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* File Name: pps.c
* Description: This source file implements function prototypes for the
* Programmable Power Supply (PPS) functions which are part of
* the PMG1 MCU USB-PD Sink PPS demo Code Example for ModusToolBox.
* Related Document: See
* Copyright 2021-2023, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This software, including source code, documentation and related
* materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* or one of its affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to
* worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
* United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
* Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
* agreement accompanying the software package from which you
* obtained this Software ("EULA").
* If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
* non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software
* source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
* integrated circuit products. Any reproduction, modification, translation,
* compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
* above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.
* reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
* does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
* Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
* not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
* failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
* significant property damage, injury or death ("High Risk Product"). By
* including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer
* of such system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing
* so agrees to indemnify Cypress against all liability.
* Include header files
#include "pps.h"
* Global variables declaration
/* Structure for PPS Source PDO */
extern pps_source_t gl_pps_src_pdo;
/* Flag for PPS task callback */
volatile bool ppsTaskFlag = false;
/* Flag for PPS initialize contract */
volatile bool ppsInitContractFlag = false;
/* Flag for voltage increment/decrement (Increment = true, Decrement = false) */
volatile bool voltIncDecFlag = true;
/* VBUS voltage */
extern uint32_t vbus_volt;
/* USB PD context */
extern cy_stc_pdstack_context_t gl_PdStackPort0Ctx;
/* Timer context */
extern cy_stc_pdutils_sw_timer_t gl_TimerCtx;
* Function Name: pps_callback
* Summary:
* - Set the ppsTaskFlag
* Parameters:
* id - Timer ID
* callbackContext
* Return:
* None
void pps_callback (
cy_timer_id_t id, /**< Timer ID for which callback is being generated. */
void *callbackContext) /**< Timer module Context. */
ppsTaskFlag = true;
* Function Name: pps_init_contract_callback
* Summary:
* - Set the ppsInitContractFlag
* Parameters:
* id - Timer ID
* callbackContext
* Return:
* None
void pps_init_contract_callback (
cy_timer_id_t id, /**< Timer ID for which callback is being generated. */
void *callbackContext) /**< Timer module Context. */
ppsInitContractFlag = true;
* Function Name: led_callback
* Summary:
* - Toggles the User LED at an interval of 500ms if PPS source is connected
* - Glows the User LED if Non-PPS source is connected
* Parameters:
* id - Timer ID
* callbackContext
* Return:
* None
void led_callback (
cy_timer_id_t id, /**< Timer ID for which callback is being generated. */
void *callbackContext) /**< Timer module Context. */
/* Toggle the User LED */
/* Start the software timer again */
Cy_PdUtils_SwTimer_Start (&gl_TimerCtx, callbackContext, id,
* Function Name: pps_request_5v
* Summary:
* - Requests PPS 5V
* Parameters:
* None
* Return:
* None
void pps_request_5v()
cy_pd_pd_do_t pps_pdo;
/* Structure to hold PD command buffer */
cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_pd_cmd_buf_t extd_dpm_buf;
/* Assigning the PPS RDO with voltage */
pps_pdo.rdo_pps.outVolt = 0xFA;
/* Assigning the PPS RDO with minimum current */
pps_pdo.rdo_pps.opCur = gl_pps_src_pdo.min_curr;
/* Setting false to USB communication capabilities */
pps_pdo.rdo_pps.usbCommCap = 0x0;
/* Assigning the object position */
pps_pdo.rdo_pps.objPos = gl_pps_src_pdo.obj_position;
/* Setting true to unChunked extended message support */
pps_pdo.rdo_pps.unchunkSup = true;
/* Setting zero to reserved bits */
pps_pdo.rdo_pps.rsvd1 = 0x0;
pps_pdo.rdo_pps.rsvd2 = 0x0;
pps_pdo.rdo_pps.rsvd3 = 0x0;
/* Extended data */
extd_dpm_buf.cmdSop = (cy_en_pd_sop_t)CY_PD_SOP;
extd_dpm_buf.noOfCmdDo = 1;
extd_dpm_buf.datPtr = NULL;
extd_dpm_buf.timeout = 33;
extd_dpm_buf.cmdDo[0] = pps_pdo;
/* Send Request PD command */
Cy_PdStack_Dpm_SendPdCommand(&gl_PdStackPort0Ctx, CY_PDSTACK_DPM_CMD_SEND_REQUEST, &extd_dpm_buf, false, NULL);
/* Conversion (As min and max voltage is parsed from source capabilities, it will
* be in terms of 100mV, but for PPS Request Data object, it should be in terms of
* 20mV) */
gl_pps_src_pdo.min_volt = gl_pps_src_pdo.min_volt * PPS_VOLTAGE_CONVERT;
gl_pps_src_pdo.max_volt = gl_pps_src_pdo.max_volt * PPS_VOLTAGE_CONVERT;
vbus_volt = gl_pps_src_pdo.min_volt;
/* Start a timer for 500 milli seconds for Policy engine to request any PPS PDO */
Cy_PdUtils_SwTimer_Start (&gl_TimerCtx, (void *)&gl_PdStackPort0Ctx, (cy_timer_id_t)PPS_REQUEST_TIMER_ID,
PPS_REQ_TIME, pps_callback);
* Function Name: increment_decrement_voltage
* Summary:
* - Increments the VBUS voltage from minimum to maximum (Step size: 100mV)
* - Decrements the VBUS voltage from maximum to minimum (Step size: 100mV)
* Parameters:
* None
* Return:
* None
void increment_decrement_voltage()
/* Structure to hold PD command buffer */
cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_pd_cmd_buf_t extd_dpm_buf;
/* PPS data object */
cy_pd_pd_do_t pps_pdo;
/* Checking if the vbus_volt variable is equal to the minimum voltage parsed
* from the PPS source PDOs. If it is equal, vbus_volt is assigned with the
* minimum voltage and voltIncDecFlag is set to true (Increment) */
if (vbus_volt == gl_pps_src_pdo.min_volt)
vbus_volt = gl_pps_src_pdo.min_volt;
voltIncDecFlag = true;
/* Assigning the PPS RDO with voltage */
pps_pdo.rdo_pps.outVolt = vbus_volt;
/* Checking if voltIncDecFlag is true (increment) */
if (voltIncDecFlag == true)
/* Checking if vbus_volt is less than the maximum voltage from the PPS source.
* If true, vbus_volt is incremented by 5 (As one unit is 20mV) */
if (vbus_volt < gl_pps_src_pdo.max_volt)
vbus_volt += PPS_STEP_INCREMENT;
/* Checking if vbus_volt is equal to the maximum voltage from the PPS source.
* If true, voltIncDecFlag is set to false (decrement) */
else if (vbus_volt == gl_pps_src_pdo.max_volt)
voltIncDecFlag = false;
/* Checking if voltIncDecFlag is false (decrement) */
else if (voltIncDecFlag == false)
/* Checking if vbus_volt is greater than the minimum voltage from the PPS source.
* If true, vbus_volt is decremented by 5 (As one unit is 20mV) */
if (vbus_volt > gl_pps_src_pdo.min_volt)
vbus_volt -= PPS_STEP_DECREMENT;
/* Checking if vbus_volt is equal to the minimum voltage from the PPS source.
* If true, voltIncDecFlag is set to true (increment) */
else if (vbus_volt == gl_pps_src_pdo.min_volt)
voltIncDecFlag = true;
/* Assigning the PPS RDO with minimum current */
pps_pdo.rdo_pps.opCur = gl_pps_src_pdo.min_curr;
/* Setting false to USB communication capabilities */
pps_pdo.rdo_pps.usbCommCap = 0x0;
/* Assigning the object position */
pps_pdo.rdo_pps.objPos = gl_pps_src_pdo.obj_position;
/* Setting true to unChunked extended message support */
pps_pdo.rdo_pps.unchunkSup = true;
/* Setting zero to reserved bits */
pps_pdo.rdo_pps.rsvd1 = 0x0;
pps_pdo.rdo_pps.rsvd2 = 0x0;
pps_pdo.rdo_pps.rsvd3 = 0x0;
/* Extended data */
extd_dpm_buf.cmdSop = (cy_en_pd_sop_t)CY_PD_SOP;
extd_dpm_buf.noOfCmdDo = 1;
extd_dpm_buf.datPtr = NULL;
extd_dpm_buf.timeout = 33;
extd_dpm_buf.cmdDo[0] = pps_pdo;
/* Send Request PD command */
Cy_PdStack_Dpm_SendPdCommand(&gl_PdStackPort0Ctx, CY_PDSTACK_DPM_CMD_SEND_REQUEST, &extd_dpm_buf, false, NULL);
* Function Name: pps_task
* Summary:
* - Increments the VBUS voltage from minimum to maximum
* - Decrements the VBUS voltage from maximum to minimum
* - Starts the software time of 500ms
* Parameters:
* None
* Return:
* None
void pps_task(void)
if (ppsInitContractFlag == true)
/* Request PPS 5V */
ppsInitContractFlag = false;
if (ppsTaskFlag == true)
/* Increment and decrement VBUS voltage */
/* Start a timer for 500 milli seconds for Policy engine to request any PPS PDO */
Cy_PdUtils_SwTimer_Start (&gl_TimerCtx, (void *)&gl_PdStackPort0Ctx, (cy_timer_id_t)PPS_REQUEST_TIMER_ID,
PPS_REQ_TIME, pps_callback);
/* Clear the PPS task flag */
ppsTaskFlag = false;