Authentication Required

Please enter your password to unlock the GitHub Enterprise management console.

You signed out successfully.

Your password has been saved and your account has been activated. You can now use it to unlock the Management Console.

Incorrect password.

User account is locked.

User not activated.

The editor role has been deprecated and your user account is no longer active. Please reach out to your root site administator.

Unknown user.

Unable to connect to database. Your session has ended and you can log in again once the database is available.
The root site administrator login can still be used to access the Management Console.

Unable to connect to database. Please retry logging in once the database is available again.
The root site administrator login can still be used to access the Management Console.

Your session has expired. Sessions expire after 30 minutes of inactivity, after the password is changed by another user or when you sign out manually.

The time on the server is out of sync with the time in your browser. On some browsers this may prevent you from logging in. To fix this, see our article on adjusting the clock of the appliance .

Root site admin password: