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* File Name: interface.c
* Description: This file contains the functions that helps to demonstrate Liquid
* Level sensing (LLS) using capacitance.
* Related Document:
* Copyright 2023-2024, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This software, including source code, documentation and related
* materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* or one of its affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to
* worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
* United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
* Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
* agreement accompanying the software package from which you
* obtained this Software ("EULA").
* If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
* non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software
* source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
* integrated circuit products. Any reproduction, modification, translation,
* compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
* above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.
* reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
* does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
* Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
* not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
* failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
* significant property damage, injury or death ("High Risk Product"). By
* including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer
* of such system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing
* so agrees to indemnify Cypress against all liability.
#include "cy_pdl.h"
#include "cybsp.h"
#include "cycfg.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "cy_em_eeprom.h"
* Global Variables
/* UART variables */
uint8_t uartTxMode = UART_BASIC;
uint8_t storeSampleFlag = FALSE;
uint8_t resetSampleFlag = FALSE;
int16_t arrayAxisLabel[NUM_SAMPLES] = {-5,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150,153,160,0};
* Function Name: display_uart_commands
* Summary:
* This is the function for displaying the available commands in the UART.
* Parameters:
* void
* Return:
* void
/* Transmit list of available commands */
void display_uart_commands(void)
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "\n\r");
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "Commands \n\r");
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, " stop - Stops displaying data over UART.\n\r");
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, " cal - Stores empty container sensor values to EEPROM for calibration.\n\r");
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, " basic - Outputs liquid level in mm and %.\n\r");
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, " csv - Outputs intermediate computation values as well as liquid level in CSV format.\n\r");
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, " 'Enter' - Outputs the next set of level values from the sample array.\n\r");
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, " reset - Resets the sample array pointer to 0 %.\n\r");
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "\n\r");
* Function Name: display_current_cal_val
* Summary:
* This function displays currently stored calibration values in the UART terminal.
* Parameters:
* void
* Return:
* void
void display_current_cal_val(void)
uint8_t i;
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "EmptyCal=");
for(i = 0; i < NUMSENSORS; i++)
display_decimal_val(sensorEmptyOffset[i], 0);
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, ",");
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "\r\n");
* Function Name: display_decimal_val
* Summary:
* This function displays the decimal representation of a int32 variable with
* optional leading zeros in the UART terminal.
* Parameters:
* number Number to be displayed in decimal format.
* leading_zeros Number of leading zeros to force display of.
* Useful for fractional numbers after decimal point.
* Return:
* void
void display_decimal_val(int32_t number, int8_t leading_zeros)
uint8_t digit = 0;
uint8_t zero_flag = 0;
int8_t i = 0;
const int32_t decimal[] = {1000000000, 100000000, 10000000, 1000000, 100000, 10000, 1000, 100, 10, 1};
/* Check for out of range parameters */
if(leading_zeros > 10)
leading_zeros = 10;
if(number < 0)
number *= -1;
/* Loop through each digit and subtract out represented decimal quantity */
for(i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
digit = 0;
while(number >= decimal[i])
zero_flag = 1;
number -= decimal[i];
/* display digit (and any following) if digit > 0, 1s digit = 0, or
* we have reached the number of forced leading zeros.
if((zero_flag == 1) || (i == 9) || (i >= (10 - leading_zeros)))
while (!Cy_SCB_UART_Put(CYBSP_UART_HW, digit + 48));
* Function Name: store_calibration
* Summary:
* This function stores the current raw counts with an empty container to emulated
* EEPROM (in Flash). CapSense_CSD_ScanEnabledWidgets() function must be called
* prior to this function to ensure valid data is present for storage.
* Parameters:
* void
* Return:
* void
void store_calibration(void)
uint8_t i;
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t em_eeprom_status;
/* Calculate offset for each sensor */
for(i = 0; i < NUMSENSORS; i++)
sensorEmptyOffset[i] = sensorDiff[i];
/* Store new cal values */
/* Write initial data to Emulated EEPROM. */
em_eeprom_status = Cy_Em_EEPROM_Write(LOGICAL_EM_EEPROM_START,
/* EEPROM Error handler */
handle_error(em_eeprom_status, "Emulated EEPROM Write failed \r\n");
* Function Name: handle_error
* Summary:
* This function processes unrecoverable errors such as any component
* initialization errors etc. In case of such error the system will
* stay in the infinite loop of this function.
* Parameters:
* uint32_t status: contains the status.
* char* message: contains the message that is printed to the serial terminal.
* Note:
* If error occurs interrupts are disabled.
void handle_error(uint32_t status, char *message)
if(CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS != status)
if(NULL != message)
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, message);
* Function Name: display_cur_liquid_level
* Summary:
* This function displays the the current liquid level in percent and mm in the
* UART terminal.
* Parameters:
* void
* Return:
* void
void display_cur_liquid_level(void)
uint8_t i;
if(uartTxMode == UART_BASIC)
/* Transmit current liquid level Percent */
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "%=");
display_decimal_val(levelPercent >> 8, 0);
/* Add one decimal point digit to percent */
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, ".");
display_decimal_val(((levelPercent & 0x000000FF) * 10) >> 8, 0);
/* Transmit current liquid level mm */
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, " mm=");
display_decimal_val(levelMm >> 8, 0);
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, ".");
display_decimal_val(((levelMm & 0x000000FF) * 10) >> 8, 0);
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "\r\n");
else if ((uartTxMode == UART_CSVINIT) || (uartTxMode == UART_CSV))
if (uartTxMode == UART_CSVINIT)
for(i = 0; i < NUMSENSORS; i++)
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "Raw");
display_decimal_val(i, 0);
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, ",");
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "Diff");
display_decimal_val(i, 0);
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, ",");
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "Proc");
display_decimal_val(i, 0);
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, ",");
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "SenActCnt,");
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "Level%, LevelMm");
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "\r\n");
uartTxMode = UART_CSV;
for(i = 0; i < NUMSENSORS; i++)
display_decimal_val(sensorRaw[i], 0);
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, ",");
display_decimal_val(sensorDiff[i], 0);
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, ",");
display_decimal_val(sensorProcessed[i], 0);
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, ",");
display_decimal_val(sensorActiveCount, 0);
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, ",");
display_decimal_fixed_val(levelPercent, 8, 1);
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, ",");
/* Transmit current liquid level mm */
display_decimal_fixed_val(levelMm, 8, 1);
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "\r\n");
/* Looking for UART commands. */
/* Check if test UART message should be sent */
* Function Name: receive_uart_cmd
* Summary:
* This function receives the command via the UART terminal.
* Parameters:
* void
* Return:
* void
void receive_uart_cmd(void)
static uint16_t bufferIndex = 0;
static char rxBuffer[32]= {'\0'};
uint32_t read_data = 0;
/* Check if there is a received character from user console */
if (0UL != Cy_SCB_UART_GetNumInRxFifo(CYBSP_UART_HW))
/* Re-transmit whatever the user types on the console */
read_data = Cy_SCB_UART_Get(CYBSP_UART_HW);
if(read_data > '0')
while (0UL == Cy_SCB_UART_Put(CYBSP_UART_HW, read_data))
rxBuffer[bufferIndex] = read_data;
if((read_data == '\r') || (read_data == '\n'))
rxBuffer[bufferIndex] = '\0';
if(strcmp("cal", rxBuffer) == 0)
cal_flag = TRUE;
else if(strcmp("stop", rxBuffer) == 0)
uartTxMode = UART_NONE;
else if(strcmp("csv", rxBuffer) == 0)
uartTxMode = UART_CSVINIT;
else if(strcmp("basic", rxBuffer) == 0)
uartTxMode = UART_BASIC;
else if(strcmp("", rxBuffer) == 0)
storeSampleFlag = TRUE;
uartTxMode = UART_NONE;
else if((strcmp("reset", rxBuffer) == 0))
resetSampleFlag = TRUE;
uartTxMode = UART_NONE;
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "Command Error");
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "\r\n");
bufferIndex = 0;
memset(rxBuffer, '\0', strlen(rxBuffer));
* Function Name: display_decimal_fixed_val
* Summary:
* This function displays the decimal representation of a fixed precision int32_t
* variable.
* Parameters:
* int32_t number: Number to be displayed in decimal.
* int32_t fixed_shift: Number of bits for fractional portion of number.
* int8_t num_decimal: Number of decimal digits after the decimal point to display.
* Note:
* If error occurs interrupts are disabled.
void display_decimal_fixed_val(int32_t number, uint8_t fixed_shift, uint8_t num_decimal)
int8_t i = 0;
int64_t decimal_num = 0;
int32_t dec_digits = 1;
/* Check for out of range parameters */
if(fixed_shift > 31)
fixed_shift = 31;
if(num_decimal > 9)
num_decimal = 9;
/* Display whole number part of value */
display_decimal_val(number >> fixed_shift, 0);
/* Display fractional part of number if required */
if(num_decimal > 0)
dec_digits = 1;
/* Calculate fractional portion scaling multiplier */
for(i = 0; i < num_decimal; i++)
dec_digits *= 10;
decimal_num = ((number & (0xFFFFFFFF >> (31 - fixed_shift))) * dec_digits) >> fixed_shift;
display_decimal_val(decimal_num, num_decimal);
* Function Name: display_next_level_val
* Summary:
* This function displays the the next set of level values from the sample array
* in the UART terminal.
* Parameters:
* void
* Return:
* void
void display_next_level_val(void)
uint8_t i;
static uint16_t sampleIndex;
/* Check if we should output sensor level data */
if(storeSampleFlag == TRUE)
uartTxMode = UART_NONE;
if(sampleIndex == 0)
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "PresetMm,");
for(i = 1; i < NUMSENSORS; i++)
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "SenDiff");
display_decimal_val(i, 0);
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, ",");
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "Level%, LevelMm");
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "\r\n");
display_decimal_val(arrayAxisLabel[sampleIndex], 0);
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, ",");
for(i = 1; i < NUMSENSORS; i++)
display_decimal_val(sensorProcessed[i], 0);
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, ",");
display_decimal_fixed_val(levelPercent, 8, 1);
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, ",");
/* Transmit current liquid level mm */
display_decimal_fixed_val(levelMm, 8, 1);
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "\r\n");
/* Increment and limit array index */
sampleIndex += 1;
if(sampleIndex >= NUM_SAMPLES)
sampleIndex = NUM_SAMPLES - 1;
/* Clear flag to allow user to press for next store request */
storeSampleFlag = FALSE;
/* Check if we should reset for a new test sequence */
if(resetSampleFlag == TRUE)
sampleIndex = 0;
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "Reset Test Level");
Cy_SCB_UART_PutString(CYBSP_UART_HW, "\r\n");
/* Clear flags to allow user to press for next store request */
resetSampleFlag = FALSE;
storeSampleFlag = FALSE;
/* [] END OF FILE */