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Mesh SensorHub

This example demonstrates the use of a Bluetooth Low Energy Mesh sensor model with Ambient Light and Temperature sensor interfaced with AIROC™ CYW20835 Bluetooth® LE system-on-chip using ModusToolbox™ software.

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Associated parts:

Supported toolchains (make variable 'TOOLCHAIN')

  • GNU Arm® Embedded Compiler v9.3.1 (GCC_ARM) - Default value of TOOLCHAIN

Supported kits (make variable 'TARGET')

Figure 1. Board setup

Hardware setup

This example uses the board's default configuration. See the kit user guide to ensure that the board is configured correctly.

The M.2 based Bluetooth baseboard CYW9BTM2BASE1 comes with ambient light sensor and thermistor. The CYW920835M2IPA1 module can be plugged into the M.2 connector.

Software setup

Install a terminal emulator if you don't have one. Instructions in this document use Tera Term. All other required software come bundled with the Eclipse IDE for ModusToolbox.

Install Mesh Controller App on mobile. Instructions and Binary at tools\btsdk-host-peer-apps-mesh\peer\Android\src\bin.

This example requires no additional software or tools.

Using the code example

Create the project and open it using one of the following:

In Eclipse IDE for ModusToolbox
  1. Click the New Application link in the Quick Panel (or, use File > New > ModusToolbox Application). This launches the Project Creator tool.

  2. Pick a kit supported by the code example from the list shown in the Project Creator - Choose Board Support Package (BSP) dialog.

    When you select a supported kit, the example is reconfigured automatically to work with the kit. To work with a different supported kit later, use the Library Manager to choose the BSP for the supported kit. You can use the Library Manager to select or update the BSP and firmware libraries used in this application. To access the Library Manager, click the link from the Quick Panel.

    You can also just start the application creation process again and select a different kit.

    If you want to use the application for a kit not listed here, you may need to update the source files. If the kit does not have the required resources, the application may not work.

  3. In the Project Creator - Select Application dialog, choose the Mesh SensorHub application by enabling the checkbox.

  4. Optionally, change the suggested New Application Name.

  5. Enter the local path in the Application(s) Root Path field to indicate where the application needs to be created.

    Applications that can share libraries can be placed in the same root path.

  6. Click Create to complete the application creation process.

For more details, see the Eclipse IDE for ModusToolbox User Guide (locally available at {ModusToolbox install directory}/ide_{version}/docs/mt_ide_user_guide.pdf).

In command-line interface (CLI)

ModusToolbox provides the Project Creator as both a GUI tool and a command line tool to easily create one or more ModusToolbox applications. See the "Project Creator Tools" section of the ModusToolbox User Guide for more details.

Alternatively, you can manually create the application using the following steps:

  1. Download and unzip this repository on to your local machine, or clone the repository.

  2. Open a CLI terminal and navigate to the application folder.

    On Windows, use the command line modus-shell program provided in the ModusToolbox installation instead of a standard Windows command line application. This shell provides access to all ModusToolbox tools. You can access it by typing modus-shell in the search box in the Windows menu.

    In Linux and macOS, you can use any terminal application.

    Note: The cloned application contains a default BSP file (TARGET_xxx.mtb) in the deps folder. Use the Library Manager (make modlibs command) to select and download a different BSP file, if required. If the selected kit does not have the required resources or is not supported, the application may not work.

  3. Import the required libraries by executing the make getlibs command.

Various CLI tools include a -h option that prints help information to the terminal screen about that tool. For more details, see the ModusToolbox User Guide (locally available at {ModusToolbox install directory}/docs_{version}/mtb_user_guide.pdf).

In Third-party IDEs
  1. Follow the instructions from the In command-line interface (CLI) section to create the application, and import the libraries using the make getlibs command.

  2. Export the application to a supported IDE using the make <ide> command from the mtb-example-btsdk-mesh-sensorhub folder.

    For a list of supported IDEs and more details, see the "Exporting to IDEs" section of the ModusToolbox User Guide (locally available at {ModusToolbox install directory}/docs_{version}/mtb_user_guide.pdf.

  3. Follow the instructions displayed in the terminal to create or import the application as an IDE project.


Using Mesh Controller Mobile app as Bluetooth LE Mesh Client

  1. Connect the board to your PC using the provided USB cable through the USB connector.

  2. Open a terminal program and select the WICED PUART COM port. Set the serial port parameters to 8N1 and 921600 baud.

  3. Program the board with the mtb-example-btsdk-mesh-sensorhub application using one of the following:

    Using Eclipse IDE for ModusToolbox
    1. Select the application project in the Project Explorer.

    2. In the Quick Panel, scroll down, and click <Application Name> Program (KitProg3_MiniProg4).

    Using CLI

    From the terminal, execute the make program command to build and program the application using the default toolchain to the default target. You can specify a target and toolchain manually:

    make program TARGET=<BSP> TOOLCHAIN=<toolchain>


    make program TARGET=CYW920835M2EVB-01 TOOLCHAIN=GCC_ARM
  1. After programming, the application starts automatically. Confirm that 'Mesh SensorHub' is displayed on the UART terminal. The board starts advertising and LED1 started blinks at 2-Hz frequency.

    Figure 2. Terminal output for Mesh Sensor Hub during advertising

  2. Turn ON Bluetooth on your Android or iOS device and launch the Mesh Controller app. Android Apk and Readme for Mesh Controller app can be found here tools\btsdk-host-peer-apps-mesh\peer\Android\src\bin

  3. Create a new network on the Mesh Controller app and add a new device with the name "My sensor" or the name of your choice and provision the device. See Figure 3.

    Figure 3. Provision the device using Android app

    The list is updated with the newly added devices, Mesh Sensor 001 (ALS) and Mesh Sensor 002 (Thermistor).

  4. Select Device and then select the sensor configuration option to update the properties such as Publish Interval and Cadence Settings. See Figure 4.

    Figure 4. Sensor Configuration and Settings

  5. Click GET Sensor Data. The published sensor values are shown on the status. See Figure 5.

    Figure 5. Getting the sensor data

    Sensor values are displayed on the UART terminal as follows:

    Figure 6. Sensor data on terminal

  6. If user wants to factory reset and unprovision the device. Press and hold of button SW3 for more than Three seconds will do the factory reset and put the device into un-provisioned mode. The user LED1 starts blinking at rate of 2HZ See Figure 7.

    Figure 7. Factory Reset

Design and implementation

This code example implements a Mesh Server with two elements in the sensor model. Each sensor can be configured individually with different publish intervals and sensor cadence settings. Two timers are used for publishing and cadence processing. The sensor cadence configurations are stored in the NVRAM.

The sensor cadence state determines the frequency with which a sensor publishes status reports relating to each sensor data type (identified by property ID) that needs to be configured. The rate of publication can be configured to vary according to different conditions. When the value falls within a configured range, the publication rate can be increased. If large increases or decreases are measured in the sensor data value, the reporting rate can also be increased. In each case, the fast cadence period divisor indicates by how much the rate of publication should be increased when any of these circumstances arise.

Sensor values are read from the sensor with the help of btsdk-drivers.

  1. ambient_light_sensor_lib uses I2C communication to configure and read the data from ambient light sensor (MAX44009) registers.

  2. thermistor_ncu15wf104_lib uses the ADC interface with thermistor to read the temperature values.

    Figure 8. Design


  1. All Mesh apps use a common shared source library for common application framework functionality located at mtb_shared\wiced_btsdk\dev-kit\libraries\btsdk-mesh\COMPONENT_mesh_app_lib. You can edit this library as needed. For example, to change the PUART baud rate, see the _init() function in mesh_app_hci.c.

  2. The default PUART baud rate is set to 921600, except for BSPs that use the KitProg3 USB Serial bridge device. Those BSPs default to 3000000, and use two stop bits.

  3. The application GATT database is located in mesh_app_lib in the mesh_app_gatt.c file. If you create a GATT database using Bluetooth Configurator, update the GATT database in the location mentioned above.

Application settings

The following application settings are common for all BTSDK applications and can be configured via the Makefile of the application or passed via the command line.

Application-specific settings

Setting Description
MESH_MODELS_DEBUG_TRACES Turn on debug trace from Mesh Models library
MESH_CORE_DEBUG_TRACES Turn on debug trace from Mesh Core library

Common application settings

Setting Description
BT_DEVICE_ADDRESS Sets the Bluetooth Device Address (BDA) for your device. The address is 6 bytes; for example, 20835B10FFEE.
By default, the SDK will set a BDA for your device by combining the 7-digit hex device ID with the last five digits of the host PC MAC address (hex).
UART Set to the UART port you want to use to download the application. For example COM6 on Windows, /dev/ttyWICED\_HCI\_UART0 on Linux, or /dev/tty.usbserial-000154 on macOS.
By default, the SDK will auto-detect the port.
ENABLE_DEBUG For HW debugging, configure ENABLE_DEBUG=1. See the document WICED-Hardware-Debugging for more information. This setting configures GPIO for SWD.

Application source files

File Name Description
main.c Entry to the application, sensor initialization, Mesh Server initialization, and LED implementation
mesh_cfg.c, mesh_cfg.h Mesh configuration and structure for sensor model
mesh_server.c, mesh_server.h Mesh sensor server implementation and handling the mesh event callbacks
sensors.c, sensor.h Sensor API implementation for ambient light sensor and thermistor

Resources and settings

This section explains the ModusToolbox resources and their configuration as used in this code example. Note that the configuration explained in this section has already been done in the code example. Eclipse IDE for ModusToolbox stores the configuration settings of the application in the design.modus file. This file is used by the graphical configurators, which generate the configuration firmware. This firmware is stored in the application’s GeneratedSource folder.

  • Device Configurator: Used for enabling/configuring the peripherals and the pins used in the application. See the Device Configurator Guide.

  • Bluetooth Configurator: Used for generating/modifying the Bluetooth LE GATT database. See the Bluetooth Configurator Guide.

  • Peer apps: Applications that run on Windows, iOS or Android and act as peer Bluetooth apps to demonstrate specific profiles or features, communicating with embedded apps over the air, LE apps location: <Workspace Dir>\wiced_btsdk\tools\btsdk-peer-apps-ble
    LE Mesh apps location: <Workspace Dir>\wiced_btsdk\tools\btsdk-host-peer-apps-mesh\peer
    OTA apps location: <Workspace Dir>\wiced_btsdk\tools\btsdk-peer-apps-ota

  • LE Mesh Client Control: Similar to the above app, this application emulates host MCU applications for LE Mesh models. It can configure and provision mesh devices and create mesh networks. The application is located in the folder below. For more information, see readme.txt in the same folder. This utility can be run directly from the filesystem, or it can be run from the Tools section of the ModusToolbox IDE QuickPanel (if a mesh-capable project is selected in the IDE Project Explorer pane), or by right-clicking a mesh-capable project in the IDE Project Explorer pane and selecting the ModusToolbox context menu. The full version is provided for Windows (VS_ClientControl) supporting all Mesh models.
    A limited version supporting only the Lighting model (QT_ClientControl) is provided for Windows, Linux, and macOS.
    Location: <Workspace Dir>\wiced_btsdk\tools\btsdk-host-peer-apps-mesh\host

Related resources

Application notes
AN225684: Getting started with CYW208xx Describes the CYW208xx device and how to build your first ModusToolbox project
Code examples Visit the Cypress GitHub repo for a comprehensive collection of code examples using Eclipse IDE for ModusToolbox
Device documentation CYW20835 device datasheet
CYW920721 device datasheet
CYW20819 device datasheet
CYW20820 device datasheet
CYW20719 device datasheet
CYW20735 device datasheet
Development kits CYW920835M2EVB-01
CYW920819EVB-02 evaluation kit
CYW920820EVB-02 evaluation kit
CYW920719B2Q40EVB-01 evaluation kit
CYW920735Q60EVB-01 evaluation kit
Eclipse IDE for ModusToolbox The cross-platform, Eclipse-based IDE for IoT designers that supports application configuration and development targeting converged MCU and wireless systems.

Other resources

Cypress provides a wealth of data at to help you select the right device, and quickly and effectively integrate it into your design.

For more detail about Bluetooth MESH spec, see MESH Profile and MESH Model.

Document history

Document title: CE233025 - Mesh SensorHub

Version Description of change
1.0.0 New code example
1.1.0 Lib version correction

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© Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2020-2021. This document is the property of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, an Infineon Technologies company, and its affiliates ("Cypress"). This document, including any software or firmware included or referenced in this document ("Software"), is owned by Cypress under the intellectual property laws and treaties of the United States and other countries worldwide. Cypress reserves all rights under such laws and treaties and does not, except as specifically stated in this paragraph, grant any license under its patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights. If the Software is not accompanied by a license agreement and you do not otherwise have a written agreement with Cypress governing the use of the Software, then Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive, nontransferable license (without the right to sublicense) (1) under its copyright rights in the Software (a) for Software provided in source code form, to modify and reproduce the Software solely for use with Cypress hardware products, only internally within your organization, and (b) to distribute the Software in binary code form externally to end users (either directly or indirectly through resellers and distributors), solely for use on Cypress hardware product units, and (2) under those claims of Cypress’s patents that are infringed by the Software (as provided by Cypress, unmodified) to make, use, distribute, and import the Software solely for use with Cypress hardware products. Any other use, reproduction, modification, translation, or compilation of the Software is prohibited.
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