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419 lines (380 sloc) 18.1 KB
* \file mtb_kvstore.h
* \brief
* Utility library for storing key value pairs in memory.
* \copyright
* Copyright 2018-2022 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "cy_result.h"
#if defined(CY_RTOS_AWARE) || defined(COMPONENT_RTOS_AWARE)
#include "cyabs_rtos.h"
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
* \addtogroup group_kvstore Key Value Storage Library
* \{
* This library provides a convenient way to store information as key-value pairs in non-volatile
* storage.
* \section section_kvstore_getting_started Getting Started
* This section provides steps for getting started with this library by providing examples
* using the [Serial Flash]( (v1.X) and
* [HAL Flash driver](
* (v1.X) libraries. Note that this section assumes that the required libraries are already
* included in the application. For more information on how to include libaries in the
* application please refer to the [ModusToolbox™ User Guide]
* (
* -# Include the kv-store library header in the application.
* \snippet kvstore_snip_serial.c snippet_mtb_kvstore_include
* -# Implement the block device interface. The following snippets can be copied into
* the application. If neither the serial-flash nor HAL flash driver is being used to communicate
* with the
* storage device, the application must provide a custom implementation of the block device
* interface.
* - Example implementation using serial-flash library.
* \snippet kvstore_snip_serial.c snippet_mtb_kvstore_ser_flash_bd
* - Example implementation using hal flash driver.
* \snippet kvstore_snip_flash.c snippet_mtb_kvstore_flash_bd
* -# Initialize the block device.
* - Example initialization for serial-flash library. This example configures
* the serial-flash using the memory configuration from the BSP. Please refer
* to the serial-flash [API Reference Guide]
* (
* for further details.
* \snippet kvstore_snip_serial.c snippet_mtb_kvstore_ser_flash_init
* - Example initialization for hal flash driver. This example initializes
* the working flash if available otherwise it initializes the main flash.
* Please refer to the HAL [API Reference Guide]
* (
* for further details.
* \snippet kvstore_snip_flash.c snippet_mtb_kvstore_flash_init
* -# Initialize the kv-store library.
* - Set the start address and length.
* - If using the serial-flash library, for this example we define the space
* provided to the kv-store library to be the size of 2 sectors.
* \snippet kvstore_snip_serial.c snippet_mtb_kvstore_ser_flash_addr_len
* - If using the hal flash driver, for this example the address space
* provided starts 16 pages from the end of the flash. Note that
* if the device does not have a working flash (i.e. using main flash) care must
* be taken to ensure that the space allocated below is not used by anything
* (for eg. Application image).
* \snippet kvstore_snip_flash.c snippet_mtb_kvstore_flash_addr_len
* - Call \ref mtb_kvstore_init by passing the start address, length and block device.
* \snippet kvstore_snip_serial.c snippet_mtb_kvstore_init
* -# The library should now be ready to perform operations.
* - Write operation.
* \snippet kvstore_snip_serial.c snippet_mtb_kvstore_write
* - Read operation.
* \snippet kvstore_snip_serial.c snippet_mtb_kvstore_read
* - Delete operation.
* \snippet kvstore_snip_serial.c snippet_mtb_kvstore_delete
/** Maximum key size permitted. */
#if (defined(CY_RTOS_AWARE) || defined(COMPONENT_RTOS_AWARE)) && \
/** Timeout in ms for mutex timeout when using an RTOS. */
/** When passed as an argument to \ref mtb_kvstore_ensure_capacity,
* indicates that cleanup tasks should always be performed regardless
* of the amount of space which is currently free, to ensure the maximum
* possible amount of free space is available
/** An invalid parameter value is passed in. */
/** The storage area passed in is not aligned to erase sector boundary. See
* notes in \ref mtb_kvstore_init for more information on constraints.
/** Memory allocation failed. There is not enough space available on the heap. */
/** Invalid data was detected. The record may be corrupted. */
/** Erased data was detected. The record may be corrupted */
/** Item was not found in the storage. */
/** The storage is full. */
/** Buffer provided is too small for value found. */
/** Function prototype for reading data from the block device.
* @param[in] context Context object that is passed into \ref mtb_kvstore_init
* @param[in] addr Address to read the data from the block device. This address
* is passed in as start_addr + offset.
* @param[in] length Length of the data that needs to be read.
* @param[out] buf Buffer to read the data.
* @return Result of the read operation.
typedef cy_rslt_t (* mtb_kvstore_bd_read)(void* context, uint32_t addr, uint32_t length,
uint8_t* buf);
/** Function prototype for writing data to the block device.
* @param[in] context Context object that is passed into \ref mtb_kvstore_init
* @param[in] addr Address to program the data into the block device. This address
* is passed in as start_addr + offset.
* @param[in] length Length of the data that needs to be written
* @param[out] buf Data that needs to be written
* @return Result of the program operation.
typedef cy_rslt_t (* mtb_kvstore_bd_program)(void* context, uint32_t addr, uint32_t length,
const uint8_t* buf);
/** Function prototype for read from the block device.
* @param[in] context Context object that is passed into \ref mtb_kvstore_init
* @param[in] addr Address to read the data from the device. This address
* is passed in as start_addr + offset.
* @param[in] length Length of the data that needs to be erased.
* @return Result of the erase operation.
typedef cy_rslt_t (* mtb_kvstore_bd_erase)(void* context, uint32_t addr, uint32_t length);
/** Function prototype to get the read size of the block device for a specific address.
* @param[in] context Context object that is passed into \ref mtb_kvstore_init
* @param[in] addr Address for which the read size is queried. This address
* is passed in as start_addr + offset.
* @return Read size of the memory device.
typedef uint32_t (* mtb_kvstore_bd_read_size)(void* context, uint32_t addr);
/** Function prototype to get the program size of the block device for a specific address
* @param[in] context Context object that is passed into \ref mtb_kvstore_init
* @param[in] addr Address for which the program size is queried. This address
* is passed in as start_addr + offset.
* @return Program size of the memory device.
typedef uint32_t (* mtb_kvstore_bd_program_size)(void* context, uint32_t addr);
/** Function prototype to get the erase size of the block device for a specific address
* @param[in] context Context object that is passed into \ref mtb_kvstore_init
* @param[in] addr Address for which the erase size is queried. This address is passed in a
* start_addr + offset.
* @return Erase size of the memory device.
typedef uint32_t (* mtb_kvstore_bd_erase_size)(void* context, uint32_t addr);
/** Block device interface */
typedef struct
mtb_kvstore_bd_read read; /**< Function to read from device */
mtb_kvstore_bd_program program; /**< Function to program to device */
mtb_kvstore_bd_erase erase; /**< Function to erase device */
mtb_kvstore_bd_read_size read_size; /**< Function to get read size for an address */
mtb_kvstore_bd_program_size program_size; /**< Function to get program size for an address */
mtb_kvstore_bd_erase_size erase_size; /**< Function to get erase size for an address */
void* context; /**< Context object that can be used in the block
device implementation */
} mtb_kvstore_bd_t;
/** \cond INTERNAL */
/** Ram table entry structure */
typedef struct
uint16_t hash;
uint32_t offset;
} mtb_kvstore_ram_table_entry_t;
/** KV store context */
typedef struct
uint32_t start_addr;
uint32_t length;
const mtb_kvstore_bd_t* bd;
mtb_kvstore_ram_table_entry_t* ram_table;
uint32_t num_entries;
uint32_t max_entries;
uint8_t* transaction_buffer;
size_t transaction_buffer_size;
char key_buffer[MTB_KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE];
uint32_t active_area_addr;
uint32_t gc_area_addr;
uint32_t free_space_offset;
uint16_t active_area_version;
uint32_t consumed_size;
#if defined(CY_RTOS_AWARE) || defined(COMPONENT_RTOS_AWARE)
cy_mutex_t mtb_kvstore_mutex;
} mtb_kvstore_t;
/** \endcond */
/** Initialize a instance kv-store library
* @param[out] obj Pointer to a kv-store object. The caller must allocate the memory
* for this object but the init function will initialize its contents.
* @param[in] start_addr Start address for the memory. All addresses when performing memory
* operations will be offset from this address. See notes for constraints.
* @param[in] length Total space available in bytes. See notes for constraints.
* @param[in] block_device Block device interface for the underlying memory to be used.
* Address space considerations
* \note The start_addr and start_addr + length must be aligned to the erase sector boundary.
* \note An even number of erase sectors must be provided as storage. (2 * N * erase sector size)
* where N is the number of sectors.
* \note The implementation assumes that the value of the storage in the erased state is either 0x00
* or 0xFF.
* \note The space provided to the library provided must have the uniform characteristics (erase,
* program and read size). A space spanning regions with different characteristics in a
* hybrid sector device is not supported and if provided may lead to undefined behavior.
* RTOS considerations
* \note In a RTOS environment the library must be initialized after the RTOS kernel has started.
* @return Result of the initialization operation.
cy_rslt_t mtb_kvstore_init(mtb_kvstore_t* obj, uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t length,
const mtb_kvstore_bd_t* block_device);
/** Store a key value pair
* @param[in] obj Pointer to a kv-store object
* @param[in] key Lookup key for the data.
* @param[in] data Pointer to the start of the data to be stored.
* @param[in] size Total size of the data in bytes.
* @return Result of the write operation.
cy_rslt_t mtb_kvstore_write(mtb_kvstore_t* obj, const char* key, const uint8_t* data,
uint32_t size);
/** Read data associated with a key
* @param[in] obj Pointer to a kv-store object
* @param[in] key Lookup key for the data.
* @param[out] data Pointer to the start of the buffer for the data to be read into.
* @param[in,out] size [in] Total size of the data in bytes. [out] Actual size of the data in
* storage. If a data buffer is provided then the size cannot be NULL or 0.
* \note It is valid to set both `data` and `size` to NULL to check if the key exists in
* the storage.
* @return Result of the read operation.
cy_rslt_t mtb_kvstore_read(mtb_kvstore_t* obj, const char* key, uint8_t* data,
uint32_t* size);
/** Read data associated with a key. If buffer is too small, will partially read and fill buffer.
* No corruption checking is performed.
* @param[in] obj Pointer to a kv-store object
* @param[in] key Lookup key for the data.
* @param[out] data Pointer to the start of the buffer for the data to be read into.
* @param[in,out] size [in] Total size of the data in bytes. [out] Number of bytes read into
* buffer. If a data buffer is provided then the size cannot be NULL
* or 0.
* @param[in] offset_bytes Number of bytes to skip at the start the value read into data
* @return Result of the read operation.
cy_rslt_t mtb_kvstore_read_partial(mtb_kvstore_t* obj, const char* key, uint8_t* data,
uint32_t* size, const uint32_t offset_bytes);
/** Check if a key is stored in memory
* @param[in] obj Pointer to a kv-store object
* @param[in] key Lookup key
* @return Result of the key_exists operation
cy_rslt_t mtb_kvstore_key_exists(mtb_kvstore_t* obj, const char* key);
/** Get the size in bytes of data in memory corresponding to a given key.
* @param[in] obj Pointer to a kv-store object
* @param[in] key Lookup key for the data
* @param[out] size Size of data in bytes
* @return Result of the value size operation
cy_rslt_t mtb_kvstore_value_size(mtb_kvstore_t* obj, const char* key, uint32_t* size);
/** Delete a key value pair
* \note This function will return CY_RSLT_SUCCESS if the key cannot be found in the storage.
* @param[in] obj Pointer to a kv-store object.
* @param[in] key Lookup key to delete key value pair.
* @return Result of the delete operation.
cy_rslt_t mtb_kvstore_delete(mtb_kvstore_t* obj, const char* key);
/** Query the size consumed in the kv-store storage.
* @param[in] obj Pointer to a kv-store object.
* @return Size of storage consumed in bytes.
uint32_t mtb_kvstore_size(mtb_kvstore_t* obj);
/** Query the free space available in the kv-store storage.
* @param[in] obj Pointer to a kv-store object
* @return Size of storage free in bytes.
uint32_t mtb_kvstore_remaining_size(mtb_kvstore_t* obj);
/** Tries to make the specified amount of space available
* for immediate use. If necessary, internal cleanup operations
* will be executed to make additional space available, so this
* is a potentially long-running operation.
* @param[in] obj Pointer to a kv-store object
* @param[in] size Amount of space to ensure is available, in bytes.
* To always perform cleanup operations regardless
* of the amount of space currently free,
* @return Result of the operation. If `size` is not \ref MTB_KVSTORE_ENSURE_MAX
* and it is not possible to make the requested amount of space
* available, returns \ref MTB_KVSTORE_STORAGE_FULL_ERROR.
cy_rslt_t mtb_kvstore_ensure_capacity(mtb_kvstore_t* obj, uint32_t size);
/** Reset kv-store storage.
* This function erases all the data in the storage.
* @param[in] obj Pointer to a kv-store object
* @return Result of the reset operation
cy_rslt_t mtb_kvstore_reset(mtb_kvstore_t* obj);
/** Delete kv-store instance.
* This function frees any program memory allocated by the library.
* @param[in] obj Pointer to a kv-store object
void mtb_kvstore_deinit(mtb_kvstore_t* obj);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
/** \} group_kvstore */