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* \file mtb_lin_sig.c
* \version 1.10
* \brief
* Provides the LIN middleware signal interaction and notification API
* implementation.
* (c) (2020-2021), Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This software, including source code, documentation and related materials
* ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation or one of its
* affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to worldwide patent
* protection (United States and foreign), United States copyright laws and
* international treaty provisions. Therefore, you may use this Software only
* as provided in the license agreement accompanying the software package from
* which you obtained this Software ("EULA").
* If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
* non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software source
* code solely for use in connection with Cypress's integrated circuit products.
* Any reproduction, modification, translation, compilation, or representation
* of this Software except as specified above is prohibited without the express
* written permission of Cypress.
* reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
* does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
* Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
* not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
* failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
* significant property damage, injury or death ("High Risk Product"). By
* including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer of such
* system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing so agrees to
* indemnify Cypress against all liability.
#include "mtb_lin_sig.h"
* Internal API
__STATIC_INLINE void mtb_lin_set_et_flag(l_u16 signal_index, const mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context);
#define IS_FRAME_FLAG_HANDLE(h) (CY_LO16((h)) == 0U)
#define GET_FRAME_INDEX(h) (CY_HI16((h)) - 1U)
#define GET_SIGNAL_INDEX(h) (CY_LO16((h)) - 1U)
/* Take the MRF and SRF is the transport layer is enabled. */
((CY_HI16((h)) <= ((c)->config->num_of_frames + (((c)->config->tl_enabled) ? 2U : 0U))) \
&& (CY_HI16(h) != 0U))
((CY_LO16((h)) <= (c)->config->num_of_signals) && (CY_LO16((h)) != 0U))
#define IS_FLAG_HANDLE_VALID(h, c) \
* Function Name: l_flg_tst
* Returns a C boolean indicating the current state of the flag specified by the name fff.
* i.e. returns zero if the flag is cleared, non-zero otherwise.
* \param fff
* The name of the flag handle.
* See \ref l_flag_handle.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* Returns a C boolean indicating the current state of the flag specified by
* the name fff:
* "false" - if the flag is cleared.
* "true" - if the flag is not cleared.
l_bool l_flg_tst(l_flag_handle fff, const mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_bool result;
result = context->config->frames_context[GET_FRAME_INDEX(fff)].flag;
else /* Flag handle for the signal */
result = context->config->signals_context[GET_SIGNAL_INDEX(fff)].flag;
return result;
* Function Name: l_flg_clr
* Sets the current value of the flag specified by the name fff to zero.
* \param fff
* The name of the flag handle.
* See \ref l_flag_handle.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
void l_flg_clr(l_flag_handle fff, const mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
context->config->frames_context[GET_FRAME_INDEX(fff)].flag = false;
else /* Flag handle for the signal */
context->config->signals_context[GET_SIGNAL_INDEX(fff)].flag = false;
* Function Name: l_bool_rd
* Reads and returns the current value of the signal for one-bit signals.
* If an invalid signal handle is passed into the function, does nothing.
* \param sss
* The signal handle of the signal to read.
* See \ref l_signal_handle.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* Returns the current value of a signal. Returns a non-zero value for an unknown signal.
l_bool l_bool_rd(l_signal_handle sss, const mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_u32 interrupt_state;
l_u8 index;
const volatile l_u8* data;
l_u8 msk;
/* Will be returned if no signal with the specified handle exists */
l_bool result = false;
CY_ASSERT_L2(sss < context->config->num_of_signal_handles);
/* Save the current global interrupt enable and disable it */
interrupt_state = Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection();
for (l_u16 i = 0U; i < context->config->num_of_signals; i++)
mtb_stc_lin_signal_t sig = context->config->signals[i];
if (sig.handle == sss)
l_u8 bit_offset = sig.bit_offset % 8U;
l_u8 byte_offset = sig.bit_offset / 8U;
index = sig.frame_index;
data = &context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset];
msk = (l_u8)(1U << bit_offset);
result = (0U != (*data & msk)) ? true : false;
/* Restore the global interrupt enable state */
return (result);
* Function Name: l_bool_wr
* Sets the current value of the signal for one-bit signals to "v".
* If an invalid signal handle is passed into the function, does nothing
* \param sss
* The signal handle of the signal to write.
* See \ref l_signal_handle.
* \param v
* The value of the signal to be set.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
void l_bool_wr(l_signal_handle sss, l_bool v, const mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_u8 index;
volatile l_u8* data;
l_u8 msk;
l_u32 interrupt_state;
CY_ASSERT_L2(sss < context->config->num_of_signal_handles);
for (l_u16 i = 0U; i < context->config->num_of_signals; i++)
mtb_stc_lin_signal_t sig = context->config->signals[i];
if (sig.handle == sss)
l_u8 bit_offset = sig.bit_offset % 8U;
l_u8 byte_offset = sig.bit_offset / 8U;
index = sig.frame_index;
data = &context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset];
msk = (l_u8)(1U << bit_offset);
interrupt_state = Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection();
if (v)
*data |= msk;
*data &= ~msk;
mtb_lin_set_et_flag(i, context);
* Function Name: l_u8_rd
* Reads and returns the current value of the signal for 2-8-bit size signals.
* If an invalid signal handle is passed into the function, does nothing.
* \param sss
* The signal handle of the signal to read.
* See \ref l_signal_handle.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* Returns current value of the signal.
l_u8 l_u8_rd(l_signal_handle sss, const mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_u8 index;
l_u8 byte_offset;
l_u8 bit_offset;
l_u8 size;
l_u8 mask;
const volatile l_u8* data_0;
const volatile l_u8* data_1;
l_u32 interrupt_state;
/* Will be returned if no signal with the specified handle exists */
l_u8 result = 0U;
CY_ASSERT_L2(sss < context->config->num_of_signal_handles);
for (l_u16 i = 0U; i < context->config->num_of_signals; i++)
mtb_stc_lin_signal_t sig = context->config->signals[i];
if (sig.handle == sss)
index = sig.frame_index;
size = sig.size;
byte_offset = sig.bit_offset / 8U;
bit_offset = sig.bit_offset % 8U;
interrupt_state = Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection();
if ((size == 8U) && (bit_offset == 0U))
result = context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset];
else if (bit_offset == 0U)
mask = 0xFFU >> (8U - size);
result = context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset] & mask;
else if ((bit_offset + size) <= 8U)
mask = (l_u8)((0xFFU >> (8U - size - bit_offset)) << (8U - size)) >>
(8U - size - bit_offset);
result = (context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset] & mask) >> bit_offset;
mask = 0xFFU >> (8U - size);
data_0 = &context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset];
data_1 = &context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset + 1U];
result = *data_1 << (8U - bit_offset);
result |= (*data_0 >> bit_offset);
result &= mask;
return result;
* Function Name: l_u8_wr
* Sets the current value of the signal for 2-8-bit size signals to v.
* \param sss
* The signal handle of the signal to write.
* See \ref l_signal_handle.
* \param v
* The value of the signal to be set.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
void l_u8_wr(l_signal_handle sss, l_u8 v, const mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_u8 index;
l_u8 byte_offset;
l_u8 bit_offset;
l_u8 size;
l_u8 mask_0;
l_u8 mask_1;
volatile l_u8* data_0;
volatile l_u8* data_1;
l_u32 interrupt_state;
CY_ASSERT_L2(sss < context->config->num_of_signal_handles);
for (l_u16 i = 0U; i < context->config->num_of_signals; i++)
mtb_stc_lin_signal_t sig = context->config->signals[i];
if (sig.handle == sss)
index = sig.frame_index;
size = sig.size;
byte_offset = sig.bit_offset / 8U;
bit_offset = sig.bit_offset % 8U;
interrupt_state = Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection();
if ((size == 8U) && (bit_offset == 0U))
context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset] = v;
else if (bit_offset == 0U)
mask_0 = 0xFFU >> (8U - size);
context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset] &= (l_u8) ~mask_0;
context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset] |= (v & mask_0);
else if ((bit_offset + size) <= 8U)
mask_0 = (l_u8)((0xFFU >> (8U - size - bit_offset)) << (8U - size)) >>
(8U - size - bit_offset);
context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset] &= (l_u8) ~mask_0;
context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset] |= ((v << bit_offset) & mask_0);
mask_0 = 0xFFU << bit_offset;
mask_1 = 0xFFU >> (16U - bit_offset - size);
data_0 = &context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset];
data_1 = &context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset + 1U];
/* Write the LSB part of the value: clear LSB and OR with the left-shifted and
* masked value.
*data_0 = (*data_0 & ((l_u8) ~mask_0)) | (((l_u8)(v << bit_offset)) & mask_0);
/* Write MSB part of value: clear MSB and OR with right shifted and masked value */
*data_1 = (*data_1 & ((l_u8) ~mask_1)) |
(((l_u8)(v >> (8u - bit_offset))) & mask_1);
mtb_lin_set_et_flag(i, context);
* Function Name: l_u16_rd
* Reads and returns the current value of the signal for 9-16-bit size signals.
* If an invalid signal handle is passed into the function, does nothing.
* \param sss
* The signal handle of the signal to read.
* See \ref l_signal_handle.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* Returns the current value of the signal.
l_u16 l_u16_rd(l_signal_handle sss, const mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_u8 index;
l_u8 byte_offset;
l_u8 bit_offset;
l_u8 size;
l_u8 mask_0;
l_u8 data_0;
l_u8 data_1;
l_u32 interrupt_state;
/* Will be returned if no signal with the specified handle exists */
l_u16 result = 0U;
CY_ASSERT_L2(sss < context->config->num_of_signal_handles);
for (l_u16 i = 0U; i < context->config->num_of_signals; i++)
mtb_stc_lin_signal_t sig = context->config->signals[i];
if (sig.handle == sss)
index = sig.frame_index;
size = sig.size;
byte_offset = sig.bit_offset / 8U;
bit_offset = sig.bit_offset % 8U;
interrupt_state = Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection();
data_0 = context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset];
data_1 = context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset + 1U];
if ((size == 16U) && (bit_offset == 0U))
result = UNITE_2xU8_TO_U16(data_1, data_0);
else if (bit_offset == 0U)
mask_0 = 0xFFU >> (16U - size);
data_1 &= mask_0;
result = UNITE_2xU8_TO_U16(data_1, data_0);
else if ((bit_offset + size) <= 16U)
mask_0 = 0xFFU >> (16U - size);
result = (UNITE_2xU8_TO_U16(data_1, data_0) >> bit_offset) &
((l_u16)((l_u16)mask_0 << 8u) | 0x00FFu);
l_u8 data_2;
l_u16 tmp_1;
l_u8 tmp_2;
l_u8 shift_0 = 24U - bit_offset - size;
l_u8 shift_1 = bit_offset - (8U - shift_0);
mask_0 = 0xFFU >> (16U - size);
data_2 = context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset + 2U];
/* Swap MSB and ISB. Shift it to the left. */
tmp_1 = UNITE_2xU8_TO_U16(data_2, data_1) << shift_0;
/* Mask LO8(tmp1) and OR with shifted to the right LSB */
tmp_2 = ((CY_LO8(tmp_1)) & ((l_u8) ~mask_0)) | (data_0 >> (8u - shift_0));
result =
UNITE_2xU8_TO_U16(CY_HI8(tmp_1), tmp_2) >> shift_1;
return result;
* Function Name: l_u16_wr
* Writes the value v to the signal.
* If an invalid signal handle is passed into the function, does nothing.
* \param sss
* The signal handle of the signal to write.
* See \ref l_signal_handle.
* \param v
* The value of the signal to be set.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
void l_u16_wr(l_signal_handle sss, l_u16 v, const mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_u8 index;
l_u8 byte_offset;
l_u8 bit_offset;
l_u8 size;
l_u8 mask_0;
l_u8 mask_1;
volatile l_u8* data_0;
volatile l_u8* data_1;
l_u32 interrupt_state;
CY_ASSERT_L2(sss < context->config->num_of_signal_handles);
for (l_u16 i = 0U; i < context->config->num_of_signals; i++)
mtb_stc_lin_signal_t sig = context->config->signals[i];
if (sig.handle == sss)
index = sig.frame_index;
size = sig.size;
byte_offset = sig.bit_offset / 8U;
bit_offset = sig.bit_offset % 8U;
interrupt_state = Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection();
data_0 = &context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset];
data_1 = &context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset + 1U];
if ((size == 16U) && (bit_offset == 0U))
*data_0 = CY_LO8(v);
*data_1 = CY_HI8(v);
else if (bit_offset == 0U)
mask_0 = 0xFFU >> (16U - size);
/* Write LSB */
*data_0 = CY_LO8(v);
/* Clear the bits to be set */
*data_1 &= ((l_u8) ~mask_0);
/* OR masked value */
*data_1 |= (CY_HI8(v) & mask_0);
else if ((bit_offset + size) <= 16U)
mask_0 = 0xFFU << bit_offset;
mask_1 = 0xFFU >> (16U - bit_offset - size);
/* Clear MSB with a mask */
*data_1 &= ((l_u8) ~mask_1);
/* Write MSB */
*data_1 |= (l_u8)(CY_LO8((l_u16)(v >> (8U - bit_offset))) & mask_1);
/* Clear LSB with a mask */
*data_0 &= ((l_u8) ~mask_0);
/* Write a new LSB value */
*data_0 |= CY_HI8((l_u16)(v << (8U + bit_offset)));
volatile l_u8* data_2;
data_2 = &context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset + 2U];
mask_0 = 0xFFU << bit_offset;
mask_1 = 0xFFU >> (24U - bit_offset - size);
*data_0 &= ((l_u8) ~mask_0);
*data_0 |= CY_LO8((l_u16)(v << bit_offset));
*data_1 = CY_HI8((l_u16)(v << bit_offset));
*data_2 &= ((l_u8) ~mask_1);
*data_2 |=
(l_u8)(CY_HI8((l_u16)(((l_u16)(CY_HI8(v))) <<
bit_offset)) & mask_1);
mtb_lin_set_et_flag(i, context);
* Function Name: l_bytes_rd
* Reads and returns the current values of the selected bytes in the signal.
* The sum of the "start" and "count" parameters must never be greater than the
* length of the byte array. Note that when the sum of "start" and "count" is
* greater than the length of the signal byte array then an accidental data is
* read.
* If an invalid signal handle is passed into the function, no action is done.
* Assume that a byte array is 8 bytes long, numbered 0 to 7. Reading bytes from
* 2 to 6 from user selected array requires start to be 2 (skipping byte 0 and 1)
* and count to be 5. In this case byte 2 is written to user_selected_array[0]
* and all consecutive bytes are written into user_selected_array in ascending
* order.
* \param sss
* The signal handle of the signal to read.
* See \ref l_signal_handle.
* \param start_byte
* The first byte to read from.
* \param count
* The number of bytes to read.
* \param pData
* The pointer to the array, in which the data read from the signal is stored.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
void l_bytes_rd(l_signal_handle sss, l_u8 start_byte, l_u8 count, l_u8* pData,
const mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_u8 index;
l_u32 interrupt_state;
CY_ASSERT_L2(sss < context->config->num_of_signal_handles);
for (l_u16 i = 0U; i < context->config->num_of_signals; i++)
mtb_stc_lin_signal_t sig = context->config->signals[i];
if (sig.handle == sss)
l_u8 byte_offset = sig.bit_offset / 8U;
CY_ASSERT_L2((count * 8U) <= sig.size);
index = sig.frame_index;
interrupt_state = Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection();
for (l_u8 j = 0U; j < count; j++)
pData[j] =
context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset + start_byte + j];
* Function Name: l_bytes_wr
* Writes the current value of the selected bytes to the signal specified by the
* name "sss". The sum of "start" and "count" must never be greater than
* the length of the byte array, although the device driver may choose not to
* enforce this in runtime. Note that when the sum of "start" and "count" is
* greater than the length of the signal byte array then an accidental memory
* area is to be affected.
* If an invalid signal handle is passed into the function, no action is done.
* Assume that a byte array signal is 8 bytes long, numbered 0 to 7. Writing
* byte 3 and 4 of this array requires "start" to be 3 (skipping byte 0, 1 and
* 2) and "count" to be 2. In this case byte 3 of the byte array signal is
* written from user_selected_array[0] and byte 4 is written from
* user_selected_array[1].
* \param sss
* The signal handle of the signal to write.
* See \ref l_signal_handle.
* \param start_byte
* The first byte to write to.
* \param count
* The number of bytes to write.
* \param pData
* The pointer to the array, in which the data to transmit to LIN master is located.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
void l_bytes_wr(l_signal_handle sss, l_u8 start_byte, l_u8 count, const l_u8* const pData,
const mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_u16 index;
l_u32 interrupt_state;
CY_ASSERT_L2(sss < context->config->num_of_signal_handles);
for (l_u16 i = 0U; i < context->config->num_of_signals; i++)
mtb_stc_lin_signal_t sig = context->config->signals[i];
if (sig.handle == sss)
l_u8 byte_offset = sig.bit_offset / 8U;
CY_ASSERT_L2((count * 8U) <= sig.size);
index = sig.frame_index;
interrupt_state = Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection();
for (l_u8 j = 0U; j < count; j++)
context->config->frames[index].data[byte_offset + start_byte + j] = pData[j];
mtb_lin_set_et_flag(i, context);
* Function Name: mtb_lin_set_et_flag
* Sets the flag for the event-triggered frame that is associated with the
* unconditional frame where the specified signal is placed.
* \param signal_index
* The signal index.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t
* allocated by the user. This structure is used during LIN Slave operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
__STATIC_INLINE void mtb_lin_set_et_flag(l_u16 signal_index, const mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
volatile mtb_stc_lin_frame_context_t* frame =
if (NULL != frame)
(*frame).et_flag = true;
/* [] END OF FILE */