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* \file cy_capsense_control.c
* \version 4.0
* \brief
* This file provides the source code to the Control module functions.
* \copyright
* Copyright 2018-2023, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company)
* or an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.
#include <stddef.h>
#include "cy_syslib.h"
#include "cy_syspm.h"
#include "cycfg_capsense_defines.h"
#include "cy_capsense_common.h"
#include "cy_capsense_structure.h"
#include "cy_capsense_control.h"
#include "cy_capsense_processing.h"
#include "cy_capsense_filter.h"
#include "cy_capsense_tuner.h"
#include "cy_capsense_sensing.h"
#include "cy_capsense_selftest.h"
#include "cy_capsense_sensing_v2.h"
#include "cy_csd.h"
#include "cy_capsense_sensing_lp.h"
#include "cy_msclp.h"
#include "cy_capsense_sensing_v3.h"
#include "cy_msc.h"
#if (defined(CY_IP_MXCSDV2) || defined(CY_IP_M0S8CSDV2) || defined(CY_IP_M0S8MSCV3) || defined(CY_IP_M0S8MSCV3LP))
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_Init
* Captures HW blocks (one or more) for CAPSENSE&trade; operations and configures them
* to the default state. Call this function with the application program
* prior to calling any other function of the middleware.
* The following tasks are executed:
* 1. Capturing not used HW blocks. If any
* of HW block is
* already in use, then the function returns the fail status, and
* the application program should perform corresponding actions. For example, releasing
* the HW block captured by another middleware.
* 2. If the HW block has been captured successfully, this function configures it
* to the default state.
* After the middleware is configured using the Cy_CapSense_Init() function,
* the application program configures and enables the HW block interrupt(s),
* and then call of the Cy_CapSense_Enable() function to complete the
* middleware initialization process.
* See the function usage example below for more details.
* When the middleware operation is stopped by the Cy_CapSense_DeInit()
* function, subsequent call of the Cy_CapSense_Init() function repeats
* initialization process and it is not needed to call the Cy_CapSense_Enable()
* function second time. However, to implement time-multiplexed mode
* (sharing the HW block(s) between multiple middleware)
* the Cy_CapSense_Save() and Cy_CapSense_Restore() functions should be used
* instead of the Cy_CapSense_DeInit() and Cy_CapSense_Init() functions for
* further compatibility.
* \param context
* The pointer to the CAPSENSE&trade; context structure \ref cy_stc_capsense_context_t
* generated by the CAPSENSE&trade; Configurator tool. The structure contains both, CAPSENSE&trade;
* configuration and internal data and it is used during whole CAPSENSE&trade; operation.
* \return
* Returns the status of the initialization process. If CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS is not
* received, some of the initialization fails, the middleware may not operate
* as expected, and repeating of initialization is required.
* \funcusage
* \snippet capsense/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_CapSense_Initialization
* The 'cy_capsense_context' variable that is used as the parameter of the
* Cy_CapSense_Init() and Cy_CapSense_Enable() functions is declared in the
* cycfg_capsense.h file.
* The CapSense_ISR_cfg variable should be declared by the application
* program according to the examples below:<br>
* For PSoC&trade; 4 CPU or for PSoC&trade; 6 CM0+ core:
* \snippet capsense/snippet/main.c snippet_m0p_capsense_interrupt_source_declaration
* \note MSCLP HW contains two interrupt sources.
* The CAPSENSE&trade; Middleware supports only the msclp_interrupt_<b>lp</b>_IRQn
* vector and therefore it should be used.
* For CM4 core:
* \snippet capsense/snippet/main.c snippet_m4_capsense_interrupt_source_declaration
* The CAPSENSE&trade; interrupt handler should be declared by the application program
* according to the example below:
* \snippet capsense/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_CapSense_IntHandler
* The CapSense_HW is the pointer to the base register address of
* the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block. A macro for the pointer is in the cycfg_peripherals.h
* file defined as \<Personality_Name\>_HW. If no name is specified,
* the following default names are used:
* * csd_\<Block_Number\>_csd_\<Block_Number\>_HW - for forth-generation CAPSENSE&trade; HW.
* * msc_\<Block_Number\>_msc_\<Block_Number\>_HW - for fifth-generation CAPSENSE&trade; HW.
* * msclp_\<Block_Number\>_msclp_\<Block_Number\>_HW - for fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE&trade; HW.
cy_capsense_status_t Cy_CapSense_Init(cy_stc_capsense_context_t * context)
cy_capsense_status_t result = CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_BAD_PARAM;
cy_stc_capsense_internal_context_t * ptrInternalCxt;
uint32_t wdIndex;
cy_stc_capsense_widget_context_t * ptrWdCxt;
const cy_stc_capsense_common_config_t * ptrCommonCfg;
if (NULL != context)
ptrInternalCxt = context->ptrInternalContext;
ptrInternalCxt->ptrSSCallback = NULL;
ptrInternalCxt->ptrEOSCallback = NULL;
ptrInternalCxt->ptrTunerReceiveCallback = NULL;
ptrInternalCxt->ptrTunerSendCallback = NULL;
/* Set the maximum refresh rate (default value) for ACTIVE scan mode */
ptrInternalCxt->activeWakeupTimer = 0u;
/* Set default compensation factor for nominal ILO frequency (40KHz) */
ptrInternalCxt->iloCompensationFactor = CY_CAPSENSE_DEFAULT_ILO_FACTOR;
ptrCommonCfg = context->ptrCommonConfig;
ptrInternalCxt->ptrEODsInitCallback = NULL;
ptrInternalCxt->intrCsdRawTarget = ptrCommonCfg->csdRawTarget;
ptrInternalCxt->intrCsxRawTarget = ptrCommonCfg->csxRawTarget;
ptrInternalCxt->intrIsxRawTarget = ptrCommonCfg->isxRawTarget;
ptrInternalCxt->numCoarseInitChargeCycles = ptrCommonCfg->numCoarseInitChargeCycles;
ptrInternalCxt->numCoarseInitSettleCycles = ptrCommonCfg->numCoarseInitSettleCycles;
ptrInternalCxt->numProOffsetCycles = ptrCommonCfg->numProOffsetCycles;
ptrInternalCxt->proOffsetCdacComp = ptrCommonCfg->proOffsetCdacComp;
ptrInternalCxt->lfsrPoly = CY_CAPSENSE_LFSR_POLY;
ptrInternalCxt->lfsrScale = CY_CAPSENSE_LFSR_SCALE;
ptrInternalCxt->cdacDitherSeed = CY_CAPSENSE_CDAC_DITHER_SEED;
ptrInternalCxt->cdacDitherPoly = CY_CAPSENSE_CDAC_DITHER_POLY;
ptrInternalCxt->modClk = CY_CAPSENSE_MODCLK_DIV;
ptrWdCxt = context->ptrWdConfig->ptrWdContext;
for (wdIndex = 0u; wdIndex < CY_CAPSENSE_TOTAL_WIDGET_COUNT; wdIndex++)
if(0u == ptrWdCxt->maxRawCount)
if(0u == ptrWdCxt->maxRawCountRow)
ptrInternalCxt->numEpiCycles = ptrCommonCfg->numEpiCycles;
ptrInternalCxt->numFineInitWaitCycles = CY_CAPSENSE_NUM_FINE_INIT_WAIT_CYCLES;
/* Set undefined value to initiate DMA configuration in Cy_CapSense_ScanSlots() function */
ptrInternalCxt->currentSlotIndex = CY_CAPSENSE_SLOT_COUNT_MAX_VALUE;
ptrInternalCxt->numProWaitKrefDelay = ptrCommonCfg->numProWaitKrefDelay;
ptrInternalCxt->numProWaitKrefDelayPrs = ptrCommonCfg->numProWaitKrefDelayPrs;
ptrInternalCxt->numEpiKrefDelay = ptrCommonCfg->numEpiKrefDelay;
ptrInternalCxt->numEpiKrefDelayPrs = ptrCommonCfg->numEpiKrefDelayPrs;
ptrInternalCxt->mrssStateAfterScan = CY_CAPSENSE_MRSS_TURN_OFF;
ptrInternalCxt->numFineInitCycles = CY_CAPSENSE_NUM_FINE_INIT_CYCLES;
ptrInternalCxt->csdCdacDitherEn = CY_CAPSENSE_CSD_CDAC_DITHER_EN;
ptrInternalCxt->csxCdacDitherEn = CY_CAPSENSE_CSX_CDAC_DITHER_EN;
ptrInternalCxt->isxCdacDitherEn = CY_CAPSENSE_ISX_CDAC_DITHER_EN;
ptrInternalCxt->bslnCoefSlow = CY_CAPSENSE_BSLN_COEFF_SLOW;
ptrInternalCxt->bslnCoefFast = CY_CAPSENSE_BSLN_COEFF_FAST;
ptrInternalCxt->bslnUpdateDelay = CY_CAPSENSE_BSLN_UPDATE_DELAY;
ptrInternalCxt->iirCoeffLp = CY_CAPSENSE_IIR_COEFF_LP;
ptrInternalCxt->wotScanInterval = CY_CAPSENSE_WOT_SCAN_INTERVAL;
ptrInternalCxt->wotTimeout = CY_CAPSENSE_WOT_TIMEOUT;
result = Cy_CapSense_SwitchHwConfiguration(CY_CAPSENSE_HW_CONFIG_UNDEFINED, context);
result = Cy_CapSense_Restore(context);
result = Cy_CapSense_Restore(context);
return result;
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_Enable
* Initializes the CAPSENSE&trade; firmware modules.
* Call the Cy_CapSense_Init() function and configure CAPSENSE&trade; HW block interrupts
* prior to calling this function.
* See the function usage example below for details on usage.
* The following are executed as part of the function:
* 1. Check CAPSENSE&trade; configuration integrity.
* 2. Pre-calculate of internal register values to speed up operation.
* 3. Configure the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block to perform capacitive sensing operation.
* 4. If the smart sensing algorithm is selected for the CSD Tuning mode in the
* Basic tab, the auto-tuning functionality is executed to set the optimal
* values for the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block parameters of the widgets/sensors.
* 5. Calibrate the sensors and find the optimal values for DACs of each widget/sensor,
* if the auto-calibration is enabled in the CSD Settings, CSX Settings or ISX Settings tabs.
* 6. Perform scanning for all the sensors and initialize the baseline history.
* 7. If the firmware filters are enabled in the Advanced General tab, the
* filter histories are also initialized.
* Any subsequent call of this function repeats initialization process.
* Therefore, it is possible to change the middleware configuration
* from the application program by writing registers to the data structure
* and calling this function again.
* The repeated call of this function is also done inside the
* Cy_CapSense_RunTuner() function when a restart command is received.
* The function calls the Cy_CapSense_ScanAllWidgets() function to proper
* baseline setup.
* \param context
* The pointer to the CAPSENSE&trade; context structure \ref cy_stc_capsense_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the status of the initialization process. If CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS is not
* received, some of the initialization fails.
* \funcusage
* \snippet capsense/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_CapSense_Initialization
* The 'cy_capsense_context' variable that is used as the parameter of the
* Cy_CapSense_Init() and Cy_CapSense_Enable() functions is declared in the
* cycfg_capsense.h file.
* The CapSense_ISR_cfg variable should be declared by the application
* program according to the examples below:<br>
* For CM0+ core:
* \snippet capsense/snippet/main.c snippet_m0p_capsense_interrupt_source_declaration
* \note MSCLP HW contains two interrupt sources.
* The CAPSENSE&trade; Middleware supports only the msclp_interrupt_<b>lp</b>_IRQn
* vector and therefore it should be used.
* For CM4 core:
* \snippet capsense/snippet/main.c snippet_m4_capsense_interrupt_source_declaration
* The CAPSENSE&trade; interrupt handler should be declared by the application program
* according to the example below:
* \snippet capsense/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_CapSense_IntHandler
* The CapSense_HW is the pointer to the base register address of
* the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block. A macro for the pointer is in the cycfg_peripherals.h
* file defined as \<Personality_Name\>_HW. If no name is specified,
* the following default names are used:
* * csd_\<Block_Number\>_csd_\<Block_Number\>_HW - for forth-generation CAPSENSE&trade; HW.
* * msc_\<Block_Number\>_msc_\<Block_Number\>_HW - for fifth-generation CAPSENSE&trade; HW.
* * msclp_\<Block_Number\>_msclp_\<Block_Number\>_HW - for fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE&trade; HW.
cy_capsense_status_t Cy_CapSense_Enable(cy_stc_capsense_context_t * context)
cy_capsense_status_t result;
uint32_t cpuFreqMHz;
uint32_t watchdogCounter;
context->ptrCommonContext->status |= CY_CAPSENSE_MW_STATE_INITIALIZATION_MASK;
uint32_t widgetId;
/* Approximate duration of Wait For Init loop */
const uint32_t isBusyLoopDuration = 5uL;
/* Wait For Init watchdog timeout in microseconds */
const uint32_t isBusyWatchdogTimeUs = 1000000uL;
/* Initialize CAPSENSE&trade; modules */
result = Cy_CapSense_Initialize(context);
result |= Cy_CapSense_SsAutoTune(context);
result |= Cy_CapSense_CalibrateAllCsdWidgets(context);
result |= Cy_CapSense_CalibrateAllCsxWidgets(context);
result |= Cy_CapSense_SsAutoTune(context);
result |= Cy_CapSense_CalibrateAllSlots(context);
result |= Cy_CapSense_SsAutoTune(context);
result |= Cy_CapSense_CalibrateAllSlots(context);
result |= Cy_CapSense_CalibrateAllLpSlots(context);
#endif /* CY_CAPSENSE_LP_EN */
/* Scan each widget separately if the MPSC is enabled */
for (widgetId = 0u; widgetId < CY_CAPSENSE_TOTAL_WIDGET_COUNT; widgetId++)
if ((uint8_t)CY_CAPSENSE_WD_LOW_POWER_E != context->ptrWdConfig[widgetId].wdType)
result |= Cy_CapSense_ScanSlots(context->ptrWdConfig[widgetId].firstSlotId,
context->ptrWdConfig[widgetId].numSlots, context);
result |= Cy_CapSense_ScanSlots(context->ptrWdConfig[widgetId].firstSlotId,
context->ptrWdConfig[widgetId].numSlots, context);
result |= Cy_CapSense_WaitEndScan(1000000uL, context); /* 1sec timeout */
result |= Cy_CapSense_ScanAllSlots(context);
result |= Cy_CapSense_ScanAllWidgets(context);
/* Init Watchdog Counter to prevent a hang */
cpuFreqMHz = context->ptrCommonConfig->cpuClkHz / CY_CAPSENSE_CONVERSION_MEGA;
watchdogCounter = Cy_CapSense_WatchdogCyclesNum(isBusyWatchdogTimeUs, cpuFreqMHz, isBusyLoopDuration);
while (CY_CAPSENSE_NOT_BUSY != Cy_CapSense_IsBusy(context))
if (0uL == watchdogCounter)
for (widgetId = 0u; widgetId < CY_CAPSENSE_TOTAL_WIDGET_COUNT; widgetId++)
Cy_CapSense_PreProcessWidget(widgetId, context);
if (((CY_CAPSENSE_MPSC_MIN_ORDER <= context->ptrWdConfig[widgetId].mpOrder) ||
(CY_CAPSENSE_MPSC_MIN_ORDER <= context->ptrWdConfig[widgetId].mpOrderRows)) &&
(CY_CAPSENSE_CSD_GROUP == context->ptrWdConfig[widgetId].senseMethod))
result |= Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidgetMpDeconvolution(widgetId, context);
if ((CY_CAPSENSE_MPTX_MIN_ORDER <= context->ptrWdConfig[widgetId].mpOrder) &&
(CY_CAPSENSE_CSX_GROUP == context->ptrWdConfig[widgetId].senseMethod))
result |= Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidgetMpDeconvolution(widgetId, context);
context->ptrCommonContext->status &= ~(uint32_t)CY_CAPSENSE_MW_STATE_INITIALIZATION_MASK;
return result;
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_Initialize
* Initializes all sub-modules of the CAPSENSE&trade; middleware.
* The initialization includes:
* - Data Structure - set the default middleware parameters based
* on configuration.
* - Data Processing - resets the status all widgets.
* - Tuner - resets the tuner communication state.
* - Sensing - prepares the CAPSENSE&trade; HW blocks for operation.
* \param context
* The pointer to the CAPSENSE&trade; context structure \ref cy_stc_capsense_context_t.
* \return
* Return CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS if the initialization was successful.
* If CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS is not received, some of the initialization
* fails.
cy_capsense_status_t Cy_CapSense_Initialize(cy_stc_capsense_context_t * context)
cy_capsense_status_t result;
result = Cy_CapSense_CheckConfigIntegrity(context);
result |= Cy_CapSense_SsInitialize(context);
/* The Tuner and the BIST are initialized only once */
if (CY_CAPSENSE_INIT_NEEDED == context->ptrCommonContext->initDone)
context->ptrCommonContext->initDone = CY_CAPSENSE_INIT_DONE;
return result;
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_DeInit
* Stops the middleware operation and releases the CAPSENSE&trade; captured HW blocks.
* No sensor scanning can be executed when the middleware is stopped.
* This function should be called only when no scanning is in progress.
* I.e. Cy_CapSense_IsBusy() returns a non-busy status.
* After the middleware stops, the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block(s) may be reconfigured with the
* application program or other middleware for any other usage.
* When the middleware operation is stopped by the Cy_CapSense_DeInit()
* function, subsequent call of the Cy_CapSense_Init() function repeats
* initialization process and it is not needed to call the Cy_CapSense_Enable()
* function second time. However, to implement time-multiplexed mode
* (sharing the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block(s) between multiple middleware)
* the Cy_CapSense_Save() and Cy_CapSense_Restore() functions should be used
* instead of the Cy_CapSense_DeInit() and Cy_CapSense_Init() functions for
* further compatibility.
* \param context
* The pointer to the CAPSENSE&trade; context structure \ref cy_stc_capsense_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the status of the stop process. If CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS is not received,
* the stop process fails and retries may be required.
cy_capsense_status_t Cy_CapSense_DeInit(cy_stc_capsense_context_t * context)
cy_capsense_status_t result;
result = Cy_CapSense_Save(context);
context->ptrCommonContext->initDone = CY_CAPSENSE_INIT_NEEDED;
return result;
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_ProcessAllWidgets
* Performs full data processing of all enabled widgets.
* This function performs all data processes for all enabled widgets and
* sensors in the middleware to produce meaningful status output from widgets
* and sensors. The following tasks are executed as part of processing all the
* widgets:
* 1. Apply raw count filters to the raw counts, if they are enabled.
* 2. Update the thresholds if the smart sensing algorithm Full Auto-Tuning
* is enabled.
* 3. Update the baselines and difference counts for all the sensors.
* 4. Update the sensor and widget output status. Updates on/off status for
* buttons and proximity widgets, centroid/position for
* the sliders and the X/Y position for the touchpads.
* This function is called by the application program only after all the enabled
* widgets (and sensors) in the middleware are scanned. Calling this function
* multiple times without sensor scanning causes unexpected behavior.
* The disabled widgets are not processed by this function.
* \param context
* The pointer to the CAPSENSE&trade; context structure \ref cy_stc_capsense_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the status of the processing operation. If CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS is not received,
* the processing fails and retries may be required.
cy_capsense_status_t Cy_CapSense_ProcessAllWidgets(cy_stc_capsense_context_t * context)
uint32_t wdIndex;
cy_capsense_status_t result = CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
for (wdIndex = CY_CAPSENSE_TOTAL_WIDGET_COUNT; wdIndex-- > 0u;)
if ((uint8_t)CY_CAPSENSE_WD_LOW_POWER_E != context->ptrWdConfig[wdIndex].wdType)
if (0u == ((&context->ptrWdConfig[wdIndex])->mfsConfig & CY_CAPSENSE_MFS_WIDGET_FREQ_ALL_CH_MASK))
/* Processes all widgets with disabled MFS and all widgets with original (main) frequency */
result |= Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidget(wdIndex, context);
result |= Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidget(wdIndex, context);
return result;
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidget
* Performs full data processing of the specified widget if it is enabled.
* This function performs exactly the same tasks as
* Cy_CapSense_ProcessAllWidgets(), but only for a specified widget. This
* function can be used along with the Cy_CapSense_SetupWidget() and
* Cy_CapSense_Scan() functions (4th Generation) to scan and process data for a specific
* widget or with the Cy_CapSense_ScanSlots() function (5th Generation).
* This function is called only after all the sensors in the
* widgets are scanned. A disabled widget is not processed by this function.
* A pipeline scan method (i.e. during scanning of a current widget (N),
* perform processing of the previously scanned widget (N-1)) can be
* implemented using this function and it may reduce the total execution time,
* increase the refresh rate, and decrease the average power consumption.
* See the function usage example below for details on usage.
* For the Fifth generation CAPSENSE&trade; if the specified widget has the enabled
* multi-frequency scan feature then the function does the following:
* - If the specified widget ID refers to main (base) frequency then the function
* processes raw count processing of all three widgets (main and two sub-widgets)
* and then status processing of the main widget only.
* - If the specified widget ID refers to sub-widgets (1st or 2nd frequency channels)
* then the function returns CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_BAD_PARAM. To perform customized
* processing use the Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidgetExt() function.
* \param widgetId
* Specifies the ID number of the widget. A macro for the widget ID can be found
* in the cycfg_capsense.h file defined as CY_CAPSENSE_<WIDGET_NAME>_WDGT_ID.
* \note For the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE&trade; widgets
* of the \ref CY_CAPSENSE_WD_LOW_POWER_E type are not processed and
* if a widget of this type is passed.
* \param context
* The pointer to the CAPSENSE&trade; context structure \ref cy_stc_capsense_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the status of the widget processing:
* - CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS - The operation is successfully completed
* - CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_BAD_PARAM - The input parameter is invalid
* - CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_INVALID_STATE - The specified widget is disabled
* - CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_BAD_DATA - The processing is failed
* \funcusage
* An example of pipeline implementation:
* \snippet capsense/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidget
cy_capsense_status_t Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidget(
uint32_t widgetId,
cy_stc_capsense_context_t * context)
cy_capsense_status_t result = CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
const cy_stc_capsense_widget_config_t * ptrWdCfg;
/* Check parameter validity */
ptrWdCfg = &context->ptrWdConfig[widgetId];
if ((uint8_t)CY_CAPSENSE_WD_LOW_POWER_E == ptrWdCfg->wdType)
/* Check widget enable status */
if (0u != (ptrWdCfg->ptrWdContext->status & CY_CAPSENSE_WD_DISABLE_MASK))
/* Check for sub-widget */
if ((0u != (ptrWdCfg->mfsConfig & CY_CAPSENSE_MFS_EN_MASK)) &&
(0u != (ptrWdCfg->mfsConfig & CY_CAPSENSE_MFS_WIDGET_FREQ_ALL_CH_MASK)))
if (0u != (ptrWdCfg->mfsConfig & CY_CAPSENSE_MFS_EN_MASK))
Cy_CapSense_PreProcessWidget(widgetId + CY_CAPSENSE_MFS_CH2_INDEX, context);
Cy_CapSense_PreProcessWidget(widgetId + CY_CAPSENSE_MFS_CH1_INDEX, context);
if (((CY_CAPSENSE_MPSC_MIN_ORDER <= ptrWdCfg->mpOrder) ||
(CY_CAPSENSE_MPSC_MIN_ORDER <= ptrWdCfg->mpOrderRows)) &&
(CY_CAPSENSE_CSD_GROUP == ptrWdCfg->senseMethod))
result |= Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidgetMpDeconvolution(widgetId + CY_CAPSENSE_MFS_CH2_INDEX, context);
result |= Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidgetMpDeconvolution(widgetId + CY_CAPSENSE_MFS_CH1_INDEX, context);
if ((CY_CAPSENSE_MPTX_MIN_ORDER <= ptrWdCfg->mpOrder) &&
(CY_CAPSENSE_CSX_GROUP == ptrWdCfg->senseMethod))
result |= Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidgetMpDeconvolution(widgetId + CY_CAPSENSE_MFS_CH2_INDEX, context);
result |= Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidgetMpDeconvolution(widgetId + CY_CAPSENSE_MFS_CH1_INDEX, context);
Cy_CapSense_PreProcessWidget(widgetId, context);
if (((CY_CAPSENSE_MPSC_MIN_ORDER <= ptrWdCfg->mpOrder) ||
(CY_CAPSENSE_MPSC_MIN_ORDER <= ptrWdCfg->mpOrderRows)) &&
(CY_CAPSENSE_CSD_GROUP == ptrWdCfg->senseMethod))
result |= Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidgetMpDeconvolution(widgetId, context);
if ((CY_CAPSENSE_MPTX_MIN_ORDER <= ptrWdCfg->mpOrder) &&
(CY_CAPSENSE_CSX_GROUP == ptrWdCfg->senseMethod))
result |= Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidgetMpDeconvolution(widgetId, context);
if (0u != (ptrWdCfg->mfsConfig & CY_CAPSENSE_MFS_EN_MASK))
result |= Cy_CapSense_DpProcessWidgetRawCounts(widgetId + CY_CAPSENSE_MFS_CH2_INDEX, context);
result |= Cy_CapSense_DpProcessWidgetRawCounts(widgetId + CY_CAPSENSE_MFS_CH1_INDEX, context);
result |= Cy_CapSense_DpProcessWidgetRawCounts(widgetId, context);
switch (ptrWdCfg->senseMethod)
Cy_CapSense_DpProcessCsdWidgetStatus(ptrWdCfg, context);
return result;
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidgetExt
* Performs customized data processing on the selected widget.
* This function performs customized data processing specified by the mode
* parameter on a widget. This function can be used with any of the
* available scan functions. This function should be called only after all
* the sensors in the specified widget are scanned. Calling this function
* multiple times with the same mode without new sensor scan causes
* unexpected behavior. This function ignores the value of the
* wdgtEnable register.
* for mode parameter are supported only when smart sensing algorithm is enabled
* for CSD widgets.
* The execution order of processing tasks starts from LSB to MSB of the
* mode parameter. To implement a different order of execution, call this
* function multiple times with the required mode parameter.
* For more details, refer to function usage example below.
* \note
* For the fifth-generation CAPSENSE&trade; and fifth-generation low power
* CAPSENSE&trade; extra processing should be performed prior a call of
* this function:
* * A raw count pre-processing calling either the Cy_CapSense_PreProcessWidget()
* or Cy_CapSense_PreProcessSensor() functions.
* * A deconvolution for widgets with multi-phase Tx or Self calling the
* Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidgetMpDeconvolution() function
* (multi-phase Self is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE&trade;)
* In this case a full processing flow consists of the following:
* * Cy_CapSense_PreProcessWidget()
* * Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidgetMpDeconvolution()
* * Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidgetExt()
* \note
* For the fifth generation and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE&trade;
* if the specified widget has the enabled multi-frequency scan feature
* then the processing must follow the following order:
* * Sub-widget channel 2
* * Sub-widget channel 1
* * Main widget channel 0
* The CY_CAPSENSE_PROCESS_MFS_FILTER option is skipped for sub-widgets,
* however CY_CAPSENSE_PROCESS_STATUS option is available.
* \param widgetId
* Specifies the ID number of the widget. A macro for the widget ID can be found
* in the cycfg_capsense.h file defined as CY_CAPSENSE_<WIDGET_NAME>_WDGT_ID.
* \note For the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE&trade; widgets
* of the \ref CY_CAPSENSE_WD_LOW_POWER_E type are not processed and
* if a widget of this type is passed.
* \param mode
* Specifies the type of widget processing to be executed for the
* specified widget:
* 1. Bits [31..7] - Reserved.
* 2. Bits [6..0] - CY_CAPSENSE_PROCESS_ALL - Execute all of the below tasks.
* 3. Bit [6] - CY_CAPSENSE_PROCESS_STATUS - Update the status
* (on/off, centroid position).
* 4. Bit [5] - CY_CAPSENSE_PROCESS_MFS_FILTER - Run the firmware filters
* for MFS on sensor rawcounts
* (applicable only for fifth-generation CAPSENSE&trade;
* and fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE&trade;).
* 5. Bit [4] - CY_CAPSENSE_PROCESS_THRESHOLDS - Update the thresholds
* (only in CSD auto-tuning mode).
* 6. Bit [3] - CY_CAPSENSE_PROCESS_CALC_NOISE - Calculate the noise
* (only in CSD auto-tuning mode).
* 7. Bit [2] - CY_CAPSENSE_PROCESS_DIFFCOUNTS - Update the difference
* counts of each sensor.
* 8. Bit [1] - CY_CAPSENSE_PROCESS_BASELINE - Update the baselines
* for all sensor.
* 9. Bit [0] - CY_CAPSENSE_PROCESS_FILTER - Run the firmware filters
* on sensor rawcounts.
* \param context
* The pointer to the CAPSENSE&trade; context structure \ref cy_stc_capsense_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the status of the widget processing operation:
* - CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS - The processing is successfully performed.
* - CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_BAD_PARAM - The input parameter is invalid.
* - CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_BAD_DATA - The processing failed.
* \funcusage
* An example of customized data processing, changed processing order:
* \snippet capsense/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidgetExt
cy_capsense_status_t Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidgetExt(
uint32_t widgetId,
uint32_t mode,
cy_stc_capsense_context_t * context)
uint32_t snsIndex;
cy_capsense_status_t capStatus = CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_BAD_PARAM;
uint32_t snsHistorySize;
uint32_t freqChIndex;
uint16_t * ptrHistorySns;
uint16_t * ptrBslnInvSns;
uint8_t * ptrHistoryLowSns = NULL;
cy_stc_capsense_sensor_context_t * ptrSnsCxtSns;
const cy_stc_capsense_widget_config_t * ptrWdCfg;
/* Check parameter validity */
ptrWdCfg = &context->ptrWdConfig[widgetId];
if ((uint8_t)CY_CAPSENSE_WD_LOW_POWER_E != ptrWdCfg->wdType)
snsHistorySize = (uint32_t)ptrWdCfg->rawFilterConfig & CY_CAPSENSE_RC_FILTER_SNS_HISTORY_SIZE_MASK;
/* Run the desired processing for the all CSD widget sensors */
for (freqChIndex = 0u; freqChIndex < CY_CAPSENSE_CONFIGURED_FREQ_NUM; freqChIndex++)
ptrSnsCxtSns = &ptrWdCfg->ptrSnsContext[freqChIndex * context->ptrCommonConfig->numSns];
ptrBslnInvSns = &ptrWdCfg->ptrBslnInv[freqChIndex * context->ptrCommonConfig->numSns];
ptrHistorySns = &ptrWdCfg->ptrRawFilterHistory[freqChIndex * (CY_CAPSENSE_RAW_HISTORY_SIZE / CY_CAPSENSE_CONFIGURED_FREQ_NUM)];
ptrHistoryLowSns = &ptrWdCfg->ptrRawFilterHistoryLow[freqChIndex *
for (snsIndex = 0u; snsIndex < ptrWdCfg->numSns; snsIndex++)
capStatus |= Cy_CapSense_DpProcessSensorRawCountsExt(ptrWdCfg, ptrSnsCxtSns, ptrHistorySns,
ptrHistoryLowSns, mode, ptrBslnInvSns, context);
ptrHistorySns += snsHistorySize;
if (NULL != ptrHistoryLowSns)
ptrSnsCxtSns = ptrWdCfg->ptrSnsContext;
for (snsIndex = ptrWdCfg->numSns; snsIndex-- > 0u;)
Cy_CapSense_RunMfsFiltering(ptrSnsCxtSns, context);
if ((0u != (ptrWdCfg->mfsConfig & CY_CAPSENSE_MFS_EN_MASK)) &&
(0u == (ptrWdCfg->mfsConfig & CY_CAPSENSE_MFS_WIDGET_FREQ_ALL_CH_MASK)))
(void)Cy_CapSense_RunMfsMedian(widgetId, context);
if (0u != (mode & CY_CAPSENSE_PROCESS_STATUS))
switch (ptrWdCfg->senseMethod)
Cy_CapSense_DpProcessCsdWidgetStatus(ptrWdCfg, context);
/* No action */
return capStatus;
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_ProcessSensorExt
* Performs customized data processing on the selected sensor.
* This function performs customized data processing specified by the mode
* parameter on a sensor. This function performs the exact same task
* of the Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidgetExt() function but only on the specified
* sensor instead of all sensors in the widget.
* The pipeline scan method (i.e. during scanning of a sensor, processing
* of a previously scanned sensor is performed) can be implemented using this
* function and it may reduce the total scan/process time, increase the refresh
* rate, and decrease the power consumption. For more details, refer to
* function usage example below.
* \note
* For the fifth-generation CAPSENSE&trade; and fifth-generation low power
* CAPSENSE&trade; HW generation an extra processing should be performed prior
* a call of this function:
* * A raw count pre-processing calling either the Cy_CapSense_PreProcessWidget()
* or Cy_CapSense_PreProcessSensor() functions.
* * A deconvolution for widgets with multi-phase Tx or Self calling the
* Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidgetMpDeconvolution() function
* (multi-phase Self is available only for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE&trade;)
* In this case a full processing flow consists of the following:
* * Cy_CapSense_PreProcessWidget()
* * Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidgetMpDeconvolution()
* * Cy_CapSense_ProcessSensorExt() - each sensor
* * Cy_CapSense_ProcessWidgetExt()
* \param widgetId
* Specifies the ID number of the widget. A macro for the widget ID can be found
* in the cycfg_capsense.h file defined as CY_CAPSENSE_<WIDGET_NAME>_WDGT_ID.
* \note For the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE&trade; widgets
* of the \ref CY_CAPSENSE_WD_LOW_POWER_E type are not processed and
* if a widget of this type is passed.
* \param sensorId
* Specifies the ID number of the sensor within the widget. A macro for the
* sensor ID within a specified widget can be found in the cycfg_capsense.h
* \param mode
* Specifies the type of the sensor processing that must be executed for the
* specified sensor:
* 1. Bits [31..5] - Reserved
* 2. Bits [4..0] - CY_CAPSENSE_PROCESS_ALL - Executes all the tasks
* 3. Bit [4] - CY_CAPSENSE_PROCESS_THRESHOLDS - Updates the thresholds
* (only in auto-tuning mode)
* 4. Bit [3] - CY_CAPSENSE_PROCESS_CALC_NOISE - Calculates the noise
* (only in auto-tuning mode)
* 5. Bit [2] - CY_CAPSENSE_PROCESS_DIFFCOUNTS - Updates the diff count
* 6. Bit [1] - CY_CAPSENSE_PROCESS_BASELINE - Updates the baseline
* 7. Bit [0] - CY_CAPSENSE_PROCESS_FILTER - Runs the firmware filters
* \param context
* The pointer to the CAPSENSE&trade; context structure \ref cy_stc_capsense_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the status of the sensor process operation:
* - CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS - The processing is successfully performed.
* - CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_BAD_PARAM - The input parameter is invalid.
* - CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_BAD_DATA - The processing failed.
* \funcusage
* An example demonstrates pipeline implementation of sensor scanning and
* processing:
* \snippet capsense/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_CapSense_ProcessSensorExt
cy_capsense_status_t Cy_CapSense_ProcessSensorExt(
uint32_t widgetId,
uint32_t sensorId,
uint32_t mode,
const cy_stc_capsense_context_t * context)
cy_capsense_status_t capStatus = CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_BAD_PARAM;
uint32_t freqChIndex;
uint32_t snsHistorySize;
uint16_t * ptrSnsBslnInv;
uint16_t * ptrHistory;
uint8_t * ptrHistoryLow = NULL;
cy_stc_capsense_sensor_context_t * ptrSnsCxt;
const cy_stc_capsense_widget_config_t * ptrWdCfg;
ptrWdCfg = &context->ptrWdConfig[widgetId];
if (sensorId < ptrWdCfg->numSns)
if ((uint8_t)CY_CAPSENSE_WD_LOW_POWER_E != ptrWdCfg->wdType)
snsHistorySize = (uint32_t)ptrWdCfg->rawFilterConfig & CY_CAPSENSE_RC_FILTER_SNS_HISTORY_SIZE_MASK;
for (freqChIndex = 0u; freqChIndex < CY_CAPSENSE_CONFIGURED_FREQ_NUM; freqChIndex++)
ptrSnsCxt = &ptrWdCfg->ptrSnsContext[sensorId + (freqChIndex * context->ptrCommonConfig->numSns)];
ptrSnsBslnInv = &ptrWdCfg->ptrBslnInv[sensorId + (freqChIndex * context->ptrCommonConfig->numSns)];
ptrHistory = &ptrWdCfg->ptrRawFilterHistory[(freqChIndex * (CY_CAPSENSE_RAW_HISTORY_SIZE / CY_CAPSENSE_CONFIGURED_FREQ_NUM)) +
(snsHistorySize * sensorId)];
ptrHistoryLow = &ptrWdCfg->ptrRawFilterHistoryLow[freqChIndex *
capStatus |= Cy_CapSense_DpProcessSensorRawCountsExt(ptrWdCfg, ptrSnsCxt, ptrHistory,
ptrHistoryLow, mode, ptrSnsBslnInv, context);
ptrSnsCxt = ptrWdCfg->ptrSnsContext;
Cy_CapSense_RunMfsFiltering(ptrSnsCxt, context);
return capStatus;
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_Wakeup
* Resumes the middleware after System Deep Sleep.
* This function is used to resume the middleware operation after exiting
* System Deep Sleep. After the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block is powered on,
* an extra delay is required to establish the correct operation of
* the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block. No need for the Cy_CapSense_Wakeup() function
* call for the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE&trade; because all needed
* delays are managed automatically in scan start functions.
* This function is called by the Cy_CapSense_DeepSleepCallback() function after
* exiting System Deep Sleep if the CAPSENSE&trade; Deep Sleep callback
* is registered.
* \param context
* The pointer to the CAPSENSE&trade; context structure
* \ref cy_stc_capsense_context_t.
void Cy_CapSense_Wakeup(const cy_stc_capsense_context_t * context)
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_DeepSleepCallback
* Handles CPU active to System Deep Sleep power mode transition
* for the CAPSENSE&trade; middleware.
* Calling this function directly from the application program
* is not recommended. Instead, Cy_SysPm_CpuEnterDeepSleep() should be
* used for the CPU active to System Deep Sleep power mode transition
* of the device.
* \note
* After the CPU Deep Sleep transition, the device automatically goes
* to System Deep Sleep if all conditions are fulfilled: another core is
* in CPU Deep Sleep, all the peripherals are ready to System Deep Sleep, etc.
* (see details in the device TRM).
* For proper operation of the CAPSENSE&trade; middleware during
* the CPU active to System Deep Sleep mode transition, a callback to
* this function should be registered using the Cy_SysPm_RegisterCallback()
* function with CY_SYSPM_DEEPSLEEP type. After the callback is registered,
* this function is called by the Cy_SysPm_CpuEnterDeepSleep() function to
* prepare the middleware to the device power mode transition.
* When this function is called with CY_SYSPM_CHECK_READY as an input, this
* function returns CY_SYSPM_SUCCESS if no scanning is in progress or not
* a single HW block is captured by the CAPSENSE&trade; middleware. Otherwise
* CY_SYSPM_FAIL is returned. If CY_SYSPM_FAIL status is returned, a device
* cannot change the power mode without completing the current scan as
* a transition to System Deep Sleep during the scan can disrupt the middleware
* operation.
* When this function is called with CY_SYSPM_AFTER_TRANSITION as an input,
* then the Cy_CapSense_Wakeup() function is called to resume the middleware
* operation after exiting System Deep Sleep. If there are no CAPSENSE&trade;
* captured HW blocks, no need for the Cy_CapSense_Wakeup() function call and
* restoring CAPSENSE&trade; immediately after Deep Sleep without
* the wake-up delay can lead to unpredictable behavior.
* For details of SysPm types and macros refer to the SysPm section of the
* PDL documentation.
* \note For the fifth-generation low power CAPSENSE&trade; this function does
* nothing. The device can easily go to and out of System Deep Sleep power mode.
* So there is no need to register it into the SysPm driver. Also the function
* should not be called from any interrupt handler for any device generation.
* \param callbackParams
* Refer to the description of the cy_stc_syspm_callback_params_t type in the
* Peripheral Driver Library documentation.
* \param mode
* Specifies mode cy_en_syspm_callback_mode_t.
* \return
* Returns the status cy_en_syspm_status_t of the operation requested
* by the mode parameter:
* - CY_SYSPM_SUCCESS - System Deep Sleep power mode can be entered.
* - CY_SYSPM_FAIL - System Deep Sleep power mode cannot be entered.
cy_en_syspm_status_t Cy_CapSense_DeepSleepCallback(
cy_stc_syspm_callback_params_t * callbackParams,
cy_en_syspm_callback_mode_t mode)
cy_en_syspm_status_t retVal = CY_SYSPM_SUCCESS;
const cy_stc_capsense_context_t * capsenseCxt = (cy_stc_capsense_context_t *)callbackParams->context;
cy_en_csd_key_t mwKey;
switch (mode)
mwKey = Cy_CSD_GetLockStatus(capsenseCxt->ptrCommonConfig->ptrCsdBase, capsenseCxt->ptrCommonConfig->ptrCsdContext);
if (CY_CAPSENSE_NOT_BUSY != Cy_CapSense_IsBusy(capsenseCxt))
mwKey = Cy_CSD_GetLockStatus(capsenseCxt->ptrCommonConfig->ptrCsdBase, capsenseCxt->ptrCommonConfig->ptrCsdContext);
/* No action for other modes */
uint32_t curChIndex;
const cy_stc_capsense_channel_config_t * ptrChCfg = &capsenseCxt->ptrCommonConfig->ptrChConfig[0u];
switch (mode)
if (CY_CAPSENSE_NOT_BUSY != Cy_CapSense_IsBusy(capsenseCxt))
for (curChIndex = 0u; curChIndex < CY_CAPSENSE_TOTAL_CH_NUMBER; curChIndex++)
if (CY_MSC_CAPSENSE_KEY == Cy_MSC_GetLockStatus(ptrChCfg->ptrHwBase,
/* No action for other modes */
return retVal;
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_IncrementGestureTimestamp
* Increments the timestamp register for the predefined timestamp interval.
* A timestamp is required for operation of the Gesture and Ballistic multiplier
* feature. Hence this function and timestamp is required only if the Gesture
* detection or Ballistic multiplier feature is enabled.
* This function increments the timestamp by the interval specified
* in the context->ptrCommonContext->timestampInterval register. The unit for
* the timestamp and timestamp interval is milliseconds and the default value of the
* interval is 1.
* The application program must periodically call this
* function or register a periodic callback to this function to keep the
* timestamp updated and operational for the operation of the Gesture and
* Ballistic multiplier feature.
* The timestamp can be updated in one of the three methods:
* 1. Register a periodic callback for the
* Cy_CapSense_IncrementGestureTimestamp() function.
* 2. Periodically call the Cy_CapSense_IncrementGestureTimestamp() function
* from the application program.
* 3. Directly modify the timestamp using the
* Cy_CapSense_SetGestureTimestamp() function.
* See the function usage example below for more details.
* The interval at which this function is called should match with interval
* defined in context->ptrCommonContext->timestampInterval register. Either the
* register value can be updated to match the callback interval or the callback
* can be made at interval set in the register.
* If a timestamp is available from another source, the application program
* may choose to periodically update the timestamp by using the
* Cy_CapSense_SetGestureTimestamp() function instead of
* registering a callback.
* \param context
* The pointer to the CAPSENSE&trade; context structure \ref cy_stc_capsense_context_t.
* \funcusage
* An example of timestamp updating:
* \snippet capsense/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_CapSense_Timestamp
void Cy_CapSense_IncrementGestureTimestamp(cy_stc_capsense_context_t * context)
context->ptrCommonContext->timestamp +=
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_SetGestureTimestamp
* Rewrites the timestamp register by the specified value.
* This function writes the specified value into the middleware timestamp
* context->ptrCommonContext->timestamp register.
* If a timestamp is available from another source, the application program
* may choose to periodically update the timestamp by using this function
* instead of registering a callback.
* Do not modify the timestamp arbitrarily or simultaneously use with
* the Cy_CapSense_IncrementGestureTimestamp() function, which may result in
* unexpected result.
* \param value
* Specifies the timestamp value (in ms).
* \param context
* The pointer to the CAPSENSE&trade; context structure \ref cy_stc_capsense_context_t.
void Cy_CapSense_SetGestureTimestamp(
uint32_t value,
cy_stc_capsense_context_t * context)
context->ptrCommonContext->timestamp = value;
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_Restore
* Resumes the middleware operation if the Cy_CapSense_Save() function was
* called previously.
* This function, along with the Cy_CapSense_Save() function is specifically
* designed for ease of use and supports time multiplexing of the CAPSENSE&trade; HW
* block among multiple middleware. When the CAPSENSE&trade; HW blocks are shared by
* multiple middleware, this function can be used to restore the previous state of
* the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block(s) and CAPSENSE&trade; Middleware is saved using the
* Cy_CapSense_Save() function. See the function usage example below for
* details on usage.
* This function performs the same tasks as Cy_CapSense_Init() function and is
* kept for API consistency among middlewares. It is recommended to use
* Cy_CapSense_Save() and Cy_CapSense_Restore() functions to implement
* time-multiplexed mode instead of Cy_CapSense_DeInit() and Cy_CapSense_Init()
* functions for further compatibility.
* \param context
* The pointer to the CAPSENSE&trade; context structure \ref cy_stc_capsense_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the status of the resume process. If CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS is not
* received, the resume process fails and retries may be required.
* \funcusage
* An example of sharing the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block by CAPSENSE&trade; and CSDADC middleware:
* \snippet capsense/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_CapSense_TimeMultiplex
cy_capsense_status_t Cy_CapSense_Restore(cy_stc_capsense_context_t * context)
return Cy_CapSense_Restore_V2(context);
return Cy_CapSense_Restore_V3(context);
return Cy_CapSense_Restore_V3Lp(context);
#error Unsupported platform
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_Restore_V2
* Resumes the middleware operation if the Cy_CapSense_Save() function was
* called previously.
* This function, along with the Cy_CapSense_Save() function is specifically
* designed for ease of use and supports time multiplexing of the CAPSENSE&trade; HW
* block among multiple middleware. When the CAPSENSE&trade; HW blocks are shared by
* multiple middleware, this function can be used to restore the previous state of
* the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block(s) and CAPSENSE&trade; Middleware is saved using the
* Cy_CapSense_Save() function. See the function usage example below for
* details on usage.
* This function performs the same tasks as Cy_CapSense_Init() function and is
* kept for API consistency among middlewares. It is recommended to use
* Cy_CapSense_Save() and Cy_CapSense_Restore() functions to implement
* time-multiplexed mode instead of Cy_CapSense_DeInit() and Cy_CapSense_Init()
* functions for further compatibility.
* \param context
* The pointer to the CAPSENSE&trade; context structure \ref cy_stc_capsense_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the status of the resume process. If CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS is not
* received, the resume process fails and retries may be required.
cy_capsense_status_t Cy_CapSense_Restore_V2(cy_stc_capsense_context_t * context)
cy_capsense_status_t capStatus = CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_INVALID_STATE;
cy_en_csd_key_t mvKey;
cy_en_csd_status_t csdHwStatus;
cy_stc_csd_context_t * ptrCsdCxt = context->ptrCommonConfig->ptrCsdContext;
CSD_Type * ptrCsdBaseAdd = context->ptrCommonConfig->ptrCsdBase;
uint32_t watchdogCounter;
/* Number of cycle of one for () loop */
const uint32_t cyclesPerLoop = 5u;
/* Timeout in microseconds */
const uint32_t watchdogTimeoutUs = 10000u;
/* Get the CSD HW block status */
mvKey = Cy_CSD_GetLockStatus(ptrCsdBaseAdd, ptrCsdCxt);
if (CY_CSD_NONE_KEY == mvKey)
/* Reset CSD HW block sequencer state always to handle a corner case when the sequencer is not in the idle state */
context->ptrCommonConfig->ptrCsdBase->INTR_MASK = CY_CAPSENSE_CSD_INTR_MASK_CLEAR_MSK;
context->ptrCommonConfig->ptrCsdBase->SEQ_START = CY_CAPSENSE_CSD_SEQ_START_ABORT_MSK;
watchdogCounter = Cy_CapSense_WatchdogCyclesNum(watchdogTimeoutUs,
context->ptrCommonConfig->cpuClkHz / CY_CAPSENSE_CONVERSION_MEGA, cyclesPerLoop);
csdHwStatus = Cy_CSD_GetConversionStatus(ptrCsdBaseAdd, ptrCsdCxt);
while((CY_CSD_BUSY == csdHwStatus) && (0u != watchdogCounter));
if(CY_CSD_SUCCESS == csdHwStatus)
csdHwStatus = Cy_CSD_Capture(ptrCsdBaseAdd, CY_CSD_CAPSENSE_KEY, ptrCsdCxt);
csdHwStatus = Cy_CSD_Init(ptrCsdBaseAdd, &cy_capsense_csdCfg, CY_CSD_CAPSENSE_KEY, ptrCsdCxt);
/* The time interval is required for settling analog part of the HW block. */
if (CY_CSD_SUCCESS == csdHwStatus)
return capStatus;
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_Restore_V3
* Resumes the middleware operation if the Cy_CapSense_Save() function was
* called previously.
* This function, along with the Cy_CapSense_Save() function is specifically
* designed for ease of use and supports time multiplexing of the CAPSENSE&trade; HW
* block among multiple middleware. When the CAPSENSE&trade; HW blocks are shared by
* multiple middleware, this function can be used to restore the previous state of
* the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block(s) and CAPSENSE&trade; Middleware is saved using the
* Cy_CapSense_Save() function. See the function usage example below for
* details on usage.
* This function performs the same tasks as Cy_CapSense_Init() function and is
* kept for API consistency among middlewares. It is recommended to use
* Cy_CapSense_Save() and Cy_CapSense_Restore() functions to implement
* time-multiplexed mode instead of Cy_CapSense_DeInit() and Cy_CapSense_Init()
* functions for further compatibility.
* \param context
* The pointer to the CAPSENSE&trade; context structure \ref cy_stc_capsense_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the status of the resume process. If CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS is not
* received, the resume process fails and retries may be required.
cy_capsense_status_t Cy_CapSense_Restore_V3(cy_stc_capsense_context_t * context)
uint32_t curChIndex;
cy_en_msc_status_t mscHwStatus;
cy_capsense_status_t capStatus = CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
const cy_stc_capsense_channel_config_t * ptrChConfig = &context->ptrCommonConfig->ptrChConfig[0u];
for (curChIndex = 0u; curChIndex < CY_CAPSENSE_TOTAL_CH_NUMBER; curChIndex++)
/* Get MSC HW blocks statuses */
if (CY_MSC_NONE_KEY != Cy_MSC_GetLockStatus(ptrChConfig->ptrHwBase, ptrChConfig->ptrHwContext))
capStatus = Cy_CapSense_SwitchHwConfiguration(CY_CAPSENSE_HW_CONFIG_CAPTURED_DEFAULT, context);
ptrChConfig = &context->ptrCommonConfig->ptrChConfig[0u];
/* Capture MSC HW blocks */
for (curChIndex = 0u; curChIndex < CY_CAPSENSE_TOTAL_CH_NUMBER; curChIndex++)
mscHwStatus = Cy_MSC_Capture(ptrChConfig->ptrHwBase,
CY_MSC_CAPSENSE_KEY, ptrChConfig->ptrHwContext);
mscHwStatus = Cy_MSC_Init(ptrChConfig->ptrHwBase, &cy_capsense_mscCfg,
CY_MSC_CAPSENSE_KEY, ptrChConfig->ptrHwContext);
if (CY_MSC_SUCCESS != mscHwStatus)
return capStatus;
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_Restore_V3Lp
* Resumes the middleware operation if the Cy_CapSense_Save() function was
* called previously.
* This function, along with the Cy_CapSense_Save() function is specifically
* designed for ease of use and supports time multiplexing of the CAPSENSE&trade; HW
* block among multiple middleware. When the CAPSENSE&trade; HW blocks are shared by
* multiple middleware, this function can be used to restore the previous state of
* the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block(s) and CAPSENSE&trade; Middleware is saved using the
* Cy_CapSense_Save() function. See the function usage example below for
* details on usage.
* This function performs the same tasks as Cy_CapSense_Init() function and is
* kept for API consistency among middlewares. It is recommended to use
* Cy_CapSense_Save() and Cy_CapSense_Restore() functions to implement
* time-multiplexed mode instead of Cy_CapSense_DeInit() and Cy_CapSense_Init()
* functions for further compatibility.
* \param context
* The pointer to the CAPSENSE&trade; context structure \ref cy_stc_capsense_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the status of the resume process. If CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS is not
* received, the resume process fails and retries may be required.
cy_capsense_status_t Cy_CapSense_Restore_V3Lp(cy_stc_capsense_context_t * context)
cy_capsense_status_t capStatus = CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_HW_LOCKED;
cy_en_msclp_status_t msclpHwStatus;
const cy_stc_capsense_channel_config_t * ptrChConfig = context->ptrCommonConfig->ptrChConfig;
if (CY_MSCLP_NONE_KEY == Cy_MSCLP_GetLockStatus(ptrChConfig->ptrHwBase, ptrChConfig->ptrHwContext))
msclpHwStatus = Cy_MSCLP_Capture(ptrChConfig->ptrHwBase,
CY_MSCLP_CAPSENSE_KEY, ptrChConfig->ptrHwContext);
msclpHwStatus = Cy_MSCLP_Init(ptrChConfig->ptrHwBase, &cy_capsense_msclpCfg,
CY_MSCLP_CAPSENSE_KEY, ptrChConfig->ptrHwContext);
if (CY_MSCLP_SUCCESS != msclpHwStatus)
capStatus = Cy_CapSense_SwitchHwConfiguration(CY_CAPSENSE_HW_CONFIG_CAPTURED_DEFAULT, context);
return capStatus;
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_Save
* Saves the state of CAPSENSE&trade; so the functionality can be restored
* using the Cy_CapSense_Restore() function.
* This function, along with the Cy_CapSense_Restore() function, is specifically
* designed for ease of use and supports time multiplexing of the CAPSENSE&trade; HW
* block among multiple middleware. When the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block is shared by
* multiple middleware, this function can be used to save the current state of
* the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block and CAPSENSE&trade; Middleware prior to releasing the
* CAPSENSE&trade; HW block for use by other middleware. See the function usage example
* below for details on usage.
* This function performs the same tasks as the Cy_CapSense_DeInit() function and is
* kept for API consistency among middlewares. It is recommended to use
* Cy_CapSense_Save() and Cy_CapSense_Restore() functions to implement
* Time-multiplexed mode instead of Cy_CapSense_DeInit() and Cy_CapSense_Init()
* functions for further compatibility.
* This function performs the following operations:
* * Releases the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block.
* * Configures sensor pins to the default state and disconnects them from
* analog buses.
* * Disconnects external capacitors from analog buses.
* * Sets the middleware state to default.
* \param context
* The pointer to the CAPSENSE&trade; context structure \ref cy_stc_capsense_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the status of the process. If CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS is not received,
* the save process fails and retries may be required.
* \funcusage
* An example of sharing the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block by the CAPSENSE&trade; and CSDADC middleware.<br>
* Declares the CapSense_ISR_cfg variable:
* \snippet capsense/snippet/main.c snippet_m4_capsense_interrupt_source_declaration
* Declares the CSDADC_ISR_cfg variable:
* \snippet capsense/snippet/main.c snippet_m4_adc_interrupt_source_declaration
* Defines the CapSense interrupt handler:
* \snippet capsense/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_CapSense_IntHandler
* Defines the CSDADC interrupt handler:
* \snippet capsense/snippet/main.c snippet_CSDADC_Interrupt
* The part of the main.c FW flow:
* \snippet capsense/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_CapSense_TimeMultiplex
cy_capsense_status_t Cy_CapSense_Save(cy_stc_capsense_context_t * context)
return Cy_CapSense_Save_V2(context);
return Cy_CapSense_Save_V3(context);
return Cy_CapSense_Save_V3Lp(context);
#error Unsupported platform
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_Save_V3Lp
* Saves the state of CAPSENSE&trade; so the functionality can be restored
* using the Cy_CapSense_Restore() function.
* This function, along with the Cy_CapSense_Restore() function, is specifically
* designed for ease of use and supports time multiplexing of the CAPSENSE&trade; HW
* block among multiple middleware. When the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block is shared by
* multiple middleware, this function can be used to save the current state of
* the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block and CAPSENSE&trade; Middleware prior to releasing the
* CAPSENSE&trade; HW block for use by other middleware. See the function usage example
* below for details on usage.
* This function performs the same tasks as the Cy_CapSense_DeInit() function and is
* kept for API consistency among middlewares. It is recommended to use
* Cy_CapSense_Save() and Cy_CapSense_Restore() functions to implement
* Time-multiplexed mode instead of Cy_CapSense_DeInit() and Cy_CapSense_Init()
* functions for further compatibility.
* This function performs the following operations:
* * Releases the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block.
* * Configures sensor pins to the default state and disconnects them from
* analog buses.
* * Disconnects external capacitors from analog buses.
* * Sets the middleware state to default.
* \param context
* The pointer to the CAPSENSE&trade; context structure \ref cy_stc_capsense_context_t.
* \return status
* Returns the status of the operation:
* - CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS - The operation is performed successfully.
cy_capsense_status_t Cy_CapSense_Save_V3Lp(cy_stc_capsense_context_t * context)
cy_en_msclp_status_t initStatus;
cy_capsense_status_t capStatus = CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_INVALID_STATE;
const cy_stc_capsense_channel_config_t * ptrChannel = context->ptrCommonConfig->ptrChConfig;
if (CY_CAPSENSE_NOT_BUSY == Cy_CapSense_IsBusy(context))
if (CY_MSCLP_CAPSENSE_KEY == Cy_MSCLP_GetLockStatus(ptrChannel->ptrHwBase, ptrChannel->ptrHwContext))
/* Disconnect external capacitors and sensor pins from analog bus */
(void)Cy_CapSense_SwitchHwConfiguration(CY_CAPSENSE_HW_CONFIG_UNDEFINED, context);
initStatus = Cy_MSCLP_DeInit(ptrChannel->ptrHwBase, CY_MSCLP_CAPSENSE_KEY, ptrChannel->ptrHwContext);
if (CY_MSCLP_SUCCESS == initStatus)
return capStatus;
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_Save_V3
* Saves the state of CAPSENSE&trade; so the functionality can be restored
* using the Cy_CapSense_Restore() function.
* This function, along with the Cy_CapSense_Restore() function, is specifically
* designed for ease of use and supports time multiplexing of the CAPSENSE&trade; HW
* block among multiple middleware. When the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block is shared by
* multiple middleware, this function can be used to save the current state of
* the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block and CAPSENSE&trade; Middleware prior to releasing the
* CAPSENSE&trade; HW block for use by other middleware. See the function usage example
* below for details on usage.
* This function performs the same tasks as the Cy_CapSense_DeInit() function and is
* kept for API consistency among middlewares. It is recommended to use
* Cy_CapSense_Save() and Cy_CapSense_Restore() functions to implement
* Time-multiplexed mode instead of Cy_CapSense_DeInit() and Cy_CapSense_Init()
* functions for further compatibility.
* This function performs the following operations:
* * Releases the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block.
* * Configures sensor pins to the default state and disconnects them from
* analog buses.
* * Disconnects external capacitors from analog buses.
* * Sets the middleware state to default.
* \param context
* The pointer to the CAPSENSE&trade; context structure \ref cy_stc_capsense_context_t.
* \return status
* Returns the status of the operation:
* - CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS - The operation is performed successfully.
cy_capsense_status_t Cy_CapSense_Save_V3(cy_stc_capsense_context_t * context)
uint32_t curChIndex;
cy_en_msc_status_t initStatus;
cy_capsense_status_t capStatus = CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
const cy_stc_capsense_channel_config_t * ptrChannel = context->ptrCommonConfig->ptrChConfig;
if (CY_CAPSENSE_NOT_BUSY == Cy_CapSense_IsBusy(context))
for (curChIndex = 0u; curChIndex < CY_CAPSENSE_TOTAL_CH_NUMBER; curChIndex++)
/* Get MSC HW blocks statuses */
if (CY_MSC_CAPSENSE_KEY != Cy_MSC_GetLockStatus(ptrChannel[curChIndex].ptrHwBase, ptrChannel[curChIndex].ptrHwContext))
capStatus = Cy_CapSense_SwitchHwConfiguration(CY_CAPSENSE_HW_CONFIG_UNDEFINED, context);
for (curChIndex = 0u; curChIndex < CY_CAPSENSE_TOTAL_CH_NUMBER; curChIndex++)
initStatus = Cy_MSC_DeInit(ptrChannel[curChIndex].ptrHwBase, CY_MSC_CAPSENSE_KEY, ptrChannel[curChIndex].ptrHwContext);
if (CY_MSC_SUCCESS != initStatus)
return capStatus;
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_Save_V2
* Saves the state of CAPSENSE&trade; so the functionality can be restored
* using the Cy_CapSense_Restore() function.
* This function, along with the Cy_CapSense_Restore() function, is specifically
* designed for ease of use and supports time multiplexing of the CAPSENSE&trade; HW
* block among multiple middleware. When the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block is shared by
* multiple middleware, this function can be used to save the current state of
* the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block and CAPSENSE&trade; Middleware prior to releasing the
* CAPSENSE&trade; HW block for use by other middleware. See the function usage example
* below for details on usage.
* This function performs the same tasks as the Cy_CapSense_DeInit() function and is
* kept for API consistency among middlewares. It is recommended to use
* Cy_CapSense_Save() and Cy_CapSense_Restore() functions to implement
* Time-multiplexed mode instead of Cy_CapSense_DeInit() and Cy_CapSense_Init()
* functions for further compatibility.
* This function performs the following operations:
* * Releases the CAPSENSE&trade; HW block.
* * Configures sensor pins to the default state and disconnects them from
* analog buses.
* * Disconnects external capacitors from analog buses.
* * Sets the middleware state to default.
* \param context
* The pointer to the CAPSENSE&trade; context structure \ref cy_stc_capsense_context_t.
* \return status
* Returns the status of the operation:
* - CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS - The operation is performed successfully.
cy_capsense_status_t Cy_CapSense_Save_V2(cy_stc_capsense_context_t * context)
cy_capsense_status_t capStatus = CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_INVALID_STATE;
cy_en_csd_status_t initStatus;
if (CY_CAPSENSE_NOT_BUSY == Cy_CapSense_IsBusy(context))
/* Disconnect external capacitors and sensor pins from analog bus */
(void)Cy_CapSense_SwitchSensingMode(CY_CAPSENSE_UNDEFINED_GROUP, context);
/* Release the CSD HW block */
initStatus = Cy_CSD_DeInit(
if (CY_CSD_SUCCESS == initStatus)
return capStatus;
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_RegisterCallback
* Registers a ures's callback function.
* The registered function will be called by the CAPSENSE&trade; middleware when
* the specified event \ref cy_en_capsense_callback_event_t has occurred in
* the CAPSENSE&trade; middleware.
* \param callbackType
* The event on which the registered user's function is called by the CAPSENSE&trade;
* middleware. Refer to \ref cy_en_capsense_callback_event_t for the list of
* supported events.
* \param callbackFunction
* The pointer to the user's callback function to be called by the middleware.
* \param context
* The pointer to the CAPSENSE&trade; context structure \ref cy_stc_capsense_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the status of the callback registration:
* - CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS - The action performed successfully.
* - CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_BAD_PARAM - The input parameter is invalid.
cy_capsense_status_t Cy_CapSense_RegisterCallback(
cy_en_capsense_callback_event_t callbackType,
cy_capsense_callback_t callbackFunction,
cy_stc_capsense_context_t * context)
cy_capsense_status_t retVal = CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
if ((NULL != callbackFunction) && (NULL != context))
switch (callbackType)
context->ptrInternalContext->ptrSSCallback = callbackFunction;
context->ptrInternalContext->ptrEOSCallback = callbackFunction;
return retVal;
* Function Name: Cy_CapSense_UnRegisterCallback
* This function unregisters a previously registered user's callback function
* in the CAPSENSE&trade; middleware.
* \param callbackType
* The event on which the callback function should be unregistered.
* Refer to \ref cy_en_capsense_callback_event_t for the list of
* supported events.
* \param context
* The pointer to the CAPSENSE&trade; context structure \ref cy_stc_capsense_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the status of the callback deregistration:
* - CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS - The action performed successfully.
* - CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_BAD_PARAM - The input parameter is invalid.
cy_capsense_status_t Cy_CapSense_UnRegisterCallback(
cy_en_capsense_callback_event_t callbackType,
cy_stc_capsense_context_t * context)
cy_capsense_status_t retVal = CY_CAPSENSE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
if (NULL != context)
switch (callbackType)
context->ptrInternalContext->ptrSSCallback = NULL;
context->ptrInternalContext->ptrEOSCallback = NULL;
return retVal;
#endif /* (defined(CY_IP_MXCSDV2) || defined(CY_IP_M0S8CSDV2) || defined(CY_IP_M0S8MSCV3) || defined(CY_IP_M0S8MSCV3LP)) */
/* [] END OF FILE */