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#include <stdlib.h>
#include "py/runtime.h"
#include "py/mphal.h"
#include "machine_pin_phy.h"
#define i2s_assert_raise_val(msg, ret) if (ret != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS) { \
mp_raise_msg_varg(&mp_type_ValueError, MP_ERROR_TEXT(msg), ret); \
#define AUDIO_SYS_CLOCK_98_304_000_HZ 98000000u /* (Ideally 98.304 MHz) For sample rates: 8KHz / 16 KHz / 32 KHz / 48 KHz in Hz */
#define AUDIO_SYS_CLOCK_90_300_000_HZ 90000000u /* (Ideally 90.3168 MHz) For sample rates: 22.05 KHz / 44.1 KHz */
cyhal_clock_t audio_clock;
// DMA ping-pong buffer size was empirically determined. It is a tradeoff between:
// 1. memory use (smaller buffer size desirable to reduce memory footprint)
// 2. interrupt frequency (larger buffer size desirable to reduce interrupt frequency)
#define SIZEOF_DMA_BUFFER (256)
#define SIZEOF_DMA_BUFFER_IN_BYTES (256 * sizeof(uint32_t))
// TODO: For non-blocking mode, to avoid underflow/overflow, sample data is written/read to/from the ring buffer at a rate faster
// than the DMA transfer rate
typedef enum {
} i2s_mode_t;
#define MICROPY_HW_MAX_I2S 2 // TODO: Move to per board.
typedef struct _machine_i2s_obj_t {
mp_obj_base_t base;
uint8_t i2s_id; // Private variable in this port case. ID not associated to any port pin i2s group.
cyhal_i2s_t i2s_obj;
// HAL pin obj are kept for compatibility
// with extmod/machine_i2s print function
// Potential refactor together with pin_phy,
// mp_hal_pin functions resource acquisition
// and release.
mp_hal_pin_obj_t sck;
mp_hal_pin_obj_t ws;
mp_hal_pin_obj_t sd;
// ---------------------------------------
machine_pin_phy_obj_t *sck_phy;
machine_pin_phy_obj_t *ws_phy;
machine_pin_phy_obj_t *sd_phy;
uint16_t mode;
int8_t bits;
uint8_t channel_resolution_bits;
format_t format;
int32_t rate;
int32_t ibuf;
mp_obj_t callback_for_non_blocking;
io_mode_t io_mode;
uint32_t dma_buffer[SIZEOF_DMA_BUFFER];
uint32_t *dma_active_buf_p;
uint32_t *dma_idle_buf_p;
ring_buf_t ring_buffer;
uint8_t *ring_buffer_storage;
non_blocking_descriptor_t non_blocking_descriptor;
} machine_i2s_obj_t;
static const int8_t i2s_frame_map[NUM_I2S_USER_FORMATS][I2S_RX_FRAME_SIZE_IN_BYTES] = {
{ 0, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 }, // Mono, 16-bits
{ 0, 1, 2, 3, -1, -1, -1, -1 }, // Mono, 32-bits
{ 0, 1, -1, -1, 2, 3, -1, -1 }, // Stereo, 16-bits
{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }, // Stereo, 32-bits
static int8_t get_frame_mapping_index(int8_t bits, format_t format) {
if (format == MONO) {
if (bits == 16) {
return 0;
} else { // 32 bits
return 1;
} else { // STEREO
if (bits == 16) {
return 2;
} else { // 32 bits
return 3;
void i2s_audio_clock_init(uint32_t audio_clock_freq_hz) {
cyhal_clock_t clock_pll;
cy_rslt_t result;
static bool clock_set = false;
result = cyhal_clock_reserve(&clock_pll, &CYHAL_CLOCK_PLL[0]);
i2s_assert_raise_val("PLL clock reserve failed with error code: %lx", result);
uint32_t pll_source_clock_freq_hz = cyhal_clock_get_frequency(&clock_pll);
if (audio_clock_freq_hz != pll_source_clock_freq_hz) {
mp_printf(&mp_plat_print, "warning: PLL0 freq is changed from %lu to %lu. This will affect all resources clock freq sourced by PLL0.\n", pll_source_clock_freq_hz, audio_clock_freq_hz);
clock_set = false;
pll_source_clock_freq_hz = audio_clock_freq_hz;
if (!clock_set) {
result = cyhal_clock_set_frequency(&clock_pll, pll_source_clock_freq_hz, NULL);
i2s_assert_raise_val("Set PLL clock frequency failed with error code: %lx", result);
if (!cyhal_clock_is_enabled(&clock_pll)) {
result = cyhal_clock_set_enabled(&clock_pll, true, true);
i2s_assert_raise_val("PLL clock enable failed with error code: %lx", result);
result = cyhal_clock_reserve(&audio_clock, &CYHAL_CLOCK_HF[1]);
i2s_assert_raise_val("HF1 clock reserve failed with error code: %lx", result);
result = cyhal_clock_set_source(&audio_clock, &clock_pll);
i2s_assert_raise_val("HF1 clock sourcing failed with error code: %lx", result);
result = cyhal_clock_set_divider(&audio_clock, 2);
i2s_assert_raise_val("HF1 clock set divider failed with error code: %lx", result);
if (!cyhal_clock_is_enabled(&audio_clock)) {
result = cyhal_clock_set_enabled(&audio_clock, true, true);
i2s_assert_raise_val("HF1 clock enable failed with error code: %lx", result);
clock_set = true;
static inline bool i2s_dma_is_tx_complete(cyhal_i2s_event_t event) {
return 0u != (event & CYHAL_I2S_ASYNC_TX_COMPLETE);
static inline bool i2s_dma_is_rx_complete(cyhal_i2s_event_t event) {
return 0u != (event & CYHAL_I2S_ASYNC_RX_COMPLETE);
uint8_t get_word_byte_size(machine_i2s_obj_t *self) {
uint8_t res_bits = self->channel_resolution_bits;
if (res_bits <= 8) {
return 1;
} else if (res_bits > 8 && res_bits <= 16) {
return 2;
} else {
return 4;
static inline void i2s_dma_rx(machine_i2s_obj_t *self) {
uint16_t dma_half_buff_word_size = SIZEOF_HALF_DMA_BUFFER_IN_BYTES / get_word_byte_size(self);
cy_rslt_t result = cyhal_i2s_read_async(&self->i2s_obj, self->dma_active_buf_p, dma_half_buff_word_size);
i2s_assert_raise_val("I2S DMA read failed with return code %lx !", result);
static inline void i2s_dma_tx(machine_i2s_obj_t *self) {
uint16_t dma_half_buff_word_size = SIZEOF_HALF_DMA_BUFFER_IN_BYTES / get_word_byte_size(self);
cy_rslt_t result = cyhal_i2s_write_async(&self->i2s_obj, self->dma_active_buf_p, dma_half_buff_word_size);
i2s_assert_raise_val("I2S DMA write configure failed with return code %lx !", result);
static void i2s_dma_from_dmabuf_to_ringbuf(machine_i2s_obj_t *self) {
uint8_t dma_sample_size_in_bytes = (self->bits == 16? 2 : 4) * (self->format == STEREO ? 2: 1);
uint8_t *dma_buff_p = (uint8_t *)self->dma_idle_buf_p;
uint32_t num_bytes_needed_from_ringbuf = SIZEOF_HALF_DMA_BUFFER_IN_BYTES * (I2S_RX_FRAME_SIZE_IN_BYTES / dma_sample_size_in_bytes);
// when space exists, copy samples into ring buffer
if (ringbuf_available_space(&self->ring_buffer) >= num_bytes_needed_from_ringbuf) {
uint8_t f_index = get_frame_mapping_index(self->bits, self->format);
uint32_t i = 0;
for (uint8_t j = 0; j < I2S_RX_FRAME_SIZE_IN_BYTES; j++) {
int8_t r_to_a_mapping = i2s_frame_map[f_index][j];
if (r_to_a_mapping != -1) {
ringbuf_push(&self->ring_buffer, dma_buff_p[i]);
} else { // r_a_mapping == -1
ringbuf_push(&self->ring_buffer, -1);
static void i2s_dma_from_ringbuf_to_dmabuf(machine_i2s_obj_t *self) {
uint8_t *dma_buffer_p = (uint8_t *)self->dma_idle_buf_p;
memset(dma_buffer_p, 0, SIZEOF_HALF_DMA_BUFFER_IN_BYTES);
if (ringbuf_available_data(&self->ring_buffer) >= SIZEOF_HALF_DMA_BUFFER_IN_BYTES) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SIZEOF_HALF_DMA_BUFFER_IN_BYTES; i++) {
ringbuf_pop(&self->ring_buffer, &dma_buffer_p[i]);
static inline void i2s_dma_swap_active_dmabuf(machine_i2s_obj_t *self) {
uint32_t *temp = self->dma_active_buf_p;
self->dma_active_buf_p = self->dma_idle_buf_p;
self->dma_idle_buf_p = temp;
static void i2s_dma_tx_event_process(machine_i2s_obj_t *self, cyhal_i2s_event_t event) {
if (i2s_dma_is_tx_complete(event)) {
if ((self->io_mode == NON_BLOCKING) && (self->non_blocking_descriptor.copy_in_progress)) {
static void i2s_dma_rx_event_process(machine_i2s_obj_t *self, cyhal_i2s_event_t event) {
if (i2s_dma_is_rx_complete(event)) {
if ((self->io_mode == NON_BLOCKING) && (self->non_blocking_descriptor.copy_in_progress)) {
static void i2s_dma_irq_handler(void *arg, cyhal_i2s_event_t event) {
machine_i2s_obj_t *self = (machine_i2s_obj_t *)arg;
void (*i2s_dma_event_process_func)(machine_i2s_obj_t *, cyhal_i2s_event_t);
if (self->mode == TX) {
i2s_dma_event_process_func = i2s_dma_tx_event_process;
} else if (self->mode == RX) {
i2s_dma_event_process_func = i2s_dma_rx_event_process;
i2s_dma_event_process_func(self, event);
static void i2s_init(machine_i2s_obj_t *self, cyhal_clock_t *clock) {
cyhal_i2s_pins_t pins = { .sck = self->sck_phy->addr, .ws = self->ws_phy->addr, .data = self->sd_phy->addr, .mclk = NC };
cyhal_i2s_config_t config =
.is_tx_slave = true,
.is_rx_slave = false,
.mclk_hz = 0,
.channel_length = self->bits,
.word_length = self->channel_resolution_bits,
.sample_rate_hz = self->rate
cyhal_i2s_pins_t *tx_pins, *rx_pins;
if (self->mode == TX) {
tx_pins = &pins;
rx_pins = NULL;
} else { // Rx
tx_pins = NULL;
rx_pins = &pins;
cy_rslt_t result = cyhal_i2s_init(&self->i2s_obj, tx_pins, rx_pins, &config, clock);
i2s_assert_raise_val("I2S initialisation failed with return code %lx !", result);
static inline void i2s_dma_irq_configure(machine_i2s_obj_t *self) {
cyhal_i2s_register_callback(&self->i2s_obj, &i2s_dma_irq_handler, self);
cyhal_i2s_event_t event;
if (self->mode == TX) {
} else {
cyhal_i2s_enable_event(&self->i2s_obj, event, CYHAL_ISR_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, true);
cy_rslt_t result = cyhal_i2s_set_async_mode(&self->i2s_obj, CYHAL_ASYNC_DMA, CYHAL_DMA_PRIORITY_DEFAULT);
i2s_assert_raise_val("I2S set DMA mode failed with return code %lx !", result);
static inline void i2s_dma_init_buff(machine_i2s_obj_t *self) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SIZEOF_DMA_BUFFER; i++) {
self->dma_buffer[i] = 0;
self->dma_active_buf_p = self->dma_buffer;
self->dma_idle_buf_p = &self->dma_buffer[SIZEOF_HALF_DMA_BUFFER];
static void i2s_dma_tx_init(machine_i2s_obj_t *self) {
cy_rslt_t result = cyhal_i2s_start_tx(&self->i2s_obj);
i2s_assert_raise_val("I2S tx start failed with return code %lx !", result);
static void i2s_dma_rx_init(machine_i2s_obj_t *self) {
cy_rslt_t result = cyhal_i2s_start_rx(&self->i2s_obj);
i2s_assert_raise_val("I2S rx start failed with return code %lx !", result);
static void i2s_dma_init(machine_i2s_obj_t *self) {
void (*i2s_dma_mode_init_func)(machine_i2s_obj_t *self);
if (self->mode == TX) {
i2s_dma_mode_init_func = i2s_dma_tx_init;
} else { // Rx
i2s_dma_mode_init_func = i2s_dma_rx_init;
static void mp_machine_i2s_init_helper(machine_i2s_obj_t *self, mp_arg_val_t *args) {
// is Mode valid?
i2s_mode_t i2s_mode = args[ARG_mode].u_int;
if ((i2s_mode != RX) &&
(i2s_mode != TX)) {
mp_raise_ValueError(MP_ERROR_TEXT("invalid mode"));
// is Bits valid?
int8_t i2s_bits_resolution = args[ARG_bits].u_int;
if (i2s_bits_resolution < 1 || i2s_bits_resolution > 32) {
mp_raise_ValueError(MP_ERROR_TEXT("invalid bits"));
int8_t i2s_bits;
if (i2s_bits_resolution <= 16) {
i2s_bits = 16;
} else {
i2s_bits = 32;
// is Format valid?
format_t i2s_format = args[ARG_format].u_int;
if ((i2s_format != MONO) &&
(i2s_format != STEREO)) {
mp_raise_ValueError(MP_ERROR_TEXT("invalid format"));
// is valid clock freq?
uint32_t audio_clock_freq_hz;
uint32_t rate = args[ARG_rate].u_int;
if (rate == 8000 ||
rate == 16000 ||
rate == 32000 ||
rate == 48000) {
audio_clock_freq_hz = AUDIO_SYS_CLOCK_98_304_000_HZ;
} else if (rate == 22050 ||
rate == 44100) {
audio_clock_freq_hz = AUDIO_SYS_CLOCK_90_300_000_HZ;
} else {
mp_raise_ValueError(MP_ERROR_TEXT("rate not supported"));
// is valid buf size ?
int32_t ring_buffer_len = args[ARG_ibuf].u_int;
if (ring_buffer_len < 0) {
mp_raise_ValueError(MP_ERROR_TEXT("invalid ibuf"));
// All provided pins are realloc from any other machine allocation
machine_pin_phy_obj_t *sck_phy = pin_phy_realloc(args[ARG_sck].u_obj, PIN_PHY_FUNC_I2S);
machine_pin_phy_obj_t *ws_phy = pin_phy_realloc(args[ARG_ws].u_obj, PIN_PHY_FUNC_I2S);
machine_pin_phy_obj_t *sd_phy = pin_phy_realloc(args[ARG_sd].u_obj, PIN_PHY_FUNC_I2S);
self->sck_phy = sck_phy;
self->ws_phy = ws_phy;
self->sd_phy = sd_phy;
self->sck = sck_phy->addr;
self->ws = ws_phy->addr;
self->sd = sd_phy->addr;
self->mode = i2s_mode;
self->bits = i2s_bits;
self->channel_resolution_bits = i2s_bits_resolution;
self->format = i2s_format;
self->rate = rate;
self->ibuf = ring_buffer_len;
self->callback_for_non_blocking = MP_OBJ_NULL;
self->io_mode = BLOCKING;
self->ring_buffer_storage = m_new(uint8_t, ring_buffer_len);
ringbuf_init(&self->ring_buffer, self->ring_buffer_storage, ring_buffer_len);
i2s_init(self, &audio_clock);
static void mp_machine_i2s_deinit(machine_i2s_obj_t *self) {
MP_STATE_PORT(machine_i2s_obj[self->i2s_id]) = NULL;
static void mp_machine_i2s_irq_update(machine_i2s_obj_t *self) {
static machine_i2s_obj_t *mp_machine_i2s_make_new_instance(mp_int_t i2s_id) {
machine_i2s_obj_t *self = NULL;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MICROPY_HW_MAX_I2S; i++) {
if (MP_STATE_PORT(machine_i2s_obj[i]) == NULL) {
self = mp_obj_malloc(machine_i2s_obj_t, &machine_i2s_type);
MP_STATE_PORT(machine_i2s_obj[i]) = self;
self->i2s_id = i;
if (self == NULL) {
mp_raise_ValueError(MP_ERROR_TEXT("all available i2s instances are allocated"));
return self;
MP_REGISTER_ROOT_POINTER(struct _machine_i2s_obj_t *machine_i2s_obj[MICROPY_HW_MAX_I2S]);