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* \file mtb_lin_ld.c
* \version 1.10
* \brief
* Provides the LIN middleware node configuration and identification API
* implementation.
* (c) (2020-2021), Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This software, including source code, documentation and related materials
* ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation or one of its
* affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to worldwide patent
* protection (United States and foreign), United States copyright laws and
* international treaty provisions. Therefore, you may use this Software only
* as provided in the license agreement accompanying the software package from
* which you obtained this Software ("EULA").
* If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
* non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software source
* code solely for use in connection with Cypress's integrated circuit products.
* Any reproduction, modification, translation, compilation, or representation
* of this Software except as specified above is prohibited without the express
* written permission of Cypress.
* reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
* does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
* Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
* not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
* failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
* significant property damage, injury or death ("High Risk Product"). By
* including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer of such
* system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing so agrees to
* indemnify Cypress against all liability.
#include "mtb_lin_ld.h"
#include "mtb_lin_ifc.h"
#include "mtb_lin_ncs.h"
static l_bool mtb_lin_mrf_accept_nad(const mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context);
static void mtb_lin_mrf_sleep(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context);
static l_u8 mtb_lin_mrf_single_frame(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context);
static void mtb_lin_mrf_single_frame_tl(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context);
static l_u8 mtb_lin_mrf_first_frame(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context);
static l_u8 mtb_lin_mrf_consecutive_frame(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context);
* Function Name: ld_init
* This call will (re)initialize the raw and the cooked layers
* on the interface iii.
* All transport layer buffers will be initialized.
* If there is an ongoing diagnostic frame transporting a cooked or raw message
* on the bus, it will not be aborted.
* This API must be called before using any Transport Layer API functions.
* It must also be called before the slave node can do any Transport Layer
* communication.
* If the API is called in the middle of an ongoing diagnostic frame transporting
* a cooked or raw message on the bus, the function waits until the message
* is completed.
* \param iii
* The name of the interface handle. The parameter is not used within the
* middleware as the interface is defined by the context parameter.
* See \ref l_ifc_handle.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
void ld_init(l_ifc_handle iii, mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_u32 interrupt_state;
if ((context->config->tl_enabled) &&
(context->config->tl_api_format == MTB_LIN_TL_FORMAT_COOKED))
while (0U != (context->tl_flags & MTB_LIN_TL_TX_DIRECTION))
/* Waits until the current message is processed. */
/* Saves the interrupt state and disable interrupts. */
interrupt_state = Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection();
/* Initializes the TX and RX status variables correctly */
context->tl_tx_status = LD_COMPLETED;
context->tl_rx_status = LD_COMPLETED;
context->tl_length_pointer = NULL;
/* Resets the frame counters */
context->tl_rx_message_length = 0U;
context->tl_tx_message_length = 0U;
/* Resets the frame counters */
context->tl_tx_frame_counter = 0U;
context->tl_rx_frame_counter = 0U;
context->tl_rx_data_pointer = NULL;
context->tl_rx_initial_data_pointer = NULL;
/* The previous PCI requires to be unknown after initialization */
context->tl_rx_prev_pci = MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
context->tl_tx_prev_pci = MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
/* Saves the interrupt state and disables the interrupts */
interrupt_state = Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection();
/* Resets the buffers depth to 0 to indicate that the buffers are empty. */
context->tl_raw_tx_buf_depth = 0U;
context->tl_raw_rx_buf_depth = 0U;
/* Raw API buffers initialization */
context->tl_raw_tx_write_index = 0U;
context->tl_raw_tx_read_index = 0U;
context->tl_raw_rx_write_index = 0U;
context->tl_raw_rx_read_index = 0U;
context->tl_tx_status = LD_QUEUE_EMPTY;
context->tl_rx_status = LD_NO_DATA;
/* Sets the initial NAD as the current active NAD before initializing TL */
context->configured_nad = context->config->initial_nad;
context->tl_flags = 0U;
/* Changes the node state to the next state */
context->node_state = MTB_LIN_NODE_STATE_IDLE;
/* Enables the interrupts */
* Function Name: ld_read_by_id_callout
* This function calls out when Master node transmits a "read" by an identifier
* request with the identifier in the user-defined area. Slave node
* application is called from the driver when such a request is received.
* \param iii
* The name of the interface handle. The parameter is not used within the
* middleware as the interface is defined by the context parameter.
* See \ref l_ifc_handle.
* \param id
* The ID parameter is the identifier in the user--defined area (32 to 63),
* from the "read" by an identifier configuration request.
* \param frame_data
* The data pointer points to a data area with 5 bytes. This area
* is used by the application to set up a positive response.
* \param data_length
* The data pointer, which points to a data length in response. The length is 4 LSB
* bits in PCI ([bit0 - bit3]). The RSID byte is added by FW, the user must set
* just the data size.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* \ref group_lin_ld_note_identification_status_macros
l_u8 ld_read_by_id_callout(l_ifc_handle iii, l_u8 id, l_u8* frame_data,
l_u8* data_length, const mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
if (context->read_by_id_callback != NULL)
result = context->read_by_id_callback(iii, id, frame_data, data_length);
return (result);
* Function Name: ld_read_configuration
* This function reads the NAD and PID values from the volatile memory.
* This function reads the current configuration data, and
* saves this data into the non-volatile (flash) memory. The application
* saves the configuration data to the flash when the "Save Configuration" bit
* is set in the LIN status register (returned by
* l_ifc_read_status_LINS).
* The configuration data that is read is a series of bytes. The first byte is
* the current NAD of slave. The next bytes are the current PID values for
* the frames that the Slave responds to. The PID values are in the order in
* which the frames appear in the LDF or NCF file.
* \param iii
* The name of the interface handle. The parameter is not used within the
* middleware as the interface is defined by the context parameter.
* See \ref l_ifc_handle.
* \param pData
* The pointer to data.
* \param length
* The length of the configuration bytes.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* \ref group_lin_ld_note_configuration_status_macros
l_u8 ld_read_configuration(l_ifc_handle iii, l_u8* pData, l_u8* const length,
const mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_u8 result = LD_READ_OK;
if (*length < (context->config->num_of_frames + 1U))
/* Returns with no action when the requested length is smaller
* than the configuration data length.
/* Copy the configured NAD */
pData[0U] = context->configured_nad;
/* Copy the data from the PID array to the data array */
for (l_u8 i = 0U; i < context->config->num_of_frames; i++)
pData[i + 1U] = context->config->frames_context[i].configured_pid;
/* Set the length parameter to the actual length of the configuration data */
*length = context->config->num_of_frames + 1U;
/* Return the status */
return (result);
* Function Name: ld_set_configuration
* This call does not transport anything to the bus.
* The function configures NAD and PIDs accordingly to the
* configuration given by data. The intended usage is to restore the saved
* configuration or set initial configuration (e.g. coded by I/O pins).
* The function is called after calling l_ifc_init.
* The caller must set the size of the data area before calling the function.
* The data contains NAD and PIDs each occupying one byte.
* The data structure is: NAD and all PIDs for the frames.
* The PIDs order is the same as the frame list in LDF,
* Section, and NCF, Section 8.2.5.
* \param iii
* The name of the interface handle. The parameter is not used within the
* middleware as the interface is defined by the context parameter.
* See \ref l_ifc_handle.
* \param pData
* The pointer to data.
* \param length
* The length of the configuration bytes.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* \ref group_lin_ld_note_configuration_status_macros
l_u8 ld_set_configuration(l_ifc_handle iii, const l_u8* const pData, l_u16 length,
mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_u8 result = LD_SET_OK;
if (length != ((l_u16)context->config->num_of_frames + 1U))
/* Returns an error if the length is not correct. */
/* Copies the NAD to the volatile memory */
context->configured_nad = pData[0U];
/* Data read back */
if (context->configured_nad != pData[0U])
/* Indicates a data error if the NAD is not set correctly. */
result = LD_DATA_ERROR;
/* Copies the Frame PIDs to the volatile memory */
for (l_u8 i = 0U; i < context->config->num_of_frames; i++)
context->config->frames_context[i].configured_pid = pData[i + 1U];
/* Data read back */
if (context->config->frames_context[i].configured_pid != pData[i + 1U])
/* Indicates a data error if the NAD is not set correctly. */
result = LD_DATA_ERROR;
/* Returns success code if the copy is completed. */
return (result);
* Function Name: mtb_lin_check_product_id
* Verifies that the received LIN product identification matches.
* \param frame_data[]
* The pointer to the 4 bytes that hold LIN product ID.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* 0 - If the LIN product IDs do not match.
* 1 - If the LIN product IDs match.
l_bool mtb_lin_check_product_id(volatile const l_u8 frame_data[],
const mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_bool i = true;
if ((frame_data[0U] != CY_LO8(context->config->supplier_id)) &&
i = false; /* The data is not for this Slave */
if ((frame_data[1U] != CY_HI8(context->config->supplier_id)) &&
i = false; /* Data is not for this Slave */
if ((frame_data[2U] != CY_LO8(context->config->function_id)) &&
i = false; /* Data is not for this Slave */
if ((frame_data[3U] != CY_HI8(context->config->function_id)) &&
i = false; /* Data is not for this Slave */
return (i);
* Function Name: mtb_lin_transmit_tl_frame
* Transmits the frame of a segmented message.
* \param stimulus
* See \ref mtb_stc_lin_node_state_stimulus_t for details.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
l_u8 mtb_lin_transmit_tl_frame(mtb_stc_lin_node_state_stimulus_t stimulus,
mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
/* Clears CR Timeout after answering SRF. */
context->tl_flags &= ((l_u8) ~MTB_LIN_TL_N_CR_TIMEOUT_ON);
if (0U == (context->status & MTB_LIN_STATUS_SRVC_RSP_RDY))
if ((0U != context->tl_tx_message_length) &&
(0U != (context->tl_flags & MTB_LIN_TL_TX_REQUESTED)))
return (result);
* Function Name: mtb_lin_clear_rx_buffer
* Transmits the frame of a segmented message.
* This function initializes the receive part of Transport Layer variables .
* \param stimulus
* See \ref mtb_stc_lin_node_state_stimulus_t for details.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* None.
void mtb_lin_clear_rx_buffer(mtb_stc_lin_node_state_stimulus_t stimulus,
mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
/* The previous PCI requires to be unknown after the initialization */
context->tl_rx_prev_pci = MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
/* Resets the frame counters. */
context->tl_rx_message_length = 0U;
context->tl_rx_frame_counter = 0U;
if ((context->config->tl_enabled) &&
(context->config->tl_api_format == MTB_LIN_TL_FORMAT_COOKED))
if (context->tl_length_pointer != NULL)
/* Clears the length of the erroneous frame. */
*context->tl_length_pointer = 0U;
/* Sets the error status as a timeout occurs. */
context->tl_rx_status = LD_N_CR_TIMEOUT;
context->tl_rx_status = LD_FAILED;
if ((context->tl_rx_status != LD_FAILED) &&
(context->tl_rx_status != LD_WRONG_SN) &&
(context->tl_rx_status != LD_N_CR_TIMEOUT))
/* Initializes the RX status variable properly. */
context->tl_rx_status = LD_COMPLETED;
context->tl_rx_data_pointer = NULL;
context->tl_rx_initial_data_pointer = NULL;
/* Resets the buffers depth to 0 to indicate the buffers are empty. */
context->tl_raw_rx_buf_depth = 0U;
/* Raw API buffers initialization */
context->tl_raw_rx_write_index = 0U;
context->tl_raw_rx_read_index = 0U;
context->tl_rx_status = LD_NO_DATA;
/* Clears the Service Response ready status bit */
context->status &= ((l_u8) ~MTB_LIN_STATUS_SRVC_RSP_RDY);
context->tl_flags &= (l_u8)(~(MTB_LIN_TL_RX_REQUESTED | MTB_LIN_TL_N_CR_TIMEOUT_ON));
context->tl_timeout_counter = 0U;
* Function Name: mtb_lin_clear_tx_buffer
* Transmits the frame of a segmented message.
* This function initializes the transmit part of the Transport Layer variables.
* \param stimulus
* See \ref mtb_stc_lin_node_state_stimulus_t for details.
* \param context
* Pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
void mtb_lin_clear_tx_buffer(mtb_stc_lin_node_state_stimulus_t stimulus,
mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
/* The previous PCI requires to be unknown after the initialization */
context->tl_tx_prev_pci = MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
if ((context->config->tl_enabled) &&
(context->config->tl_api_format == MTB_LIN_TL_FORMAT_COOKED))
/* Resets the frame counters */
context->tl_tx_message_length = 0U;
/* Resets the frame counters */
context->tl_tx_frame_counter = 0U;
/* Sets the error status as a timeout occurs */
context->tl_tx_status = LD_N_AS_TIMEOUT;
context->tl_tx_status = LD_FAILED;
if ((context->tl_tx_status != LD_FAILED) && (context->tl_tx_status != LD_N_AS_TIMEOUT))
/* Initializes the TX status variable properly. */
context->tl_tx_status = LD_COMPLETED;
context->tl_flags &= (l_u8)(~(MTB_LIN_TL_TX_REQUESTED | MTB_LIN_TL_N_AS_TIMEOUT_ON |
if (0U == (context->status & MTB_LIN_STATUS_RESPONSE_PENDING))
{ /* Regular frame */
/* Resets the frame counters */
context->tl_tx_message_length = 0U;
/* Resets the frame counters */
context->tl_tx_frame_counter = 0U;
/* Resets the buffers depth to 0 to indicate the buffers are empty. */
context->tl_raw_tx_buf_depth = 0U;
/* Raw API buffers initialization */
context->tl_raw_tx_write_index = 0U;
context->tl_raw_tx_read_index = 0U;
context->tl_tx_status = LD_QUEUE_EMPTY;
context->tl_flags &=
else /* Response pending frame */
/* Disables N_AS and N_CR timers, LIN Master controls P2* timeout for the response
frame. */
context->tl_flags &= (l_u8)(~(MTB_LIN_TL_N_AS_TIMEOUT_ON | MTB_LIN_TL_N_CR_TIMEOUT_ON));
/* Clears the Service Response Ready status bit. */
context->status &= ((l_u8) ~MTB_LIN_STATUS_SRVC_RSP_RDY);
context->tl_timeout_counter = 0U;
* Function Name: mtb_lin_mrf_accept_nad
* Checks if MRF frame will be accepted by Slave node.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* Returns "true" if the NAD is valid for Slave node.
static l_bool mtb_lin_mrf_accept_nad(const mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_bool result = false;
l_u8 nad;
nad = context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_NAD_IDX];
if ((context->configured_nad == nad) || (MTB_LIN_NAD_BROADCAST == nad))
result = true;
else if ((MTB_LIN_NAD_FUNCTIONAL == nad) && (context->config->spec == MTB_LIN_SPEC_2_2))
/* The NAD 0x7E is functional node address only for LIN 2.2 */
result = true;
else if ((context->config->initial_nad == nad) &&
(MTB_LIN_NCS_ASSIGN_NAD == context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_SID_IDX]))
result = true;
result = false;
return result;
* Function Name: mtb_lin_mrf_sleep
* The process master request frame for Sleep NAD.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
static void mtb_lin_mrf_sleep(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
/* Enable MRF with ID=0x3E for J2602 */
context->ifc_comm_status |= MTB_LIN_IFC_STS_GO_TO_SLEEP;
* Function Name: mtb_lin_mrf_single_frame_tl
* Processes the transport layer of the MRF single frame.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
static void mtb_lin_mrf_single_frame_tl(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
if ((context->config->tl_enabled) &&
(context->config->tl_api_format == MTB_LIN_TL_FORMAT_COOKED))
/* Gets one frame of a message if there is a message pending. */
if (context->tl_rx_status == LD_IN_PROGRESS)
/* Makes sure the pointer points to the receive buffer beginning. */
context->tl_rx_data_pointer = context->tl_rx_initial_data_pointer;
/* Copies data to the user buffer. */
for (l_u8 i = 0U; i < context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX]; i++)
*context->tl_rx_data_pointer = context->mrf_buffer[i + 2U];
/* Stores the NAD */
*context->tl_nad_pointer = context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_NAD_IDX];
/* Gets the data bytes length. */
*context->tl_length_pointer =
/* Updates the length pointer properly. */
context->tl_rx_message_length = 0U;
/* SF message is received, so sets the proper status */
context->tl_rx_status = LD_COMPLETED;
if (context->tl_raw_rx_buf_depth < (context->config->tl_rx_queue_len / 8U))
/* Fills the RX queue from the MRF buffer. */
for (l_u8 i = 0U; i < MTB_LIN_FRAME_DATA_SIZE_8; i++)
context->config->tl_raw_rx_queue[context->tl_raw_rx_write_index] =
/* The Read index points to the next byte in MRF. */
if (context->tl_raw_rx_write_index == context->config->tl_rx_queue_len)
context->tl_raw_rx_write_index = 0U;
/* The 8 Bytes copied to the MRF - increment buffer depth */
/* Specification does not require status "queue full"
* so unconditionally set the status to the data available
context->tl_rx_status = LD_DATA_AVAILABLE;
context->tl_rx_message_length = 0U;
((MTB_LIN_NCS_ASSIGN_NAD == (c)->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_SID_IDX]) && \
((MTB_LIN_NCS_READ_BY_ID == (c)->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_SID_IDX]) && \
((MTB_LIN_NCS_COND_CHANGE_NAD == (c)->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_SID_IDX]) && \
((MTB_LIN_NCS_SAVE_CONFIG == (c)->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_SID_IDX]) && \
* Function Name: mtb_lin_mrf_single_frame
* Process single frame master request frame.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
static l_u8 mtb_lin_mrf_single_frame(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_bool handle_in_tl = false;
/* SID used for node configuration */
else if (MTB_LIN_NCS_PROCESS_READ_BY_ID(context))
handle_in_tl = true;
if (handle_in_tl)
/* SID used for diagnostics */
if (context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX] <= MTB_LIN_PDU_SF_DATA_LEN)
return result;
* Function Name: mtb_lin_mrf_first_frame
* Process first frame master request frame.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
static l_u8 mtb_lin_mrf_first_frame(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_u8 tmp;
l_u16 size;
size = (l_u16)context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX];
size <<= 8U;
size |= context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_LEN_IDX];
if (size >= MTB_LIN_FRAME_DATA_SIZE_7)
if ((context->config->tl_enabled) &&
(context->config->tl_api_format == MTB_LIN_TL_FORMAT_COOKED))
l_u16 tmpWord;
/* Gets one frame of a message if there is message pending and PCI is valid. */
context->tl_rx_prev_pci = MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
/* Get First Frame Length with the following two operations */
tmp =
(context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX] & ((l_u8) ~MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_TYPE_MASK));
tmpWord =
((l_u16)((l_u16)tmp <<
8U)) | ((l_u16)context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_LEN_IDX]);
if ((context->tl_rx_status == LD_IN_PROGRESS) &&
(context->config->tl_buf_len_max >= tmpWord))
context->tl_rx_message_length = tmpWord;
/* Copy the Length to the current length variable */
*context->tl_length_pointer = context->tl_rx_message_length;
for (l_u8 i = 3U; i < MTB_LIN_FRAME_DATA_SIZE_8; i++)
*context->tl_rx_data_pointer = context->mrf_buffer[i]; /* Get Frame
Data */
/* Updates the length pointer properly. */
context->tl_rx_message_length -= MTB_LIN_FRAME_DATA_SIZE_5;
/* Saves the state of the Frame Counter to monitor future possible errors.
context->tl_rx_frame_counter = 0U;
/* Saves the PCI type */
context->tl_rx_prev_pci = MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_TYPE_FF;
else /* ((context->config->tl_enabled) && (context->config->tl_api_format ==
if (context->tl_raw_rx_buf_depth < (context->config->tl_rx_queue_len / 8U))
/* Copy the Length to the current length variable */
context->tl_rx_message_length =
(l_u16)((((l_u16)context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX]) &
((l_u16)((l_u8) ~
context->tl_rx_message_length |=
/* Fill MRF from the frame buffer */
for (l_u8 i = 0U; i < MTB_LIN_FRAME_DATA_SIZE_8; i++)
context->config->tl_raw_rx_queue[context->tl_raw_rx_write_index] =
/* The "read" index points to the next byte in MRF */
if (context->tl_raw_rx_write_index == context->config->tl_rx_queue_len)
context->tl_raw_rx_write_index = 0U;
/* The 8 Bytes copied to MRF - increment the buffer depth */
/* Specification does not require status "queue full",
* so unconditionally set the status to the data available
context->tl_rx_status = LD_DATA_AVAILABLE;
/* Updates the length pointer properly. */
context->tl_rx_message_length -= MTB_LIN_FRAME_DATA_SIZE_5;
/* Saves the state of the Frame Counter to monitor future possible errors.
context->tl_rx_frame_counter = 0U;
/* Saves the PCI type */
context->tl_rx_prev_pci = MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_TYPE_FF;
return result;
* Function Name: mtb_lin_mrf_consecutive_frame
* Processes a consecutive frame master request frame.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
static l_u8 mtb_lin_mrf_consecutive_frame(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_u8 tmp;
/* Gets one frame of a message if there is a message pending and the PCI is valid. */
if ((context->tl_rx_prev_pci == MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_TYPE_FF) ||
(context->tl_rx_prev_pci == MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_TYPE_CF))
tmp = context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX] & ((l_u8) ~MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_TYPE_MASK);
/* Checks if the frame counter is valid, the counter is always less than 16. */
if (((context->tl_rx_frame_counter + 1U) & 0x0Fu) == tmp)
if ((context->config->tl_enabled) &&
(context->config->tl_api_format == MTB_LIN_TL_FORMAT_COOKED))
/* Checks if a message is requested from the application. */
if (context->tl_rx_status == LD_IN_PROGRESS)
for (l_u8 i = 2U; i < MTB_LIN_FRAME_DATA_SIZE_8; i++)
*context->tl_rx_data_pointer = context->mrf_buffer[i]; /* Get
Data */
/* Saves the current Frame Counter. */
context->tl_rx_frame_counter = context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX] &
/* Saves the PCI type */
context->tl_rx_prev_pci = MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_TYPE_CF;
/* Updates the length pointer properly. */
if (context->tl_rx_message_length > MTB_LIN_FRAME_DATA_SIZE_6)
context->tl_rx_message_length -= MTB_LIN_FRAME_DATA_SIZE_6;
context->tl_rx_message_length = 0U;
if (context->tl_raw_rx_buf_depth < (context->config->tl_rx_queue_len / 8U))
/* Fills the MRF from the frame buffer. */
for (l_u8 i = 0U; i < MTB_LIN_FRAME_DATA_SIZE_8; i++)
context->config->tl_raw_rx_queue[context->tl_raw_rx_write_index] =
/* The Read index points to the next byte in MRF. */
if (context->tl_raw_rx_write_index == context->config->tl_rx_queue_len)
context->tl_raw_rx_write_index = 0U;
/* The 8 Bytes copied to MRF - increment the buffer depth */
/* Specification does not require the status of "queue full"
* so unconditionally set the status to the data available
context->tl_rx_status = LD_DATA_AVAILABLE;
/* Saves the current Frame Counter. */
context->tl_rx_frame_counter = context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX] &
/* Saves the PCI type */
context->tl_rx_prev_pci = MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_TYPE_CF;
/* Updates the length pointer properly. */
if (context->tl_rx_message_length > MTB_LIN_FRAME_DATA_SIZE_6)
context->tl_rx_message_length -= MTB_LIN_FRAME_DATA_SIZE_6;
context->tl_rx_message_length = 0U;
/* Indicates an an error if the frame counter is invalid. */
context->tl_rx_status = LD_WRONG_SN;
return result;
* Function Name: mtb_lin_process_mrf
* Transmits the frame of a segmented message.
* This API is called from ISR. It is responsible for parsing RX frames
* that come from the LIN Master. This API handles Automatic Configuration
* requests and receives both Raw and Cooked API frames.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
l_u8 mtb_lin_process_mrf(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
if (MTB_LIN_NAD_GO_TO_SLEEP == context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_NAD_IDX])
else if (mtb_lin_mrf_accept_nad(context))
l_u8 pci = context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX] & MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_TYPE_MASK;
if (0U == pci)
/* Single Frame is detected */
result = mtb_lin_mrf_single_frame(context);
else if (pci == MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_TYPE_FF)
/* First Frame is detected */
result = mtb_lin_mrf_first_frame(context);
else if (pci == MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_TYPE_CF)
/* Consecutive Frames are detected */
result = mtb_lin_mrf_consecutive_frame(context);
/* Does nothing. SID is invalid. */
if (0U != (context->status & MTB_LIN_STATUS_SRVC_RSP_RDY))
/* Changes the node state to the next state. */
else /* Alien NAD. Indicate an error */
/* Clears the service response ready status bit. */
context->status &= ((l_u8) ~MTB_LIN_STATUS_SRVC_RSP_RDY);
if (context->config->tl_api_format == MTB_LIN_TL_FORMAT_COOKED)
/* Reception failed */
if (0U != (context->tl_flags & MTB_LIN_TL_RX_REQUESTED))
context->tl_rx_status = LD_FAILED;
context->tl_tx_status = LD_FAILED;
context->tl_flags &= ((l_u8) ~MTB_LIN_TL_RX_REQUESTED);
if (MTB_LIN_NAD_FUNCTIONAL != context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_NAD_IDX])
if ((result == MTB_LIN_RESPONSE_REQUIRED) ||
context->tl_flags |= MTB_LIN_TL_N_CR_TIMEOUT_ON;
context->tl_timeout_counter = 0U;
if ((result == MTB_LIN_RESPONSE_REQUIRED) && (0U == context->tl_rx_message_length))
/* Resets the frame counter. */
context->tl_rx_frame_counter = 0U;
/* The previous PCI is required to be unknown at the beginning of a new message. */
context->tl_rx_prev_pci = MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
if (context->config->tl_api_format == MTB_LIN_TL_FORMAT_COOKED)
if (0U != (context->tl_flags & MTB_LIN_TL_RX_REQUESTED))
/* Indicates that a message is received. */
context->tl_rx_status = LD_COMPLETED;
/* Clears the RX requested flag as a message was received. */
context->tl_flags &= ((l_u8) ~MTB_LIN_TL_RX_REQUESTED);
return (result);
* Function Name: ld_send_message
* The call packs the information specified by the data and length into one or
* multiple diagnostic frames. If the call is made in Master node application,
* the frames are transmitted to Slave node with the address NAD. If the
* call is made in a Slave node application, the frames are transmitted to
* Master node with the address NAD. The parameter NAD is not used in Slave
* nodes.
* The value of the SID (or RSID) is the first byte in the data area.
* The length must be in the range from 1 to 4095 bytes. The length also
* includes the SID (or RSID) value, i.e. message length plus one.
* The call is asynchronous, i.e. is not suspended until the message is
* sent, and the buffer cannot be changed by the application as long as calls
* to ld_tx_status returns LD_IN_PROGRESS.
* The data is transmitted in suitable frames (the master request frame for
* master nodes and the Slave response frame for Slave nodes).
* If there is a message in progress, the call returns with no action.
* \param iii
* The name of the interface handle. The parameter is not used within the
* middleware as the interface is defined by the context parameter.
* See \ref l_ifc_handle.
* \param length
* The size of data to be sent in bytes.
* \param nad
* The address of Slave node to which data is sent.
* \param ld_data
* The array of data to be sent. The value of RSID is the first byte in the data area.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
void ld_send_message(l_ifc_handle iii, l_u16 length, l_u8 nad, const l_u8* const ld_data,
mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
if (context->config->tl_api_format == MTB_LIN_TL_FORMAT_COOKED)
volatile l_u32 interrupt_state;
/* NAD is not used in Slave node but the function definition is the same for Master and
Slave */
if (context->tl_tx_status != LD_IN_PROGRESS)
/* Interrupts can be disabled as global variables used by LIN ISR are used below */
interrupt_state = Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection();
context->tl_tx_data_pointer = ld_data;
/* Resets the data count */
context->tl_tx_data_count = 0U;
/* Sets up the length pointer. The length must not be greater than
context->config->tl_buf_len_max */
context->tl_tx_message_length = length;
/* Indicates that there is a message in progress */
context->tl_tx_status = LD_IN_PROGRESS;
/* Indicates that a Cooked API request transmits data */
context->tl_flags |= MTB_LIN_TL_TX_REQUESTED;
/* Restores the interrupt state */
* Function Name: ld_receive_message
* The call prepares the LIN diagnostic module to receive one message and store
* it in the buffer pointed to by data. During the call, the length
* specifies the maximum length allowed. When the reception is completed, the length
* changes to the actual length and NAD to the NAD in the message.
* SID (or RSID) are the first byte in the data area.
* The length are in the range from 1 to 4095 bytes, but never more than the
* value originally set in the call. SID (or RSID) is included in the length.
* The parameter NAD is not used in Slave nodes.
* The call is asynchronous, i.e. it is suspended only after the message is
* received, and the buffer cannot be changed by the application as long as
* a call to ld_rx_status returns LD_IN_PROGRESS. If the call is made after the
* message transmission has started on the bus (i.e. the SF or FF is already
* transmitted), this message is received. Instead, the function
* waits until a next message starts.
* The data is received from the succeeding suitable frames (the master request
* frame for Slave nodes and the Slave response frame for master nodes).
* The application monitors the ld_rx_status and does not call this
* function until the status is LD_COMPLETED. Otherwise, this function may
* return inconsistent data in the parameters.
* \param iii
* The name of the interface handle. The parameter is not used within the
* middleware as the interface is defined by the context parameter.
* See \ref l_ifc_handle.
* \param length
* The size of data to be received in bytes.
* \param nad
* The address of Slave node from which data is received.
* \param ld_data
* The array of data to be received. The value of the SID is the first byte in the data area.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
void ld_receive_message(l_ifc_handle iii, l_u16* const length, l_u8* const nad, l_u8* const ld_data,
mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_u32 interrupt_state;
if (context->tl_rx_status != LD_IN_PROGRESS)
/* Interrupts can be disabled as global variables used by LIN ISR are used below. */
interrupt_state = Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection();
/* Sets the user status bits */
context->tl_rx_status = LD_IN_PROGRESS;
/* Sets up the data pointer */
context->tl_rx_data_pointer = ld_data;
/* Sets up the initial data pointer that always points to the user buffer beginning.
context->tl_rx_initial_data_pointer = ld_data;
/* Sets up a NAD pointer. */
context->tl_nad_pointer = nad;
/* Sets up the length pointer. */
context->tl_length_pointer = length;
context->tl_rx_message_length = *length;
/* Indicates that Cooked API requests receive data */
context->tl_flags |= MTB_LIN_TL_RX_REQUESTED;
/* Restores the interrupt state */
* Function Name: ld_tx_status
* The call returns the status of the last made call to ld_send_message.
* \param iii
* The name of the interface handle. The parameter is not used within the
* middleware as the interface is defined by the context parameter.
* See \ref l_ifc_handle.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* \note Failed status (e.g. \ref LD_FAILED) can be read only once by this
* function. On the next read, the status will be turned to \ref LD_COMPLETED by the
* transport layer re-initialization.
l_u8 ld_tx_status(l_ifc_handle iii, mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_u8 status = context->tl_tx_status;
if (context->tl_tx_status != LD_IN_PROGRESS)
context->tl_tx_status = LD_COMPLETED;
return (status);
* Function Name: ld_rx_status
* The call returns the status of the last made call to ld_receive_message.
* \param iii
* The name of the interface handle. The parameter is not used within the
* middleware as the interface is defined by the context parameter.
* See \ref l_ifc_handle.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* \note Failed status (e.g. \ref LD_WRONG_SN) can be read only once by this
* function. On the next read, the status will be turned to \ref LD_COMPLETED
* by the transport layer re-initialization.
l_u8 ld_rx_status(l_ifc_handle iii, mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_u8 status = context->tl_rx_status;
if (context->tl_rx_status != LD_IN_PROGRESS)
context->tl_rx_status = LD_COMPLETED;
return (status);
* Function Name: ld_put_raw
* This function is used to allow the application code to send data using the
* Transport Layer.
* It essentially copies 8 bytes of data from a user application array to a frame
* buffer array. The data is sent in the next suitable frame (Slave response
* frame).
* The data area will be copied in the call, the pointer will not be memorized.
* This function is used to send one frame of a complete message at a time.
* Therefore, a multiframe message requires multiple calls to this function.
* Always check \ref ld_raw_tx_status() to see if there is a place for
* the frame in the buffer before calling this function. If no more queue
* resources are available, the data may be jettisoned and the appropriate error
* status will be set.
* \note In J2602 compliance mode, the J2602 Status is sent in the first byte of each
* frame when:
* - using 0x3C messages with NADs in the User reserved range of 0x80 - 0xFF
* - using 0x3E messages with any NAD, so only 7 bytes of the data can be sent.
* There is no need to place NAD as first byte of user data.
* \param iii
* The name of the interface handle. The parameter is not used within the
* middleware as the interface is defined by the context parameter.
* See \ref l_ifc_handle.
* \param ld_data
* The array of data to be sent.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
void ld_put_raw(l_ifc_handle iii, const l_u8* const ld_data, mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
if (context->config->tl_api_format == MTB_LIN_TL_FORMAT_RAW)
l_u32 interrupt_state;
interrupt_state = Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection();
/* Copies data only when the buffer is not full */
if (context->tl_raw_tx_buf_depth < (context->config->tl_tx_queue_len / 8U))
/* Copies the 8 bytes of data to Raw TX queue buffer */
for (l_u8 i = 0U; i < MTB_LIN_FRAME_DATA_SIZE_8; i++)
/* Copies one byte of data to SRF buffer */
CY_MISRA_FP_BLOCK_START('MISRA C-2012 Rule 18.4', 1,
'Advisory. Usage of arithmetic on pointer. This approach gives flexibility in data access. Checked manually, no possible issues expected.');
context->config->tl_raw_tx_queue[context->tl_raw_tx_write_index] = *(ld_data + i);
CY_MISRA_BLOCK_END('MISRA C-2012 Rule 18.4');
/* If the buffer end is reached, resets the write index */
if (context->tl_raw_tx_write_index == context->config->tl_tx_queue_len)
context->tl_raw_tx_write_index = 0U;
/* The 8 bytes of data are copied, so increment the buffer depth */
/* Updates the status properly */
if (context->tl_raw_tx_buf_depth == (context->config->tl_tx_queue_len / 8U))
context->tl_tx_status = LD_QUEUE_FULL;
context->tl_tx_status = LD_QUEUE_AVAILABLE;
context->tl_flags |= MTB_LIN_TL_TX_REQUESTED;
* Function Name: ld_get_raw
* This function is used to allow the application code to receive data using the
* Transport Layer. It essentially copies some data from a frame buffer array to
* a user application array.
* This function is used to receive one frame of a complete Transport Layer
* message at a time. Therefore, a multiframe Transport Layer message requires
* multiple calls to this API function.
* If the receive queue is empty, no data will be copied. Always check
* \ref ld_raw_rx_status() to ensure there is data in the queue before calling
* this function.
* \param iii
* The interface handle. See \ref l_ifc_handle.
* \param ld_data
* The array to which the oldest received diagnostic frame data is copied.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
void ld_get_raw(l_ifc_handle iii, l_u8* const ld_data, mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
if (context->config->tl_api_format == MTB_LIN_TL_FORMAT_RAW)
l_u32 interrupt_state;
interrupt_state = Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection();
/* If the queue is empty, does not copy anything. */
if (context->tl_raw_rx_buf_depth != 0U)
/* Copies the 8 bytes of data from Raw RX queue buffer. */
for (l_u8 i = 0U; i < MTB_LIN_FRAME_DATA_SIZE_8; i++)
CY_MISRA_FP_BLOCK_START('MISRA C-2012 Rule 18.4', 1,
'Advisory. Usage of arithmetic on pointer. This approach gives flexibility in data access. Checked manually, no possible issues expected.');
*(ld_data + i) = context->config->tl_raw_rx_queue[context->tl_raw_rx_read_index];
CY_MISRA_BLOCK_END('MISRA C-2012 Rule 18.4');
/* The 8 bytes of data are copied. Decrement the buffer depth */
/* If the buffer end is reached, go to the start */
if (context->tl_raw_rx_read_index == context->config->tl_rx_queue_len)
context->tl_raw_rx_read_index = 0U;
/* Update the status properly */
if (context->tl_raw_rx_buf_depth == 0U)
context->tl_rx_status = LD_NO_DATA;
context->tl_rx_status = LD_DATA_AVAILABLE;
* Function Name: ld_raw_tx_status
* This call returns the status of the last performed frame transmission on the
* bus when a raw API was used.
* \param iii
* The interface handle. See \ref l_ifc_handle.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* \ref group_lin_tl_return_status_macros
l_u8 ld_raw_tx_status(l_ifc_handle iii, const mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
return (context->tl_tx_status);
* Function Name: ld_raw_rx_status
* The call returns the status of the raw frame receive function.
* \param iii
* The name of the interface handle. The parameter is not used within the
* middleware as the interface is defined by the context parameter.
* See \ref l_ifc_handle.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* \ref group_lin_tl_return_status_macros
l_u8 ld_raw_rx_status(l_ifc_handle iii, const mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
return (context->tl_rx_status);
/* [] END OF FILE */