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* \file mtb_lin_ncs.c
* \version 1.10
* \brief
* Provides the LIN middleware node configuration services API
* implementation.
* (c) (2020-2021), Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This software, including source code, documentation and related materials
* ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation or one of its
* affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to worldwide patent
* protection (United States and foreign), United States copyright laws and
* international treaty provisions. Therefore, you may use this Software only
* as provided in the license agreement accompanying the software package from
* which you obtained this Software ("EULA").
* If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
* non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software source
* code solely for use in connection with Cypress's integrated circuit products.
* Any reproduction, modification, translation, compilation, or representation
* of this Software except as specified above is prohibited without the express
* written permission of Cypress.
* reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
* does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
* Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
* not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
* failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
* significant property damage, injury or death ("High Risk Product"). By
* including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer of such
* system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing so agrees to
* indemnify Cypress against all liability.
#include "mtb_lin_ld.h"
#include "mtb_lin_ifc.h"
#include "mtb_lin_ncs.h"
* Internal API
__STATIC_INLINE l_bool mtb_lin_service_read_by_product_id(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context);
__STATIC_INLINE l_bool mtb_lin_service_read_by_serial_number(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context);
__STATIC_INLINE l_bool mtb_lin_service_read_by_ldf_ncf_id(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context);
__STATIC_INLINE l_bool mtb_lin_service_read_by_user_id(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context);
__STATIC_INLINE void mtb_lin_service_read_by_id_negative_resp(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context);
* Function Name: mtb_lin_service_assign_nad
* The internal function implements the "Assign NAD" service.
* \param context
* The pointer to the LIN Slave context structure.
* See \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t.
void mtb_lin_service_assign_nad(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
/* Checks the data length. Do not respond if the PCI length does not match this service's data
length. */
/* Validates if preserved Node Address values are not used as NAD for slave node */
if (mtb_lin_config_check_nad(context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D5_NEW_NAD_IDX],
context->config) == MTB_LIN_STATUS_SUCCESS)
/* Checks LIN Product ID and if MRF has NAD equal to the initial NAD. */
if (mtb_lin_check_product_id(&context->mrf_buffer[3U], context) &&
(context->config->initial_nad == context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_NAD_IDX]))
/* Saves the received NAD */
context->configured_nad = context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D5_NEW_NAD_IDX];
/* Fills SRF Buffer with a response to the service.
* The NAD field should contain the initial NAD.
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_NAD_IDX] = context->config->initial_nad;
/* PCI is 0, so only the length is required. */
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX] = 1U;
/* RSID for a positive response is always SID + 0x40. */
/* Fills unused data bytes with 0xFFs. */
for (l_u8 i = 3U; i < MTB_LIN_FRAME_LEN; i++)
context->srf_buffer[i] = 0xFFu;
/* Sets a service response bit that indicates that a response is ready
* to be sent to Master node. */
context->status |= MTB_LIN_STATUS_SRVC_RSP_RDY;
* Function Name: mtb_lin_service_read_by_id
* The internal function implements the "Read by identifier" 0xB2 service.
* \param context
* The pointer to the LIN Slave context structure.
* See \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t.
void mtb_lin_service_read_by_id(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
/* Ignore the request if the PCI length does not match this service data length */
(context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX] & MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_LENGTH_MASK)))
if (mtb_lin_check_product_id(&context->mrf_buffer[4U], context))
l_bool positive_response = false;
/* LIN Product Identification (only identifier is supported) */
if (MTB_LIN_NCS_READ_BY_ID_ID == context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D1_IDX])
positive_response = mtb_lin_service_read_by_product_id(context);
/* Serial number identification */
else if (MTB_LIN_NCS_READ_BY_ID_SERIAL == context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D1_IDX])
positive_response = mtb_lin_service_read_by_serial_number(context);
/* Version of LDF/NCF identification */
positive_response = mtb_lin_service_read_by_ldf_ncf_id(context);
/* User-defined identifiers (32 - 63) */
else if ((context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D1_IDX] >= 32U) &&
(context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D1_IDX] <= 63U))
positive_response = mtb_lin_service_read_by_user_id(context);
/* The plan for a negative response for the unsupported identifier */
positive_response = false;
/* If no positive response was generated - generate a negative response */
if (!positive_response)
* Function Name: mtb_lin_service_read_by_product_id
* Fills the SRF Buffer with a response to the "LIN Product Identification"
* request.
* \param context
* The pointer to the LIN Slave context structure.
* See \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t.
* \return
* Returns "true" if a positive response is required.
__STATIC_INLINE l_bool mtb_lin_service_read_by_product_id(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
/* Fills SRF Buffer with a response to the service. The NAD field should contain the
* current NAD.
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_NAD_IDX] = context->configured_nad;
/* PCI is 0, so only the length is required. */
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX] = 6U;
/* RSID for a positive response is always SID + 0x40 */
/* Fills the data fields with the Supplier and function IDs */
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D1_IDX] = CY_LO8(context->config->supplier_id);
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D2_IDX] = CY_HI8(context->config->supplier_id);
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D3_IDX] = CY_LO8(context->config->function_id);
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D4_IDX] = CY_HI8(context->config->function_id);
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D5_IDX] = context->config->variant;
/* Sets the service response bit that indicates that the response is
* ready to be sent to Master node.
context->status |= MTB_LIN_STATUS_SRVC_RSP_RDY;
return true;
* Function Name: mtb_lin_service_read_by_serial_number
* Fills the SRF Buffer with a response to the "Serial number" request.
* \param context
* The pointer to the LIN Slave context structure.
* See \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t.
* \return
* Returns "true" if a positive response is required.
__STATIC_INLINE l_bool mtb_lin_service_read_by_serial_number(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_bool result = false;
if (NULL != context->serial_number)
/* The NAD field should contain the current NAD. */
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_NAD_IDX] = context->configured_nad;
/* PCI is 0, so only the length is required. */
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX] = 5U;
/* RSID for a positive response is always SID + 0x40 */
/* Fills unused data bytes with the serial number ID. */
for (l_u8 i = 3U; i < (MTB_LIN_FRAME_LEN - 1U); i++)
context->srf_buffer[i] = context->serial_number[i - 3U];
/* The serial number is the 4-byte length, sets the last unused byte to 0xFF. */
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D5_IDX] = 0xFFU;
/* Sets the service response bit that indicates that the response is
* ready to be sent to Master node.
context->status |= MTB_LIN_STATUS_SRVC_RSP_RDY;
result = true;
return (result);
* Function Name: mtb_lin_service_read_by_ldf_ncf_id
* Fills the SRF Buffer with a response to the "LDF/NCF identification" request.
* \param context
* The pointer to the LIN Slave context structure.
* See \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t.
* \return
* Returns "true" if a positive response is required.
__STATIC_INLINE l_bool mtb_lin_service_read_by_ldf_ncf_id(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_bool result = false;
if ((context->config->file_rev_defined) && (context->config->spec == MTB_LIN_SPEC_2_2) &&
/* The NAD field should contain the current NAD. */
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_NAD_IDX] = context->configured_nad;
/* PCI is 0, so only the length is required. */
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX] = 5U;
/* RSID for a positive response is always SID + 0x40 */
/* Fills data bytes with revision numbers. */
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D1_IDX] = context->config->file_rev->major;
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D2_IDX] = context->config->file_rev->minor;
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D3_IDX] = context->config->file_rev->sub;
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D4_IDX] = (l_u8)context->config->file_rev->source;
/* Reserved for future use and transmitted with value 0x00 */
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D5_IDX] = 0x00U;
/* Sets a service response bit that indicates that the response is
* ready to be sent to Master node.
context->status |= MTB_LIN_STATUS_SRVC_RSP_RDY;
result = true;
return (result);
* Function Name: mtb_lin_service_read_by_user_id
* Fills the SRF Buffer with a response to the "User Defined Identification"
* request.
* \param context
* The pointer to the LIN Slave context structure.
* See \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t.
* \return
* Returns "true" if a positive response is required.
__STATIC_INLINE l_bool mtb_lin_service_read_by_user_id(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_bool result = false;
l_u8 temp_status;
/* If the user does not reassign the status of ld_read_by_id_callout(),
* LD_NEGATIVE_RESPONSE is always returned by ld_read_by_id_callout().
* This indicates to the master that the service by the user defined
* identification is not supported. temp_status is used to hold the status of
* ld_read_by_id_callout().
CY_MISRA_FP_BLOCK_START('MISRA C-2012 Rule 18.4', 2,
'Advisory. Usage of arithmetic on pointer. This approach gives flexibility in data access. Checked manually, no possible issues expected.');
temp_status = ld_read_by_id_callout(0U, context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D1_IDX],
(context->mrf_buffer + MTB_LIN_FRAME_DATA_SIZE_3),
(context->mrf_buffer + MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX),
CY_MISRA_BLOCK_END('MISRA C-2012 Rule 18.4');
if (temp_status == LD_POSITIVE_RESPONSE)
/* Fills SRF Buffer with a response to the service. The NAD field should contain the current
NAD. */
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_NAD_IDX] = context->configured_nad;
/* PCI is 0, so only the length is required. Plus one for RSID. */
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX] =
(context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX] & MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_LENGTH_MASK) + 1U;
/* RSID for a positive response is always SID + 0x40 */
/* Fills unused data bytes with user-defined information */
for (l_u8 i = 3U; i < MTB_LIN_FRAME_LEN; i++)
/* User data is located at the offset */
if (i <
((context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX] & MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_LENGTH_MASK) +
context->srf_buffer[i] = context->mrf_buffer[i];
context->srf_buffer[i] = 0xFFU;
/* Sets the service response bit that indicates that the response is
* ready to be sent to Master node.
context->status |= MTB_LIN_STATUS_SRVC_RSP_RDY;
result = true;
return (result);
* Function Name: mtb_lin_service_read_by_id_negative_resp
* Fills the SRF Buffer with a negative response.
* \param context
* The pointer to the LIN Slave context structure.
* See \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t.
__STATIC_INLINE void mtb_lin_service_read_by_id_negative_resp(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
/* The NAD field should contain the current NAD. */
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_NAD_IDX] = context->configured_nad;
/* PCI is 0 so only the length is required */
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX] = 3U;
/* RSID for a negative response is always 0x7F */
/* D1 holds the service ID */
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D1_ID_IDX] = MTB_LIN_NCS_READ_BY_ID;
/* D2 contains error code */
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D2_IDX] = 0x12U;
/* Fill unused data bytes with 0xFFs */
for (l_u8 i= 5U; i < MTB_LIN_FRAME_LEN; i++)
context->srf_buffer[i] = 0xFFu;
/* Set service response bit that indicates that the response is
* ready to be sent to Master node.
context->status |= MTB_LIN_STATUS_SRVC_RSP_RDY;
* Function Name: mtb_lin_service_cond_change_nad
* The internal function implements the "Conditional Change NAD" 0xB3 service.
* \param context
* The pointer to the LIN Slave context structure.
* See \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t.
void mtb_lin_service_cond_change_nad(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_u8 id_byte;
l_u8 id_mask;
l_u8 id_invert;
l_u8 temp_status = 0U;
l_bool response_flag = false;
/* Checks the data length. Does not respond if the PCI length does not match this service data
length. */
/* Validates if preserved Node Address values are not used as NAD for slave node */
if (mtb_lin_config_check_nad(context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D5_NEW_NAD_IDX],
context->config) == MTB_LIN_STATUS_SUCCESS)
if (MTB_LIN_NCS_READ_BY_ID_ID == context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D1_ID_IDX])
/* LIN Product Identification */
if ((6U > context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D2_BYTE_IDX]) &&
(0U != context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D2_BYTE_IDX]))
switch (context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D2_BYTE_IDX])
/* temp_status is used as a temporary variable to store ID byte */
temp_status = CY_LO8(context->config->supplier_id);
temp_status = CY_HI8(context->config->supplier_id);
temp_status = CY_LO8(context->config->function_id);
temp_status = CY_HI8(context->config->function_id);
temp_status = context->config->variant;
/* Never use this state. */
if (0U == ((temp_status ^ (context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D4_INVERT_IDX])) &
/* Fills SRF Buffer with a response to the service. The NAD field should
* the current NAD.
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_NAD_IDX] = context->configured_nad;
/* Changes the NAD to a new NAD. */
context->configured_nad =
response_flag = true;
/* Does nothing, ignores an erroneous request. */
/* Does nothing, ignores an erroneous request. */
else if (MTB_LIN_NCS_READ_BY_ID_SERIAL == context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D1_ID_IDX])
if ((5U < context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D2_BYTE_IDX]) &&
(0U != context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D2_BYTE_IDX]))
/* Byte = 1 corresponds to first byte (context->serial_number[0]) */
if (0U ==
((context->serial_number[context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D2_BYTE_IDX] - 1U]
^ context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D4_INVERT_IDX]) &
/* Fills SRF Buffer with a response to the service. The NAD field should
* the current NAD.
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_NAD_IDX] = context->configured_nad;
/* Changes the NAD to a new NAD. */
context->configured_nad =
response_flag = true;
/* Does nothing, ignores an erroneous request. */
/* Does nothing, ignores an erroneous request. */
else if ((context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D1_IDX] >= 32U) &&
(context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D1_IDX] <= 63U)) /* User-defined
identification */
/* Byte, Invert, and Mask must be stored in variables for user-defined
* identification as frame[] should contain user data after execution of
* ld_read_by_id_callout();
id_byte = context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D2_BYTE_IDX] - 1U;
id_invert = context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D4_INVERT_IDX];
id_mask = context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D3_MASK_IDX];
/* If the user does not re-assign the status of ld_read_by_id_callout(),
* LD_NEGATIVE_RESPONSE is always returned by ld_read_by_id_callout(). This
* indicates to the master that the service by the user defined identification is
* not supported. temp_status is used to hold the status of ld_read_by_id_callout().
CY_MISRA_FP_BLOCK_START('MISRA C-2012 Rule 18.4', 2,
'Advisory. Usage of arithmetic on pointer. This approach gives flexibility in data access. Checked manually, no possible issues expected.');
temp_status = ld_read_by_id_callout(0U, context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D1_IDX],
(context->mrf_buffer + MTB_LIN_PDU_D1_IDX),
(context->mrf_buffer + MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX),
CY_MISRA_BLOCK_END('MISRA C-2012 Rule 18.4');
if ((temp_status == LD_NEGATIVE_RESPONSE) || (temp_status == LD_NO_RESPONSE))
/* Does nothing as there is no response from the user. */
if (0U ==
((context->mrf_buffer[id_byte + MTB_LIN_PDU_D1_IDX] ^ id_invert) & id_mask))
/* Changes the NAD to a new NAD. */
context->configured_nad =
response_flag = true;
/* Fills SRF Buffer with a response to the service. The NAD field should
* contain the changed NAD.
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_NAD_IDX] = context->configured_nad;
/* Does nothing, ignores an erroneous request */
/* Does nothing, ignores an erroneous request */
if (response_flag)
/* PCI is 0, so only the length is required. */
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX] = 1U;
/* RSID for a positive response is always SID + 0x40 */
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_SID_IDX] =
/* Fills unused bytes with 0xFF. */
for (l_u8 i = 3U; i < MTB_LIN_FRAME_LEN; i++)
context->srf_buffer[i] = 0xFFU;
/* Sets a service response bit that indicates that the response is
* ready to be sent to Master node.
context->status |= MTB_LIN_STATUS_SRVC_RSP_RDY;
* Function Name: mtb_lin_service_save_config
* The internal function implements the "Save Configuration" 0xB6 service.
* \param context
* The pointer to the LIN Slave context structure.
* See \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t.
void mtb_lin_service_save_config(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
/* Checks the data length. Does not respond if the PCI length does not match this service data
length. */
/* Only Save configuration services B5 and B6 have PCI.length=1U */
if (1U == (context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX] & MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_LENGTH_MASK))
/* Sets the save configuration bit in status register. */
context->ifc_comm_status |= MTB_LIN_IFC_STS_SAVE_CONFIG;
/* Fills SRF Buffer with a response to the service. NAD field should contain the current
NAD. */
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_NAD_IDX] = context->configured_nad;
/* PCI is 0, so only the length is required. */
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX] = 1U;
/* RSID for a positive response is always SID + 0x40. */
/* Fills unused data bytes with 0xFFs. */
for (l_u8 i = 3U; i < MTB_LIN_FRAME_LEN; i++)
context->srf_buffer[i] = 0xFFu;
/* Set the service response bit that indicates that response is ready to be sent to Master
* node.
context->status |= MTB_LIN_STATUS_SRVC_RSP_RDY;
* Function Name: mtb_lin_service_frame_id_range
* The internal function implements the "Assign frame identifier range" 0xB7
* service.
* \param context
* The pointer to the LIN Slave context structure.
* See \ref mtb_stc_lin_context_t.
void mtb_lin_service_frame_id_range(mtb_stc_lin_context_t* context)
l_u8 temp_status = 0U;
/* Checks the data length. Does not respond if the PCI length does not match this service data
length. */
/* Zeroes out the temp status. Used as an error counter. */
temp_status = 0U;
for (l_u8 i = 0U; i < MTB_LIN_NCS_MAX_FRAME_ID_RANGE; i++)
if ((i + context->mrf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_D1_START_IDX]) <
if ((context->mrf_buffer[i + MTB_LIN_PDU_D2_PID_IDX] != MTB_LIN_INVALID_FRAME_PID)
&& ((context->mrf_buffer[i + MTB_LIN_PDU_D2_PID_IDX] & MTB_LIN_PID_PARITY_MASK)
/* Unassigned value "0" is used to invalidate this frame for transportation
* to the bus. Set new received PID value */
context->config->frames_context[i +
configured_pid =
context->mrf_buffer[i + MTB_LIN_PDU_D2_PID_IDX];
else if (context->mrf_buffer[i + MTB_LIN_PDU_D2_PID_IDX] == 0xFFu)
/* Does nothing. */
/* Indicates an error by changing the status other than 0, if Frame ID is
reserved. */
if (context->mrf_buffer[i + MTB_LIN_PDU_D2_PID_IDX] != 0xFFu)
temp_status++; /* Indicates an error by changing the status other than 0. */
if (temp_status == 0U) /* No errors condition check */
/* Fills SRF Buffer with a response to the service. The NAD field should contain the
* current NAD.
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_NAD_IDX] = context->configured_nad;
/* PCI is 0, so only the length is required. */
context->srf_buffer[MTB_LIN_PDU_PCI_IDX] = 1U;
/* RSID for a positive response is always SID + 0x40. */
/* Fills unused data bytes with 0xFFs. */
for (l_u8 i = 3U; i < MTB_LIN_FRAME_LEN; i++)
context->srf_buffer[i] = 0xFFu;
/* Sets a service response bit that indicates that the response is
* ready to be sent to master node.
context->status |= MTB_LIN_STATUS_SRVC_RSP_RDY;
/* Does nothing, ignores an erroneous request */
/* [] END OF FILE */