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* \file mtb_ubm_fru.c
* \version 1.0
* \brief
* Provides common API implementation for the UBM FRU.
* (c) (2021-2023), Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This software, including source code, documentation and related materials
* ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation or one of its
* affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to worldwide patent
* protection (United States and foreign), United States copyright laws and
* international treaty provisions. Therefore, you may use this Software only
* as provided in the license agreement accompanying the software package from
* which you obtained this Software ("EULA").
* If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
* non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software source
* code solely for use in connection with Cypress's integrated circuit products.
* Any reproduction, modification, translation, compilation, or representation
* of this Software except as specified above is prohibited without the express
* written permission of Cypress.
* reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
* does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
* Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
* not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
* failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
* significant property damage, injury or death ("High Risk Product"). By
* including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer of such
* system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing so agrees to
* indemnify Cypress against all liability.
#include "mtb_ubm.h"
#include "mtb_ubm_fru.h"
* Internal API
static uint8_t mtb_ubm_fru_calculate_checksum(const uint8_t* data_bytes, uint32_t data_length);
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_format_version
* Sets the FRU value of the format version of the common header.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_format_version(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H0_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FORMAT_VERSION_Msk));
bit_val |= ((*value << MTB_UBM_FORMAT_VERSION_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FORMAT_VERSION_Msk);
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H0_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_reserved
* Sets the FRU value of the reserved field of the common header.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_reserved(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H0_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H0_RESERVED_Msk));
bit_val |= ((*value << MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H0_RESERVED_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H0_RESERVED_Msk);
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H0_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_internal
* Sets the FRU value of the internal area starting offset of the common header.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_internal(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H1_ADDR];
bit_val |= *value & MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H1_INTENAL_OFFSET_Msk;
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H1_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_chasis_info
* Sets the FRU value of the info starting offset of the common header chassis.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_chasis_info(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H2_ADDR];
bit_val |= *value & MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H2_CHASIS_INFO_OFFSET_Msk;
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H2_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_board_info
* Sets the FRU value of the chassis info field of the common header.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_board_info(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H3_ADDR];
bit_val |= *value & MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H3_BOARD_INFO_OFFSET_Msk;
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H3_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_product_info
* Sets the FRU value of the product info field of the common header.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_product_info(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H4_ADDR];
bit_val |= *value & MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H4_PRODUCT_INFO_OFFSET_Msk;
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H4_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_multirecord_offset
* Sets the FRU value of the multirecord offset field of the common header.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_multirecord_offset(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H5_ADDR];
bit_val |= *value & MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H5_MUTRECORD_OFFSET_Msk;
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H5_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_padding
* Sets the FRU value of the padding field of the common header.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_padding(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H6_ADDR];
bit_val |= *value & MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H6_PAD_Msk;
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H6_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_checksum
* Sets the FRU value of the offset field of the common header multirecord.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_checksum(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H7_ADDR];
bit_val |= *value & MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H7_CHECKSUM_Msk;
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_H7_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_handle_request
* Handles requests from HFC master to UBM FRU.
* \param ubm_context
* The pointer to the UBM context structure.
* \param hfc_context
* The pointer to the HFC context structure.
void mtb_ubm_fru_handle_request(mtb_stc_ubm_context_t* ubm_context, mtb_stc_ubm_hfc_t* hfc_context)
uint16_t size = MTB_UBM_FRU_SIZE - hfc_context->i2c.write_buffer[MTB_UBM_FRU_ADDRESS_BYTE_POS];
if (hfc_context->i2c.read_request)
hfc_context->i2c.read_data_length = size;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_init_common_header
* Initializes the common header of the FRU.
* \param ram_array
* The pointer to the FRU image section in the RAM.
void mtb_ubm_fru_init_common_header(uint8_t* ram_array)
uint8_t constant_value;
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_format_version(&constant_value, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_reserved(&constant_value, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_internal(&constant_value, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_chasis_info(&constant_value, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_board_info(&constant_value, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_product_info(&constant_value, ram_array);
constant_value = MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_LEN / 8U; /* in multiples of 8 bytes */
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_multirecord_offset(&constant_value, ram_array);
constant_value = MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_PADDING;
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_padding(&constant_value, ram_array);
constant_value = mtb_ubm_fru_calculate_checksum(ram_array, (MTB_UBM_FRU_CH_LEN - 1U));
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ch_checksum(&constant_value, ram_array);
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_record_type
* Sets the FRU value of the multirecord offset field of the overview area.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_record_type(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_H0_ADDR] = *value;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_record_fmt
* Sets the FRU value of the record format of the overview area.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_record_fmt(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_H1_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_H1_FORM_V_Msk));
bit_val |= ((*value << MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_H1_FORM_V_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_H1_FORM_V_Msk);
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_H1_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_eol_flag
* Sets the FRU value of the overview area end of the list flag.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_eol_flag(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_H1_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_H1_EOLST_Msk));
bit_val |= ((*value << MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_H1_EOLST_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_H1_EOLST_Msk);
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_H1_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_record_length
* Sets the FRU value of the record length of the overview area.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_record_length(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_H2_ADDR] = *value;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_record_checksum
* Sets the FRU value of the record checksum of the overview area.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_record_checksum(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_H3_ADDR] = *value;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_header_checksum
* Sets the FRU value of the header checksum of the overview area.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_header_checksum(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_H4_ADDR] = *value;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_spec_version
* Sets the FRU value of the spec version of the overview area.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_spec_version(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D0_ADDR] = *value;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_device_arrangement
* Sets the FRU value of the ata mux device arrangement of the overview area .
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_device_arrangement(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D1_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D1_2W_DEV_ARR_Msk));
bit_val |= ((*value << MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D1_2W_DEV_ARR_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D1_2W_DEV_ARR_Msk);
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D1_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_mux_address
* Sets the FRU value of the data mux device address of the overview area.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_mux_address(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D1_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D1_2W_MUX_ADDR_Msk));
bit_val |= ((*value << MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D1_2W_MUX_ADDR_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D1_2W_MUX_ADDR_Msk);
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D1_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_mux_byte_count
* Sets the FRU value of the mux byte count of the overview area data.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_mux_byte_count(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D1_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D1_2W_MUX_BC_Msk));
bit_val |= ((*value << MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D1_2W_MUX_BC_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D1_2W_MUX_BC_Msk);
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D1_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_fru_invalid
* Sets the FRU value of the data FRU invalid flag of the overview area.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_fru_invalid(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D2_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D2_FRU_INV_Msk));
bit_val |= ((*value << MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D2_FRU_INV_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D2_FRU_INV_Msk);
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D2_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_controller_max_time_limit
* Sets the FRU value of the data controller maximum time limit of the overview area.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_controller_max_time_limit(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D2_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D2_C_MAX_T_Msk));
bit_val |= ((*value << MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D2_C_MAX_T_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D2_C_MAX_T_Msk);
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D2_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_controller_features
* Sets the FRU value of the data controller features of the overview area.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_controller_features(const mtb_stc_ubm_features_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D3_4_ADDR] =
((uint8_t)value->read_checksum_creation << MTB_UBM_FRU_FEATURES_READ_CHECKSUM_Pos) &
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D3_4_ADDR] |=
((uint8_t)value->write_checksum_checking << MTB_UBM_FRU_FEATURES_WRITE_CHECKSUM_Pos) &
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D3_4_ADDR] |=
((uint8_t)value->cprsnt_legacy_mode << MTB_UBM_FRU_FEATURES_CPRSNT_MODE_Pos) &
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D3_4_ADDR] |=
((uint8_t)value->pcie_reset_change_count_mask << MTB_UBM_FRU_FEATURES_PCIE_RESET_CC_Pos) &
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D3_4_ADDR] |=
((uint8_t)value->drive_type_installed_change_count_mask << MTB_UBM_FRU_FEATURES_DRIVE_TYPE_CC_Pos) &
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D3_4_ADDR] |=
((uint8_t)value->operational_state_change_count_mask << MTB_UBM_FRU_FEATURES_OP_STATE_CC_Pos) &
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D3_4_ADDR] |=
(value->perst_management_override << MTB_UBM_FRU_FEATURES_PERST_OVRD_Pos) &
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D3_4_ADDR + 1U] =
((uint8_t)value->smbus_reset_control << MTB_UBM_FRU_FEATURES_SMBUS_RESET_Pos) &
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_number_status_control_descriptors
* Sets the FRU value of the data number of the control and status
* descriptors of the overview area.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_number_status_control_descriptors(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D5_ADDR] = *value;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_number_port_route_descriptors
* Sets the FRU value of the data number of the port route
* descriptors of the overview area.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_number_port_route_descriptors(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D6_ADDR] = *value;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_number_backplane_dfc
* Sets the FRU value of the data number of the backplane DFCs of the overview area.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_number_backplane_dfc(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D7_ADDR] = *value;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_maximum_power_per_dfc
* Sets the FRU value of the data maximum power per DFCs of the overview area.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_maximum_power_per_dfc(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D8_ADDR] = *value;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_mux_channel_count
* Sets the FRU value of the data mux channel count of the overview area.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_mux_channel_count(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D9_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D9_MUX_CH_CNT_Msk));
bit_val |= ((*value << MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D9_MUX_CH_CNT_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D9_MUX_CH_CNT_Msk);
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D9_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_enable_bit_location
* Sets the FRU value of the data mux channel count of the overview area.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_enable_bit_location(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D9_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D9_EN_LOC_Msk));
bit_val |= ((*value << MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D9_EN_LOC_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D9_EN_LOC_Msk);
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D9_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_mux_type
* Sets the FRU value of the data mux type of the overview area.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_mux_type(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D9_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D9_MUX_TYPE_Msk));
bit_val |= ((*value << MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D9_MUX_TYPE_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D9_MUX_TYPE_Msk);
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D9_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_valid
* Sets the FRU value of the validity bit of the overview area.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_valid(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D9_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D9_VALID_Msk));
bit_val |= ((*value << MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D9_VALID_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D9_VALID_Msk);
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_D9_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_init_overview_area
* Initializes the FRU overview area.
* \param config
* The pointer to the UBM configuration structure.
* \param ram_array
* The pointer to the FRU image section in the RAM.
void mtb_ubm_fru_init_overview_area(const mtb_stc_ubm_backplane_cfg_t* config, uint8_t* ram_array)
uint8_t constant_value;
constant_value = MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_RECORD_TYPE;
mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_record_type(&constant_value, ram_array);
constant_value = MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_RECORD_FMT;
mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_record_fmt(&constant_value, ram_array);
constant_value = MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_EOL_VALUE;
mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_eol_flag(&constant_value, ram_array);
constant_value = MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_RECORD_LENGTH;
mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_record_length(&constant_value, ram_array);
constant_value = MTB_UBM_FRU_SPEC_VERSION;
mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_spec_version(&constant_value, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_device_arrangement(&config->overview_area->two_wire_device_arrangement, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_mux_address(&config->overview_area->two_wire_mux_address, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_mux_byte_count(&config->overview_area->two_wire_max_byte_count, ram_array);
constant_value = MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_VALID;
mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_fru_invalid(&constant_value, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_controller_max_time_limit(&config->overview_area->ubm_max_time_limit, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_controller_features(&config->overview_area->ubm_controller_features, ram_array);
constant_value = config->num_of_dfc;
mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_number_status_control_descriptors(&constant_value, ram_array);
constant_value = config->num_of_routes;
mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_number_port_route_descriptors(&constant_value, ram_array);
constant_value = config->num_of_dfc;
mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_number_backplane_dfc(&constant_value, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_maximum_power_per_dfc(&config->overview_area->maximum_power_per_dfc, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_mux_channel_count(&config->overview_area->mux_channel_count, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_enable_bit_location(&config->overview_area->enable_bit_location, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_mux_type(&config->overview_area->mux_type, ram_array);
constant_value = MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_VALID;
mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_data_valid(&constant_value, ram_array);
constant_value = mtb_ubm_fru_calculate_checksum(&ram_array[MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_H_LEN],
mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_record_checksum(&constant_value, ram_array);
constant_value = mtb_ubm_fru_calculate_checksum(ram_array, (MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_H_LEN - MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_CHEKSUM_LEN));
mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_header_checksum(&constant_value, ram_array);
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_record_type
* Sets the FRU value of the record type of the route information header.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_record_type(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_H0_ADDR] = *value;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_record_fmt
* Sets the FRU value of the record format of the route information header.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_record_fmt(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_H1_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_H1_FORM_V_Msk));
bit_val |= ((*value << MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_H1_FORM_V_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_H1_FORM_V_Msk);
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_H1_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_oa_eol_flag
* Sets the FRU value of the end of the list flag of the route information header.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_eol_flag(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_H1_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_H1_EOLST_Msk));
bit_val |= ((*value << MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_H1_EOLST_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_OA_H1_EOLST_Msk);
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_H1_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_record_length
* Sets the FRU value of the record length of the route information header.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_record_length(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_H2_ADDR] = *value;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_record_checksum
* Sets the FRU value of the record checksum of the route information header.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_record_checksum(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_H3_ADDR] = *value;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_header_checksum
* Sets the FRU value of the header checksum of the route information.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_header_checksum(const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
array[MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_H4_ADDR] = *value;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_init_ri_header
* Initializes the FRU overview area.
* \param routes_num
* The total number of routes.
* \param ram_array
* The pointer to the FRU image section in the RAM.
void mtb_ubm_fru_init_ri_header(uint8_t routes_num, uint8_t* ram_array)
uint8_t constant_value;
constant_value = MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_RECORD_TYPE;
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_record_type(&constant_value, ram_array);
constant_value = MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_RECORD_FMT;
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_record_fmt(&constant_value, ram_array);
constant_value = MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_EOL_FLAG;
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_eol_flag(&constant_value, ram_array);
constant_value = routes_num * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN;
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_record_length(&constant_value, ram_array);
constant_value = mtb_ubm_fru_calculate_checksum(&ram_array[MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_H_LEN],
((uint32_t)routes_num * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN));
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_record_checksum(&constant_value, ram_array);
constant_value = mtb_ubm_fru_calculate_checksum(&ram_array[0U], (MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_H_LEN - 1U));
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_header_checksum(&constant_value, ram_array);
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_ctrl_type
* Sets the FRU value of the controller type of the route information UBM.
* \param route
* The route number.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_ctrl_type(uint32_t route, const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D0_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D0_UBM_TYPE_Msk));
bit_val |= ((*value << MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D0_UBM_TYPE_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D0_UBM_TYPE_Msk);
array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D0_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_two_wire_address
* Sets the FRU value of the two-wire address of the route information UBM.
* \param route
* The route number.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_two_wire_address(uint32_t route, const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D0_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D0_2W_S_ADDR_Msk));
bit_val |= ((*value) & MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D0_2W_S_ADDR_Msk);
array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D0_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_sts_ctrl
* Sets the FRU value of the UBM DFC Status and Control Descriptor Index of the route information .
* \param route
* The route number.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_sts_ctrl(uint32_t route, const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D1_ADDR] = *value;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_sff_ta_1001
* Sets the FRU value of the support bit of the route information UBM SFF-TA-1001.
* \param route
* The route number.
* \param bool_value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_sff_ta_1001(uint32_t route, const bool* bool_value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != bool_value))
uint8_t value = (*bool_value) ? 0x01U : 0x00U;
uint8_t bit_val = array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_SFF_TA_1001_Msk));
bit_val |= ((value << MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_SFF_TA_1001_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_SFF_TA_1001_Msk);
array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_gen_z
* Sets the FRU value of the support bit of the route information UBM Gen-Z.
* \param route
* The route number.
* \param bool_value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_gen_z(uint32_t route, const bool* bool_value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != bool_value))
uint8_t value = (*bool_value) ? 0x01U : 0x00U;
uint8_t bit_val = array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_GEN_Z_Msk));
bit_val |= ((value << MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_GEN_Z_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_GEN_Z_Msk);
array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_sas_sata
* Sets the FRU value of the support bit of the route information UBM SAS/SATA.
* \param route
* The route number.
* \param bool_value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_sas_sata(uint32_t route, const bool* bool_value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != bool_value))
uint8_t value = (*bool_value) ? 0x01U : 0x00U;
uint8_t bit_val = array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_SAS_SATA_Msk));
bit_val |= ((value << MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_SAS_SATA_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_SAS_SATA_Msk);
array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_quad_pcie
* Sets the FRU value of the support bit of the route information UBM Quad PCIe.
* \param route
* The route number.
* \param bool_value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_quad_pcie(uint32_t route, const bool* bool_value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != bool_value))
uint8_t value = (*bool_value) ? 0x01U : 0x00U;
uint8_t bit_val = array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_QPCIE_Msk));
bit_val |= ((value << MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_QPCIE_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_QPCIE_Msk);
array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_dfc_empty
* Sets the FRU value of the empty bit of the route information UBM DFC.
* \param route
* The route number.
* \param bool_value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_dfc_empty(uint32_t route, const bool* bool_value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != bool_value))
uint8_t value = (*bool_value) ? 0x01U : 0x00U;
uint8_t bit_val = array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_DFC_EMPTY_Msk));
bit_val |= ((value << MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_DFC_EMPTY_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_DFC_EMPTY_Msk);
array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D2_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_link_width
* Sets the FRU value of the link width of the route information UBM.
* \param route
* The route number.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_link_width(uint32_t route, const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D3_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D3_LINK_WIDTH_Msk));
bit_val |= ((*value << MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D3_LINK_WIDTH_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D3_LINK_WIDTH_Msk);
array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D3_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_port_type
* Sets the FRU value of the port type for the UBM of the route information.
* \param route
* Route number.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_port_type(uint32_t route, const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D3_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D3_PORT_TYPE_Msk));
bit_val |= ((*value << MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D3_PORT_TYPE_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D3_PORT_TYPE_Msk);
array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D3_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_domain
* Sets the FRU value of the port domain for the UBM of the route information.
* \param route
* The route number.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_domain(uint32_t route, const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D3_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D3_DOMAIN_Msk));
bit_val |= ((*value << MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D3_DOMAIN_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D3_DOMAIN_Msk);
array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D3_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_max_sata_rate
* Sets the FRU value of the port maximum SATA rate for the UBM of the route information.
* \param route
* The route number.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_max_sata_rate(uint32_t route, const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D4_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D4_MAX_SATA_LINK_RATE_Msk));
array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D4_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_max_pcie_rate
* Sets the FRU value of the port maximum PCIe rate for the UBM of the route information.
* \param route
* The route number.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_max_pcie_rate(uint32_t route, const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D4_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D4_MAX_PCIE_LINK_RATE_Msk));
array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D4_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_max_sas_rate
* Sets the FRU value of the port maximum SAS rate for the UBM of the route information.
* \param route
* The route number.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_max_sas_rate(uint32_t route, const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D4_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D4_MAX_SAS_LINK_RATE_Msk));
array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D4_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_hfc_start_lane
* Sets the FRU value of the port HFC starting lane for the UBM of the route information.
* \param route
* The route number.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_hfc_start_lane(uint32_t route, const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D5_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D5_HFC_STARTING_LANE_Msk));
array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D5_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_hfc_identifier
* Sets the FRU value of the port HFC identity for the UBM of the route information.
* \param route
* The route number.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_hfc_identifier(uint32_t route, const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
uint8_t bit_val = array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D5_ADDR];
bit_val = (uint8_t)(bit_val & (~MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D5_HFC_IDENTITY_Msk));
bit_val |= ((*value << MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D5_HFC_IDENTITY_Pos) & MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D5_HFC_IDENTITY_Msk);
array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D5_ADDR] = bit_val;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_slot_offset
* Sets the FRU value of the port slot offset for the UBM of the route information.
* \param route
* The route number.
* \param value
* The pointer to the value to be set.
* \param array
* The pointer to the RAM array.
static void mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_slot_offset(uint32_t route, const uint8_t* value, uint8_t* array)
if ((NULL != array) && (NULL != value))
array[(route * MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D_LEN) + MTB_UBM_FRU_RI_D6_ADDR] = *value;
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_init_ri_descriptor
* Initializes the route information data of the FRU.
* \param num_of_routes
* The number of routes to initialize.
* \param routing_info
* The pointer to the UBM context settings.
* \param ram_array
* The pointer to the FRU image section in the RAM.
void mtb_ubm_fru_init_ri_descriptor(uint32_t num_of_routes,
const mtb_stc_ubm_routing_t* routing_info,
uint8_t* ram_array)
if ((NULL != routing_info) && (NULL != ram_array))
for (int32_t i = (int32_t)num_of_routes - 1; i >= 0; i--)
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_ctrl_type((uint32_t)i, ((const uint8_t*)&routing_info[i].ubm_ctrl_type), ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_two_wire_address((uint32_t)i, &routing_info[i].ubm_ctrl_slave_addr, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_sts_ctrl((uint32_t)i, &routing_info[i].drive_connector_idx, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_sff_ta_1001((uint32_t)i, &routing_info[i].drive_types_supported.sff_ta_1001, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_gen_z((uint32_t)i, &routing_info[i].drive_types_supported.gen_z, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_sas_sata((uint32_t)i, &routing_info[i].drive_types_supported.sas_sata, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_quad_pcie((uint32_t)i, &routing_info[i].drive_types_supported.quad_pcie, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_dfc_empty((uint32_t)i, &routing_info[i].drive_types_supported.dfc_empty, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_link_width((uint32_t)i, ((const uint8_t*)&routing_info[i].drive_link_width), ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_port_type((uint32_t)i, ((const uint8_t*)&routing_info[i].port_type), ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_domain((uint32_t)i, ((const uint8_t*)&routing_info[i].domain), ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_max_sata_rate((uint32_t)i, ((const uint8_t*)&routing_info[i].max_sata_line_rate), ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_max_pcie_rate((uint32_t)i, ((const uint8_t*)&routing_info[i].max_pcie_line_rate), ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_max_sas_rate((uint32_t)i, ((const uint8_t*)&routing_info[i].max_sas_line_rate), ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_hfc_start_lane((uint32_t)i, &routing_info[i].hfc_starting_phy_lane, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_hfc_identifier((uint32_t)i, &routing_info[i].hfc_identifier, ram_array);
mtb_ubm_fru_set_ri_slot_offset((uint32_t)i, &routing_info[i].slot_offset, ram_array);
* Function Name: mtb_ubm_fru_calculate_checksum
* Calculates the checksum.
* \param data_bytes
* The pointer to the packet received or to be sent.
* \param data_length
* The length of the packet.
* \return
* The calculated checksum.
static uint8_t mtb_ubm_fru_calculate_checksum(const uint8_t* data_bytes, uint32_t data_length)
uint8_t checksum = 0x00U;
uint8_t cnt = 0x00U;
for (uint32_t i = 0U; i < data_length; i++)
cnt = cnt + data_bytes[i];
checksum = ~(cnt) + 0x01U;
return checksum;