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* Copyright 2016-2022, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This software, including source code, documentation and related
* materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* or one of its affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to
* worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
* United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
* Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
* agreement accompanying the software package from which you
* obtained this Software ("EULA").
* If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
* non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software
* source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
* integrated circuit products. Any reproduction, modification, translation,
* compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
* above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.
* reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
* does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
* Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
* not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
* failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
* significant property damage, injury or death ("High Risk Product"). By
* including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer
* of such system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing
* so agrees to indemnify Cypress against all liability.
/** @file
* This demo application shows an implementation of a motion sensor.
* The app is based on the snip/mesh/mesh_sensor_server sample which
* implements generic LE Mesh Sensor Server model.
* Features demonstrated
* - Configuring and receiving interrupts from the PIR motion sensor
* - Publishing motion data over LE mesh
* See chip specific readme.txt for more information about the Bluetooth SDK.
* To demonstrate the app, work through the following steps.
* 1. Build and download the application to 213043 mesh kit.
* 2. Use Android MeshController or Windows Mesh Client and provision the motion sensor
* 3. After successful provisioning, user can use the Android MeshController/ Windows Mesh
* Client to configure the below parameters of the sensor:
* When sensor is provisioned, it is configured to publish data to a group, if current
* group was configured, or to "all-nodes", if there were no group. Modify publication
* to configuration to publish to "all-nodes". Also set up the sensor to publish data
* with period 320000msec(5 minutes). The default configuration of the sensor is to
* publish data with publish period when presence is not detected. When presence is
* detected the period is divided by 32, i.e. presence detected message is sent every
* 10 seconds. In addition to that the message will be sent as soon as if there were no
* presence for more than 10 seconds.
* 4. Wave your hand in front of the CYBT-213043-MESH board to show some motion.
#include "wiced_bt_uuid.h"
#include "wiced_bt_ble.h"
#include "wiced_bt_gatt.h"
#include "wiced_bt_mesh_models.h"
#include "wiced_bt_trace.h"
#include "wiced_timer.h"
#include "wiced_bt_mesh_app.h"
#include "wiced_hal_nvram.h"
#include "wiced_platform.h"
#include "e93196.h"
#include "wiced_sleep.h"
#include "wiced_bt_cfg.h"
#if defined (CYBT_213043_MESH) || defined (CYBLE_343072_MESH)
#include "GeneratedSource/cycfg_pins.h"
extern wiced_bt_cfg_settings_t wiced_bt_cfg_settings;
* Constants
#define MESH_PID 0x3123
#define MESH_VID 0x0001
// After presence is detected, interrupts are disabled for 7 seconds
* Structures
e93196_usr_cfg_t e93196_usr_cfg =
#if defined (CYBT_213043_MESH) || defined (CYBLE_343072_MESH)
.doci_pin = CYBSP_INT_DOCI, /* Interrupt/Data output Clock input configure pin */
.serin_pin = CYBSP_SERIN, /* Serial Input configure pin */
.doci_pin = WICED_P05, /* Interrupt/Data output Clock input configure pin */
.serin_pin = WICED_P17, /* Serial Input configure pin */
.e93196_init_reg =
.sensitivity = 0x10, /* [24:17]sensitivity, [Register Value] * 6.5uV */
.blind_time = MESH_PRESENCE_DETECTED_BLIND_TIME * 2, /* [16:13]blind time, [Register Value] * 0.5s, max is 8s */
.pulse_cnt = 0x01, /* [12:11]pulse count */
.window_time = 0x01, /* [10:9]window time */
.move_dete_en = 0x01, /* [8]move detect enable */
.int_src = 0x00, /* [7]irq source */
.adc_filter = 0x01, /* [6:5]ADC filter */
.power_en = 0x00, /* [4]power enable */
.self_test_en = 0x00, /* [3]selftest */
.capa = 0x00, /* [2]selftest capacity */
.test_mode = 0x00, /* [1:0]reserved */
* Function Prototypes
static void mesh_app_init(wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
static void mesh_app_hardware_init(void);
static wiced_bool_t mesh_app_notify_period_set(uint8_t element_idx, uint16_t company_id, uint16_t model_id, uint32_t period);
static void mesh_app_factory_reset(void);
static void mesh_sensor_server_restart_timer(wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_sensor_t *p_sensor);
static void mesh_sensor_server_report_handler(uint16_t event, uint8_t element_idx, void *p_get_data, void *p_ref_data);
static void mesh_sensor_server_config_change_handler(uint8_t element_idx, uint16_t event, void* p_data);
static void mesh_sensor_server_process_cadence_changed(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_cadence_status_data_t* p_data);
static void mesh_sensor_server_process_setting_changed(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_setting_status_data_t* p_data);
static void mesh_sensor_publish_timer_callback(TIMER_PARAM_TYPE arg);
static void e93196_int_proc(void *data, uint8_t port_pin);
static void mesh_sensor_presence_detected_timer_callback(TIMER_PARAM_TYPE arg);
static void mesh_sensor_publish(void);
static void mesh_sensor_value_changed(wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_sensor_t* p_sensor);
static int32_t mesh_sensor_get_current_value(void);
static void mesh_onoff_client_message_handler(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data);
static void button_interrupt_handler(void* user_data, uint8_t pin);
static void process_button_push(uint8_t element_idx);
#if defined(LOW_POWER_NODE) && (LOW_POWER_NODE == 1)
void mesh_sensor_motion_lpn_sleep(uint32_t max_sleep_duration);
extern void mesh_switch_hardware_init(uint8_t element_idx);
extern void mesh_switch_init(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bool_t is_provisioned);
* Variables Definitions
char *mesh_dev_name = "Smart Switch";
uint8_t mesh_mfr_name[WICED_BT_MESH_PROPERTY_LEN_DEVICE_MANUFACTURER_NAME] = { 'C', 'y', 'p', 'r', 'e', 's', 's', 0 };
uint8_t mesh_model_num[WICED_BT_MESH_PROPERTY_LEN_DEVICE_MODEL_NUMBER] = { '1', '2', '3', '4', 0, 0, 0, 0 };
uint8_t mesh_prop_fw_version[WICED_BT_MESH_PROPERTY_LEN_DEVICE_FIRMWARE_REVISION] = { '0', '6', '.', '0', '2', '.', '0', '5' }; // this is overwritten during init
uint8_t mesh_system_id[8] = { 0xbb, 0xb8, 0xa1, 0x80, 0x5f, 0x9f, 0x91, 0x71 };
int32_t mesh_sensor_sent_value = 0; // Value that was sent, it can be different than pub_value due to GET
int32_t mesh_sensor_pub_value; // value that has been published
uint32_t mesh_sensor_pub_time; // time stamp when data was published
uint32_t mesh_sensor_publish_period = 0; // publish "no presence" every ~5 minutes, with fast cadence 32. This is reset to 0 after provisioning. Set here for testing.
// we will publish "presence" every 10 seconds.
uint32_t mesh_sensor_fast_publish_period = 0; // publish period in msec when values are outside of limit
wiced_timer_t mesh_sensor_cadence_timer;
wiced_timer_t mesh_sensor_presence_detected_timer;
wiced_bool_t presence_detected = WICED_FALSE;
// We define optional setting for the motion sensor, the Motion Threshold. Default is 80%.
uint8_t mesh_motion_sensor_threshold_val = 0x50;
#if defined(LOW_POWER_NODE) && (LOW_POWER_NODE == 1)
uint32_t mesh_sensor_sleep_max_time = 0;
// Device will be sending Sensor Status and LC Client messages. It can also receive
// On/Off publication from the bulbs.
wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_model_t mesh_element1_models[] =
#define MESH_APP_NUM_MODELS (sizeof(mesh_element1_models) / sizeof(wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_model_t))
wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_sensor_t mesh_element1_sensors[] =
.prop_value_len = MESH_SENSOR_VALUE_LEN,
.descriptor =
.data = (uint8_t*)&mesh_sensor_sent_value,
.cadence =
// Value 0 indicates that cadence does not change depending on the measurements
.fast_cadence_period_divisor = 1, // Recommended publish period is 320sec, 32 will make fast period 10sec
.trigger_type_percentage = WICED_FALSE, // The Property is Bool, does not make sense to use percentage
.trigger_delta_down = 0, // This will not cause message when presence changes from 1 to 0
.trigger_delta_up = 0, // This will cause immediate message when presence changes from 0 to 1
.min_interval = (1 << 10), // Milliseconds. Conversion to SPEC values is done by the mesh models library
.fast_cadence_low = 0, // If fast_cadence_low is greater than fast_cadence_high and the measured value is either is lower
// than fast_cadence_high or higher than fast_cadence_low, then the message shall be published
// with publish period (equals to mesh_sensor_publish_period divided by fast_cadence_divisor_period)
.fast_cadence_high = 0, // is more or equal cadence_low or less then cadence_high. This is what we need.
.num_series = 0,
.series_columns = NULL,
.num_settings = 0,
.settings = NULL,
#define MESH_APP_NUM_PROPERTIES (sizeof(mesh_element1_properties) / sizeof(wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_property_t))
wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_element_t mesh_elements[] =
.location = MESH_ELEM_LOC_MAIN, // location description as defined in the GATT Bluetooth Namespace Descriptors section of the Bluetooth SIG Assigned Numbers
.default_transition_time = MESH_DEFAULT_TRANSITION_TIME_IN_MS, // Default transition time for models of the element in milliseconds
.onpowerup_state = WICED_BT_MESH_ON_POWER_UP_STATE_RESTORE, // Default element behavior on power up
.default_level = 0, // Default value of the variable controlled on this element (for example power, lightness, temperature, hue...)
.range_min = 1, // Minimum value of the variable controlled on this element (for example power, lightness, temperature, hue...)
.range_max = 0xffff, // Maximum value of the variable controlled on this element (for example power, lightness, temperature, hue...)
.move_rollover = 0, // If true when level gets to range_max during move operation, it switches to min, otherwise move stops.
.properties_num = 0, // Number of properties in the array models
.properties = NULL, // Array of properties in the element.
.sensors_num = 1, // Number of properties in the array models
.sensors = mesh_element1_sensors, // Array of properties in the element.
.models_num = MESH_APP_NUM_MODELS, // Number of models in the array models
.models = mesh_element1_models, // Array of models located in that element. Model data is defined by structure wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_model_t
wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_t mesh_config =
.company_id = MESH_COMPANY_ID_CYPRESS, // Company identifier assigned by the Bluetooth SIG
.product_id = MESH_PID, // Vendor-assigned product identifier
.vendor_id = MESH_VID, // Vendor-assigned product version identifier
#if defined(LOW_POWER_NODE) && (LOW_POWER_NODE == 1)
.features = WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_FEATURE_BIT_LOW_POWER, // A bit field indicating the device features. In Low Power mode no Relay, no Proxy and no Friend
.friend_cfg = // Empty Configuration of the Friend Feature
.receive_window = 0, // Receive Window value in milliseconds supported by the Friend node.
.cache_buf_len = 0, // Length of the buffer for the cache
.max_lpn_num = 0 // Max number of Low Power Nodes with established friendship. Must be > 0 if Friend feature is supported.
.low_power = // Configuration of the Low Power Feature
.rssi_factor = 2, // contribution of the RSSI measured by the Friend node used in Friend Offer Delay calculations.
.receive_window_factor = 2, // contribution of the supported Receive Window used in Friend Offer Delay calculations.
.min_cache_size_log = 3, // minimum number of messages that the Friend node can store in its Friend Cache.
.receive_delay = 100, // Receive delay in 1 ms units to be requested by the Low Power node.
.poll_timeout = 600 // Poll timeout in 100ms units to be requested by the Low Power node.
.friend_cfg = // Configuration of the Friend Feature(Receive Window in Ms, messages cache)
.receive_window = 20,
.cache_buf_len = 300, // Length of the buffer for the cache
.max_lpn_num = 4 // Max number of Low Power Nodes with established friendship. Must be > 0 if Friend feature is supported.
.low_power = // Configuration of the Low Power Feature
.rssi_factor = 0, // contribution of the RSSI measured by the Friend node used in Friend Offer Delay calculations.
.receive_window_factor = 0, // contribution of the supported Receive Window used in Friend Offer Delay calculations.
.min_cache_size_log = 0, // minimum number of messages that the Friend node can store in its Friend Cache.
.receive_delay = 0, // Receive delay in 1 ms units to be requested by the Low Power node.
.poll_timeout = 0 // Poll timeout in 100ms units to be requested by the Low Power node.
.gatt_client_only = WICED_FALSE, // Can connect to mesh over GATT or ADV
.elements_num = (uint8_t)(sizeof(mesh_elements) / sizeof(mesh_elements[0])), // number of elements on this device
.elements = mesh_elements // Array of elements for this device
* Mesh application library will call into application functions if provided by the application.
wiced_bt_mesh_app_func_table_t wiced_bt_mesh_app_func_table =
mesh_app_init, // application initialization
mesh_app_hardware_init, // Button push is processed by the application
NULL, // GATT connection status
NULL, // attention processing
mesh_app_notify_period_set, // notify period set
NULL, // WICED HCI command
#if defined(LOW_POWER_NODE) && (LOW_POWER_NODE == 1)
mesh_sensor_motion_lpn_sleep, // LPN sleep
mesh_app_factory_reset // factory reset
* Function Definitions
void mesh_app_init(wiced_bool_t is_provisioned)
#if 0
// Set Debug trace level for mesh_models_lib and mesh_provisioner_lib
#if 0
// Set Debug trace level for all modules but Info level for CORE_AES_CCM module
wiced_result_t result = WICED_SUCCESS;
wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_sensor_t *p_sensor;
#if defined(LOW_POWER_NODE) && (LOW_POWER_NODE == 1)
wiced_bt_cfg_settings.device_name = (uint8_t *)"Smart switch LPN";
wiced_bt_cfg_settings.device_name = (uint8_t *)"Smart switch";
wiced_bt_cfg_settings.gatt_cfg.appearance = APPEARANCE_SENSOR_MOTION;
mesh_prop_fw_version[0] = 0x30 + (WICED_SDK_MAJOR_VER / 10);
mesh_prop_fw_version[1] = 0x30 + (WICED_SDK_MAJOR_VER % 10);
mesh_prop_fw_version[2] = 0x30 + (WICED_SDK_MINOR_VER / 10);
mesh_prop_fw_version[3] = 0x30 + (WICED_SDK_MINOR_VER % 10);
mesh_prop_fw_version[4] = 0x30 + (WICED_SDK_REV_NUMBER / 10);
mesh_prop_fw_version[5] = 0x30 + (WICED_SDK_REV_NUMBER % 10);
// convert 12 bits of BUILD_NUMMBER to two base64 characters big endian
mesh_prop_fw_version[6] = wiced_bt_mesh_base64_encode_6bits((uint8_t)(WICED_SDK_BUILD_NUMBER >> 6) & 0x3f);
mesh_prop_fw_version[7] = wiced_bt_mesh_base64_encode_6bits((uint8_t)WICED_SDK_BUILD_NUMBER & 0x3f);
// Adv Data is fixed. Spec allows to put URI, Name, Appearance and Tx Power in the Scan Response Data.
if (!is_provisioned)
wiced_bt_ble_advert_elem_t adv_elem[3];
uint8_t buf[2];
uint8_t num_elem = 0;
adv_elem[num_elem].advert_type = BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_NAME_COMPLETE;
adv_elem[num_elem].len = (uint16_t)strlen((const char*)wiced_bt_cfg_settings.device_name);
adv_elem[num_elem].p_data = wiced_bt_cfg_settings.device_name;
adv_elem[num_elem].advert_type = BTM_BLE_ADVERT_TYPE_APPEARANCE;
adv_elem[num_elem].len = 2;
buf[0] = (uint8_t)wiced_bt_cfg_settings.gatt_cfg.appearance;
buf[1] = (uint8_t)(wiced_bt_cfg_settings.gatt_cfg.appearance >> 8);
adv_elem[num_elem].p_data = buf;
wiced_bt_mesh_set_raw_scan_response_data(num_elem, adv_elem);
mesh_switch_init(MESH_ONOFF_SWITCH_ELEMENT_INDEX, is_provisioned);
wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_server_init(MESH_SENSOR_SERVER_ELEMENT_INDEX, mesh_sensor_server_report_handler, mesh_sensor_server_config_change_handler, is_provisioned);
p_sensor = &mesh_config.elements[MESH_SENSOR_SERVER_ELEMENT_INDEX].sensors[MESH_MOTION_SENSOR_INDEX];
mesh_switch_init(MESH_ONOFF_SWITCH_ELEMENT_INDEX, is_provisioned);
#if defined (CYBT_213043_MESH) || defined (CYBLE_343072_MESH)
e93196_init(&e93196_usr_cfg, e93196_int_proc, NULL);
// initialize the cadence timer. Need a timer for each element because each sensor model can be
// configured for different publication period. This app has only one sensor.
wiced_init_timer(&mesh_sensor_cadence_timer, &mesh_sensor_publish_timer_callback, (TIMER_PARAM_TYPE)&mesh_config.elements[MESH_SENSOR_SERVER_ELEMENT_INDEX].sensors[MESH_MOTION_SENSOR_INDEX], WICED_MILLI_SECONDS_TIMER);
wiced_init_timer(&mesh_sensor_presence_detected_timer, mesh_sensor_presence_detected_timer_callback, (TIMER_PARAM_TYPE)&mesh_config.elements[MESH_SENSOR_SERVER_ELEMENT_INDEX].sensors[MESH_MOTION_SENSOR_INDEX], WICED_SECONDS_TIMER);
// We should receive interrupt within 2 second if there is presence. Otherwise timeout expires and we will assume that no presence.
wiced_start_timer(&mesh_sensor_presence_detected_timer, 2);
//restore the cadence from NVRAM
wiced_hal_read_nvram( MESH_MOTION_SENSOR_CADENCE_VSID_START, sizeof(wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_config_cadence_t), (uint8_t*)(&p_sensor->cadence), &result);
wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_server_init(MESH_SENSOR_SERVER_ELEMENT_INDEX, mesh_sensor_server_report_handler, mesh_sensor_server_config_change_handler, is_provisioned);
void mesh_app_hardware_init(void)
* New publication period is set. If it is for the sensor model, this application should take care of it.
* The period may need to be adjusted based on the divisor.
wiced_bool_t mesh_app_notify_period_set(uint8_t element_idx, uint16_t company_id, uint16_t model_id, uint32_t period)
if ((element_idx != MESH_MOTION_SENSOR_INDEX) || (company_id != MESH_COMPANY_ID_BT_SIG) || (model_id != WICED_BT_MESH_CORE_MODEL_ID_SENSOR_SRV))
mesh_sensor_publish_period = period;
WICED_BT_TRACE("Sensor data send period:%dms\n", mesh_sensor_publish_period);
// as we are restarting time, we will publish on the first expiration regardless on when the value was previously published
mesh_sensor_pub_time = 0;
return WICED_TRUE;
* Start periodic timer depending on the publication period, fast cadence divisor and minimum interval
void mesh_sensor_server_restart_timer(wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_sensor_t *p_sensor)
// If there are no specific cadence settings, publish every publish period.
uint32_t timeout = mesh_sensor_publish_period;
if (timeout == 0)
WICED_BT_TRACE("sensor restart timer period:%d\n", mesh_sensor_publish_period);
// If fast cadence period divisor is set, we need to check data more
// often than publication period. Publish if measurement is in specified range
if (p_sensor->cadence.fast_cadence_period_divisor > 1)
timeout = mesh_sensor_publish_period / p_sensor->cadence.fast_cadence_period_divisor;
mesh_sensor_fast_publish_period = timeout ;
WICED_BT_TRACE("sensor fast cadence:%d\n", mesh_sensor_fast_publish_period);
mesh_sensor_fast_publish_period = 0;
WICED_BT_TRACE("sensor fast pub period:0 cadence devisor:%d\n", p_sensor->cadence.fast_cadence_period_divisor);
// should not send data more often than min_interval
if ((p_sensor->cadence.min_interval != 0) && (p_sensor->cadence.min_interval > timeout) &&
((p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_up != 0) || (p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_down != 0)))
timeout = p_sensor->cadence.min_interval;
WICED_BT_TRACE("sensor min interval:%d\n", timeout);
WICED_BT_TRACE("sensor restart timer:%d\n", timeout);
#if defined(LOW_POWER_NODE) && (LOW_POWER_NODE == 1)
mesh_sensor_sleep_max_time = timeout;
wiced_start_timer(&mesh_sensor_cadence_timer, timeout);
* Process event received from the onoff Server.
void mesh_onoff_client_message_handler(uint16_t event, wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event, void *p_data)
wiced_bt_mesh_onoff_status_data_t *p_onoff_status;
wiced_bt_mesh_onoff_set_data_t set_data;
WICED_BT_TRACE("onoff clt msg:%d\n", event);
* Process the configuration changes set by the Sensor Client.
void mesh_sensor_server_config_change_handler(uint8_t element_idx, uint16_t event, void *p_data)
WICED_BT_TRACE("mesh_sensor_server_config_change_handler msg: %d\n", event);
switch (event)
mesh_sensor_server_process_cadence_changed(element_idx, (wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_cadence_status_data_t*) p_data);
mesh_sensor_server_process_setting_changed(element_idx, (wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_setting_status_data_t*) p_data);
* Process get request from Sensor Client and respond with sensor data
void mesh_sensor_server_report_handler(uint16_t event, uint8_t element_idx, void *p_get, void *p_ref_data)
wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_get_t *p_sensor_get = (wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_get_t *)p_get;
WICED_BT_TRACE("mesh_sensor_server_report_handler msg: %d\n", event);
switch (event)
// tell mesh models library that data is ready to be shipped out, the library will get data from mesh_config
mesh_sensor_sent_value = presence_detected;
wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_server_data(element_idx, p_sensor_get->property_id, p_ref_data);
* Process cadence change
void mesh_sensor_server_process_cadence_changed(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_cadence_status_data_t* p_data)
wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_sensor_t *p_sensor;
uint8_t written_byte = 0;
wiced_result_t status;
p_sensor = &mesh_config.elements[element_idx].sensors[MESH_MOTION_SENSOR_INDEX];
WICED_BT_TRACE("cadence changed property id:%04x\n", p_data->property_id);
WICED_BT_TRACE("Fast cadence period divisor:%d\n", p_sensor->cadence.fast_cadence_period_divisor);
WICED_BT_TRACE("Is trigger type percent:%d\n", p_sensor->cadence.trigger_type_percentage);
WICED_BT_TRACE("Trigger delta up:%d\n", p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_up);
WICED_BT_TRACE("Trigger delta down:%d\n", p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_down);
WICED_BT_TRACE("Min Interval:%d\n", p_sensor->cadence.min_interval);
WICED_BT_TRACE("Fast cadence low:%d\n", p_sensor->cadence.fast_cadence_low);
WICED_BT_TRACE("Fast cadence high:%d\n", p_sensor->cadence.fast_cadence_high);
/* save cadence to NVRAM */
written_byte = wiced_hal_write_nvram( MESH_MOTION_SENSOR_CADENCE_VSID_START, sizeof(wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_config_cadence_t), (uint8_t*)(&p_sensor->cadence), &status);
WICED_BT_TRACE("NVRAM write: %d\n", written_byte);
// as we are restarting time, we will publish on the first expiration regardless on when the value was previously published
mesh_sensor_pub_time = 0;
* Publication timer callback. Need to send data if publish period expired, or
* if value has changed more than specified in the triggers, or if value is in range
* of fast cadence values and fast cadence interval expired.
void mesh_sensor_publish_timer_callback(TIMER_PARAM_TYPE arg)
wiced_bt_mesh_event_t *p_event;
wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_sensor_t *p_sensor = (wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_sensor_t *)arg;
wiced_bool_t pub_needed = WICED_FALSE;
uint32_t current_time = wiced_bt_mesh_core_get_tick_count();
int32_t current_value = mesh_sensor_get_current_value();
if ((p_sensor->cadence.min_interval != 0) && ((current_time - mesh_sensor_pub_time) < p_sensor->cadence.min_interval))
WICED_BT_TRACE("time since last pub:%d less then cadence interval:%d\n", current_time - mesh_sensor_pub_time, p_sensor->cadence.min_interval);
// check if publication timer expired
if ((mesh_sensor_publish_period != 0) && (current_time - mesh_sensor_pub_time >= mesh_sensor_publish_period))
WICED_BT_TRACE("Pub needed period\n");
pub_needed = WICED_TRUE;
// still need to send if publication timer has not expired, but triggers are configured, and value
// changed too much
if (!pub_needed && ((p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_up != 0) || (p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_down != 0)))
if (!p_sensor->cadence.trigger_type_percentage)
WICED_BT_TRACE("Native cur value:%d sent:%d delta:%d/%d\n",
current_value, mesh_sensor_pub_value, p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_up, p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_down);
if (((p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_up != 0) && (current_value >= (mesh_sensor_pub_value + p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_up)))
|| ((p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_down != 0) && (current_value <= (mesh_sensor_pub_value - p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_down))))
WICED_BT_TRACE("Pub needed native value\n");
pub_needed = WICED_TRUE;
// need to calculate percentage of the increase or decrease. The deltas are in 0.01%.
if ((p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_up != 0) && (current_value > mesh_sensor_pub_value))
WICED_BT_TRACE("Delta up:%d\n", ((uint32_t)(current_value - mesh_sensor_pub_value) * 10000 / current_value));
if (((uint32_t)(current_value - mesh_sensor_pub_value) * 10000 / current_value) > p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_up)
WICED_BT_TRACE("Pub needed percent delta up:%d\n", ((current_value - mesh_sensor_pub_value) * 10000 / current_value));
pub_needed = WICED_TRUE;
else if ((p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_down != 0) && (current_value < mesh_sensor_pub_value))
WICED_BT_TRACE("Delta down:%d\n", ((uint32_t)(mesh_sensor_pub_value - current_value) * 10000 / current_value));
if (((uint32_t)(mesh_sensor_pub_value - current_value) * 10000 / current_value) > p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_down)
WICED_BT_TRACE("Pub needed percent delta down:%d\n", ((mesh_sensor_pub_value - current_value) * 10000 / current_value));
pub_needed = WICED_TRUE;
// may still need to send if fast publication is configured
if (!pub_needed && (mesh_sensor_fast_publish_period != 0))
// check if fast publish period expired
if (current_time - mesh_sensor_pub_time >= mesh_sensor_fast_publish_period)
// if cadence high is more than cadence low, to publish, the value should be in range
if (p_sensor->cadence.fast_cadence_high > p_sensor->cadence.fast_cadence_low)
if ((current_value > p_sensor->cadence.fast_cadence_low) &&
(current_value <= p_sensor->cadence.fast_cadence_high))
WICED_BT_TRACE("Pub needed in range\n");
pub_needed = WICED_TRUE;
else if (p_sensor->cadence.fast_cadence_high < p_sensor->cadence.fast_cadence_low)
if ((current_value >= p_sensor->cadence.fast_cadence_low) ||
(current_value < p_sensor->cadence.fast_cadence_high))
WICED_BT_TRACE("Pub needed out of range\n");
pub_needed = WICED_TRUE;
else // p_sensor->cadence.fast_cadence_high == p_sensor->cadence.fast_cadence_low
// publish if current value is the same as cadence high/low
if (current_value == p_sensor->cadence.fast_cadence_low)
WICED_BT_TRACE("Pub needed equal\n");
pub_needed = WICED_TRUE;
if (pub_needed)
* Process setting change
void mesh_sensor_server_process_setting_changed(uint8_t element_idx, wiced_bt_mesh_sensor_setting_status_data_t* p_data)
WICED_BT_TRACE("settings changed sensor prop id:%x, setting prop id:%x\n", p_data->property_id, p_data->setting.setting_property_id);
void e93196_int_proc(void* data, uint8_t port_pin)
WICED_BT_TRACE("presence detected TRUE\n");
// We disable interrupts for MESH_PRESENCE_DETECTED_BLIND_TIME. If interrupt does not happen within
// MESH_PRESENCE_DETECTED_BLIND_TIME * 2, we assume that there is no presence anymore
wiced_start_timer(&mesh_sensor_presence_detected_timer, 2 * MESH_PRESENCE_DETECTED_BLIND_TIME);
if (!presence_detected)
presence_detected = WICED_TRUE;
void mesh_sensor_presence_detected_timer_callback(TIMER_PARAM_TYPE arg)
WICED_BT_TRACE("presence detected FALSE\n");
if (presence_detected)
presence_detected = WICED_FALSE;
* This funciton is executed when Sensor Value changes
void mesh_sensor_value_changed(wiced_bt_mesh_core_config_sensor_t* p_sensor)
int32_t current_value;
uint32_t current_time;
// If sensor is configured for periodic publication, don't need to do anything because
// value will be published on schedule
if ((mesh_sensor_publish_period != 0) &&
(p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_down == 0) && (p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_up == 0))
WICED_BT_TRACE("sensor value change ignored will publish on timeout\n");
// When periodic publishing is disabled, however, the behavior triggered by a change in
// the Sensor Data state shall depend on whether the Sensor Cadence state has been configured
if ((p_sensor->cadence.fast_cadence_period_divisor == 1) && (p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_up == 0) && (p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_down == 0))
// If Cadence is not configured we should publish on every change. Implementation needs to make sure that
// the value is not published too often, but in Motion Sensor it is not a problem because there is a blind timer involved.
current_time = wiced_bt_mesh_core_get_tick_count();
if (mesh_sensor_pub_time + p_sensor->cadence.min_interval > current_time)
WICED_BT_TRACE("sensor value change min_interval not expired pub_time:%d current_time:%d\n", mesh_sensor_pub_time, current_time);
// If cadence is configured, we will publish if conditions are setisifed
current_value = mesh_sensor_get_current_value();
if (((p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_down != 0) && (current_value <= mesh_sensor_pub_value - p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_down)) ||
((p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_up != 0) && (current_value >= mesh_sensor_pub_value - p_sensor->cadence.trigger_delta_up)))
* Publish Sensor Data
void mesh_sensor_publish(void)
mesh_sensor_sent_value = mesh_sensor_get_current_value();
mesh_sensor_pub_value = mesh_sensor_sent_value;
mesh_sensor_pub_time = wiced_bt_mesh_core_get_tick_count();
WICED_BT_TRACE("*** Pub value:%d time:%d\n", mesh_sensor_sent_value, mesh_sensor_pub_time);
wiced_bt_mesh_model_sensor_server_data(MESH_SENSOR_SERVER_ELEMENT_INDEX, MESH_SENSOR_PROPERTY_ID, NULL);
int32_t mesh_sensor_get_current_value(void)
return presence_detected;
* Application is notified that factory reset is executed.
void mesh_app_factory_reset(void)
#if defined(LOW_POWER_NODE) && (LOW_POWER_NODE == 1)
void mesh_sensor_motion_lpn_sleep(uint32_t max_sleep_duration)
WICED_BT_TRACE("Mesh core allow max_sleep_duration:%ds configured:%ds presence:%d\n", max_sleep_duration / 1000, mesh_sensor_sleep_max_time / 1000, presence_detected);
// Currently cannot sleep for more than a minute. It's for better demo.
if (max_sleep_duration > 60000)
max_sleep_duration = 60000;
if (mesh_sensor_sleep_max_time != 0)
// If presence is detected we cannot sleep for more than configured period.
// Otherwise we can sleep until need to send the next LPN poll
if (presence_detected && (mesh_sensor_sleep_max_time < max_sleep_duration))
max_sleep_duration = mesh_sensor_sleep_max_time;
// Too much power to wake, if sleep less than 10 seconds
if (max_sleep_duration < 10000)
// WICED_BT_TRACE("Entering HID-OFF for:%ds\n", max_sleep_duration / 1000);
// wiced_sleep_enter_hid_off(max_sleep_duration, e93196_usr_cfg.doci_pin, 1);
// if function returned, we could not eneter hid off
// WICED_BT_TRACE("Entering HID-Off failed\n\r");