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* \file cy_app_dmc_common.h
* \version 1.0
* \brief
* Implements the common definitions and structures used in DMC
* \copyright
* Copyright 2024, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company)
* or an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.
* Header files including
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "cy_usbpd_config_table.h"
#include "cy_usb_dev.h"
#include "cy_pdutils_sw_timer.h"
#include "cy_app_status.h"
* \addtogroup group_pmg_app_common_dmc
* \{
* The Dock Management Controller (DMC) library allows users to implement firmware
* update support for variety of devices within a dock.
* The DMC library implements the general state machine needed to update the firmware
* of any device in the dock. This library uses the composite dock topology table (CDTT)
* for all the devices information.
* The firmware update comprises of 2 phases:
* - Phase 1: Downloading the composite image from host to the SPI flash.
* - Phase 2: Updating the firmware on the individual dock components from the image in
* the SPI flash.
* The DMC library has the following features:
* - Supports unsigned and signed firmware update
* - Handles firmware update related vendor commands
* - Maintains the dock metadata (information related to dock components firmware status)
* \section section_pmg_app_common_dmc_config configuration considerations
* The following steps describe the simplest way of enabling the DMC library
* in the application.
* 1. Configure the CDTT parameters using EZ-PD&tm; Dock Configuration Utility.
* 2. Include cy_app_dmc_fwupdate.h and cy_app_dmc_metadata.h to get access to all
* the functions and other declarations in this library
* \snippet snippet/dmc_snippet.c snippet_configuration_include
* 3. Define the following data structures required by the DMC library:
* * DMC Configuration parameters
* \snippet snippet/dmc_snippet.c snippet_configuration_dmc
* * Register application callback functions
* \snippet snippet/dmc_snippet.c snippet_configuration_app_cbk
* The DMC library uses this set of callbacks registered by the application
* to access USB and SPI flash hardware interfaces, write to or read from
* internal flash, etc. The library also provides notification of various events
* and DMC state changes.
* 4. Initialize the DMC library
* \snippet snippet/dmc_snippet.c snippet_dmc_init
* 5. Invoke the Cy_App_Dmc_Task function from the main processing loop of the
* application to handle the DMC tasks
* \snippet snippet/dmc_snippet.c snippet_dmc_task
* \defgroup group_pmg_app_common_dmc_macros macros
* \defgroup group_pmg_app_common_dmc_enums enumerated types
* \defgroup group_pmg_app_common_dmc_data_structures data structures
* \defgroup group_pmg_app_common_dmc_functions functions
* \addtogroup group_pmg_app_common_dmc_macros
* \{
* MACRO definition - Caution!! Do not edit the macro values in this section
/** Maximum device components in the dock supported by DMC
* @warning Do not edit this value
/** Multiplier for row size
* @warning Do not edit this value
/** Image digest length (SHA-256 digest length)
* @warning Do not edit this value
/** Size of the version information
* @warning Do not edit this value
/** Complete size of all the version information */
/** Type of trigger - Existing trigger */
/** Type of trigger - New trigger */
/** Type of trigger - No trigger */
#define CY_APP_DMC_NO_TRIGGER (0u)
/** Signature used to indicate valid CDTT */
#define CY_APP_DMC_CDTT_VALID_SIG (0x43)
/** Signature used to indicate DMC to enumerate USB */
#define CY_APP_DMC_USB_ENUM_RQT_SIG (0x01)
* Digital signature algorithm specific macros
/** SHA-256/ECDSA
* @warning Do not edit this value
/** SHA-256/RSA-1024
* @warning Do not edit this value
#define CY_APP_DMC_DIG_SIG_ALGO_SHA2_RSA_1024 (2u)
/** SHA-256/RSA-2048
* @warning Do not edit this value
#define CY_APP_DMC_DIG_SIG_ALGO_SHA2_RSA_2048 (3u)
/** Specifies the digital signature algorithm supported by the firmware */
/** Specifies the signature length for the digital signature (in bytes)
* algorithm supported by the firmware
/** Total number of signatures */
/** Signature length */
#define CY_APP_DMC_SIG_LEN_SIZE_IN_BIN (sizeof(uint16_t))
/** FWCT signature field size */
* Other macro definition
/** Mask to make number as multiple of 256 */
#define CY_APP_DMC_MUL_OF_256_MASK (0xFFFFFF00u)
/** \} group_pmg_app_common_dmc_macros */
* Data struct definition
* \addtogroup group_pmg_app_common_dmc_enums
* \{
* */
* @typedef cy_en_dmc_state_t
* @brief Internal DMC state enumeration.
typedef enum {
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_WAIT_FOR_START = 0x00, /**< 0 - Idle state. Waits for the VDR_RQT_UPGRADE_START from host. */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_POWER_ON, /**< 1 - Default state at which DMC comes up after power on */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_PHASE2_FACTORY_BACKUP, /**< 2 - Checks the validity of the images and initiate factory backup */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_PHASE2_FACTORY_BACKUP_COPY, /**< 3 - Copy image from primary to factory area */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_PHASE2_CHECKS, /**< 4 - Checks whether Phase 2 update is needed or not */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_PHASE2_READ_FWCT, /**< 5 - Reads the FWCT from SPI flash in Phase 2 */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_PHASE2_READ_SIGNATURE, /**< 6 - Reads the signature from the SPI flash in Phase 2 */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_WAIT_FOR_FWCT, /**< 7 - Waits for FWCT table from the host - Phase 1 only */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_PHASE1_CHECKS, /**< 8 - Phase 1 update related checks */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_AUTHENTICATING, /**< 9 - Supported only for signed FW update - Phase 1 & Phase 2 */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_FWCT_ANALYSIS, /**< 10 - Compares FWCT in RAM (received from host) against info in dock metadata - Phase 1 & Phase 2 */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_VALIDATION_STATUS_UPDATE, /**< 11 - For sending status due to FWCT analysis failure/Authentication failure - Phase 1 & Phase 2*/
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_FW_UPDATE_ANALYSIS, /**< 12 - Compares parsed FWCT in RAM if any pending update and initiate UPDATE_RQT - Phase 1 & Phase 2 */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_PREPARE_UPDATE, /**< 13 - Prepare the FW update to the particular device - Phase 1 & Phase 2 */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_INITIATE_FW_UPGRADE_RQT, /**< 14 - DMC state to send FW_UPGRADE_RQT data over INT EP - Phase 1 only */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_WAIT_FOR_IMG_WRITE, /**< 15 - Waits for IMG_WRITE vendor command from host - Phase 1 & Phase 2 */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_PHASE2_READ_IMG_SEG_INFO, /**< 16 - Reads image related information like segment size, segment start address from SPI flash for the image - Phase 2 Only */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_WAIT_FOR_USB_DATA, /**< 17 - Waits for one row worth data from the host over USB - Phase 1 only */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_PHASE2_READ_IMG_DATA, /**< 18 - Reads one row of data from SPI flash for the particular image. Phase 2 only */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_IMG_WRITE_IN_PROGRESS, /**< 19 - Image write in progress - Initiates flash write/I2C write as is appropriate - Phase 1 & Phase 2 */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_IMG_WRITE_STATUS, /**< 20 - Sends previous (i.e. most recent) row write status over INT IN EP - Phase 1 & Phase 2 */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_WAIT_HPI_STATUS_OR_IDLE, /**< 21 - Wait for HPI interrupt from CCGx device following the CCGx flash write over HPI, Or IDLE state (temporary waiting state) - Phase 1 only */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_PARTIAL_UPDATE_COMPLETE, /**< 22 - FW update partially completed (all alternate images of all devices updated) - can be successful or failure - Phase 2 only */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_SEND_RENUM_NOTIFICATION, /**< 23 - DMC state to send re-enumeration notification over INT EP - Not used for 2-phase update */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_JUMP_TO_ALTERNATE, /**< 24 - DMC state to initiate jump to alternate image for the particular device - Phase 2 only */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_PRE_UPDATE_COMPLETE, /**< 25 - DMC state to check if any other updates are pending other than DMC updates - Phase 2 only */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_FW_UPDATE_COMPLETE, /**< 26 - FW update completed - can be successful or failure - Phase 1 & Phase 2 */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_ERROR_RECOVERY, /**< 27 - FW update failed for a particular image/device - Phase 1 & Phase 2 */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_FW_UPDATE_FAILED, /**< 28 - Unexpected FW update failure. Control should not go to this state under normal scenarios - Phase 1 & Phase 2. */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_WAIT_HPI_STATUS_OR_IDLE_2, /**< 29 - Extra IDLE state to distinguish it from CY_APP_DMC_STATE_WAIT_HPI_STATUS_OR_IDLE - Phase 2 only */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_PHASE2_ERROR, /**< 30 - Error occurred during Phase 2 update - Phase 2 only */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_PHASE1_WAIT_FOR_TRIGGER, /**< 31 - Wait for trigger vendor command. Phase 1 only. */
CY_APP_DMC_STATE_WAIT_FOR_SPI_FLASH_OPR_COMPLETE /**< 32 - Wait for SPI flash operation to complete. */
* @typedef cy_en_dmc_fw_update_status_t
* @brief Dock status type enumeration. Also used as indication of FW update status.
* @warning Do not edit this enum value.
typedef enum
CY_APP_DMC_IDLE = 0, /**< 0x00: Dock in idle state: "Idle". State after SWD programming. */
CY_APP_DMC_PHASE1_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS, /**< 0x01: Dock Phase 1 FW update in progress: "Update In progress" */
CY_APP_DMC_PHASE1_UPDATE_PARTIAL, /**< 0x02: Dock Phase 1 FW update partially completed - in the middle of update cycle: "Update Partial" */
CY_APP_DMC_RESERVED, /**< 0x03: Reserved */
CY_APP_DMC_PHASE1_UPDATE_COMPLETE_PARTIAL, /**< 0x04: Dock Phase 1 FW update process completed, but not all images of all devices are valid. */
CY_APP_DMC_PHASE1_UPDATE_COMPLETE_FULL_PHASE2_NOT_DONE = 5, /**< 0x05: Dock Phase 1 FW update process completed */
CY_APP_DMC_PHASE2_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS = 0x81, /**< 0x81: Dock Phase 2 FW update in progress: "Update In progress" */
CY_APP_DMC_PHASE2_UPDATE_PARTIAL, /**< 0x82: Dock Phase 2 FW update partially completed - in the middle of update cycle: "Update Partial" */
CY_APP_DMC_PHASE2_UPDATE_FACTORY_BACKUP, /**< 0x83: Dock Phase 2 FW update factory backup started */
CY_APP_DMC_PHASE2_UPDATE_COMPLETE_PARTIAL, /**< 0x84: Dock Phase 2 FW update process completed, but not all images of all devices are valid" */
CY_APP_DMC_PHASE2_UPDATE_COMPLETE_FULL, /**< 0x85: Dock Phase 2 FW update process completed */
CY_APP_DMC_PHASE2_UPDATE_FAIL_INVALID_FWCT, /**< 0x86: Dock Phase 2 FW update failed due to invalid FWCT */
CY_APP_DMC_PHASE2_UPDATE_FAIL_INVALID_DOCK_IDENTITY, /**< 0x87: Dock Phase 2 FW update failed due to invalid dock identity */
CY_APP_DMC_PHASE2_UPDATE_FAIL_INVALID_COMPOSITE_VER, /**< 0x88: Dock Phase 2 FW update failed due to invalid composite version */
CY_APP_DMC_PHASE2_UPDATE_FAIL_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, /**< 0x89: Dock Phase 2 FW update failed due to authentication failure */
CY_APP_DMC_PHASE2_UPDATE_FAIL_INVALID_ALGORITHM, /**< 0x8A: Dock Phase 2 FW update failed due to invalid signature algorithm */
CY_APP_DMC_PHASE2_UPDATE_FAIL_SPI_READ_FAILED, /**< 0x8B: Dock Phase 2 FW update failed due to SPI flash read operation failure */
CY_APP_DMC_PHASE2_UPDATE_FAIL_NO_VALID_KEY, /**< 0x8C: Dock Phase 2 FW update failed due to invalid key */
CY_APP_DMC_PHASE2_UPDATE_FAIL_NO_VALID_SPI_PACKAGE, /**< 0x8D: Dock Phase 2 FW update failed due to no valid package in SPI flash */
CY_APP_DMC_PHASE2_UPDATE_FAIL_RAM_INIT_FAILED, /**< 0x8E: Dock Phase 2 FW update failed due to ram buffer initialization failure */
CY_APP_DMC_PHASE2_UPDATE_FAIL_FACTORY_BACKUP_FAILED, /**< 0x8F: Dock Phase 2 FW update failed due to factory backup failure */
CY_APP_DMC_PHASE2_UPDATE_FAIL_NO_VALID_FACTORY_PACKAGE, /**< 0x90: Dock Phase 2 FW update failed due to no valid factory package */
CY_APP_DMC_PHASE1_UPDATE_FAIL = 0xFF /**< Dock Phase 1 FW update failed */
* @typedef cy_en_dmc_fwct_status_t
* @brief FWCT analysis status enumeration
* @warning Do not edit this enum value
typedef enum
CY_APP_DMC_FWCT_INVALID_DOCK_IDENTITY, /**< Invalid dock identity */
CY_APP_DMC_FWCT_INVALID_COMPOSITE_VER, /**< Invalid composite version */
CY_APP_DMC_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, /**< Authentication failure */
CY_APP_DMC_INVALID_ALGORITHM /**< Invalid authentication algorithm */
* @typedef cy_en_dmc_img_status_t
* @brief Dock image status enumeration
* Values can range from 0 - 0x0F (as it represents only a nibble)
* @warning Do not edit this enum value
typedef enum
CY_APP_DMC_IMG_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0, /**< Dock device image status is not known */
CY_APP_DMC_IMG_STATUS_VALID, /**< Dock device image status is valid */
CY_APP_DMC_IMG_STATUS_INVALID, /**< Dock device image status is Invalid */
CY_APP_DMC_IMG_STATUS_RECOVERY, /**< Dock device image is recovered */
CY_APP_DMC_IMG_STATUS_RECOVERED_FROM_SECONDARY, /**< Dock device primary image status when it is recovered from secondary image. */
CY_APP_DMC_IMG_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0xF /**< Dock device image status is not supported. */
* @typedef cy_en_dmc_dev_type_t
* @brief Dock device type enumeration. Do not use values reserved below.
* For any new device types, use values >= 0x40.
typedef enum
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_INVALID = 0, /**< 0x00: Dock controller can't recognize the device */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_CCG3, /**< 0x01: Dock device type is CCG3 */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_DMC_CY7C65219, /**< 0x02: Dock device type is CY7C65219 */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_CCG4, /**< 0x03: Dock device type is CCG4 */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_CCG5, /**< 0x04: Dock device type is CCG5 */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_HX3, /**< 0x05: Dock device type is HX3 */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_06, /**< 0x06: Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_07, /**< 0x07: Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_08, /**< 0x08: Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_09, /**< 0x09: Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_HX3PD_HUB, /**< 0x0A: Dock device type is HX3PD Hub controller */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_HX3PD_PD, /**< 0x0B: Dock device type is HX3PD PD controller */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_0C, /**< 0x0C: Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_CCG2, /**< 0x0D: Dock device type is CCG2 */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_TR_TBT_CTRL, /**< 0x0E: Dock device type is Titan Ridge TBT controller */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_0F, /**< 0x0F: Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_10, /**< 0x10: Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_11, /**< 0x11: Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_CCG5C = 0x12, /**< 0x12: Dock device type is CCG5C */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_CCG6, /**< 0x13: Dock device type is CCG6 */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_14, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_15, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_16, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_CCG5_TBT, /**< 0x17: Dock device type is CCG5 for TBT */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_CCG5C_TBT, /**< 0x18: Dock device type is CCG5C for TBT */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_19, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_1A, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_1B, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_1C, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_GOSHEN_CTRLR, /**< Dock device type is dock device type is Goshen Ridge controller */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_FXVL, /**< Dock device type is Foxville controller */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_1F, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_20, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_21, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_22, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_23, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_24, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_25, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_26, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_27, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_28, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_29, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_2A, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_2B, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_2C, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_2D, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_2E, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_2F, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_30, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_31, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_32, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_33, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_34, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_35, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_36, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_37, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_38, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_39, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_3A, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_3B, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_3C, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_3D, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_3E, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_RESERVED_3F, /**< Dock device type is reserved for future use */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_DMC_PMG1S3 = 0xF0, /**< Dock device type is PMG1S3 */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_CCG7SC, /**< Dock device type is CCG7SC */
CY_APP_DMC_DEV_TYPE_SPI_COMPONENT = 0xFF, /**< 0xFF: Dock device type is SPI component */
* @typedef cy_en_dmc_img_mode_t
* @brief Image type enumeration for DMC and devices connected to DMC
typedef enum
CY_APP_DMC_IMG_MODE_SINGLE_IMG = 0, /**< Indicates that the device has a single
* image
CY_APP_DMC_IMG_MODE_DUAL_IMG_SYM, /**< The device supports symmetric boot.
* In symmetric mode the bootloader boots
* the image with higher version, when
* they are valid.
* DMC uses this booting mechanism.
CY_APP_DMC_IMG_MODE_DUAL_IMG_ASYM /**< The device supports asymmetric boot.
* Image 1 and 2 can be different or same.
* In this method bootloader is hard coded
* to boot the primary image.
* Secondary acts as recovery.
* @typedef cy_en_dmc_access_type_t
* @brief Dock device access type enumeration
typedef enum
CY_APP_DMC_ACCESS_TYPE_SELF = 0, /**< The device connected to DMC does not have any control interface */
CY_APP_DMC_ACCESS_TYPE_HPI_I2C, /**< The device connected to DMC is accessed using HPI I2C */
CY_APP_DMC_ACCESS_TYPE_HUB_I2C, /**< The device connected to DMC is accessed using HUB I2C */
CY_APP_DMC_ACCESS_TYPE_SPI, /**< The device connected to DMC is accessed using SPI */
CY_APP_DMC_ACCESS_TYPE_UART /**< The device connected to DMC is accessed using UART */
* @typedef cy_en_dmc_image_type_t
* @brief List of CCG firmware modes
* @warning Do not edit this enum value
typedef enum
CY_APP_DMC_IMAGE_TYPE_BOOTLOADER = 0, /**< Bootloader mode */
CY_APP_DMC_IMAGE_TYPE_FWIMAGE_1, /**< Firmware image 1 */
CY_APP_DMC_IMAGE_TYPE_FWIMAGE_2, /**< Firmware image 2 */
CY_APP_DMC_IMAGE_TYPE_INVALID /**< Invalid value */
} cy_en_dmc_image_type_t;
* @typedef cy_en_dmc_status_t
* @brief Internal INT EP STATUS enumeration.
* Enumeration to hold status codes for all DMC INT EP communication.
* This allows the success status to have a value of zero.
* The operation represented by the enum values can be image write
* (of particular row) or firmware Upgrade; depending on the INT EP opcode.
* @warning Do not edit this enum value
typedef enum
CY_APP_DMC_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0, /**< Status code indicating SUCCESS: no malfunctioning/no outstanding request or event */
CY_APP_DMC_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, /**< Status code indicating operation in progress */
CY_APP_DMC_STATUS_IDLE, /**< Status code indicating DMC in IDLE state. No operation in progress. */
CY_APP_DMC_STATUS_FAIL = 0xFF, /**< Status code indicating failure of the operation */
* @typedef cy_en_dmc_fw_mode_t
* @brief List of DMC firmware modes
typedef enum
CY_APP_DMC_FW_MODE_BOOTLOADER = 0, /**< Bootloader mode */
CY_APP_DMC_FW_MODE_FWIMAGE_1, /**< Firmware image 1 */
CY_APP_DMC_FW_MODE_FWIMAGE_2, /**< Firmware image 2 */
CY_APP_DMC_FW_MODE_INVALID /**< Invalid value */
} cy_en_dmc_fw_mode_t;
* @typedef cy_en_dmc_led_mode_t
* @brief List of LED control modes
typedef enum
CY_APP_DMC_LED_OFF = 0UL, /**< LED is in OFF state */
CY_APP_DMC_LED_ON, /**< LED is in ON state */
CY_APP_DMC_LED_BLINKING, /**< LED is in blinking state */
CY_APP_DMC_LED_BREATHING /**< LED is in breathing state */
} cy_en_dmc_led_mode_t;
* @typedef cy_en_spi_flash_erase_t
* @brief SPI Flash erase block size
typedef enum
CY_APP_DMC_SPI_FLASH_ERASE_4K = 0u, /**< Erase block size = 4K bytes */
CY_APP_DMC_SPI_FLASH_ERASE_32K, /**< Erase block size = 32K bytes */
CY_APP_DMC_SPI_FLASH_ERASE_64K, /**< Erase block size = 64K bytes */
CY_APP_DMC_SPI_FLASH_ERASE_CHIP /**< Erase block size = Entire chip */
} cy_en_spi_flash_erase_t;
* @typedef cy_en_dmc_app_evt_t
* @brief Enum of events that are signaled to the application
typedef enum
CY_APP_DMC_EVT_FW_UPDATE_FAIL = 0x00, /**< Firmware update fail event */
CY_APP_DMC_EVT_PHASE2_UPDATE_STARTS, /**< Firmware update start event */
CY_APP_DMC_EVT_PHASE2_AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS, /**< Firmware update authentication success event */
CY_APP_DMC_EVT_PHASE2_IMAGE_WRITE_SUCCESS, /**< Firmware update image write success event */
CY_APP_DMC_EVT_PHASE2_IMAGE_WRITE_FAIL, /**< Firmware update image write fail event */
CY_APP_DMC_EVT_PENDING_UPDATES, /**< Firmware update pending event */
CY_APP_DMC_EVT_PHASE2_IMG_UPDATE_START, /**< Firmware update Phase 2 image update start event */
CY_APP_DMC_EVT_PHASE2_UPDATE_ENDS, /**< Firmware update Phase 2 update end event */
CY_APP_DMC_EVT_PHASE2_FACTORY_BACKUP_STARTED, /**< Firmware update factory backup start event */
CY_APP_DMC_EVT_PHASE2_DOCK_RESET, /**< Firmware update dock reset event */
CY_APP_DMC_EVT_PHASE2_FACTORY_BACKUP_NOT_DONE, /**< Firmware update factory backup incomplete event */
CY_APP_DMC_EVT_PHASE2_FACTORY_UPDATE_STATUS_FAILED, /**< Firmware update factory backup update fail event */
CY_APP_DMC_EVT_DMC_STATE_CHANGE, /**< Firmware update state change event */
/** \} group_pmg_app_common_dmc_enums */
* \addtogroup group_pmg_app_common_dmc_data_structures
* \{
* */
* @brief Internal DMC structure for storing device's firmware version (bootloader, image 1, image 2).
typedef struct
uint8_t bl_version[CY_APP_DMC_FW_VERSION_SIZE]; /**< FW version of bootloader for the device */
uint8_t img1_version[CY_APP_DMC_FW_VERSION_SIZE]; /**< FW version of image1 for the device */
uint8_t img2_version[CY_APP_DMC_FW_VERSION_SIZE]; /**< FW version of image2 for the device */
* @brief Internal DMC structure for device status within the dock metadata
typedef struct
uint8_t dev_type; /**< Device type of the device */
uint8_t comp_id; /**< Component ID of the device */
uint8_t image_mode; /**< Image mode of the device - single image/dual symmetric/dual asymmetric image */
cy_en_dmc_image_type_t cur_img; /**< Current running image */
uint8_t img_status; /**< Image status
* B7:B4 => Image 2 status
* B3:B0 => Image 1 status
* Refer cy_en_dmc_img_status_t for values.
uint8_t update_attempt_count; /**< Status indicating if the update is the first attempt in this update sequence or
* if it was attempted before
* B7:B4 => Image 2 update attempt counts
* B3:B0 => Image 1 status attempt counts
* 0 = Fresh update/first attempt
* 2-0xF = Count of attempts done to update the image prior to this
uint8_t dev_specific[2]; /**< Contains device-specific information
* If the device type is DMC or HX3, then byte 0 can be decoded as below.
* For other device these bits are don't care.
* B2:B1 : SN Validation bit
* 0x00 => SN not implemented
* 0x01 => SN Valid
* 0x02 => SN Invalid
* If the device type is DMC_DEV_TYPE_MST_HUB_TYPE1,
* dev_specific [0] is used to indicate update failure, if any as below. This is needed to identify if any of the image update (out of the 2) failed
* as one of the images will always be valid.
cy_stc_app_dmc_fw_version_t fw_version; /**< Complete firmware version */
* @brief Internal DMC structure for dock status stored in DMC flash. This structure is used to report dock status to
* the host.
typedef struct
cy_en_dmc_fw_update_status_t dock_status; /**< Overall status of dock */
uint8_t dev_count; /**< Device count */
uint16_t status_length; /**< Length of status bytes including dock_status,
devx_status for each device. */
uint32_t composite_ver; /**< Dock composite version info */
cy_stc_app_dmc_devx_status_t devx_status[CY_APP_DMC_MAX_DEV_COUNT]; /**< FW Status of device of interest */
* @brief Custom information structure
typedef union
/** misc_status miscellaneous status */
uint8_t trigger_phase2 : 2; /**< Trigger Phase 2 */
uint8_t consider_critical_update : 1; /**< This shall be set only when the primary package is updated by Phase 1 update */
uint8_t candidate_package : 2; /**< Candidate package */
uint8_t force_update_flag : 1; /**< Force update flag */
uint8_t read_dock_id : 1; /**< Read dock ID */
uint8_t reserved : 1; /**< Reserved byte */
uint8_t reserved_byte : 8; /**< Reserved bytes */
} misc_status;
uint16_t data; /**< Miscellaneous status value in unsigned integer */
} cy_stc_app_dmc_cust_info_t;
* @brief Internal DMC structure for dock metadata stored in DMC flash
typedef struct
uint16_t signature; /**< Dock metadata signature */
uint16_t length; /**< Dock metadata length */
uint32_t checksum; /**< Dock metadata checksum */
bool secured_only; /**< Indicates DMC firmware supports only signed update */
uint8_t update_counter; /**< Dock metadata update counter. Reset to 0 on power up */
cy_stc_app_dmc_cust_info_t app_status; /**< Application specific status info to be stored in the flash */
uint8_t phase2_update_counter; /**< Phase 2 update counter. Reset to 0 when Phase 2 update when Phase 2 update completes. */
uint8_t reserved_0[6]; /**< Padding */
uint8_t soft_reset_enum; /**< Flag to set soft reset */
uint32_t cdtt_checksum; /**< Checksum for CDTT data (config space information) */
cy_stc_app_dmc_dock_status_t status; /**< Dock status */
uint8_t reserved_1[96]; /**< Reserved */
* @brief Hardware interface configuration data structure for specific devices
typedef struct
CySCB_Type *base; /**< Base address of the SCB instance */
void const *config; /**< Pointer to the SCB configuration */
void *context; /**< Pointer to the SCB context */
IRQn_Type intrSrc; /**< Interrupt source */
uint8_t reserved[3]; /**< Reserved for future use */
* @brief Holds the parameters such as I2C slave address, GPIO's information
* for reset, interrupt and write protect purpose.
typedef union
uint8_t val[8]; /**< Access parameter value in unsigned integer */
/** HPI I2C Specific Parameters */
struct cy_stc_app_hpi_i2c_param
uint8_t slave_addr; /**< Type-C upstream device slave
* address for HPI communication
uint8_t hpi_intr_gpio; /**< GPIO pin that is being used in DMC
* for receiving HPI interrupts from type-C
* device
uint8_t reserved[6]; /**< Reserved for future usage */
} hpi_i2c_param; /**< Access param interpreted as HPI */
/** HUB I2C Specific parameters */
struct cy_stc_app_hub_i2c_param
uint8_t slave_addr; /**< HX3 HUB slave address for I2C communication */
uint8_t reset_gpio; /**< GPIO being used in DMC to reset HX3 Hub */
uint8_t wp_gpio; /**< GPIO being used in DMC for write protecting I2C EEPROM */
uint8_t reserved[5]; /**< Reserved for future usage */
} hub_i2c_param; /**< Access param interpreted as Hub EEPROM I2C access */
/** HX3PD HUB SPI Specific parameters */
struct cy_stc_app_hx3pd_hub_spi_param
uint8_t reset_gpio; /**< GPIO being used in DMC to reset HX3PD Hub */
uint8_t wp_gpio; /**< GPIO being used in DMC for write protecting SPI EEPROM */
uint8_t reserved[6]; /**< Reserved for future usage */
} hx3pd_hub_spi_param; /**< Access param interpreted as HX3PD Hub EEPROM SPI access */
/* Forward declarations of structures */
struct cy_stc_dmc_params;
/** @brief Function pointer for usb setup callback
* @param transfer Pointer to the USB transfer structure
* @return None
typedef cy_en_usb_dev_status_t (*cy_app_usb_setup_cbk_t) (cy_stc_usb_dev_control_transfer_t *transfer);
* @brief Structure to hold the application interface. The application is expected to
* fill the structure with pointers to functions that use the on board circuitry to
* accomplish tasks.
* @warning The application must check that the callback pointer passed by the
* stack is not NULL.
typedef struct
/** Function to perform dock reset */
void (*init_dock_reset) (void);
/** Function to check if DMC is in factory condition */
bool (*is_dmc_in_factory_condition) (void);
/** Flash enter mode */
void (*flash_enter_mode) (bool is_enable, bool data_in_place);
/** Flash row write */
cy_en_app_status_t (*flash_row_write) (uint16_t row_num, uint8_t *data);
/** Flash row read */
cy_en_app_status_t (*flash_row_read) (uint16_t row_num, uint8_t* data);
/** SPI flash write enable */
cy_en_app_status_t (*spi_flash_write_enable) (bool enable);
/** SPI flash write */
cy_en_app_status_t (*spi_flash_write) (uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size, uint32_t page_addr, bool retry);
/** SPI flash read */
cy_en_app_status_t (*spi_flash_read) (uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size, uint32_t page_addr, bool retry);
/** SPI flash erase */
cy_en_app_status_t (*spi_flash_erase) (uint32_t flash_addr, cy_en_spi_flash_erase_t size);
/** SPI flash write progress check function */
bool (*spi_flash_is_write_in_progress) (void);
/** RSA signature verification function */
bool (*rsa_verify_signature) (uint8_t* hash, uint16_t hash_len, uint8_t* signature, uint16_t sign_len, uint8_t* publicKey, uint16_t key_len);
/** USB send status */
cy_en_usb_dev_status_t (*usb_send_status) (uint8_t ep_index, uint8_t *data, uint8_t size);
/** USB receive data */
cy_en_usb_dev_status_t (*usb_receive_data) (uint8_t ep_index, uint8_t *buffer_p, uint8_t *recd_bytes);
/** EP0 set up read */
cy_en_usb_dev_status_t (*usb_ep0_setup_read) (uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, cy_app_usb_setup_cbk_t cb);
/** EP0 set up write */
cy_en_usb_dev_status_t (*usb_ep0_setup_write) (uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, bool last, cy_app_usb_setup_cbk_t cb);
/** Function to get EP0 buffer */
uint8_t* (*usb_get_ep0_buffer) (void);
/** Firmware update complete handler */
void (*app_fw_update_complete_handler) (void);
/** Set led mode */
void (*led_set_mode) (cy_en_dmc_led_mode_t mode);
/** Application event handler */
void (*app_event_handler) (cy_en_dmc_app_evt_t evt, uint8_t *data, uint8_t size);
} cy_stc_dmc_app_cbk_t;
* @brief Structure to hold DMC parameters
typedef struct cy_stc_dmc_params
/** Pointer to the CDTT config structure */
const cdtt_config_t *ptrCdttCfg;
/** Pointer to the security config structure */
const sec_config_t *ptrSecCfg;
/** Pointer to USBFS device driver context */
cy_stc_usbfs_dev_drv_context_t *ptrUsbdrvContext;
/** Pointer to USBFS device context */
cy_stc_usb_dev_context_t *ptrUsbdevContext;
/** Pointer to software timer context */
cy_stc_pdutils_sw_timer_t *ptrTimerContext;
/** Pointer to the application callback structure */
const cy_stc_dmc_app_cbk_t *ptrAppCbk;
/** SPI flash primary package address */
uint32_t spiPrimaryPkgAddr;
/** SPI flash factory package address */
uint32_t spiFactoryPkgAddr;
/** Dock composite version */
uint32_t compsiteVer;
/** SPI flash operation status check timer ID */
cy_timer_id_t flashOprTimerId;
/** Dock reset delay timer ID */
cy_timer_id_t ResetDelayTimerId;
/** Hardware interface configuration */
cy_stc_app_dmc_dev_hw_cfg_t devHwCfg[CY_APP_DMC_MAX_DEV_COUNT];
/** @brief Function pointer for handling DMC Completion callback
* @param status Status of completion
* @return None
* */
typedef void (*cy_stc_app_dmc_completion_cbk_t)(cy_en_app_status_t status);
* @brief Structure holding function pointers of various device modules.
* This will be filled with comp_id as index - same order as devices are in CDTT.
* @warning Below listed function pointers should not be left NULL.
* when new device module is being added else the code will brick or may
* function in an unpredicted manner.
* init_dev_param
* flash_row
* dev_update_logic
* skip_jump_to_alt_request
typedef struct
/** Mandatory: Device parameters init handler */
void (*init_dev_param) (const dev_topology_t *topology, cy_stc_dmc_params_t *params);
/** Firmware update context init handler */
void (*init)(const dev_topology_t *topology, cy_stc_dmc_params_t *params);
/** Firmware update context deinit handler */
void (*deinit)(cy_stc_dmc_params_t *params);
/** Firmware update prepare handler */
cy_en_app_status_t (*prepare_update)(cy_en_dmc_image_type_t img_type, bool *deferred, cy_stc_app_dmc_completion_cbk_t cb, cy_stc_dmc_params_t *params);
/** Mandatory: Flash row write handler */
cy_en_app_status_t (*flash_row)(cy_en_dmc_image_type_t img_type, uint16_t row_id, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size, bool *deferred, cy_stc_app_dmc_completion_cbk_t cb, cy_stc_dmc_params_t *params);
/** FW update process finish handler */
cy_en_app_status_t (*finish_update)(cy_en_dmc_image_type_t img_type, bool flashing_status, bool *deferred, cy_stc_app_dmc_completion_cbk_t cb, cy_stc_dmc_params_t *params);
/** Mandatory FW version check function */
bool (*check_fw_version)(uint8_t *img_version, cy_en_dmc_image_type_t img_type, uint8_t comp_id, bool check_last_valid);
/** Jump to alternate image handler */
void (*jump_to_alternate)(const dev_topology_t *topology, cy_stc_app_dmc_completion_cbk_t cb, cy_stc_dmc_params_t *params);
/** API to defer device status query during initialization sequence */
bool (*is_dev_query_deferred)(void);
/** API to determine the update logic specific for device module based on the image mode of the device and current running image */
bool (*dev_update_logic)(uint8_t comp_id, cy_en_dmc_image_type_t img_type, bool *jump_to_alt_request);
/** API to determine the jump to alternate image request specific for device module based on the image mode of the device and current running image */
bool (*skip_jump_to_alt_request)(uint8_t comp_id, cy_en_dmc_image_type_t cur_img);
/** This function should configure the hardware specific for the device
* module (like the SCB and GPIOs needed for the device firmware update)
void (*dev_config_hw_interface)(const dev_topology_t *topology, cy_stc_dmc_params_t *params);
/** \} group_pmg_app_common_dmc_data_structures */
/** \} group_pmg_app_common_dmc */
#endif /* (CY_APP_DMC_ENABLE || DOXYGEN) */
#endif /* _CY_APP_DMC_COMMON_H_ */
/* [] END OF FILE */