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* \file cy_dfu.h
* \version 5.1
* Provides API declarations for the DFU Middleware.
* \copyright
* (c) (2016-2023), Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This software, including source code, documentation and related materials
* ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation or one of its
* affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to worldwide patent
* protection (United States and foreign), United States copyright laws and
* international treaty provisions. Therefore, you may use this Software only
* as provided in the license agreement accompanying the software package from
* which you obtained this Software ("EULA").
* If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
* non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software source
* code solely for use in connection with Cypress's integrated circuit products.
* Any reproduction, modification, translation, compilation, or representation
* of this Software except as specified above is prohibited without the express
* written permission of Cypress.
* reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
* does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
* Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
* not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
* failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
* significant property damage, injury or death ("High Risk Product"). By
* including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer of such
* system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing so agrees to
* indemnify Cypress against all liability.
#if !defined(CY_DFU_H)
#define CY_DFU_H
* \mainpage
* \section section_mainpage_overview Overview
* The purpose of the DFU middleware library is to provide an SDK for updating
* firmware images. The middleware allows creating these types of projects:
* - The application loader receives the program and switch to
* the new application.
* - A loadable application is transferred and programmed.
* A project can contain the features of both types.
* \section section_dfu_general General Description
* Include cy_dfu.h to get access to all functions and other declarations in this
* library.
* The DFU SDK has the following features:
* - Reads firmware images from a host through a number of transport interfaces,
* e.g. USB, UART, I2C, SPI
* - Supports dynamic switching (during runtime) of the communication interfaces
* - Provides ready-for-use transport interface templates based on HAL drivers
* for CAT1 devices and PDL drivers for CAT2 devices
* - Supported flows: Basic bootloader and MCUBoot compatibility
* - Device support: CAT1A, CAT2 (Basic bootloader flow),
* CAT1C (MCUBoot compatibility flow)
* - Programs a firmware image to the specified address in internal flash,
* XIP region or any external memory that supports the DFU API
* - Copies applications
* - Validates applications
* - Updates safely - updates at a temporary location, validates, and if valid,
* overwrites the working image
* - Switches applications - passes parameters in RAM when switching
* applications
* - Supports encrypted image files - transfers encrypted images without
* decrypting in the middle
* - Supports many application images - the number of applications is limited only by
* the metadata size; each image can be an application loader, for example,
* 512-byte metadata supports up to 63 applications
* - Supports customization
* - Supports the CRC-32 checksum to validate data.
* - Supports extend of the host command/response protocol with custom commands.
* \section section_dfu_quick_start Quick Start Guide
* \subsection subsection_dfu_qsg_basic Basic Bootloader Flow
* The DFU SDK is used to design updating applications of
* arbitrary flexibility and complexity. Infineon DFU middleware can be used in
* various software environments. For details, refer to file.
* For a quick start, use the Code Examples.
* The portfolio of Code Examples continuously extends at
* [Infineon GitHub](
* The ModusToolbox(TM) Quick Start Guide (QSG) assumes ModusToolbox(TM) 3.x is installed
* with all required tools.
* The following steps are to set up and build a basic DFU loader and loadable
* applications. The DFU loader application uses the I2C transport interface.
* The steps assume that the user builds an application for CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT
* (CAT1A device) or CY8CKIT-149 kits (CAT2 device)
* based on a starter Hello_World ModusToolbox(TM) project.
* \note For other kits or devices, update default linker scripts with the valid
* memory addresses. For details, refer to \ref group_dfu_config_linker_scripts.
* \subsubsection ssection_dfu_step_0 STEP 0: Projects preparation
* 1. Create a project for CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT or CY8CKIT-149 with the DFU loader
* application using the Hello_World template application ("Getting started"
* section in the Project Creator).
* Name it "QSG_DFU_App0_I2C". For details, refer to the ModusToolbox(TM) 3.x
* IDE Quick Start Guide.
* 2. Create a project for the DFU loadable application in the same way and name
* it "QSG_DFU_App1_Hello_World".
* 3. Include the DFU middleware into each project using the ModusToolbox(TM) Library
* Manager or download it from GitHub and copy it to the project manually.
* 4. Include a DFU header in main.c of each project to get access to DFU API:
* \snippet snippet/main.c snipped_cy_dfu_include
* \subsubsection ssection_dfu_step_1 STEP 1: Setup Loader Application QSG_DFU_App0_I2C
* 1. Copy the app0 linker script files and put them next to main.c:
* - For CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT kit: <br>
* [DFU location]\\linker_scripts\\CAT1A\\TOOLCHAIN_<COMPILER>\\dfu_cm4_app0.[ext]
* - For CY8CKIT-149 kit: <br>
* [DFU location]\\linker_scripts\\CAT2\\TOOLCHAIN_<COMPILER>\\dfu_cm0p_app0.[ext] <br>
* [DFU location] - The folder with the DFU library downloaded in STEP 0 <br>
* [ext] - The linker script extension according to the used compiler.
* For example, for CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT kit and GCC ARM compiler, with DFU
* loaded by the Library Manager as a "Shared Git Repo" copy <br>
* ..\\mtb_shared\\dfu\\[VERSION]\\linker_scripts\\CAT1A\\TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM\\dfu_cm4_app0.ld file
* \note For ARM compiler, copy additional **dfu_common.h** and **dfu_elf_symbols.c**
* files to the project. Those files are located in the same folder as the selected linker file.
* 2. Update project's Makefile to add DFU user and I2C transport components :
* locate the **COMPONENTS** variable and add **DFU_USER** and **DFU_I2C**:
* \code COMPONENTS=DFU_USER DFU_I2C \endcode
* 3. For CY8CKIT-149 kit, configure the I2C communication interface.
* \warning Not needed for the CAT1 devices - configuration is done by HAL.\n
* Please check/setup the required pins assignments in the BSP.
* Open the ModusToolbox(TM) Device Configurator and enable SCB on the Peripheral
* tab under Communication section with the following parameter.
* For CY8CKIT-149, SCB 1 is connected to the KitProg.
* |SCB parameter name | Value |
* |-----------------------|---------------|
* |Personality | I2C |
* |Name | **DFU_I2C** |
* |Mode | Slave |
* |Data Rate (kbps) | 100 |
* |Slave Address (7-bit) | 12 |
* \warning The SCB personality must be **I2C** and the name must be **DFU_I2C**.
* \image html dfu_basic_i2c_kit149.png
* See \ref group_dfu_mtb_cfg
* \subsubsection ssection_dfu_step_2 STEP 2: Update Loader QSG_DFU_App0_I2C main.c
* 1. Include a DFU reset handler to start the appropriate application after
* a reset:
* \snippet snippet/main.c snipped_cy_dfu_onreset
* 2. Initialize the variables and call the DFU initialization function:
* \snippet snippet/main.c snipped_cy_dfu_init
* 3. Initialize the DFU transport layer:
* \snippet snippet/main.c snipped_cy_dfu_init_comm
* 4. Update the main loop with the Host Command/Response protocol processing:
* \snippet snippet/main.c snipped_cy_dfu_command_process
* \warning An additional timeout in the main loop can break the DFU transfer.
* For example, CY8CKIT-149 Hello_World template application uses the 0.5
* seconds delay for the LED blinking. This needs to be disabled during
* the DFU image transfer.
* 5. Update the main loop with a routine to switch to the loaded
* QSG_DFU_App1_Hello_World application:
* For example, to switch by pressing the kit user button using HAL drivers:
* - Add pin initialization to the main() function initialization section:
* \snippet snippet/main.c snipped_cy_dfu_switch_app1_init
* - Add the following routine to the main loop section:
* \snippet snippet/main.c snipped_cy_dfu_switch_app1_hal
* \note For the CAT2 device, to use HAL drivers add mtb-hal-cat2 library in the
* Library Manager add the CY_USING_HAL define to the Makefile:
* \code DEFINES=CY_USING_HAL \endcode
* include cyhal.h in the main.c
* \code #include "cyhal.h" \endcode
* \subsubsection ssection_dfu_step_3 STEP 3: Build and Program Loader QSG_DFU_App0_I2C
* 1. Update the project Makefile to use the previously copied DFU linker script
* by setting the LINKER_SCRIPT variable.
* \code LINKER_SCRIPT=dfu_cm4_app0.ld \endcode
* - CY8CKIT-149 + GCC_ARM:
* \code LINKER_SCRIPT=dfu_cm0p_app0.ld \endcode
* 2. Connect your kit to the computer. Build and program the device.
* \warning The DFU loader application requires an XRES reset after programming to
* initialize the <i>ram_common</i> data section.
* 3. Observe the kit LED blinking.
* \anchor loadable_DFU_app_steps
* \subsubsection ssection_dfu_step_4 STEP 4: Setup Loadable QSG_DFU_App1_Hello_World
* 1. Copy the app1 linker script file and put them next to main.c. The linker
* script files are located at:
* - CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT kit: <br>
* [[dfu location]]\\[VERSION]\\linker_scripts\\CAT1A\\TOOLCHAIN_<COMPILER>\\dfu_cm4_app1.[ext]
* - CY8CKIT-149 kit: <br>
* [[dfu location]]\\[VERSION]\\linker_scripts\\CAT2\\TOOLCHAIN_<COMPILER>\\dfu_cm0p_app1.[ext]
* For the GCC ARM compiler, copy dfu_cm4_app0.ld (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT kit) of dfu_cm0p_app0.ld file (CY8CKIT-149 kit).
* \note For the ARM compiler, copy additional **dfu_common.h** and **dfu_elf_symbols.c**
* files to the project. Those files are located in the same folder as the selected linker file.
* \subsubsection ssection_dfu_step_5 STEP 5: Update Loadable QSG_DFU_App1_Hello_World main.c
* 1. Update the main.c file with the .cy_app_signature section
* \snippet snippet/main.c snipped_cy_dfu_app_signature
* \subsubsection ssection_dfu_step_6 STEP 6: Build and Program Patch
* 1. Update the project Makefile to use the previously copied DFU linker script by
* setting the LINKER_SCRIPT variable.
* \code LINKER_SCRIPT=dfu_cm4_app1.ld \endcode
* - CY8CKIT-149 + GCC_ARM:
* \code LINKER_SCRIPT=dfu_cm0p_app1.ld \endcode
* 2. Add the post build step to run CyMCUElfTool to generate a patch file in
* the *.cyacd2 format (see CyMCUElfTool User Guide):
* + Update the application ELF with a CRC checksum:
* \<MCUELFTOOL\> --sign app.elf CRC --output app_crc.elf
* + Generate a patch file:
* \<MCUELFTOOL\> -P app_crc.elf --output app.cyacd2
* Generate a *.cyacd2 file in the project root.\n
* \code
* # Path to Elf tool directory.
* CY_MCUELFTOOL_DIR=$(wildcard $(CY_TOOLS_DIR)/cymcuelftool-*)
* # CY MCU ELF tool executable path.
* ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
* CY_MCUELFTOOL=$(CY_MCUELFTOOL_DIR)/bin/cymcuelftool.exe
* else
* endif
* # Custom post-build commands to run.
* CRC --output $(APPNAME)_crc.elf && \
* "$(CY_MCUELFTOOL)" -P $(APPNAME)_crc.elf --output $(APPNAME)_crc.cyacd2
* \endcode
* 3. Build a project.
* 4. Open the DFU Host Tool. Connect to the device. Select the generated .cyacd2
* in the project root and program it to the device.
* \image html dfu_qsg_hti2c.png
* 5. QSG_DFU_App1_Hello_World application will start after successful programming.
* Observe the LED blinking and UART output.
* 6. Update the QSG_DFU_App1_Hello_World application (e.g. change blinking led
* frequency or UART output) and build it.
* 7. Press the kit reset button to return to the loader application and program
* the updated QSG_DFU_App1_Hello_World.
* Observe the project updated behavior.
* \note The current application can be changed from the firmware by calling the
* \ref Cy_DFU_ExecuteApp function.
* \subsection subsection_dfu_qsg_mcuboot DFU Transport (MCUBoot compatible) flow
* \subsubsection subsubsection_qsg_mcuboot_description Description
* The DFU supports the usage of the MCUBoot as a bootloader and provides a transport layer
* for transferring a new application image to the slot.
* Set macro CY_DFU_FLOW to CY_DFU_MCUBOOT_FLOW to enable this flow.
* \subsubsection subsubsection_qsg_mcuboot_s1 STEP1: Projects preparation.
* 1. Create a ModusToolbox(TM) application for the CAT1A or CAT1C devices. For example,
* the CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT kit can be used as CAT1A or KIT_XMC72_EVK as CAT1C.
* Create a new application in the ModusToolbox(TM) IDE using an appropriate BSP
* and an empty application as a template (Empty App). Name it "DFU_App0". For details, refer to the
* ModusToolbox(TM) 3.x IDE Quick Start Guide.
* 2. Include the DFU middleware into the project using the ModusToolbox(TM) Library
* Manager.
* 3. Add the DFU transport components to project's Makefile to enable the transport interface(s).
* In our case, I2C is used:
* \code COMPONENTS += DFU_I2C \endcode
* 4. Update project's Makefile to use MCUBoot flow:
* \code COMPONENTS += DFU_USER \endcode
* \subsubsection subsubsection_qsg_mcuboot_s2 STEP2: Add DFU logic to main.c
* 1. Include the required headers.
* \snippet snippet/main.c snipped_cy_dfu_include
* 2. Initialize the variables and call the DFU initialization function:
* \snippet snippet/main.c snipped_cy_dfu_init
* 3. Initialize the DFU transport layer:
* \snippet snippet/main.c snipped_cy_dfu_init_comm
* 4. Update the main loop with the Host Command/Response protocol processing:
* \snippet snippet/main.c snipped_cy_dfu_mcbtflw_command_process
* \subsubsection subsubsection_qsg_mcuboot_s3 STEP3: Build and Program Loader DFU_App0
* Connect your kit to the computer. Build and program the device.
* \note The CY_DFU_PRODUCT warning displays if default values are used and they need to be
* changed. CY_DFU_PRODUCT can be defined in the Makefile.
* \subsubsection subsubsection_qsg_mcuboot_s4 STEP4: Create a loadable application (Application 1).
* 1. Create a ModusToolbox(TM) application for the same devices as in STEP1. Use an empty
* application as a template (Empty App). Name it "DFU_App1".
* 2. Disable the adding the CM0+ core code to the result binary. For the CAT1A device
* (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT kit), disable the CM0P_SLEEP component in Makefile.
* For the CAT1C device (KIT_XMC72_EVK kit), disable the XMC7xDUAL_CM0P_SLEEP component in Makefile.
* 3. Update the project post build steps to generate HEX files with an offset
* to the memory region of the loadable application.
* - Added Makefile variables for generating the HEX file.
* ~~~ makefile
* HEX_TOOL=$(MTB_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM__BASE_DIR)/bin/arm-none-eabi-objcopy
* APP_OFFSET=0x00030000
* ~~~
* - Add a post build step to put the loadable application at the upgradable area offset
* ~~~ makefile
* # Custom post-build commands to run.
* cp -f $(BINARY_PATH).hex $(BINARY_PATH)_raw.hex;\
* rm -f $(BINARY_PATH).hex;\
* $(HEX_TOOL) --change-addresses=$(APP_OFFSET) $(HEX_TOOL_OPTIONS) $(BINARY_PATH).elf $(BINARY_PATH).hex;
* ~~~
* 3. Load the application to the device using the DFU Host Tool. Refer to the DFU Host
* Tool user guide for the details of using the HEX file as an input.
* \note Only DFU Host Tool v2.0 or later support the HEX file as an input.
* \section section_dfu_configuration Configuration Considerations
* \subsection group_dfu_config_linker_scripts Linker scripts
* The DFU SDK projects linker scripts differ from the default
* startup linker scripts.
* The DFU middleware contains two sets of linker script files for the CAT1A and CAT2-based devices.
* The DFU linker scripts include the following files:
* - CAT1A:
* - dfu_cm4_app0.{ld, icf, scat}, dfu_cm4_app1.{ld, icf, scat} for ARM GCC,
* IAR, and ARM compilers.
* - dfu_common.h and dfu_elf_symbols.c for the ARM compiler.
* - CAT2:
* - dfu_cm0p_app0.{ld, icf, scat}, dfu_cm0p_app1.{ld, icf, scat} for ARM GCC,
* IAR, and ARM compilers.
* - dfu_common.h and dfu_elf_symbols.c for the ARM compiler.
* These files define the symbols for the memory layout for each application
* inside the device.
* \par Memory layout of GCC_ARM linker scripts (dfu_{cm0p, cm4}_{app0, app1}.ld)
* This part of the GCC linker script files must have the same memory layout
* across all the application projects in the designed device.
* Any changes made to any application must be copied to other
* applications linker script files.
* Memory regions:
* * <i>flash_app{X}</i> - Code and data
* of the user application {X}.
* * <i>flash_boot_meta</i> - For the DFU SDK
* metadata. Cypress DFU SDK code examples place DFU SDK metadata
* inside this region.
* * <i>ram_common</i> - Shared between the DFU SDK applications.
* The user can place it anywhere inside the RAM,
* So, one app sets some values there, switches to another app.
* Then app may read or update the values.
* * <i>ram_app{X}</i> - data, stack, heap etc. for the user app{X}.
* Also, the linker script files for CAT1A include the following memory regions:
* * <i>flash_cm0p</i> - Code and data
* of the default application CM0+ CPU.
* \warning There are different CM0+ images available. Please adjust the size
* of the CM0+ application image according to the size in BSP default
* linker script.
* * <i>sflash_user_data</i>, <i>eFuse</i>, <i>flash_toc</i>, <i>em_eeprom</i>,
* <i>xip</i> - These regions are not used by typical DFU SDK code examples.
* They are kept because they may be used in user code.
* ELF file symbols:
* CyMCUElfTool uses special ELF file symbols besides the command-line arguments for
* its configuration. These symbols are defined in each linker script.
* 1. __cy_memory_{N}_start - Defines the start address of the memory region.
* __cy_memory_{N}_length - Defines the length of the memory region.
* __cy_memory_{N}_row_size - Defines the row size of the memory region.
* CyMCUElfTool uses these symbols to determine which memory regions to
* place into the output files. I.e. without these symbols, some data,
* like XIP may be absent in the output file.
* These symbols are critical for the .cyacd2 file generation, CyMCUElfTool
* must know the row size of all the data being exported to the .cyacd2
* file. The updating is done by rows, and a row size may vary across
* the memory regions.
* E.g. The internal flash of PSoC6 devices start at address 0x1000_0000 and
* the length and row size may be device-dependent.
* For example, if the length and size are 512KB and 512 bytes, the memory symbols for the internal flash will be:
* \code
* __cy_memory_0_start = 0x10000000;
* __cy_memory_0_length = 512 * 1024;
* __cy_memory_0_row_size = 512;
* \endcode
* The number _{N}_ in the memory symbol indicates that there may be multiple
* memories.
* 2. __cy_boot_metadata_addr and __cy_boot_metadata_length.
* These symbols are used by the DFU SDK internally to access the
* metadata.
* 3. __cy_product_id - used by CyMCUElfTool to be placed in the .cyacd2 header.
* This value is used by the updating Host and DFU SDK firmware to
* confirm that the .cyacd2 file being updated is compatible with
* the device.
* E.g. The user may have two different devices with the same PSoC6 chip:
* * A coffee machine, with Product ID - 0x1000_0001.
* * A nuclear power plant control device with Product ID - 0x1000_0002.
* The user of a coffee machine tries to update firmware for a nuclear
* power plant control device, and the DFU Host will indicate that
* the device rejected this firmware because of the wrong Product ID.
* 4. __cy_app{N}_verify_start, __cy_app{N}_verify_length.
* These symbols are used by the dfu_user.c file to initialize the
* metadata. Their value is automatically updated by the linker when the
* user updates the memory layout (memory regions).
* If the user decides to use a different mechanism for the SDK metadata
* initialization, these symbols can be removed.
* 5. __cy_boot_signature_size. \anchor __cy_boot_signature_size
* Used by the DFU SDK linker scripts only. It helps avoiding the magic
* number for a signature size to be scattered throughout all the linker
* scripts.
* E.g.
* * For the CRC-32C application signature, the value of this symbol is 4
* (bytes).
* * For RSASSA-PCKS-1-v1.5 with RSA 2048, the value is 256 (bytes).
* 6. __cy_checksum_type.
* The checksum type for the DFU transport packet verification used by
* CyMCUElfTool to generate a updating file. Must be aligned with
* \par File dfu_{cm0p, cm4}_app0.ld
* This file is a linker script for the app0 for DFU SDK applications.
* It is similar to the default startup GCC's linker script but contains the following changes:
* 1. The memory regions are separated between the CPU
* application 0 and CPU application 1 described above.
* For CAT1A devices, there is an additional region for the CM0+ application.
* 2. The DFU-specific ELF file symbols are described above.
* 3. __cy_app_id.
* These ELF file symbols are used by CyMCUElfTool to set an application ID in
* the .cyacd2 file header.
* 4. __cy_app_verify_start, __cy_app_verify_length.
* These two symbols are used by CyMCUElfTool to generate an application
* signature. The first symbol provides a value of the start of signed memory
* and the second - the length of signed memory.
* 5. Section ".cy_boot_noinit".
* Used to place data to share between the applications.
* See the description of the ram_common memory region.
* 6. Section ".cy_boot_metadata".
* Contains the DFU SDK metadata. This section name is necessary only
* for CyMCUElfTool to sign the section with the CRC-32C checksum
* of this section data.
* If no CRC-32C at the end of the metadata is required, the section can
* be renamed.
* 7. Section .cy_app_signature.
* This section is used to place an application signature.
* The signature is used by the DFU SDK to verify that the application is
* valid. Typically, CRC, SHA or any other hash of the application code and
* data is placed here.
* CyMCUElfTool updates this section in the post-build step.
* The memory for which the signature is calculated is defined by the
* following ELF file symbols:
* __cy_app_verify_start, __cy_app_verify_length.
* \par File dfu_{cm0p, cm4}_app1.ld
* Used to create linker scripts for application \#2, .. \#N
* It is similar to dfu_{cm0p, cm4}_app0.ld linker script, but contains the following changes:
* - Region alias for flash and ram are flash_app1 and ram_app1
* - Application ID __cy_app_id = 1
* - For CAT1A devices, removed section for CM0+ CPU as it is allocated only once in scope
* of the linker script dfu_cm4_app0.ld
* \par Files dfu_{cm0p, cm4}_{app0, app1}.{icf, scat}
* These files are the linker scripts for the IAR and ARM
* compilers for the DFU SDK applications.
* Their difference from the default startup linker scripts is similar to
* the DFU SDK GCC's linker scripts described above.
* \subsection group_dfu_mtb_cfg Use of the ModusToolbox(TM) tools for HW initialization
* The following section describes the communication interfaces settings in the Device Configurator
* required to use the included with DFU middleware communication files with the DFU Host tool.
* \warning The ModusToolbox(TM) Device Configurator is not used for templates based on the HAL drivers.\n
* Please check/setup the required pins assignments in the BSP.
* \par I2C
* Parameter name | Value |
* -----------------------|--------------------------------------
* Personality alias name | DFU_I2C
* Mode | Slave
* Data Rate | Any, I2C speed in DFU Host tool should be the same
* Use TX FIFO | True
* Use RX FIFO | True
* Slave Address | Any, I2C address in DFU Host tool should be the same
* \image html dfu_basic_i2c.png
* \par SPI
* Parameter name | Value |
* -----------------------|--------------------------------------
* Personality alias name | DFU_SPI
* Mode | Slave
* Sub Mode | Motorola
* SCLK Mode | Any, Sub Mode in DFU Host tool should be the same
* Data Rate | 1000 kbps (For other data rates, adjust the value of the SPI_BYTE_TO_BYTE macro in the transport_spi.c file)
* Bit Order | Any, Shift direction in DFU Host tool should be the same
* RX Data Width | 8
* TX Data Width | 8
* SS Polarity | Active Low
* \note By default, used the Slave Select 1 line. To change it, update
* the CY_SPI_SLAVE_SELECT macro in transport_spi.c file.
* \par UART
* Parameter name | Value |
* -----------------------|--------------------------------------
* Personality alias name | DFU_UART
* Com Mode | Standard
* Baud Rate | 115200 bps (For other baud rates, adjust the value of the UART_BYTE_TO_BYTE_TIMEOUT_US macro in transport_uart.c file)
* Bit Order | LSB first
* Data Width | 8 bits
* Parity | Any, Parity in DFU Host tool should be the same
* Stop Bits | Any, Stop Bits in DFU Host tool should be the same
* \par USB CDC transports
* For a setup of the USB device personality in the ModusToolbox Device Configurator
* for the USB DFU transport for CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT, see the screenshots
* below. For other kits, verify the USB pins.
* \image html dfu_usb_cdc.png
* \section section_dfu_design Design Considerations
* \subsection group_dfu_ucase_i2c Firmware Update via I2C
* See \ref section_dfu_quick_start for steps how to set up a DFU project that
* upgrades an application via the I2C transport interface.
* \subsection group_dfu_ucase_uart Firmware Update via UART
* See \ref section_dfu_quick_start for basic steps how to setup a DFU project.
* Specific steps for the UART transport support:
* - Add UART transport component in project's Makefile:
* locate **COMPONENTS** variable and add **DFU_UART**:
* \code COMPONENTS+=DFU_UART \endcode
* - For templates based on the PDL drivers:
* - Select and configure the SCB block using the ModusToolbox(TM) Device
* Configurator see \ref group_dfu_mtb_cfg or manually using
* the configuration structures.
* - Adjust value of the UART_BYTE_TO_BYTE_TIMEOUT_US constant to align with UART
* speed in the transport_uart.c file.
* - Adjust UART interrupt priority in the UART_INTR_PRIORITY in the
* transport_uart.c file.
* - Build and program a project into the device.
* - Open the DFU Host Tool. Select the UART interface. Set the UART baud rate
* according to the SCB UART setup in the previous step.
* - Select the *.cyacd2 application image and upload to the device.
* \subsection group_dfu_ucase_spi Firmware Update via SPI
* See \ref section_dfu_quick_start for basic steps how to set up a DFU project.
* The steps for the SPI transport support:
* - Add SPI transport component in project's Makefile:
* locate **COMPONENTS** variable and add **DFU_SPI**:
* \code COMPONENTS+=DFU_SPI \endcode
* - For templates based on the PDL drivers:
* - Select and configure the SCB block using the ModusToolbox(TM) Device
* Configurator see \ref group_dfu_mtb_cfg or manually using
* the configuration structures.
* - Adjust value of the SPI_BYTE_TO_BYTE constant to align with SPI speed
* in the transport_spi.c file.
* - Check the value of the CY_SPI_SLAVE_SELECT in the transport_spi.c file.
* - Adjust SPI interrupt priority in the SPI_INTR_PRIORITY in the
* transport_spi.c file.
* - Build and program a project into the device.
* - Open the DFU Host Tool. Select the SPI interface. Set SPI mode, shift the
* direction and speed according to the SCB SPI setup in the previous step.
* - Select the *.cyacd2 application image and upload to the device.
* \subsection group_dfu_ucase_usb Firmware Update via USB CDC transport
* See \ref section_dfu_quick_start for basic steps how to setup a DFU project.
* Specific steps for the USB transport support:
* - Add USB_CDC transport component in project's Makefile:
* locate **COMPONENTS** variable and add **DFU_USB_CDC**:
* \code COMPONENTS+=DFU_USB_CDC \endcode
* - Enable and configure the USB Device block using the ModusToolbox(TM) Device Configurator
* see \ref group_dfu_mtb_cfg or manually using the configuration structures.
* - Generate USB descriptors and USB Middleware structures using the USB Configurator.
* Open the USB configuration file (cycfg_usb_cdc.cyusbdev)
* in the DFU \\export\\config\\COMPONENT_CAT1\\COMPONENT_DFU_USB_CDC folder,
* then click Save to generate configuration files (cycfg_usbdev.c and cycfg_usbdev.h).
* These files must be included into the build flow
* (see USB Middleware API Reference \ref group_dfu_more_info).
* - Build and program a project into the device. Connect your Host to the USB
* device.
* - For the USB CDC class: open the DFU Host Tool. Select the UART interface,
* because the Host recognizes the USB device as a virtual UART
* (the name is "DFU USB CDC transport").
* UART settings: baud rate - 115200, data bits - 8, stop bits - 1, parity - None.
* - Select the *.cyacd2 application image and upload to the device.
* \subsection group_dfu_ucase_emusb Firmware Update via emUSB CDC transport
* Specific steps for the emUSB transport support:
* - Add emUSB_CDC transport components to the project's Makefile:
* \code COMPONENTS+=USBD_BASE \endcode
* \code COMPONENTS+=DFU_EMUSB_CDC \endcode
* \code COMPONENTS+=SOFTFP \endcode
* \subsection group_dfu_ucase_checksum Change checksum types
* DFU supports two types of checksums:
* - transport packet checksum
* - application image checksum.
* For a packet, DFU supports 2 types of checksums: Basic summation and
* CRC-16CCITT. The basic summation checksum is computed by adding all the bytes
* (excluding the checksum) and then taking the 2's complement. CRC-16CCITT -
* the 16-bit CRC using the CCITT algorithm. The packet checksum type is
* selected with a macro \ref CY_DFU_OPT_PACKET_CRC in dfu_user.h file:
* 0 - basic summation (default),
* 1 - for CRC-16.
* For an application image, DFU supports 2 types of checksums: CRC-32 and SHA1.
* SHA1 is calculated with a crypto hardware block, which is available only on CAT1A devices.
* The default application checksum is CRC-32.
* The steps to set the SHA1 checksum for an application image:
* - Set \ref CY_DFU_OPT_CRYPTO_HW macro to 1 in dfu_user.h file to enable
* the SHA1 calculation.
* - Symbol \ref __cy_checksum_type = 0x01 in
* \ref group_dfu_config_linker_scripts for each application for
* ARM GCC and IAR compiler. Set macro CY_CHECKSUM_TYPE to 1 in dfu_common.h
* for the ARM compiler.
* - Symbol \ref __cy_boot_signature_size = 20 in
* \ref group_dfu_config_linker_scripts for each application
* for the ARM GCC and IAR compilers. Set macro CY_BOOT_SIGNATURE_SIZE to 20
* in dfu_common.h for the ARM compiler.
* - Configure and start crypto a server and crypto client (see PDL API
* Reference in \ref group_dfu_more_info) in the loader application main
* routine.
* - Allocate the ".cy_app_signature" section with a 20-byte array in the main
* of the loading application.
* \subsection group_dfu_ucase_multiapp Multi-application DFU project
* The DFU design does not limit the number of applications but it is limited
* by memory size and metadata size. The maximum size
* of DFU metadata is limited to the size of the flash row, because metadata
* should be in a single flash row. For example, the 512-byte metadata supports
* up to 63 applications.
* An arbitrary number of applications can be protected from overwriting. Such
* a protected application is called "Golden Image".
* See \ref section_dfu_quick_start for a steps to setup basic 2 application DFU
* projects. The following steps show how to set up a 3rd application.
* The same approach can be used to setup 4th - Nth applications.
* - Define the sizes for each of the three applications and define the start and
* size of each memory region (flash, RAM) for each application.
* - Copy the linker script dfu_cm4_app1 from DFU linker_scripts folder
* according to the selected compiler and rename it (for example dfu_cm4_app2).
* - Add flash and RAM sections to the 3rd application. Name them flash_app2,
* ram_app2.
* - Update the size and start address for each section in each linker script
* based on the defined in the first step allocation.
* - Set __cy_app_id symbol to 2
* - Update the region aliases for flash and RAM to use flash_app2 and ram_app2
* accordingly:
* \code
* REGION_ALIAS("flash", flash_app2);
* REGION_ALIAS("ram", ram_app2);
* \endcode
* - Add symbols __cy_app2_verify_start and __cy_app2_verify_length for metadata
* initialization in the same way as for application 0 and 1.
* - Add a macro to the dfu_user.h CY_DFU_APP2_VERIFY_START and
* CY_DFU_APP2_VERIFY_LENGTH in the same way as for application 0 and 1
* - Add to the cy_dfu_metadata array of the dfu_user.c CY_DFU_APP2_VERIFY_START
* and CY_DFU_APP2_VERIFY_LENGTH to update the metadata with the 3rd application.
* - Update you build scripts to use the dfu_cm4_app2 linker script.
* Protect the application image by setting parameters in the
* dfu_user.h file of the loader project: \ref CY_DFU_OPT_GOLDEN_IMAGE
* set to 1 to enable the Golden Image functionality.
* \ref CY_DFU_GOLDEN_IMAGE_IDS lists the number of images that to be protected.
* \subsection group_dfu_ucase_cyacd2 Creation of the CYACD2 file
* The .cyacd2 file contains downloadable application data created by
* CyMCUElfTool and used by host programs such as Cypress DFU Host Program and
* CySmart to send applications to the target DFU module
* (see \ref group_dfu_more_info). Refer to the
* [AN213924]( DFU SDK User Guide for the .cyacd2
* file format. See the \ref loadable_DFU_app_steps "Loadable Application Setup"
* section of the \ref section_dfu_quick_start for the steps to convert
* a general application into a DFU loadable application.
* The steps to create a .cyacd2 file with a CRC application signature:
* -# Copy the path to the CyMCUElfTool binary. The path can be found in the
* folder with ModusToolbox tools (for example
* /ModusToolbox/tools_2.0/cymcuelftool-1.0/bin/cymcuelftool).
* -# Update the application ELF with a CRC checksum (\<MCUELFTOOL\> - the copied
* path to the binary):
* \code <MCUELFTOOL> --sign app.elf CRC --output app_crc.elf \endcode
* -# Generate a .cyacd2 file:
* \code <MCUELFTOOL> -P app_crc.elf --output app.cyacd2 \endcode
* These commands can be added as post build steps to the build Makefile.
* For the SHA1 application signature, use command
* (\ref group_dfu_ucase_checksum):
* \code <MCUELFTOOL> --sign app.elf SHA1 --output app_crc.elf \endcode
* \section group_dfu_changelog Changelog
* <table class="doxtable">
* <tr><th>Version</th><th>Changes</th><th>Reason for Change</th></tr>
* <tr>
* <td rowspan="3">5.1</td>
* <td>Added USB CDC transport based on the emUSB-Device middleware for the CAT1A device</td>
* <td>Extending the current feature</td>
* <tr>
* <td>Minor updates in the templates</td>
* <td>Improved the templates usability</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Corrected the name of the UART object used in the cyhal_uart_set_baud() function</td>
* <td>Now, works correctly the custom baud rate configuring in the UART transport</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td rowspan="5">5.0</td>
* <td>Add support of the MCUBoot flow.</td>
* <td>New functionality.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td> Add support of the transport switching at the run time. </td>
* <td> New functionality.
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td> CAT1 device flash read/write operation and I2C/SPI/UART transport
* templates updated to use mtb-hal-cat1 drivers instead of mtb-pdl-cat1.
* </td>
* <td> Enhance code portability. </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td> Removed Cy_DFU_Complete function as not used. </td>
* <td> Code cleanup. </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td> Removed CAT1A BLE transport templates. </td>
* <td> BLESS stack is not supported in the MTB 3.0. </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td rowspan="3">4.20</td>
* <td>Added USB CDC transport configuration for the CAT2 PDL.</td>
* <td>Add support for the USB interface for the PMG1 device family.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Updated timeout time for the CAT1A SPI transport. </td>
* <td>Fixed the DFU Host Tool timeout error for the CAT1A SPI transport
* caused by the incorrect function call
* (transport_spi.c file, SPI_SpiCyBtldrCommRead() function).
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Minor documentation update.</td>
* <td>Documentation improvement.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td rowspan="3">4.10</td>
* <td>Added PSoC 4 devices support.
* </td>
* <td>Extended device support.
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Added MISRA-C:2012 compliance.</td>
* <td>MISRA standard compliance.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Updated SPI communication timeout granularity.</td>
* <td>Fixed SPI communication issue.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td rowspan="6">4.0</td>
* <td>Updated the linker scripts to use the single pre-compiled CM0p image.
* The upgradeable part of the image is the CM4 application.</td>
* <td>Support ModusToolbox v2.0 build flow.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Added the ARM compiler version 6 support (version 5 is not supported).</td>
* <td></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Added the USB interface (virtual COM port) transport template.</td>
* <td></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Removed the Secure Application Formats support.</td>
* <td>Secure Application Formats is not supported in ModusToolbox v2.0 build
* flow.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Fixed the return value for the SYNC command processing.</td>
* <td>The SYCN command returned fail after successful execution.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Updated the major and minor version defines to follow the naming
* convention.</td>
* <td></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td rowspan="2">3.10</td>
* <td>Remove the function prototype from the MDK linker script include file.</td>
* <td>Fix the linker error for the MDK compiler.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Add BLE transport templates.</td>
* <td>Add BLE middleware support.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td rowspan="2">3.0</td>
* <td>Bootloader SDK is renamed to the DFU (Device Firmware Update) SDK.
* All API prefixes and file names are renamed accordingly. \n
* Added BWC macros to simplify migration.
* </td>
* <td> Avoid the confusion with the device boot-up and OS load.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Flattened the organization of the driver source code into the single
* source directory and the single include directory.
* </td>
* <td>Driver library directory-structure simplification.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td rowspan="2">2.20</td>
* <td> Add check of application number in Set Application Metadata command
* processing routine.
* </td>
* <td>Prevent incorrect usage of the Set Application Metadata command.
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Minor documentation updates</td>
* <td>Documentation improvement</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>2.10</td>
* <td> Moved address and golden image checks from cy_dfu.c to
* \ref Cy_DFU_WriteData() in dfu_user.c, so the checks can be
* customized based on application needs.
* </td>
* <td>Allows receiving an update for the running app use case.
* Improvements made based on usability feedback.
* Documentation update and clarification.
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>2.0</td>
* <td>
* <ul>
* <li>Use the shared RAM for application switching
* instead of the BACKUP register.</li>
* <li>Add support of secure application verification.</li>
* <li>Add support of I2C/SPI/BLE transport protocols.</li>
* <li>Linker scripts updated for PSoC6 Rev *A devices.</li>
* <li>Made CRC default application checksum.</li>
* </ul>
* </td>
* <td>To increase functionality.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>1.0</td>
* <td>Initial version.</td>
* <td></td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* \section group_dfu_more_info More Information
* For more information, refer to the links in the
* [](
* \defgroup group_dfu_macro Macros
* \{
* \defgroup group_dfu_macro_config User Config Macros
* \}
* \defgroup group_dfu_functions Functions
* \defgroup group_dfu_globals Global Variables
* \defgroup group_dfu_data_structs Data Structures
* \defgroup group_dfu_enums Enumerated Types
#if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && !defined(__ICCARM__)
#error "Unsupported compiler, use either GNU, ARM or IAR C compilers"
#include <stdint.h>
#include "dfu_user.h"
#include "cy_dfu_bwc_macro.h"
#include "cy_crypto.h"
#include "cy_syslib.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"{
* \addtogroup group_dfu_macro
* \{
/** The DFU SDK major version */
/** The DFU SDK minor version */
* \defgroup group_dfu_macro_state DFU State
* \{
* The state of updating. \n
* This is a set of values that the DFU state variable can hold. \n
* When Cy_DFU_Continue() and Cy_DFU_Complete() return, the state parameter
* indicates whether the update has finished successfully or what is the unsuccessful
* state.
#define CY_DFU_STATE_NONE (0U) /**< Updating has not yet started, no Enter packet received */
#define CY_DFU_STATE_UPDATING (1U) /**< Updating is in process */
#define CY_DFU_STATE_FINISHED (2U) /**< Updating has finished successfully */
#define CY_DFU_STATE_FAILED (3U) /**< Updating has finished with an error */
/** \} group_dfu_macro_state */
#define CY_DFU_PACKET_MIN_SIZE (0x07U) /**< The smallest valid DFU packet size */
* \defgroup group_dfu_macro_commands DFU Commands
* \{
#define CY_DFU_CMD_ENTER (0x38U) /**< DFU command: Enter DFU */
#define CY_DFU_CMD_EXIT (0x3BU) /**< DFU command: Exit DFU */
#define CY_DFU_CMD_PROGRAM_DATA (0x49U) /**< DFU command: Program Data */
#define CY_DFU_CMD_VERIFY_DATA (0x4AU) /**< DFU command: Verify Data */
#define CY_DFU_CMD_ERASE_DATA (0x44U) /**< DFU command: Erase Data */
#define CY_DFU_CMD_VERIFY_APP (0x31U) /**< DFU command: Verify Application */
#define CY_DFU_CMD_SEND_DATA (0x37U) /**< DFU command: Send Data */
#define CY_DFU_CMD_SEND_DATA_WR (0x47U) /**< DFU command: Send Data without Response */
#define CY_DFU_CMD_SYNC (0x35U) /**< DFU command: Sync DFU */
#define CY_DFU_CMD_SET_APP_META (0x4CU) /**< DFU command: Set Application Metadata */
#define CY_DFU_CMD_GET_METADATA (0x3CU) /**< DFU command: Get Metadata */
#define CY_DFU_CMD_SET_EIVECTOR (0x4DU) /**< DFU command: Set EI Vector */
#define CY_DFU_USER_CMD_START (0x50U) /**< DFU user commands: min value */
#define CY_DFU_USER_CMD_END (0xFFU) /**< DFU user commands: max value */
/** \} group_dfu_macro_commands */
* \defgroup group_dfu_macro_ioctl Read/Write Data IO Control Values
* \{
* The values of the ctl parameter to the \ref Cy_DFU_ReadData() and \ref Cy_DFU_WriteData() functions.
* - Bit 0:
* * 0, Normal read or write operations.
* * 1, Erase a memory page for write operations.
* Compare a memory page with the data in the buffer for read operation.
* - Bit 1:
* * 0, Read or write with raw data
* * 1, Data received from/to be sent to the DFU Host.
* May require encryption/decryption or any other special treatment.
E.g. read/write a data from/to an address with an offset.
* - Bit 2: Reserved.
* - Bit 3: Reserved.
* - Bit 4 - 31: Unused in DFU SDK. Up to the user to specify it.
#define CY_DFU_IOCTL_READ (0x00U) /**< Read data into the buffer */
#define CY_DFU_IOCTL_COMPARE (0x01U) /**< Compare read data with the data in the buffer */
#define CY_DFU_IOCTL_WRITE (0x00U) /**< Write the buffer to communication */
#define CY_DFU_IOCTL_ERASE (0x01U) /**< Erase memory page */
#define CY_DFU_IOCTL_BHP (0x02U) /**< Data from/to DFU Host. It may require decryption. */
/** \} group_dfu_macro_ioctl */
* \defgroup group_dfu_macro_response_size Response Size
* \{
#define CY_DFU_RSP_SIZE_0 (0U) /**< Data size for most DFU commands responses */
#define CY_DFU_RSP_SIZE_VERIFY_APP (1U) /**< Data size for 'Verify Application' DFU command response */
/** \} group_dfu_macro_response_size */
#define CY_DFU_ID CY_PDL_DRV_ID(0x06U)
/** \} group_dfu_macro */
* \addtogroup group_dfu_enums
* \{
/** Used to return the statuses of most DFU SDK APIs */
typedef enum
/** Correct status, No error */
/** Verification failed */
/** The length of the received packet is outside of the expected range */
/** The data in the received packet is invalid */
/** The command is not recognized */
/** The checksum does not match the expected value */
/** The wrong address */
/** The command timed out */
/** One or more of input parameters are invalid */
/** An unknown DFU error, this shall not happen */
} cy_en_dfu_status_t;
/** Used to select one of the transport interface for the update session */
typedef enum
CY_DFU_I2C = 0x01U, /**< I2C transport interface */
CY_DFU_UART = 0x02U, /**< UART transport interface */
CY_DFU_SPI = 0x03U, /**< SPI transport interface */
CY_DFU_USB_CDC = 0x04U, /**< USB CDC transport interface */
} cy_en_dfu_transport_t;
/** \} group_dfu_enums */
* \addtogroup group_dfu_data_structs
* \{
struct cy_stc_dfu_params_s;
/** The type for custom command handlers */
typedef cy_en_dfu_status_t (*Cy_DFU_CustomCommandHandler) (uint32_t command, uint8_t *packetData, uint32_t dataSize,
uint32_t *rspSize, struct cy_stc_dfu_params_s *params,
bool *noResponse);
* Working parameters for some DFU SDK APIs to be initialized before calling DFU API.
* */
typedef struct cy_stc_dfu_params_s
* The pointer to a buffer that keeps data to read or write to an NVM.
* It is required to be 4-byte aligned.
uint8_t *dataBuffer;
* An offset within \c dataBuffer to put a next chunk of data
uint32_t dataOffset;
* The pointer to a buffer that keeps packets sent and received with the Transport API.
* It is required to be 4-byte aligned.
uint8_t *packetBuffer;
* The time (in milliseconds) for which the
* communication interface waits to receive a new data packet
* from Host in \ref Cy_DFU_Continue(). A typical value is 20 ms.
uint32_t timeout;
* Set with the Set App Metadata DFU command.
* Used to determine an appId of a DFU image
uint32_t appId;
* Internal, flags if Verify Application is called before Exit
uint32_t appVerified;
* The initial value to the ctl parameter for
* \ref Cy_DFU_ReadData and \ref Cy_DFU_WriteData.
* The DFU SDK functions call the Read/Write Data functions like this: \n
* Cy_DFU_ReadData(addr, length, CY_DFU_IOCTL_COMPARE, params).
uint32_t initCtl;
* The pointer to the Encryption Initialization Vector buffer.
* Must be 0-, 8-, or 16-byte long and 4-byte aligned.
* This may be used in \ref Cy_DFU_ReadData and \ref Cy_DFU_WriteData
* to encrypt or decrypt data when the CY_DFU_IOCTL_BHP flag is set in the
* ctl parameter.
uint8_t *encryptionVector;
#endif /* CY_DFU_OPT_SET_EIVECTOR != 0 */
Cy_DFU_CustomCommandHandler handlerCmd; /**< User handler for the custom commands.*/
#endif /* CY_DFU_OPT_CUSTOM_CMD != 0 */
} cy_stc_dfu_params_t;
* Only used inside DFU Command_Enter().
* \note A public definition because the user may want to redefine
* the DFU packet.
typedef struct
uint32_t enterSiliconId; /**< The silicon ID for a device */
uint8_t enterRevision; /**< Silicon Revision for a device */
uint8_t enterDFUVersion[3]; /**< The DFU SDK version */
} cy_stc_dfu_enter_t;
/** \} group_dfu_data_structs */
* \addtogroup group_dfu_globals
* \{
* \defgroup group_dfu_globals_external_elf_symbols External ELF file symbols
* \{
* CyMCUElfTools adds these symbols to a generated ELF file. \n
* Their values are either defined in the linker script (GCC, IAR)
* or in the assembly code (ARM):
* (see section \ref group_dfu_config_linker_scripts).
* They may be used by CyMCUElfTool as parameters for generating a .cyacd2 file.
* Also, use the DFU SDK APIs to refer link-time known values to the compile time.
* Metadata address.
* DFU uses this symbol to access metadata.
extern uint8_t __cy_boot_metadata_addr;
* Metadata row size.
* The DFU uses this symbol to access metadata.
extern uint8_t __cy_boot_metadata_length;
* Product ID.
* CyMCUElfTool uses this value to place in the .cyacd2 header.
* The DFU uses this value to verify if an image is compatible with the device.
extern uint8_t __cy_product_id;
* Checksum Algorithm of the DFU Host Command/Response Protocol packet.
* Possible values
* - 0 For the Basic Summation algorithm
* - 1 For the CRC-16 algorithm
* \note Must be aligned with \ref CY_DFU_OPT_PACKET_CRC
extern uint8_t __cy_checksum_type;
* Current application number
extern uint8_t __cy_app_id;
* CPU1 vector table address, if present
extern uint8_t __cy_app_core1_start_addr;
/** \} group_dfu_globals_external_elf_symbols */
/** \} group_dfu_globals */
* \addtogroup group_dfu_functions
* \{
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_Init(uint32_t *state, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params);
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_Continue(uint32_t *state, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params);
uint32_t Cy_DFU_DataChecksum(const uint8_t *address, uint32_t length, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params);
* \defgroup group_dfu_functions_meta Metadata Management
* \{
* DFU functions for operation over meta data.
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_GetAppMetadata(uint32_t appId, uint32_t *verifyAddress, uint32_t *verifySize);
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_ValidateMetadata(uint32_t metadataAddress, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params);
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_SetAppMetadata(uint32_t appId, uint32_t verifyAddress,
uint32_t verifySize, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params);
#endif /* (CY_DFU_METADATA_WRITABLE != 0) || defined(CY_DOXYGEN) */
/** \} group_dfu_functions_meta */
* \defgroup group_dfu_functions_app Application Management
* \{
* DFU Functions for application management.
void Cy_DFU_ExecuteApp(uint32_t appId);
void Cy_DFU_OnResetApp0(void);
uint32_t Cy_DFU_GetRunningApp(void);
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_SwitchToApp(uint32_t appId);
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_CopyApp(uint32_t destAddress, uint32_t srcAddress, uint32_t length,
uint32_t rowSize, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params);
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_ValidateApp(uint32_t appId, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params);
/** \} group_dfu_functions_app */
* \defgroup group_dfu_functions_mem Memory Operations
* \{
* DFU functions for memory operations
* These IO functions have to be re-implemented in the user's code.
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_ReadData (uint32_t address, uint32_t length, uint32_t ctl,
cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params);
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_WriteData(uint32_t address, uint32_t length, uint32_t ctl,
cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params);
/** \} group_dfu_functions_mem */
* \defgroup group_dfu_functions_transport Transport Management
* \{
* DFU functions for the communication interface.
* These communication functions have to be re-implemented in the user's code.
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_TransportRead (uint8_t buffer[], uint32_t size, uint32_t *count, uint32_t timeout);
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_TransportWrite(uint8_t buffer[], uint32_t size, uint32_t *count, uint32_t timeout);
void Cy_DFU_TransportReset(void);
void Cy_DFU_TransportStart(cy_en_dfu_transport_t transport);
void Cy_DFU_TransportStop(void);
/** \} group_dfu_functions_transport */
* \defgroup group_dfu_functions_custom_cmd Custom commands
* \{
* The DFU protocol provides a set of pre-defined commands. The user can also
* add custom commands and register the single handler for all custom commands
* at the application level. This allows to adjust use case scenarios
* per the product needs. The feature is enabled with \ref CY_DFU_OPT_CUSTOM_CMD
* set to non-zero value in the dfu_user.h or project Makefile.
* \note Custom commands only extend the functionality of the DFU command protocol
* and must be issued after entering the updating state (\ref CY_DFU_STATE_UPDATING).
* The user commands area preserved in the DFU command protocol:
* An example of the custom commands usage:
* 1. Add a set of the custom commands to the project.
* \snippet snippet/main.c snippet_cy_dfu_UserCommands
* 2. Define the function to handle the custom commands.
* \note A single function is used as the handler for all custom commands.
* \snippet snippet/main.c snippet_cy_dfu_UserCommandHandlerDeclaration
* \snippet snippet/main.c snippet_cy_dfu_UserCommandHandlerDefinition
* 3. Register the function to handle custom commands as a callback in the DFU core before use.
* \snippet snippet/main.c snippet_cy_dfu_UserCommandHandlerRegister
* 4. Release the callback function when custom command handling is no longer required.
* \snippet snippet/main.c snippet_cy_dfu_UserCommandHandlerUnregister
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_RegisterUserCommand(cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params, Cy_DFU_CustomCommandHandler handler);
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_UnRegisterUserCommand(cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params);
#endif /* CY_DFU_OPT_CUSTOM_CMD */
/** \} group_dfu_functions_custom_cmd */
/** \} group_dfu_functions */
* Internal declarations
/** \cond INTERNAL */
#if !defined(CY_PSOC_CREATOR_USED)
/* Should be 0 in a non-Creator flow */
#define CY_DFU_SILICON_ID (0U)
#include "cy_device_headers.h" /* For CY_SILICON_ID */
#include <cyfitter.h> /* For CYDEV_CHIP_REVISION_USED */
#endif /* defined CY_DOXYGEN */
/* Cypress Basic Application Format (CyBAF) */
#define CY_DFU_BASIC_APP (0U)
/* Cypress Secure Application Format (CySAF) - NOT SUPPORTED */
/* Simplified Secure Application Format (SSAF) - NOT SUPPORTED */
/* Set the application format. Only CyBAF is supported. */
#define CY_DFU_VERIFY_FAST (0U) /* Verification includes only
* application check */
#define CY_DFU_VERIFY_FULL (1U) /* Verification includes application,
* key, and TOC checks */
/* Set the verification type for CySAF and SSAF.
* NOT SUPPORTED - only CyBAF is supported */
* These defines are obsolete and kept for backward compatibility only.
* They will be removed in the future versions.
/** \endcond*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !defined(CY_DFU_H) */
/* [] END OF FILE */