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* \file cy_ble_stack_gatt_db.h
* \version 3.60
* \brief
* This file contains declarations of public BLE APIs of Generic Attribute Profile - GATT DB Access layer.
* Also specifies the defines, constants, and data structures required for the APIs.
* Related Document:
* BLE Standard Spec - CoreV4.2, CSS, CSAs, ESR05, ESR06
* \copyright
* Copyright 2017-2021, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.
* Common BLE BLE Stack includes
#include "cy_ble_stack_gatt.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
** Macro Definition
/** GATT Defined Attributes */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_PRIMARY_SERVICE (0x2800u) /**< GATT Primary service */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_SECONDARY_SERVICE (0x2801u) /**< GATT secondary service */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_INCLUDE_SERVICE (0x2802u) /**< GATT included service */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC (0x2803u) /**< GATT characteristic */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES (0x2900u) /**< GATT extended properties */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_USER_DESCRIPTION (0x2901u) /**< GATT user description */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_CLIENT_CONFIG (0x2902u) /**< GATT client configuration */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_SERVER_CONFIG (0x2903u) /**< GATT server configuration */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_PRESENTATION_FORMAT (0x2904u) /**< GATT presentation format */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_AGGREGATE_FORMAT (0x2905u) /**< GATT aggregate format */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_GAP_SERVICE_UUID (0x1800u) /**< GATT GAP service UUID */
/** GATT Database Properties Field Description
1. Attribute read permissions B0: Bluetooth Spec Defined
2. Attribute write permissions B1: Bluetooth Spec Defined
3. Characteristic properties B2: Bluetooth Spec Defined
4. B3: Implementation Specific */
/** Attribute Read Permissions B0: Bluetooth Spec Defined */
/**\note: It is mandatory to set 'CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_PROP_RD_SEC_ENCRYPT' bit if either
bits are set. Otherwise these bits will be ignored. */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_PROP_READ (0x00000001u) /**< Attribute Read permission */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_PROP_RD_SEC_ENCRYPT (0x00000002u) /**< Attribute Read with encryption */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_PROP_RD_SEC_AUTHENTICATE (0x00000004u) /**< Attribute Read with authentication */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_PROP_RD_SEC_AUTHORIZE (0x00000008u) /**< Attribute Read with authorization */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_PROP_RD_SEC_SC_AUTHENTICATE (0x00000010u) /**< Attribute Read with SC authentication */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_PROP_RD_MASK (0x0000001Fu) /**< Attribute Read property bit mask */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_PROP_RD_BIT_SHIFT (0x0u) /**< Attribute Read property bit shift */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_PROP_RD_SECURITY_MASK (0x0000001Eu) /**< Attribute Read prop security bit mask */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_PROP_RD_SECURITY_BIT_SHIFT (0x1u) /**< Attribute Read prop security bit shift */
/** Attribute Write Permissions B1: Bluetooth Spec Defined */
/**\note: It is mandatory to set 'CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_PROP_WR_SEC_ENCRYPT' bit if either
bits are set. Otherwise these bits will be ignored. */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_PROP_WRITE (0x00000100u) /**< Attribute Write permission */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_PROP_WR_SEC_ENCRYPT (0x00000200u) /**< Attribute Write with encryption */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_PROP_WR_SEC_AUTHENTICATE (0x00000400u) /**< Attribute Write with authentication */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_PROP_WR_SEC_AUTHORIZE (0x00000800u) /**< Attribute Write with authorization */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_PROP_WR_SEC_SC_AUTHENTICATE (0x00001000u) /**< Attribute Write with SC authentication */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_PROP_WR_MASK (0x00001F00u) /**< Attribute Write property bit mask */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_PROP_WR_BIT_SHIFT (0x8u) /**< Attribute Write property bit shift */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_PROP_WR_SECURITY_MASK (0x00001E00u) /**< Attribute Write prop security bit mask */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_PROP_WR_SECURITY_BIT_SHIFT (0x9u) /**< Attribute Write prop security bit shift */
/** Characteristic properties B2: Bluetooth Spec Defined */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_CH_PROP_BROADCAST (0x00010000u) /**< characteristic property for broadcast */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_CH_PROP_READ (0x00020000u) /**< characteristic property for read */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_CH_PROP_RD_WRITE_WO_RESP (0x00040000u) /**< characteristic property for write without response */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_CH_PROP_WRITE (0x00080000u) /**< characteristic property for write */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_CH_PROP_NOTIFY (0x00100000u) /**< characteristic property for notify */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_CH_PROP_INDICATE (0x00200000u) /**< characteristic property for indication */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_CH_PROP_SEC_AUTH_SIGNED_WRITE (0x00400000u) /**< characteristic property for signed write */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_CH_PROP_EXT_PROP (0x00800000u) /**< characteristic property for extended properties */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_CHAR_PROP_MASK (0x00FF0000u) /**< characteristic property bit mask */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_CHAR_PROP_BIT_SHIFT (0x10u) /**< characteristic property bit shift */
/** Extended properties values.*/
/**\note: These properties are not
part of the permission field. The peer GATT layer or local GATT
layer must read "Characteristic Extended Properties
Descriptor" value. */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_CH_PROP_EXT_PROP_RELIABLE_WRITE (0x0001u) /**< extended property of reliable write */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_CH_PROP_EXT_PROP_WRITABLE_AUX (0x0002u) /**< extended property of writable aux */
/** Implementation permissions B3: Implementation specific
defines to access runtime characteristics. */
/** Bit Mask */
/** Characteristic read access event bit */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_CHAR_VAL_RD_EVENT (0x01000000u)
/** characteristic CCCD bit */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_CCCD_ATTR (0x02000000u)
/** attribute format */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_UUID_FMT_32 (0x04000000u)
/** attribute format */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_UUID_FMT_128 (0x08000000u)
/** Encryption Key Size 7 Needed for the Service */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_SER_ENCRYPT_KEY_SIZE_7 (0x10000000u)
/** Encryption Key Size 8 Needed for the Service */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_SER_ENCRYPT_KEY_SIZE_8 (0x20000000u)
/** Encryption Key Size 9 Needed for the Service */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_SER_ENCRYPT_KEY_SIZE_9 (0x30000000u)
/** Encryption Key Size 10 Needed for the Service */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_SER_ENCRYPT_KEY_SIZE_10 (0x40000000u)
/** Encryption Key Size 11 Needed for the Service */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_SER_ENCRYPT_KEY_SIZE_11 (0x50000000u)
/** Encryption Key Size 12 Needed for the Service */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_SER_ENCRYPT_KEY_SIZE_12 (0x60000000u)
/** Encryption Key Size 13 Needed for the Service */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_SER_ENCRYPT_KEY_SIZE_13 (0x70000000u)
/** Encryption Key Size 14 Needed for the Service */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_SER_ENCRYPT_KEY_SIZE_14 (0x80000000u)
/** Encryption Key Size 15 Needed for the Service */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_SER_ENCRYPT_KEY_SIZE_15 (0x90000000u)
/** Encryption Key Size 16 Needed for the Service */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_SER_ENCRYPT_KEY_SIZE_16 (0xA0000000u)
/** No Encryption Needed for the Service */
/** Encryption Key Size Mask Needed for the Service */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ENC_KEY_SIZE_MASK (0xF0000000u)
/** By default entries in CY_BLE_GATT DB is 16-bit UUID
This mask is defined to decide UUID length */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_UUID_FMT_16_MASK (0x03000000u)
/** GATT Client Configuration values */
/** Client configuration notification */
/** Client configuration indication */
/** default configuration */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_CLI_CNFG_DEFAULT (0x0000u)
/** Unit size is with respect to word (16 bit) */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_128_BIT_UUID_SZ (0x10u) /**< 128-bit uuid size */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_32_BIT_UUID_SZ (0x04u) /**< 32-bit uuid size */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_16_BIT_UUID_SZ (0x02u) /**< 16-bit uuid size */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_16_BIT_UUID (0x00u) /**< 128-bit uuid */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_32_BIT_UUID (0x01u) /**< 32-bit uuid */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_128_BIT_UUID (0x02u) /**< 16-bit uuid */
/** GATT DB attribute property Size */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_PRPTY_SZ (0x01u)
/** GATT DB attribute Handle Size */
/** Locally initiated operation, needed for local updates based on Attribute
Handles. */
/** Peer Initiated GATT DB transaction */
/** Read operation for Attribute */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_READ (0x01u)
/** Write operation for Attribute */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_WRITE (0x02u)
/** Prepare Write operation for Attribute */
#define CY_BLE_GATT_DB_PREP_WRITE (0x04u)
/** Write without response operation for Attribute */
** Data Structure Definition
\addtogroup group_ble_common_api_gatt_definitions
/** Attribute value type used in GATT database */
typedef struct
/** Length of attGenericVal in bytes */
uint16_t actualLength;
/** Buffer to store generic characteristic value based on
length or complete UUID value if the attribute is of type 128-bit
or 32-bit UUID. */
void * attGenericVal;
/** Attribute value type used in the GATT database */
typedef struct
/** Maximum length of attGenericValLen->attGenericVal in bytes */
uint16_t maxAttrLength;
/** Buffer to the store generic characteristic value based on
length or complete UUID value if the attribute is of type 128-bit
UUID and 32-bit UUID type. */
cy_stc_ble_gatts_att_gen_val_len_t * attGenericValLen;
/** Attribute value type used in GATT database */
typedef union
/** Buffer containing 32-bit or 128-bit UUID values for Service and
Characteristic declaration.
Attribute format structure: if entry is for characteristic value format,
attFormatValue should be a pointer to a characteristic-specific structure */
cy_stc_ble_gatts_att_pack_val_len_t attFormatValue;
/** Attribute UUID value */
uint16_t attValueUuid;
} cy_stc_ble_gatts_att_value_t;
/** GATT database structure used in the GATT Server */
typedef struct
/** Index for querying BLE GATT database */
uint16_t attHandle;
/** UUID: 16-bit UUID type for an attribute entry. For 32-bit and
128-bit UUIDs, the last 16 bits should be stored in this entry.
The GATT DB access layer shall retrieve complete 128-bit UUID from the
cy_ble_gatts_att_generic_val_t structure. */
uint16_t attType;
/** The permission bits are stored in a 32-bit field. These
32-bits can be grouped in four bytes. The least significant byte
is byte 0 (B0) and the most significant byte is byte 3 (B3). The
bytes where the permissions have been grouped is as given below.
* Attribute permissions for read (B0)
* Attribute permissions for write (B1)
* Characteristic properties (B2)
* Implementation specific permission (B3)
If permission is set to CY_BLE_GATT_DB_ATTR_CHAR_VAL_RD_EVENT, all GATT
characteristic read requests will be indicated to the application using
uint32_t permission;
/** Attribute end handle, indicating logical boundary of given attribute. */
uint16_t attEndHandle;
/** Attribute value format, it can be one of following:
* uint16_t 16bit - UUID for 16-bit service and characteristic declaration
* cy_ble_gatts_att_generic_val_t attFormatValue - Buffer containing 32-bit
or 128-bit UUID values for service & characteristic declaration
* cy_ble_gatts_att_generic_val_t attFormatValue - Buffer containing generic
characteristic definition value or generic descriptor values
cy_stc_ble_gatts_att_value_t attValue;
} cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_t;
/** GATT database information parameters*/
typedef struct
/** Pointer to GATT DB */
const cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_t * gattDbPtr;
/** Total number of entries in GATT DB */
uint16_t gattDbTotalEntries;
/**Maximum characteristic value length */
uint16_t gattDbMaxValue;
} cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_info_t;
/** GATT database attribute value parameters*/
typedef struct
/** handle value pair of type cy_stc_ble_gatt_handle_value_pair_t.
'handleValuePair.attrHandle' is an input for which a value must be read/written.
'handleValuePair.value.len' is an input parameter for the length to be read/written.
'handleValuePair.value.val' is an input parameter for the data buffer when writing and
an output parameter for the data buffer when reading.
'handleValuePair.actualLen' must be ignored as it is unused */
cy_stc_ble_gatt_handle_value_pair_t handleValuePair;
/** Offset in bytes at which the data is written or read */
uint16_t offset;
/** Connection Handle */
cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t connHandle;
/** Attribute permissions. Allowed values are,
uint8_t flags;
} cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_attr_val_info_t;
/** GATT database attribute enable parameters*/
typedef struct
/** Attribute handle */
cy_ble_gatt_db_attr_handle_t attrHandle;
} cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_attr_enable_info_t;
/** GATT database attribute disable parameters*/
typedef cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_attr_enable_info_t cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_attr_disable_info_t;
/** GATT database authorize parameters*/
typedef struct
/** Setting to '0' turns off authorization on the entire GATT database and all attributes marked
as authorize will return an authorization error.
Setting this to any non-zero value will authorize the entire GATT database and all attributes
marked as authorize can be read / written based on other allowed permissions. */
uint8_t authorize;
} cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_authorize_info_t;
** Characteristic Descriptors definitions
/** All descriptors following a characteristic value definition must
be in following order:
1. Characteristic Extended Property (If any)
2. Characteristic User Description (If any)
3. Client Characteristic Configuration (If any)
4. Server Characteristic Configuration (If any)
5. Characteristic Presentation Format (If any)
6. Characteristic Aggregate Format (If any)
/** Characteristic Extended Property */
typedef cy_stc_ble_gatts_att_value_t cy_stc_ble_char_ext_property_t;
/** Characteristic User Description */
typedef cy_stc_ble_gatts_att_value_t cy_stc_ble_char_user_description_t;
/** Client Characteristic Configuration */
typedef cy_stc_ble_gatts_att_value_t cy_stc_ble_client_char_config_t;
/** Server Characteristic Configuration */
typedef cy_stc_ble_gatts_att_value_t cy_stc_ble_server_char_config_t;
/** Characteristic Presentation Format */
typedef cy_stc_ble_gatts_att_value_t cy_stc_ble_char_present_fmt_t;
/** Characteristic Aggregate Format */
typedef cy_stc_ble_gatts_att_value_t cy_stc_ble_char_aggregate_fmt_t;
/** @} */
** Exported APIs
\addtogroup group_ble_common_api_gatt_server_functions
/** \cond IGNORE */
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTS_DbRegister
* This function is used by GATT Server application to register the GATT database. The GATT
* database stores all the attributes used by the GATT server, along with their
* permissions. This is a blocking function. No event is generated on calling
* this function.
* By default, all the attributes are enabled (Discoverable during Discovery procedures)
* in the GATT database. User can disable the attribute using
* Cy_BLE_GATTS_DisableAttribute function and can enable the attribute using
* Cy_BLE_GATTS_EnableAttribute function.
* By default, authorization permission for GATT database is not set. User can set or clear
* authorization permission using Cy_BLE_GATTS_DbAuthorize function.
* \param param: Parameter is of type 'cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_info_t'.
* \return
* cy_en_ble_api_result_t: Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Errors codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_SUCCESS | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If the Database has zero entries or is a NULL pointer.
cy_en_ble_api_result_t Cy_BLE_GATTS_DbRegister
cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_info_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTS_WriteAttributeValue
* This function is used by GATT Server application to write to the value field
* of the specified attribute in the GATT database.
* This is a blocking function. No event is generated on calling this function.
* If the write is due to peer GATT Client initiated write operation,
* the function internally check for the write permissions of the specified attribute.
* Write occurs only if the check passes. If the permission check fails, this function
* returns with an Error code.
* If the write is initiated by the application, this function does not check for the
* write permissions of the specified attribute.
* \param param: Parameter is of type 'cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_attr_val_info_t'.
* \return
* cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Errors codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_NONE | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE | 'handleValuePair.attrHandle' is not valid.
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED | write operation is not permitted on this attribute (Peer Initiated).
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_UNLIKELY_ERROR | Invalid arguments passed.
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_ENCRYPTION | Link is not encrypted (Peer Initiated).
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_ENC_KEY_SIZE | Link is encrypted with insufficient key size (Peer Initiated).
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_AUTHENTICATION | Link is unauthenticated (Peer Initiated).
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_AUTHORIZATION | Peer client is not authorized (Peer Initiated).
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_INVALID_OFFSET | param->offset is invalid.
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_LEN | handleValuePair.value.len is invalid.
cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t Cy_BLE_GATTS_WriteAttributeValue
cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_attr_val_info_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTS_ReadAttributeValue
* GATT Server application uses this function to read the value field of the specified
* attribute from the GATT database. This is a blocking function. No event is
* generated on calling this function.
* \param param: Parameter is of type 'cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_attr_val_info_t'.
* param-> offset: not used, to be ignored
* \return
* cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Errors codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_NONE | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE | 'handleValuePair.attrHandle' is not valid.
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_READ_NOT_PERMITTED | Read operation is not permitted on this attribute (Peer Initiated).
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_UNLIKELY_ERROR | Invalid arguments passed.
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_ENCRYPTION | Link is not encrypted (Peer Initiated).
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_ENC_KEY_SIZE | Link is encrypted with insufficient key size (Peer Initiated).
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_AUTHENTICATION | Link is unauthenticated (Peer Initiated).
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_AUTHORIZATION | Peer client is not authorized (Peer Initiated).
cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t Cy_BLE_GATTS_ReadAttributeValue
cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_attr_val_info_t * param
/** \endcond */
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTS_EnableAttribute
* This function is used by GATT Server application to enable the attribute entry for
* a service or characteristic logical group in the GATT database registered in the
* BLE Stack. This is a blocking function. No event is generated on calling this function.
* This function returns an error if the attribute does not belong to any
* service or characteristic logical group. If the attribute entry is already
* enabled, then this function returns status CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_NONE.
* \param param: Parameter is of type 'cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_attr_enable_info_t'.
* param->attrHandle: Handle of the attribute to enable(type cy_ble_gatt_db_attr_handle_t) in GATT database.
* \return
* cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Errors codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_NONE | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE | 'attrHandle' is not valid.
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_UNLIKELY_ERROR | NULL pointer as input parameter.
cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t Cy_BLE_GATTS_EnableAttribute
cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_attr_enable_info_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTS_DisableAttribute
* This function is used by GATT Server application to disable the attribute entry for
* service or characteristic logical group in the GATT database registered in the
* BLE Stack. This is a blocking function. No event is generated on calling this function.
* This function returns an error if the attribute does not belong to a service or
* a characteristic logical group. If attribute entry is already disabled then
* it returns CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_NONE as the status. All the attribute entries are
* enabled in the GATT database during GATT database registration.
* \param param: Parameter is of type 'cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_attr_disable_info_t'.
* param->attrHandle: Attribute handle of the registered GATT Database to disable
* particular attribute entry, of type 'cy_ble_gatt_db_attr_handle_t'
* \return
* cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Errors codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_NONE | On successful operation.
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE | 'attrHandle' is not valid.
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_UNLIKELY_ERROR | NULL pointer as input parameter.
cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t Cy_BLE_GATTS_DisableAttribute
cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_attr_disable_info_t * param
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATTS_DbAuthorize
* This function sets or clears authorization permission for the GATT database.
* This is a blocking function. No event is generated on calling this function.
* \param param: Parameter is of type 'cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_authorize_info_t'.
* \return
* cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed. Following are the possible error codes.
* Errors codes | Description
* ------------ | -----------
* CY_BLE_GATT_ERR_NONE | On successful operation.
cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t Cy_BLE_GATTS_DbAuthorize
cy_stc_ble_gatts_db_authorize_info_t * param
/** @} */
/** \cond IGNORE */
* Function Name: Cy_BLE_GATT_DbCheckPermission
* This function validates the security permission for the given attribute handle
* \param attrhandle: Attribute handle of type 'cy_ble_gatt_db_attr_handle_t'
* \param connHandle: Connection handle of type 'cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t'
* \param flags: Flag indicating whether request is peer initiated (CY_BLE_GATT_DB_PEER_INITIATED)
* or local initiated (CY_BLE_GATT_DB_LOCALLY_INITIATED).
* \return
* cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t : Return value indicates whether the function succeeded or
* failed with GATT error codes. For details, refer to Bluetooth 5.0 spec, vol3, part F, Table 3.3
cy_en_ble_gatt_err_code_t Cy_BLE_GATT_DbCheckPermission
cy_ble_gatt_db_attr_handle_t attrhandle,
cy_stc_ble_conn_handle_t * connHandle,
uint8_t flags
/** \endcond */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */