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* File Name: main.c
* Description: This is the source code for the dfu host
* for ModusToolbox.
* Related Document: See
* Copyright 2020-2023, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This software, including source code, documentation and related
* materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* or one of its affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to
* worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
* United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
* Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
* agreement accompanying the software package from which you
* obtained this Software ("EULA").
* If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
* non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software
* source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
* integrated circuit products. Any reproduction, modification, translation,
* compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
* above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.
* reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
* does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
* Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
* not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
* failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
* significant property damage, injury or death ("High Risk Product"). By
* including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer
* of such system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing
* so agrees to indemnify Cypress against all liability.
#include "string.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "cy_pdl.h"
#include "cybsp.h"
#include "communication_api.h"
#include "cybtldr_api.h"
#include "cybtldr_command.h"
#include "cybtldr_parse.h"
#include "cybtldr_utils.h"
#include "uart_interface.h"
#include "string_Image.h"
* Macros
#define BTLDR_I2C_ADDRESS 0x0CU // Bootloader's I2C address
#define PRODUCT_ID 0x01020304U // default product ID
#define MAX_TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE 64U // max transfer data on each I2C transaction
#define TRUE 1U
#define FALSE 0U
#define DEBOUNCE_DELAY 50 // debounce delay to debounce the button press
#define TIME_ELAPSED_MAX 20 // count till this macro for a long press detection
#define RETRY_DELAY 1000U // delay before re attempting the process
#define LINE_START 0U
* This enum defines the different operations that can be performed
* by the bootloader host.
typedef enum {
/* Perform a Program operation*/
/* Perform an Erase operation */
/* Perform a Verify operation */
} CyBtldr_Action;
* Global variables
/* Allocate context for UART operation */
cy_stc_scb_uart_context_t uartContext;
/* This structure contains function pointers to the four communication layer functions
contained in the communication_api.c / .h */
CyBtldr_CommunicationsData comm1;
/* This structure contains the pointer to the String_Image present in the flash
* which is used in cybtldr_parse.c / .h */
Firmware_Image_t image1 = {
.imageBuffer = stringImage, //present in string_Image.h
.line_count = LINE_CNT //present in string_Image.h
CyBtldr_Action action_t; //to hold the action to be performed
* I2C slave address to communicate with
* It is used in communication_api.c
extern uint8_t I2C_SLAVE_ADDR;
* Function Declaration
int CyBtldr_RunAction(CyBtldr_Action, CyBtldr_CommunicationsData);
int ProcessDataRow(CyBtldr_Action, uint32_t, char*);
* Function Name: main
* Summary:
* This is the bootloder host main function.
* It initializes the Firmware Image, I2C address of the Bootloader and the communication structure.
* It checks for a button click and a long button press of 1s.
* if the button press is short, like a click invoke a Program action and then verify the programmed data.
* and if the button press is long, then invoke an erase action.
* It enables a uart block for printing statuses.
* Parameters:
* void
* Return:
* int
int main(void)
int btldr_err; // variable to store the error occurred after the bootloading operation
uint32_t time_elapsed=0; // counter counting for how long the button was pressed
uint8_t button_pressed = 0; // flag to store whether the button was pressed or not
cy_rslt_t result;
/* Initialize the device and board peripherals */
result = cybsp_init() ;
if (result != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
/* Configure UART to operate */
(void) Cy_SCB_UART_Init(UART_HW, &UART_config, &uartContext);
/* Enable UART */
/* Enable global interrupts */
/* Initialize the firmware_image structure element*/
/*initialize the i2c slave address to communicate with the bootloader
* I2C_SLAVE_ADDR is used in communication_api.c
/* Initialize the communication structure element -comm1 */
comm1.OpenConnection = &OpenConnection;
comm1.CloseConnection = &CloseConnection;
comm1.ReadData = &ReadData;
comm1.WriteData = &WriteData;
comm1.MaxTransferSize = MAX_TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE;
for (;;)
/* look for a button press, whether it is a single click or a long press
* We are using a click to demonstrate Program and a 1s long press for Erase
action_t = PROGRAM; //initialize the action to be performed with PROGRAM
button_pressed = TRUE;
Cy_SysLib_Delay(DEBOUNCE_DELAY); //debounce
if(time_elapsed > TIME_ELAPSED_MAX){
action_t = ERASE; //change the action to be performed with ERASE if long button press
time_elapsed = 0U;
button_pressed = FALSE; //reset the button_pressed flag to account next button presses
switch (action_t)
case ERASE: print("\n\rErase Started\n");
Cy_GPIO_Write(CYBSP_USER_LED1_PORT, CYBSP_USER_LED1_PIN, 0); //Turn the LED ON to indicate execution (the LED is Active LOW)
btldr_err = CyBtldr_RunAction(action_t, comm1); // Execute ERASE action
if(CYRET_SUCCESS != btldr_err)
print("\n\rError, ERASE Failed !"); //print to the UART
print("\n\rERASE Successful !"); //print to the UART
Cy_GPIO_Write(CYBSP_USER_LED1_PORT, CYBSP_USER_LED1_PIN, 1); //Turn the LED OFF to indicate execution completed
case PROGRAM: print("\n\rProgramming Started\n");
Cy_GPIO_Write(CYBSP_USER_LED1_PORT, CYBSP_USER_LED1_PIN, 0); //Turn the LED ON to indicate execution (the LED is Active LOW)
btldr_err = CyBtldr_RunAction(action_t, comm1); // Execute PROGRAM action
if(CYRET_SUCCESS != btldr_err)
print("\n\rError, Programming Failed !"); //print to the UART
print("\n\rProgram Successful !"); //print to the UART
Cy_GPIO_Write(CYBSP_USER_LED1_PORT, CYBSP_USER_LED1_PIN, 1); //Turn the LED OFF to indicate execution completed
action_t = VERIFY; //change the action to verify
print("\n\rVerification Started\n"); //print to the UART console
Cy_GPIO_Write(CYBSP_USER_LED1_PORT, CYBSP_USER_LED1_PIN, 0); //Turn the LED ON to indicate execution (the LED is Active LOW)
btldr_err = CyBtldr_RunAction(action_t, comm1); // Execute VERIFY action
if(CYRET_SUCCESS != btldr_err)
print("\n\rError, Verify Failed !"); //print to the UART
print("\n\rVerification Successful !"); //print to the UART
Cy_GPIO_Write(CYBSP_USER_LED1_PORT, CYBSP_USER_LED1_PIN, 1); //Turn the LED OFF to indicate execution completed
default: break;
Cy_SysLib_Delay(RETRY_DELAY); // wait a while before two consecutive actions
* Function Name: CyBtldr_RunAction
* Summary: Run the appropriate function for setting up the meta-data and then start
* program, verify or erase operation on the flash.
* Parameters:
* action - The action to execute
* comm - The communication structure
* Returns:
* CYRET_SUCCESS - The action was executed successfully
* error_code - error occurred and operation aborted
int CyBtldr_RunAction(CyBtldr_Action action, CyBtldr_CommunicationsData comm) {
uint32_t lineLen;
char line[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE * 2]; // 2 hex characters per byte
uint32_t err = 0;
uint32_t blVer = 0;
uint32_t siliconId = 0;
uint8_t siliconRev = 0;
uint8_t chksumtype = SUM_CHECKSUM;
uint8_t appId = 0;
uint32_t applicationStartAddr = 0xffffffff;
uint32_t applicationSize = 0;
uint32_t applicationDataLines = 0;
uint32_t productId = PRODUCT_ID;
/*read one row from the string array and store into the buffer line*/
err = CyBtldr_ReadLine(&lineLen, line);
/* Parse the first line(header) of cyacd2 file to extract siliconID, siliconRev and packetChkSumType, appID, productID */
err = CyBtldr_ParseHeader(lineLen, line, &siliconId, &siliconRev, &chksumtype, &appId, &productId);
if (CYRET_SUCCESS == err) {
/* Set the packet checksum type for communicating with bootloader.*/
/* Start Bootloader operation by opening the I2C communication interface and send an Enter DFU command */
err = CyBtldr_StartBootloadOperation(&comm, siliconId, siliconRev, &blVer, productId);
/* parse the meta-data i.e the application size and the start address for the application*/
if (err == CYRET_SUCCESS) err = CyBtldr_ParseAppStartAndSize(&applicationStartAddr, &applicationSize, &applicationDataLines, line);
/* Set the meta-data */
if (err == CYRET_SUCCESS) err = CyBtldr_SetApplicationMetaData(appId, applicationStartAddr, applicationSize);
while (err == CYRET_SUCCESS) {
/*read one row from the string array and store into the buffer line*/
err = CyBtldr_ReadLine(&lineLen, line);
if (CYRET_SUCCESS == err) {
/* start programming, erasing or verifying the each row */
err = ProcessDataRow(action, lineLen, line);
/*print the progress of the action*/
printInt((int)(((float)getLineCounter()/(float)LINE_CNT)*100.0)); //print the progress of the action in percentage
print(" %");
} else if (CYRET_ERR_EOF == err) {
if (err == CYRET_SUCCESS && (VERIFY == action)) {
/* verify the Application checksum upon finishing the row by row verification */
err = CyBtldr_VerifyApplication(appId);
/*end the Bootloader operation and jump to the valid application thereafter*/
setLineCounter(LINE_START); //reset the line counter to point at the beginning of the string array again
return err;
* Function Name: ProcessDataRow
* Summary: This function processes each row by parsing the appropriate fields from
* the buffer and starts the I2C communication to program, verify or erase.
* Parameters:
* action - The action to execute
* rowSize - the size of each row
* rowData - buffer contains the row data
* Returns:
* CYRET_SUCCESS - The action was executed successfully
* error_code - error occurred and operation aborted
int ProcessDataRow(CyBtldr_Action action, uint32_t rowSize, char* rowData) {
uint8_t buffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint16_t bufSize;
uint32_t address;
uint8_t checksum;
int err = CyBtldr_ParseRowData(rowSize, rowData, &address, buffer, &bufSize, &checksum);
if (CYRET_SUCCESS == err) {
switch (action) {
case ERASE:
err = CyBtldr_EraseRow(address);
err = CyBtldr_ProgramRow(address, buffer, bufSize);
case VERIFY:
err = CyBtldr_VerifyRow(address, buffer, bufSize);
return err;
/* [] END OF FILE */