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* File Name: secure_tcp_server.c
* Description: This file contains declaration of task and functions related to
* TCP server operation.
* $ Copyright 2021-2023 Cypress Semiconductor $
/* Header file includes */
#include "cyhal.h"
#include "cybsp.h"
#include "cy_retarget_io.h"
/* FreeRTOS header file */
#include <FreeRTOS.h>
#include <task.h>
/* Cypress secure socket header file */
#include "cy_secure_sockets.h"
#include "cy_tls.h"
/* Wi-Fi connection manager header files */
#include "cy_wcm.h"
#include "cy_wcm_error.h"
/* Standard C header file */
#include <string.h>
#include "network_credentials.h"
/* TCP server task header file. */
#include "secure_tcp_server.h"
/* IP address related header files (part of the lwIP TCP/IP stack). */
#include "ip_addr.h"
/* to use the portable formatting macros */
#include <inttypes.h>
* Macros
/* Length of the LED ON/OFF command issued from the TCP server. */
#define TCP_LED_CMD_LEN (1)
/* LED ON and LED OFF commands. */
#define LED_ON_CMD '1'
#define LED_OFF_CMD '0'
/* Interrupt priority of the user button. */
* Function Prototypes
cy_rslt_t create_secure_tcp_server_socket(void);
cy_rslt_t tcp_connection_handler(cy_socket_t socket_handle, void *arg);
cy_rslt_t tcp_receive_msg_handler(cy_socket_t socket_handle, void *arg);
cy_rslt_t tcp_disconnection_handler(cy_socket_t socket_handle, void *arg);
void isr_button_press( void *callback_arg, cyhal_gpio_event_t event);
void print_heap_usage(char *msg);
static cy_rslt_t softap_start(void);
static cy_rslt_t connect_to_wifi_ap(void);
#endif /* USE_AP_INTERFACE */
* Global Variables
/* Secure socket variables. */
cy_socket_sockaddr_t tcp_server_addr, peer_addr;
cy_socket_t server_handle, client_handle;
cy_wcm_ip_address_t ip_address;
/* TLS credentials of the TCP server. */
static const char tcp_server_cert[] = keySERVER_CERTIFICATE_PEM;
static const char server_private_key[] = keySERVER_PRIVATE_KEY_PEM;
/* Root CA certificate for TCP client identity verification. */
static const char tcp_client_ca_cert[] = keyCLIENT_ROOTCA_PEM;
/* Variable to store the TLS identity (certificate and private key). */
void *tls_identity;
/* Size of the peer socket address. */
uint32_t peer_addr_len;
/* Flags to tack the LED state and command. */
bool led_state = CYBSP_LED_STATE_OFF;
/* Secure TCP server task handle. */
extern TaskHandle_t server_task_handle;
/* Flag variable to check if TCP client is connected. */
bool client_connected;
* Function Name: tcp_secure_server_task
* Summary:
* Task used to establish a connection with a remote TCP client to exchange
* data between the TCP server and TCP client.
* Parameters:
* void *args: Task parameter defined during task creation (unused)
* Return:
* void
void tcp_secure_server_task(void *arg)
cy_rslt_t result = CY_RSLT_SUCCESS;
cyhal_gpio_callback_data_t cb_data =
.callback = isr_button_press,
.callback_arg = (void*)NULL
/*The configuration in which WCM should be initialized*/
cy_wcm_config_t wifi_config = { .interface = WIFI_INTERFACE_TYPE };
/* Variable to store number of bytes sent over TCP socket. */
uint32_t bytes_sent = 0;
/* Variable to receive LED ON/OFF command from the user button ISR. */
uint32_t led_state_cmd = LED_OFF_CMD;
/* Initialize the user button (CYBSP_SW1) and register interrupt on falling edge. */
cyhal_gpio_register_callback(CYBSP_SW1, &cb_data);
cyhal_gpio_enable_event(CYBSP_SW1, CYHAL_GPIO_IRQ_FALL, USER_BTN_INTR_PRIORITY, true);
/* TCP server certificate length and private key length. */
const size_t tcp_server_cert_len = strlen( tcp_server_cert );
const size_t pkey_len = strlen( server_private_key );
/* Initialize Wi-Fi connection manager. */
result = cy_wcm_init(&wifi_config);
if (result != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
printf("Wi-Fi Connection Manager initialization failed! Error code: 0x%08"PRIx32"\n", (uint32_t)result);
printf("Wi-Fi Connection Manager initialized.\r\n");
/* Start the Wi-Fi device as a Soft AP interface. */
result = softap_start();
if (result != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
printf("Failed to Start Soft AP! Error code: 0x%08"PRIx32"\n", (uint32_t)result);
/* Connect to Wi-Fi AP */
result = connect_to_wifi_ap();
if(result != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS )
printf("\n Failed to connect to Wi-Fi AP! Error code: 0x%08"PRIx32"\n", (uint32_t)result);
#endif /* USE_AP_INTERFACE */
/* Initialize secure socket library. */
result = cy_socket_init();
if (result != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
printf("Secure Socket initialization failed! Error code: %"PRIu32"\n", result);
printf("Secure Socket initialized\n");
/* Create TCP server identity using the SSL certificate and private key. */
result = cy_tls_create_identity(tcp_server_cert, tcp_server_cert_len,
server_private_key, pkey_len, &tls_identity);
if(result != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
printf("Failed cy_tls_create_identity! Error code: %"PRIu32"\n", result);
/* Initializes the global trusted RootCA certificate. This examples uses a self signed
* certificate which implies that the RootCA certificate is same as the TCP client
* certificate. */
result = cy_tls_load_global_root_ca_certificates(tcp_client_ca_cert, strlen(tcp_client_ca_cert));
if( result != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
printf("cy_tls_load_global_root_ca_certificates failed! Error code: %"PRIu32"\n", result);
printf("Global trusted RootCA certificate loaded\n");
/* Create secure TCP server socket. */
result = create_secure_tcp_server_socket();
if( result != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
printf("Failed to create socket! Error code: %"PRIu32"\n", result);
/* Start listening on the secure TCP socket. */
result = cy_socket_listen(server_handle, TCP_SERVER_MAX_PENDING_CONNECTIONS);
if (result != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
printf("cy_socket_listen returned error. Error: %"PRIu32"\n", result);
printf("Listening for incoming TCP client connection on Port: %d\n",
/* Wait till user button is pressed to send LED ON/OFF command to TCP client. */
xTaskNotifyWait(0, 0, &led_state_cmd, portMAX_DELAY);
/* Send LED ON/OFF command to TCP client if there is an active
* TCP client connection. */
/* Send the command to TCP client. */
result = cy_socket_send(client_handle, &led_state_cmd, TCP_LED_CMD_LEN,
CY_SOCKET_FLAGS_NONE, &bytes_sent);
if(result == CY_RSLT_SUCCESS )
if(led_state_cmd == LED_ON_CMD)
printf("LED ON command sent to TCP client\n");
printf("LED OFF command sent to TCP client\n");
printf("Failed to send command to client. Error: %"PRIu32"\n", result);
/* Disconnect the socket. */
cy_socket_disconnect(client_handle, 0);
/* Delete the socket. */
print_heap_usage("After sending LED ON/OFF command to client");
* Function Name: connect_to_wifi_ap()
* Summary:
* Connects to Wi-Fi AP using the user-configured credentials, retries up to a
* configured number of times until the connection succeeds.
* Return:
* cy_result result: Result of the operation.
cy_rslt_t connect_to_wifi_ap(void)
cy_rslt_t result = CY_RSLT_SUCCESS;
uint8_t ssid_len = 0;
uint8_t pwd_len = 0;
/* Variables used by Wi-Fi connection manager.*/
cy_wcm_connect_params_t wifi_conn_param;
/*Validate the length of SSID and password*/
ssid_len = (uint8_t)strlen(WIFI_SSID);
pwd_len = (uint8_t)strlen(WIFI_PASSWORD);
if(ssid_len == 0 || ssid_len > CY_WCM_MAX_SSID_LEN )
printf("SSID - invalid length error \n");
if(pwd_len == 0 || pwd_len > CY_WCM_MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN )
printf("AP credentials passphrase length error\n");
/* Set the Wi-Fi SSID, password and security type. */
memset(&wifi_conn_param, 0, sizeof(cy_wcm_connect_params_t));
memcpy(wifi_conn_param.ap_credentials.SSID, WIFI_SSID, sizeof(WIFI_SSID));
memcpy(wifi_conn_param.ap_credentials.password, WIFI_PASSWORD, sizeof(WIFI_PASSWORD)); = WIFI_SECURITY_TYPE;
/* Join the Wi-Fi AP. */
for(uint32_t conn_retries = 0; conn_retries < MAX_WIFI_CONN_RETRIES; conn_retries++ )
result = cy_wcm_connect_ap(&wifi_conn_param, &ip_address);
if(result == CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
printf("Successfully connected to Wi-Fi network '%s'.\n",
/* IP address and TCP port number of the TCP server */
/* Get the IPv6 address.*/
result = cy_wcm_get_ipv6_addr(CY_WCM_INTERFACE_TYPE_STA, CY_WCM_IPV6_LINK_LOCAL, &ip_address,1);
if(result == CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
printf("IPv6 address (link-local) assigned: %s\n",
ip6addr_ntoa((const ip6_addr_t*)&ip_address.ip.v6));
memcpy(ip_address.ip.v6, tcp_server_addr.ip_address.ip.v6, sizeof(ip_address.ip.v6));
tcp_server_addr.ip_address.version = CY_SOCKET_IP_VER_V6;
printf("IPv4 address assigned: %s\n", ip4addr_ntoa((const ip4_addr_t*)&ip_address.ip.v4));
tcp_server_addr.ip_address.ip.v4 = ip_address.ip.v4;
tcp_server_addr.ip_address.version = CY_SOCKET_IP_VER_V4;
#endif /* USE_IPV6_ADDRESS */
tcp_server_addr.port = TCP_SERVER_PORT;
return result;
printf("Connection to Wi-Fi network failed with error code %"PRIu32"."
"Retrying in %d ms...\n", result, WIFI_CONN_RETRY_INTERVAL_MSEC);
/* Stop retrying after maximum retry attempts. */
printf("Exceeded maximum Wi-Fi connection attempts\n");
return result;
* Function Name: create_secure_tcp_server_socket
* Summary:
* Function to create a socket and set the socket options for configuring TLS
* identity, socket connection handler, message reception handler and
* socket disconnection handler.
* Return:
* cy_result result: Result of the operation.
cy_rslt_t create_secure_tcp_server_socket(void)
cy_rslt_t result = CY_RSLT_SUCCESS;
/* TCP socket receive timeout period. */
uint32_t tcp_recv_timeout = TCP_SERVER_RECV_TIMEOUT_MS;
/* Variables used to set socket options. */
cy_socket_opt_callback_t tcp_receive_option;
cy_socket_opt_callback_t tcp_connection_option;
cy_socket_opt_callback_t tcp_disconnect_option;
/* TLS authentication mode.*/
cy_socket_tls_auth_mode_t tls_auth_mode = CY_SOCKET_TLS_VERIFY_REQUIRED;
/* Create a Secure TCP socket. */
CY_SOCKET_IPPROTO_TLS, &server_handle);
CY_SOCKET_IPPROTO_TLS, &server_handle);
if(result != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
printf("Failed to create socket! Error code: %"PRIu32"\n", result);
return result;
/* Set the TCP socket receive timeout period. */
result = cy_socket_setsockopt(server_handle, CY_SOCKET_SOL_SOCKET,
CY_SOCKET_SO_RCVTIMEO, &tcp_recv_timeout,
if(result != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
printf("Set socket option: CY_SOCKET_SO_RCVTIMEO failed! Error code: %"PRIu32"\n", result);
return result;
/* Register the callback function to handle connection request from a TCP client. */
tcp_connection_option.callback = tcp_connection_handler;
tcp_connection_option.arg = NULL;
result = cy_socket_setsockopt(server_handle, CY_SOCKET_SOL_SOCKET,
&tcp_connection_option, sizeof(cy_socket_opt_callback_t));
if(result != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
printf("Set socket option: CY_SOCKET_SO_CONNECT_REQUEST_CALLBACK failed! Error code: %"PRIu32"\n", result);
return result;
/* Register the callback function to handle messages received from a TCP client. */
tcp_receive_option.callback = tcp_receive_msg_handler;
tcp_receive_option.arg = NULL;
result = cy_socket_setsockopt(server_handle, CY_SOCKET_SOL_SOCKET,
&tcp_receive_option, sizeof(cy_socket_opt_callback_t));
if(result != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
printf("Set socket option: CY_SOCKET_SO_RECEIVE_CALLBACK failed! Error code: %"PRIu32"\n", result);
return result;
/* Register the callback function to handle disconnection. */
tcp_disconnect_option.callback = tcp_disconnection_handler;
tcp_disconnect_option.arg = NULL;
result = cy_socket_setsockopt(server_handle, CY_SOCKET_SOL_SOCKET,
&tcp_disconnect_option, sizeof(cy_socket_opt_callback_t));
if(result != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
printf("Set socket option: CY_SOCKET_SO_DISCONNECT_CALLBACK failed! Error code: %"PRIu32"\n", result);
return result;
/* Set the TCP socket to use the TLS identity. */
result = cy_socket_setsockopt(server_handle, CY_SOCKET_SOL_TLS, CY_SOCKET_SO_TLS_IDENTITY,
tls_identity, sizeof((uint32_t)tls_identity));
if(result != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
printf("Failed cy_socket_setsockopt! Error code: %"PRIu32"\n", result);
return result;
/* Set the TLS authentication mode. */
cy_socket_setsockopt(server_handle, CY_SOCKET_SOL_TLS, CY_SOCKET_SO_TLS_AUTH_MODE,
&tls_auth_mode, sizeof(cy_socket_tls_auth_mode_t));
/* Bind the TCP socket created to Server IP address and to TCP port. */
result = cy_socket_bind(server_handle, &tcp_server_addr, sizeof(tcp_server_addr));
if(result != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
printf("Failed to bind to socket! Error code: %"PRIu32"\n", result);
return result;
* Function Name: tcp_connection_handler
* Summary:
* Callback function to handle incoming secure TCP client connection.
* Parameters:
* cy_socket_t socket_handle: Connection handle for the TCP server socket
* void *args : Parameter passed on to the function (unused)
* Return:
* cy_result result: Result of the operation
cy_rslt_t tcp_connection_handler(cy_socket_t socket_handle, void *arg)
cy_rslt_t result = CY_RSLT_SUCCESS;
/* Accept new incoming connection from a TCP client and
* perform TLS handshake. */
result = cy_socket_accept(socket_handle, &peer_addr, &peer_addr_len,
if(result == CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
printf("Incoming TCP connection accepted\n");
printf("TLS Handshake successful and communication secured!\n");
printf("Press the user button to send LED ON/OFF command to the TCP client\n");
/* Set the client connection flag as true. */
client_connected = true;
printf("Failed to accept incoming client connection. Error: %"PRIu32"\n", result);
printf("Listening for incoming TCP client connection on Port: %d\n",
return result;
* Function Name: tcp_receive_msg_handler
* Summary:
* Callback function to handle incoming TCP client messages.
* Parameters:
* cy_socket_t socket_handle: Connection handle for the TCP client socket
* void *args : Parameter passed on to the function (unused)
* Return:
* cy_result result: Result of the operation
cy_rslt_t tcp_receive_msg_handler(cy_socket_t socket_handle, void *arg)
char message_buffer[MAX_TCP_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
cy_rslt_t result = CY_RSLT_SUCCESS;
/* Variable to store number of bytes received from TCP client. */
uint32_t bytes_received = 0;
result = cy_socket_recv(socket_handle, message_buffer, MAX_TCP_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE,
CY_SOCKET_FLAGS_NONE, &bytes_received);
if(result == CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
/* Terminate the received string with '\0'. */
message_buffer[bytes_received] = '\0';
printf("\r\nAcknowledgement from TCP Client: %s\n", message_buffer);
/* Set the LED state based on the acknowledgement received from the TCP client. */
if(strcmp(message_buffer, "LED ON ACK") == 0)
led_state = CYBSP_LED_STATE_ON;
led_state = CYBSP_LED_STATE_OFF;
printf("Failed to receive acknowledgement from the secure TCP client. Error: %"PRIu32"\n",
/* Disconnect the socket. */
cy_socket_disconnect(socket_handle, 0);
/* Delete the socket. */
print_heap_usage("After receiving ACK from client");
printf("Press the user button to send LED ON/OFF command to the TCP client\n");
return result;
* Function Name: tcp_disconnection_handler
* Summary:
* Callback function to handle TCP client disconnection event.
* Parameters:
* cy_socket_t socket_handle: Connection handle for the TCP client socket
* void *args : Parameter passed on to the function (unused)
* Return:
* cy_result result: Result of the operation
cy_rslt_t tcp_disconnection_handler(cy_socket_t socket_handle, void *arg)
cy_rslt_t result;
/* Disconnect the TCP client. */
result = cy_socket_disconnect(socket_handle, 0);
/* Delete the socket. */
/* Set the client connection flag as false. */
client_connected = false;
printf("TCP Client disconnected! Please reconnect the TCP Client\n");
printf("Listening for incoming TCP client connection on Port:%d\n",
return result;
* Function Name: isr_button_press
* Summary:
* GPIO interrupt service routine. This function detects button
* presses and sets the command to be sent to the secure TCP client.
* Parameters:
* void *callback_arg : pointer to the variable passed to the ISR
* cyhal_gpio_event_t event : GPIO event type
* Return:
* None
void isr_button_press( void *callback_arg, cyhal_gpio_event_t event)
BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
/* Variable to hold the LED ON/OFF command to be sent to the TCP client. */
uint32_t led_state_cmd;
/* Set the command to be sent to TCP client. */
if(led_state == CYBSP_LED_STATE_ON)
led_state_cmd = LED_OFF_CMD;
led_state_cmd = LED_ON_CMD;
/* Set the flag to send command to TCP client. */
xTaskNotifyFromISR(server_task_handle, led_state_cmd,
eSetValueWithoutOverwrite, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken);
/* Force a context switch if xHigherPriorityTaskWoken is now set to pdTRUE. */
* Function Name: softap_start
* Summary:
* This function configures device in AP mode and initializes
* a SoftAP with the given credentials (SOFTAP_SSID, SOFTAP_PASSWORD and
* Parameters:
* void
* Return:
* cy_rslt_t: Returns CY_RSLT_SUCCESS if the Soft AP is started successfully,
* a WCM error code otherwise.
static cy_rslt_t softap_start(void)
cy_rslt_t result = CY_RSLT_SUCCESS;
/* Initialize the Wi-Fi device as a Soft AP. */
cy_wcm_ap_credentials_t softap_credentials = {SOFTAP_SSID, SOFTAP_PASSWORD,
static const cy_wcm_ip_setting_t softap_ip_info = {
cy_wcm_ap_config_t softap_config = {softap_credentials, SOFTAP_RADIO_CHANNEL,
/* Start the the Wi-Fi device as a Soft AP. */
result = cy_wcm_start_ap(&softap_config);
if(result == CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
printf("Wi-Fi Device configured as Soft AP\n");
printf("Connect TCP client device to the network: SSID: %s Password:%s\n",
/* Get the IPv6 address.*/
result = cy_wcm_get_ipv6_addr(CY_WCM_INTERFACE_TYPE_AP, CY_WCM_IPV6_LINK_LOCAL, &ip_address,1);
if(result == CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
printf("SofAP : IPv6 address (link-local) assigned: %s\n",
ip6addr_ntoa((const ip6_addr_t*)&ip_address.ip.v6));
memcpy(ip_address.ip.v6, tcp_server_addr.ip_address.ip.v6, sizeof(ip_address.ip.v6));
tcp_server_addr.ip_address.version = CY_SOCKET_IP_VER_V6;
printf("SofAP : IPv4 address assigned : %s\n\n",
ip4addr_ntoa((const ip4_addr_t *)&softap_ip_info.ip_address.ip.v4));
/* IP address and TCP port number of the TCP server. */
tcp_server_addr.ip_address.ip.v4 = softap_ip_info.ip_address.ip.v4;
tcp_server_addr.ip_address.version = CY_SOCKET_IP_VER_V4;
tcp_server_addr.port = TCP_SERVER_PORT;
return result;
#endif /* USE_AP_INTERFACE */
/* [] END OF FILE */