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* \file cy_usb_dev_cdc.c
* \version 2.10
* Provides Class Specific API implementation.
* \copyright
* (c) 2018-2021, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.
#include "cy_usb_dev_cdc.h"
#include "cy_usb_dev_cdc_descr.h"
#if (defined(CY_IP_MXUSBFS) || defined(CY_IP_M0S8USBDSS))
* Internal Constants
#define COM1 (0U)
#define COM2 (1U)
#define INVALID_COM (0xFFU)
#define SERIAL_STATE (0x20U)
{ \
/* dwDTERate: Data terminal rate, in bits per second */ \
0x00U, 0xC2U, 0x01U, 0x00U, \
/* bCharFormat (Stop bits): 0 - 1bit, 1 - 1.5bits, 2 - 2bits */ \
0x00U, \
/* bParityType: Parity 0 - None, 1 - Odd, 2 - Even, 3 - Mark, 4 - Space */ \
0x00U, \
/* Data bits (5, 6, 7, 8 or 16) */ \
0x08U \
{ \
SERIAL_STATE, /* bNotification */ \
0U, /* wValue */ \
0U, /* wValueMSB */ \
0U, /* wIndex */ \
0U, /* wIndexMSB */ \
SERIAL_STATE_LENGTH, /* wLength */ \
0u, /* wLengthMSB */ \
0U, /* wSerialState */ \
0U, /* wSerialStateMSB */ \
* Internal Functions
static cy_en_usb_dev_status_t HandleRequest(cy_stc_usb_dev_control_transfer_t *transfer, void *classContext,
cy_stc_usb_dev_context_t *devContext);
static cy_en_usb_dev_status_t HandleRequestComplete(cy_stc_usb_dev_control_transfer_t *transfer,
void *classContext,
cy_stc_usb_dev_context_t *devContext);
static cy_en_usb_dev_status_t HandleSetConfig(uint32_t configuration,
void *classContext,
cy_stc_usb_dev_context_t *devContext);
static uint32_t GetInterfaceComPort(uint32_t interface, cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t const *context);
static uint32_t ReadInternalBuffer(cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_comport_t* port, uint8_t *buffer,
uint32_t size);
static bool IsEndpointReady(uint32_t endpoint, cy_stc_usb_dev_context_t const *context);
static cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_comport_t* GetCom(uint32_t port, cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t *context);
* Function Name: Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_Init
* Initializes the CDC class.
* This function must be called to enable USB Device CDC functionality.
* \param config
* The pointer to the CDC configuration
* structure \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_config_t.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t
* allocated by the user. The structure is used during the CDC Class operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \param devContext
* The pointer to the USB Device context structure \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_context_t.
* \return
* Status code of the function execution \ref cy_en_usb_dev_status_t.
cy_en_usb_dev_status_t Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_Init(cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_config_t const *config,
cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t *context,
cy_stc_usb_dev_context_t *devContext)
if ((NULL == context) || (NULL == devContext))
uint32_t portIndex;
for (portIndex = 0UL; (portIndex < CY_USB_DEV_CDC_COMPORT_NUMBER); portIndex++)
/* Default value for Lines Coding and Serial State notification */
/* Get COM port */
cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_comport_t* com = &context->port[portIndex];
/* Initialize default values: lines coding and serial state */
(void) memcpy((void *) com->linesCoding, (const void *)initLinesCoding, CY_USB_DEV_CDC_LINE_CODING_SIZE);
(void) memcpy((void *) com->serialStateNotification, (const void *)initSerialState, CY_USB_DEV_CDC_SERIAL_STATE_SIZE);
/* Set COM port disable */
com->valid = false;
com->writeBufIdx = 0U;
com->readBufIdx = 0U;
com->linesChanged = CY_USB_DEV_CDC_LINE_NOT_CHANGED;
/* Copy data from configuration */
com->buffer = (NULL != config) ? config->buffer[portIndex] : NULL;
com->bufferSize = (NULL != config) ? config->bufferSize[portIndex] : 0U;
/* Remove custom handlers */
context->requestCompleted = NULL;
context->requestReceived = NULL;
/* Store device context */
context->devContext = devContext;
/* Register CDC handlers */
Cy_USB_Dev_RegisterClassSetConfigCallback(&HandleSetConfig, Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_GetClass(context));
Cy_USB_Dev_RegisterClassRequestRcvdCallback(&HandleRequest, Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_GetClass(context));
Cy_USB_Dev_RegisterClassRequestCmpltCallback(&HandleRequestComplete, Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_GetClass(context));
return Cy_USB_Dev_RegisterClass(&context->classItem, &context->classObj, context, devContext);
* Function Name: HandleSetConfig
* Handles SET_CONFIGURATION request event. This function finds COM ports
* information for a certain configuration: CDC interfaces and CDC endpoints.
* This information is used to call any CDC function.
* \param configuration
* The CDC configuration index.
* \param classContext
* The pointer to the context structure of the Class
* \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t allocated by the user.
* \param devContext
* The pointer to the context structure of the Device
* \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_context_t allocated by the user.
* \return
* Returns \ref CY_USB_DEV_SUCCESS.
* The configuration is still valid if COM port is not found.
static cy_en_usb_dev_status_t HandleSetConfig(uint32_t configuration,
void *classContext,
cy_stc_usb_dev_context_t *devContext)
/* Get CDC context */
cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t *context = (cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t *) classContext;
/* Invalidate COM ports */
context->port[COM1].valid = false;
context->port[COM2].valid = false;
if (configuration > 0U)
/* Get current configuration */
cy_stc_usb_dev_configuration_t const *config = devContext->devDescriptors->configurations[configuration - 1U];
uint32_t intf;
uint32_t portInt = 0U;
uint32_t portData = 0U;
uint32_t cdcEpNum = 0U;
for (intf = 0U; intf < config->numInterfaces; ++intf)
/* CDC does not support alternate settings */
uint32_t alt = 0U;
/* Get alternate settings that belong to this interface */
cy_stc_usb_dev_alternate_t const **altStructs = config->interfaces[intf]->alternates;
/* Get pointer to current alternate descriptor */
cy_stc_usbdev_interface_descr_t const *curAlternate = (cy_stc_usbdev_interface_descr_t const *)
((const void *)(altStructs[alt]->interfaceDescriptor));
/* Check interface class */
if (CY_USB_DEV_CDC_CLASS == curAlternate->bInterfaceClass)
/* Get endpoint descriptor */
cy_stc_usbdev_endpoint_descr_t const *ep = (cy_stc_usbdev_endpoint_descr_t const *)
((const void *)(altStructs[alt]->endpoints[0U]->endpointDescriptor));
context->port[portInt].interfaceNum = (uint8_t) intf;
context->port[portInt].commEp = (uint8_t) CY_USB_DEV_EPADDR2EP(ep->bEndpointAddress);
context->port[portInt].commEpSize = CY_USB_DEV_GET_CFG_WORD(&ep->wMaxPacketSize);
context->port[portInt].serialStateNotification[SERIAL_STATE_WINDEX_OFFSET] = (uint8_t) intf;
portInt = 1U;
else if (CY_USB_DEV_CDC_CLASS_DATA == curAlternate->bInterfaceClass)
uint32_t endpoint;
/* Check all endpoints that belong to interface */
for (endpoint = 0U; endpoint < altStructs[alt]->numEndpoints; ++endpoint)
/* Get endpoint descriptor */
cy_stc_usbdev_endpoint_descr_t const *ep = (cy_stc_usbdev_endpoint_descr_t const *)
((const void *)(altStructs[alt]->endpoints[endpoint]->endpointDescriptor));
if (CY_USB_DEV_IS_EP_DIR_IN(ep->bEndpointAddress))
context->port[portData].dataInEp = (uint8_t) CY_USB_DEV_EPADDR2EP(ep->bEndpointAddress);
context->port[portData].dataInEpSize = CY_USB_DEV_GET_CFG_WORD(&ep->wMaxPacketSize);
context->port[portData].dataOutEp = (uint8_t) CY_USB_DEV_EPADDR2EP(ep->bEndpointAddress);
context->port[portData].dataOutEpSize = CY_USB_DEV_GET_CFG_WORD(&ep->wMaxPacketSize);
/* Enable endpoint to receive data from Host.
* Discard status after set configuration is safe.
(void) Cy_USB_Dev_StartReadEp((uint32_t) context->port[portData].dataOutEp, devContext);
portData = 1U;
/* Skip: Interface Class is not CDC */
context->port[COM1].valid = (cdcEpNum >= SINGLE_COM_PORT_EP_NUM);
context->port[COM2].valid = (DUAL_COM_PORT_EP_NUM == cdcEpNum);
/* If comport is not found, it is marked not valid */
* Function Name: HandleRequest
* Handles CDC class requests (SETUP packet received event).
* \param transfer
* Pointer to structure that holds SETUP packet and information for
* request processing.
* \param classContext
* The pointer to the context structure \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t
* allocated by the user. The structure is used during the CDC Class operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \param devContext
* The pointer to the context structure \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_context_t allocated
* by the user. The structure is used during the USB Device operation for
* internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify anything
* in this structure.
* \return
* Status of request processing: \ref CY_USB_DEV_SUCCESS or
static cy_en_usb_dev_status_t HandleRequest(cy_stc_usb_dev_control_transfer_t *transfer,
void *classContext,
cy_stc_usb_dev_context_t *devContext)
cy_en_usb_dev_status_t retStatus = CY_USB_DEV_REQUEST_NOT_HANDLED;
/* Process CDC Class requests */
if (CY_USB_DEV_CLASS_TYPE == transfer->setup.bmRequestType.type)
cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t *context = (cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t *) classContext;
uint32_t portNum = GetInterfaceComPort((uint32_t) transfer->setup.wIndex, context);
if (IS_COM_VALID(portNum))
switch (transfer->setup.bRequest)
transfer->remaining = SET_LINE_CODING_LENGTH;
transfer->notify = true;
transfer->ptr = (uint8_t *) context->port[portNum].linesCoding;
transfer->remaining = SET_LINE_CODING_LENGTH;
context->port[portNum].linesControlBitmap = (uint8_t) transfer->setup.wValue;
context->port[portNum].linesChanged |= CY_USB_DEV_CDC_LINE_CONTROL_CHANGED;
retStatus = CY_USB_DEV_SUCCESS; /* There is Data stage */
/* Request was not recognized. Try custom request handler. */
if (NULL != context->requestReceived)
retStatus = context->requestReceived(transfer, context, devContext);
return retStatus;
* Function Name: HandleRequestComplete
* Completes handling CDC class requests that expect data from the Host.
* Involved when data from the Host has been received.
* \param transfer
* Pointer to structure that holds SETUP packet and information for
* request processing.
* \param classContext
* The pointer to the context structure \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t
* allocated by the user. The structure is used during the CDC Class operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \param devContext
* The pointer to the context structure \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_context_t allocated
* by the user. The structure is used during the USB Device operation for
* internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify anything
* in this structure.
* \return
* Status of request processing: \ref CY_USB_DEV_SUCCESS or
static cy_en_usb_dev_status_t HandleRequestComplete(cy_stc_usb_dev_control_transfer_t *transfer,
void *classContext,
cy_stc_usb_dev_context_t *devContext)
cy_en_usb_dev_status_t retStatus = CY_USB_DEV_REQUEST_NOT_HANDLED;
/* Process CDC Class requests */
if (CY_USB_DEV_CLASS_TYPE == transfer->setup.bmRequestType.type)
cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t *context = (cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t *) classContext;
uint32_t portNum = GetInterfaceComPort((uint32_t) transfer->setup.wIndex, context);
if (IS_COM_VALID(portNum))
switch (transfer->setup.bRequest)
/* Copy received data */
(void) memcpy((void *) context->port[portNum].linesCoding, (const void *)transfer->ptr, CY_USB_DEV_CDC_LINE_CODING_SIZE);
context->port[portNum].linesChanged |= CY_USB_DEV_CDC_LINE_CODING_CHANGED;
/* Request was not recognized. Try custom request handler. */
if (NULL != context->requestCompleted)
retStatus = context->requestCompleted(transfer, context, devContext);
return retStatus;
* Function Name: GetInterfaceComPort
* Returns number of COM port number that belong to a certain CDC interface.
* \param interface
* Interface number.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t
* allocated by the user. The structure is used during the CDC Class operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* COM port number (COM1 or COM2). INVALID_COM if COM port does not exist.
static uint32_t GetInterfaceComPort(uint32_t interface, cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t const *context)
uint32_t portNum;
uint32_t locInterface = (uint32_t) CY_LO8(interface);
if (context->port[COM1].interfaceNum == locInterface)
portNum = COM1;
else if (context->port[COM2].interfaceNum == locInterface)
portNum = COM2;
portNum = INVALID_COM;
return (portNum);
* Function Name: Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_PutData
* Sends a specified number of bytes to USB Host.
* Call \ref Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_IsReady function to ensure that the COM port
* (CDC Data interface) is ready for sending data to the USB Host before calling
* this function.
* \param port
* COM port number. Valid ports are 0 and 1.
* \param buffer
* The pointer to the buffer containing data bytes to be sent. \n
* Allocate buffer using \ref CY_USB_DEV_ALLOC_ENDPOINT_BUFFER macro to make
* it USBFS driver configuration independent (See \ref group_usb_dev_ep_buf_alloc
* for more information).
* \param size
* The number of bytes to send.
* This value must be less than or equal to the maximum packet size of the
* CDC Data interface IN endpoint that belongs to the specified COM port.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t
* allocated by the user. The structure is used during the CDC Class operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* Status code of the function execution \ref cy_en_usb_dev_status_t.
cy_en_usb_dev_status_t Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_PutData(uint32_t port, uint8_t const *buffer, uint32_t size,
cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t *context)
cy_en_usb_dev_status_t retStatus = CY_USB_DEV_BAD_PARAM;
cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_comport_t* com = GetCom(port, context);
if (com->valid)
retStatus = Cy_USB_Dev_WriteEpNonBlocking((uint32_t) com->dataInEp, buffer, size, context->devContext);
return retStatus;
* Function Name: Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_PutString
* Sends a null terminated string to the USB Host. This function is blocking and
* returns after successful USB Host transfer, or an error or timeout occurred.
* Call \ref Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_IsReady function to ensure that the COM port
* (CDC Data interface) is ready for sending data to the USB Host before calling
* this function.
* \param port
* COM port number. Valid ports are 0 and 1.
* \param string
* The pointer to the string to be sent. \n
* The string must be allocated following rules in the section
* \ref group_usb_dev_ep_buf_alloc to be USBFS driver configuration
* independent.
* \param timeout
* Defines in milliseconds the time for which this function can block.
* If that time expires, the function returns.
* To wait forever, pass \ref CY_USB_DEV_WAIT_FOREVER.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t
* allocated by the user. The structure is used during the CDC Class operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* Status code of the function execution \ref cy_en_usb_dev_status_t.
* \note
* If string parameter is a constant string (example: "USBUART"), it is stored
* in the stack and aligned to 4 bytes boundary what makes it USBFS
* driver configuration independent.
cy_en_usb_dev_status_t Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_PutString(uint32_t port, char_t const *string, int32_t timeout,
cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t *context)
cy_en_usb_dev_status_t retStatus = CY_USB_DEV_BAD_PARAM;
cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_comport_t* com = GetCom(port, context);
if (com->valid)
uint32_t endpoint = com->dataInEp;
uint32_t stringLen = strlen(string);
uint32_t sendLen = 0U;
uint32_t sendIndex = 0U;
uint32_t bufSize = com->dataInEpSize;
/* Send size equal to endpoint max packet sizes */
sendLen = (stringLen > bufSize) ? bufSize : stringLen;
retStatus = Cy_USB_Dev_WriteEpBlocking(endpoint, (uint8_t const *) &string[sendIndex],
sendLen, timeout, context->devContext);
stringLen -= sendLen;
sendIndex += sendLen;
while ((stringLen > 0U) && (CY_USB_DEV_SUCCESS == retStatus));
/* If last packet is exactly maximum packet size, it shall be followed
* by a zero-length packet to assure the end of segment is properly
* identified by the terminal.
if ((sendLen == bufSize) && (CY_USB_DEV_SUCCESS == retStatus))
uint8_t dummyByte = 0U;
retStatus = Cy_USB_Dev_WriteEpBlocking(endpoint, &dummyByte,
0U, timeout, context->devContext);
return retStatus;
* Function Name: Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_GetCount
* Returns the number of bytes that were received from the USB Host and can be
* read using \ref Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_GetData or \ref Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_GetChar
* functions.
* \param port
* COM port number. Valid ports are 0 and 1.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t
* allocated by the user. The structure is used during the CDC Class operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* Returns the number of bytes that were received.
uint32_t Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_GetCount(uint32_t port, cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t *context)
uint32_t count = 0U;
cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_comport_t *com = GetCom(port, context);
if (com->valid)
/* Read number of bytes in local buffer */
count = com->writeBufIdx;
/* Local buffer is empty. Check if there is data in the endpoint buffer */
if (0U == count)
if (IsEndpointReady((uint32_t) com->dataOutEp, context->devContext))
/* Update count if Host wrote anything into the endpoint */
count = Cy_USB_Dev_GetEpNumToRead((uint32_t) com->dataOutEp, context->devContext);
return count;
* Function Name: GetCom
* Returns pointer to port structure cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_comport_t
* \param port
* COM port number. Valid ports are 0 and 1.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t
* allocated by the user. The structure is used during the CDC Class operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* Pointer to port structure cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_comport_t
static cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_comport_t* GetCom(uint32_t port, cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t *context)
return &context->port[port];
* Function Name: IsEndpointReady
* Check if endpoint state is IDLE or COMPLETED.
* \param endpoint
* The endpoint number.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t
* allocated by the user. The structure is used during the CDC Class operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* True - endpoint is ready. False - endpoint is not ready.
static bool IsEndpointReady(uint32_t endpoint, cy_stc_usb_dev_context_t const *context)
cy_en_usb_dev_ep_state_t epState;
epState = Cy_USBFS_Dev_Drv_GetEndpointState(context->drvBase,
return ((CY_USB_DEV_EP_IDLE == epState) || (CY_USB_DEV_EP_COMPLETED == epState));
* Function Name: Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_IsDataReady
* Returns status if the COM port (CDC Data interface) received data from the
* USB Host (including zero-length packet).
* \param port
* COM port number. Valid ports are 0 and 1.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t
* allocated by the user. The structure is used during the CDC Class operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* * True - the COM port (CDC Data interface) received data from the USB Host.
* * False - the COM port (CDC Data interface) is waiting for data from the
* USB Host.
bool Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_IsDataReady(uint32_t port, cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t *context)
bool retStatus = false;
cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_comport_t* com = GetCom(port, context);
if (com->valid)
retStatus = IsEndpointReady((uint32_t) com->dataOutEp, context->devContext);
return retStatus;
* Function Name: Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_IsReady
* Returns status if the COM port (CDC Data interface) is ready for sending
* new data.
* \param port
* COM port number. Valid ports are 0 and 1.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t
* allocated by the user. The structure is used during the CDC Class operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* * True - the COM port (CDC Data interface) is ready for sending new data.
* * False - the COM port (CDC Data interface) is waiting for the USB Host to
* read previous data.
bool Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_IsReady(uint32_t port, cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t *context)
bool retStatus = false;
cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_comport_t* com = GetCom(port, context);
if (com->valid)
retStatus = IsEndpointReady((uint32_t) com->dataInEp, context->devContext);
return retStatus;
* Function Name: ReadInternalBuffer
* Internal function used for copy data from internal buffer
* \param port
* Pointer to the port structure.
* \param buffer
* Pointer to the data array where data will be placed.
* \param size
* Number of bytes to read into the data array from the RX buffer. The maximum
* length is limited by the number of received bytes.
* \return
* Number of copied bytes.
static uint32_t ReadInternalBuffer(cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_comport_t* port, uint8_t *buffer,
uint32_t size)
uint32_t numBytes = port->writeBufIdx;
uint32_t idx = port->readBufIdx;
uint32_t numToCopy = (size > numBytes) ? numBytes : size;
/* Copy data from internal buffer to the user buffer */
(void) memcpy(buffer, &port->buffer[idx], numToCopy);
numBytes -= numToCopy;
/* Adjust buffer pointers */
if (0U == numBytes)
port->readBufIdx = 0U;
port->writeBufIdx = 0U;
port->readBufIdx += numToCopy;
port->writeBufIdx -= numToCopy;
return numToCopy;
* Function Name: Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_GetData
* Read a specified number of data bytes received from USB Host by the COM port
* (CDC Data interface).
* Call \ref Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_IsDataReady function to ensure that
* data is received from the USB Host before calling this function.
* \param port
* COM port number. Valid ports are 0 and 1.
* \param buffer
* The pointer to buffer that stores data that was read. \n
* Allocate buffer using \ref CY_USB_DEV_ALLOC_ENDPOINT_BUFFER macro to make
* it USBFS driver configuration independent (See \ref group_usb_dev_ep_buf_alloc
* for more information).
* \param size
* The number of bytes to read.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t
* allocated by the user. The structure is used during the CDC Class operation
* for internal configuration and data keeping. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* The number of bytes that were actually read.
uint32_t Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_GetData(uint32_t port, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size,
cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t *context)
uint32_t actSize = 0U;
cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_comport_t * com = GetCom(port, context);
if ((com->valid) &&
(NULL != com->buffer) && (com->bufferSize == com->dataOutEpSize))
/* Check whether buffer has some data */
if (com->writeBufIdx > 0U)
actSize = ReadInternalBuffer(com, buffer, size);
cy_en_usb_dev_status_t locStatus;
locStatus = Cy_USB_Dev_ReadEpNonBlocking((uint32_t) com->dataOutEp, com->buffer, com->bufferSize,
&com->writeBufIdx, context->devContext);
if (CY_USB_DEV_SUCCESS == locStatus)
actSize = ReadInternalBuffer(com, buffer, size);
/* ReadEpNonBlocking returned success therefore safe to discard status */
(void) Cy_USB_Dev_StartReadEp((uint32_t) com->dataOutEp, context->devContext);
return actSize;
* Function Name: Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_GetAll
* Read all data received from USB Host by the COM port (CDC Data interface).
* Call \ref Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_IsDataReady function to ensure that
* data is received from the USB Host before calling this function.
* \param port
* COM port number. Valid ports are 0 and 1.
* \param buffer
* The pointer to buffer that stores data that was read. \n
* Allocate buffer using \ref CY_USB_DEV_ALLOC_ENDPOINT_BUFFER macro to make
* it USBFS driver configuration independent (See \ref group_usb_dev_ep_buf_alloc
* for more information).
* \param maxSize
* The size of buffer to read data into.
* This value must be not be less then CDC Data interface OUT endpoint maximum
* packet size that belongs to specified COM port.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t
* allocated by the user. The structure is used during the CDC Class operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* The number of bytes that were actually read.
uint32_t Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_GetAll(uint32_t port, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t maxSize,
cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t *context)
uint32_t actSize = 0U;
cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_comport_t * com = GetCom(port, context);
if (com->valid)
cy_en_usb_dev_status_t locStatus;
locStatus = Cy_USB_Dev_ReadEpNonBlocking((uint32_t) com->dataOutEp, buffer, maxSize, &actSize,
/* Start read endpoint after read completed */
if (CY_USB_DEV_SUCCESS == locStatus)
/* ReadEpNonBlocking returned success therefore safe to discard status */
(void) Cy_USB_Dev_StartReadEp((uint32_t) com->dataOutEp, context->devContext);
return actSize;
* Function Name: Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_GetChar
* Reads one byte of received data.
* Call \ref Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_IsDataReady function to ensure that
* data is received from the USB Host before calling this function.
* \param port
* COM port number. Valid ports are 0 and 1.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t
* allocated by the user. The structure is used during the CDC Class operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* Received one character or zero value to indicate there is no data.
char_t Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_GetChar(uint32_t port, cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t *context)
uint8_t data = 0U;
uint32_t number = Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_GetData(port, &data, 1U, context);
if (0U == number)
data = 0U;
return (char_t) data;
* Function Name: Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_SendSerialState
* Sends the serial state notification to the host using the COM port
* (CDC interface) IN interrupt endpoint.
* Call \ref Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_IsNotificationReady function to ensure that
* COM port (CDC interface) is ready send notification before calling this
* function.
* \param port
* COM port number. Valid ports are 0 and 1.
* \param serialState
* 16-bit value that will be sent from the USB Device to the USB Host as
* SERIAL_STATE notification using the CDC interface IN interrupt endpoint.
* Refer to revision 1.2 of the CDC PSTN Subclass specification for bit field
* definitions of the 16-bit serial state value.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t
* allocated by the user. The structure is used during the CDC Class operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* Status code of the function execution \ref cy_en_usb_dev_status_t.
* \note
* The maximum packet size of the CDC interface IN interrupt endpoint
* (that belongs to specified COM port) must be at least 10 bytes to send
* serial state notifications.
cy_en_usb_dev_status_t Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_SendSerialState(uint32_t port, uint32_t serialState,
cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t *context)
cy_en_usb_dev_status_t retStatus = CY_USB_DEV_BAD_PARAM;
cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_comport_t* com = GetCom(port, context);
if ((com->valid) &&
/* Update serial state */
com->serialStateBitmap = (uint16_t) serialState;
com->serialStateNotification[SERIAL_STATE_WSERIALSTATE_LSB_OFFSET] = CY_LO8(serialState);
com->serialStateNotification[SERIAL_STATE_WSERIALSTATE_MSB_OFFSET] = CY_HI8(serialState);
retStatus = Cy_USB_Dev_WriteEpNonBlocking((uint32_t) com->commEp,
(uint8_t *) com->serialStateNotification,
return retStatus;
* Function Name: Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_IsNotificationReady
* Returns if the COM port (CDC interface) is ready to send notification to
* the USB Host.
* \param port
* COM port number. Valid ports are 0 and 1.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t
* allocated by the user. The structure is used during the CDC Class operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* * True - the COM port (CDC interface) is ready for sending new notification.
* * False - the COM port (CDC interface) is waiting for the USB Host to read
* previous notification.
bool Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_IsNotificationReady(uint32_t port, cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t *context)
bool retStatus = false;
cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_comport_t* com = GetCom(port, context);
if (com->valid)
retStatus = IsEndpointReady((uint32_t) com->commEp, context->devContext);
return retStatus;
* Function Name: Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_GetDTERate
* Returns the data terminal rate set for this port in bits per second.
* \param port
* COM port number. Valid ports are 0 and 1.
* \param context
* The pointer to the context structure \ref cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t
* allocated by the user. The structure is used during the CDC Class operation
* for internal configuration and data retention. The user must not modify
* anything in this structure.
* \return
* Data rate in bits per second.
uint32_t Cy_USB_Dev_CDC_GetDTERate(uint32_t port, cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_context_t *context)
cy_stc_usb_dev_cdc_comport_t* com = GetCom(port, context);
uint32_t rate = com->linesCoding[LINE_CODING_RATE_OFFSET + 3U];
rate = (rate << 8U) | com->linesCoding[LINE_CODING_RATE_OFFSET + 2U];
rate = (rate << 8U) | com->linesCoding[LINE_CODING_RATE_OFFSET + 1U];
rate = (rate << 8U) | com->linesCoding[LINE_CODING_RATE_OFFSET];
return rate;
#endif /* (defined(CY_IP_MXUSBFS) || defined(CY_IP_M0S8USBDSS)) */
/* [] END OF FILE */