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1994 lines (1811 sloc) 72.1 KB
* \file cy_em_eeprom.c
* \version 2.20
* \brief
* This file provides source code of the API for the Emulated EEPROM library.
* The Emulated EEPROM API allows creating an emulated EEPROM in flash that
* has the ability to do wear leveling and restore corrupted data from a
* redundant copy.
* \copyright
* (c) (2017-2021), Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "cy_em_eeprom.h"
* Private Function Prototypes
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t CheckRanges(
const cy_stc_eeprom_config_t * config);
static uint8_t CalcChecksum(
const uint8_t rowData[],
uint32_t len);
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t WriteRow(
const uint32_t * rowAddr,
const uint32_t * rowData,
const cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context);
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t EraseRow(
const uint32_t * rowAddr,
const uint32_t * ramBuffAddr,
const cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context);
static uint32_t CalculateRowChecksum(
const uint32_t * ptrRow);
static uint32_t GetStoredRowChecksum(
const uint32_t * ptrRow);
static uint32_t GetStoredSeqNum(
const uint32_t * ptrRow);
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t CheckRowChecksum(
const uint32_t * ptrRow);
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t DefineLastWrittenRow(
cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context);
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t ReadSimpleMode(
uint32_t addr,
void * eepromData,
uint32_t size,
const cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context);
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t ReadExtendedMode(
uint32_t addr,
void * eepromData,
uint32_t size,
cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context);
#if (!(defined(CY_IP_M0S8CPUSSV3) || defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS))) /* Only for PSoC 6 */
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t WaitTillComplete(void);
#endif /* (!(defined(CY_IP_M0S8CPUSSV3) || defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS))) */
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t WriteExtendedMode(
uint32_t addr,
const void * eepromData,
uint32_t size,
cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context);
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t WriteSimpleMode(
uint32_t addr,
const void * eepromData,
uint32_t size,
cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context);
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t CheckLastWrittenRowIntegrity(
uint32_t * ptrSeqNum,
cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context);
static uint32_t * GetNextRowPointer(
uint32_t * ptrRow,
const cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context);
static uint32_t * GetReadRowPointer(
uint32_t * ptrRow,
const cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context);
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t CopyHistoricData(
uint32_t * ptrRowWrite,
uint32_t * ptrRow,
const cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context);
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t CopyHeadersData(
uint32_t * ptrRowWrite,
uint32_t * ptrRow,
const cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context);
#if (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) /* XMC7xxx */
/* CM7 Data Cache Line Size */
static int WorkFlashBlankCheck(
uint32_t *addr,
uint32_t size);
static cy_en_flashdrv_status_t WorkFlashProgramRow(
uint32_t *addr,
uint8_t *data);
static bool WorkFlashBoundsCheck(
uint32_t address_start,
uint32_t address_end);
#endif /* (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
* Function Name: Cy_Em_EEPROM_Init
* Initializes the Emulated EEPROM library by filling the context structure.
* This function is called by the application program prior to calling any
* other function of the Em_EEPROM middleware.
* Do not modify the context structure after it is filled with this function.
* Modification of the context structure may cause unexpected behavior
* of the Cy_Em_EEPROM functions that rely on this context structure.
* This function does the following:
* 1. Checks the provided configuration for correctness.
* 2. Copies the provided configuration into the context structure.
* \param config
* The pointer to the configuration structure. See \ref cy_stc_eeprom_config_t.
* \param context
* The pointer to the Em_EEPROM context structure to be filled by the function.
* See \ref cy_stc_eeprom_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the status of the operation \ref cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t :
* - CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS - The operation is successfully completed.
* - CY_EM_EEPROM_BAD_PARAM - The input parameter is invalid.
* - CY_EM_EEPROM_BAD_DATA - The configuration is incorrect.
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t Cy_Em_EEPROM_Init(
const cy_stc_eeprom_config_t * config,
cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context)
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t ret = CY_EM_EEPROM_BAD_PARAM;
if ((NULL != context) && (NULL != config))
ret = CheckRanges(config);
#if (defined(CY_IP_M0S8CPUSSV3) || defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) /* Only for PSoC 4 or XMC7xxx */
if (CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS == ret) {
if (config->blockingWrite == 0u) {
#endif /* (defined(CY_IP_M0S8CPUSSV3) || defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
/* Copies the user's config structure fields into the context */
context->eepromSize = config->eepromSize;
context->simpleMode = config->simpleMode;
if (0u != context->simpleMode)
context->wearLevelingFactor = 1u;
context->redundantCopy = 0u;
context->wearLevelingFactor = config->wearLevelingFactor;
context->redundantCopy = config->redundantCopy;
context->blockingWrite = config->blockingWrite;
context->userFlashStartAddr = config->userFlashStartAddr;
/* Stores frequently used data for internal use */
context->numberOfRows = CY_EM_EEPROM_GET_NUM_ROWS_IN_EEPROM(context->eepromSize, context->simpleMode);
context->byteInRow = CY_EM_EEPROM_EEPROM_DATA_LEN(context->simpleMode);
#if (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) /* XMC7xxx */
#endif /* (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
* Function Name: Cy_Em_EEPROM_Read
* Reads data from a specified location. This function takes a logical
* Em_EEPROM address, converts it to an actual physical address where
* data is stored and returns the data to the user.
* This function uses a buffer of the flash row size to perform the read
* operation. For the size of the row, refer to the specific PSoC device
* datasheet.
* There are restrictions on using the read-while-write (RWW) feature for
* EEPROM emulation. There are also multiple constraints for blocking and
* nonblocking flash operations, relating to interrupts, power modes,
* IPC usage, etc. Refer to the "Flash (Flash System Routine)" section of
* the CAT1 Peripheral Driver Library (mtb-pdl-cat1) API Reference Manual.<br>
* \param addr
* The logical start address in the Em_EEPROM storage to start reading data from.
* \param eepromData
* The pointer to a user array to write data to.
* \param size
* The amount of data to read in bytes.
* \param context
* The pointer to the Em_EEPROM context structure \ref cy_stc_eeprom_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the status of the operation \ref cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t :
* - CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS - The operation is successfully completed.
* - CY_EM_EEPROM_BAD_CHECKSUM - One of the row the data read from contains bad checksum.
* - CY_EM_EEPROM_REDUNDANT_COPY_USED - Some data were read from redundant copy.
* - CY_EM_EEPROM_BAD_PARAM - The function input parameter is invalid.
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t Cy_Em_EEPROM_Read(
uint32_t addr,
void * eepromData,
uint32_t size,
cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context)
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t ret = CY_EM_EEPROM_BAD_PARAM;
/* Validates the input parameters */
if ((0u != size) && ((addr + size) <= (context->eepromSize)) && (NULL != eepromData))
if (0u != context->simpleMode)
ret = ReadSimpleMode(addr, eepromData, size, (const cy_stc_eeprom_context_t *)context);
ret = ReadExtendedMode(addr, eepromData, size, context);
* Function Name: ReadSimpleMode
* Reads data from a specified location in Simple mode only.
* \param addr
* The logical start address in the Em_EEPROM storage to start reading data from.
* \param eepromData
* The pointer to a user array to write data to.
* \param size
* The amount of data to read in bytes.
* \param context
* The pointer to the Em_EEPROM context structure \ref cy_stc_eeprom_context_t.
* \return
* This function returns \ref cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t.
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t ReadSimpleMode(
uint32_t addr,
void * eepromData,
uint32_t size,
const cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context)
uint8_t * eepromData_p = eepromData;
#if (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) /* XMC7xxx */
if (WorkFlashBlankCheck((uint32_t *)(context->userFlashStartAddr + addr), size )) {
/* Fills the RAM buffer with flash data for the case when not a whole row is requested to be overwritten */
(void)memset((void *)eepromData_p, 0, size);
} else {
(void)memcpy(eepromData_p, (const void *)(context->userFlashStartAddr + addr), size);
#else /* (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
/* Copies data to the user's buffer */
(void)memcpy(eepromData_p, (const uint8_t *)(context->userFlashStartAddr + addr), size);
#endif /* (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
* Function Name: ReadExtendedMode
* Reads data from a specified location when Simple Mode is disabled.
* \param addr
* The logical start address in the Em_EEPROM storage to start reading data from.
* \param eepromData
* The pointer to a user array to write data to.
* \param size
* The amount of data to read in bytes.
* \param context
* The pointer to the Em_EEPROM context structure \ref cy_stc_eeprom_context_t.
* \return
* This function returns \ref cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t.
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t ReadExtendedMode(
uint32_t addr,
void * eepromData,
uint32_t size,
cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context)
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t ret = CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS;
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t retHistoricCrc;
uint32_t i;
uint32_t k;
uint32_t numRowReads;
uint32_t seqNum;
uint32_t sizeToCopy;
uint32_t sizeRemaining;
uint32_t userBufferAddr;
uint8_t * userBufferAddr_p;
uint32_t * ptrRow;
uint32_t * ptrRowWork;
uint32_t curRowOffset;
uint32_t strHistAddr;
uint32_t endHistAddr;
uint32_t currentAddr;
uint32_t strHeadAddr;
uint32_t endHeadAddr;
uint32_t dstOffset;
uint32_t srcOffset;
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t crcStatus;
uint32_t numReads = context->numberOfRows;
/* 1. Clears the user buffer */
(void)memset(eepromData, 0, size);
/* 2. Ensures the last written row is correct */
(void)CheckLastWrittenRowIntegrity(&seqNum, context);
/* 3. Reads relevant historic data into user's buffer */
currentAddr = addr;
sizeRemaining = size;
userBufferAddr_p = eepromData;
userBufferAddr = (uint32_t)userBufferAddr_p;
numRowReads = ((((addr + size) - 1u) / context->byteInRow) - (addr / context->byteInRow)) + 1u;
ptrRow = (uint32_t *)(context->userFlashStartAddr + (CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW * (addr / context->byteInRow)));
for (i = 0u; i < numRowReads; i++)
if (1u < context->wearLevelingFactor)
/* Jumps to the active sector if wear leveling is enabled */
ptrRow = GetReadRowPointer(context->ptrLastWrittenRow, context);
/* Finds a row in the active sector with a relevant historic data address */
for (k = 0u; k < context->numberOfRows; k++)
ptrRow = GetNextRowPointer(ptrRow, context);
strHistAddr = ((((uint32_t)ptrRow - context->userFlashStartAddr) /
CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW) % context->numberOfRows) *
endHistAddr = strHistAddr + (CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW / 2u);
if ((currentAddr >= strHistAddr) && (currentAddr < endHistAddr))
/* The row with needed address is found */
curRowOffset = context->byteInRow + (currentAddr % context->byteInRow);
sizeToCopy = context->byteInRow - (currentAddr % context->byteInRow);
if (i >= (numRowReads - 1u))
sizeToCopy = sizeRemaining;
retHistoricCrc = CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS;
if (CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS != CheckRowChecksum(ptrRow))
/* CRC is bad. Checks if the redundant copy if enabled */
if (0u != context->redundantCopy)
ptrRow += ((context->numberOfRows * context->wearLevelingFactor) *
if (CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS == CheckRowChecksum(ptrRow))
/* If the correct CRC is found, then copies the data to the user's buffer */
if (CY_EM_EEPROM_BAD_CHECKSUM != retHistoricCrc)
(void)memcpy((uint8_t *)userBufferAddr, (const uint8_t *)((uint32_t)ptrRow + curRowOffset), sizeToCopy);
(void)memset((uint8_t *)userBufferAddr, 0, sizeToCopy);
if ((0u == GetStoredSeqNum(ptrRow)) && (0u == GetStoredRowChecksum(ptrRow)))
* Considers a row with a bad checksum as the row never that has never been
* written before if the sequence number and CRC values are zeros.
* In this case, reports zeros and does not
* report the failed status of the write operation.
retHistoricCrc = CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS;
if (1u >= context->wearLevelingFactor)
ptrRow = GetNextRowPointer(ptrRow, context);
sizeRemaining -= sizeToCopy;
currentAddr += sizeToCopy;
userBufferAddr += sizeToCopy;
/* Reports the status of the CRC verification in the following order:
* The highest priority: CY_EM_EEPROM_BAD_CHECKSUM
* The lowest priority: CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS
if (CY_EM_EEPROM_BAD_CHECKSUM == retHistoricCrc)
ret = retHistoricCrc;
/* 4. Reads data from all active headers */
ptrRow = GetReadRowPointer(context->ptrLastWrittenRow, context);
for (i = 0u; i < numReads; i++)
ptrRow = GetNextRowPointer(ptrRow, context);
ptrRowWork = ptrRow;
/* Checks CRC of the row to be read except the last row of a recently created header */
crcStatus = CheckRowChecksum(ptrRowWork);
if ((CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS != crcStatus) && (0u != context->redundantCopy))
/* Calculates the redundant copy pointer */
ptrRowWork += ((context->numberOfRows * context->wearLevelingFactor) *
crcStatus = CheckRowChecksum(ptrRowWork);
/* Skips the row if CRC is bad */
if (CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS == crcStatus)
/* The address of header data */
strHeadAddr = ptrRowWork[CY_EM_EEPROM_HEADER_ADDR_OFFSET_U32];
endHeadAddr = strHeadAddr + ptrRowWork[CY_EM_EEPROM_HEADER_LEN_OFFSET_U32];
/* Skips the row if the header data address is out of the user's requested address range */
if ((strHeadAddr < (addr + size)) && (endHeadAddr > addr))
dstOffset = (strHeadAddr > addr) ? (strHeadAddr - addr): (0u);
srcOffset = (strHeadAddr > addr) ? (0u) : (addr - strHeadAddr);
/* Calculates the number of bytes to be read from the current row's EEPROM header */
sizeToCopy = (strHeadAddr > addr) ? (strHeadAddr) : (addr);
sizeToCopy = ((endHeadAddr < (addr + size)) ? endHeadAddr : (addr + size)) - sizeToCopy;
userBufferAddr_p = eepromData;
/* Reads from the memory and writes to the buffer */
(void)memcpy((uint8_t *)((uint32_t)userBufferAddr_p + dstOffset),
(const uint8_t *)((uint32_t)ptrRowWork + srcOffset + CY_EM_EEPROM_HEADER_DATA_OFFSET),
* Function Name: Cy_Em_EEPROM_Write
* Writes data to a specified location. This function takes the
* logical Em_EEPROM address and converts it to an actual physical address
* and writes data there. If wear leveling is enabled, the writing process
* uses the wear leveling techniques.
* This is a blocking function and it does not return until the write
* operation is completed. The user's application program cannot enter
* Hibernate mode until the write is completed.
* The write operation is allowed in CPU Sleep mode.
* Do not reset your device during the flash operation, including the XRES pin,
* a software reset, and watchdog reset sources. Also, configure low-voltage
* detect circuits to generate an interrupt instead of a reset. Otherwise,
* portions of flash may undergo unexpected changes.
* This function uses a buffer of the flash row size to perform the write
* operation. All write operations are done for flash row size.
* For the size of the row, refer to the specific PSoC device
* datasheet.
* If the blocking write option is used (PSoC 6), and write or erase operations
* are performed by CM4, the user's code on CM0P and CM4 is blocked until the
* operations are completed. If the operations are performed by CM0P, the
* user's code on CM4 is not blocked and the user code's on CM0P is blocked
* until the operation is completed. Plan your task allocation accordingly.
* There are restrictions on using the read-while-write (RWW) feature for
* EEPROM emulation. There are also multiple constraints for blocking and
* nonblocking flash operations, relating to interrupts, Power modes,
* IPC usage, etc. Refer to the "Flash (Flash System Routine)" section of
* the CAT1 Peripheral Driver Library (mtb-pdl-cat1) API Reference Manual.<br>
* \param addr
* The logical start address in the Em_EEPROM storage to start writing data to.
* \param eepromData
* Data to write to Em_EEPROM.
* \param size
* The amount of data to write to Em_EEPROM in bytes.
* \param context
* The pointer to the Em_EEPROM context structure \ref cy_stc_eeprom_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the status of the operation \ref cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t :
* - CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS - The operation is successfully completed.
* - CY_EM_EEPROM_BAD_CHECKSUM - One of the row the data read from contains bad checksum.
* - CY_EM_EEPROM_REDUNDANT_COPY_USED - Some data were read from redundant copy.
* - CY_EM_EEPROM_WRITE_FAIL - The write operation is failed.
* - CY_EM_EEPROM_BAD_PARAM - The function input parameter is invalid.
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t Cy_Em_EEPROM_Write(
uint32_t addr,
const void * eepromData,
uint32_t size,
cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context)
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t ret = CY_EM_EEPROM_BAD_PARAM;
/* Checks if the Em_EEPROM data does not exceed the Em_EEPROM capacity */
if ((0u != size) && ((addr + size) <= (context->eepromSize)) && (NULL != eepromData))
if (0u != context->simpleMode)
ret = WriteSimpleMode(addr, eepromData, size, context);
ret = WriteExtendedMode(addr, eepromData, size, context);
* Function Name: WriteSimpleMode
* Writes data to a specified location in Simple Mode only.
* \param addr
* The logical start address in the Em_EEPROM storage to start writing data to.
* \param eepromData
* Data to write to Em_EEPROM.
* \param size
* The amount of data to write to Em_EEPROM in bytes.
* \param context
* The pointer to the Em_EEPROM context structure \ref cy_stc_eeprom_context_t.
* \return
* This function returns \ref cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t.
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t WriteSimpleMode(
uint32_t addr,
const void * eepromData,
uint32_t size,
cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context)
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t ret;
uint32_t wrCnt = 0u;
uint32_t numBytes;
uint32_t startAddr = addr % CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW;
uint32_t numWrites = (((size + startAddr) - 1u) / CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW) + 1u;
uint32_t * ptrRow = (uint32_t *)(context->userFlashStartAddr + (addr - startAddr));
const uint8_t * ptrUserData_p = eepromData;
uint32_t ptrUserData = (uint32_t)ptrUserData_p;
#if defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)
/* PDL requires DCache Line Size aligned Write buffer with DCache Enabled */
uint32_t *writeRamBuffer;
#else /* defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS) */
uint32_t writeRamBuffer[CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW_U32];
#endif /* defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS) */
uint32_t lc_size = size;
#if defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)
if (((uint32_t) &writeRamBuffer_a[0] & (CM7_CACHELINE_SIZE - 1)) == 0x0) {
writeRamBuffer = writeRamBuffer_a;
} else {
writeRamBuffer = (uint32_t *)(((uint32_t) &writeRamBuffer_a[0] + CM7_CACHELINE_SIZE) & ~(CM7_CACHELINE_SIZE - 1));
#endif /* defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS) */
#if (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) /* XMC7xxx */
/* Fills the RAM buffer with flash data for the case when not a whole row is requested to be overwritten */
if (WorkFlashBlankCheck(ptrRow, CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW )) {
(void)memset((uint8_t *)&writeRamBuffer[0u], 0, CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW);
} else {
(void)memcpy((uint8_t *)&writeRamBuffer[0u], (const uint8_t *)ptrRow, CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW);
#else /* (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
/* Fills the RAM buffer with flash data for the case when not a whole row is requested to be overwritten */
(void)memcpy((uint8_t *)&writeRamBuffer[0u], (const uint8_t *)ptrRow, CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW);
#endif /* (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
/* Calculates the number of bytes to be written into the current row */
numBytes = CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW - startAddr;
if (numBytes > lc_size)
numBytes = lc_size;
/* Overwrites the RAM buffer with new data */
(void)memcpy((uint8_t *)((uint32_t)&writeRamBuffer[0u] + startAddr), (const uint8_t *)ptrUserData, numBytes);
/* Writes data to the specified flash row */
ret = WriteRow(ptrRow, &writeRamBuffer[0u], context);
context->ptrLastWrittenRow = ptrRow;
/* Update pointers for the next row to be written if any */
startAddr = 0u;
lc_size -= numBytes;
ptrUserData += numBytes;
while (wrCnt < numWrites);
* Function Name: WriteExtendedMode
* Writes data to a specified location when Simple Mode is disabled.
* \param addr
* The logical start address in the Em_EEPROM storage to start writing data to.
* \param eepromData
* Data to write to Em_EEPROM.
* \param size
* The amount of data to write to Em_EEPROM in bytes.
* \param context
* The pointer to the Em_EEPROM context structure \ref cy_stc_eeprom_context_t.
* \return
* This function returns \ref cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t.
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t WriteExtendedMode(
uint32_t addr,
const void * eepromData,
uint32_t size,
cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context)
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t ret = CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS;
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t retWriteRow = CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS;
uint32_t wrCnt;
uint32_t seqNum;
uint32_t * ptrRow;
uint32_t * ptrRowCopy;
#if defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)
/* PDL requires DCache Line Size aligned Write buffer with DCache Enabled */
uint32_t *writeRamBuffer;
#else /* defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS) */
uint32_t writeRamBuffer[CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW_U32];
#endif /* defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS) */
const uint8_t * userBufferAddr_p = eepromData;
uint32_t ptrUserData = (uint32_t)userBufferAddr_p;
uint32_t numWrites = ((size - 1u) / CY_EM_EEPROM_HEADER_DATA_LEN) + 1u;
uint32_t lc_addr = addr;
uint32_t lc_size = size;
#if defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)
if (((uint32_t) &writeRamBuffer_a[0] & (CM7_CACHELINE_SIZE - 1)) == 0x0) {
writeRamBuffer = writeRamBuffer_a;
} else {
writeRamBuffer = (uint32_t *)(((uint32_t) &writeRamBuffer_a[0] + CM7_CACHELINE_SIZE) & ~(CM7_CACHELINE_SIZE - 1));
#endif /* defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS) */
/* Checks CRC of the last written row and find the last written row if the CRC is broken */
(void)CheckLastWrittenRowIntegrity(&seqNum, context);
ptrRow = context->ptrLastWrittenRow;
for (wrCnt = 0u; wrCnt < numWrites; wrCnt++)
ptrRow = GetNextRowPointer(ptrRow, context);
/* 1. Clears the RAM buffer */
(void)memset(&writeRamBuffer[0u], 0, CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW);
/* 2. Fills the EM_EEPROM service header info */
writeRamBuffer[CY_EM_EEPROM_HEADER_SEQ_NUM_OFFSET_U32] = seqNum;
writeRamBuffer[CY_EM_EEPROM_HEADER_ADDR_OFFSET_U32] = lc_addr;
if (wrCnt == (numWrites - 1u))
/* Fills in the remaining size if this is the last row to write */
writeRamBuffer[CY_EM_EEPROM_HEADER_LEN_OFFSET_U32] = lc_size;
/* 3. Writes the user's data to the buffer */
(void)memcpy((uint8_t *)&writeRamBuffer[CY_EM_EEPROM_HEADER_DATA_OFFSET_U32],
(const uint8_t *)ptrUserData,
/* 4. Writes the historic data to the buffer */
ret = CopyHistoricData(&writeRamBuffer[0u], ptrRow, context);
/* 5. Writes the data from other headers */
ret = CopyHeadersData(&writeRamBuffer[0u], ptrRow, context);
/* 6. Calculates a checksum */
writeRamBuffer[CY_EM_EEPROM_HEADER_CHECKSUM_OFFSET_U32] = CalculateRowChecksum(&writeRamBuffer[0u]);
/* 7. Writes data to the specified flash row */
retWriteRow = WriteRow(ptrRow, &writeRamBuffer[0u], context);
if ((CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS == retWriteRow) && (0u != context->redundantCopy))
/* Writes data to the specified flash row in the redundant copy area */
ptrRowCopy = ptrRow + ((context->numberOfRows * context->wearLevelingFactor) * CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW_U32);
retWriteRow = WriteRow(ptrRowCopy, &writeRamBuffer[0u], context);
if (CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS == retWriteRow)
context->ptrLastWrittenRow = ptrRow;
/* Switches to the next row */
if (CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS != retWriteRow)
ret = retWriteRow;
* Function Name: Cy_Em_EEPROM_Erase
* This function erases the entire content of Em_EEPROM.
* Erased values are all zeros.
* In the \ref section_em_eeprom_mode_simple the function just erases the
* entire content of Em_EEPROM.
* When Simple Mode is disabled, the function first performs one write
* operation to keep the number of writes completed so far and then erases
* all rest content of Em_EEPROM memory. So, the Cy_Em_EEPROM_NumWrites()
* function returns the correct value.
* Refer to the Cy_Em_EEPROM_Write() function for the side effect of the
* write operation. If the write operation is failed then corresponding
* status is returned and no erase operation is executed.
* This function uses a buffer of the flash row size to perform the erase
* operation. For the size of the row, refer to the specific PSoC device
* datasheet.
* This is a blocking function and it does not return until the erase
* operation is completed. The user's application program cannot enter
* Hibernate mode until the write is completed.
* The write operation is allowed in CPU Sleep mode.
* Do not reset your device during the flash operation, including the XRES pin,
* a software reset, and watchdog reset sources. Also, configure low-voltage
* detect circuits to generate an interrupt instead of a reset. Otherwise,
* portions of flash may undergo unexpected changes.
* If the blocking write option is used, and write or erase operations are
* performed by CM4, the user's code on CM0P and CM4 is blocked until the
* operations are completed. If the operations are performed by CM0P, the
* user's code on CM4 is not blocked and the user code's on CM0P is blocked
* until the operation is completed. Plan your task allocation accordingly.
* There are restrictions on using the read-while-write (RWW) feature for
* EEPROM emulation. There are also multiple constraints for blocking and
* nonblocking flash operations, relating to interrupts, power mode,
* IPC usage, etc. Refer to the "Flash (Flash System Routine)" section of
* the CAT1 Peripheral Driver Library (mtb-pdl-cat1) API Reference Manual.<br>
* Also, refer to the \ref section_em_eeprom_miscellaneous section for
* the different Em_EEPROM middleware restrictions and limitations.
* \param context
* The pointer to the Em_EEPROM context structure \ref cy_stc_eeprom_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the status of the operation \ref cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t :
* - CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS - The operation is successfully completed.
* - CY_EM_EEPROM_WRITE_FAIL - The either Write or Erase operation is failed.
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t Cy_Em_EEPROM_Erase(cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context)
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t ret = CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS;
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t retStatus;
uint32_t i;
uint32_t * ptrRow;
uint32_t * ptrRowCopy;
uint32_t seqNum;
uint32_t writeRamBuffer[CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW_U32] = {0u};
uint32_t numRows = context->numberOfRows * context->wearLevelingFactor;
if (0u != context->simpleMode)
ptrRow = (uint32_t *)context->userFlashStartAddr;
for (i = 0u; i < numRows; i++)
retStatus = EraseRow(ptrRow, &writeRamBuffer[0u], context);
ret = retStatus;
/* Checks CRC if it is really the last row and the max sequence number */
(void)CheckLastWrittenRowIntegrity(&seqNum, context);
/* Gets the last written row pointer */
ptrRow = context->ptrLastWrittenRow;
ptrRow = GetNextRowPointer(ptrRow, context);
/* Prepares a zero buffer with a sequence number and checksum */
writeRamBuffer[CY_EM_EEPROM_HEADER_SEQ_NUM_OFFSET_U32] = seqNum + 1u;
writeRamBuffer[CY_EM_EEPROM_HEADER_CHECKSUM_OFFSET_U32] = CalculateRowChecksum(&writeRamBuffer[0u]);
/* Performs writing */
ret = WriteRow(ptrRow, &writeRamBuffer[0u], context);
/* Duplicates writing into a redundant copy if enabled */
if (0u != context->redundantCopy)
ptrRowCopy = ptrRow + (numRows * CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW_U32);
retStatus = WriteRow(ptrRowCopy, &writeRamBuffer[0u], context);
ret = retStatus;
/* If the write operation is unsuccessful, skip erasing Em_EEPROM */
context->ptrLastWrittenRow = ptrRow;
/* One row is already overwritten, so reduces the number of rows to be erased by one */
for (i = 0u; i < (numRows - 1u); i++)
ptrRow = GetNextRowPointer(ptrRow, context);
retStatus = EraseRow(ptrRow, &writeRamBuffer[0u], context);
ret = retStatus;
/* Erases the redundant copy if enabled */
if (0u != context->redundantCopy)
ptrRowCopy = ptrRow + (numRows * CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW_U32);
retStatus = EraseRow(ptrRowCopy, &writeRamBuffer[0u], context);
ret = retStatus;
* Function Name: Cy_Em_EEPROM_NumWrites
* Returns the number of the Em_EEPROM Writes completed so far.
* This function returns zero in the \ref section_em_eeprom_mode_simple since
* the number of writes is not available in this case.
* Use this function to monitor the flash memory endurance. The higher
* the value, the less the flash memory endurance.
* Refer to the datasheet write endurance spec to determine the maximum
* number of write cycles. If the Wear Leveling feature is enabled, then the
* maximum of write cycles is increased by
* \ref cy_stc_eeprom_config_t.wearLevelingFactor.
* The returned number does not include the number of writes into the
* redundant copy if enabled.
* This function does the following:
* 1. Returns the number of writes stored in the the last written row if the
* checksum of the row is correct.
* 2. If the checksum of the last written row is invalid and the redundant copy
* feature is enabled, then the row checksum of the redundant copy is verified
* for correctness and corresponding number of writes is returned.
* 3. If the checksum of the last written row is incorrect, then a special
* algorithm of searching the last written is executed and a corresponding
* number of writes is reported.
* 4. If the algorithm is unable to find the last written row (there is no row
* with the correct checksum), then zero is returned.
* \param context
* The pointer to the Em_EEPROM context structure \ref cy_stc_eeprom_context_t.
* \return
* The number of writes performed to the Em_EEPROM.
uint32_t Cy_Em_EEPROM_NumWrites(cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context)
uint32_t seqNum;
(void)CheckLastWrittenRowIntegrity(&seqNum, context);
* Function Name: CalcChecksum
* Implements CRC-8 used in the checksum calculation for the redundant copy
* algorithm.
* \param rowData
* The row data to be used to calculate the checksum.
* \param len
* The length of rowData.
* \return
* The calculated value of CRC-8.
static uint8_t CalcChecksum(const uint8_t rowData[], uint32_t len)
uint8_t crc = CY_EM_EEPROM_CRC8_SEED;
uint8_t i;
uint16_t cnt = 0u;
while(cnt != len)
crc ^= rowData[cnt];
for (i = 0u; i < CY_EM_EEPROM_CRC8_POLYNOM_LEN; i++)
return (crc);
* Function Name: CheckRanges
* Checks the provided configuration for parameter validness and size of
* the requested flash.
* \param config
* The pointer to a configuration structure. See \ref cy_stc_eeprom_config_t.
* \return
* Returns the status of operation. See \ref cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t.
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t CheckRanges(const cy_stc_eeprom_config_t * config)
uint32_t startAddr;
uint32_t endAddr;
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t ret = CY_EM_EEPROM_BAD_DATA;
const cy_stc_eeprom_config_t * cfg = config;
/* Checks the parameter validness */
if ((0u != cfg->userFlashStartAddr) &&
(0u != cfg->eepromSize) &&
(1u >= cfg->simpleMode) &&
(1u >= cfg->blockingWrite) &&
(1u >= cfg->redundantCopy) &&
(0u < cfg->wearLevelingFactor) &&
(CY_EM_EEPROM_MAX_WEAR_LEVELING_FACTOR >= cfg->wearLevelingFactor))
/* Checks the flash size and location */
startAddr = cfg->userFlashStartAddr;
endAddr = startAddr + CY_EM_EEPROM_GET_PHYSICAL_SIZE(cfg->eepromSize, cfg->simpleMode, cfg->wearLevelingFactor, (uint32_t)cfg->redundantCopy);
/* Range checks if there is enough flash for Em_EEPROM */
#if (!defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) /* Not XMC7xxx */
if (CY_EM_EEPROM_IS_IN_FLASH_RANGE(startAddr, endAddr))
#else /* (!defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
if (WorkFlashBoundsCheck(startAddr, endAddr))
#endif /* (!defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
return (ret);
* Function Name: WriteRow
* Writes one flash row starting from the specified row address.
* \param rowAddr
* The pointer to the flash row.
* \param rowData
* The pointer to the data to be written to the row.
* \param context
* The pointer to the Em_EEPROM context structure \ref cy_stc_eeprom_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the status of operation. See \ref cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t.
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t WriteRow(
const uint32_t * rowAddr,
const uint32_t * rowData,
const cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context)
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t ret = CY_EM_EEPROM_WRITE_FAIL;
if (0u != context->blockingWrite)
/* Does the blocking write */
#if (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) /* XMC7xxx */
cy_en_flashdrv_status_t status;
status = Cy_Flash_EraseSector((uint32_t)rowAddr);
if (CY_FLASH_DRV_SUCCESS != status) {
return (ret);
status = WorkFlashProgramRow((uint32_t *) rowAddr, (uint8_t *) rowData);
if (CY_FLASH_DRV_SUCCESS != status) {
return (ret);
#else /* (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
if (CY_FLASH_DRV_SUCCESS == Cy_Flash_WriteRow((uint32_t)rowAddr, rowData))
#endif /* (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
#if (!(defined(CY_IP_M0S8CPUSSV3) || defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS))) /* Only for PSoC 6 */
/* Initiates the write */
if (CY_FLASH_DRV_OPERATION_STARTED == Cy_Flash_StartWrite((uint32_t)rowAddr, rowData))
ret = WaitTillComplete();
#endif /* (!(defined(CY_IP_M0S8CPUSSV3) || defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS))) */
return (ret);
* Function Name: EraseRow
* Erases one flash row starting from the specified row address. If the redundant
* copy option is enabled, the corresponding row in the redundant copy will also
* be erased.
* \param rowAddr
* The pointer of the flash row.
* \param ramBuffAddr
* The address of the RAM buffer that contains zeroed data.
* Reserved for compatibility.
* \param context
* The pointer to the Em_EEPROM context structure \ref cy_stc_eeprom_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the status of operation. See \ref cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t.
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t EraseRow(
const uint32_t * rowAddr,
const uint32_t * ramBuffAddr,
const cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context)
#if (!(defined(CY_IP_M0S8CPUSSV3) || defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS))) /* Only for PSoC 6 */
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t ret = CY_EM_EEPROM_WRITE_FAIL;
(void)ramBuffAddr; /* To avoid the compiler warning */
if (0u != context->blockingWrite)
/* Erases the flash row */
if (CY_FLASH_DRV_SUCCESS == Cy_Flash_EraseRow((uint32_t)rowAddr))
/* Initiates the erase */
if (CY_FLASH_DRV_OPERATION_STARTED == Cy_Flash_StartErase((uint32_t)rowAddr))
ret = WaitTillComplete();
#else /* (!(defined(CY_IP_M0S8CPUSSV3) || defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS))) */
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t ret = CY_EM_EEPROM_WRITE_FAIL;
#if (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS))
cy_en_flashdrv_status_t status;
#endif /* (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
if (0u != context->blockingWrite)
/* Does the blocking write */
#if (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) /* XMC7xxx */
if (CY_FLASH_DRV_SUCCESS != Cy_Flash_EraseSector((uint32_t) rowAddr)) {
return (ret);
if (0u == context->simpleMode)
status = WorkFlashProgramRow((uint32_t *) rowAddr, (uint8_t *) ramBuffAddr);
if (CY_FLASH_DRV_SUCCESS != status) {
ret = CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS; /* Ignoring Return Status till Jira: DRIVER-8247 is fixed */
#else /* (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) * PSoC 4 */
/* Does the blocking write */
if (CY_FLASH_DRV_SUCCESS == Cy_Flash_WriteRow((uint32_t)rowAddr, ramBuffAddr))
#endif /* (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
#endif /* (!(defined(CY_IP_M0S8CPUSSV3) || defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS))) */
#if (!(defined(CY_IP_M0S8CPUSSV3) || defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS))) /* Only for PSoC 6 */
* Function Name: WaitTillComplete
* Waits until the erase or write operation is completed.
* The software watchdog counter is added to prevent the firmware.
* Returns \ref CY_EM_EEPROM_WRITE_FAIL if the watchdog timeout occurred,
* otherwise returns \ref CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS.
* \note This function is not supported by PSoC 4 device family.
* \return
* Returns the status of operation. See \ref cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t.
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t WaitTillComplete(void)
cy_en_flashdrv_status_t rc;
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t ret = CY_EM_EEPROM_WRITE_FAIL;
/* Waits 1ms */
/* Checks if the erase is completed */
rc = Cy_Flash_IsWriteComplete();
while ((rc == CY_FLASH_DRV_OPCODE_BUSY) && (0u != countMs));
#endif /* (!(defined(CY_IP_M0S8CPUSSV3) || defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS))) */
* Function Name: CalculateRowChecksum
* Calculates a checksum of the row specified by the ptrRow parameter.
* The first four bytes of the row are overwritten with zeros for calculation
* since it is the checksum location. The size of the row is defined by
* \param ptrRow
* The pointer to a row.
* \return
* The calculated value of CRC-8.
static uint32_t CalculateRowChecksum(const uint32_t * ptrRow)
return ((uint32_t)CalcChecksum((const uint8_t *)((uint32_t)ptrRow + 1u),
* Function Name: GetStoredRowChecksum
* Returns the stored in the row checksum. The row specified by the ptrRow parameter.
* The first four bytes of the row is the checksum.
* \param ptrRow
* The pointer to a row.
* \return
* The stored row checksum.
static uint32_t GetStoredRowChecksum(const uint32_t * ptrRow)
#if (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) /* Not supported by XMC7xxx */
if (WorkFlashBlankCheck((uint32_t *)&ptrRow[CY_EM_EEPROM_HEADER_CHECKSUM_OFFSET_U32], 4)) {
return (0x00u);
#else /* (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
#endif /* (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
* Function Name: CheckRowChecksum
* Checks if the specified row has a valid stored CRC.
* \param ptrRow
* The pointer to a row.
* \return
* Returns the operation status. See \ref cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t.
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t CheckRowChecksum(const uint32_t * ptrRow)
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t ret = CY_EM_EEPROM_BAD_CHECKSUM;
#if (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) /* Not supported by XMC7xxx */
if (WorkFlashBlankCheck((uint32_t *)ptrRow, CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW )) {
/* Fills the RAM buffer with flash data for the case when not a whole row is requested to be overwritten */
(void)memset((void *)lc_buf, 0, CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW);
} else {
(void)memcpy(lc_buf, ptrRow, CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW);
if (GetStoredRowChecksum(ptrRow) == CalculateRowChecksum((uint32_t *)lc_buf))
#else /* (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
if (GetStoredRowChecksum(ptrRow) == CalculateRowChecksum(ptrRow))
#endif /* (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
return (ret);
* Function Name: GetStoredSeqNum
* Returns the stored in the row seqNum (Sequence Number).
* The row specified by ptrRow parameter.
* The second four bytes of the row is the seqNum.
* \param ptrRow
* The pointer to a row.
* \return
* The stored sequence number.
static uint32_t GetStoredSeqNum(const uint32_t * ptrRow)
#if (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) /* Not supported by XMC7xxx */
if (WorkFlashBlankCheck((uint32_t *)&ptrRow[CY_EM_EEPROM_HEADER_SEQ_NUM_OFFSET_U32], 4)) {
return (0x00u);
#else /* (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
#endif /* (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
* Function Name: DefineLastWrittenRow
* Performs a search of the last written row address of the Em_EEPROM associated
* with the context structure. If there were no writes to the Em_EEPROM, the
* the Em_EEPROM start address is used.
* \param context
* The pointer to the Em_EEPROM context structure \ref cy_stc_eeprom_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the operation status. See \ref cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t.
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t DefineLastWrittenRow(cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context)
uint32_t numRows;
uint32_t rowIndex;
uint32_t seqNum;
uint32_t seqNumMax;
uint32_t * ptrRow;
uint32_t * ptrRowMax;
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t ret = CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS;
context->ptrLastWrittenRow = (uint32_t *)context->userFlashStartAddr;
if (0u == context->simpleMode)
seqNumMax = 0u;
numRows = context->numberOfRows * context->wearLevelingFactor;
ptrRow = (uint32_t *)context->userFlashStartAddr;
ptrRowMax = ptrRow;
for (rowIndex = 0u; rowIndex < numRows; rowIndex++)
seqNum = GetStoredSeqNum(ptrRow);
/* Is it a bigger number? */
if (seqNum > seqNumMax)
if (CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS == CheckRowChecksum(ptrRow))
seqNumMax = seqNum;
ptrRowMax = ptrRow;
/* Switches to the next row */
/* Does the same search algorithm through the redundant copy if enabled */
if (0u != context->redundantCopy)
for (rowIndex = 0u; rowIndex < numRows; rowIndex++)
seqNum = GetStoredSeqNum(ptrRow);
/* Is it a bigger number? */
if (seqNum > seqNumMax)
if (CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS == CheckRowChecksum(ptrRow))
seqNumMax = seqNum;
ptrRowMax = ptrRow;
/* Switches to the next row */
context->ptrLastWrittenRow = ptrRowMax;
return (ret);
* Function Name: CheckLastWrittenRowIntegrity
* Checks the CRC of the last written row. If CRC is valid then the function
* stores sequence number into the provided ptrSeqNum pointer. If CRC of the
* last written row is invalid, then the function searches for the row with
* the highest sequence number and valid CRC. In this case, the pointer to the
* last written row is redefined inside context structure and the sequence
* number of this row is returned.
* If the redundant copy is enabled, then the copy also considered at
* the correct CRC verification and sequence number searching.
* If Simple Mode is enabled, the sequence number is not available and
* this function returns 0.
* \param context
* The pointer to the Em_EEPROM context structure \ref cy_stc_eeprom_context_t.
* \param ptrSeqNum
* The pointer to the sequence number.
* \return
* Returns the operation status. See \ref cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t.
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t CheckLastWrittenRowIntegrity(
uint32_t * ptrSeqNum,
cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context)
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t ret = CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS;
const uint32_t * ptrRowCopy;
uint32_t seqNum = 0u;
if (0u == context->simpleMode)
/* Checks the row CRC */
if (CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS == CheckRowChecksum(context->ptrLastWrittenRow))
seqNum = GetStoredSeqNum(context->ptrLastWrittenRow);
/* CRC is bad. Checks if the redundant copy if enabled */
if (0u != context->redundantCopy)
/* Calculates the redundant copy pointer */
ptrRowCopy = ((context->numberOfRows * context->wearLevelingFactor) *
CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW_U32) + context->ptrLastWrittenRow;
/* Checks CRC of the redundant copy */
if (CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS == CheckRowChecksum(ptrRowCopy))
seqNum = GetStoredSeqNum(ptrRowCopy);
if (CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS == CheckRowChecksum(context->ptrLastWrittenRow))
seqNum = GetStoredSeqNum(context->ptrLastWrittenRow);
if (CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS == CheckRowChecksum(context->ptrLastWrittenRow))
seqNum = GetStoredSeqNum(context->ptrLastWrittenRow);
*ptrSeqNum = seqNum;
* Function Name: GetNextRowPointer
* Increments the row pointer and performs out of the Em_EEPROM range verification.
* The memory range is defined as the number of rows multiplied by the wear leveling
* factor. It does not include the redundant copy area.
* \param ptrRow
* The pointer to the flash row.
* \param context
* The pointer to the Em_EEPROM context structure \ref cy_stc_eeprom_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the pointer to the next row.
static uint32_t * GetNextRowPointer(
uint32_t * ptrRow,
const cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context)
uint32_t wlEndAddr = ((CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW * context->numberOfRows) *
context->wearLevelingFactor) + context->userFlashStartAddr;
uint32_t * lc_ptrRow = ptrRow;
/* Gets the pointer to the next row to be processed without the range verification */
if ((uint32_t)lc_ptrRow >= wlEndAddr)
lc_ptrRow = (uint32_t *)context->userFlashStartAddr;
return (lc_ptrRow);
* Function Name: GetReadRowPointer
* Calculates the row pointer to be used to read historic and headers data.
* \param ptrRow
* The pointer to the flash row.
* \param context
* The pointer to the Em_EEPROM context structure \ref cy_stc_eeprom_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the pointer to the row where data is read from.
static uint32_t * GetReadRowPointer(
uint32_t * ptrRow,
const cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context)
uint32_t wlBlockSize;
uint32_t * lc_ptrRow = ptrRow;
/* Adjusts the row read pointer if wear leveling is enabled */
if (context->wearLevelingFactor > 1u)
/* The size of one wear-leveling block */
wlBlockSize = context->numberOfRows * CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW;
/* Checks if it is the first block of the wear leveling */
if (((uint32_t)lc_ptrRow) < (context->userFlashStartAddr + wlBlockSize))
/* Jumps to the last wear-leveling block */
lc_ptrRow = (uint32_t *)((uint32_t)lc_ptrRow + (wlBlockSize * (context->wearLevelingFactor - 1u)));
/* Decreases the read pointer for one wear-leveling block */
lc_ptrRow = (uint32_t *)((uint32_t)lc_ptrRow - wlBlockSize);
return (lc_ptrRow);
* Function Name: CopyHistoricData
* Copies relevant historic data into the specified buffer.
* The function includes the proper handling of the redundant copy and wear leveling
* if enabled.
* \param ptrRowWrite
* The pointer to the buffer to store historic data.
* \param ptrRow
* The pointer to the current active flash row.
* \param context
* The pointer to the Em_EEPROM context structure \ref cy_stc_eeprom_context_t.
* \return
* Returns the operation status. See \ref cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t.
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t CopyHistoricData(
uint32_t * ptrRowWrite,
uint32_t * ptrRow,
const cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context)
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t ret = CY_EM_EEPROM_BAD_CHECKSUM;
const uint32_t * ptrRowRead = GetReadRowPointer(ptrRow, context);
if (CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS == CheckRowChecksum(ptrRowRead))
(void)memcpy((uint8_t *)&ptrRowWrite[CY_EM_EEPROM_HISTORIC_DATA_OFFSET_U32],
(const uint8_t *)&ptrRowRead[CY_EM_EEPROM_HISTORIC_DATA_OFFSET_U32],
/* CRC is bad. Checks if the redundant copy if enabled */
if (0u != context->redundantCopy)
ptrRowRead += ((context->numberOfRows * context->wearLevelingFactor) *
if (CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS == CheckRowChecksum(ptrRowRead))
/* Copies the Em_EEPROM historic data from the redundant copy */
(void)memcpy((uint8_t *)&ptrRowWrite[CY_EM_EEPROM_HISTORIC_DATA_OFFSET_U32],
(const uint8_t *)&ptrRowRead[CY_EM_EEPROM_HISTORIC_DATA_OFFSET_U32],
/* Reports that the redundant copy was used */
if ((0u == GetStoredSeqNum(ptrRowRead)) && (0u == GetStoredRowChecksum(ptrRowRead)))
* Considers a row with a bad checksum as the row that never has never been
* written before if the sequence number and CRC values are zeros.
* In this case, reports zeros and does not
* report the failed status of the write operation.
return (ret);
* Function Name: CopyHeadersData
* Copies relevant data located in the headers into a row specified by the
* pointer ptrRow.
* The function includes the proper handling of a redundant copy and wear leveling
* if enabled.
* \param ptrRowWrite
* The pointer to the buffer where to store the headers data.
* \param ptrRow
* The pointer to the current active flash row.
* \param context
* The pointer to the Em_EEPROM context structure \ref cy_stc_eeprom_context_t.
static cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t CopyHeadersData(
uint32_t * ptrRowWrite,
uint32_t * ptrRow,
const cy_stc_eeprom_context_t * context)
uint32_t i;
uint32_t strHistAddr;
uint32_t endHistAddr;
uint32_t strHeadAddr;
uint32_t endHeadAddr;
uint32_t dstOffset;
uint32_t srcOffset;
uint32_t sizeToCopy;
cy_en_em_eeprom_status_t crcStatus = CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS;
uint32_t numReads = context->numberOfRows;
uint32_t * ptrRowWork;
uint32_t * ptrRowRead = GetReadRowPointer(ptrRow, context);
/* Skips unwritten rows if any */
if (numReads > GetStoredSeqNum(ptrRowWrite))
numReads = GetStoredSeqNum(ptrRowWrite);
if (context->numberOfRows <= 0)
/* The address within the Em_EEPROM storage of historic data of the specified by the ptrRow row */
strHistAddr = ((((uint32_t)ptrRow - context->userFlashStartAddr) /
CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW) % context->numberOfRows) *
endHistAddr = strHistAddr + (CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW / 2u);
for (i = 0u; i < numReads; i++)
/* No need to check the row about to write since it was checked at the last write */
ptrRowRead = GetNextRowPointer(ptrRowRead, context);
ptrRowWork = ptrRowRead;
/* For the last header-read operation, checks data in the recently created header */
if (i >= (numReads - 1u))
ptrRowWork = ptrRowWrite;
/* Checks CRC of the row to be read except the last row of a recently created header */
crcStatus = CheckRowChecksum(ptrRowWork);
if ((CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS != crcStatus) && (0u != context->redundantCopy))
/* Calculates the redundant copy pointer */
ptrRowWork += ((context->numberOfRows * context->wearLevelingFactor) *
crcStatus = CheckRowChecksum(ptrRowWork);
/* Skips the row if CRC is bad */
if (CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS == crcStatus)
/* The address of header data */
strHeadAddr = ptrRowWork[CY_EM_EEPROM_HEADER_ADDR_OFFSET_U32];
sizeToCopy = ptrRowWork[CY_EM_EEPROM_HEADER_LEN_OFFSET_U32];
endHeadAddr = strHeadAddr + sizeToCopy;
/* Skips the row if the header data address is out of the historic data address range */
if ((strHeadAddr < endHistAddr) && (endHeadAddr > strHistAddr))
dstOffset = 0u;
srcOffset = 0u;
if (strHeadAddr >= strHistAddr)
dstOffset = strHeadAddr % context->byteInRow;
if (endHeadAddr > endHistAddr)
sizeToCopy = endHistAddr - strHeadAddr;
srcOffset = context->byteInRow - (strHeadAddr % context->byteInRow);
sizeToCopy = endHeadAddr - strHistAddr;
(void)memcpy((uint8_t *)((uint32_t)(&ptrRowWrite[CY_EM_EEPROM_HISTORIC_DATA_OFFSET_U32]) + dstOffset),
(const uint8_t *)((uint32_t)(&ptrRowWork[CY_EM_EEPROM_HEADER_DATA_OFFSET_U32]) + srcOffset),
#if (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) /* Not supported by XMC7xxx */
* Function Name: WorkFlashBlankCheck
* Checks if XMC7xxx Work Flash is Blank/Erased state
* \param addr
* The pointer to the Work Flash starting address to check for blank
* \param size
* The size of the Work Flash to check from address passed
static int WorkFlashBlankCheck(uint32_t *addr, uint32_t size)
cy_stc_flash_blankcheck_config_t config;
cy_en_flashdrv_status_t status;
config.addrToBeChecked = addr;
config.numOfWordsToBeChecked = size / 4;
status = Cy_Flash_BlankCheck(&config, CY_FLASH_DRIVER_BLOCKING);
if (status == CY_FLASH_DRV_SUCCESS) {
return (1);
} else {
return (0);
* Function Name: WorkFlashProgramRow
* Programs XMC7xxx Work Flash Sector from address provided
* \param addr
* The XMC7xxx Work Flash Sector from addr
* \param data
* The data to be programmed into the Work Flash Sector
#define PDL_USE_4096BIT ( 1 )
#else /* defined(EEPROM_LARGE_SECTOR_WFLASH) */
#define PDL_USE_1024BIT ( 1 )
#endif /* defined(EEPROM_LARGE_SECTOR_WFLASH) */
#if defined(PDL_USE_1024BIT)
#define CUR_PG_SIZE_INCR (128)
#define CUR_ADDR_INCR (0x20)
#define CUR_DATA_INCR (128)
#if defined(PDL_USE_4096BIT)
#define CUR_PG_SIZE_INCR (512)
#define CUR_ADDR_INCR (0x80)
#define CUR_DATA_INCR (512)
static cy_en_flashdrv_status_t WorkFlashProgramRow(uint32_t *addr, uint8_t *data)
cy_stc_flash_programrow_config_t config;
cy_en_flashdrv_status_t status;
uint32_t *cur_addr = addr;
uint8_t *cur_data = data;
uint32_t cur_pg_size = 0;
uint32_t cnt = 0;
config.dataSize = PDL_PROG_DATA_SIZE;
for (cur_pg_size = 0, cnt = 0; cur_pg_size < CY_EM_EEPROM_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW;
cur_pg_size += CUR_PG_SIZE_INCR, cur_addr += CUR_ADDR_INCR, cur_data += CUR_DATA_INCR, cnt++)
config.destAddr = (const uint32_t *)cur_addr;
config.dataAddr = (const uint32_t *)cur_data;
status = Cy_Flash_Program_WorkFlash(&config);
if (status == CY_FLASH_DRV_SUCCESS) {
} else {
status = CY_FLASH_DRV_SUCCESS; /* Ignoring Return Status till Jira: DRIVER-8247 is fixed */
return (status);
* Function Name: WorkFlashBoundsCheck
* Returns "true" if input address is inside of same work sector region,
* otherwise returns "false".
* address_start Address to be checked
* address_end Address to be checked
* true - inside of same work sector region, false - Not in same work sector
static bool WorkFlashBoundsCheck(uint32_t address_start, uint32_t address_end)
cy_en_bankmode_t bankmode = Cy_Flashc_GetWorkBankMode();
if (bankmode == CY_FLASH_SINGLE_BANK_MODE)
if (((CY_WFLASH_LG_SBM_TOP <= address_start) && (address_start < CY_WFLASH_LG_SBM_END))
&& ((CY_WFLASH_LG_SBM_TOP <= address_end) && (address_end < CY_WFLASH_LG_SBM_END)))
if (((CY_WFLASH_LG_DBM0_TOP <= address_start) && (address_start < CY_WFLASH_LG_DBM0_END))
&& ((CY_WFLASH_LG_DBM0_TOP <= address_end) && (address_end < CY_WFLASH_LG_DBM0_END)))
if (((CY_WFLASH_LG_DBM1_TOP <= address_start) && (address_start < CY_WFLASH_LG_DBM1_END))
&& ((CY_WFLASH_LG_DBM1_TOP <= address_end) && (address_end < CY_WFLASH_LG_DBM1_END)))
#else /* defined(EEPROM_LARGE_SECTOR_WFLASH) */
if (bankmode == CY_FLASH_SINGLE_BANK_MODE)
if (((CY_WFLASH_SM_SBM_TOP <= address_start) && (address_start < CY_WFLASH_SM_SBM_END))
&& ((CY_WFLASH_SM_SBM_TOP <= address_end) && (address_end < CY_WFLASH_SM_SBM_END)))
if (((CY_WFLASH_SM_DBM0_TOP <= address_start) && (address_start < CY_WFLASH_SM_DBM0_END))
&& ((CY_WFLASH_SM_DBM0_TOP <= address_end) && (address_end < CY_WFLASH_SM_DBM0_END)))
if (((CY_WFLASH_SM_DBM1_TOP <= address_start) && (address_start < CY_WFLASH_SM_DBM1_END))
&& ((CY_WFLASH_SM_DBM1_TOP <= address_end) && (address_end < CY_WFLASH_SM_DBM1_END)))
#endif /* defined(EEPROM_LARGE_SECTOR_WFLASH) */
#endif /* (defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS)) */
/* [] END OF FILE */