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149 lines (113 sloc) 2.76 KB
# This list of files to ignore includes common, tool- or user-specific files that
# are typically not checked into a version control system (VCS). It is a superset
# of such files. You may want to add others, especially if you use a tool not listed
# here. You can remove those that do not apply to you.
# The .gitignore file is intended for the git VCS. For another VCS you would specify
# which files to ignore in whatever form your VCS requires. If you do not check your
# code into a VCS, you can ignore the .gitignore file.
# ModusToolbox library repos or information about library dependencies
# Uncomment below line if you don't want to lock the library versions for your application
# assetlocks.json
# ModusToolbox Configurator generated code and lock file
# ModusToolbox BSP files. Any custom BSP file for code examples is shipped within the 'templates' folder
# ModusToolbox build system output
# Eclipse IDE for ModusToolbox files. Comment those files if you want to track them
# Visual Studio Code
# IAR Embedded Workbench files
# IAR Project file.
# *.ewp
# IAR Settings
# Uncomment this if not using project connections
# *.ipcf
# Comment this out if using custom argument variables
# IAR Debugger Settings
# *.ewd
# Comment this out if you use C-Stat or C-Run to compile/analyze your project
# IAR Workspace files
# *.eww
# IAR Debug Exe
# IAR Debug List
# IAR Debug Obj
# Log files
# IAR backup files
# IAR dependency files
# Compiled Binaries
# Trash files
# Keil uVision files
# Project and package description files
# uVision Project file (generated by uVision). Uncomment this if you do not want to track the Keil uVision project file
# *.uvprojx (is used to build the project from scratch)
# Project options file (contains information about the debugger and trace configuration)
# *.uvoptx
# Project file for multi-project workspaces
# *.uvmpw
# Project screen layout file
# Configuration files for the run-time environment
# RTE/
# Generated output files
# Vi and Emacs backup files
# Created by git when using merge tools for conflicts
# macOS Finder incidental files
# Windows Explorer incidental files