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* Copyright 2019-2024, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This software, including source code, documentation and related
* materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* or one of its affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to
* worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
* United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
* Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
* agreement accompanying the software package from which you
* obtained this Software ("EULA").
* If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
* non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software
* source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
* integrated circuit products. Any reproduction, modification, translation,
* compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
* above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.
* reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
* does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
* Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
* not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
* failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
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* including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer
* of such system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing
* so agrees to indemnify Cypress against all liability.
* @file
* @addtogroup logging_utils
* A logging subsystem that allows run time control for the logging level.
* Log messages are passed back to the application for output.
* Log messages are given sequence numbers.
* A time callback can be provided by the application for the timestamp for each output line.
* Log messages are mutex protected across threads so that log messages do not interrupt each other.
* in Main application file:
* Log output callback function - The App decides what and how logging is to be output
* int app_log_output_callback(CY_LOG_FACILITY_T facility, CY_LOG_LEVEL_T level, char *logmsg)
* {
* (void)facility; // Can be used to decide to reduce output or send output to remote logging
* (void)level; // Can be used to decide to reduce output, although the output has already been
* // limited by the log routines
* return printf( "%s\n", logmsg); // print directly to console
* }
* Log time callback - get the current time for the log message timestamp in millseconds
* cy_rslt_t app_log_time(uint32_t* time)
* {
* if (time != NULL)
* {
* *time = get_time_ms(); // get system time (in milliseconds)
* }
* }
* Log initialization - default os OFF, no output from any facility
* result = cy_log_init(CY_LOG_OFF, app_log_output_callback, app_log_time);
* if (result != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
* {
* printf("cy_log_init() FAILED %ld\n", result);
* }
* Example using TEST facility
* cy_log_set_facility_level(CYLF_TEST, CY_LOG_WARNING); // set log message level to WARNING
* cy_log_printf("TEST message: always print."); // Bypass facility/level check and always print message
* // calls app_log_output_callback(CYLF_DEF, CY_LOG_PRINTF, logmsg)
* cy_log_msg(CYLF_TEST, CY_LOG_ERR, "TEST message: ERR"); // Print if CYLF_TEST level is CY_LOG_ERR or higher
* cy_log_msg(CYLF_TEST, CY_LOG_WARNING, "TEST message: WARNING"); // Print if CYLF_TEST level is CY_LOG_WARNING or higher
* cy_log_msg(CYLF_TEST, CY_LOG_NOTICE, "TEST message: NOTICE"); // Print if CYLF_TEST level is CY_LOG_NOTICE or higher
* cy_log_msg(CYLF_DRIVER, CY_LOG_ERR, "DRIVER message: ERR"); // Print if CYLF_DRIVER level is CY_LOG_ERR or higher
* TEST message: always print.
* TEST message: ERR
* TEST message: WARNING
* - No other CYLF_TEST output due to level set as CY_LOG_WARNING
* - No CYLF_DRIVER output due to level set as CY_LOG_OFF
#pragma once
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "cy_result.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Macros
* Constants
* Enumerations
/** \addtogroup group_logging_enums
* Documentation of the enums provided by logging utility.
*//** \{ */
/** Logging levels. NOTE: Default value for all facilities is passed in to init call */
typedef enum
CY_LOG_OFF = 0, /**< Do not print log messages */
CY_LOG_ERR, /**< Print log message if run-time level is <= CY_LOG_ERR */
CY_LOG_WARNING, /**< Print log message if run-time level is <= CY_LOG_WARNING */
CY_LOG_NOTICE, /**< Print log message if run-time level is <= CY_LOG_NOTICE */
CY_LOG_INFO, /**< Print log message if run-time level is <= CY_LOG_INFO */
CY_LOG_DEBUG, /**< Print log message if run-time level is <= CY_LOG_DEBUG */
CY_LOG_DEBUG1, /**< Print log message if run-time level is <= CY_LOG_DEBUG1 */
CY_LOG_DEBUG2, /**< Print log message if run-time level is <= CY_LOG_DEBUG2 */
CY_LOG_DEBUG3, /**< Print log message if run-time level is <= CY_LOG_DEBUG3 */
CY_LOG_DEBUG4, /**< Print log message if run-time level is <= CY_LOG_DEBUG4 */
CY_LOG_PRINTF, /* Identifies log messages generated by cy_log_printf calls */
/** Log Facility type
* Log facilities allow for separate subsystems to have different run-time log levels for output.
* This allows for someone working in the Driver subsystem to turn on DEBUG level without turning DEBUG
* level for middleware - makes for less unwanted output during debugging / testing.
typedef enum
CYLF_DEF = 0, /**< General log message not associated with any specific Facility */
CYLF_TEST, /**< Test Facility */
CYLF_DRIVER, /**< Driver Facility */
CYLF_LP, /**< Low Power Facility */
CYLF_MIDDLEWARE, /**< Middleware Facility */
CYLF_AUDIO, /**< Audio Facility */
CYLF_MAX /**< Must be last, not an actual index */
/** \} */
/** \addtogroup group_logging_structures
* Documentation of the typedefs defined by the logging utility.
*//** \{ */
* Structures
* Type Definitions
/** Prototype for application callback to use the logging message
typedef int (*log_output)(CY_LOG_FACILITY_T facility, CY_LOG_LEVEL_T level, char *logmsg);
/** Prototype for application callback to get current time in milliseconds
typedef cy_rslt_t (*platform_get_time)(uint32_t* time);
/** \} */
* @addtogroup group_logging_func
* A logging subsystem provides a set of helper functions to manage logging in the application.
* @{
* Function Declarations
/** Initialize the logging subsystem.
* @param[in] level : The initial logging level to use for all facilities.
* @param[in] platform_output : Pointer to the function invoked by the library to output the log messages.
* If this argument is passed as NULL, the library prints the log output on the standard output stream (stdio).
* @param[in] platform_time : Pointer to the function invoked by the library to get the time. If this argument is passed as NULL, the library calls
* [cy_rtos_get_time](
* function to get the time required for logging.
* @return cy_rslt_t
cy_rslt_t cy_log_init(CY_LOG_LEVEL_T level, log_output platform_output, platform_get_time platform_time);
/** Shutdown the logging subsystem.
* @return cy_rslt_t
cy_rslt_t cy_log_shutdown(void);
/** Set the platform output routine for log messages.
* @note If platform_output is NULL, log messages will be discarded.
* @param[in] platform_output : Pointer to the platform output routine for log messages.
* @return cy_rslt_t
cy_rslt_t cy_log_set_platform_output(log_output platform_output);
/** Set the platform routine for getting time stamps for log messages.
* @note If platform_time is NULL, cy_time_get_time() is used for time stamps.
* @param[in] platform_time : Pointer to a platform time routine for log message time stamps.
* @return cy_rslt_t
cy_rslt_t cy_log_set_platform_time(platform_get_time platform_time);
/** Set the logging level for a facility.
* @param[in] facility : The facility for which to set the log level.
* @param[in] level : The new log level to use.
* @return cy_rslt_t
cy_rslt_t cy_log_set_facility_level(CY_LOG_FACILITY_T facility, CY_LOG_LEVEL_T level);
/** Set the logging level for all facilities.
* @param[in] level : The new log level to use.
* @return cy_rslt_t
cy_rslt_t cy_log_set_all_levels(CY_LOG_LEVEL_T level);
/** Get the logging level for a facility.
* @param[in] facility : The facility for which to return the log level.
* @return The current log level.
CY_LOG_LEVEL_T cy_log_get_facility_level(CY_LOG_FACILITY_T facility);
/** Write a log message.
* @note The format arguments are the same as for printf.
* @param[in] facility : The facility for the log message.
* @param[in] level : Log level of the message.
* @param[in] fmt : Format control string followed by any optional arguments.
* @return cy_rslt_t
cy_rslt_t cy_log_msg(CY_LOG_FACILITY_T facility, CY_LOG_LEVEL_T level, const char *fmt, ...);
/** Write a log message bypassing the log level check.
* @note The format arguments are the same as for printf.
* @param[in] fmt : Format control string followed by any optional arguments.
* @return cy_rslt_t
cy_rslt_t cy_log_printf(const char *fmt, ...);
/** Write a log message bypassing the log level check using va_list
* @note The format arguments are the same as for vprintf.
* @param[in] fmt : Format control string.
* @param[in] varg : va_list of arguments.
* @return cy_rslt_t
cy_rslt_t cy_log_vprintf(const char *fmt, va_list varg);
/** @} */
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */