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* Copyright 2016-2024, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This software, including source code, documentation and related
* materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
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* If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
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* source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
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/** @file
* This file provides definitions of the SPP implementation
#ifndef __SPP_API_H
#define __SPP_API_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// MAX packet size that can be sent over SPP
#define SPP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE 1013
* @addtogroup wiced_bt_spp_api_functions SPP Library API
* @ingroup wicedbt
* SPP library of the AIROC BTSDK provide a simple method for an application to integrate SPP
* functionality. Application just needs to call API to connect/disconnect and send data.
* Library in turn indicates status of the connection and passes to the application received data.
* @{
* Function Prototypes
* The application must implement connection up callback to be called by the library.
* The callback indicates to the application that SPP over RFCOMM session with a
* specified device has been successfully established. This can be a result of the
* wiced_bt_spp_connect requested by the application, or due to a peer device
* establishing connection from its side.
* @param[in] handle : Handle that identifies newly established session.
* @param[in] bd_addr : Bluetooth Device address of the connected device.
* @return none
typedef void (*wiced_bt_spp_connection_up_callback_t)(uint16_t handle, uint8_t* bd_addr);
* Connection failed callback indicates to the application that the library
* failed to establish RFCOMM connection with the peer device after connection
* was requested by the wiced_bt_spp_connect call.
* @return none
typedef void (*wiced_bt_spp_connection_failed_callback_t)(void);
* Service not found callback indicates wiced_bt_spp_connect call requested to establish
* connection to a device which is currently not present, or which is not running
* SPP service.
* @return none
typedef void (*wiced_bt_spp_service_not_found_callback_t)(void);
* Connection Down callback indicates that an active session has been terminated.
* @param[in] handle : Handle that identifies the external accessory session
* @return none
typedef void (*wiced_bt_spp_connection_down_callback_t)(uint16_t handle);
* Rx Data callback passed to the application data received over the SPP
* session.
* @param[in] handle : Handle that identifies the external accessory session
* @param[in] p_data : Pointer to buffer with data.
* @param[in] data_len : Length of the data
* @return none
typedef wiced_bool_t (*wiced_bt_spp_rx_data_callback_t)(uint16_t handle, uint8_t* data, uint32_t data_len);
* Following structure is used to register application with wiced_bt_spp library
typedef struct
uint8_t rfcomm_scn; /**< Application selects RFCOMM SCN that
it publishes in the SDP and need to
pass the same value for library to use. */
uint16_t rfcomm_mtu; /**< MTU to be be used by the RFCOMM layer */
wiced_bt_spp_connection_up_callback_t p_connection_up_callback; /**< iAP2 connection established */
wiced_bt_spp_connection_failed_callback_t p_connection_failed_callback; /**< iAP2 connection establishment failed */
wiced_bt_spp_service_not_found_callback_t p_service_not_found_callback; /**< iAP2 service not found */
wiced_bt_spp_connection_down_callback_t p_connection_down_callback; /**< iAP2 connection disconnected */
wiced_bt_spp_rx_data_callback_t p_rx_data_callback; /**< Data packet received */
} wiced_bt_spp_reg_t;
* Function wiced_bt_spp_startup
* Initialize SPP library and starts the RFCOMM service.
* @param[in] p_reg : Registration control block that includes RFCOMM SCN and callbacks
* @return wiced_result_t : Result of operation
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_spp_startup(wiced_bt_spp_reg_t *p_reg);
* Function wiced_bt_spp_connect
* Establish External Accessory connection to an iOS device. Library will perform
* Service Discovery. If SPP service is running on the specified device RFCOMM
* connection is established. When session is established, library executes
* spp_connection_up_callback.
* @param[in] bd_addr : Bluetooth Device address to connect to.
* @return wiced_result_t : Result of operation
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_spp_connect(BD_ADDR bd_addr);
* Function wiced_bt_spp_disconnect
* Disconnect External Accessory Session with the iOS device. Bluetooth connection
* is brought down as well.
* @param[in] handle : The handle returned by the application in the wiced_bt_spp_connection_up_callback.
* @return wiced_result_t : Result of operation
wiced_result_t wiced_bt_spp_disconnect(uint16_t handle);
* Send data over the established External Accessory connection. The session must
* be SPP_EA_SESSION_ID. The first 2 octets of the p_data must be the handle
* passed to the application in the wiced_bt_spp_connection_up_callback in the big
* endian format.
* @param[in] handle : Connection handle indicated in the connection up callback
* @param[in] p_data : Pointer to buffer with data to send.
* @param[in] len : Length of the data + handle
* @return WICED_TRUE: if data is scheduled for transmission, otherwise WICED_FALSE
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_spp_send_session_data(uint16_t handle, uint8_t *p_data, uint32_t len);
* SPP application may use this call to disable or reenable the RX data flow
* @param[in] handle : Connection handle indicated in the connection up callback
* @param[in] enable : If true, data flow is enabled
* @return none
void wiced_bt_spp_rx_flow_enable(uint16_t handle, wiced_bool_t enable);
* Function wiced_bt_spp_can_send_more_data
* @param[in] handle : The handle returned by the application in the wiced_bt_spp_connection_up_callback.
* Returns TRUE if library can queue forward data, or FALSE if forward data queue
* is full.
wiced_bool_t wiced_bt_spp_can_send_more_data(uint16_t handle);
* SPP application may use this function to discard all the data from the
* output or input queues of the specified connection.
* @param[in] handle : Connection handle indicated in the connection up callback
* @param[in] purge_flags - specify the action to take with PORT_PURGE_TXCLEAR
* @return rfcomm port return code
uint8_t wiced_bt_spp_port_purge(uint16_t handle, uint8_t purge_flags);
* SPP application may use this function to read the peer_mtu size when rfcomm connection made
* @return rfcomm port peer mtu size
uint16_t wiced_bt_spp_rfcomm_get_peer_mtu(uint16_t handle);
* SPP application may use this function to get the connection state when rfcomm connection made
* @return connection state
uint8_t wiced_bt_spp_get_connection_state(BD_ADDR bd_addr);
/**@} wiced_bt_spp_api_functions */
#ifdef __cplusplus