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executable file 146 lines (123 sloc) 4.56 KB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os, sys
from glob import glob
from re import sub
import argparse
def escape(s):
s = s.decode()
lookup = {
"\0": "\\0",
"\t": "\\t",
"\n": '\\n"\n"',
"\r": "\\r",
"\\": "\\\\",
'"': '\\"',
return '""\n"{}"'.format("".join([lookup[x] if x in lookup else x for x in s]))
def chew_filename(t):
return {"func": "test_{}_fn".format(sub(r"/|\.|-", "_", t)), "desc": t}
def script_to_map(test_file):
r = {"name": chew_filename(test_file)["func"]}
with open(test_file, "rb") as f:
r["script"] = escape(
with open(test_file + ".exp", "rb") as f:
r["output"] = escape(
return r
def load_profile(profile_file, test_dirs, exclude_tests):
profile_globals = {"test_dirs": test_dirs, "exclude_tests": exclude_tests}
exec(, profile_globals)
return profile_globals["test_dirs"], profile_globals["exclude_tests"]
test_function = (
"void {name}(void* data) {{\n"
" static const char pystr[] = {script};\n"
" static const char exp[] = {output};\n"
' printf("\\n");\n'
" upytest_set_expected_output(exp, sizeof(exp) - 1);\n"
" upytest_execute_test(pystr);\n"
' printf("result: ");\n'
testcase_struct = "struct testcase_t {name}_tests[] = {{\n{body}\n END_OF_TESTCASES\n}};"
testcase_member = ' {{ "{desc}", {func}, TT_ENABLED_, 0, 0 }},'
testgroup_struct = "struct testgroup_t groups[] = {{\n{body}\n END_OF_GROUPS\n}};"
testgroup_member = ' {{ "{name}", {name}_tests }},'
## XXX: may be we could have `--without <groups>` argument...
test_dirs = set(
exclude_tests = set(
# pattern matching in .exp
# unicode char issue
# doesn't output to python stdout
# rounding issues
# requires double precision floating point to work
# different filename in output
# don't have emergency exception buffer
# pattern matching in .exp
# needs sys stdfiles
# settrace .exp files are too large
# don't have f-string
output = []
tests = []
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Convert native MicroPython tests to tinytest/upytesthelper C code"
argparser.add_argument("--stdin", action="store_true", help="read list of tests from stdin")
argparser.add_argument("--exclude", action="append", help="exclude test by name")
type=argparse.FileType("rt", encoding="utf-8"),
help="optional profile file providing test directories and exclusion list",
args = argparser.parse_args()
if not args.stdin:
if args.profile:
test_dirs, exclude_tests = load_profile(args.profile, test_dirs, exclude_tests)
if args.exclude:
exclude_tests = exclude_tests.union(args.exclude)
for group in test_dirs:
tests += [test for test in glob("{}/*.py".format(group)) if test not in exclude_tests]
for l in sys.stdin:
output.extend([test_function.format(**script_to_map(test)) for test in tests])
testcase_members = [testcase_member.format(**chew_filename(test)) for test in tests]
output.append(testcase_struct.format(name="", body="\n".join(testcase_members)))
testgroup_members = [testgroup_member.format(name=group) for group in [""]]
## XXX: may be we could have `--output <filename>` argument...
# Don't depend on what system locale is set, use utf8 encoding.