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* $ Copyright 2023 Cypress Semiconductor $
#include "CCM.h"
#define DATA_BITS_8 (8)
#define STOP_BITS_1 (1)
#define BAUD_RATE (115200)
#define RX_BUF_SIZE (32)
#define AWS_CONNECT_RESPONSE_DELAY (4000) /* milliseconds*/
#define WIFI_CONNECT_RESPONSE_DELAY (4000) /* milliseconds*/
#define DELAY (8000) /* milliseconds*/
#define BUF_SIZE (256)
#define AT_COMMAND_SIZE (22)
/*global variable for storing the AT COMMAND response */
char global_command_response[BUF_SIZE];
/*uart-object */
cyhal_uart_t uart_obj;
uint8_t rx_buf[RX_BUF_SIZE];
/*baud rate*/
uint32_t actualbaud;
uint8_t print_disable;
/* UART configuration*/
const cyhal_uart_cfg_t uart_config =
.data_bits = DATA_BITS_8,
.stop_bits = STOP_BITS_1,
.rx_buffer = rx_buf,
.rx_buffer_size = RX_BUF_SIZE};
* Function Name: Bsp_Init
* Summary:
* BSP initialization.
* While porting to any other microcontroller,
* replace the cybsp_init() with your microcontroller specific BSP init API's.
void bsp_init()
* Function Name: Uart_Init
* Summary:
* Initialize two UART peripherals.
- To receive debug messages
- To send AT commands to CCM module
* While porting to any other microcontroller,
* replace UART initialization API's with your microcontroller specific UART API's
void uart_init()
/*Initialize UART to communicate with CCM via pins P12_0 and P12_1 */
cyhal_uart_init(&uart_obj, P12_1, P12_0, NC, NC, NULL, &uart_config);
cyhal_uart_set_baud(&uart_obj, BAUD_RATE, &actualbaud);
/*Initialize Debug UART */
/* Enable global interrupts */
/* \x1b[2J\x1b[;H - ANSI ESC sequence for clear screen */
* Function Name: at_command_send
* Summary:
* Sending AT Commands to CCM module via UART interface.
* while porting to any other microcontroller,
* replace the cyhal_uart_write() API with your microcontroller specific UART API
* parameter: str
* Address of AT Command in string format
void at_command_send(char *str)
if (!print_disable)
printf("\rSending %s \n", str);
size_t length = strlen(str);
/* UART API for sending data to CCM */
cyhal_uart_write(&uart_obj, (void *)str, &length);
* Function Name: at_command_response_receive
* Summary:
* Receive AT Command response from CCM module via UART interface.
* While porting to any other microcontroller,
* replace the cyhal_uart_getc() API with your microcontroller specific UART API
* parameter: uint32_t delay
* The amount of time(ms) the receive UART function should wait if there is no response
* from CCM module
* return: char *
* Pointer to the response stored in a global variable.
char *at_command_response_receive(uint32_t delay)
uint8_t read_data = 0;
uint8_t resp_char_count = 0;
memset(global_command_response, '\0', BUF_SIZE);
/*cyhal_uart_getc() : Get a character. This is a blocking call which waits till a character is received*/
while (CY_RSLT_SUCCESS == cyhal_uart_getc(&uart_obj, &read_data, delay))
global_command_response[resp_char_count++] = read_data;
if (!print_disable)
printf("%c", read_data);
/*The below if statement breaks out of while loop
* once you get the response for AT commands */
if (read_data == '\n')
return global_command_response;
* Function Name: handle_error
* Summary:
* User defined error handling function
void handle_error(void)
/* Disable all interrupts. */
* Function Name: Is_WiFi_Connected
* Summary:
* Check if CCM module is connected to Wi-Fi network
* While porting to any other microcontroller,
* replace the cyhal_uart_getc() and cyhal_uart_write() API with your microcontroller specific UART API's
* return : uint8_t
* 1 if connected to Wi-Fi network,
* 0 otherwise.
uint8_t is_wifi_connected()
char *wifi_status = NULL;
print_disable = 1;
at_command_send("AT+DIAG PING\n");
wifi_status = at_command_response_receive(WIFI_CONNECT_RESPONSE_DELAY);
if (!strcmp(wifi_status, "OK Not connected to AP\r\n"))
print_disable = 0;
return 0;
/* Compare 10 characters */
else if (!strncmp(wifi_status, "OK Received ping", NUMBER_OF_CHARACTERS))
print_disable = 0;
return 1;
return 0;
* Function Name: Is_AWS_Connected
* Summary:
* Check if CCM module is connected to AWS IoT core.
* While porting to any other microcontroller,
* replace the cyhal_uart_getc() and cyhal_uart_write() API with your microcontroller specific UART API's
* return : uint8_t
* 1 if connected to AWS IoT core,
* 0 otherwise.
uint8_t is_aws_connected()
char *aws_status = NULL;
print_disable = 1;
/* UART API for sending data to CCM*/
aws_status = at_command_response_receive(AWS_CONNECT_RESPONSE_DELAY);
if (!strcmp(aws_status, "OK 1 1 CONNECTED CUSTOMER\r\n"))
print_disable = 0;
return 1;
else if (!strcmp(aws_status, "OK 0 1 DISCONNECTED CUSTOMER\r\n"))
print_disable = 0;
return 0;
else if (!strcmp(aws_status, "OK 0 0 DISCONNECTED STAGING\r\n"))
print_disable = 0;
return 0;
else if (!strcmp(aws_status, "OK 1 0 CONNECTED STAGING\r\n"))
print_disable = 0;
return 0;
return 0;
* Function Name: delay_ms
* Summary:
* While porting to any other microcontroller,
* replace the cyhal_uart_getc() and cyhal_uart_write() API with your microcontroller specific UART API's.
* return : void
void delay_ms(int delay)
* Function Name: at_command_send_receive
* Summary:
* Send AT commands to CCM Evaluation kit , receive response
* ,compare it with the desired_response if compare is 1 and update
* the result variable.
* input parameter: char *str
* AT command sent in string format.
* input parameter: int delay
* The amount of time(ms) the receive UART function should wait if there is no response
* from CCM module
* output parameter: int *result
* if the desired_response is not NULL then desired_response and
* response for the AT command is compared ,the value 1 is assigned to result
* if they are same else value 0 is assigned to result.
* input parameter: char *desired_response
* the desired response for the AT command sent in string format
* return :
* Address of the AT command response received in string format.
char *at_command_send_receive(char *str, int delay, int *result, char *desired_response)
char *local_response = NULL;
local_response = at_command_response_receive(delay);
if (!strncmp(local_response, "ERR14 2 UNABLE TO CONNECT\r\n", NUMBER_OF_CHARACTERS))
printf("\n\rCHECK YOUR Wi-Fi CREDENTIALS\n\r");
if (!strncmp(local_response, "ERR14 5 UNABLE TO CONNECT MQTT device authentication failure\r\n", NUMBER_OF_CHARACTERS))
if (desired_response)
if (!strcmp(desired_response, local_response))
*result = 1;
*result = 0;
*result = 1;
return local_response;