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* \file cy_dfu.c
* \version 5.1
* This file provides the implementation of DFU Middleware.
* \copyright
* (c) (2016-2023), Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This software, including source code, documentation and related materials
* ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation or one of its
* affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to worldwide patent
* protection (United States and foreign), United States copyright laws and
* international treaty provisions. Therefore, you may use this Software only
* as provided in the license agreement accompanying the software package from
* which you obtained this Software ("EULA").
* If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
* non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software source
* code solely for use in connection with Cypress's integrated circuit products.
* Any reproduction, modification, translation, compilation, or representation
* of this Software except as specified above is prohibited without the express
* written permission of Cypress.
* reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
* does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
* Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
* not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
* failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
* significant property damage, injury or death ("High Risk Product"). By
* including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer of such
* system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing so agrees to
* indemnify Cypress against all liability.
#include <string.h>
#include "cy_dfu.h"
#include "cy_dfu_logging.h"
#define CySoftwareReset() NVIC_SystemReset()
/** \cond INTERNAL */
CY_SECTION(".cy_boot_noinit.appId") __USED static uint8_t cy_dfu_appId;
/* The timeout for Cy_DFU_Continue(), in milliseconds */
#define UPDATE_TIMEOUT (20U)
/* The timeout for the default Cy_DFU__TransportWrite() call in milliseconds */
/* The number of bytes per app in the metadata section */
#define UINT16_SIZE (2U)
#define UINT32_SIZE (4U)
#define NIBBLE_POS (4U)
#define NIBBLE_MSK (0xFU)
#define SHA1_CHECKSUM_LENGTH (20U) /* The SHA1 length is 20 bytes */
/* A number of uint32_t elements in the SHA1 buffer */
#define RSA_CHECKSUM_LENGTH (256U) /* The RSA public key modulo length is 2048 bits = 256 bytes */
#define CRC_CHECKSUM_LENGTH (4U) /* The size of metadata flash row CRC in bytes */
#define CRC_POLYNOMIAL (0x1EDC6F41U) /* The CRC 32 polynomial */
#define CRC_DATA_XOR (0U)
#define CRC_REM_REVERSE (1U)
#define CRC_TABLE_SIZE (16U) /* A number of uint32_t elements in the CRC32 table */
#define CRC_CCITT_POLYNOMIAL (0x8408U)
/* The size in bytes of the DFU command parameters */
#define PARAMS_SIZE (8U)
/* The length in bytes of data in the "Set App Metadata" DFU command */
#define DATA_LENGTH (9U)
/* Possible sizes of the data field in the DFU packets */
#define PROGRAM_DATA_CRC_OFFSET (4U) /* The offset in bytes to the CRC field in the Program Data command */
#define VERIFY_DATA_CRC_OFFSET (4U) /* The offset in bytes to the CRC field in the Verify Data command */
/* The size in bytes of the data field in the Verify Application command */
/* The offset in bytes to the Application Length in the application metadata */
/* The offset in bytes to the application length in the data field of the Set Application Metadata command packet*/
/* The offset to the application start address in the data field of the Set Application Metadata command packet */
/* The offset to the "to" part of the data field in the Get Metadata packet */
/* The size in bytes of the App Size field in Cypress Simplified User Application Object */
/* The offset in bytes to the VT offset in the Cypress Standard User Application Object */
/* The offset in uint32_t to the VT offset in the Cypress Standard User Application Object */
#define TOC_EMPTY (0UL) /* Both TOC2 and RTOC2 are empty */
#define TOC_INVALID (1UL) /* Either TOC2 or RTOC2 is invalid */
#define PUBLIC_KEY_IDX (9UL) /* The TOC item at index 9 is a public Key object */
#define PUBLIC_KEY_OFFSET (8UL) /* The Public Key offset in the Public key Object */
/* The address of the verify application function entry in the Flash Boot shared functions table */
#define VERIFY_APP_TABLE_ADDR (0x16002040UL)
/* The address of the verify key function entry in the Flash Boot shared functions table */
#define IS_VALID_KEY_TABLE_ADDR (0x16002044UL)
/* The address of the verify TOC function entry in the Flash Boot shared functions table */
#define VALIDATE_TOC_TABLE_ADDR (0x1600204CUL)
/* For the DFU packet */
#define PACKET_SOP_VALUE (0x01U)
#define PACKET_EOP_VALUE (0x17U)
#define PACKET_SOP_IDX (0x00U)
#define PACKET_CMD_IDX (0x01U)
#define PACKET_SIZE_IDX (0x02U)
#define PACKET_DATA_IDX (0x04U)
#define PACKET_CHECKSUM_LENGTH (2U) /* The length in bytes of a packet checksum field */
/* The Flash Boot verification functions*/
typedef bool (*Cy_FB_VerifyApp_t)(uint32_t address, uint32_t length, uint32_t signature, uint32_t publicKeyAddr);
typedef bool (*Cy_FB_IsValidKey_t)(uint32_t tocAddr, uint32_t publicKeyAddr);
typedef uint32_t (*Cy_FB_ValidateToc_t)(uint32_t tocAddress);
/* Pointer to function that is used to jump into address */
typedef void (*cy_fn_dfu_jump_ptr_t)(void);
/** \endcond */
/* The static functions declaration */
static uint32_t ElfSymbolToAddr(void volatile const *symbol);
static __NO_RETURN void SwitchToApp(uint32_t stackPointer, uint32_t address);
static bool ComputeSha1(uint32_t address, uint32_t length, uint8_t *result);
static uint16_t GetU16(uint8_t const array[]);
static uint32_t GetU32(uint8_t const array[]);
static void PutU16(uint8_t array[], uint32_t offset, uint32_t value);
/* Because PutU32() is used only when updating the metadata */
static void PutU32(uint8_t array[], uint32_t offset, uint32_t value);
static uint32_t PacketChecksumIndex(uint32_t size);
static uint32_t PacketEopIndex(uint32_t size);
static uint32_t GetPacketCommand(const uint8_t packet[]);
static uint32_t GetPacketDSize(const uint8_t packet[]);
static uint8_t* GetPacketData(uint8_t packet[], uint32_t offset);
static uint32_t GetPacketChecksum(const uint8_t packet[], uint32_t packetSize);
static uint32_t ValidatePacketFooter(const uint8_t packet[], uint32_t packetSize);
static void SetPacketHeader(uint8_t packet[]);
static void SetPacketCmd(uint8_t packet[], uint32_t cmd);
static void SetPacketDSize(uint8_t packet[], uint32_t size);
static void SetPacketChecksum(uint8_t packet[], uint32_t size, uint32_t checksum);
static void SetPacketFooter(uint8_t packet[], uint32_t size);
static uint32_t PacketChecksum(const uint8_t buffer[], uint32_t size);
static cy_en_dfu_status_t VerifyPacket(uint32_t numberRead, const uint8_t packet[]);
static cy_en_dfu_status_t ReadVerifyPacket(uint8_t packet[], bool *noResponse, uint32_t timeout);
static cy_en_dfu_status_t WritePacket(cy_en_dfu_status_t status, uint8_t *packet, uint32_t rspSize);
static void EnterResponse(uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize, uint32_t *state);
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CopyToDataBuffer(uint8_t dataBuffer[], uint32_t *dataOffset, uint8_t const packet[],
uint32_t packetSize);
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CommandEnter(uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize, uint32_t *state,
cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params);
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CommandProgramData(uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params);
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CommandEraseData(uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params);
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CommandVerifyData(uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params);
#endif /* CY_DFU_OPT_VERIFY_DATA != 0*/
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CommandSendData(uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params);
#endif /* CY_DFU_OPT_SEND_DATA != 0 */
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CommandVerifyApp(uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params);
#endif /* CY_DFU_OPT_VERIFY_APP != 0 */
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CommandSetAppMetadata(uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize,
cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params);
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CommandGetMetadata(uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params);
#endif /* CY_DFU_OPT_GET_METADATA != 0 */
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CommandSetEIVector(uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize,
cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params);
#endif /* CY_DFU_OPT_SET_EIVECTOR != 0 */
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CommandUnsupported(uint8_t packet[], uint32_t *rspSize,
cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params );
static cy_en_dfu_status_t ContinueHelper(uint32_t command, uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize,
cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params, bool *noResponse);
static bool VerifySecureAppShort(uint32_t verifyStartAddr, uint32_t verifyLength, uint32_t signatureAddr);
static bool VerifySecureAppFull(uint32_t verifyStartAddr, uint32_t verifyLength, uint32_t signatureAddr);
static bool VerifySecureApp(uint32_t verifyStartAddr, uint32_t verifyLength, uint32_t signatureAddr);
* Function Name: Cy_DFU_Init
* This function starts the application download and install operations.
* Make subsequent calls to Cy_DFU_Continue() to continue the
* process. \n
* Returns immediately, reporting success or failure. \n
* Only one updating operation can be done at a time - the user's code must
* ensure this.
* \param state The pointer to a state variable, that is updated by
* the function. See \ref group_dfu_macro_state
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t.
* - \ref CY_DFU_SUCCESS if successful.
* - \ref CY_DFU_ERROR_UNKNOWN either parameter is a NULL pointer.
* \snippet snippet/main.c snipped_cy_dfu_init
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_Init(uint32_t *state, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params)
cy_en_dfu_status_t status = CY_DFU_SUCCESS;
if ( (state == NULL) || (params == NULL) )
if (status == CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
params->dataOffset = 0U;
return (status);
* Function Name: Cy_DFU_ExecuteApp
* This function transfers control from the current application to another
* application. The function performs switching via software reset. In case if
* application need to switch without reset, for example if it needs to enable
* some peripheral during and after the application switching,
* use \ref Cy_DFU_SwitchToApp().
* The function does not return.
* \note It is assumed appId is a valid application number.
* \param appId An application number of the application to switch to.
void Cy_DFU_ExecuteApp(uint32_t appId)
cy_dfu_appId = (uint8_t)appId;
* Function Name: SwitchToApp
* Set main stack pointer and then jumps into the address.
* \param stackPointer Stack pointer
* \param address Address to jump into
* \note This function does not return.
static void SwitchToApp(uint32_t stackPointer, uint32_t address)
CY_MISRA_DEVIATE_LINE('MISRA C-2012 Rule 11.1','Casting int to a function pointer is safe as it is guaranteed to have a valid address.');
((cy_fn_dfu_jump_ptr_t) address) ();
/* This function does not return */
* Function Name: Cy_DFU_SwitchToApp
* This function switches to the application through the jump instruction.
* The function should be used when an application switching must be done without
* a software reset. Possible reason is a need to enable some peripheral during
* and after the application switching. In other case use \ref Cy_DFU_ExecuteApp().
* Before calling this function, ensure all the peripherals and bus masters are
* in a known state. User is responsible to disable peripherals and to set MCU
* internal state before or after an application switching.
* \note It is assumed appId is a valid application number.
* \param appId An application number of the application to switch to.
* \return It doesn't return if succeeds. If failed, returns the status code.
* See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t.
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_SwitchToApp(uint32_t appId)
uint32_t startAddress;
cy_en_dfu_status_t status;
status = Cy_DFU_GetAppMetadata(appId, &startAddress, NULL);
if (status == CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
uint32_t offsetVt = ((uint32_t *)(startAddress + SIMPLIFIED_APP_APPSIZE_SIZE))[0];
startAddress += SIMPLIFIED_APP_APPSIZE_SIZE + offsetVt;
uint32_t offsetVt = ((uint32_t *)startAddress)[CYPRESS_APP_VTOFFSET_OFFSET_UINT32];
/* Cypress Basic Application Format (CyBAF) */
uint32_t stackPointer = ((uint32_t *)startAddress)[0]; /* The Stack Pointer of the app to switch to */
uint32_t resetHandler = ((uint32_t *)startAddress)[1]; /* Reset_Handler() address */
SwitchToApp(stackPointer, resetHandler);
return (status);
* Function Name: ElfSymbolToAddr
* This function is used to convert an ELF file symbol address to uint32_t. \n
* This is safer than casting a symbol address to an integer because the
* function does not produce a MISRA warning at the call side.
* Also, a function call is more readable and easier to search with the text
* editor.
* \param symbol The address of the ELF file symbol to get the uint32_t value for.
* \return The address of the ELF file symbol as uint32_t.
static uint32_t ElfSymbolToAddr(void volatile const *symbol)
CY_MISRA_DEVIATE_LINE('MISRA C-2012 Rule 11.6','Casting pointer to a int is safe as symbol must be valid 4-byte value.');
return (uint32_t) symbol;
* Function Name: Cy_DFU_GetAppMetadata
* Reads application metadata to \c verifyAddress and \c verifySize.
* The metadata is supposed to be located in internal flash.
* This is a weak function and the user may override it in the user's code by
* providing a function with the same name.
* This allows the user to place metadata in any NVM.
* \note It is assumed appId is a valid application number.
* \param appId The application number.
* \param verifyAddress The pointer to a variable where an application
* verified area start address is stored.
* \param verifySize The pointer to a variable where a size of verified
* application area is stored.
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t.
__WEAK cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_GetAppMetadata(uint32_t appId, uint32_t *verifyAddress, uint32_t *verifySize)
cy_en_dfu_status_t status = CY_DFU_SUCCESS;
uint32_t *ptr = (uint32_t*) ( ElfSymbolToAddr(&__cy_boot_metadata_addr) + (appId * METADATA_BYTES_PER_APP) );
if (verifyAddress != NULL)
*verifyAddress = ptr[0];
if (verifySize != NULL)
*verifySize = ptr[1];
return (status);
/* Use PDL Hardware Crypto API */
* Function Name: ComputeSha1
* This function computes SHA1 for the message.
* \note Ensure the Crypto block is properly initialized
* and \ref CY_DFU_OPT_CRYPTO_HW is set.
* \param address The pointer to a buffer containing data to compute
* the checksum for. \n
* It must be 4-byte aligned.
* \param length The number of bytes in the buffer to compute SHA1 for.
* \param result The pointer to a buffer to store the SHA1 output.
* It must be 4-byte aligned.
* \return
* - true - If calculation is successful.
* - false - If calculation is unsuccessful.
static bool ComputeSha1(uint32_t address, uint32_t length, uint8_t *result)
cy_stc_crypto_context_sha_t cryptoShaContext;
cy_en_crypto_status_t cryptoStatus;
bool statusOk = true;
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Enable();
if (cryptoStatus == CY_CRYPTO_SUCCESS)
CY_MISRA_DEVIATE_LINE('MISRA C-2012 Rule 11.3','Casting result operand to uint32_t is safe as calling function use uint32_t pointer.');
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Sha_Run((uint32_t *)address, length, (uint32_t *)result, CY_CRYPTO_MODE_SHA1,
if (cryptoStatus == CY_CRYPTO_SUCCESS)
/* Waiting for SHA1 calculation is finished. */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Sync(CY_CRYPTO_SYNC_BLOCKING);
(void) Cy_Crypto_Disable();
if (cryptoStatus != CY_CRYPTO_SUCCESS)
statusOk = false;
return (statusOk);
* Function Name: VerifySecureAppShort
* This function reports whether or not the specified application is valid.
* \param verifyStartAddr The start address of the application to verify.
* \param verifyLength The length of the application to verify.
* \param signatureAddr The address of the application signature.
* \return
* - true - If the application is valid.
* - false - If the application is invalid
static bool VerifySecureAppShort(uint32_t verifyStartAddr, uint32_t verifyLength, uint32_t signatureAddr)
uint32_t publicKeyAddr = ( (uint32_t)& SFLASH->PUBLIC_KEY[0] ) + PUBLIC_KEY_OFFSET;
Cy_FB_VerifyApp_t Cy_FB_VerifyApp = (Cy_FB_VerifyApp_t) (*(uint32_t *) VERIFY_APP_TABLE_ADDR);
return Cy_FB_VerifyApp(verifyStartAddr, verifyLength, signatureAddr, publicKeyAddr );
* Function Name: VerifySecureAppFull
* This function reports whether or not the specified application, TOC, and key
* are valid.
* \param verifyStartAddr The start address of the application to verify.
* \param verifyLength The length of the application to verify.
* \param signatureAddr The address of the application signature.
* \return
* - true - If the application is valid.
* - false - If the application is invalid.
static bool VerifySecureAppFull(uint32_t verifyStartAddr, uint32_t verifyLength, uint32_t signatureAddr)
Cy_FB_ValidateToc_t Cy_FB_ValidateToc = (Cy_FB_ValidateToc_t) (*(uint32_t *) VALIDATE_TOC_TABLE_ADDR);
Cy_FB_VerifyApp_t Cy_FB_VerifyApp = (Cy_FB_VerifyApp_t) (*(uint32_t *) VERIFY_APP_TABLE_ADDR );
Cy_FB_IsValidKey_t Cy_FB_IsValidKey = (Cy_FB_IsValidKey_t) (*(uint32_t *) IS_VALID_KEY_TABLE_ADDR);
bool status = true;
uint32_t tocAddr = Cy_FB_ValidateToc((uint32_t)& SFLASH->TOC2_OBJECT_SIZE);
if ((tocAddr == TOC_EMPTY) || (tocAddr == TOC_INVALID))
status = false;
uint32_t publicKeyAddr = *(uint32_t *)(tocAddr + (sizeof(uint32_t) * PUBLIC_KEY_IDX))
status = Cy_FB_IsValidKey(tocAddr, publicKeyAddr);
if (status)
status = Cy_FB_VerifyApp(verifyStartAddr, verifyLength, signatureAddr, publicKeyAddr );
return (status);
* Function Name: VerifySecureApp
* This function reports whether or not the specified application is valid.
* \param verifyStartAddr The start address of the application to verify.
* \param verifyLength The length of the application to verify.
* \param signatureAddr The address of the application signature.
* \return
* - true - If the application is valid.
* - false - If the application is invalid.
static bool VerifySecureApp(uint32_t verifyStartAddr, uint32_t verifyLength, uint32_t signatureAddr)
return VerifySecureAppShort(verifyStartAddr, verifyLength, signatureAddr);
return VerifySecureAppFull (verifyStartAddr, verifyLength, signatureAddr);
* Function Name: Cy_DFU_ValidateApp
* This function reports whether or not metadata and the specified application is
* valid. It checks:
* - checksum for applications without format;
* - application signature for Cypress Standard User Application format.
* This is a weak function and the user may override it in the user's code by
* providing a function with the same name.
* \note It is assumed appId is a valid application number.
* \param appId The application number of the application to be validated.
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure.
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t .
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t.
* - \ref CY_DFU_SUCCESS If the application is valid.
* - \ref CY_DFU_ERROR_VERIFY If the application is invalid.
__WEAK cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_ValidateApp(uint32_t appId, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params)
uint32_t appVerifyStartAddress;
uint32_t appVerifySize;
cy_en_dfu_status_t status = Cy_DFU_GetAppMetadata(appId, &appVerifyStartAddress, &appVerifySize);
if (status == CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
status = (VerifySecureApp(appVerifyStartAddress, appVerifySize, appVerifyStartAddress + appVerifySize))?
status = (VerifySecureApp(appVerifyStartAddress, appVerifySize, appVerifyStartAddress - RSA_CHECKSUM_LENGTH))?
uint32_t sha1buf[SHA1_BUF_SIZE_UINT32];
uint32_t appFooterAddress = appVerifyStartAddress + appVerifySize;
if (ComputeSha1(appVerifyStartAddress, appVerifySize, (uint8_t*)&sha1buf))
CY_MISRA_DEVIATE_LINE('MISRA C-2012 Rule 11.6','Casting int to pointer is safe as it has valid address defined in linker script.');
status = (memcmp((const void *)sha1buf, (const void *)appFooterAddress, SHA1_CHECKSUM_LENGTH) == 0)?
uint32_t appCrc = Cy_DFU_DataChecksum((uint8_t *)appVerifyStartAddress, appVerifySize, params);
uint32_t appFooterAddress = (appVerifyStartAddress + appVerifySize);
status = (*(uint32_t*)appFooterAddress == appCrc) ? CY_DFU_SUCCESS : CY_DFU_ERROR_VERIFY;
#endif/* (CY_DFU_OPT_CRYPTO_HW != 0) */
return (status);
* Function Name: Cy_DFU_GetRunningApp
* This function reports the application number of the currently running
* application.
* \return application number
uint32_t Cy_DFU_GetRunningApp(void)
return ElfSymbolToAddr(&__cy_app_id);
* Function Name: Cy_DFU_CopyApp
* This function copies an application from a temporary location in flash to its
* destination location in flash. This function is typically called when updating
* an application used as part of an update process, for example updating
* a BLE stack.
* \note This API is only for demonstration purpose, use it only when copying
* from internal flash to internal flash. For other user cases, implement a
* custom, more general function.
* \param destAddress The start address of the application to copy to.
* \param srcAddress The start address of the copy of the application to be
* copied.
* \param length The number of bytes to copy.
* \param rowSize The size of a flash row in bytes.
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure.
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t .
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t.
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_CopyApp(uint32_t destAddress, uint32_t srcAddress, uint32_t length,
uint32_t rowSize, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params)
cy_en_dfu_status_t status = CY_DFU_ERROR_UNKNOWN;
uint32_t writeAddr = destAddress;
uint32_t readAddr = srcAddress;
uint32_t endAddress = destAddress + length;
while (writeAddr < endAddress)
status = Cy_DFU_ReadData(readAddr, rowSize, CY_DFU_IOCTL_READ, params);
if (status == CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
status = Cy_DFU_WriteData(writeAddr, rowSize, CY_DFU_IOCTL_WRITE, params);
if (status != CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
writeAddr += rowSize;
readAddr += rowSize;
return (status);
* Function Name: Cy_DFU_OnResetApp0
* This function is used in an App0 firmware image in Reset_Handler() only.
* Checks if switching to the other application is scheduled with
* \ref Cy_DFU_ExecuteApp(). \n
* If the switch is scheduled, then it validates the application and transfers
* control to it.
void Cy_DFU_OnResetApp0(void)
/* Set cy_dfu_appId to ZERO under a non-software reset. This means
* that the DFU application is scheduled - the initial clean state.
* The value of cy_dfu_appId is valid only under a software reset.
if (Cy_SysLib_GetResetReason() != CY_SYSLIB_RESET_SOFT)
cy_dfu_appId = 0U;
if ((cy_dfu_appId != 0U) && (cy_dfu_appId < CY_DFU_MAX_APPS))
(void) Cy_DFU_SwitchToApp((uint32_t) cy_dfu_appId);
* Function Name: Cy_DFU_ReadData
* This function must be implemented in the user's code.
* Reads \c buffer from flash, QSPI flash, or any other external memory type with
* custom pre and post read commands.
* \param address The address from where to read data, must be aligned to
* a flash row, QSPI flash page, etc.
* \param length The length in bytes of data to read, must be multiple of
* a flash row, QSPI flash page, etc.
* \param ctl Additional features of the read function:
* - CY_DFU_IOCTL_READ - Only read.
* - CY_DFU_IOCTL_COMPARE - Compare the data in the buffer with the data in
* memory.
* - CY_DFU_IOCTL_BHP - Decrypt data before comparing the buffer with
* memory,
* if the DFU Host provided encrypted data.
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure.
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t .
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t
* - CY_DFU_SUCCESS - If successful.
* - CY_DFU_ERROR_LENGTH if \c The length value is invalid.
* - CY_DFU_ERROR_ADDRESS if \c The address is invalid.
__WEAK cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_ReadData (uint32_t address, uint32_t length, uint32_t ctl,
cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params)
* This function does nothing, weak implementation.
* The purpose of this code is to disable compiler warnings for Non-optimized
* builds which do not remove unused functions and require them for the
* completeness of the linking step.
(void) address;
(void) length;
(void) ctl;
(void) params;
return (CY_DFU_SUCCESS);
* Function Name: Cy_DFU_WriteData
* This function must be implemented in the user's code.
* Writes the \c buffer to flash, QSPI flash, or any other external memory type
* with custom pre and post write commands.
* \param address The address to write data to, must be aligned to a flash
* row, QSPI flash page, etc.
* \param length The length in bytes of data to be written, must be multiple
* of a flash row, QSPI flash page, etc.
* \param ctl Additional features of the write function:
* - CY_DFU_IOCTL_WRITE - Only write.
* - CY_DFU_IOCTL_ERASE - Erase the sector, the sector size can be bigger
* than the size of the page to write.
* - CY_DFU_IOCTL_BHP - Decrypt data before writing to memory, if
* the DFU Host provided encrypted data.
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure.
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t .
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t.
* - CY_DFU_SUCCESS - If successful.
* - CY_DFU_ERROR_LENGTH if \c The length value is invalid.
* - CY_DFU_ERROR_ADDRESS if \c The address is invalid.
__WEAK cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_WriteData(uint32_t address, uint32_t length, uint32_t ctl,
cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params)
* This function does nothing, weak implementation.
* The purpose of this code is to disable compiler warnings for Non-optimized
* builds which do not remove unused functions and require them for the
* completeness of the linking step.
(void) address;
(void) length;
(void) ctl;
(void) params;
return (CY_DFU_SUCCESS);
* Function Name: Cy_DFU_TransportRead
* This function must be implemented in the user's code.
* This function receives a command packet from the DFU Host via the
* communication channel. The function waits for a timeout until all bytes are
* received.
* \param buffer The pointer to a buffer to store a received command.
* \param size The number of bytes to read.
* \param count The pointer to the variable that contains the number of received
* bytes.
* \param timeout The time to wait before the function returns because of a
* timeout, in milliseconds.
* \return The status of the transmit operation:
* - CY_DFU_SUCCESS - If successful.
* - CY_DFU_ERROR_TIMEOUT - If no data is received.
* - See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t.
__WEAK cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_TransportRead(uint8_t buffer[], uint32_t size, uint32_t *count,
uint32_t timeout)
* This function does nothing, weak implementation.
* The purpose of this code is to disable compiler warnings for Non-optimized
* builds which do not remove unused functions and require them for the
* completeness of the linking step.
(void) buffer;
(void) size;
(void) count;
(void) timeout;
return (CY_DFU_SUCCESS);
* Function Name: Cy_DFU_TransportWrite
* This function must be implemented in the user's code.
* This function transmits a response packet to the DFU host via the
* communication channel. The function waits for a timeout until all bytes are
* sent.
* \param buffer The pointer response packet buffer.
* \param size The number of bytes to transmit.
* \param count The pointer to the actual number of transmitted bytes.
* \param timeout The time to wait before the function returns because of a
* timeout, in milliseconds
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t.
* The status of the transmit operation:
* - CY_DFU_SUCCESS - If successful.
* - CY_DFU_ERROR_TIMEOUT - If no data is transmitted.
__WEAK cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_TransportWrite(uint8_t buffer[], uint32_t size, uint32_t *count,
uint32_t timeout)
* This function does nothing, weak implementation.
* The purpose of this code is to disable compiler warnings for Non-optimized
* builds which do not remove unused functions and require them for the
* completeness of the linking step.
(void) buffer;
(void) size;
(void) count;
(void) timeout;
return (CY_DFU_SUCCESS);
* Function Name: Cy_DFU_TransportReset
* This function must be implemented in the user's code. \n
* Resets the communication interface with clearing buffers, offsets, length,
* etc.
__WEAK void Cy_DFU_TransportReset(void)
* This function does nothing, weak implementation.
* The purpose of this code is to disable compiler warnings for Non-optimized
* builds which do not remove unused functions and require them for the
* completeness of the linking step.
* Function Name: Cy_DFU_TransportStart
* This function must be implemented in the user's code. \n
* Starts the communication interface through which updating will be working.
* \param transport defines transport interface to use. See
* \ref cy_en_dfu_transport_t for available options
__WEAK void Cy_DFU_TransportStart(cy_en_dfu_transport_t transport)
* This function does nothing, weak implementation.
* The purpose of this code is to disable compiler warnings for Non-optimized
* builds which do not remove unused functions and require them for the
* completeness of the linking step.
* Function Name: Cy_DFU_TransportStop
* This function must be implemented in the user's code. \n
* Stops the communication interface through which updating will be working.
__WEAK void Cy_DFU_TransportStop(void)
* This function does nothing, weak implementation.
* The purpose of this code is to disable compiler warnings for Non-optimized
* builds which do not remove unused functions and require them for the
* completeness of the linking step.
* Cy_DFU_Continue related code, till the EOF
* Function Name: GetU16
* This function is used to read a uint16_t value from a byte array. \n
* MISRA is informed with pragma that the function has no side effects.
* \param array The pointer to the byte array to get data from.
* \return The uint16_t value from the \c array parameter.
static uint16_t GetU16(uint8_t const array[])
uint16_t temp;
(void) memcpy( (void*)&temp, (const void*)&array[0], UINT16_SIZE);
return (temp);
* Function Name: GetU32
* This function is used to read an uint32_t value from a byte array. \n
* MISRA is informed with pragma that the function has no side effects.
* \param array The pointer to the byte array to get data from.
* \return The uint32_t value from the \c array parameter.
static uint32_t GetU32(uint8_t const array[])
uint32_t temp;
(void) memcpy( (void*)&temp, (const void*)&array[0], UINT32_SIZE);
return (temp);
* Function Name: PutU16
* This function is used to write an uint16_t value to a byte array.
* \param array The pointer to the byte array.
* \param offset The offset within the byte array to write data to.
* \param value The value to be stored to the byte array.
static void PutU16(uint8_t array[], uint32_t offset, uint32_t value)
(void) memcpy( (void*)&array[offset], (const void*)&value, UINT16_SIZE);
* Function Name: PutU32
* This function is used to write an uint32_t value to a byte array.
* \param array The pointer to the byte array.
* \param offset The offset within the byte array to write data to.
* \param value The value to be stored to the byte array.
static void PutU32(uint8_t array[], uint32_t offset, uint32_t value)
(void) memcpy( (void*)&array[offset], (const void*)&value, UINT32_SIZE);
* Function Name: PacketChecksumIndex
* This function returns an index to the checksum field in a received packet
* \param size The DFU packet size value.
* \return The index to the checksum.
static uint32_t PacketChecksumIndex(uint32_t size)
return (PACKET_DATA_IDX + size);
* Function Name: PacketEopIndex
* This function returns an index to the end of the packet field in a received
* packet.
* \param size The DFU packet size value.
* \return Returns an index to the end of the packet.
static uint32_t PacketEopIndex(uint32_t size)
* Function Name: GetPacketCommand
* This function returns a DFU packet command value for a given \c packet.
* \param packet The pointer to the byte array containing DFU packet
* data.
* \return A DFU packet command value.
static uint32_t GetPacketCommand(const uint8_t packet[])
return ( (uint32_t) packet[PACKET_CMD_IDX] );
* Function Name: GetPacketDSize
* This function returns a data size in the DFU packet. \n
* MISRA requires this function have no side effects.
* \param packet The pointer to the byte array containing DFU packet
* data.
* \return A size of the data in bytes in the packet.
static uint32_t GetPacketDSize(const uint8_t packet[])
return ( (uint32_t) GetU16( &packet[PACKET_SIZE_IDX] ) );
* Function Name: GetPacketData
* This function is used to get packet data.
* \param packet The pointer to the byte array containing DFU packet
* data.
* \param offset The offset within the data bytes in the packet.
* E.g. 0 means the first byte of the data.
* \return A pointer to the data bytes with the offset in the packet.
static uint8_t* GetPacketData(uint8_t packet[], uint32_t offset)
return ( &packet[PACKET_DATA_IDX + offset] );
* Function Name: GetPacketChecksum
* This function is used to get a DFU packet checksum.
* \param packet The pointer to a byte array containing the
* DFU packet data.
* \param packetSize The offset within the data bytes in the packet. \n
* E.g. 0 means the first byte of the data.
* \return The DFU packet checksum.
static uint32_t GetPacketChecksum(const uint8_t packet[], uint32_t packetSize)
return ( (uint32_t) GetU16( &packet[ PacketChecksumIndex(packetSize) ] ) );
* Function Name: ValidatePacketFooter
* This function is used to validate a DFU packet footer.
* \param packet The pointer to a byte array containing the
* DFU packet data.
* \param packetSize The offset within the data bytes in the packet. \n
* E.g. 0 means the first byte of the data.
* \return
* - 0, if the DFU packet footer is invalid.
* - 1, if the DFU packet footer is valid.
static uint32_t ValidatePacketFooter(const uint8_t packet[], uint32_t packetSize)
return ( (packet[PacketEopIndex(packetSize)] == PACKET_EOP_VALUE)? 1UL : 0UL );
* Function Name: SetPacketHeader
* This function is used to set a DFU packet header value.
* \param packet The pointer to a byte array containing the DFU packet
* data.
static void SetPacketHeader(uint8_t packet[])
* Function Name: SetPacketCmd
* This function is used to set a DFU packet command value.
* \param packet The pointer to a byte array containing the
* DFU packet data.
* \param cmd The command value to be set in the DFU packet.
static void SetPacketCmd(uint8_t packet[], uint32_t cmd)
packet[PACKET_CMD_IDX] = (uint8_t)cmd;
* Function Name: SetPacketDSize
* This function is used to set a DFU packet size value.
* \param packet The pointer to a byte array containing the
* DFU packet data.
* \param size The value for the DFU packet size.
static void SetPacketDSize(uint8_t packet[], uint32_t size)
PutU16(packet, PACKET_SIZE_IDX, size);
* Function Name: SetPacketChecksum
* This function is used to set a DFU packet checksum value.
* \param packet The pointer to a byte array containing the
* DFU packet data.
* \param size The DFU packet size value.
* \param checksum The value for a DFU packet checksum.
static void SetPacketChecksum(uint8_t packet[], uint32_t size, uint32_t checksum)
PutU16(packet, PacketChecksumIndex(size), checksum);
* Function Name: SetPacketFooter
* This function is used to set a DFU packet footer value.
* \param packet The pointer to a byte array containing the
* DFU packet data.
* \param size The DFU packet size value.
static void SetPacketFooter(uint8_t packet[], uint32_t size)
packet[PacketEopIndex(size)] = PACKET_EOP_VALUE;
* Function Name: Cy_DFU_ValidateMetadata
* The function checks if the DFU metadata is valid. It calculates CRC-32C and
* compare with stored value at the end of metadata.
* \param metadataAddress Start address of the DFU metadata location.
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure.
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t .
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t
* - \ref CY_DFU_SUCCESS - metadata is valid.
* - \ref CY_DFU_ERROR_VERIFY - metadata is not valid.
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_ValidateMetadata(uint32_t metadataAddress, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params)
const uint32_t metadataLength = ElfSymbolToAddr(&__cy_boot_metadata_length);
uint32_t crc = Cy_DFU_DataChecksum( (uint8_t *)metadataAddress, metadataLength - CRC_CHECKSUM_LENGTH, params);
uint32_t crcMeta = *(uint32_t *)(metadataAddress + (metadataLength - CRC_CHECKSUM_LENGTH) );
cy_en_dfu_status_t status = (crc == crcMeta) ? CY_DFU_SUCCESS : CY_DFU_ERROR_VERIFY;
return (status);
* Function Name: PacketChecksum
* This function computes a 16-bit checksum for the provided number of bytes
* contained
* in the provided buffer. \n
* This function is used to calculate the checksum of DFU packets.
* MISRA requires this function have no side effects.
* \param buffer The buffer containing the data to compute the checksum for.
* \param size The number of bytes in the buffer to compute the checksum
* for.
* \return A 16-bit checksum for the provided data
static uint32_t PacketChecksum(const uint8_t buffer[], uint32_t size)
uint16_t crc = CRC_CCITT_INIT;
uint16_t tmp;
uint32_t i;
uint16_t tmpIndex;
size += PACKET_DATA_IDX; /* 4 bytes before data in Cypress DFU packet */
tmpIndex = (uint16_t)size;
if(0U == size)
crc = ~crc;
tmp = buffer[tmpIndex - size];
for (i = 0U; i < 8U; i++)
if (0U != ((crc & 0x0001U) ^ (tmp & 0x0001U)))
crc = (crc >> 1U) ^ CRC_CCITT_POLYNOMIAL;
crc >>= 1U;
tmp >>= 1U;
while(0U != size);
crc = ~crc;
tmp = crc;
crc = ((uint16_t)(crc << 8U) | (tmp >> 8U) ) & 0xFFFFU;
return ((uint32_t)crc);
uint16_t sum = 0U;
size += PACKET_DATA_IDX; /* 4 bytes before data in Cypress DFU packet */
while (size > 0U)
sum += buffer[size];
return ( (uint32_t) ( (1U + ~(uint32_t)sum) & 0xFFFFU ) );
#endif /* CY_DFU_OPT_PACKET_CRC != 0U */
* Function Name: Cy_DFU_DataChecksum
* This function computes a CRC-32C for the provided number of bytes contained
* in the provided buffer. \n
* This function is used to validate the Program Data and Verify Data DFU
* commands and a metadata row.
* \note Ensure the Crypto block is properly initialized
* if \ref CY_DFU_OPT_CRYPTO_HW is set.
* \param address The pointer to a buffer containing the data to compute
* the checksum for.
* \param length The number of bytes in the buffer to compute the checksum
* for.
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure.
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t .
* \return CRC-32C for the provided data.
uint32_t Cy_DFU_DataChecksum(const uint8_t *address, uint32_t length, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params)
/* Note: param is unused by the current implementation */
/* but it may be used in the future, if the Crypto API changes */
#if CY_DFU_OPT_CRYPTO_HW != 0 /* Use PDL Hardware Crypto API */
/* Note that the length will be < 64KB due to the hardware limitation in the Crypto Block. */
/* If the block size is bigger, use software implementation instead. */
uint32_t crcOut = 0U;
cy_stc_crypto_context_crc_t cryptoCrcContext;
cy_en_crypto_status_t cryptoStatus;
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Enable();
if (cryptoStatus == CY_CRYPTO_SUCCESS)
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Crc_Init( CRC_POLYNOMIAL, CRC_DATA_REVERSE,
CRC_REM_XOR, &cryptoCrcContext );
if (cryptoStatus == CY_CRYPTO_SUCCESS)
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Sync(CY_CRYPTO_SYNC_BLOCKING);
if (cryptoStatus == CY_CRYPTO_SUCCESS)
CY_MISRA_DEVIATE_BLOCK_START('MISRA C-2012 Rule 11.8',1,'Removing const does not have negative impact as function does not modify data.');
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Crc_Run (
/* dataPtr */ (void *)address, /* length */ (uint16_t) length,
/* crcPtr */ &crcOut, /* lfsrInitState */ CRC_LFSR_SEED,
/* cfContext */ &cryptoCrcContext );
CY_MISRA_BLOCK_END('MISRA C-2012 Rule 11.8');
if (cryptoStatus == CY_CRYPTO_SUCCESS)
cryptoStatus = Cy_Crypto_Sync(CY_CRYPTO_SYNC_BLOCKING);
(void) Cy_Crypto_Disable();
if (cryptoStatus != CY_CRYPTO_SUCCESS)
return (crcOut);
#else /* Use software implementation */
/* Contains generated values to calculate CRC-32C by 4 bits per iteration*/
static const uint32_t crcTable[CRC_TABLE_SIZE] =
0x00000000U, 0x105ec76fU, 0x20bd8edeU, 0x30e349b1U,
0x417b1dbcU, 0x5125dad3U, 0x61c69362U, 0x7198540dU,
0x82f63b78U, 0x92a8fc17U, 0xa24bb5a6U, 0xb21572c9U,
0xc38d26c4U, 0xd3d3e1abU, 0xe330a81aU, 0xf36e6f75U,
uint32_t crc = CRC_INIT;
if (length != 0U)
crc = crc ^ *address;
crc = (crc >> NIBBLE_POS) ^ crcTable[crc & NIBBLE_MSK];
crc = (crc >> NIBBLE_POS) ^ crcTable[crc & NIBBLE_MSK];
} while (length != 0U);
return (~crc);
#endif /* CY_DFU_OPT_CRYPTO_HW != 0 */
* Function Name: VerifyPacket
* This function is used inside DFU_ReadVerifyPacket() to verify if a
* received packet is correct.
* \param numberRead The number of bytes read from the communication
* interface.
* \param packet The pointer to the DFU packet buffer.
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t.
static cy_en_dfu_status_t VerifyPacket(uint32_t numberRead, const uint8_t packet[])
cy_en_dfu_status_t status = CY_DFU_SUCCESS;
if ((numberRead < CY_DFU_PACKET_MIN_SIZE) || (packet[PACKET_SOP_IDX] != PACKET_SOP_VALUE))
uint32_t packetSize = GetPacketDSize(packet);
* If the whole packet length exceeds the number of bytes that have
* been read by the communication component or the size of
* the buffer that is reserved for the packet, then give an error.
if ( ((packetSize + CY_DFU_PACKET_MIN_SIZE) > numberRead)
else /* The packet length is OK */
if ( ValidatePacketFooter(packet, packetSize) == 0U )
uint32_t pktChecksum = GetPacketChecksum(packet, packetSize);
if (pktChecksum != PacketChecksum(packet, packetSize) )
return (status);
* Function Name: ReadVerifyPacket
* This function is used inside Cy_DFU_Continue to read and verify
* a received DFU packet.
* \param packet The pointer to the DFU packet buffer.
* \param noResponse The pointer to a variable that states whether to send
* a response back to a DFU Host or not.
* \param timeout The timeout in milliseconds to wait.
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t
* - \ref CY_DFU_SUCCESS - If a packet is successfully received.
* - \ref CY_DFU_ERROR_TIMEOUT - If no packet is received during
* the timeout period.
static cy_en_dfu_status_t ReadVerifyPacket(uint8_t packet[], bool *noResponse, uint32_t timeout)
cy_en_dfu_status_t status;
uint32_t numberRead = 0U;
status = Cy_DFU_TransportRead( packet, CY_DFU_SIZEOF_CMD_BUFFER, &numberRead, timeout );
if (status == CY_DFU_ERROR_TIMEOUT)
*noResponse = true;
if (status == CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
status = VerifyPacket(numberRead, packet);
return (status);
* Function Name: WritePacket
* This function creates a DFU response packet and transmits it back to
* the DFU host application over the already established communications
* protocol.
* \param status The error response code of the DFU response packet.
* \param packet The pointer to the DFU packet buffer.
* \param rspSize The number of bytes contained within the \c packet
* to pass back to a DFU Host.
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t
static cy_en_dfu_status_t WritePacket(cy_en_dfu_status_t status, uint8_t *packet, uint32_t rspSize)
uint32_t checksum;
* The DFU Host expects only one byte of the status,
* its value must be compatible with the PSoC 3/4/5LP Bootloader Component
uint32_t statusCode = (uint32_t)status & STATUS_BYTE_MSK;
/* Build a packet */
SetPacketCmd (packet, statusCode);
SetPacketDSize (packet, rspSize);
checksum = PacketChecksum(packet, rspSize);
SetPacketChecksum(packet, rspSize, checksum);
SetPacketFooter (packet, rspSize);
return ( Cy_DFU_TransportWrite(packet, rspSize + CY_DFU_PACKET_MIN_SIZE, &rspSize,
* Function Name: EnterResponse
* This function is used inside Cy_DFU_ContinueEntr() to add version and
* size fields.
* \param packet The pointer to the DFU packet buffer.
* \param rspSize The pointer to a response packet size.
* \param state The pointer to a state variable, that is updated by
* the function. See \ref group_dfu_macro_state.
static void EnterResponse(uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize, uint32_t *state)
static const cy_stc_dfu_enter_t dfuVersion =
0x01U /* Used for BWC with the Bootloader component */
*rspSize = sizeof(dfuVersion);
(void) memcpy( (void*)GetPacketData(packet, PACKET_DATA_NO_OFFSET),
(const void*)&dfuVersion, *rspSize);
* Function Name: CommandEnter
* This is a helper function for Cy_DFU_Continue().
* This function is called to handle Command Enter, see the DFU Commands
* section in the DFU SDK User's Guide.
* \param packet The pointer to the DFU packet buffer.
* \param rspSize The pointer to a response packet size.
* \param state The pointer to a state variable, that is updated by
* the function. See \ref group_dfu_macro_state.
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure.
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t .
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t.
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CommandEnter(uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize, uint32_t *state,
cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params)
cy_en_dfu_status_t status = CY_DFU_ERROR_LENGTH;
volatile uint32_t productId;
productId = ElfSymbolToAddr(&__cy_product_id);
productId = CY_DFU_PRODUCT;
uint32_t packetSize = GetPacketDSize(packet);
*rspSize = CY_DFU_RSP_SIZE_0;
if (packetSize == 0U) /* 'Product ID' not demanded */
status = (productId == 0U)? CY_DFU_SUCCESS : CY_DFU_ERROR_LENGTH;
if (status == CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
EnterResponse(packet, rspSize, state);
else if ( (packetSize == DATA_PACKET_SIZE_4BYTES) || (packetSize == DATA_PACKET_SIZE_6BYTES) )
if (productId == GetU32(GetPacketData(packet, PACKET_DATA_NO_OFFSET) ) )
EnterResponse(packet, rspSize, state);
status = CY_DFU_SUCCESS;
/* Empty */
CY_UNUSED_PARAMETER(params); /* Remove the unused warning */
return (status);
* Function Name: CopyToDataBuffer
* This is a helper function, called in the following functions:
* - DFU_CommandProgramData
* - CommandVerifyData
* - CommandSendData
* This is used to copy packet data to dataBuffer and increase dataOffset.
* \param dataBuffer The pointer to a buffer containing the data to be
* written to an NVM.
* \param dataOffset The offset within dataBuffer, indicates the current
* dataBuffer length.
* \param packet The pointer to the DFU packet buffer.
* \param packetSize The length in bytes of the data in the DFU
* packet buffer.
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CopyToDataBuffer(uint8_t dataBuffer[], uint32_t *dataOffset, uint8_t const packet[],
uint32_t packetSize)
cy_en_dfu_status_t status = CY_DFU_ERROR_UNKNOWN;
if ( (dataBuffer != NULL) && (dataOffset != NULL) && (packet != NULL) )
if ( (*dataOffset + packetSize) <= CY_DFU_SIZEOF_DATA_BUFFER )
status = CY_DFU_SUCCESS;
(void) memcpy( &dataBuffer[*dataOffset], packet, packetSize);
*dataOffset += packetSize;
return (status);
* Function Name: CommandProgramData
* This a helper function for Cy_DFU_Continue().
* This function is used to program data to an NVM.
* \param packet The pointer to the DFU packet buffer.
* \param rspSize The pointer to a response packet size.
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure.
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t .
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CommandProgramData(uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params)
cy_en_dfu_status_t status = CY_DFU_ERROR_LENGTH;
uint8_t *dataBufferLocal = params->dataBuffer;
uint32_t *dataOffsetLocal = &params->dataOffset;
uint32_t packetSize = GetPacketDSize(packet);
*rspSize = CY_DFU_RSP_SIZE_0;
if (packetSize >= PARAMS_SIZE)
uint32_t address = GetU32( GetPacketData(packet, PACKET_DATA_NO_OFFSET) );
uint32_t crc = GetU32( GetPacketData(packet, PROGRAM_DATA_CRC_OFFSET) );
/* Data may be sent with the Program Data DFU command, so copy it to dataBuffer */
status = CopyToDataBuffer(dataBufferLocal, dataOffsetLocal, GetPacketData(packet, PARAMS_SIZE),
packetSize - PARAMS_SIZE );
if (status == CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
if (crc != Cy_DFU_DataChecksum(dataBufferLocal, *dataOffsetLocal, params) )
if (status == CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
status = Cy_DFU_WriteData(address, *dataOffsetLocal, CY_DFU_IOCTL_BHP, params);
if (status == CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
status = Cy_DFU_ReadData (address, *dataOffsetLocal, CY_DFU_IOCTL_COMPARE, params);
} /* if (packetSize >= PARAMS_SIZE) */
*dataOffsetLocal = 0U;
return (status);
* Function Name: CommandEraseData
* This is a helper function for Cy_DFU_Continue().
* This function erases an NVM row or page.
* \param packet The pointer to the DFU packet buffer.
* \param rspSize The pointer to a response packet size.
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure.
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t .
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t.
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CommandEraseData(uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params)
cy_en_dfu_status_t status = CY_DFU_ERROR_LENGTH;
*rspSize = CY_DFU_RSP_SIZE_0;
if (GetPacketDSize(packet) == DATA_PACKET_SIZE_4BYTES)
uint32_t address = GetU32( GetPacketData(packet, PACKET_DATA_NO_OFFSET) );
status = Cy_DFU_WriteData(address, 0U, CY_DFU_IOCTL_ERASE, params);
params->dataOffset = 0U;
return (status);
#endif /* CY_DFU_OPT_ERASE_DATA != 0 */
* Function Name: CommandVerifyData
* This is a helper function for Cy_DFU_Continue().
* This function verifies an NVM row or page.
* \param packet The pointer to the DFU packet buffer.
* \param rspSize The pointer to a response packet size.
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure.
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t .
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CommandVerifyData(uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params)
cy_en_dfu_status_t status = CY_DFU_ERROR_LENGTH;
uint8_t *dataBufferLocal = params->dataBuffer;
uint32_t *dataOffsetLocal = &params->dataOffset;
uint32_t packetSize = GetPacketDSize(packet);
*rspSize = CY_DFU_RSP_SIZE_0;
if (packetSize >= PARAMS_SIZE)
uint32_t address = GetU32( GetPacketData(packet, PACKET_DATA_NO_OFFSET) );
uint32_t crc = GetU32( GetPacketData(packet, VERIFY_DATA_CRC_OFFSET) );
/* Data may be sent with the Program Data DFU command, so copy it to dataBuffer */
status = CopyToDataBuffer(dataBufferLocal, dataOffsetLocal, GetPacketData(packet, PARAMS_SIZE),
packetSize - PARAMS_SIZE );
if (status == CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
if (crc != Cy_DFU_DataChecksum(dataBufferLocal, *dataOffsetLocal, params) )
if (status == CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
status = Cy_DFU_ReadData(address, *dataOffsetLocal, CY_DFU_IOCTL_COMPARE, params);
*dataOffsetLocal = 0U;
return (status);
#endif /* CY_DFU_OPT_VERIFY_DATA != 0 */
* Function Name: CommandSendData
* This is a helper function for Cy_DFU_Continue().
* This function handles the Send Data DFU command.
* \param packet The pointer to the DFU packet buffer.
* \param rspSize The pointer to a response packet size.
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure.
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t .
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t.
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CommandSendData(uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params)
cy_en_dfu_status_t status;
uint32_t packetSize = GetPacketDSize(packet);
uint8_t *dataBufferLocal = params->dataBuffer;
uint32_t *dataOffsetLocal = &params->dataOffset;
*rspSize = CY_DFU_RSP_SIZE_0;
/* Data may be sent with the Program Data DFU command, so copy it to dataBuffer */
status = CopyToDataBuffer(dataBufferLocal, dataOffsetLocal,
GetPacketData(packet, PACKET_DATA_NO_OFFSET),
return (status);
#endif /* CY_DFU_OPT_SEND_DATA != 0 */
* Function Name: CommandVerifyApp
* This is a helper function for Cy_DFU_Continue().
* This function handles the Verify Application DFU command.
* \param packet The pointer to the DFU packet buffer.
* \param rspSize The pointer to a response packet size.
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure.
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t .
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t.
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CommandVerifyApp(uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params)
cy_en_dfu_status_t status = CY_DFU_ERROR_LENGTH;
uint32_t packetSize = GetPacketDSize(packet);
*rspSize = CY_DFU_RSP_SIZE_0;
if ( (packetSize == sizeof(uint32_t) ) || (packetSize == VERIFY_APP_DATA_SIZE) )
uint32_t app = (uint32_t) *GetPacketData(packet,PACKET_DATA_NO_OFFSET);
if (app < CY_DFU_MAX_APPS)
status = Cy_DFU_ValidateApp(app, params);
if ( (status == CY_DFU_SUCCESS) || (status == CY_DFU_ERROR_VERIFY) )
uint8_t *valid = GetPacketData(packet, PACKET_DATA_NO_OFFSET);
*valid = (status == CY_DFU_SUCCESS) ? 1U : 0U;
status = CY_DFU_SUCCESS;
return (status);
#endif /* CY_DFU_OPT_VERIFY_APP != 0 */
* Function Name: Cy_DFU_SetAppMetadata
* This is a helper function for Cy_DFU_Continue().
* This function sets application metadata and updates a metadata checksum.
* \note If the application metadata is the same as already
* present in the NVM, then the NVM is not rewritten and this function only exits.
* \note This function uses params->dataBuffer for the read and write NVM.
* \param appId The application number to update metadata for.
* \param verifyAddress An application verified area start address
* \param verifySize The size of verified application area
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure.
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t.
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_SetAppMetadata(uint32_t appId, uint32_t verifyAddress, uint32_t verifySize,
cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params)
cy_en_dfu_status_t status = CY_DFU_SUCCESS;
uint32_t metadataAddress = 0U;
uint32_t metadataLength = 0U;
if ((params == NULL) || (appId >= CY_DFU_MAX_APPS))
if (status == CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
metadataAddress = ElfSymbolToAddr(&__cy_boot_metadata_addr );
metadataLength = ElfSymbolToAddr(&__cy_boot_metadata_length);
status = Cy_DFU_ReadData(metadataAddress, metadataLength, CY_DFU_IOCTL_READ, params);
if (status == CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
uint32_t getVerifyAddress = GetU32(params->dataBuffer + (appId * METADATA_BYTES_PER_APP));
uint32_t getVerifySize = GetU32(params->dataBuffer + (appId * METADATA_BYTES_PER_APP) +
if ( (getVerifyAddress != verifyAddress) || ( getVerifySize != verifySize) )
uint32_t crc;
PutU32(params->dataBuffer, (appId * METADATA_BYTES_PER_APP) , verifyAddress);
PutU32(params->dataBuffer, (appId * METADATA_BYTES_PER_APP) + METADATA_APP_LENGTH_OFFSET, verifySize);
crc = Cy_DFU_DataChecksum(params->dataBuffer, metadataLength - CRC_CHECKSUM_LENGTH, params);
PutU32(params->dataBuffer, metadataLength - CRC_CHECKSUM_LENGTH, crc);
status = Cy_DFU_WriteData(metadataAddress, metadataLength, CY_DFU_IOCTL_WRITE, params);
return (status);
* Function Name: CommandSetAppMetadata
* This is a helper function for Cy_DFU_Continue().
* This function handles the Set Application Metadata DFU command.
* \param packet The pointer to the DFU packet buffer.
* \param rspSize The pointer to a response packet size.
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure.
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t .
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CommandSetAppMetadata(uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize,
cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params)
cy_en_dfu_status_t status = CY_DFU_SUCCESS;
*rspSize = CY_DFU_RSP_SIZE_0;
if (GetPacketDSize(packet) != DATA_LENGTH)
if (status == CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
/* Data offsets 0, 1, 5 are defined in the DFU Packet Structure */
uint32_t app = *( GetPacketData(packet, PACKET_DATA_NO_OFFSET) );
uint32_t verifyAddress = GetU32( GetPacketData(packet, SET_APP_METADATA_OFFSET) );
uint32_t verifySize = GetU32( GetPacketData(packet, SET_APP_METADATA_LENGTH_OFFSET) );
status = Cy_DFU_SetAppMetadata(app, verifyAddress, verifySize, params);
params->appId = app;
return (status);
* Function Name: CommandGetMetadata
* This is a helper function for Cy_DFU_Continue().
* This function handles the Get Metadata DFU command.
* \param packet The pointer to the DFU packet buffer.
* \param rspSize The pointer to a response packet size.
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure.
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t .
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CommandGetMetadata(uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params)
cy_en_dfu_status_t status = CY_DFU_SUCCESS;
uint32_t locRspSize = CY_DFU_RSP_SIZE_0;
if (packet == NULL)
if (status == CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
if (GetPacketDSize(packet) != DATA_PACKET_SIZE_4BYTES)
if (status == CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
uint32_t fromAddr = GetU16( GetPacketData(packet, PACKET_DATA_NO_OFFSET) );
uint32_t toAddr = GetU16( GetPacketData(packet, GET_METADATA_TO_OFFSET) );
if ( (toAddr < fromAddr)
|| ( ( (toAddr - fromAddr) + CY_DFU_PACKET_MIN_SIZE) > CY_DFU_SIZEOF_CMD_BUFFER) )
uint32_t metadataAddr = ElfSymbolToAddr(&__cy_boot_metadata_addr );
uint32_t metadataLength = ElfSymbolToAddr(&__cy_boot_metadata_length);
status = Cy_DFU_ValidateMetadata(metadataAddr, params);
if (status == CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
status = Cy_DFU_ReadData(metadataAddr, metadataLength, CY_DFU_IOCTL_READ, params);
if (status == CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
locRspSize = (toAddr - fromAddr);
(void) memmove( GetPacketData(packet, PACKET_DATA_NO_OFFSET),
status = CY_DFU_SUCCESS;
*rspSize = locRspSize;
return (status);
#endif /* CY_DFU_OPT_GET_METADATA != 0 */
* Function Name: CommandSetEIVector
* This is a helper function for Cy_DFU_Continue().
* This function copies the Encryption Initial Vector value from the DFU
* command buffer to the buffer pointed by
* \code params->encryptionVector \endcode.
* \param packet The pointer to the DFU packet buffer.
* \param rspSize The pointer to a response packet size.
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure.
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t .
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t.
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CommandSetEIVector(uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params)
cy_en_dfu_status_t status = CY_DFU_SUCCESS;
*rspSize = CY_DFU_RSP_SIZE_0;
uint32_t size = GetPacketDSize(packet);
if (( (size == 0U) || (size == DATA_PACKET_SIZE_8BYTES)
|| (size == DATA_PACKET_SIZE_16BYTES) ) && (params->encryptionVector != NULL))
CY_MISRA_FP_LINE('MISRA C-2012 Rule 21.18','Per C99 standard (7.21.1/2) 0 value is allowed with no undefined behaviour. ');
(void) memcpy((void*)params->encryptionVector, (const void*)GetPacketData(packet, PACKET_DATA_NO_OFFSET), size);
return (status);
#endif /* CY_DFU_OPT_SET_EIVECTOR != 0 */
* Function Name: CommandUnsupported
* This is a helper function for Cy_DFU_Continue().
* This function responses to an unsupported command.
* \param packet The pointer to the DFU packet buffer.
* \param rspSize The pointer to a response packet size.
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure.
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t .
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t
static cy_en_dfu_status_t CommandUnsupported(uint8_t packet[], uint32_t *rspSize, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params)
cy_en_dfu_status_t status = CY_DFU_ERROR_CMD;
/* To remove the compiler warnings */
params->dataOffset = 0U;
*rspSize = CY_DFU_RSP_SIZE_0;
return (status);
* Function Name: ContinueHelper
* This is a helper function for Cy_DFU_Continue(). This function parses
* most of the DFU commands.
* \param command The DFU packet command value.
* \param packet The pointer to the DFU packet buffer.
* \param rspSize The pointer to a response packet size.
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure.
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t .
* \param noResponse The pointer to a variable that states whether to send
* a response back to a DFU Host or not.
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t
static cy_en_dfu_status_t ContinueHelper(uint32_t command, uint8_t *packet, uint32_t *rspSize,
cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params, bool *noResponse)
/* Set to a close warning (status may be used uninitialized)*/
cy_en_dfu_status_t status = CY_DFU_ERROR_UNKNOWN;
switch (command)
CY_DFU_LOG_INF("Receive Program command");
status = CommandProgramData(packet, rspSize, params);
CY_DFU_LOG_INF("Receive Verify Data command");
status = CommandVerifyData(packet, rspSize, params);
#endif /* CY_DFU_OPT_VERIFY_DATA != 0 */
CY_DFU_LOG_INF("Receive Erase Data command");
status = CommandEraseData(packet, rspSize, params);
#endif /* CY_DFU_OPT_ERASE_DATA != 0 */
CY_DFU_LOG_INF("Receive Verify App command");
status = CommandVerifyApp(packet, rspSize, params);
#endif /* CY_DFU_OPT_VERIFY_APP != 0 */
CY_DFU_LOG_INF("Receive Data Write command");
*noResponse = true;
status = CommandSendData(packet, rspSize, params);
CY_DFU_LOG_DBG("Receive Send Data command");
status = CommandSendData(packet, rspSize, params);
#endif /* CY_DFU_NO_CMD_SEND_DATA == 0 */
case CY_DFU_CMD_SYNC: /* If something fails, then the Host sends this command to reset the DFU */
CY_DFU_LOG_INF("Receive Sync command");
params->dataOffset = 0U;
*noResponse = true;
status = CY_DFU_SUCCESS;
CY_DFU_LOG_INF("Receive Set App Metadata command");
status = CommandSetAppMetadata(packet, rspSize, params);
CY_DFU_LOG_INF("Receive Get App Metadata command");
status = CommandGetMetadata(packet, rspSize, params);
CY_DFU_LOG_INF("Receive Set EI Vector command");
status = CommandSetEIVector(packet, rspSize, params);
if((NULL != params->handlerCmd) && (command >= CY_DFU_USER_CMD_START))
status = params->handlerCmd(command, GetPacketData(packet, PACKET_DATA_NO_OFFSET), GetPacketDSize(packet),
rspSize, params, noResponse);
#endif /* CY_DFU_OPT_CUSTOM_CMD != 0 */
CY_DFU_LOG_ERR("Received command unsupported");
status = CommandUnsupported(packet, rspSize, params);
} /* switch (command) */
return (status);
* Function Name: Cy_DFU_Continue
* The function processes Host Commands according to Host Command/Response
* Protocol.
* The function waits for the Host data packet till timeout occurs. If valid
* packet is received, it decodes received command, processes it and transfer
* back a response if needed. See description of Host Command/Response Protocol
* in [AN213924]( DFU SDK User Guide.
* \param state The pointer to a state variable, that is updated by
* the function. See \ref group_dfu_macro_state.
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure.
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t.
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_Continue(uint32_t *state, cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params)
cy_en_dfu_status_t status = CY_DFU_ERROR_UNKNOWN; /* Give a value to a close warning */
uint8_t *packet = params->packetBuffer; /* Receive/Transmit buffer */
uint32_t rspSize = CY_DFU_RSP_SIZE_0;
bool noResponse = false; /* Indicates whether to send a response packet back to the Host */
CY_ASSERT(params->timeout != 0U);
CY_ASSERT(params->dataBuffer != NULL);
CY_ASSERT(params->packetBuffer != NULL);
if ( (*state == CY_DFU_STATE_NONE) || (*state == CY_DFU_STATE_UPDATING) )
status = ReadVerifyPacket(packet, &noResponse, params->timeout);
if (status == CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
uint32_t command = GetPacketCommand(packet);
if (command == CY_DFU_CMD_ENTER)
CY_DFU_LOG_INF("Receive Start command");
status = CommandEnter(packet, &rspSize, state, params);
else if (command == CY_DFU_CMD_EXIT)
CY_DFU_LOG_INF("Receive Exit command");
noResponse = true;
else if (*state != CY_DFU_STATE_UPDATING)
CY_DFU_LOG_INF("Receive Unexpected command in current state");
status = CY_DFU_ERROR_CMD;
status = ContinueHelper(command, packet, &rspSize, params, &noResponse);
if (!noResponse)
(void) WritePacket(status, packet, rspSize);
/* empty */
return (status);
* Function Name: Cy_DFU_RegisterUserCommand
* Registering user commands handler.
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure.
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t.
* \param handler user command handler
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_RegisterUserCommand(cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params, Cy_DFU_CustomCommandHandler handler)
cy_en_dfu_status_t status = CY_DFU_ERROR_BAD_PARAM;
if ((NULL != params) && (NULL != handler))
params->handlerCmd = handler;
status = CY_DFU_SUCCESS;
return status;
* Function Name: Cy_DFU_UnRegisterUserCommand
* Unregisters user commands handling.
* \param params The pointer to a DFU parameters structure.
* See \ref cy_stc_dfu_params_t.
* \return See \ref cy_en_dfu_status_t
cy_en_dfu_status_t Cy_DFU_UnRegisterUserCommand(cy_stc_dfu_params_t *params)
cy_en_dfu_status_t status = CY_DFU_ERROR_BAD_PARAM;
if (NULL != params)
params->handlerCmd = NULL;
status = CY_DFU_SUCCESS;
return status;
#endif /* CY_DFU_OPT_CUSTOM_CMD != 0 */
/* [] END OF FILE */