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* Copyright 2016-2024, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This software, including source code, documentation and related
* materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* or one of its affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to
* worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
* United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
* Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
* agreement accompanying the software package from which you
* obtained this Software ("EULA").
* If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
* non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software
* source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
* integrated circuit products. Any reproduction, modification, translation,
* compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
* above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.
* reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
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/** @file
* AIROC Firmware Upgrade implementation
* This file provides common functions required to support firmware upgrade
* whether it is being done over the air, UART, or SPI. Primarily the
* functionality is provided for storing and retrieving information from EEPROM
* or Serial Flash whatever is available on the platform.
#include "spar_utils.h"
#include "bleprofile.h"
#include "bleapp.h"
#include "puart.h"
#include "gpiodriver.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "bleapputils.h"
#include "bleappfwu.h"
#include "limits.h"
* Constants
#define WS_UPGRADE_SS_LENGTH 40 // SS is always 40 bytes long.
* Structures
// Table of locations and lengths for EEPROM and SF.
typedef struct
UINT32 ss_loc[2];
UINT32 ds1_loc;
UINT32 ds1_len;
UINT32 ds2_loc;
UINT32 ds2_len;
UINT32 vs1_loc;
UINT32 vs1_len;
UINT32 vs2_loc;
UINT32 vs2_len;
// The static sections are assumed to be at these locations.
// Recommended offsets for EEPROM
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// | SS1 (256b @ 0) | SS2 (256b @ 0x100) | VS1 (1024b @ 0x140) | DS1 (30.5Kb @ 0x580) | DS2 (30.5Kb @ 0x8000) |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Recommended offsets for Serial Flash. All sections have to be on a 4K sector boundary.
// Ensure that the .btp file has the same values as the values below:
// ConfigDSLocation = <ds1_location>
// DLConfigVSLocation = <vs_location1>
// DLConfigVSLength = <vs_length1>
// The following is the layout of the SF.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// | SS1 (4K @ 0) | SS2 (4K @ 0x1000) | VS1 (4K @ 0x2000) | VS2 (4K @ 0x3000) | DS1 (24K @ 0x4000) | DS2 (24K @ 0xA000) | UNUSED
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// For reference only.
// UINT32 ss_locations[2] = {0, 0x1000};
// UINT32 vs_location1 = 0x2000; // VS section occupies 1 sector
// UINT32 vs_length1 = 0x1000; // 4K = 1 SF sector
// UINT32 vs_location2 = 0x3000; // Double buffer for VS for failsafe storage.
// UINT32 vs_length2 = 0x1000; // 4K = 1 SF sector = vs_length1
// NV locations and lengths. Ensure that the BTP file has the same values for the parameters in the
// inline comment on the right.
const WS_UPGRADE_NV_LOC_LEN nv_loc_len[2] =
/* .ss_loc = */ {0, 256},
/* .ds1_loc = */ 0x580, // ConfigDSLocation
/* .ds1_len = */ 0x7A00, // ~31KB
/* .ds2_loc = */ 0x8000,
/* .ds2_len = */ 0x7A00, // ~31KB
/* .vs1_loc = */ 0x140, // DLConfigVSLocation
/* .vs1_len = */ 0x400, // DLConfigVSLength
/* .vs2_loc = */ 0, // No VS2 for EEPROMS
/* .vs2_len = */ 0 // No VS2 for EEPROMS
// We are assuming that we have a 64KByte Serial Flash. If the SF is larger, you may change ds1_len, ds2_loc, ds2_len
// accordingly.
/* .ss_loc = */ {0, 0x1000},
/* .ds1_loc = */ 0x4000, // ConfigDSLocation
/* .ds1_len = */ 0x6000,
/* .ds2_loc = */ 0xA000,
/* .ds2_len = */ 0x6000,
/* .vs1_loc = */ 0x2000, // DLConfigVSLocation
/* .vs1_len = */ 0x1000, // DLConfigVSLength
/* .vs2_loc = */ 0x3000,
/* .vs2_len = */ 0x1000
// this is external variable that can be used by other units
UINT32 ws_upgrade_active_nv_type = WS_UPGRADE_NV_TYPE_EEPROM; // Assume EEPROM
static UINT32 active_ds_location = 0;
static UINT32 upgrade_ds_location = 0;
static UINT32 upgrade_ds_length = 0;
static UINT32 active_ss_location = 0;
static UINT32 upgrade_ss_location = 0;
const UINT8 ss_valid_byte_sequence[] = {0x01, 0x08, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x62, 0x08, 0xc0, 0x5d, 0x89};
extern UINT32 Config_and_Firmware_Status;
extern UINT32 Config_DS_Location;
extern UINT32 Config_SS_Location;
* Function Definitions
static UINT32 ws_upgrade_convert_to_nv_virtual_address(UINT32 address);
static UINT32 ws_upgrade_create_upgrade_ss(void);
static void ws_upgrade_invalidate_active_ss(void);
void ws_upgrade_init(void)
// Find out what type the NV is.
ble_trace2 ("ws_upgrade_init: DS:%04x SS:%04x\n", Config_DS_Location, Config_SS_Location);
ws_upgrade_active_nv_type = WS_UPGRADE_NV_TYPE_SF;
ws_upgrade_active_nv_type = WS_UPGRADE_NV_TYPE_EEPROM;
if ((Config_DS_Location != nv_loc_len[ws_upgrade_active_nv_type].ds1_loc) &&
(Config_DS_Location != nv_loc_len[ws_upgrade_active_nv_type].ds2_loc))
// If active DS is neither DS1 nor DS2 we expect to see, fail the download.
ble_trace0("WARNING: Upgrade will fail - active DS is not one of the expected locations.\n");
ble_trace0("WARNING: Are ConfigDSLocation and DLConfigVSLocation in the .btp set up as in nv_loc_len[]?\n");
// Converts a given address into the NV virtual address.
UINT32 ws_upgrade_convert_to_nv_virtual_address(UINT32 address)
return (address |= INDIRECT_MEM_MAP_EEPROM);
return (address |= INDIRECT_MEM_MAP_SF);
// Checks if the second static section exists or not and creates it if required.
UINT32 ws_upgrade_create_upgrade_ss(void)
// SS is always 40 bytes long.
UINT8 upgrade_ss_data[WS_UPGRADE_SS_LENGTH];
UINT8 upgrade_ss_current[WS_UPGRADE_SS_LENGTH];
UINT32 active_ss_virtual_address, upgrade_ss_virtual_address, i;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
active_ss_virtual_address = ws_upgrade_convert_to_nv_virtual_address(nv_loc_len[ws_upgrade_active_nv_type].ss_loc[i]);
// ble_trace2("Reading from 0x%08X, v: 0x%08X", ss_locations[i], virt_addr);
bleappfwu_readMem(ss_data, active_ss_virtual_address, sizeof(ss_data));
// Compare the first few bytes to what should be the right SS.
if (!memcmp(ss_data, ss_valid_byte_sequence, sizeof(ss_valid_byte_sequence)))
active_ss_location = nv_loc_len[ws_upgrade_active_nv_type].ss_loc[i];
Config_SS_Location = active_ss_location;
active_ss_location = Config_SS_Location;
active_ss_virtual_address = ws_upgrade_convert_to_nv_virtual_address(active_ss_location);
bleappfwu_readMem(ss_data, active_ss_virtual_address, sizeof(ss_data));
// ble_trace1("Read these bytes from current SS:0x%08X", active_ss_location);
// ble_tracen(ss_data, sizeof(ss_data));
// ble_trace0("\n");
// Make a local copy so we can modify the target DS in the SS.
memcpy(upgrade_ss_data, ss_data, sizeof(upgrade_ss_data));
// upgrade ss location is the 'other' ss location in the list.
upgrade_ss_location = (active_ss_location == nv_loc_len[ws_upgrade_active_nv_type].ss_loc[0]) ?
nv_loc_len[ws_upgrade_active_nv_type].ss_loc[1] : nv_loc_len[ws_upgrade_active_nv_type].ss_loc[0];
// Convert the upgrade location into the equivalent virtual address.
upgrade_ss_virtual_address = ws_upgrade_convert_to_nv_virtual_address(upgrade_ss_location);
// Then update the DS with the upgrade DS.
upgrade_ss_data[0x1E] = (upgrade_ds_location & 0xFF);
upgrade_ss_data[0x1F] = (upgrade_ds_location & 0xFF00) >> 8;
upgrade_ss_data[0x20] = (upgrade_ds_location & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
upgrade_ss_data[0x21] = (upgrade_ds_location & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
// Sector must be erased before writing to it.
bleappfwu_eraseMem(upgrade_ss_virtual_address, WS_UPGRADE_SERIAL_FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE);
// ble_trace2("Writing new SS: 0x%08X = 0x%08X", upgrade_ss_location, upgrade_ss_virtual_address);
// ble_tracen(upgrade_ss_data, sizeof(upgrade_ss_data));
// ble_trace0("\n");
// Write this to the upgrade SS.
if (bleappfwu_writeMem(upgrade_ss_data, upgrade_ss_virtual_address, sizeof(upgrade_ss_data)))
ble_trace0("Could not write new SS!\n");
return 0;
memset(upgrade_ss_current, 0x00, sizeof(upgrade_ss_current));
// Read back the SS we just wrote to make sure that it was indeed committed to the NV
if (bleappfwu_readMem(upgrade_ss_current, upgrade_ss_virtual_address, sizeof(upgrade_ss_current)))
return 0;
// ble_trace0("Read Back new SS:");
// ble_tracen(upgrade_ss_current, sizeof(upgrade_ss_current));
// ble_trace0("\n");
// Return true iff what we wrote is whats now in the NV. Else we may brick the device
return !memcmp(upgrade_ss_current, upgrade_ss_data, sizeof(upgrade_ss_current));
// WARNING: Invalidates the current SS. Should be called only when upgrade succeeded and the upgrade
// SS was also created successfully before by ws_upgrade_create_upgrade_ss.
// Failure to do this correctly will result in bricking the device.
void ws_upgrade_invalidate_active_ss(void)
UINT32 i, j, found = 0, virt;
// Flip one bit in the active SS so that the checksum of the SS fails on the
// subsequent boot.
// ble_tracen(ss_data, sizeof(ss_data));
ss_data[0] ^= 1;
// ble_trace0("Invalidated Old SS.");
// ble_tracen(ss_data, sizeof(ss_data));
// ble_trace0("\n");
virt = ws_upgrade_convert_to_nv_virtual_address(active_ss_location);
// Erase sector if SF before writing.
bleappfwu_eraseMem(virt, WS_UPGRADE_SERIAL_FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE);
// Write this to the active SS.
bleappfwu_writeMem(ss_data, virt, sizeof(ss_data));
// Active SS has now been clobbered. The upgrade SS will take over now.
// setup nvram locations to be used during upgrade
UINT32 ws_upgrade_init_nv_locations(void)
if ((Config_DS_Location != nv_loc_len[ws_upgrade_active_nv_type].ds1_loc) &&
(Config_DS_Location != nv_loc_len[ws_upgrade_active_nv_type].ds2_loc))
// If active DS is neither DS1 nor DS2 we expect to see, fail the download.
ble_trace0("Active DS is not DS1 and not DS2. Cannot upgrade.\n");
return 0;
active_ds_location = Config_DS_Location;
upgrade_ds_location = (active_ds_location == nv_loc_len[ws_upgrade_active_nv_type].ds1_loc) ?
nv_loc_len[ws_upgrade_active_nv_type].ds2_loc : nv_loc_len[ws_upgrade_active_nv_type].ds1_loc;
upgrade_ds_length = (active_ds_location == nv_loc_len[ws_upgrade_active_nv_type].ds1_loc) ?
nv_loc_len[ws_upgrade_active_nv_type].ds2_len : nv_loc_len[ws_upgrade_active_nv_type].ds1_len;
ble_trace3("Active: 0x%08X, Upgrade: 0x%08X, UG length: 0x%08X", active_ds_location, upgrade_ds_location, upgrade_ds_length);
ble_tracen((char *)ss_data, sizeof(ss_data));
return 1;
// Stores to the physical NV storage medium.
UINT32 ws_upgrade_store_to_nv(UINT32 offset, UINT8 *data, UINT32 len)
UINT32 _offset = offset;
// The real offset into the NV is the current offset + the upgrade DS location.
offset += upgrade_ds_location;
// Now add the NV virtual address to this offset based on the physical part.
offset = ws_upgrade_convert_to_nv_virtual_address(offset);
// Try to erase DS if running from serial flash and this is the first write
if (!WS_UPGRADE_NV_IS_EEPROM() && !_offset)
// Use the virtual address
UINT32 addr = offset;
// We will erase sector-by-sector.
// Note that we are rounding up to sector boundary here because
// the smallest unit we can erase is a sector (block erase and
// chip erase are not desirable for obvious reasons).
// Only the lower 24 bits of addr will go to the SF. See SF datasheet.
while(addr < (offset + upgrade_ds_length))
// erase in chunks of 4KB
// ble_trace2("bleappfwu_eraseMem: addr 0x%08x %d\n", addr, WS_UPGRADE_SERIAL_FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE);
bleappfwu_eraseMem(addr, WS_UPGRADE_SERIAL_FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE);
// Write to NV.
// ble_trace2("bleappfwu_writeMem: offset 0x%08x %d\n", offset, len);
return bleappfwu_writeMem(data, offset, len);
// Retrieve chunk of data from the physical NV storage medium
UINT32 ws_upgrade_retrieve_from_nv(UINT32 offset, UINT8 *data, UINT32 len)
// The real offset into the NV is the current offset + the upgrade DS location.
offset += upgrade_ds_location;
// Now add the NV virtual address to this offset based on the physical part.
offset = ws_upgrade_convert_to_nv_virtual_address(offset);
// ble_trace2(" ** ws_upgrade_retrieve_from_nv: offset 0x%08x %d\n", offset, len);
// Write to NV.
bleappfwu_readMem(data, offset, len);
return 0;
// After download is completed and verified this function is
// called to switch active partitions with the one that has been
// receiving the new image.
void ws_upgrade_finish(void)
// If successful, create the upgrade SS too.
if (ws_upgrade_create_upgrade_ss())
// Then invalidate the active SS only if the upgrade SS was
// created successfully.
ble_trace0("Could not create upgrade SS\n");
// Now force a reset.
// First disable all interrupts.
// trip watch dog now.
// End of the world - will not return.