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* Copyright 2016-2024, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This software, including source code, documentation and related
* materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* or one of its affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to
* worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
* United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
* Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
* agreement accompanying the software package from which you
* obtained this Software ("EULA").
* If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
* non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software
* source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
* integrated circuit products. Any reproduction, modification, translation,
* compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
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* reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
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/** @file
* List of parameters and defined functions needed to access the
* Peripheral Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (PUART) driver.
#ifndef __WICED_PUART_H__
#define __WICED_PUART_H__
#include "wiced.h"
typedef enum{
typedef enum{
* @addtogroup HardwareDrivers Hardware Drivers
* @{
* Defines a driver to facilitate interfacing with the UART hardware to send
* and receive bytes or a stream of bytes over the UART hardware. Typical
* use-cases involve printing messages over UART/RS-232, or to communicate
* with peripheral devices.
* <b>Example Usage:</b>
* \code{.c}
* void testPUARTDriver(void)
* {
* uint8_t readbyte;
* uint8_t loopCtrl = 1;
* char printBuffer[50];
* //Pins for PUART should be configured from wiced_platform_pin_config.c
* wiced_hal_puart_init();
* wiced_hal_puart_flow_off(); //turn off flow control
* wiced_hal_puart_enable_tx();
* wiced_hal_puart_enable_rx();
* while(loopCtrl)
* {
* while(wiced_hal_puart_read(&readbyte))
* {
* wiced_hal_puart_write(readbyte);
* if(readbyte == 'S')
* {
* wiced_hal_puart_print("\nYou typed 'S'.");
* sprintf(printBuffer, "\nThis message sprintf'ed here.");
* wiced_hal_puart_print(printBuffer);
* }
* if(readbyte == 'E') // End.
* {
* loopCtrl = 0;
* }
* }
* }
* }
* \endcode
* @addtogroup PUARTDriver Peripheral UART (PUART)
* @ingroup HardwareDrivers
* @{
/*! @{ */
*** Function prototypes.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/// Initialize the Peripheral UART interface with the default configuration
/// parameters. This must be invoked once at boot before using any of PUART's
/// services.
/// Default baud rate is 115200 Bd. This can be changed by calling
/// "wiced_hal_puart_configuration()" as described later, after this
/// initialization function.
/// \param none
/// \return none
void wiced_hal_puart_init(void);
/// Enable flow control.
/// \param none
/// \return none
void wiced_hal_puart_flow_on(void);
/// Disable flow control.
/// \param none
/// \return none
void wiced_hal_puart_flow_off(void);
/// Select the TX/RX and optional CTS/RTS pins (P<pin>) for the UART hardware
/// to use.
/// Please follow the guidelines set in the User Documentation when
/// selecting pins, as not all pins are avaliable for the PUART driver;
/// they depend on the specific hardware platform.
/// Remember that P# is the physical pin number on the board minus 1.
/// Ex: Board Pin 33 = P32.
/// \param rxdPin - RX Pin
/// \param txdPin - TX Pin
/// \param ctsPin - CTS Pin
/// \param rtsPin - RTS Pin
/// \return TRUE if pads were successfully set, FALSE if pads were not set.
/// If FALSE, make sure input port/pin parameters are correct.
wiced_bool_t wiced_hal_puart_select_uart_pads(uint8_t rxdPin, uint8_t txdPin,
uint8_t ctsPin, uint8_t rtsPin);
/// Print/send a string of characters via the TX line.
/// \param string - A string of characters to send.
/// \return none
void wiced_hal_puart_print(char * string);
/// Print/send one byte via the TX line.
/// \param byte - Byte to send on the TX line.
/// \return none
void wiced_hal_puart_write(uint8_t byte);
/// Read one byte via the RX line.
/// \param rxByte - Destination byte to hold received data byte from RX FIFO.
/// \return TRUE if data was successfully read, FALSE if
/// not (RX FIFO was empty).
wiced_bool_t wiced_hal_puart_read(uint8_t* rxByte);
/// Disable transmit capability.
/// \param none
/// \return none
void wiced_hal_puart_disable_tx(void);
/// Enable transmit capability.
/// \param none
/// \return none
void wiced_hal_puart_enable_tx(void);
/// Enable receive capability (specifically, by enabling PUART RX interrupts
/// through the MIA driver).
/// \param none
/// \return none
void wiced_hal_puart_enable_rx(void);
/// Set the baud rate (Bd) to a value other than the default 115200 Bd.
/// \param baudrate - Desired rate in symbols per second, e.g. 9600.
/// \return none
void wiced_hal_puart_set_baudrate(uint32_t baudrate)__attribute__ ((deprecated("Please use wiced_hal_puart_configuration()")));
/// Read in a set of bytes sequentially.
/// \param buffer - Destination buffer to hold incoming bytes.
/// \param length - Number of bytes to read from the RX FIFO.
/// \return none
void wiced_hal_puart_synchronous_read(uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t length);
/// Write a set of bytes sequentially.
/// \param buffer - Source buffer to hold outgoing bytes.
/// \param length - Number of bytes to write to the TX FIFO.
/// \return none
void wiced_hal_puart_synchronous_write(uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t length);
/// Check to see if there is any data ready in the RX FIFO.
/// \param none
/// \return TRUE if bytes are avaliable, FALSE if the FIFO is empty.
wiced_bool_t wiced_hal_puart_rx_fifo_not_empty(void);
/// Clears and enables PUART interrupt.
/// \param none
/// \return none
void wiced_hal_puart_reset_puart_interrupt(void);
/// Register Interrupt handler with PUART
/// \param puart_rx_cbk - Call back function to process rx bytes
/// \return none
void wiced_hal_puart_register_interrupt(void (*puart_rx_cbk)(void*));
/// updates the watermark level to the received value
/// \param watermark_level - watermark level in bytes
/// \return none
void wiced_hal_puart_set_watermark_level(uint32_t watermark_level);
/// updates the parity and stop bits as per received value
/// \param baudrate - Desired rate in symbols/sec ex. 9600
/// \param parity - PARITY_ODD for odd parity, PARITY_EVEN for even parity,
/// PARITY_NONE for no parity.
/// \param stop_bit - STOP_BIT_1 for 1 stop bit, STOP_BIT_2 for 2 stop bits.
/// \return wiced_bool_t - WICED_TRUE if the configuration was successfully set,
/// otherwise WICED_FALSE. NOTE: For baudrate greater than
/// 2.727272 Mb/sec use of 2 stop bits is mandatory due to
/// hardware limitation.
wiced_bool_t wiced_hal_puart_configuration(uint32_t baudrate, parity_t parity,
stop_bit_t stop_bit);
/* @} PUARTDriver */
/* @} HardwareDrivers */
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
#endif // __WICED_PUART_H__