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/** @file
* Runtime Bluetooth stack configuration parameters
#include "wiced_bt_dev.h"
#include "wiced_bt_ble.h"
#include "wiced_bt_gatt.h"
#include "wiced_bt_cfg.h"
#define WICED_DEVICE_NAME "uart raw_mode"
* wiced_bt core stack configuration
const wiced_bt_cfg_settings_t wiced_bt_cfg_settings =
.device_name = (uint8_t*)WICED_DEVICE_NAME, /**< Local device name (NULL terminated) */
.device_class = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, /**< Local device class */
.security_requirement_mask = BTM_SEC_NONE, /**< Security requirements mask (BTM_SEC_NONE, or combinination of BTM_SEC_IN_AUTHENTICATE, BTM_SEC_OUT_AUTHENTICATE, BTM_SEC_ENCRYPT (see #wiced_bt_sec_level_e)) */
.max_simultaneous_links = 3, /**< Maximum number simultaneous links to different devices */
.br_edr_scan_cfg = /* BR/EDR scan config */
.inquiry_scan_type = BTM_SCAN_TYPE_STANDARD, /**< Inquiry scan type (BTM_SCAN_TYPE_STANDARD or BTM_SCAN_TYPE_INTERLACED) */
.inquiry_scan_interval = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_INQUIRY_SCAN_INTERVAL, /**< Inquiry scan interval (0 to use default) */
.inquiry_scan_window = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_INQUIRY_SCAN_WINDOW, /**< Inquiry scan window (0 to use default) */
.page_scan_interval = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_PAGE_SCAN_INTERVAL, /**< Page scan interval (0 to use default) */
.page_scan_window = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_PAGE_SCAN_WINDOW /**< Page scan window (0 to use default) */
.ble_scan_cfg = /* LE scan settings */
/* Advertisement scan configuration */
.high_duty_scan_interval = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_SCAN_INTERVAL, /**< High duty scan interval */
.high_duty_scan_window = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_SCAN_WINDOW, /**< High duty scan window */
.high_duty_scan_duration = 5, /**< High duty scan duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */
.low_duty_scan_interval = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_LOW_DUTY_SCAN_INTERVAL, /**< Low duty scan interval */
.low_duty_scan_window = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_LOW_DUTY_SCAN_WINDOW, /**< Low duty scan window */
.low_duty_scan_duration = 5, /**< Low duty scan duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */
/* Connection scan configuration */
.high_duty_conn_scan_interval = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_CONN_SCAN_INTERVAL, /**< High duty cycle connection scan interval */
.high_duty_conn_scan_window = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_CONN_SCAN_WINDOW, /**< High duty cycle connection scan window */
.high_duty_conn_duration = 30, /**< High duty cycle connection duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */
.low_duty_conn_scan_interval = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_LOW_DUTY_CONN_SCAN_INTERVAL, /**< Low duty cycle connection scan interval */
.low_duty_conn_scan_window = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_LOW_DUTY_CONN_SCAN_WINDOW, /**< Low duty cycle connection scan window */
.low_duty_conn_duration = 30, /**< Low duty cycle connection duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */
/* Connection configuration */
.conn_min_interval = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_CONN_MIN_INTERVAL, /**< Minimum connection interval */
.conn_max_interval = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_CONN_MAX_INTERVAL, /**< Maximum connection interval */
.conn_latency = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_CONN_LATENCY, /**< Connection latency */
.conn_supervision_timeout = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_CONN_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT, /**< Connection link supervision timeout */
.ble_advert_cfg = /* LE advertisement settings */
.channel_map = BTM_BLE_ADVERT_CHNL_37 | /**< Advertising channel map (mask of BTM_BLE_ADVERT_CHNL_37, BTM_BLE_ADVERT_CHNL_38, BTM_BLE_ADVERT_CHNL_39) */
.high_duty_min_interval = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_ADV_MIN_INTERVAL, /**< High duty undirected connectable minimum advertising interval */
.high_duty_max_interval = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_ADV_MAX_INTERVAL, /**< High duty undirected connectable maximum advertising interval */
.high_duty_duration = 30, /**< High duty undirected connectable advertising duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */
.low_duty_min_interval = 1024, /**< Low duty undirected connectable minimum advertising interval */
.low_duty_max_interval = 1024, /**< Low duty undirected connectable maximum advertising interval */
.low_duty_duration = 60, /**< Low duty undirected connectable advertising duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */
.high_duty_directed_min_interval = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_DIRECTED_ADV_MIN_INTERVAL, /**< High duty directed connectable minimum advertising interval */
.high_duty_directed_max_interval = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_DIRECTED_ADV_MAX_INTERVAL, /**< High duty directed connectable maximum advertising interval */
.low_duty_directed_min_interval = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_LOW_DUTY_DIRECTED_ADV_MIN_INTERVAL, /**< Low duty directed connectable minimum advertising interval */
.low_duty_directed_max_interval = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_LOW_DUTY_DIRECTED_ADV_MAX_INTERVAL, /**< Low duty directed connectable maximum advertising interval */
.low_duty_directed_duration = 30, /**< Low duty directed connectable advertising duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */
.high_duty_nonconn_min_interval = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_NONCONN_ADV_MIN_INTERVAL, /**< High duty non-connectable minimum advertising interval */
.high_duty_nonconn_max_interval = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_HIGH_DUTY_NONCONN_ADV_MAX_INTERVAL, /**< High duty non-connectable maximum advertising interval */
.high_duty_nonconn_duration = 30, /**< High duty non-connectable advertising duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */
.low_duty_nonconn_min_interval = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_LOW_DUTY_NONCONN_ADV_MIN_INTERVAL, /**< Low duty non-connectable minimum advertising interval */
.low_duty_nonconn_max_interval = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_LOW_DUTY_NONCONN_ADV_MAX_INTERVAL, /**< Low duty non-connectable maximum advertising interval */
.low_duty_nonconn_duration = 0 /**< Low duty non-connectable advertising duration in seconds (0 for infinite) */
.gatt_cfg = /* GATT configuration */
.appearance = APPEARANCE_GENERIC_TAG, /**< GATT appearance (see gatt_appearance_e) */
.client_max_links = 0, /**< Client config: maximum number of servers that local client can connect to */
.server_max_links = 1, /**< Server config: maximum number of remote clients connections allowed by the local */
.max_attr_len = 512, /**< Maximum attribute length; gki_cfg must have a corresponding buffer pool that can hold this length */
#if !defined(CYW20706A2)
.max_mtu_size = 517 /**< Maximum MTU size for GATT connections, should be between 23 and (max_attr_len + 5) */
.rfcomm_cfg = /* RFCOMM configuration */
.max_links = 0, /**< Maximum number of simultaneous connected remote devices*/
.max_ports = 0 /**< Maximum number of simultaneous RFCOMM ports */
.l2cap_application = /* Application managed l2cap protocol configuration */
.max_links = 0, /**< Maximum number of application-managed l2cap links (BR/EDR and LE) */
/* BR EDR l2cap configuration */
.max_psm = 0, /**< Maximum number of application-managed BR/EDR PSMs */
.max_channels = 0, /**< Maximum number of application-managed BR/EDR channels */
/* LE L2cap connection-oriented channels configuration */
.max_le_psm = 0, /**< Maximum number of application-managed LE PSMs */
.max_le_channels = 0, /**< Maximum number of application-managed LE channels */
#if !defined(CYW20706A2)
/* LE L2cap fixed channel configuration */
.max_le_l2cap_fixed_channels = 0 /**< Maximum number of application managed fixed channels supported (in addition to mandatory channels 4, 5 and 6). > */
.avdt_cfg =
/* Audio/Video Distribution configuration */
.max_links = 0, /**< Maximum simultaneous audio/video links */
#if !defined(CYW20706A2)
.max_seps = 0 /**< Maximum number of stream end points */
.avrc_cfg = /* Audio/Video Remote Control configuration */
.roles = 0, /**< Mask of local roles supported (AVRC_CONN_INITIATOR|AVRC_CONN_ACCEPTOR) */
.max_links = 0 /**< Maximum simultaneous remote control links */
/* LE Address Resolution DB size */
.addr_resolution_db_size = 5, /**< LE Address Resolution DB settings - effective only for pre 4.2 controller*/
#ifdef CYW20706A2
.max_mtu_size = 517, /**< Maximum MTU size for GATT connections, should be between 23 and (max_attr_len + 5) */
.max_pwr_db_val = 12 /**< Max. power level of the device */
/* Maximum number of buffer pools */
.max_number_of_buffer_pools = 4, /**< Maximum number of buffer pools in p_btm_cfg_buf_pools and by wiced_create_pool */
/* Interval of random address refreshing */
.rpa_refresh_timeout = WICED_BT_CFG_DEFAULT_RANDOM_ADDRESS_CHANGE_TIMEOUT, /**< Interval of random address refreshing - secs */
/* LE Filter Accept List size */
.ble_filter_accept_list_size = 0, /**< Maximum number of Filter Accept List devices allowed. Cannot be more than 128 */
#if defined(CYW20719B2) || defined(CYW20721B2) || defined(CYW20819A1) || defined (CYW20820A1)
.default_ble_power_level = 12 /**< Default LE power level, Refer lm_TxPwrTable table for the power range */
* wiced_bt_stack buffer pool configuration
* Configure buffer pools used by the stack
* Pools must be ordered in increasing buf_size.
* If a pool runs out of buffers, the next pool will be used
const wiced_bt_cfg_buf_pool_t wiced_bt_cfg_buf_pools[WICED_BT_CFG_NUM_BUF_POOLS] =
/* { buf_size, buf_count } */
{ 64, 12 }, /* Small Buffer Pool */
{ 360, 6 }, /* Medium Buffer Pool (used for HCI & RFCOMM control messages, min recommended size is 360) */
{ 1056, 6 }, /* Large Buffer Pool (used for HCI ACL messages) */
{ 1056, 0 }, /* Extra Large Buffer Pool - Used for avdt media packets and miscellaneous (if not needed, set buf_count to 0) */