key[WICED_BT_MESH_KEY_LEN]; /**< Device key generated during provisioning. This key shall be used by provisioner to configure the provisioned device. */
} wiced_bt_mesh_provision_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent to the provisioner application from the provisioner library with provisioning device capabilities */
typedef struct
uint16_t provisioner_addr; /**< Address of the remote provisioning server, or 0 if provisioning is by local device */
uint8_t elements_num; /**< Number of elements supported by the device (1-255) */
uint16_t algorithms; /**< Bitmap of Supported algorithms and other capabilities (FIPS_P256_EC is the only one supported at 1.0 time) */
uint8_t pub_key_type; /**< Bitmap of Supported public key types (Static OOB information available 0x01 is the only one supported at 1.0 time) */
uint8_t static_oob_type; /**< Supported static OOB Types (1 if available) */
uint8_t output_oob_size; /**< Maximum size of Output OOB supported (0 - device does not support output OOB, 1-8 max size in octets supported by the device) */
uint16_t output_oob_action; /**< Output OOB Action field values (see @ref BT_MESH_OUT_OOB_ACT "Output OOB Action field values") */
uint8_t input_oob_size; /**< Maximum size in octets of Input OOB supported */
uint16_t input_oob_action; /**< Supported Input OOB Actions (see @ref BT_MESH_IN_OOB_ACT "Input OOB Action field values") */
} wiced_bt_mesh_provision_device_capabilities_data_t;
/* This structure contains fragment of the device's provisioning record sent to the provisioner application from the provisioner library */
typedef struct
uint16_t record_id; /**< Identifies the provisioning record whose data fragment is sent in the response */
uint16_t fragment_offset; /**< The starting offset of the data fragment in the provisioning record data */
uint16_t total_length; /**< Total length of the provisioning record data stored on the device */
} wiced_bt_mesh_provision_device_record_fragment_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent to the provisioner application from the provisioner library with out of band data request */
typedef struct
uint16_t provisioner_addr; /**< Address of the remote provisioning server, or 0 if provisioning is by local device */
uint8_t type; /**< Out of band type */
uint8_t size; /**< Number of octets (should be 1-8) */
uint16_t action; /**< OOB Action (see @ref BT_MESH_OUT_OOB_ACT "Output OOB Action field values") */
} wiced_bt_mesh_provision_device_oob_request_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to get Node Identity Status of a node */
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t net_key_idx; /**< Index of the NetKey */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_node_identity_get_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to set current Node Identity state for a subnet */
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t net_key_idx; /**< Index of the NetKey */
uint8_t identity; /**< New Node Identity state */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_node_identity_set_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner library to provisioner application with the status of the node reset */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t status; /**< Status Code for the requesting message */
uint16_t net_key_idx; /**< Index of the NetKey */
uint8_t identity; /**< Node Identity state */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_node_identity_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to set Beacon State of a node */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t state; /**< Target secure beacon state (see @ref MESH_BEACON_STATES) */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_beacon_set_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner library to provisioner application with the status of the node reset */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t state; /**< Current secure beacon state (see @ref MESH_BEACON_STATES) */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_beacon_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to get Composition Data of a node */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t page_number; /**< page number of composition data to get */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_composition_data_get_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to get Composition Data of a node */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t page_number; /**< page number of composition data */
uint16_t data_len; /**< composition data len */
uint8_t data[1]; /**< first byte of the composition data */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_composition_data_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to get Default TTL of a node */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t ttl; /**< New Default TTL value */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_default_ttl_set_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent to the provisioner application with Default TTL state */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t ttl; /**< New Default TTL value */
uint8_t received_ttl; /**< Value of the TTL that this message has been received.Client can calculate number of hops to the SRC compairing this and default TTL values. */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_default_ttl_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to set GATT Proxy state of a node */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t state; /**< New GATT Proxy state value (see @ref MESH_GATT_PROXY_STATES) */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_gatt_proxy_set_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent to the provisioner application with GATT Proxy state */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t state; /**< Current GATT Proxy state value (see @ref MESH_GATT_PROXY_STATES) */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_gatt_proxy_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to set Friend state of a node */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t state; /**< New Friend state value (see @ref MESH_FRIEND_STATES) */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_friend_set_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent to the provisioner application with Friend state */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t state; /**< Current Friend state value (see @ref MESH_FRIEND_STATES) */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_friend_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to get Key Refresh Phase of a network */
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t net_key_idx; /**< NetKey Index */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_key_refresh_phase_get_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to set Key Refresh Phase of a network */
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t net_key_idx; /**< NetKey Index */
uint8_t transition; /**< New Key Refresh Phase Transition (see @ref MESH_KEY_REFRESH_PHASES) */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_key_refresh_phase_set_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent to the provisioner application with Key Refresh Phase of a network */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t status; /**< status */
uint16_t net_key_idx; /**< NetKey Index */
uint8_t phase; /**< Key Refresh Phase State (see @ref MESH_KEY_REFRESH_PHASES) */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_key_refresh_phase_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to set Relay state of a node */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t state; /**< New Relay state */
uint8_t retransmit_count; /**< Number of retransmissions on advertising bearer for each Network PDU relayed by the node */
uint16_t retransmit_interval; /**< Interval in milliseconds between retransmissions */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_relay_set_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent to the provisioner application with GATT Proxy state */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t state; /**< Current Relay state */
uint8_t retransmit_count; /**< Number of retransmissions on advertising bearer for each Network PDU relayed by the node */
uint16_t retransmit_interval; /**< Interval in milliseconds between retransmissions */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_relay_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to get information about model publication */
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t element_addr; /**< Address of the element */
uint16_t company_id; /**< Company ID */
uint16_t model_id; /**< Model ID */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_publication_get_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to set model publication */
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t element_addr; /**< Address of the element */
uint16_t company_id; /**< Company ID */
uint16_t model_id; /**< Model ID */
uint8_t publish_addr[16]; /**< Value of the publish address */
uint16_t app_key_idx; /**< Index of the application key */
uint8_t credential_flag; /**< Value of the Friendship Credential Flag */
uint8_t publish_ttl; /**< Default TTL value for the outgoing messages */
uint32_t publish_period; /**< Period for periodic status publishing */
uint8_t publish_retransmit_count; /**< Number of retransmissions for each published message */
uint16_t publish_retransmit_interval; /**< Interval in milliseconds between retransmissions */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_publication_set_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent to the provisioner application from the provisioner library with current model publication information */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t status; /**< Status Code for the requesting message */
uint16_t element_addr; /**< Address of the element */
uint16_t company_id; /**< Company ID */
uint16_t model_id; /**< Model ID */
uint16_t publish_addr; /**< Value of the publish address */
uint16_t app_key_idx; /**< Index of the application key */
uint8_t credential_flag; /**< Value of the Friendship Credential Flag */
uint8_t publish_ttl; /**< Default TTL value for the outgoing messages */
uint32_t publish_period; /**< Period for periodic status publishing */
uint8_t publish_retransmit_count; /**< Number of retransmissions for each published message */
uint16_t publish_retransmit_interval; /**< Interval in milliseconds between retransmissions */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_publication_status_data_t;
#define OPERATION_ADD 0 /**< Subscription change: Add */
#define OPERATION_DELETE 1 /**< Subscription change: Delete */
#define OPERATION_OVERWRITE 2 /**< Subscription change: Overwrite */
#define OPERATION_UPDATE 2 /**< Subscription change: Update network key */
#define OPERATION_DELETE_ALL 3 /**< Subscription change: Delete */
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to change model subscription */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t operation; /**< Request operation */
uint16_t element_addr; /**< Address of the element */
uint16_t company_id; /**< Company ID */
uint16_t model_id; /**< Model ID */
uint8_t addr[16]; /**< Value of the Address */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_subscription_change_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to get the list of current subscription list */
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t element_addr; /**< Address of the element */
uint16_t company_id; /**< Company ID */
uint16_t model_id; /**< Model ID */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_subscription_get_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent to the provisioner application from the provisioner library with current model subscription information */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t status; /**< Status Code for the requesting message */
uint16_t element_addr; /**< Address of the element */
uint16_t company_id; /**< Company ID */
uint16_t model_id; /**< Model ID */
uint16_t addr; /**< Value of the address */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_subscription_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent to the provisioner application from the provisioner library with current model subscription list information */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t status; /**< Status Code for the requesting message */
uint16_t element_addr; /**< Address of the element */
uint16_t company_id; /**< Company ID */
uint16_t model_id; /**< Model ID */
uint8_t num_addr; /**< Number of addresses in the subscription list */
uint16_t addr[1]; /**< Value of the first address */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_subscription_list_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to perform operation on a network keys */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t operation; /**< Request operation */
uint16_t net_key_idx; /**< NetKey Index */
uint8_t net_key[16]; /**< Value of the NetKey */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_netkey_change_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent to the provisioner application from the provisioner library with current network key information */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t status; /**< Status Code for the requesting message */
uint16_t net_key_idx; /**< Index of the NetKey */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_netkey_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent to the provisioner application from the provisioner library with current network key information */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t num_keys; /**< Number of keys in the list */
uint16_t net_key_idx[1]; /**< Value of the netkey index */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_netkey_list_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to perform operation on a application keys */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t operation; /**< Request operation */
uint16_t net_key_idx; /**< NetKey Index */
uint16_t app_key_idx; /**< AppKey Index */
uint8_t app_key[16]; /**< Value of the NetKey */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_appkey_change_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to get the list of current application keys */
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t net_key_idx; /**< NetKey Index */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_appkey_get_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent to the provisioner application from the provisioner library with current application key information */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t status; /**< Status Code for the requesting message */
uint16_t net_key_idx; /**< Index of the NetKey */
uint16_t app_key_idx; /**< Index of the AppKey */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_appkey_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent to the provisioner application from the provisioner library with current application key list information */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t status; /**< Status Code for the requesting message */
uint16_t net_key_idx; /**< Index of the NetKey */
uint8_t num_keys; /**< Number of keys in the list */
uint16_t app_key_idx[1]; /**< Value of the Appkey indexes */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_appkey_list_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to perform operation on a model to application key binding */
typedef PACKED struct
#define OPERATION_BIND 0 /**< Add binding */
#define OPERATION_UNBIND 1 /**< Delete binding */
uint8_t operation; /**< Request operation */
uint16_t element_addr; /**< Address of the element */
uint16_t company_id; /**< Company ID */
uint16_t model_id; /**< Model ID */
uint16_t app_key_idx; /**< AppKey Index */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_app_bind_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to get the list of current application keys bound to a model */
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t element_addr; /**< Address of the element */
uint16_t company_id; /**< Company ID */
uint16_t model_id; /**< Model ID */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_app_get_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent to the provisioner application from the provisioner library with current model to application binding */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t status; /**< Status Code for the requesting message */
uint16_t element_addr; /**< Address of the element */
uint16_t company_id; /**< Company ID */
uint16_t model_id; /**< Model ID */
uint16_t app_key_idx; /**< AppKey Index */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_app_bind_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent to the provisioner application from the provisioner library with current list of applications bound to a model */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t status; /**< Status Code for the requesting message */
uint16_t element_addr; /**< Address of the element */
uint16_t company_id; /**< Company ID */
uint16_t model_id; /**< Model ID */
uint8_t num_keys; /**< Number of keys in the list */
uint16_t app_key_idx[1]; /**< Value of the model_app indexes */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_app_list_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to setup heartbeat subscription */
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t subscription_src; /**< Source address for Heartbeat messages */
uint16_t subscription_dst; /**< Destination address for Heartbeat messages */
uint32_t period; /**< Period in seconds for receiving Heartbeat messages */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_heartbeat_subscription_set_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner library to provisioner application with the status of the heartbeat subscription */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t status; /**< status code for the requesting message */
uint16_t subscription_src; /**< Source address for Heartbeat messages */
uint16_t subscription_dst; /**< Destination address for Heartbeat messages */
uint32_t period; /**< Remaining Period in seconds for receiving Heartbeat messages */
uint16_t count; /**< Number of hearbeat messages received */
uint8_t min_hops; /**< Minimum hops when receiving Heartbeat messages */
uint8_t max_hops; /**< Maximum hops when receiving Heartbeat messages */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_heartbeat_subscription_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to setup heartbeat publication */
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t publication_dst; /**< Destination address for Heartbeat messages */
uint32_t count; /**< Number of Heartbeat messages to be sent */
uint32_t period; /**< Period in seconds for sending Heartbeat messages */
uint8_t ttl; /**< TTL to be used when sending Heartbeat messages */
uint8_t feature_relay; /**< Relay feature change triggers a Heartbeat message: 0 = False, 1 = True */
uint8_t feature_proxy; /**< Proxy feature change triggers a Heartbeat message: 0 = False, 1 = True */
uint8_t feature_friend; /**< Friend feature change triggers a Heartbeat message: 0 = False, 1 = True */
uint8_t feature_low_power; /**< Low Power feature change triggers a Heartbeat message: 0 = False, 1 = True */
uint16_t net_key_idx; /**< NetKey Index */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_heartbeat_publication_set_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner library to provisioner application with the status of the heartbeat publication */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t status; /**< status code for the requesting message */
uint16_t publication_dst; /**< Destination address for Heartbeat messages */
uint16_t count; /**< Number of heartbeat messages received */
uint32_t period; /**< Remaining Period in seconds for receiving Heartbeat messages */
uint8_t ttl; /**< TTL to be used when sending Heartbeat messages */
uint8_t feature_relay; /**< Relay feature change triggers a Heartbeat message: 0 = False, 1 = True */
uint8_t feature_proxy; /**< Proxy feature change triggers a Heartbeat message: 0 = False, 1 = True */
uint8_t feature_friend; /**< Friend feature change triggers a Heartbeat message: 0 = False, 1 = True */
uint8_t feature_low_power; /**< Low Power feature change triggers a Heartbeat message: 0 = False, 1 = True */
uint16_t net_key_idx; /**< NetKey Index */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_heartbeat_publication_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to set network transmit parameters */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t count; /**< Number of transmissions for each Network PDU originating from the node */
uint16_t interval; /**< Interval between transmissions in milliseconds */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_network_transmit_set_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner library to provisioner application with the status of network transmit parameters */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t count; /**< Number of transmissions for each Network PDU originating from the node */
uint32_t interval; /**< Interval between transmissions in milliseconds */
} wiced_bt_mesh_config_network_transmit_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner library to provisioner application to report the Current Health state of an element */
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t app_key_idx; /**< application key to use */
uint8_t test_id; /**< Identifier of a most recently performed test */
uint16_t company_id; /**< 16-bit Bluetooth assigned Company Identifier */
uint8_t count; /**< Number of elements in the fault array */
uint8_t fault_array[10]; /**< a sequence of 1-octet fault values */
} wiced_bt_mesh_health_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to get the current Registered Fault state identified by Company ID of an element */
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t company_id; /**< 16-bit Bluetooth assigned Company Identifier */
} wiced_bt_mesh_health_fault_get_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to clear the current Registered Fault state identified by Company ID of an element */
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t company_id; /**< 16-bit Bluetooth assigned Company Identifier */
} wiced_bt_mesh_health_fault_clear_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to invoke a self-test procedure of an element */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t id; /**< Identifier of a specific test to be performed */
uint16_t company_id; /**< 16-bit Bluetooth assigned Company Identifier */
} wiced_bt_mesh_health_fault_test_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner library to provisioner application to report the current Registered Fault state of an element */
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t app_key_idx; /**< application key to use */
uint8_t test_id; /**< Identifier of a most recently performed test */
uint16_t company_id; /**< 16-bit Bluetooth assigned Company Identifier */
uint8_t count; /**< Number of elements in the fault array */
uint8_t fault_array[10]; /**< a sequence of 1-octet fault values */
} wiced_bt_mesh_health_fault_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to set the current Health Period state of an element */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t divisor; /**< Divider for the Publish Period. */
} wiced_bt_mesh_health_period_set_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner library to provisioner application to report the Health Period state of an element */
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t app_key_idx; /**< application key to use */
uint8_t divisor; /**< Divider for the Publish Period. */
} wiced_bt_mesh_health_period_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to set the Attention Timer state of an element */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t timer; /**< Value of the Attention Timer state */
} wiced_bt_mesh_health_attention_set_data_t;
/*/ This structure contains information sent from the provisioner library to provisioner application to report the current Attention Timer state of an element */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t timer; /**< Value of the Attention Timer state */
} wiced_bt_mesh_health_attention_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to provisioner library to get the Low Power Node Poll Timeout state of an element */
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t lpn_addr; /**< The unicast address of the Low Power node */
} wiced_bt_mesh_lpn_poll_timeout_get_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent to the provisioner application from provisioner library with current Poll Timeout value of the low power node */
typedef PACKED struct
uint16_t lpn_addr; /**< The unicast address of the Low Power node */
uint32_t poll_timeout; /**< The current value of the PollTimeout timer of the Low Power node */
} wiced_bt_mesh_lpn_poll_timeout_status_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to the provisioner library with new filter type. */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t type; /**< The proxy filter type (0-accept list, 1-reject list). */
} wiced_bt_mesh_proxy_filter_set_type_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent from the provisioner application to the provisioner library with addresses to be added or deleted from the filter. */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t addr_num; /**< Number of addresses in the array */
uint16_t addr[1]; /**< First address to delete */
} wiced_bt_mesh_proxy_filter_change_addr_data_t;
/* This structure contains information sent to the provisioner application from the provisioner library with current filter setup information. */
typedef PACKED struct
uint8_t type; /**< The proxy filter type (0-accept list, 1-reject list). */
uint16_t list_size; /**< Number of addresses in the proxy filter list. */
} wiced_bt_mesh_proxy_filter_status_data_t;
* \brief Provision Server callback
* \details The Provision Server callback is called by the Mesh Application library during
* the provisioning of this device. Application does not need to implement this callback
* if the public key is not shared out of band and if out of band authentication is not
* used
* @param event Event that the application should process (see @ref PROVISION_EVENT "Mesh Provisioner Events")
* @param p_data Data with provisioning information.
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_provision_server_callback_t)(uint16_t event, void *p_data);
* \brief Provision Server initialization
* \details This function should be called by every Mesh Application during startup.
* If the device is capable of sharing its public key out of band: The pointer callback
* is required if the device provides an out of band method to share the public key with
* the Provisioner or if there is an out of band method to perform authentication.
* @param pb_priv_key Device private key
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed when the
* application library needs out of band information.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_app_provision_server_init(uint8_t *pb_priv_key, wiced_bt_mesh_provision_server_callback_t *p_callback);
* \brief Provision Server Configuration
* \details By default an application does not expose provisioning public key and does not use any of the
* provisioning authentication methods. A real application should call this
* function to provide device out of band provisioning capabilities.
* @param p_config Out of band provisioning information
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_app_provision_server_configure(wiced_bt_mesh_provision_capabilities_data_t *p_config);
* \brief Provision Set Out of Band data
* \details Application should call this function to setup OOB data used during provisioning of the local device
* @param p_oob Out of band data
* @param len Out of band data length
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_provision_set_oob(uint8_t *p_oob, uint8_t len);
* \brief Provision Set Out of Band data
* \details Application should call this function to setup OOB data used during provisioning
* @param p_event Pointer to the mesh event which identifies remote provisioning server
* @param p_oob Out of band data
* @param len Out of band data length
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_provision_client_set_oob(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_oob, uint32_t len);
* \brief Provision Client callback
* \details The Provision Client callback is called by the Mesh Provision library during the provisioning of a peer device
* @param event Event that the application should process (see @ref PROVISION_EVENT "Mesh Provisioner Events")
* @param p_event Pointer to the data structure identifying the source of the message
* @param p_data Data with provisioning information.
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_provision_client_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief Provision Client Model initialization
* \details The Provisioner Application should call this function during the startup to register a callback which will be executed during provisioning.
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the Mesh Provisioning library when application action is required, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_provision_client_init(wiced_bt_mesh_provision_client_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Provision Local Device.
* \details The application can call this function to setup local device to be a part of the network.
* @param[in] p_data Pointer to the data structure with provisioning information.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_provision_local_device_set(wiced_bt_mesh_local_device_set_data_t *p_data);
* \brief Set Device Key.
* \details The application can call this function to setup device key. Application can setup a key
* once and then send multiple configuration messages. When application decides to configure another
* device, it needs to change associated device key.
* @param[in] p_data Pointer to the data structure with device key information.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
void wiced_bt_mesh_provision_set_dev_key(wiced_bt_mesh_set_dev_key_data_t *p_data);
* \brief Add Vendor Model.
* \details The application can call this function to add vendor model to mesh core.
* Once added, mesh core forwards all vendor specific messages/event to vendor client message handler.
* @param[in] p_data Pointer to the data structure with vendor model information.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_add_vendor_model(wiced_bt_mesh_add_vendor_model_data_t *p_data);
* \brief Set ADV Tx Power.
* \details The application can call this function to set ADV Tx Power in the mesh core.
* Once set, mesh core will use updated Tx power for subsequent advertisements.
* @param[in] adv_tx_power ADV Tx Power value to set (0:min - 4:max).
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_adv_tx_power_set(uint8_t adv_tx_power);
/* Maximum number of remembered device keys. Default value is 8. */
extern uint8_t wiced_bt_mesh_provision_dev_key_max_num;
* \brief Scan Unprovisioned Devices.
* \details The application can call this function to start scanning for unprovisioned devices.
* @param[in] start Set to 1 to start scan or 0 to stop scan.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_provision_scan_unprovisioned_devices(wiced_bool_t start);
* \brief Provision Connect.
* \details The application can call this function to establish provisioning link.
* @param p_event Pointer to the event structure which identified the remote provisioning server.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data structure with the uuid and address of the peer device.
* @param use_gatt If 1, provision over PB-GATT.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_provision_connect(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_provision_connect_data_t *p_data, uint8_t use_gatt);
* \brief Provision Disconnect.
* \details The application can call this function to disconnect provisioning link.
* @param p_event Pointer to the event structure which identified the remote provisioning server.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_provision_disconnect(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Provision Start.
* \details The application can call this function to start provisioning of the device over established provisioning link.
* @param p_event Pointer to the event structure which identified the remote provisioning server.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data structure with parameters that the application selected for provisioning.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_provision_start(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_provision_start_data_t *p_data);
* \brief Proxy Connect.
* \details The application can call this function to establish GATT Proxy connection.
* Depending on the parameters the connection should be establishing either to a device
* advertising it's identity, or a device advertising a mesh network
* @param p_data Pointer to the data structure with the node identity or network.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_client_proxy_connect(wiced_bt_mesh_proxy_connect_data_t *p_data);
* \brief Proxy Disconnect.
* \details The application can call this function to terminate GATT Proxy connection.
* @param None
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_client_proxy_disconnect(void);
* \brief Config Client callback
* \details The Config Client callback is called by the Mesh Core library on receiving a Foundation Model Configuration Status messages from the peer
* @param event Event that the application should process (see @ref CONFIG_EVENT "Mesh Config Events")
* @param p_data Parsed data received in the status message.
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_config_client_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief Config Client Model initialization
* \details The Provisioner Application should call this function during startup to register a callback which will be executed when a configuration status message is received.
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the Mesh Model library when application action is required, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_config_client_init(wiced_bt_mesh_config_client_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Connection status change notification
* \details The Provisioner Application should call this function to indicate when connection to the proxy goes up or down.
* @param is_connected If TRUE, Connection to the application has been established.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_config_client_connection_state_change(wiced_bool_t is_connected);
* \brief Config Client Model Message Handler
* \details Application Library typically calls this function when function to process a message received from the Config Server.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the application back to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_client_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Node Reset.
* \details The application can call this function to send
* a Config Node Reset message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_data Pointer to the data structure with the address of the peer device.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_node_reset(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Get Secure Beacon state.
* \details The application can call this function to send
* a Config Beacon Get message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_beacon_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Set Secure Beacon state.
* \details The application can call this function to send
* a Config Beacon Set message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_set Pointer to the data structure of Config Beacon Set message.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_beacon_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_beacon_set_data_t *p_set);
* \brief Get Composition Data of the device.
* \details The application can call this function to send
* a Composition Data Get message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_data Pointer to the data structure with the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_get Pointer to the data structure of Composition Data .
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_composition_data_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_composition_data_get_data_t *p_get);
* \brief Get Default TTL.
* \details The application can call this function to send
* a Config Default TTL Get message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_default_ttl_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Set Default TTL.
* \details The application can call this function to send
* a Config Default TTL Set message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_set Pointer to the data structure of new Default TTL value.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_default_ttl_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_default_ttl_set_data_t *p_set);
* \brief Get Relay Status.
* \details The application can call this function to send
* a Config Relay Get message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_relay_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Set Relay Status.
* \details The application can call this function to send
* a Config Relay Set message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_set Pointer to the data structure of Set Relay Status.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_relay_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_relay_set_data_t *p_set);
* \brief Get GATT Proxy State.
* \details The application can call this function to send a Config GATT Proxy Get message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_gatt_proxy_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Set GATT Proxy State.
* \details The application can call this function to send a Config GATT Proxy Set message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_set Pointer to the data structure of Set GATT Proxy State..
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_gatt_proxy_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_gatt_proxy_set_data_t *p_set);
* \brief Get Friend State.
* \details The application can call this function to send
* a Config Friend Get message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_friend_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Set Friend State.
* \details The application can call this function to send
* a Config Friend Set message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_set Pointer to the data structure of Set Friend State.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_friend_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_friend_set_data_t *p_set);
* \brief Get Key Refresh Phase.
* \details The application can call this function to to get the current Key Refresh
* Phase state of the identified network key.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_get Pointer to the data structure of Get Key Refresh Phase.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_key_refresh_phase_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_key_refresh_phase_get_data_t *p_get);
* \brief Set Key Refresh Phase.
* \details The application can call this function to set
* the Key Refresh Phase state of the identified network key.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_set Pointer to the data structure of Set Key Refresh Phase.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_key_refresh_phase_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_key_refresh_phase_set_data_t *p_set);
* \brief Get Node Identity State.
* \details The application can call this function to send
* a Config Node Identity Get message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_get Pointer to the data structure of Get Node Identity State.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_node_identity_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_node_identity_get_data_t *p_get);
* \brief Set Node Identity State.
* \details The application can call this function to send
* a Config Node Identity message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_set Pointer to the data structure of Set Node Identity State.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_node_identity_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_node_identity_set_data_t *p_set);
* \brief Get Model Publication Information.
* \details The application can call this function to send
* a Config Model Publication Get message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_get Pointer to the data structure of Get Model Publication Information.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_publication_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_publication_get_data_t *p_get);
* \brief Set Model Publication.
* \details The application can call this function to send
* a Config Model Publication Set message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_set Pointer to the data structure of Set Model Publication.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_publication_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_publication_set_data_t *p_set);
* \brief Change Model Subscription.
* \details The application can call this function to change a model subscription data by sending
* a Config Model Subscription Add, Virtual Address Add, Delete, Virtual Address Delete, Overwrite, Virtual Address Overwrite, or Delete All message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_data Pointer to the data structure of Set Model Publication.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_subscription_change(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_subscription_change_data_t *p_data);
* \brief Get Model Subscription.
* \details The application can call this function to get current model subscription list by sending
* a Config Model Subscription Get message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_data Pointer to the data structure of Get Model Publication.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_subscription_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_subscription_get_data_t *p_data);
* \brief Change Network Key.
* \details The application can call this function to change a device network keys by sending
* a Config NetKey Add, Delete, or Update message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_data Pointer to the data structure of Change Network Key.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_netkey_change(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_netkey_change_data_t *p_data);
* \brief Get Network Keys.
* \details The application can call this function to get current network keys list by sending
* a Config NetKey Get message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_netkey_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Change Application Key.
* \details The application can call this function to change a device application key by sending
* a Config AppKey Add, Delete, or Update message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_data Pointer to the data structure of Change Application Key.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_appkey_change(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_appkey_change_data_t *p_data);
* \brief Get Application Keys.
* \details The application can call this function to get current application keys list by sending
* a Config AppKey Get message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_data Pointer to the data structure of Get Application Key.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_appkey_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_appkey_get_data_t *p_data);
* \brief Change Model to Application Key Binding.
* \details The application can call this function to change a a model to application key binding by sending
* a Config Model App Bind o Unbind message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_data Pointer to the data structure of Change Model to Application Key Binding.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_app_bind(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_app_bind_data_t *p_data);
* \brief Get Application Keys the Model is bound to.
* \details The application can call this function to get current application keys list bound to a specific Model by sending
* a Config Model App Get message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_data Pointer to the data structure of Get Application Keys the Model is bound to.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_app_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_model_app_get_data_t *p_data);
* \brief Heartbeat Subscription Get.
* \details The application can call the Heartbeat Subscription Get to send
* Heartbeat Subscription Get message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_heartbeat_subscription_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Heartbeat Subscription Set.
* \details The application can call the Heartbeat Subscription Set to send
* Heartbeat Subscription Set message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_set Pointer to the data structure of Get Application Keys the Model is bound to.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_heartbeat_subscription_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_heartbeat_subscription_set_data_t *p_set);
* \brief Heartbeat Publication Get.
* \details The application can call the Heartbeat Publication Get to send
* Heartbeat Publication Get message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_heartbeat_publication_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Heartbeat Publication Set.
* \details The application can call the Heartbeat Publication Set to send
* Heartbeat Publication Set message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_set Pointer to the data structure of Heartbeat Publication Set information
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_heartbeat_publication_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_heartbeat_publication_set_data_t *p_set);
* \brief Network Transmit Parameters Get.
* \details The application can call this function to send
* a Config Network Transmit Get message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_network_transmit_params_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Network Transmit Parameters Set.
* \details The application can call this function to send
* a Config Network Transmit Set message to a peer device.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_set Pointer to the data structure of Network Transmit Parameters Set.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_config_network_transmit_params_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_config_network_transmit_set_data_t *p_set);
* \brief Health Client callback
* \details The Health Client callback is called by the Mesh Core library on receiving a Foundation Model Health Status messages from the peer
* @param event Event that the application should process (see @ref HEALTH_EVENT "Mesh Health Events")
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message or failed tx message.
* @param p_data Parsed data received in the status message.
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_health_client_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief Health Client Model initialization
* \details The Provisioner Application should call this function during startup to register a callback which will be executed when a health status message is received.
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the Mesh Model library when application action is required, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_health_client_init(wiced_bt_mesh_health_client_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Health Client Model Message Handler
* \details Application Library typically calls this function when function to process a message received from the Health Server.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the application back to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_model_health_client_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Health Fault Get.
* \details The application can call this function to get the current Registered Fault state identified by Company ID of an element.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_get Pointer to the data structure of Health Fault Get.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_health_fault_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_health_fault_get_data_t *p_get);
* \brief Health Fault Clear.
* \details The application can call this function to clear the current Registered Fault state identified by Company ID of an element.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_clear Pointer to the data structure of Health Fault Clear.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_health_fault_clear(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_health_fault_clear_data_t *p_clear);
* \brief Health Fault Test.
* \details The application can call this function to invoke a self-test procedure of an element.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_clear Pointer to the data structure of Health Fault Test.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_health_fault_test(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_health_fault_test_data_t *p_clear);
* \brief Health Period Get.
* \details The application can call this function to get the current Health Period state of an element.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_health_period_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Health Period Set.
* \details The application can call this function to set the current Health Period state of an element.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_set Pointer to the data structure of Health Period Set.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_health_period_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_health_period_set_data_t *p_set);
* \brief Health Attention Get.
* \details The application can call this function to get the Attention Timer state of an element.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_health_attention_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Health Attention Set.
* \details The application can call this function to set the Attention Timer state of an element.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_set Pointer to the data structure of Health Attention Set.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_health_attention_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_health_attention_set_data_t *p_set);
* \brief LPN Poll Timeout Get.
* \details The application can call this function to get the LPN Poll Timeout value.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_get Pointer to the data structure of LPN Poll Timeout Get.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_lpn_poll_timeout_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_lpn_poll_timeout_get_data_t *p_get);
* \brief LPN Poll Timeout Set.
* \details The application can call this function to set the Attention Timer state of an element.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_set Pointer to the data structure of LPN Poll Timeout Set.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_health_attention_set(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_health_attention_set_data_t *p_set);
* \brief Proxy Client callback
* \details The Proxy Client callback is called by the Mesh Core library on receiving a Proxy Status messages from the peer
* @param event Event that the application should process (see @ref WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_CMD_SPECIAL "Proxy Events")
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message or failed tx message.
* @param p_data Parsed data received in the status message.
* @return None
typedef void(wiced_bt_mesh_proxy_client_callback_t)(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
* \brief Mesh GATT client initialization.
* \details The Provisioner Application should call this function during startup to register a callback which will be executed when a proxy status message is received.
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the Mesh Model library when application action is required, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_client_init(wiced_bt_mesh_provision_client_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Process connectable advertisement
* \details Process connectable advertisement packet.
* @param bd_addr Advertiser device address
* @param ble_addr_type Advertiser device address type
* @param rssi RSSI of received advertisements
* @param p_adv_data Pointer to advertising data
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_gatt_client_process_connectable_adv(uint8_t *bd_addr, uint8_t ble_addr_type, int8_t rssi, uint8_t *p_adv_data);
* \brief Proxy Client Model initialization
* \details The Provisioner Application should call this function during startup to register a callback which will be executed when a proxy status message is received.
* @param p_callback The application callback function that will be executed by the Mesh Model library when application action is required, or when a reply for the application request has been received.
* @param is_provisioned is_provisioned If TRUE, the application is being restarted after being provisioned or after a power loss. If FALSE the model cleans up NVRAM on startup.
* @return None
void wiced_bt_mesh_proxy_client_init(wiced_bt_mesh_proxy_client_callback_t *p_callback, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* \brief Proxy Client Message Handler
* \details Application Library typically calls this function when function to process a message received from the Proxy Server.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the application back to perform functionality.
* @param p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_proxy_client_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, const uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Proxy Client Set Filter Type.
* \details The application can call this function to change the proxy filter type and clear the proxy filter list.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] p_set Pointer to the data structure with the type of the filter to set.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_proxy_set_filter_type(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_proxy_filter_set_type_data_t *p_set);
* \brief Proxy Client Change Filter.
* \details The function can be called by the application to add or delete addresses from the proxy filter list.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message which contain the address of the peer device.
* @param[in] is_add True: add address, False: delete address
* @param[in] p_addr Pointer to the data structure of filter addresses
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_proxy_filter_change_addr(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bool_t is_add, wiced_bt_mesh_proxy_filter_change_addr_data_t *p_addr);
* \brief Remote Provisioning Server Model Message Handler
* \details Application Library typically calls this function to process a message received from the Remote Provisioning Client.
* The function parses the message and if appropriate calls the application back to perform functionality.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about received message.
* @param[in] p_data Pointer to the data portion of the message
* @param[in] data_len Length of the data in the message
* @return WICED_TRUE if the message is for this company ID/Model combination, WICED_FALSE otherwise.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_remote_provisioning_server_message_handler(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t data_len);
* \brief Scan Capabilities Get.
* \details The function can be called by the application to Send Remote Provisioning Scan Capabilities Get to Remote Provisioning Server.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about contains information about destination address and transmission parameters.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_provision_scan_capabilities_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Scan Info Get.
* \details The function can be called by the application to Send Remote Provisioning Scan Get to Remote Provisioning Server.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about contains information about destination address and transmission parameters.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_provision_scan_get(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* \brief Scan Start.
* \details The function can be called by the application to Send Remote Provisioning Scan Start to Remote Provisioning Server.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about contains information about destination address and transmission parameters.
* @param[in] p_data Scan Parameters
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_provision_scan_start(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_provision_scan_start_data_t *p_data);
* \brief Extended Scan Info Get.
* \details The function can be called by the application to Send Remote Provisioning Extended Scan Info Get message to Remote Provisioning Server.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about contains information about destination address and transmission parameters.
* @param[in] p_data Extended Scan Info Get Parameters
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_provision_scan_extended_start(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_provision_scan_extended_start_t *p_data);
* \brief Scan Stop.
* \details The function can be called by the application to Send Remote Provisioning Scan Stop to Remote Provisioning Server.
* @param[in] p_event Mesh event with information about contains information about destination address and transmission parameters.
* @return WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_provision_scan_stop(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
* @brief Retrieve fragment of the provisioning record from the peer device
* @param p_event mesh event
* @param p_data pointer to the fragment descriptor to get
* @return wiced_bool_t WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_provision_retrieve_record(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, wiced_bt_mesh_provision_device_record_fragment_data_t *p_data);
* @brief The function can be called by application triggering Remote Provisioning Server to send invite PDU to device
* @param p_event mesh event
* @return wiced_bool_t WICED_TRUE/WICED_FALSE - success/failed.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_mesh_provision_send_invite(wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if defined _WIN32 || defined WICEDX_LINUX || defined __ANDROID__ || defined __APPLE__
#pragma pack()
/* @} wiced_bt_mesh_provisioning */
#endif /* __WICED_BT_MESH_PROVISION_H__ */