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* \file cy_p64_syscalls.c
* \version 1.0.1
* \brief
* This is the source code file for syscall functions.
* \copyright
* Copyright 2021-2022, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company).
* All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.
* Syscalls Prototypes
* \defgroup syscalls Syscalls
* \brief
* This library implement syscalls functionality
* \{
* \defgroup syscalls_api Functions
* \defgroup syscalls_macros Macros
* \defgroup syscalls_t Data Structures
* \}
#include <string.h>
#include "cy_p64_syscalls.h"
#include "cy_p64_jwt_policy.h"
/** AcquireResponse Syscall opcode */
/** PSA crypto SysCall opcode */
#define CY_P64_SYSCALL_OPCODE_PSA_CRYPTO (0x35UL << 24U)
/** Roll Back counter SysCall opcode */
/** Get Provision details SysCall opcode */
/** DAP Control SysCall opcode */
/** Attestation SysCall opcode */
* Function Name: cy_p64_get_certificate
* Parses chain_of_trust token and returns pointer to particular certificate.
* Note that function allocates buffer for parsed token when cert_buff != NULL and
* free it after following function call with input parameters equal to NULL.
* \param chain_of_trust JSON provisioning packet (0 terminated).
* \param cert_buff The buffer where certificate will be copied.
* \param cert_len The length of certBuffLen buffer.
* \param certificate_id ID of the requested certificate.
* \retval #CY_P64_SUCCESS
* \retval #CY_P64_JWT_ERR_JSN_NONOBJ
static cy_p64_error_codes_t cy_p64_get_certificate(const char *chain_of_trust, char **cert_buff, uint32_t *cert_len, uint32_t certificate_id)
cy_p64_error_codes_t rc = CY_P64_JWT_ERR_JSN_PARSE_FAIL;
static cy_p64_cJSON *json_parent = NULL;
cy_p64_cJSON *json;
char *cert_str = NULL;
/* Free previously allocated buffers */
if(json_parent != NULL)
json_parent = NULL;
if((cert_buff == NULL) && (cert_len == NULL))
rc = CY_P64_SUCCESS; /* Just free static buffer without parsing */
json_parent = cy_p64_cJSON_Parse(chain_of_trust);
if(json_parent != NULL)
json = json_parent;
if(json->type == CY_P64_cJSON_Array)
json = json->child;
while((certificate_id > 0u) && (json != NULL))
json = json->next;
if((json != NULL) && (certificate_id == 0u))
if(json->type == CY_P64_cJSON_String)
cert_str = json->valuestring;
if(cert_str != NULL)
if(cert_len != NULL)
*cert_len = strlen(cert_str);
if(cert_buff != NULL)
*cert_buff = cert_str;
rc = CY_P64_SUCCESS;
/* Free json_parent only when response string is not requested */
if(cert_buff == NULL)
json_parent = NULL;
return rc;
/** \addtogroup syscalls_api
* \{
* Function Name: cy_p64_get_provisioning_details
* Reads the provisioning packet (JWT), policy templates or public keys
* strings in the JSON format.
* \param[in] id: Item id (provisioning packet, templates or public keys):
* * 0 to 32 - Key slot in SFB Mbed Crypto Key Storage
* * 0x100 - CY_P64_POLICY_JWT
* * 0x101 - CY_P64_POLICY_TEMPL_BOOT
* * 0x2xx - CY_P64_POLICY_CERTIFICATE, where xx is a certificate index in
* the "chain_of_trust" array of the provisioned packet.
* Note that when the function is called with this parameter it allocates buffer for the certificate.
* the buffer is free/reused on the following call for read certificate.
* To free the buffer explicitly call this function again with ptr=NULL and len=NULL.
* \param[out] ptr: The pointer to the response string. Can be NULL to read 'len' only.
* \param[out] len: The length of the response string.
* \return \ref CY_P64_SUCCESS for success or error code
cy_p64_error_codes_t cy_p64_get_provisioning_details(uint32_t id, char **ptr, uint32_t *len)
cy_p64_error_codes_t status = CY_P64_INVALID;
uint32_t syscall_cmd[2];
uint32_t syscall_param[2];
(sfb_ver == CY_P64_SFB_VERSION_RELEASE))
/* Workaround for memory leakage in the released version of Secure FlashBoot which is fixed in the following version */
status = cy_p64_get_certificate((const char *)CY_P64_CHAIN_OF_TRUST_ADDR, ptr, len, id & CY_P64_POLICY_CERT_INDEX_MASK);
syscall_cmd[1] = (uint32_t)syscall_param;
syscall_param[0] = id;
syscall_param[1] = 0U;
status = cy_p64_syscall(syscall_cmd);
if(status == CY_P64_SUCCESS)
if(ptr != NULL)
*ptr = (char *)syscall_param[1];
if(len != NULL)
*len = syscall_param[0];
return status;
* Function Name: cy_p64_access_port_control
* Allows the user to control DAP access during run-time.
* It works only when particular Debug Access Port has permission set to "allowed"
* and control field is set to "open" in Debug policy.
* \param[in] ap: Access port name
* \param[in] control: Control value.
* \return \ref CY_P64_SUCCESS for success or error code
cy_p64_error_codes_t cy_p64_access_port_control(cy_p64_ap_name_t ap, cy_p64_ap_control_t control)
cy_p64_error_codes_t status = CY_P64_INVALID;
uint32_t syscall_cmd;
((uint32_t)control << 16U) |
((uint32_t)ap << 8U) |
status = cy_p64_syscall(&syscall_cmd);
return status;
* Function Name: cy_p64_acquire_response
* Call this function only when TEST_MODE bit is set in the
* SRSS_TST_MODE register, use CY_P64_IS_TEST_MODE_SET() macro to check.
* It sends acquire response, i.e. sets a magic number
* in the protected RAM by calling a syscall. The code after this function should
* wait until TEST_MODE is cleared by the debugger, call
* cy_p64_acquire_test_bit_loop().
* Acquire procedure is described in PSoC 64 Programming Specification
* 002-31353 rev** section 5.3.
* \return \ref CY_P64_SUCCESS for success or error code
cy_p64_error_codes_t cy_p64_acquire_response(void)
cy_p64_error_codes_t status = CY_P64_INVALID;
uint32_t syscall_cmd;
status = cy_p64_syscall(&syscall_cmd);
return status;
* Function Name: cy_p64_acquire_test_bit_loop
* This function should be called after cy_p64_acquire_response(). It is executed
* from SRAM and waits until TEST_MODE bit is cleared in the SRSS_TST_MODE
* register by the debugger.
* The acquire procedure is described in PSoC 64 Programming Specification
* 002-31353 rev** section 5.3.
#if !defined (__ICCARM__)
void cy_p64_acquire_test_bit_loop(void)
/* Wait until TEST_MODE bit is cleared */
* Function Name: cy_p64_get_rollback_counter
* This function reads the rollback counter.
* \param[in] number: Rollback counter number (0-15).
* \param[out] *value: The pointer to the read value.
* \return \ref CY_P64_SUCCESS for success or error code
cy_p64_error_codes_t cy_p64_get_rollback_counter(uint32_t number, uint32_t *value)
cy_p64_error_codes_t status = CY_P64_INVALID;
uint32_t syscall_cmd[2];
uint32_t syscall_param;
if(value == NULL)
status = CY_P64_INVALID_OUT_PAR;
(number << 16U) |
syscall_cmd[1] = (uint32_t)&syscall_param;
status = cy_p64_syscall(syscall_cmd);
if(status == CY_P64_SUCCESS)
*value = syscall_param;
return status;
* Function Name: cy_p64_update_rollback_counter
* Updates the rollback counter to a higher value only. This syscall is used by
* Bootloader to prevent firmware reversion during firmware update.
* \param[in] number: Rollback counter number (0-15).
* \param[in] value: A new value.
* \return \ref CY_P64_SUCCESS for success or error code
cy_p64_error_codes_t cy_p64_update_rollback_counter(uint32_t number, uint32_t value)
cy_p64_error_codes_t status = CY_P64_INVALID;
uint32_t syscall_cmd[2];
uint32_t syscall_param;
(number << 16U) |
syscall_cmd[1] = (uint32_t)&syscall_param;
syscall_param = value;
status = cy_p64_syscall(syscall_cmd);
return status;
#ifndef CY_DEVICE_PSOC6A512K
* Function Name: cy_p64_attestation
* Calculates hashes of memory regions provided in an input array.
* Calculates the signature of a certificate that attests the device state at the
* moment of signing.
* Signature is calculated for the following data structure:
* * Server random number (uint32_t)
* * Syscall random number (uint32_t)
* * Device UID (SFLASH->DIE_LOT array, 11 bytes)
* * Device Identity (cy_flashDeviceKeyData array, 512 bytes)
* * OEM Public key and Product ID (cy_flashProvKeyData array, 512 bytes)
* * Chain of trust (cy_flashChainOfTrust array, 5 kbytes)
* * Image certificate (cy_flashImgCertJWT array, 1 kbytes)
* * Policy package (cy_flashProvisionJWT array, 10 kbytes)
* * Number of memory regions (uint32_t)
* * for (each memory region):
* * Memory region address (uint32_t)
* * Memory region size (uint32_t)
* * Memory region content (uint8_t array)
* * Memory region hash (calculated with the syscall random number at the
* beginning) (uint8_t array)
* The signature is calculated without any additional padding / aligning between
* different certificate fields.
* Memory regions can be from SRAM, Flash, WFlash, SFlash. SMIF and peripheral
* address space is not supported.
* AttestationSysCall algorithm:
* Generate syscall random number.
* Init signature hash calculation.
* Update signature hash with Server/Syscall random numbers, DevUID, Dev public key, policy package.
* Update signature hash with Number of regions.
* Check whether the array with memory regions has at least read access allowed for the caller
* (to avoid side channel attacks)
* for (each specified memory region) {
* Start region hash calculation with the syscall random number.
* Update signature and region hash with a region content (in parallel using the same data).
* Update signature hash with the region hash.
* Verify writing rights of the caller and sufficient memory size.
* Output the region hash to corresponding memory.
* }
* Signs the signature hash with a device private key.
* Clears Crypto Block internal memories and used stack.
* An example of real life usage: There is a server which knows information about all
* connected devices in the field, their IDs, Public keys, available versions of FW.
* The server wants to know exact state of one of the devices - whether it is hacked
* or not, which FW versions it has, which configuration. The server sends a request
* to the device and asks to send back a signed certificate with hashes and content of
* specific memory regions. The application (through SPM service) calls the SysCall which
* calculates hashes of the specified regions and create a signature of a data certificate
* with specific structure. SPM code creates a package with all needed data, includes their
* calculated hashes and signature, and returns it to Application. Application sends it back to server.
* This syscall is not available for PSoC64_512K device
* \param[in] sign_alg: PSA signing algorithm (contains hash algorithm type used
* both for signature and memory region hashes). Only
* PSA_ALG_ECDSA(PSA_ALG_SHA_256) is allowed at the moment
* \param[in] rnd: A random number from server
* \param[in] mem_count: The number of memory regions in the array.
* \param[in] mem_start_addr: The pointer to array of memory region start addresses
* \param[in] mem_sizes: The pointer to array of memory region sizes
* \param[in] hash_addr: The pointer to array for hashes of the memory regions
* \param[in] hash_size: The size in bytes of the array for hashes
* \param[out] rnd_out: A random number from syscall.
* \param[out] mem_hash_size: The size in bytes of each memory region Hash.
* \param[out] sign_size: The size in bytes of the signature.
* \param[out] sign_addr: The address where the signature is stored.
* \return \ref CY_P64_SUCCESS for success or error code
cy_p64_error_codes_t cy_p64_attestation(uint32_t sign_alg,
uint32_t rnd,
uint32_t mem_count,
const uint32_t *mem_start_addr,
const uint32_t *mem_sizes,
const uint32_t *hash_addr,
uint32_t hash_size,
uint32_t *rnd_out,
uint32_t *mem_hash_size,
uint32_t *sign_size,
uint32_t *sign_addr)
cy_p64_error_codes_t status = CY_P64_INVALID;
uint32_t syscall_cmd[2];
uint32_t syscall_in_param[7];
if((rnd_out == NULL) || (mem_hash_size == NULL) ||
(sign_size == NULL) || (sign_addr == NULL))
status = CY_P64_INVALID_OUT_PAR;
syscall_cmd[1] = (uint32_t)syscall_in_param;
syscall_in_param[0] = sign_alg;
syscall_in_param[1] = rnd;
syscall_in_param[2] = mem_count;
syscall_in_param[3] = (uint32_t)mem_start_addr;
syscall_in_param[4] = (uint32_t)mem_sizes;
syscall_in_param[5] = (uint32_t)hash_addr;
syscall_in_param[6] = hash_size;
status = cy_p64_syscall(syscall_cmd);
if(status == CY_P64_SUCCESS)
const uint32_t *syscall_out_param = (uint32_t *)syscall_cmd[1];
*rnd_out = syscall_out_param[0];
*mem_hash_size = syscall_out_param[1];
*sign_size = syscall_out_param[2];
*sign_addr = syscall_out_param[3];
return status;
#endif /* !CY_DEVICE_PSOC6A512K */
/** \} */