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* \file cy_em_eeprom.h
* \version 2.20
* \brief
* This file provides the function prototypes and constants for the
* Emulated EEPROM middleware library.
* \copyright
* (c) (2017-2021), Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.
* \mainpage Em_EEPROM Middleware Library
* The Emulated EEPROM (Em_EEPROM) middleware emulates an EEPROM storage in
* PSoC's internal flash memory or in XMC7xxx internal Work flash memory. The
* Em_EEPROM middleware operates on the top of the flash driver included
* in the Peripheral Driver Library (mtb-pdl-cat1 or mtb-pdl-cat2).
* Use the Em_EEPROM to store non-volatile data on a target device when
* increasing flash memory endurance and restoring corrupted data from
* a redundant copy is required.
* <b>Features:</b>
* * EEPROM-Like Non-Volatile Storage
* * Easy to use Read and Write
* * Optional Wear Leveling
* * Optional Redundant Data Storage
* \section section_em_eeprom_general_description General Description
* Include cy_em_eeprom.h to get access to all functions and other declarations
* in this library. See the \ref section_em_eeprom_quick_start to start using
* the Em_EEPROM.
* Refer to the \ref section_em_eeprom_toolchain section for compatibility
* information.
* Refer to the \ref section_em_eeprom_changelog section for differences
* between Em_EEPROM versions. The \ref section_em_eeprom_changelog section
* also describes the impact of the changes to your code.
* Em_EEPROM operates on the top of the flash driver. The flash driver has
* some prerequisites for proper operation.
* Refer to the "Flash (Flash System Routine)" section of the Peripheral Driver
* Library API Reference Manual.
* Also, refer to the \ref section_em_eeprom_miscellaneous section for
* the different Em_EEPROM middleware restrictions and limitations.
* The Em_EEPROM middleware can operate in various modes:
* * with or without wear leveling - depending on whether you want to increase
* the endurance of the flash memory.
* * with or without a redundant copy - depending on how critical for you is
* the ability to recover information.
* * to save flash and work via Em_EEPROM APIs similar to the flash driver APIs.
* But, in this case, recovering your data and monitoring the flash endurance
* is impossible.
* There are several use cases depending on where you store your Em_EEPROM data:
* * in the application flash
* * in the auxiliary flash
* * in the application flash at a fixed address.
* Note: refer to device capabilities for supported storage location for
* EM_EEPROM data.
* The \ref section_em_eeprom_configuration_considerations section provides
* the guidance for all these operation modes and use cases.
* You may also want to migrate from PSoC Creator to ModusToolbox
* or other environment to simply use the Em_EEPROM middleware APIs.
* Refer to the \ref section_em_eeprom_migration section.
* The \ref section_em_eeprom_quick_start section highlights the use case,
* when the Em_EEPROM data is located in the application flash, and the
* Em_EEPROM is configured to increase the flash endurance
* (the wearLevelingFactor parameter is turned on).
* \section section_em_eeprom_xmc7xxx Em_EEPROM storage restrictions
* XMC7xxx based devices support Em_EEPROM Data only in "Work Flash".
* The "Work Flash" provides sectors with 2 sizes namely: Large (2 kbytes) and
* Small (128 bytes). The user should select which type of Work FLash region
* will be used for Em_EEPROM storage. The default assumes use of small sector
* work flash. To use large sector work flash, the user can use EEPROM personality
* or edit application Makefile.
* Using EEPROM Personality:
* The EEPROM personality has checkbox for:
* "Work Flash Sector Selection default Small Sector"
* which is "checked" by default. To use Large sector work flash, uncheck this box.
* Using application Makefile:
* To use large sector work flash add "EEPROM_LARGE_SECTOR_WFLASH" to DEFINES in
* application Makefile as shown below.
* \section section_em_eeprom_quick_start Quick Start Guide
* Em_EEPROM middleware can be used in various Development
* Environments such as ModusToolbox, Mbed OS, etc. Refer to the
* \ref section_em_eeprom_toolchain section.
* The below steps describe the simplest way of enabling the Em_EEPROM
* middleware with placing EEPROM memory into the application flash.
* 1. Open/Create an application where to add the Em_EEPROM function.
* 2. Add the Em_EEPROM middleware to your project.
* This quick start guide assumes that the environment is configured
* to use the Peripheral Driver Library (mtb-pdl-cat1 or mtb-pdl-cat2)
* for development and the Peripheral Driver Library is included in
* the project. If you are using the ModusToolbox development environment
* select the application in the Project Explorer window and navigate to
* the Project/ModusToolbox Library Manager menu. A window appears,
* check the Emulated EEPROM middleware and click the OK button.
* 3. Include Em_EEPROM in the main.c file:
* \snippet em_eeprom/sut_001/main.c snippet_required_includes
* 4. Define the Em_EEPROM configuration as follow:
* \snippet em_eeprom/sut_001/main.c snippet_configuration_data
* \snippet em_eeprom/sut_001/main.c snippet_configuration_simple
* \snippet em_eeprom/sut_001/main.c snippet_configuration_wear
* \snippet em_eeprom/sut_001/main.c snippet_configuration_redundant
* \snippet em_eeprom/sut_001/main.c snippet_configuration_blocking
* Refer to the \ref cy_stc_eeprom_config_t structure for details of
* other configuration options.
* 5. Declare the Em_EEPROM storage variable (further Em_EEPROM Storage)
* in the application flash:
* \snippet em_eeprom/sut_001/main.c snippet_application_storage_placing
* The allocated memory must be initialized by zeros, and aligned to the
* whole row size \ref CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW, otherwise
* the Em_EEPROM middleware behavior will be unexpected.<br>
* Refer to the \ref section_em_eeprom_configuration_considerations section
* for other options of Em_EEPROM flash allocation.
* 6. Allocate memory for the Em_EEPROM context structure:
* \snippet em_eeprom/sut_001/main.c snippet_eeprom_context_declaration
* 7. Allocate memory for the Em_EEPROM configuration structure and
* initialize it:
* \snippet em_eeprom/sut_001/main.c snippet_eeprom_config_declaration
* 8. Initialize the Em_EEPROM middleware once at the start:
* \snippet em_eeprom/sut_001/main.c snippet_eeprom_start
* Init function stores in context, the configuration and current state
* of EEPROM storage. It is used and updated in subsequent API calls.
* 9. Now, the Em_EEPROM middleware is ready to use. Call the Write or Read
* functions to write or read one byte:
* \snippet em_eeprom/sut_001/main.c snippet_eeprom_read_write
* \section section_em_eeprom_configuration_considerations Configuration Considerations
* This section consists of different guides and instruction of how to enable,
* configure, and use the Emulated EEPROM Middleware in a design.
* As you can see from the \ref section_em_eeprom_quick_start section,
* the settings of the Em_EEPROM middleware are controlled with
* the \ref cy_stc_eeprom_config_t structure. Please see its description
* to learn about the parameters and values.
* Now we will describe the most common use cases along with the
* configuration structure examples and code snippets.
* The list of sections under Configuration Considerations:
* * \ref section_em_eeprom_operating_modes
* * \ref section_em_eeprom_mode_wearleveling
* * \ref section_em_eeprom_mode_redundantcopy
* * \ref section_em_eeprom_mode_simple
* * \ref section_em_eeprom_location
* * \ref section_em_eeprom_appsflash_location
* * \ref section_em_eeprom_auxflash_location
* * \ref section_em_eeprom_appsflash_fixed
* * \ref section_em_eeprom_migration
* Also refer to the \ref section_em_eeprom_miscellaneous for the
* existing restrictions.
* \subsection section_em_eeprom_operating_modes Operating Modes
* The settings of the Em_EEPROM middleware are controlled by
* the \ref cy_stc_eeprom_config_t structure. See its description
* to learn about the parameters and values.
* \subsubsection section_em_eeprom_mode_wearleveling Wear Leveling
* Depending on whether you want to increase the flash memory endurance
* or not, enable or disable the wear leveling.
* The higher the value is, the more flash is used, but a higher number of
* erase/write cycles can be done on Em_EEPROM.
* Multiply this number by the datasheet write endurance spec to determine
* the max of write cycles.<br>
* The amount of wear leveling from 1 to 10. 1 means no wear leveling is used.
* To configure the wear leveling just set the WEAR_LEVELING macro value from
* (1u) to (10u) in step #4 in the \ref section_em_eeprom_quick_start section:
* \snippet em_eeprom/sut_001/main.c snippet_configuration_wear
* \subsubsection section_em_eeprom_mode_redundantcopy Redundant Copy
* Depending on how critical for you is recovering information,
* configure the redundant copy feature.
* If enabled (1 - enabled, 0 - disabled), a checksum
* (stored in a row) is calculated on each row of data,
* while a redundant copy of Em_EEPROM is stored in another location.
* When data is read, first the checksum is checked. If that checksum is bad,
* and the redundant copy's checksum is good, the copy is restored.
* To configure the redundant copy just set the REDUNDANT_COPY macro value to
* (1u) or (0u) in step #4 in the \ref section_em_eeprom_quick_start section:
* \snippet em_eeprom/sut_001/main.c snippet_configuration_redundant
* \subsubsection section_em_eeprom_mode_simple Simple Mode
* Simple mode, when enabled (1 - enabled, 0 - disabled), means no
* additional service information is stored by the Em_EEPROM middleware
* like checksums, headers, a number of writes, etc.
* Data is stored directly by the specified address.
* The size of Em_EEPROM storage is equal to the number of
* byte specified in the eepromSize parameter rounded up to a full row
* size \ref CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW. The wear leveling and
* redundant copy features are disabled, i.e. wearLevelingFactor and
* redundantCopy parameters are ignored.
* To configure Simple mode just set the SIMPLE_MODE macro value
* to (1u) or (0u) in step #4 in the \ref section_em_eeprom_quick_start section:
* \snippet em_eeprom/sut_001/main.c snippet_configuration_simple
* \subsection section_em_eeprom_location Em_EEPROM Storage Variable Location and Size
* The user is responsible for allocating space in flash for Em_EEPROM
* (further the Em_EEPROM storage).
* For PSoC 6 the Em_EEPROM storage can be placed:
* * in the application flash
* * in the auxiliary flash.
* Additionally, the storage can be placed at a fixed address in the
* application flash.
* For PSoC 4 the Em_EEPROM storage can be placed:
* * in the application flash
* Additionally, the storage can be placed at a fixed address in the
* application flash.
* For XMC7xxx the Em_EEPROM storage can be placed:
* * in the Work Flash region
* The storage location must be aligned to \ref CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW.
* The storage size depends on other configuration parameters and is calculated
* using the following equation:
* 1. Simple mode is turned on. It means the direct mapping of the user data
* in the Em_EEPROM storage:
* <i>storageSize = eepromSize</i>
* where:<br>
* <i>eepromSize</i> the number of bytes to store in the Em_EEPROM storage
* rounded up to a full row size \ref CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW.
* The row size is specific for a device family. Refer to the specific
* PSoC device datasheet.
* 2. Simple mode is turned off. It means the Em_EEPROM middleware stores
* service information about number of writes, checksums, etc.
* <i>storageSize = eepromSize * 2 * wearLevelingFactor * (1 + redundantCopy)</i>
* where:<br>
* <i>eepromSize</i> the number of bytes to store in the Em_EEPROM storage
* rounded up to the half of a row size (\ref CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW / 2u).
* The row size is specific for a device family. Refer to the specific
* PSoC device datasheet.
* Use the \ref CY_EM_EEPROM_GET_PHYSICAL_SIZE() macro to get the needed
* storage size depending on the configuration.
* \subsubsection section_em_eeprom_appsflash_location Em_EEPROM Location in the application flash
* The below example shows placing the Em_EEPROM storage in the application
* flash for GCC, ARMCC, and IAR compilers:
* \code
* const uint8_t emEepromStorage[STORAGE_SIZE] = {0u};
* \endcode
* where STORAGE_SIZE is the size of the Em_EEPROM storage. Refer to the
* \ref section_em_eeprom_location section for size calculation equations.
* For convenience, use the \ref CY_EM_EEPROM_GET_PHYSICAL_SIZE macro to
* get the needed Em_EEPROM storage size depending on the configuration.
* \subsubsection section_em_eeprom_auxflash_location Em_EEPROM Location in the auxiliary flash
* Writes to rows affect the endurance of other rows in the same sector.
* We recommend using the auxiliary flash for frequently-updated data.
* The below example shows placing the Em_EEPROM storage in the
* auxiliary flash (section .cy_em_eeprom) for GCC, ARMCC, and IAR compilers.
* \code
* CY_SECTION(".cy_em_eeprom")
* const uint8_t emEepromStorage[STORAGE_SIZE] = {0u};
* \endcode
* where STORAGE_SIZE is the size of the storage. Refer to the
* \ref section_em_eeprom_location section for size calculation equations.
* For convenience, use the \ref CY_EM_EEPROM_GET_PHYSICAL_SIZE macro to
* get the needed Em_EEPROM storage size depending on the configuration.
* \subsection section_em_eeprom_appsflash_fixed Em_EEPROM Location in the application flash at a fixed address
* To allocate the Em_EEPROM storage at a fixed address in
* the application flash, modify the linker control file (linker script).
* This requires fundamental knowledge of the linker
* control file, because there is a risk of receiving a linker error while
* building the project if you make some improper modifications.
* This approach demonstrates adding the storage reservation in the application
* flash after the application. You must calculate the application end
* address and select the address of the Em_EEPROM storage so that the
* memory spaces of the storage and the application do not overlap.
* You might also add some offset between the application end address
* and the Em_EEPROM storage start address to ensure
* there is extra space in case the project code grows.
* \subsubsection section_em_eeprom_fixed_address_gcc Em_EEPROM Storage at a Fixed Address for GCC Compiler
* 1. Build the project to generate linker scripts.
* 2. Open the linker script "cy8c6xxa_cm4_dual.ld" for the CM4 core
* and search the following declaration:
* \code
* etext = . ;
* \endcode
* Paste the following code right after the declaration:
* \code
* .my_emulated_eeprom EM_EEPROM_START_ADDRESS :
* {
* KEEP(*(.my_emulated_eeprom))
* } > flash
* \endcode
* where:
* * EEPROM Storage Address is an absolute address in flash where
* the Em_EEPROM operates. You must define the address value.
* Ensure the address is aligned to the size of the device's flash row
* and does not overlap with the memory space used by the application.
* * my_emulated_eeprom is the name of the section
* where the Em_EEPROM storage will be placed. The name can be changed to
* any name you choose.
* 3. Save the changes and close the file.
* 4. Declare the Em_EEPROM storage in the newly created section. To do this,
* declare an array in flash, aligned to the size of the flash row of
* the device you are using. An example of such array declaration
* is the following:
* \code
* CY_SECTION(".my_emulated_eeprom")
* const uint8 emEepromStorage[STORAGE_SIZE];
* \endcode
* 5. After the Em_EEPROM storage is defined, pass the address to
* the middleware:
* \snippet em_eeprom/sut_001/main.c snippet_eeprom_pass_address
* 6. Build the project to verify the correctness of the linker control file
* modifications.
* \subsubsection section_em_eeprom_fixed_address_arm Em_EEPROM Storage at a Fixed Address for ARM Compiler
* 1. Build the project to generate linker scripts.
* 2. Open the linker script "cy8c6xxa_cm4_dual.sct" for the CM4 core
* and search the following declaration:
* \code
* ; Emulated EEPROM Flash area
* \endcode
* Paste the following code right before the declaration:
* \code
* #define EM_EEPROM_START_ADDRESS <EEPROM Storage Address>
* {
* .my_emulated_eeprom+0
* {
* *(.my_emulated_eeprom)
* }
* }
* \endcode
* where:
* * EEPROM Storage Address is an absolute address in flash where
* the Em_EEPROM operates. You must define the address value.
* Ensure the address is aligned to the size of the device's flash row
* and does not overlap with the memory space used by the application.
* * my_emulated_eeprom is the name of the section
* where the Em_EEPROM storage will be placed. The name can be changed to
* any name you choose.
* 3. Save the changes and close the file.
* 4. Declare the Em_EEPROM storage in the newly created section. To do this,
* declare an array in flash, aligned to the size of the flash row of
* the device you are using. An example of such array declaration
* is the following:
* \code
* CY_SECTION(".my_emulated_eeprom")
* const uint8 emEepromStorage[STORAGE_SIZE];
* \endcode
* 5. After the Em_EEPROM storage is defined, pass the address to
* the middleware:
* \snippet em_eeprom/sut_001/main.c snippet_eeprom_pass_address
* 6. Build the project to verify the correctness of the linker control file
* modifications.
* \subsubsection section_em_eeprom_fixed_address_iar Em_EEPROM Storage at a Fixed Address for IAR Compiler
* 1. Build the project to generate linker scripts.
* 2. Open the linker script "cy8c6xxa_cm4_dual.icf" for the CM4 core
* and search the following declaration:
* \code
* ".cy_app_signature" : place at address (__ICFEDIT_region_IROM1_end__ - 0x200) { section .cy_app_signature };
* \endcode
* Paste the following code right after the declaration:
* \code
* define symbol EM_EEPROM_START_ADDRESS = <EEPROM Storage Address>
* ".my_emulated_eeprom" : place at address (EM_EEPROM_START_ADDRESS) { section .my_emulated_eeprom };
* \endcode
* Search again the following declaration:
* \code
* keep { section .cy_m0p_image,
* section .cy_app_signature,
* \endcode
* Paste the following code right after the declaration:
* \code
* section .my_emulated_eeprom,
* \endcode
* where:
* * EEPROM Storage Address is an absolute address in flash where
* the Em_EEPROM operates. You must define the address value.
* Ensure the address is aligned to the size of the device's flash row
* and does not overlap with the memory space used by the application.
* * my_emulated_eeprom is the name of the section
* where the Em_EEPROM storage will be placed. The name can be changed to
* any name you choose.
* 3. Save the changes and close the file.
* 4. Declare the Em_EEPROM storage in the newly created section. To do this,
* declare an array in flash, aligned to the size of the flash row of
* the device you are using. An example of such array declaration
* is the following:
* \code
* CY_SECTION(".my_emulated_eeprom")
* const uint8 emEepromStorage[STORAGE_SIZE];
* \endcode
* 5. After the Em_EEPROM storage is defined, pass the address to
* the middleware:
* \snippet em_eeprom/sut_001/main.c snippet_eeprom_pass_address
* 6. Build the project to verify the correctness of the linker control file
* modifications.
* \subsection section_em_eeprom_miscellaneous Limitations and Restrictions
* * The Em_EEPROM storage location must be initialized with zeros and
* aligned to the flash row size referred to in the specific PSoC device
* datasheet otherwise the Em_EEPROM behavior may be unexpected.
* For convenience, \ref CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW is provided.
* * The Em_EEPROM storage size depends on the configuration. Refer to the
* \ref section_em_eeprom_location section for size calculation equations.
* For convenience, the \ref CY_EM_EEPROM_GET_PHYSICAL_SIZE macro is provided.
* * Do not modify the Em_EEPROM context structure \ref cy_stc_eeprom_context_t
* since it may cause unexpected behavior of the Cy_Em_EEPROM functions
* that rely on this context structure.
* * The Internal memory address map, flash organization, size of rows, etc.
* is specific for each device family. Refer to the specific device datasheet
* for the details.
* * The Read-While-Write (RWW) feature available in PSoC 6 MCU allows you
* to write to flash while executing the code from flash. There are restrictions
* on using this feature for EEPROM emulation. There are also multiple
* constraints for blocking and nonblocking flash operations, relating to
* interrupts, Power mode, IPC usage, etc.
* Refer to the "Flash (Flash System Routine)" section of the CAT1
* Peripheral Driver Library (mtb-pdl-cat1) API Reference Manual.<br>
* * Manage auxiliary flash space for both cores of PSoC 6. For PSoC 6,
* by default, the compiler always assigns both cores with full range
* of auxiliary flash (0x14000000-0x14008000) for EM_EEPROM. Both
* cores operate on the same flash object. A building error would occur
* if there is an out-sync operation on the memory range from any single
* core. If more than one driver and/or middleware occupying the auxiliary
* flash is simultaneously under used, for example, Bluetooth Low Energy
* (BLE) and Em_EEPROM, a building error will occur while generating the
* elf file. The error occurs because there is an auxiliary flash region
* allocated for BLE to store the Bonding list, and this region will only
* be allocated to the core where the BLE host lies. This out-sync between
* the two cores causes the building failure. For details of how to manage
* the auxiliary flash for both cores properly refer to
* the <a href="">
* <b>Manage Flash Space for Both Cores of PSoC 6 - KBA224173</b></a>
* * Writing of multiple rows by single the Cy_Em_EEPROM_Write() function
* may lead to the following behavior:
* The first row is written, then the device is reset due to power down or other
* reasons, then the device is powered up again. This leads to data integrity
* loss: i.e. the first row contains new data while the rest of the rows contain
* old data and Em_EEPROM will not be able to detect the issue since
* the row checksum is valid.
* \subsection section_em_eeprom_migration Migration from PSoC Creator
* This section helps migrate your project from PSoC Creator with the
* Em_EEPROM component to ModusToolbox or other software environment using
* the Em_EEPROM middleware.
* The migration consists of three steps:
* * \ref section_em_eeprom_migration_location
* * \ref section_em_eeprom_migration_configuration
* * \ref section_em_eeprom_migration_function
* \subsubsection section_em_eeprom_migration_location Migration of Em_EEPROM Location
* The PSoC Creator Em_EEPROM component has parameter "Use Emulated EEPROM". It
* defines where the Em_EEPROM storage is located.
* * "Use Emulated EEPROM" = No <br>
* The Em_EEPROM storage is defined by the application program. Then
* move the Em_EEPROM storage declaration from the PSoC Creator project
* into the ModusToolbox project. Refer to \ref section_em_eeprom_location
* to check for other possible options.
* * "Use Emulated EEPROM" = Yes <br>
* The Em_EEPROM component provides Em_EEPROM storage located in the
* auxiliary flash. The Em_EEPROM middleware requires the storage
* to be provided by the application program.
* Therefore, place the below code into your application program.
* \code
* CY_SECTION(".cy_em_eeprom")
* const uint8_t emEepromStorage[STORAGE_SIZE] = {0u};
* \endcode
* where STORAGE_SIZE is the size of the storage that can be seen in
* the Em_EEPROM component customizer as "Actual EEPROM size (bytes)".<br>
* For convenience, use the \ref CY_EM_EEPROM_GET_PHYSICAL_SIZE macro to
* get the needed Em_EEPROM storage size depending on the configuration.
* \subsubsection section_em_eeprom_migration_configuration Migration of Configuration
* Allocate memory for Em_EEPROM context and configuration structures, and
* initialize the configuration structure per the Em_EEPROM component
* configuration:
* \code
* cy_stc_eeprom_context_t eepromContext;
* cy_stc_eeprom_config_t eepromConfig =
* {
* .eepromSize = <EEPROM Size>,
* .simpleMode = 0u,
* .wearLevelingFactor = <Wear Level Factor>,
* .redundantCopy = <Redundant Copy>,
* .blockingWrite = <Use Blocking Write>,
* .userFlashStartAddr = (uint32_t)&(emEepromStorage[0u]),
* };
* \endcode
* where the right side of initialization is the Em_EEPROM Component customizer
* parameters and "emEepromStorage" is the name of the storage.
* \subsubsection section_em_eeprom_migration_function Migration of Function
* Now, after the storage and configuration are defined, change the names of
* the functions used in the PSoC Creator project per the following table:
* <table class="doxtable">
* <tr>
* <th>PSoC Creator Em_EEPROM Component</th>
* <th>ModusToolbox Em_EEPROM Middleware</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>EEPROM_Init(X)</td>
* <td>Cy_Em_EEPROM_Init(&eepromConfig, &eepromContext)</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>EEPROM_Write(X1, X2, X3)</td>
* <td>Cy_Em_EEPROM_Write(X1, X2, X3, &eepromContext)</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>EEPROM_Read(X1, X2, X3)</td>
* <td>Cy_Em_EEPROM_Read(X1, X2, X3, &eepromContext)</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>EEPROM_Erase()</td>
* <td>Cy_Em_EEPROM_Erase(&eepromContext)</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>EEPROM_NumWrites()</td>
* <td>Cy_Em_EEPROM_NumWrites(&eepromContext)</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* <b> Note </b> The above table shows the function names with an assumption
* that the PSoC Creator component name is EEPROM.
* \section section_em_eeprom_toolchain Supported Software and Tools
* This version of the Em_EEPROM Middleware was validated for the compatibility
* with the following software and tools:
* <table class="doxtable">
* <tr>
* <th>Software and Tools</th>
* <th>Version</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>ModusToolbox Software Environment</td>
* <td>3.0</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>CAT1 Peripheral Driver Library (mtb-pdl-cat1)</td>
* <td>3.0.0</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>CAT2 Peripheral Driver Library (mtb-pdl-cat2)</td>
* <td>2.0.0</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>GCC Compiler</td>
* <td>10.3.1</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>IAR Compiler</td>
* <td>8.42.2</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Arm Compiler 6</td>
* <td>6.14</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Mbed OS</td>
* <td>5.13.1</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>FreeRTOS</td>
* <td>10.3.1</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* \section section_em_eeprom_MISRA MISRA-C Compliance
* The Cy_Em_EEPROM library's specific deviations:
* <table class="doxtable">
* <tr>
* <th>MISRA Rule</th>
* <th>Rule Class (Required/Advisory)</th>
* <th>Rule Description</th>
* <th>Description of Deviation(s)</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>5.9</td>
* <td>A</td>
* <td>Static Identifiers should be unique.</td>
* <td>Following naming convention for static functions.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>8.13</td>
* <td>A</td>
* <td>A pointer should point to a const-qualified type whenever possible</td>
* <td>const pointer is used in most cases.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>11.5</td>
* <td>A</td>
* <td>Typecast of void pointer should be avoided.</td>
* <td>The cast is used intentionally for the performance reason.</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* \section section_em_eeprom_changelog Changelog
* <table class="doxtable">
* <tr><th>Version</th><th>Changes</th><th>Reason for Change</th></tr>
* <tr>
* <td rowspan="3">2.20</td>
* <td colspan="2">The Em_EEPROM 2.20 adds support for XMC 7xxx devices.
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Updated major and minor version defines</td>
* <td>Follow naming convention</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Updated documentation</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td rowspan="4">2.10</td>
* <td colspan="2">The Em_EEPROM 2.10 adds support for PSoC 4 devices.
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Updated major and minor version defines</td>
* <td>Follow naming convention</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Updated documentation</td>
* <td>User experience improvement and Logo update</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Fixed MISRA violations</td>
* <td>Improved the middleware robustness</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td rowspan="10">2.00</td>
* <td colspan="2">The Em_EEPROM 2.0 is not backward compatible with
* the previous version. It was significantly rewritten with changing
* the behavior of operation, adding many improvements and fixing
* defects.<br>
* However, the application programming interface (API) contains
* only single change and you can seamlessly migrate to 2.0 version.
* This change is consist in adding the \ref section_em_eeprom_mode_simple.
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Updated major and minor version defines</td>
* <td>Follow naming convention</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Updated documentation</td>
* <td>User experience improvement</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Changed the \ref CY_EM_EEPROM_EEPROM_DATA_LEN macro by
* adding the simpleMode parameter</td>
* <td>Added new mode when wear leveling and redundant copy features
* are disabled</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Fixed MISRA violations</td>
* <td>Improved the middleware robustness</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Fixed the defect of the Cy_Em_EEPROM_Read() function when Emulated
* EEPROM data corruption in some cases caused infinite loop</td>
* <td>Fixed Defect</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Fixed the defect of the Cy_Em_EEPROM_Read() function when the
* function returns incorrect data after restoring data from the
* redundant copy</td>
* <td>Fixed Defect</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Added the mechanism to restore the corrupted redundant copy from the main data copy</td>
* <td>Improved the Em_EEPROM data reliability</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Revised the operation of Cy_Em_EEPROM_Read() and Cy_Em_EEPROM_Init()
* functions by removing the write operation.</td>
* <td>Improved the Em_EEPROM functionality</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Expanded the checksum verification to the entire row.</td>
* <td>Improved the Em_EEPROM data reliability</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>1.10</td>
* <td>Flattened the organization of the driver source code into a single
* source directory and a single include directory </td>
* <td>Simplified the Driver library directory-structure</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>1.0.1</td>
* <td>Added the Em_EEPROM storage allocation note to the
* \ref section_em_eeprom_configuration_considerations</td>
* <td>Documentation update and clarification</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>1.0</td>
* <td>Initial Version</td>
* <td></td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* \section section_em_eeprom_more_information More Information
* For more information, refer to the following documents:
* * <a href="">
* <b>ModusToolbox Software Environment, Quick Start Guide, Documentation,
* and Videos</b>
* </a>
* * <a href="">
* <b>AN219434 Importing PSoC Creator Code into an IDE for a PSoC 6
* Project</b>
* </a>
* * <a href="">
* <b>AN210781 Getting Started with PSoC 6 MCU with Bluetooth Low
* Energy (BLE) Connectivity</b>
* </a>
* * <a href="">
* <b>CAT1 PDL API Reference</b></a>
* * <a href="">
* <b>CAT2 PDL API Reference</b></a>
* * <a href="">
* <b>PSoC 6 Technical Reference Manual</b>
* </a>
* * <a href="">
* <b>PSoC 63 with BLE Datasheet Programmable System-on-Chip datasheet</b>
* </a>
* * <a href="">
* <b>PSoC 4 Product Reference</b>
* </a>
* \note
* The links to the other software component's documentation (middleware and PDL)
* point to GitHub to the latest available version of the software.
* To get documentation of the specified version, download from GitHub and unzip
* the component archive. The documentation is available in
* the <i>docs</i> folder.
* \defgroup group_em_eeprom_macros Macros
* \brief
* This section describes the Emulated EEPROM Macros.
* \defgroup group_em_eeprom_functions Functions
* \brief
* This section describes the Emulated EEPROM Function Prototypes.
* \defgroup group_em_eeprom_data_structures Data Structures
* \brief
* This section describes the data structures defined by the Emulated EEPROM.
* \defgroup group_em_eeprom_enums Enumerated Types
* \brief
* This section describes the enumeration types defined by the Emulated EEPROM.
#if !defined(CY_EM_EEPROM_H)
#define CY_EM_EEPROM_H
#include <stddef.h>
#include "cy_device_headers.h"
#include "cy_syslib.h"
#if (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) /* XMC7xxx */
#include "cycfg.h"
#endif /* (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) XMC7xxx */
#include "cy_flash.h"
/* The C binding of definitions if building with the C++ compiler */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
* API Constants
* \addtogroup group_em_eeprom_macros
* \{
/** Library major version */
/** Library minor version */
/** A prefix for Em_EEPROM function error return-values */
#if (!defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) /* For PSoC 4/6 */
/** Defines the size of a flash row */
#else /* (!defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
#endif /* (!defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
/** Defines the maximum data length that can be stored in one flash row */
#define CY_EM_EEPROM_EEPROM_DATA_LEN(simpleMode) \
(CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW / (2uL - (simpleMode)))
/** The number of flash rows required to create an Em_EEPROM of dataSize */
#define CY_EM_EEPROM_GET_NUM_ROWS_IN_EEPROM(dataSize, simpleMode) \
((((dataSize) - 1uL) / (CY_EM_EEPROM_EEPROM_DATA_LEN(simpleMode))) + 1uL)
/** Defines the size of flash without wear leveling and redundant copy overhead */
#define CY_EM_EEPROM_GET_NUM_DATA(dataSize, simpleMode) \
(CY_EM_EEPROM_GET_NUM_ROWS_IN_EEPROM(dataSize, simpleMode) * \
/** Returns the size of flash allocated for Em_EEPROM including wear leveling and a redundant copy overhead */
#define CY_EM_EEPROM_GET_PHYSICAL_SIZE(dataSize, simpleMode, wearLeveling, redundantCopy) \
(CY_EM_EEPROM_GET_NUM_DATA(dataSize, simpleMode) * \
((((1uL - (simpleMode)) * (wearLeveling)) * ((redundantCopy) + 1uL)) + (simpleMode)))
/** \} group_em_eeprom_macros */
* Data Structure definitions
* \addtogroup group_em_eeprom_data_structures
* \{
/** Em_EEPROM configuration structure */
typedef struct
* The size of data in bytes to store in the Em_EEPROM. The size is rounded
* up to a full Em_EEPROM row size. The row size is specific for a device
* family. Refer to the specific PSoC device datasheet.<br>
* Note this size is often smaller than the total amount of flash used
* for the Em_EEPROM storage. The Em_EEPROM storage size depends on
* the Em_EEPROM configuration and can be bigger because increasing
* flash endurance (wear-leveling) and restoring corrupted data from
* a redundant copy. Refer to the \ref section_em_eeprom_location section
* for size calculation equations. For convenience, use
* the \ref CY_EM_EEPROM_GET_PHYSICAL_SIZE macro to get the needed
* storage size depending on the configuration.
uint32_t eepromSize;
* Simple mode, when enabled (1 - enabled, 0 - disabled), means no
* additional service information is stored by the Em_EEPROM middleware
* like checksums, headers, a number of writes, etc.
* Data is stored directly by the specified address.
* The size of Em_EEPROM storage is equal to the number of
* byte specified in the eepromSize parameter rounded up to a full row
* size \ref CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW. The wear leveling and
* redundant copy features are disabled, i.e. wearLevelingFactor and
* redundantCopy parameters are ignored.
uint32_t simpleMode;
* The higher the factor is, the more flash is used,
* but a higher number of erase/write cycles can be done on Em_EEPROM.
* Multiply this number by the datasheet write endurance spec to determine
* the max of write cycles.<br>
* The amount of wear leveling from 1 to 10. 1 means no wear leveling is used.
uint32_t wearLevelingFactor;
* If enabled (1 - enabled, 0 - disabled), a checksum
* (stored in a row) is calculated on each row of data,
* while a redundant copy of Em_EEPROM is stored in another location.
* When data is read, first the checksum is checked. If that checksum is bad,
* and the redundant copy's checksum is good, the copy is restored.
uint8_t redundantCopy;
* If enabled (1 - enabled, 0 - disabled), the blocking writes
* to flash are used in the design. Otherwise, non-blocking flash writes
* are used. From the user's perspective, the behavior of blocking and
* non-blocking writes are the same - the difference is that the
* non-blocking writes do not block the interrupts.
* \note Non-blocking flash write is only supported by PSoC 6 and not
* PSoC 4, XMC 7xxx device families.
uint8_t blockingWrite;
* The address of the flash storage.
* The storage start address is filled to the Emulated EEPROM
* configuration structure and then the structure is passed
* to the Cy_Em_EEPROM_Init() function.
uint32_t userFlashStartAddr;
} cy_stc_eeprom_config_t;
* The Em_EEPROM context data structure. It is used to store specific
* Em_EEPROM context data.
* Do not modify the context structure since it may cause unexpected behavior
* of the Cy_Em_EEPROM functions that rely on this context structure.
typedef struct
/** The number of flash rows allocated for the Em_EEPROM excluding the number
* of rows allocated for wear-leveling and a redundant copy overhead.
uint32_t numberOfRows;
/** The number of bytes to store in Em_EEPROM. */
uint32_t eepromSize;
/** The amount of wear leveling from 1 to 10. 1 means no wear leveling is used. */
uint32_t wearLevelingFactor;
/** The start address for the Em_EEPROM memory in flash. */
uint32_t userFlashStartAddr;
/** The number of user's data bytes in one row. */
uint32_t byteInRow;
/** No headers configured */
uint32_t simpleMode;
/** The pointer to the last written row. */
uint32_t * ptrLastWrittenRow;
/** If not zero, a redundant copy of the Em_EEPROM is included. */
uint8_t redundantCopy;
/** If not zero, a blocking write to flash is used. Otherwise,
* a non-blocking write is used. This parameter is used only for PSoC 6.
uint8_t blockingWrite;
} cy_stc_eeprom_context_t;
/** \} group_em_eeprom_data_structures */
* Enumerated Types and Parameters
* \addtogroup group_em_eeprom_enums
* \{
* Specifies the return values meaning.
/** The Em_EEPROM return enumeration type. */
typedef enum
/** The operation executed successfully */
/** The function input parameter is invalid */
/** The data in Em_EEPROM is corrupted */
/** The provided configuration is invalid or placing Em_EEPROM in flash failed */
/** Write to Em_EEPROM failed */
/** When redundant copy is enabled and one of the copies has bad CRC and other one valid CRC */
} cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t;
/** \} group_em_eeprom_enums */
* Function Prototypes
* \addtogroup group_em_eeprom_functions
* \{
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t Cy_Em_EEPROM_Init(
const cy_stc_eeprom_config_t * config,
cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context);
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t Cy_Em_EEPROM_Read(
uint32_t addr,
void * eepromData,
uint32_t size,
cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context);
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t Cy_Em_EEPROM_Write(
uint32_t addr,
const void * eepromData,
uint32_t size,
cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context);
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t Cy_Em_EEPROM_Erase(
cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context);
uint32_t Cy_Em_EEPROM_NumWrites(
cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context);
/** \} group_em_eeprom_functions */
* Internal Macro Definitions
/* Device-specific flash constants */
#if (defined(CY_EM_EEPROM_BASE)) /* Only for PSoC 6 */
#endif /* (defined(CY_EM_EEPROM_BASE)) */
#if (!defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) /* Not supported by XMC7xxx */
/* PSoC 6 has EM_EEPROM flash region */
#if (defined(CY_EM_EEPROM_BASE))
/* Checks whether Em_EEPROM is in the flash range. */
#define CY_EM_EEPROM_IS_IN_FLASH_RANGE(startAddr, endAddr) \
((((startAddr) > CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_BASE_ADDR) && ((endAddr) <= CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_END_ADDR)) || \
#else /* (defined(CY_EM_EEPROM_BASE)) */
/* Checks whether Em_EEPROM is in the flash range. */
#define CY_EM_EEPROM_IS_IN_FLASH_RANGE(startAddr, endAddr) \
((((startAddr) > CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_BASE_ADDR) && ((endAddr) <= CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_END_ADDR)))
#endif /* (defined(CY_EM_EEPROM_BASE)) */
#endif /* (!defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
/* Defines the length of data that can be stored in the Em_EEPROM header. */
* Checks whether the Em_EEPROM address locations from startAddr1 to endAddr1
* are crossed with the Em_EEPROM address locations from startAddr2 to endAddr2.
#define CY_EM_EEPROM_IS_ADDRESES_CROSSING(startAddr1, endAddr1 , startAddr2, endAddr2) \
(((startAddr1) > (startAddr2)) ? (((startAddr1) >= (endAddr2)) ? (0u) : (1u) ) : \
(((startAddr2) >= (endAddr1)) ? (0u) : (1u)))
#define CY_EM_EEPROM_IS_ADDRESES_CROSSING(startAddr1, endAddr1 , startAddr2, endAddr2) \
(((startAddr1) > (startAddr2)) ? (((startAddr1) >= (endAddr2)) ? (0u) : (1u) ) : \
(((startAddr2) >= (endAddr1)) ? (0u) : (1u)))
/* Checks whether the given address belongs to the Em_EEPROM address of the row
* specified by rowNum.
#define CY_EM_EEPROM_IS_ADDR_IN_ROW_RANGE(addr, rowNum) \
(((addr) < ((rowNum) * (CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW / 2u))) ? (0u) : \
(((addr) > ((((rowNum) + 1u) * (CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW / 2u)) - 1u)) ? \
(0u) : (1u)))
/* CRC-8 constants */
#define CY_EM_EEPROM_CRC8_POLYNOM ((uint8_t)(0x31u))
#define CY_EM_EEPROM_CRC8_SEED (0xFFu)
#define CY_EM_EEPROM_CRC8_XOR_VAL ((uint8_t) (0x80u))
((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)((uint8_t)((crc) << 1u))) ^ CY_EM_EEPROM_CRC8_POLYNOM)) : ((uint8_t)((crc) << 1u)))
/* Offsets for the 32-bit RAM buffer addressing */
/* The same offsets as above used for direct memory addressing. */
#define CY_EM_EEPROM_U32 (4u)
/* The maximum wear-leveling value. */
/* The maximum allowed flash row Write/Erase operation duration. */
* These defines are obsolete and kept for the backward compatibility only.
* They will be removed in future versions.
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* CY_EM_EEPROM_H */
/* [] END OF FILE */