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* \file mtb_radar_sensing.h
* \version 1.0
* \brief
* This file includes all the header files of the RadarSensing middleware.
* \copyright
* Copyright (C) 2021 Infineon Technologies AG. All rights reserved.
* Infineon Technologies AG (INFINEON) is supplying this file for use
* exclusively with Infineon's sensor products. This file can be freely
* distributed within development tools and software supporting such
* products.
* \mainpage RadarSensing Library
* The RadarSensing Library provides a high-level interface for multiple radar use cases.
* <b>RADAR</b> (Radio Detection and Ranging) is a device that uses electromagnetic waves to obtain
* range, angle or velocity of targets. Radar systems are used in a number of areas covering a
* variety of applications. Some of them include (but not limited to): \n
* - Air traffic control: aircraft tracking and guidance in airports.
* - Space: satellite tracking, observation of meteors and other planetory bodies.
* - Remote Sensing: weather surveillance.
* - Health: vital signs monitoring.
* - Modern Smart Devices: \ref section_presence_detection, \ref section_entrance_counter, gesture recognition, target
* There are a number of reasons behind the use of radar in the aforementioned applications:
* - It can operate at any time of the day in all weather conditions.
* - It can have a broad coverage and can even penetrate through walls.
* - Furthermore, it can detect and track moving targets and can operate unmanned.
* \section section_radar_system Radar System
* A typical radar system consists of the following components: \n
* - A transmitter
* - A receiver
* - RF Generator
* - Amplifiers
* - Mixer
* - Analog to Digital Converter
* This is represented by the following figure:
* \image html typical_radar_system.png "Radar system block diagram" width=600px
* \image latex typical_radar_system.png
* An electromagnetic wave generated by the RF generator is amplified and then transmitted through the
* transmitter. The wave travels at a constant speed, approximately at the speed of light and gets reflected
* once it strikes a target. The reflected signal is collected by the receiver, amplified and
* fed to a mixer where it gets mixed with the transmitted signal. The resulting signal from the mixer is called
* as IF (Intermediate frequency) signal, whose instantaneous frequency is equal to the difference of the
* instantaneous frequencies of the two input signals and phase is equal to the phase difference of the two input
* The IF signal is digitized through an ADC, resulting in a time domain data which can then be processed further for
different use cases.
* \section section_presence_detection Presence Detection
* This application detects human presence within a configurable distance
* and a certain field of view from the radar. The maximum range to detect human presence can
* be configured using RadarSensing libary API. Presence detection can be further utilized for
* applications such as keyword-less authentication, automatic user interaction with smart devices
* and many more. The following figure shows a high-level representation of presence detection:
* \image html Presence.png "Presence detection application" width=600px
* \image latex Presence.png
* \section section_entrance_counter Entrance Counter
* This application counts the number of people entering and exiting a location
* such as an office building, cafeteria, supermarket etc. This allows customers to determine the occupancy
* of their premises, thus enabling various solutions such as maintaining social distancing,
* evacuating in case of an emergency and saving energy based on occupancy. Furthermore, the entrance counter
* data can be sent to a centralized server and remotely displayed on laptops or mobile devices to understand
* the occupancy level. The following figure shows a high-level representation of entrance counter:
* \image html entrance_counter.png "Entrance counter application" width=900px
* \image latex entrance_counter.png
* The above use cases are implemented using Infineon's XENSIV™ 60GHz radar:
* \note Radar wingboard driver is embedded in the current release of RadarSensing library. Future releases
* will have radar wingboard driver shipped separately. This will provide direct access to the time domain data
* from radar, which users can feed to their own algorithms, thus enabling more use cases.
* \page section_radar_sensing_configuration RadarSensing library API usage
* \par
* Following code snippet shows example usage of RadarSensing library APIs for
* presence detection application.
* \code
* #include "mtb_radar_sensing.h"
* //Declare a context of radar.
* mtb_radar_sensing_context_t sensing_context;
* //Declare SPI object
* cyhal_spi_t mSPI;
* //Initialize HW configurations for radar
* mtb_radar_sensing_hw_cfg_t hw_cfg =
* {
* .spi_cs = CYBSP_SPI_CS,
* .reset = CYBSP_GPIO11,
* .ldo_en = CYBSP_GPIO5,
* .irq = CYBSP_GPIO10,
* .spi = &mSPI
* };
* //Activate radar reset pin
* cyhal_gpio_init(hw_cfg.reset, CYHAL_GPIO_DIR_OUTPUT, CYHAL_GPIO_DRIVE_STRONG, true);
* //Enable LDO
* cyhal_gpio_init(hw_cfg.ldo_en, CYHAL_GPIO_DIR_OUTPUT, CYHAL_GPIO_DRIVE_STRONG, true);
* //Enable IRQ pin
* cyhal_gpio_init(hw_cfg.irq, CYHAL_GPIO_DIR_INPUT, CYHAL_GPIO_DRIVE_PULLDOWN, false);
* //CS handled manually
* cyhal_gpio_init(hw_cfg.spi_cs, CYHAL_GPIO_DIR_OUTPUT, CYHAL_GPIO_DRIVE_STRONG, true);
* //Configure SPI interface
* if (cyhal_spi_init(hw_cfg.spi, CYBSP_SPI_MOSI, CYBSP_SPI_MISO, CYBSP_SPI_CLK, NC, NULL, 8,
* {
* }
* //Set the data rate to 25 Mbps
* if (cyhal_spi_set_frequency(hw_cfg.spi, SPI_FREQUENCY) != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS)
* {
* }
* //Initialize the context of radar and configure events for presence detection application.
* if (mtb_radar_sensing_init(&sensing_context, &hw_cfg, MTB_RADAR_SENSING_MASK_PRESENCE_EVENTS) != MTB_RADAR_SENSING_SUCCESS)
* {
* printf("mtb_radar_sensing_init error - Radar Wingboard not connected?\n");
* return;
* }
* //Configure parameters for presence detection.
* if (mtb_radar_sensing_set_parameter(sensing_context, "radar_presence_range_max", "1.0") !=
* {
* return;
* }
* if (mtb_radar_sensing_set_parameter(sensing_context, "radar_presence_sensitivity", "medium") !=
* {
* return;
* }
* //Declare the following function to prepare a callback that handles presence detection events.
* void radar_sensing_callback(mtb_radar_sensing_context_t sensing_context,
* mtb_radar_sensing_event_t event,
* mtb_radar_sensing_event_info_t* event_info,
* void* data)
* {
* switch (event) {
* printf("%.3f: Presence IN %.2f-%.2f\r\n",
* (float) event_info->timestamp / 1000,
* ((mtb_radar_sensing_presence_event_info_t*)event_info)->distance);
* break;
* printf("%.3f: Presence OUT\r\n", (float) event_info->timestamp / 1000);
* break;
* }
* }
* //Register callback.
* if (mtb_radar_sensing_register_callback(sensing_context, radar_sensing_callback, NULL) !=
* {
* return;
* }
* //Enable radar sensing and periodically call mtb_radar_sensing_process to process time domain
* //data acquired from radar.
* if (mtb_radar_sensing_enable(sensing_context) != MTB_RADAR_SENSING_SUCCESS)
* {
* return;
* }
* for (;;)
* {
* //Process data acquired from radar every 2ms
* uint64_t currenttime = (uint64_t)xTaskGetTickCount() * 1000LL / configTICK_RATE_HZ;
* if (mtb_radar_sensing_process(sensing_context, currenttime) != MTB_RADAR_SENSING_SUCCESS)
* {
* printf("mtb_radar_sensing_process error\n");
* }
* }
* \endcode
* \note
* - mtb_radar_sensing_process should be called every ~2ms (use \ref MTB_RADAR_SENSING_PROCESS_DELAY constant). \n
* - Users should replace currenttime initialization with their own APIs that provide system time in ms. \n
* - For a complete demonstration of the above code snippet using FreeRTOS, please refer to the Modus Toolbox Code
* on presence detection and entrance counter.
* - For a MCU other than PSoC, users will have to configure SPI, HW accordingly. \n
* \par
* A similar approach can be taken to demonstrate the use of RadarSensing library APIs for entrance counter.
* However, there are a few changes that need to be made to the above code snippet:
* \code
* //Replace initialization such that events for entrance counter application is configured.
* if (mtb_radar_sensing_init(&sensing_context, &hw_cfg, MTB_RADAR_SENSING_MASK_COUNTER_EVENTS) != MTB_RADAR_SENSING_SUCCESS)
* {
* printf("mtb_radar_sensing_init error - Radar Wingboard not connected?\n");
* return;
* }
* //Configure parameters used for entrance counter, e.g. installation as side, orientation as landscape.
* if (mtb_radar_sensing_set_parameter(sensing_context, "radar_counter_installation", "side") !=
* {
* return;
* }
* if (mtb_radar_sensing_set_parameter(sensing_context, "radar_counter_orientation", "landscape") !=
* {
* return;
* }
* //Update the callback to handle entrance counter events.
* void radar_sensing_callback(mtb_radar_sensing_context_t sensing_context,
* mtb_radar_sensing_event_t event,
* mtb_radar_sensing_event_info_t* event_info,
* void* data)
* switch (event)
* {
* // people walking in detected
* printf("%.2f: Counter IN detected, IN: %d, OUT: %d\r\n",
* (float)event_info->timestamp / 1000,
* ((mtb_radar_sensing_counter_event_info_t *)event_info)->in_count,
* ((mtb_radar_sensing_counter_event_info_t *)event_info)->out_count);
* break;
* // people walking out detected
* printf("%.2f: Counter OUT detected, IN: %d, OUT: %d\r\n",
* (float)event_info->timestamp / 1000,
* ((mtb_radar_sensing_counter_event_info_t *)event_info)->in_count,
* ((mtb_radar_sensing_counter_event_info_t *)event_info)->out_count);
* break;
* // object detected in traffic zone, reminder for social distancing
* printf("%.2f: Counter occupied detected, IN: %d, OUT: %d\r\n",
* (float)event_info->timestamp / 1000,
* ((mtb_radar_sensing_counter_event_info_t *)event_info)->in_count,
* ((mtb_radar_sensing_counter_event_info_t *)event_info)->out_count);
* break;
* // no more object detected in traffic zone
* printf("%.2f: Counter free detected, IN: %d, OUT: %d\r\n",
* (float)event_info->timestamp / 1000,
* ((mtb_radar_sensing_counter_event_info_t *)event_info)->in_count,
* ((mtb_radar_sensing_counter_event_info_t *)event_info)->out_count);
* break;
* default:
* break;
* }
* \endcode
* For details on high-level function, used data structures and callback definition, please refer to:
* * \ref group_mtb_radar_sensing_high_level
* * \ref group_mtb_radar_sensing_macros
* * \ref group_mtb_radar_sensing_structures
* * \ref group_mtb_radar_sensing_callbacks
* \page page_mounting_recommendations Mounting recommendations
* \section section_mounting_recommendations_presence Presence detection application
* The connected sensor kit with the Radar Wing Board can be mounted anywhere on the wall in front facing
* orientation at 1-1.5 meters height from the ground level. The following figure provides an illustration
* of radar coverage for macro and micro movements.
* \image html radar_coverage.png "Radar coverage for macro and micro movements" width=700px
* \image latex radar_coverage.png
* \section section_mounting_recommendations_counter Entrance counter application
* The connected sensor kit with the Radar Wing Board can be mounted on a side or a ceiling
* of an entrance as shown in figure below.
* \image html mounting_location.png "Mounting locations for connected sensor kit" width=600px
* \image latex mounting_location.png
* The following figure shows a ceiling installation of the kit. It should be noted that
* moving objects or swinging door should be avoided in the radar field of view. Current release
* of entrance counter application does not have a workaround to handle swinging doors.
* For optimal performance, the configured ceiling height should be less than the actual ceiling height.
* For example, if the ceiling or top of the door is 3m high, the configured ceiling height
* should be less than or equal to 2m.
* \note It is recommended to mount the sensor kit on a ceiling for optimal performance.
* \image html ceiling_mount.png "Ceiling installation of connected sensor kit" width=500px
* \image latex ceiling_mount.png
* The figure below illustrates a side installation. For optimal performance, the configured entrance width
* should be less than the actual entrance width. It is recommended (but not required) to configure entrance width
* ~30cm less than the actual width. This makes sure reflections do not interfere with counting.
* \image html side_mount.png "Side installation of connected sensor kit" width=500px
* \image latex side_mount.png
* \page group_mtb_radar_sensing_quick_start Quick Start Guide
* RadarSensing library is used in ModusToolbox, Refer to the \ref section_radar_sensing_toolchain.
* The quickest way to get started is using the Code Examples. Infineon
* Semiconductor continuously extends its portfolio of the code examples at the
* <a href=""><b>Cypress Semiconductor website</b></a>
* and at the <a href="">
* <b>Cypress Semiconductor GitHub</b></a>.
* \section group_mtb_radar_sensing_quick_start_modus RadarSensing Quick Start Guide
* This quick start guide assumes that the environment is configured to use
* PSoC 6 Peripheral Driver Library(psoc6pdl) for development and the
* library is included in the project.
* It also assumes the
* <a href="">
* <b>ModusToolbox Device Configurator Tool</b></a>
* - Click on New Application option in Modus Toolbox to open Project Creator and select CYBSYSKIT-DEV-01.
* \image html project_creator.png "Project Creator" width=800px
* \image latex project_creator.png
* - Click on the application to be created: Radar Presence / Entrance Counter Application on FreeRTOS and click on Create.
* Once done, the example project is visible on Project Explorer tab. Build and run.
* \image html application_selection.png "Application selection" width=800px
* \image latex application_selection.png
* \note Please make sure that the radar wingboard is connected to the FeatherKit.
* \section section_radar_sensing_toolchain Supported Software and Tools
* This version of library is compatible with the following Softwares and Tools:
* <table class="doxtable">
* <tr>
* <th>Software and Tools</th>
* <th>Version</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>ModusToolbox Software Environment</td>
* <td>2.2</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>ModusToolbox Project Creator</td>
* <td>1.20</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Peripheral Driver Library (PDL)</td>
* <td>1.5.0</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>GCC Compiler</td>
* <td>9.3.1</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>FreeRTOS</td>
* <td>10.3.1</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* \section section_radar_sensing_memory_usage Memory Usage
* Flash size - 49228 bytes
* Data size - 568 bytes
* The RadarSensing library runtime required stack and heap memory consumption
* varies for different applications.
* Entrance counter:
* * Stack Size - 1792 bytes
* * Heap Size - 25026 bytes
* Presence detection:
* * Stack Size - 1792 bytes
* * Heap Size - 137837 bytes
* \section section_radar_sensing_more_information More Information
* Cypress highly recommends starting with these documents. They can be found on
* the Cypress web site at
* For more information, refer to the following documents:
* * <a href="">
* <b>ModusToolbox Software Environment, Quick Start Guide, Documentation,
* and Videos</b></a>
* * <a href=""><b>
* Cypress Semiconductor GitHub</b></a>
* * <a href=""><b>ModusToolbox
* Device Configurator Tool Guide</b></a>
* * <a href="">
* <b>PDL API Reference</b></a>
* * <a href=""><b>Cypress Semiconductor</b></a>
* \note
* The links to another software component's documentation (middleware and PDL)
* point to GitHub to the latest available version of the software.
* To get documentation of the specified version, download from GitHub and unzip
* the component archive. The documentation is available in the <i>docs</i> folder.
* \defgroup group_mtb_radar_sensing_high_level High Level
* \brief RadarSensing high level interface functions.
* \defgroup group_mtb_radar_sensing_macros Macros
* \brief Macros for constants and error codes.
* \defgroup group_mtb_radar_sensing_structures Structures
* \brief Typedefs and structures used in the library.
* \defgroup group_mtb_radar_sensing_callbacks Callbacks
* \brief Callbacks used in the library.
* @file
* @brief This file contains constants, structures and function prototypes
* used in RadarSensing library.
#pragma once
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "cyhal.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Macros
/** \addtogroup group_mtb_radar_sensing_macros */ /** \{ */
/** Recommended delay time (ms) after each call to mtb_radar_sensing_process **/
#define MTB_RADAR_SENSING_SUCCESS CY_RSLT_SUCCESS /**< Result success */
#define MTB_RADAR_SENSING_INIT_ERROR (1) /**< Initialization error */
#define MTB_RADAR_SENSING_MEM_ERROR (2) /**< Memory allocation error */
#define MTB_RADAR_SENSING_PROCESS_ERROR (3) /**< Processing error */
#define MTB_RADAR_SENSING_CONFIGURATION_ERROR (4) /**< Configuration error */
#define MTB_RADAR_SENSING_BAD_PARAM (5) /**< The function input parameter is invalid */
/** RadarSensing module base */
(MTB_RADAR_SENSING_INIT_ERROR)) /**< Create a result for initialization error */
(MTB_RADAR_SENSING_MEM_ERROR)) /**< Create a result for memory allocation error */
(MTB_RADAR_SENSING_PROCESS_ERROR)) /**< Create a result for processing error */
(MTB_RADAR_SENSING_CONFIGURATION_ERROR)) /**< Create a result for configuration error */
(MTB_RADAR_SENSING_BAD_PARAM)) /**< Create a result for configuration error */
/** \} \endcond **/
/** \addtogroup group_mtb_radar_sensing_structures */ /** \{ */
* @brief timestamp in milliseconds
typedef uint64_t mtb_radar_sensing_timestamp_t;
* @brief time interval in milliseconds
typedef uint32_t mtb_radar_sensing_timeinterval_t;
* @brief Type of events that are detected.
typedef enum
MTB_RADAR_SENSING_EVENT_PRESENCE_IN = 300, /*!< Presence event: one or more people were detected in radar field of view within maximum range */
MTB_RADAR_SENSING_EVENT_PRESENCE_OUT = 301, /*!< Absence event: no human presence was detected in radar field of view within maximum range */
MTB_RADAR_SENSING_EVENT_COUNTER_IN = 310, /*!< Counter in event: a person has entered through the counter */
MTB_RADAR_SENSING_EVENT_COUNTER_OUT = 311, /*!< Counter out event: a person has exited through the counter */
MTB_RADAR_SENSING_EVENT_COUNTER_OCCUPIED = 312, /*!< Counter occupied: a person is still present in the traffic light zone */
MTB_RADAR_SENSING_EVENT_COUNTER_FREE = 313, /*!< Counter free: no human presence in the traffic light zone */
} mtb_radar_sensing_event_t;
* @brief Type of application events that needs to be configured with \ref mtb_radar_sensing_init
typedef enum
MTB_RADAR_SENSING_MASK_NONE = 0, /*!< No events */
MTB_RADAR_SENSING_MASK_PRESENCE_EVENTS = (1 << 8), /*!< Events for presence detection */
MTB_RADAR_SENSING_MASK_COUNTER_EVENTS = (2 << 8) /*!< Events for entrance counter */
} mtb_radar_sensing_mask_t;
* @brief Structure to hold information of RadarSensing event.
* Depending on the event type, it can be cast to \ref mtb_radar_sensing_presence_event_info_t
* or \ref mtb_radar_sensing_counter_event_info_t.
typedef struct
mtb_radar_sensing_timestamp_t timestamp; /*!< Timestamp of event */
const char *description; /*!< Description about the event */
} mtb_radar_sensing_event_info_t;
* @brief Structure to hold information of presence detection events.
typedef struct
mtb_radar_sensing_timestamp_t timestamp; /*!< Timestamp of event */
const char *description; /*!< Description about the event */
float distance; /*!< Distance of object in meters, -1.0f if not applicable (i.e.. for OUT event) */
float accuracy; /*!< Accuracy of distance of object +- meters, -1.0f if not applicable (i.e. for OUT event) */
} mtb_radar_sensing_presence_event_info_t;
* @brief Structure to hold information of entrance counter events.
typedef struct
mtb_radar_sensing_timestamp_t timestamp; /*!< Timestamp of event */
const char *description; /*!< Description about the event */
int in_count; /*!< Current in count */
int out_count; /*!< Current out count */
} mtb_radar_sensing_counter_event_info_t;
* @brief Structure to hold hw resources.
typedef struct
cyhal_gpio_t spi_cs; /*!< spi_cs */
cyhal_gpio_t reset; /*!< reset */
cyhal_gpio_t ldo_en; /*!< ldo_en */
cyhal_gpio_t irq; /*!< irq */
cyhal_spi_t *spi; /*!< spi */
} mtb_radar_sensing_hw_cfg_t;
* @brief Context object of the radar. The structure must be initialized using \ref mtb_radar_sensing_init.
* It is passed to all other functions in this library.
* Don't modify the context from application code.
typedef struct
void *internal; /*!< Internal variable initialized by \ref mtb_radar_sensing_init, do not touch or modify */
} mtb_radar_sensing_context_t;
/** \} \endcond **/
/** \addtogroup group_mtb_radar_sensing_high_level */ /** \{ */
* @brief This function allocates a new context of radar.
* @param context Context of radar.
* @param hw_cfg HW configuration of radar.
* @param event_mask Type of application events: mtb_radar_sensing_presence_events or mtb_radar_sensing_counter_events.
* @return cy_rslt_t A success or a failure status.
cy_rslt_t mtb_radar_sensing_init(mtb_radar_sensing_context_t *context,
const mtb_radar_sensing_hw_cfg_t *hw_cfg,
mtb_radar_sensing_mask_t event_mask);
* @brief This function sets the memory-managment functions used by the library.
* If your environment provides an alternative to the libc allocator functions, you can set them with function
* @note Must be called before \ref mtb_radar_sensing_init
* @param malloc_func Function pointer to the malloc function implementation.
* @param free_func Function pointer to the free function implementation.
void mtb_radar_sensing_platform_set_malloc_free(void * (*malloc_func)( size_t ),
void (*free_func)( void * ) );
* @brief This function sets the value for a configuration parameter.
* \note It is not thread-safe to make calls to mtb_radar_sensing_set_parameter() while mtb_radar_sensing_process()
* is still active. A workaround in FreeRTOS would be to use each function in a different task and synchronize access
* via a mutex.
* Supported keys and values for presence detection:
* <table>
* <tr><th>key <th>default value <th>valid values <th>description
* <tr><td>"radar_presence_range_max"<td>"2.0"<td>0.66 - 10.2 m<td>Maximum detection range. It is the maximum distance
* within which a target is detected. <tr><td>"radar_presence_sensitivity"<td>"medium"<td>"low", "medium",
* "high"<td>Adjusts the threshold values used in macro and micro movement detection. \n High sensitivity would mean
* higher responsiveness towards macro and micro movements.
* </table>
* Supported keys and values for entrance counter:
* <table>
* <tr><th>key <th>default value <th>valid values/range <th>description
* <tr><td>"radar_counter_installation"<td>"side"<td>"ceiling", "side"<td>The location of sensor installation.
* <tr><td>"radar_counter_orientation"<td>"portrait"<td>"portrait", "landscape"<td>The orientation of sensor.
* <tr><td>"radar_counter_ceiling_height"<td>"2.5"<td>0.0 - 3.0 m<td>The height at which the sensor is mounted. This
* parameter is only effective for a "ceiling" installation.
* <tr><td>"radar_counter_entrance_width"<td>"1.0"<td>0.0 - 3.0 m<td>The width of the passage or the entrance.
* <tr><td>"radar_counter_sensitivity"<td>"0.5"<td>0.0 - 1.0<td>Sensitivity of counter.
* <tr><td>"radar_counter_traffic_light_zone"<td>"1.0"<td>0.0 - 1.0 m<td>The width of radar field of view that
* represents the detection zone.
* <tr><td>"radar_counter_reverse"<td>"false"<td>"true", "false"<td>Option to reverse directionality of counter.
* <tr><td>"radar_counter_min_person_height"<td>"1.0"<td>0.0 - 2.0 m<td>The minimum height of a person that is
* considered for detection. This is used to filter out pets.
* </table>
* @param context Context of radar.
* @param key The type of configuration parameter that is to be set (e.g. "radar_presence_range_max").
* @param value The value of the configuration parameter that is to be set as character string (e.g. "1.0").
* @return cy_rslt_t A success or a failure status.
cy_rslt_t mtb_radar_sensing_set_parameter(const mtb_radar_sensing_context_t *context, const char *key, const char *value);
* @brief This function gets the value of a configuration parameter.
* @param context Context of radar.
* @param key The type of configuration parameter that is to be read (e.g. "radar_presence_range_max").
* @param value String buffer where the read value will be written to.
* @param size Size of the string buffer. If size of the string buffer is not large enough a failure status is returned.
* @return cy_rslt_t A success or a failure status.
cy_rslt_t mtb_radar_sensing_get_parameter(const mtb_radar_sensing_context_t *context, const char *key, char *value, size_t size);
* @brief This function processes time domain data acquired from radar. \ref mtb_radar_sensing_enable must be called
* prior to using this function. Must be called periodically from your main loop.
* @param context Context of radar.
* @param timestamp System timestamp that will be used to approximate event timestamps in milliseconds.
* @return cy_rslt_t A success or a failure status.
cy_rslt_t mtb_radar_sensing_process(const mtb_radar_sensing_context_t *context, mtb_radar_sensing_timestamp_t timestamp);
* @brief This function enables RadarSensing.
* @param context Context of radar.
* @return cy_rslt_t A success or a failure status.
cy_rslt_t mtb_radar_sensing_enable(const mtb_radar_sensing_context_t *context);
* @brief This function disables RadarSensing.
* @param context Context of radar.
* @return cy_rslt_t A success or a failure status.
cy_rslt_t mtb_radar_sensing_disable(const mtb_radar_sensing_context_t *context);
* @brief This functions frees up resources used by RadarSensing.
* @param context Context of radar.
* @return cy_rslt_t A success or a failure status.
cy_rslt_t mtb_radar_sensing_free(mtb_radar_sensing_context_t *context);
/** \} \endcond **/
/** \addtogroup group_mtb_radar_sensing_callbacks */ /** \{ */
* @brief Callback function prototype that can be used to handle
* \ref mtb_radar_sensing_event_t events. The callback needs to be registered
* to \ref mtb_radar_sensing_register_callback(). The timestamp indicates the
* start of events and reflects current system time that is passed to
* \ref mtb_radar_sensing_process()
typedef void (*mtb_radar_sensing_callback_t)(mtb_radar_sensing_context_t *context,
mtb_radar_sensing_event_t event,
mtb_radar_sensing_event_info_t *event_info,
void *data);
* @brief This function registers callback for radar service. Callback is invoked
* as soon as an event is detected.
* @param context Context of radar.
* @param callback Callback function.
* @param data Data pointer that is passed to the invoke of the event callback.
* @return cy_rslt_t A success or a failure status.
cy_rslt_t mtb_radar_sensing_register_callback(mtb_radar_sensing_context_t *context,
mtb_radar_sensing_callback_t callback,
void *data);
/** \} \endcond **/
#ifdef __cplusplus