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* \file cy_pdaltmode_defines.h
* \version 1.0
* \brief
* This header file provides common data structures of the Alternate mode feature.
* \copyright
* Copyright 2024, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company)
* or an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.
#include "cy_usbpd_defines.h"
#include "cy_usbpd_config_table.h"
#include "cy_pdstack_common.h"
#include "cy_pdaltmode_rom.h"
#include "cy_scb_i2c.h"
#include "cy_hpi_defines.h"
#endif /* CY_HPI_ENABLED */
/* Data Exchange between ports enabled */
/* Enable Ridge Slave Interface*/
* \mainpage PDAltMode Middleware Library Documentation
* The PDAltMode middleware implements state machines defined in:
* * **Universal Serial Bus Power Delivery Specification Rev 3.1 Ver 1.8**
* * **Universal Serial Bus Type-C Cable and Connector Specification Ver 2.2**
* * **VESA DisplayPort Alt Mode on USB Type-C Standard. Ver 1.3/1.4**
* The PDAltMode middleware operates on top of PdStack Middleware and USBPD driver
* included in the MTB PDL CAT2 (mtb-pdl-cat2) Peripheral Driver Library. The middleware
* provides a set of Alt Mode APIs through which the application can initialize,
* monitor and configure the following PD Alt Modes:
* * Display Port.
* * TBT.
* * vPro.
* * USB4.
* The PDAltMode Middleware is released as a combination of source files and a
* pre-compiled library (pdaltmode_dock_tbt). The pre-compiled library implements support
* for TBT and vPro alternate modes. All of the remaining state machines are implemented
* in the form of source files.
* <b>Features:</b>
* 1. Support PD Alternate Modes Discovery, entry and simultaneously handling up to 4
* alternate modes.
* 2. Support Intel Ridge Slave Interface.
* 3. Support the following AltModes (in DFP and UFP roles) by default:
* * DP
* * TBT
* * vPro
* * USB4
* 4. Support mechanisms to add user custom alternate mode.
* \section section_pdaltmode_quick_start Quick Start Guide
* PDAltMode Middleware can be used in various development environments such as
* ModusToolbox(TM), MBED, and so on. Refer to the \ref section_pdaltmode_toolchain
* section.
* The following steps describe the simplest way of enabling the PDAltMode
* Middleware in the application.
* 1. Open/Create an application where PdAltMode functionality is needed.
* 2. Add the PDAltMode Middleware to your project. This quick start guide
* assumes that the environment is configured to use the MTB CAT2 Peripheral
* Driver Library(PDL) for development and the PDL is included in the project.
* If you are using the ModusToolbox(TM) development environment, select the
* application in the Project Explorer window and select the PDAltMode Middleware
* in the Library Manager.
* 3. Include cy_pdaltmode_defines.h, cy_pdaltmode_vdm_task.h, cy_pdaltmode_mngr.h and
* cy_pdaltmode_hw.h header files to get access to common Alternate Modes functionality as
* Discovery process and Alternate Modes handling.
* \snippet pdaltmode/main.c snippet_configuration_include_common
* 4. Include desired Alternate Mode header/source files to get access to selected
* Alternate Mode. For example, for DisplayPort Alternate Mode, include next header file:
* \snippet pdaltmode/main.c snippet_configuration_include_dp
* 5. Define the following data structures, pointers (or) configuration required by the PDAltMode Middleware:
* \snippet pdaltmode/main.c snippet_configuration_common
* 6. Enable next macros:
* * **DFP_ALT_MODE_SUPP UFP_ALT_MODE_SUPP** to enable DFP/UFP Alternate Modes functionality
* * **DP_DFP_SUPP DP_UFP_SUPP** to enable DisplayPort DFP/UFP Alternate Modes functionality
* * **CY_PD_USB4_SUPPORT_ENABLE** to enable USB4 functionality
* * **STORE_DETAILS_OF_HOST** to enable Dock exchange capabilities functionality
* 7. Configure supported Alternate Modes using next sections in
* <a href="">
* <b>EZ-PD Configuration Utility:</b>
* </a>
* * **Base Alternate Modes** - Configures supported Alternate Modes SVIDs, data role supported
* for selected SVID, and modes entry priority.
* * **DP Mode Parameters** - DisplayPort related configurations.
* 8. Register desired Alternate Mode callback function (for ex. Display port):
* \snippet pdaltmode/main.c snippet_register_dp
* The PDAltMode library uses these set of configuration for running internal
* state machine that implement different PD Alternate Modes.
* 9. Initialize the PDAltMode Middleware once at the start.
* \snippet pdaltmode/main.c snippet_register_am_layer
* 10. Start the VDM and Alt Mode Managers operations and start state machines
* that control external mux.
* \snippet pdaltmode/main.c snippet_am_task_enable
* 11. Invoke Cy_PdAltMode_Manager_Task and Cy_PdAltMode_VdmTask_Manager functions from the main
* processing loop of the application to handle the Vdm and Alt Mode Managers tasks for each PD port.
* \snippet pdaltmode/main.c snippet_am_task
* \section section_pdaltmode_toolchain Supported Software and Tools
* This version of the PDAltMode Middleware was validated for the compatibility
* with the following software and tools:
* <table class="doxtable">
* <tr>
* <th>Software and Tools</th>
* <th>Version</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>ModusToolbox(TM) software environment</td>
* <td>3.1</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>mtb-pdl-cat2</td>
* <td>2.4.0</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>pdstack</td>
* <td>3.1.0</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>GCC Compiler</td>
* <td>10.3.1</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>IAR Compiler</td>
* <td>8.42.2</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Arm(R) Compiler 6</td>
* <td>6.13</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* \section section_pdaltmode_changelog Changelog
* <table class="doxtable">
* <tr><th>Version</th><th>Changes</th><th>Reason for change</th></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>1.0</td>
* <td>Initial version</td>
* <td></td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* \section section_pdaltmode_more_information More Information
* For more information, see the following resources:
* * <a href="">
* <b>ModusToolbox(TM) software, quick start guide, documentation,
* and videos</b>
* </a>
* * <a href="">
* <b>PDL API Reference Manual</b></a>
* </a>
* * <a href="">
* <b>PDStack API Reference Manual</b></a>
* \note
* The links to the other software component's documentation (middleware and PDL)
* point to GitHub for the latest available version of the software.
* To get documentation of the specified version, download from GitHub, and unzip
* the component archive. The documentation is available in
* the <i>docs</i> folder.
/* The list below defines the order of the module groups in the API Reference
* Manual. */
* \{
* \defgroup group_pdaltmode_common Common
* \defgroup group_pdaltmode_intel Intel
* \defgroup group_pdaltmode_billboard Billboard
* \defgroup group_pdaltmode_display_port Display Port
* \defgroup group_pdaltmode_alt_mode_hw Alternate Mode Hardware
* \defgroup group_pdaltmode_vdm_alt_mode_manager Alternate Modes Manager
* \defgroup group_pdaltmode_usb4 USB4
* \}
/** @cond DOXYGEN_HIDE */
* \{
* \defgroup group_pdaltmode_custom_hpi_am HPI Alternate mode
* \defgroup group_pdaltmode_amd AMD
* \defgroup group_pdaltmode_retimer_wrapper Retimer Wrapper
* \}
/** @endcond */
* Type definitions
/* Provides default values for feature selection macros where not already defined. */
#define CCG_PD_REV3_ENABLE (0u)
#endif /* CCG_PD_REV3_ENABLE */
#define ICL_OCP_ENABLE (0u)
#endif /* ICL_OCP_ENABLE */
#define CCG_SYNC_ENABLE (0u)
#endif /* CCG_SYNC_ENABLE */
/* Enable Alternate Mode support when CCG is DFP */
#define DFP_ALT_MODE_SUPP (1u)
#endif /* DFP_ALT_MODE_SUPP */
/* Enable Alt mode as UFP */
#define UFP_ALT_MODE_SUPP (1u)
#endif /* UFP_ALT_MODE_SUPP */
#ifndef TBT_DFP_SUPP
/* Enable DisplayPort Source support as DFP */
#define TBT_DFP_SUPP (1u)
#endif /* TBT_DFP_SUPP */
#ifndef TBT_UFP_SUPP
/* Enable DisplayPort Source support as DFP */
#define TBT_UFP_SUPP (1u)
#endif /* TBT_UFP_SUPP */
#ifndef DP_DFP_SUPP
/* Enable DisplayPort Source support as DFP */
#define DP_DFP_SUPP (1u)
#endif /* DP_DFP_SUPP */
#ifndef DP_UFP_SUPP
/* Enable DisplayPort Source support as DFP */
#define DP_UFP_SUPP (1u)
#endif /* DP_UFP_SUPP */
/* Virtual HPD usage enable */
/* Enable vPro for USB4 */
#define VPRO_WITH_USB4_MODE (0u)
#endif /* VPRO_WITH_USB4_MODE */
#define VIRTUAL_HPD_DOCK (0u)
#endif /* VIRTUAL_HPD_DOCK */
#define GATKEX_CREEK (0u)
#endif /* GATKEX_CREEK */
#ifndef MUX_DELAY_EN
#define MUX_DELAY_EN (0u)
#endif /* MUX_DELAY_EN */
#define CCG_BB_ENABLE (0u)
#endif /* CCG_BB_ENABLE */
#define AM_PD3_FLOW_CTRL_EN (1u)
#endif /* AM_PD3_FLOW_CTRL_EN */
#ifndef HPI_AM_SUPP
#define HPI_AM_SUPP (0u)
#endif /* HPI_AM_SUPP */
#define ICL_SLAVE_ENABLE (0u)
#endif /* ICL_SLAVE_ENABLE */
#define CY_PD_REV3_ENABLE (0u)
#endif /* CY_PD_REV3_ENABLE */
#define MAX_SVID_SUPP (0u)
#endif /* MAX_SVID_SUPP */
#ifndef UVDM_SUPP
#define UVDM_SUPP (0u)
#endif /* UVDM_SUPP */
#ifndef TBT_HOST_APP
#define TBT_HOST_APP (0u)
#endif /* TBT_HOST_APP */
#define AMD_SUPP_ENABLE (0u)
#endif /* AMD_SUPP_ENABLE */
#ifndef ICL_ENABLE
#define ICL_ENABLE (0u)
#endif /* ICL_ENABLE */
#ifndef DP_2_1_ENABLE
#define DP_2_1_ENABLE (0u)
#endif /* DP_2_1_ENABLE */
#define CCG_UCSI_ENABLE (0u)
#endif /* CCG_UCSI_ENABLE */
#define DP_UFP_DONGLE (0u)
#endif /* DP_UFP_DONGLE */
#ifndef DEBUG_LOG
#define DEBUG_LOG (0u)
#endif /* DEBUG_LOG */
#define BB_RETIMER_ENABLE (0u)
#endif /* BB_RETIMER_ENABLE */
#define HPD_GPIO_SUPP_EN (0u)
#endif /* HPD_GPIO_SUPP_EN */
#define CY_HPI_ENABLED (0u)
#endif /* CY_HPI_ENABLED */
#ifndef OBJ_POS_FIX
#define OBJ_POS_FIX (0u)
#endif /* OBJ_POS_FIX */
#define BILLBOARD_1_2_2_SUPPORT (0u)
#endif /* BILLBOARD_1_2_2_SUPPORT */
#if (defined (CY_DEVICE_CCG5) || defined(CY_DEVICE_CCG6) || defined(CY_DEVICE_CCG5C) || \
defined(CY_DEVICE_CCG6DF) || defined(CY_DEVICE_CCG6SF) || defined(CY_DEVICE_PMG1S3))
/* Enabled features common for CCG5, CCG5C, CCG6, CCG6SF, CCG6DF, and PMG1S3 */
#ifndef DP_21_FORCE_EN
#define DP_21_FORCE_EN (0u)
#endif /* DP_21_FORCE_EN */
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_common
* \{
* Refer to the \ref section_pdaltmode_quick_start section for compatibility.
* \defgroup group_pdaltmode_common_macros Macros
* \defgroup group_pdaltmode_common_data_structures Data structures
* MACRO definition
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_common_macros
* \{
/** Total number of Type C ports supported */
/** Periodicity of checking if Alt Mode which is on pause could be run */
/** App MUX VDM delay timer period in ms */
/** Periodicity of checking if paused HPD Dequeuing could be run */
/** Mask to identify is vPro mode supported in HPI host capabilities register */
/** Mask to identify active Alternate Modes */
/** Mask to identify that Discovery process completed */
/** Mask to identify is USB4 mode entered*/
/** Mask to identify that USB4 functionality is enabled */
/** Mask to identify that TBT functionality is enabled */
/** Mask to identify that DP 2.1 functionality is enabled */
/** VDM busy timer period (in ms) */
/** Enter USB4 retry (on failure) timer period in ms */
/** Enter USB4 wait timer period in ms */
/** Maximum number of Enter USB command retries in case of WAIT response */
/** VDM retry (on failure) timer period in ms */
/** Time allowed for cable power up to be complete */
/** Cable query delay period in ms */
/** tAME timer period (in ms) */
/** USB4 Timeout timer period (in ms) */
/** Timer period in milliseconds used to run Vconn swap after V5V was lost and recovered while UFP. */
/** DP2.1 HPD Wait timer period */
/** Maximum number of Alternate Modes which Alt Modes manager could operate in the same time.
Setting this to larger values will increase RAM requirement for the projects. */
/** Maximum number of attached target SVIDs VDM task manager can hold in the memory. */
/** Size of Alt Mode APP event data in 4 byte words */
/** Maximum number of VDOs DP uses for the Alt Mode flow */
/** Maximum number of VDOs Thunderbolt-3 uses for the Alt Mode flow */
/**< Zero data */
/** Enable HPD application command value */
/** Disable HPD application command value */
/** Standard SVID */
#define CY_PDATMODE_STD_SVID (0xFF00u)
/** Display port SVID defined by VESA specification */
#define CY_PDALTMODE_DP_SVID (0xFF01u)
/** Thunderbolt SVID defined by Intel specification */
#define CY_PDALTMODE_TBT_SVID (0x8087u)
/** USB4 Mode */
/**< Status bit that indicates VConn fault is active */
/**< Status bit that indicates that V5V supply (for VConn) has been lost */
/** Alternate Modes Support UFP VDO1 mask */
/** TBT Alternate Modes Support UFP VDO1 mask */
/** Mask to indicate that TBT data path should be disabled */
/** Maximum length of Discover ID response */
/** Maximum length of Discover SVID response */
/** SVID value assigned to HPI based Alternate Mode. 0 indicates that actual SVID value is taken from
the configuration table or HPI register. */
#define CY_PDALTMODE_HPI_AM_SVID (0x0000u)
/** Number of Data Objects used in VDMs associated with HPI based Alternate Mode implementation */
/** Discover ID response minimum size */
/** Discover ID response ID header VDO offset */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_common_macros */
/** \cond */
#endif /* ALT_MODE_CALL_MAP */
#endif /* SROM_CODE_ALT_MODE */
/** \endcond */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_common */
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_vdm_alt_mode_manager
* \{
* Enumerated data definition
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_vdm_alt_mode_manager_enums
* \{
@typedef cy_en_pdaltmode_vdm_vconn_rqt_state_t
@brief Enumeration lists the VDM state with respect to VConn Swap and cable discovery
typedef enum
CY_PDALTMODE_VCONN_RQT_INACTIVE = 0, /**< No VConn request active. */
CY_PDALTMODE_VCONN_RQT_PENDING, /**< VConn swap and cable discovery request is pending. */
CY_PDALTMODE_VCONN_RQT_ONGOING, /**< VDM state machine waiting for VConn Swap and cable discovery completion. */
CY_PDALTMODE_VCONN_RQT_FAILED /**< VConn Swap request rejected by port partner. */
} cy_en_pdaltmode_vdm_vconn_rqt_state_t;
* @typedef cy_en_pdaltmode_mngr_state_t
* @brief Enumeration holds all possible Alt Modes manager states when DFP
typedef enum
CY_PDALTMODE_MNGR_STATE_DISC_MODE = 0, /**< Alt Modes manager discovery mode state. */
CY_PDALTMODE_MNGR_STATE_PROCESS /**< Alt Modes manager Alternate Modes processing state. */
* @typedef cy_en_pdaltmode_state_t
* @brief Enumeration holds all possible states of each Alt Mode which is handled by Alt Modes manager
typedef enum
CY_PDALTMODE_STATE_DISABLE = 0, /**< State when Alternate Mode functionality is disabled */
CY_PDALTMODE_STATE_IDLE, /**< State when Alternate Mode is idle */
CY_PDALTMODE_STATE_INIT, /**< State when Alternate Mode initiate its functionality */
CY_PDALTMODE_STATE_SEND, /**< State when Alternate Mode needs to send VDM message */
CY_PDALTMODE_STATE_WAIT_FOR_RESP, /**< State while Alternate Mode wait for VDM response */
CY_PDALTMODE_STATE_PAUSE, /**< State while Alternate Mode is on pause and waiting for some trigger */
CY_PDALTMODE_STATE_FAIL, /**< State when Alternate Mode VDM response fails */
CY_PDALTMODE_STATE_RUN, /**< State when Alternate Mode need to be running */
CY_PDALTMODE_STATE_EXIT /**< State when Alternate Mode exits and resets all related variables */
* @typedef cy_en_pdaltmode_app_evt_t
* @brief Enumeration holds all possible application events related to Alt Modes handling
typedef enum
CY_PDALTMODE_NO_EVT = 0, /**< Empty event */
CY_PDALTMODE_EVT_SVID_NOT_FOUND, /**< Sends to EC if UFP does not support any SVID */
CY_PDALTMODE_EVT_ALT_MODE_ENTERED, /**< Alternate Mode entered */
CY_PDALTMODE_EVT_ALT_MODE_EXITED, /**< Alternate Mode exited */
CY_PDALTMODE_EVT_DISC_FINISHED, /**< Discovery process was finished */
CY_PDALTMODE_EVT_SVID_NOT_SUPP, /**< CCGx does not support received SVID */
CY_PDALTMODE_EVT_SVID_SUPP, /**< CCGx supports received SVID */
CY_PDALTMODE_EVT_ALT_MODE_SUPP, /**< CCGx supports Alternate Mode */
CY_PDALTMODE_EVT_CBL_RESP_FAILED, /**< Cable response failed */
CY_PDALTMODE_EVT_CBL_NOT_SUPP_ALT_MODE, /**< Cable capabilities could not provide Alternate Mode handling */
CY_PDALTMODE_EVT_NOT_SUPP_PARTNER_CAP, /**< CCGx and UFP capabilities not consistent */
CY_PDALTMODE_EVT_DATA_EVT, /**< Specific Alternate Mode event with data */
CY_PDALTMODE_EVT_SUPP_ALT_MODE_CHNG, /**< Same functionality as ALT_MODE_SUPP; new one for UCSI */
@typedef cy_en_pdaltmode_vdm_task_t
@brief Enumeration lists the various VDM manager tasks to handle VDMs
typedef enum
CY_PDALTMODE_VDM_TASK_WAIT = 0, /**< DFP manager wait task while waiting for VDM response */
CY_PDALTMODE_VDM_TASK_INIT, /**< Task responsible for initializing of VDM manager */
CY_PDALTMODE_VDM_TASK_DISC_ID, /**< Task responsible for VDM Discovery ID flow */
CY_PDALTMODE_VDM_TASK_DISC_SVID, /**< Task responsible for VDM Discovery SVID flow */
CY_PDALTMODE_VDM_TASK_REG_ATCH_TGT_INFO, /**< Task responsible for registering of Discovery result
information in Alt Mode manager */
CY_PDALTMODE_VDM_TASK_USB4_TBT, /**< Task handles the USB4 data discovery and entry */
CY_PDALTMODE_VDM_TASK_EXIT, /**< Task deinits VDM task manager */
CY_PDALTMODE_VDM_TASK_SEND_MSG, /**< Task responsible for forming and sending VDM message */
CY_PDALTMODE_VDM_TASK_ALT_MODE /**< Task responsible for running of Alt Mode manager */
@typedef cy_en_pdaltmode_vdm_evt_t
@brief Enumeration lists the various VDM manager events to handle VDMs
typedef enum
CY_PDALTMODE_VDM_EVT_RUN = 0, /**< Event responsible for running any of DFP VDM manager task */
CY_PDALTMODE_VDM_EVT_EVAL, /**< Event responsible for evaluating VDM response */
CY_PDALTMODE_VDM_EVT_FAIL, /**< Event notifies task manager task if VDM response fails */
CY_PDALTMODE_VDM_EVT_EXIT /**< Event runs exiting from VDM task manager task */
@typedef cy_en_pdaltmode_cable_dp_reset_state_t
@brief Enumeration for tracking current cable (SOP'') soft reset state.
typedef enum {
CY_PDALTMODE_CABLE_DP_RESET_IDLE = 0, /**< No Cable (SOP'') reset state */
CY_PDALTMODE_CABLE_DP_RESET_WAIT, /**< Waiting for response from cable (SOP'') soft reset */
CY_PDALTMODE_CABLE_DP_RESET_RETRY, /**< Cable soft reset (SOP'') to be attempted */
CY_PDALTMODE_CABLE_DP_RESET_DONE, /**< Cable soft reset (SOP'') has been completed */
CY_PDALTMODE_CABLE_DP_RESET_SEND_SPRIME /**< Cable soft reset (SOP'') has been completed and send SOP Prime msg again */
} cy_en_pdaltmode_cable_dp_reset_state_t;
@enum cy_en_pdaltmode_app_cmd_t
@brief Enumeration holds all possible APP command related to Alt modes handling
typedef enum
CY_PDALTMODE_NO_CMD = 0, /**< Empty command */
CY_PDALTMODE_SET_TRIGGER_MASK, /**< Sets trigger mask to prevent auto-entering of the selected
Alternate Modes */
CY_PDALTMODE_CMD_ENTER = 3, /**< Enter to selected Alternate Mode */
CY_PDALTMODE_CMD_EXIT, /**< Exit from selected Alternate Mode */
CY_PDALTMODE_CMD_SPEC, /**< Specific alternate EC mode command with data */
CY_PDALTMODE_CMD_RUN_UFP_DISC /**< Runs Discover command when CCG is UFP due to PD 3.0 spec */
#endif /* CY_PD_REV3_ENABLE */
* @enum cy_en_pdaltmode_fail_status_t
* @brief Enum of the VDM failure response status
typedef enum
CY_PDALTMODE_VDM_BUSY = 0, /**< Target is BUSY */
CY_PDALTMODE_VDM_GOOD_CRC_NOT_RSVD, /**< Good CRC wasn't received */
CY_PDALTMODE_VDM_TIMEOUT, /**< No response or corrupted packet */
} cy_en_pdaltmode_fail_status_t;
/** \} group_pdaltmode_vdm_alt_mode_manager_enums */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_vdm_alt_mode_manager */
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_display_port
* \{
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_display_port_enums
* \{
* @typedef cy_en_pdaltmode_dp_state_t
* @brief Enumeration holds all possible DP states
typedef enum
CY_PDALTMODE_DP_STATE_IDLE = 0, /**< Idle state */
CY_PDALTMODE_DP_STATE_ENTER = 4, /**< Enter mode state */
CY_PDALTMODE_DP_STATE_EXIT = 5, /**< Exit mode state */
CY_PDALTMODE_DP_STATE_ATT = 6, /**< DP Attention state */
CY_PDALTMODE_DP_STATE_STATUS_UPDATE = 16, /**< DP Status Update state */
CY_PDALTMODE_DP_STATE_CONFIG = 17 /**< DP Configure state */
@typedef cy_en_pdaltmode_dp_stat_bm_t
@brief Enumeration holds corresponding bit positions of Status Update VDM fields
typedef enum
CY_PDALTMODE_DP_STAT_DFP_CONN = 0, /**< DFP_D is connected field bit position */
CY_PDALTMODE_DP_STAT_UFP_CONN, /**< UFP_D is connected field bit position */
CY_PDALTMODE_DP_STAT_PWR_LOW, /**< Power Low field bit position */
CY_PDALTMODE_DP_STAT_EN, /**< Enabled field bit position */
CY_PDALTMODE_DP_STAT_MF, /**< Multi-function Preferred field bit position */
CY_PDALTMODE_DP_STAT_USB_CNFG, /**< USB Configuration Request field bit position */
CY_PDALTMODE_DP_STAT_EXIT, /**< Exit DP Request field bit position */
CY_PDALTMODE_DP_STAT_HPD, /**< HPD state field bit position */
CY_PDALTMODE_DP_STAT_IRQ /**< HPD IRQ field bit position */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_display_port_enums */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_display_port */
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_usb4
* \{
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_usb4_enums
* \{
@typedef cy_en_pdaltmode_usb4_flag_t
@brief Enumeration lists the various vdm manager flags due to USB4 related handling.
typedef enum
CY_PDALTMODE_USB4_NONE = 0, /**< Empty flag */
CY_PDALTMODE_USB4_FAILED, /**< Flag indicates of USB4 discovery procedure failure */
CY_PDALTMODE_USB4_PENDING, /**< Flag indicates that USB4 entry handling should be processed */
CY_PDALTMODE_USB4_TBT_CBL_FIND, /**< Flag is responsible for initiating of finding TBT VID in cable Disc SVID response */
CY_PDALTMODE_USB4_TBT_CBL_DISC_RUN, /**< Flag is responsible for initiating of TBT cable Disc mode */
CY_PDALTMODE_USB4_TBT_CBL_ENTER_SOP_P, /**< Flag is responsible for initiating of TBT cable SOP' Enter mode */
CY_PDALTMODE_USB4_TBT_CBL_ENTER_SOP_DP, /**< Flag is responsible for initiating of TBT cable SOP" Disc mode */
CY_PDALTMODE_USB4_SEND_USB4 /**< Flag is responsible for sending of EnterUSB command */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_usb4_enums */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_usb4 */
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_alt_mode_hw
* \{
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_alt_mode_hw_enums
* \{
@typedef cy_en_pdaltmode_mux_select_t
@brief Possible settings for the Type-C Data MUX.
@note This type should be extended to cover all possible modes for the MUX.
typedef enum
CY_PDALTMODE_MUX_CONFIG_ISOLATE, /**< Isolate configuration */
CY_PDALTMODE_MUX_CONFIG_SAFE, /**< USB Safe State (USB 2.0 lines remain active) */
CY_PDALTMODE_MUX_CONFIG_DP_2_LANE, /**< Two lane DP configuration */
CY_PDALTMODE_MUX_CONFIG_DP_4_LANE, /**< Four lane DP configuration */
CY_PDALTMODE_MUX_CONFIG_TBT_CUSTOM, /**< TBT custom configuration */
CY_PDALTMODE_MUX_CONFIG_USB4_CUSTOM, /**< USB4 custom configuration */
CY_PDALTMODE_MUX_CONFIG_RIDGE_CUSTOM, /**< Alpine/Titan Ridge custom configuration */
CY_PDALTMODE_MUX_CONFIG_INIT, /**< Enables MUX functionality */
CY_PDALTMODE_MUX_CONFIG_DEINIT, /**< Disables MUX functionality */
} cy_en_pdaltmode_mux_select_t;
@typedef cy_en_pdaltmode_app_mux_status_t
@brief Possible states for the MUX handler
typedef enum
CY_PDALTMODE_APP_MUX_STATE_FAIL, /**< MUX switch failed */
CY_PDALTMODE_APP_MUX_STATE_SUCCESS /**< MUX switched successfully */
} cy_en_pdaltmode_app_mux_status_t;
@typedef cy_en_pdaltmode_hw_type_t
@brief Application HW type values which are used in alt_mode_hw_evt_t structure
typedef enum
CY_PDALTMODE_MUX = 1, /**< HW type - MUX */
CY_PDALTMODE_HPD, /**< HW type - HPD transceiver/receiver */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_alt_mode_hw_enums */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_alt_mode_hw */
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_intel
* \{
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_intel_enums
* \{
@typedef cy_en_pdaltmode_tbt_state_t
@brief Enumeration holds all possible TBT states
typedef enum
CY_PDALTMODE_TBT_STATE_IDLE = 0, /**< Idle state */
CY_PDALTMODE_TBT_STATE_ENTER = 4, /**< Enter mode state */
CY_PDALTMODE_TBT_STATE_EXIT = 5, /**< Exit mode state */
CY_PDALTMODE_TBT_STATE_ATT = 6, /**< Attention state */
} cy_en_pdaltmode_tbt_state_t;
* @typedef cy_en_pdaltmode_intel_pf_type_t
* @brief List of Intel TBT/USB platform types in which the EZ-PD(TM) CCG device is used
typedef enum
CY_PDALTMODE_PF_THUNDERBOLT = 0, /**< Thunderbolt platforms such as Alpine Ridge or Titan Ridge */
CY_PDALTMODE_PF_ICE_LAKE, /**< Intel IceLake platform */
CY_PDALTMODE_PF_TIGER_LAKE, /**< Intel TigerLake + AlderLake + RaptorLake + MeteorLake platform */
CY_PDALTMODE_PF_MAPLE_RIDGE, /**< Intel RocketLake + Maple Ridge platform */
CY_PDALTMODE_PF_BARLOW_RIDGE, /**< Intel Barlow Ridge platform */
CY_PDALTMODE_PF_LUNAR_LAKE /**< Intel LunarLake platform */
} cy_en_pdaltmode_intel_pf_type_t;
/** \} group_pdaltmode_intel_enums */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_intel */
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_billboard
* \{
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_billboard_enums
* \{
* @enum cy_en_pdaltmode_bb_type_t
* @brief Billboard implementation model
typedef enum
CY_PDALTMODE_BB_TYPE_NONE, /**< No Billboard device */
CY_PDALTMODE_BB_TYPE_EXTERNAL, /**< External Billboard device */
CY_PDALTMODE_BB_TYPE_INTERNAL, /**< Device supports internal USB module to implement Billboard */
CY_PDALTMODE_BB_TYPE_EXT_CONFIGURABLE, /**< External Billboard device which supports configuration through PD controller */
CY_PDALTMODE_BB_TYPE_EXT_CFG_HUB, /**< External Billboard device behind USB hub */
CY_PDALTMODE_BB_TYPE_EXT_HX3PD /**< Billboard/DMC integrated in HX3PD hub */
} cy_en_pdaltmode_bb_type_t;
* @enum cy_en_pdaltmode_bb_state_t
* @brief Billboard module states
typedef enum
CY_PDALTMODE_BB_STATE_DEINITED, /**< Module is not initialized */
CY_PDALTMODE_BB_STATE_DISABLED, /**< Module is initialized but not enabled */
CY_PDALTMODE_BB_STATE_BILLBOARD, /**< Module is active with Billboard enumeration */
CY_PDALTMODE_BB_STATE_LOCKED, /**< Module is active with additional functionality */
CY_PDALTMODE_BB_STATE_FLASHING, /**< Module is active with flashing mode enumeration */
} cy_en_pdaltmode_bb_state_t;
/** \} group_pdaltmode_billboard_enums */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_billboard */
/** @cond DOXYGEN_HIDE */
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_amd
* \{
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_amd_enums
* \{
* @typedef cy_en_pdaltmode_amd_pf_type_t
* @brief List of AMD platform types in which the EZ-PD(TM) CCG device is used
typedef enum
CY_PDALTMODE_AMD_PF_RENOIR = 0, /**< AMD Renoir-based platform */
CY_PDALTMODE_AMD_PF_REMBRANDT_A0, /**< AMD Rembrandt A0-based platform */
CY_PDALTMODE_AMD_PF_REMBRANDT_B0, /**< AMD Rembrandt B0-based platform */
CY_PDALTMODE_AMD_PF_PHOENIX, /**< AMD Phoenix-based platform */
CY_PDALTMODE_AMD_PF_STRIX /**< AMD Strix-based platform */
} cy_en_pdaltmode_amd_pf_type_t;
* @typedef cy_en_pdaltmode_amd_rtmr_type_t
* @brief List of Retimer types which could be used via AMD projects
typedef enum
CY_PDALTMODE_AMD_RETIMER_PS8828, /**< Retimer PS8828 */
CY_PDALTMODE_AMD_RETIMER_PS8830, /**< Retimer PS8830 */
CY_PDALTMODE_AMD_RETIMER_AUTO_PS8828A_OR_PS8830, /**< Retimer type should be discovered */
CY_PDALTMODE_AMD_RETIMER_KB800X_B0, /**< Retimer KB800X B0 */
CY_PDALTMODE_AMD_RETIMER_KB800X_B1, /**< Retimer KB800X B1 */
CY_PDALTMODE_AMD_RETIMER_KB8010 /**< Retimer KB8010 */
} cy_en_pdaltmode_amd_rtmr_type_t;
/** \} group_pdaltmode_amd_enums */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_amd */
/** @endcond */
* Data structure definition
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_intel
* \{
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_intel_data_structures
* \{
* @struct cy_stc_pdaltmode_ridge_hw_config_t
* @brief This structure holds all HW related info due to Ridge/SoC interface such
* as I2C SCB block, interrupt GPIO, and interrupt configuration.
typedef struct
CySCB_Type* ridgeScbBase; /**< Ridge SCB base address pointer */
cy_stc_hpi_i2c_context_t* ridgeI2cContext; /**< I2C Context pointer */
const cy_stc_sysint_t* ridgeScbIrqConfig; /**< SCB Irq configuration */
GPIO_PRT_Type * intrAPortNum; /**< PortA interrupt port address */
uint32_t intrAPinNum; /**< PortA interrupt pin */
GPIO_PRT_Type * intrBPortNum; /**< PortB interrupt port address */
uint32_t intrBPinNum; /**< PortB interrupt pin */
} cy_stc_pdaltmode_ridge_hw_config_t;
typedef struct
CySCB_Type* ridgeScbNum; /**< Ridge SCB number */
const cy_stc_scb_i2c_config_t* ridgeI2cConfig; /**< I2C Configuration pointer */
const cy_stc_sysint_t* ridgeScbIrqConfig; /**< SCB Irq configuration */
GPIO_PRT_Type* intrPortA_port; /**< PortA interrupt port */
uint32_t intrPortA_pin; /**< PortA interrupt pin */
GPIO_PRT_Type* intrPortB_port; /**< PortB interrupt port */
uint32_t intrPortB_pin; /**< PortB interrupt pin */
} cy_stc_pdaltmode_ridge_hw_config_t;
#endif /* TBT_HOST_APP */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_intel_data_structures */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_intel */
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_alt_mode_hw
* \{
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_alt_mode_hw_data_structures
* \{
@union cy_stc_pdaltmode_hw_evt_t
@brief Alt Mode HW application event/command structure
typedef union
uint32_t val; /**< Integer field used for direct manipulation of reason code */
/** @brief Structure containing Alternate Modes HW event/command */
uint32_t evtData : 16; /**< Current event/command data */
uint32_t hwType : 8; /**< HW type event/command related to */
uint32_t dataRole : 8; /**< Current data role */
}hw_evt; /**< Union containing the application HW event/command value */
* @union cy_stc_pdaltmode_alt_mode_evt_t
* @brief Alt Modes manager application event/command structure
typedef union
uint32_t val; /**< Integer field used for direct manipulation of reason code */
/** @brief Struct containing Alternate Modes manager event/command */
uint32_t dataRole : 1; /**< Current event sender data role. */
uint32_t altModeEvt : 7; /**< Alt Mode event index from alt_mode_app_evt_t structure */
uint32_t altMode : 8; /**< Alt Mode ID */
uint32_t svid : 16; /**< Alt Mode related SVID */
}alt_mode_event; /**< Union containing the Alt Mode event value */
/** @brief Struct containing Alternate Modes manager event/command data. */
uint32_t evtData : 24; /**< Alt Mode event's data */
uint32_t evtType : 8; /**< Alt Mode event's type */
}alt_mode_event_data; /**< Union containing the Alt Mode event's data value */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_alt_mode_hw_data_structures */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_alt_mode_hw */
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_intel
* \{
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_intel_data_structures
* \{
* @struct cy_stc_pdaltmode_host_details_t
* @brief Host Details Status
typedef struct
* Mode mask:
* Bit 0 - TBT DFP mode
* Bit 1 - TBT UFP mode
* Bit 2 - DP DFP mode
* Bit 3 - DP UFP mode
void * dsAltModeContext; /**< PD Alt Mode context pointer for DS port*/
void * usAltModeContext; /**< PD Alt Mode context pointer for US port*/
uint32_t backUpRidgeStatus; /**< Back up Ridge status*/
uint8_t hostModeMask; /**< Host mode mask */
uint8_t dsModeMask; /**< DS mode mask */
uint8_t hostDp2LaneModeCtrl; /**< Host DP 2-lane mode control */
uint8_t dsDp2LaneModeCtrl; /**< DS DP 2-lane mode control */
cy_pd_pd_do_t hostEudo; /**< Host USB4 data object */
uint32_t hostDetails; /**< Host details */
uint8_t grRdyBit; /**< Ridge gr_rdy bit value */
bool isHostDetailsAvailable; /**< Is Host details available */
uint8_t dsSendEuWithHostPresentSet; /**< Send USB4 EUDO with host present bit set */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_intel_data_structures */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_intel */
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_alt_mode_hw
* \{
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_alt_mode_hw_data_structures
* \{
@union cy_stc_pdaltmode_mux_cfg_t
@brief Holds AMD APU MUX related configurations
typedef union
uint8_t val; /**< Integer field used for direct manipulation of reason code */
/** @brief Struct containing AMD APU related MUX configuration */
uint8_t polarity : 1; /**< MUX polarity */
uint8_t cfg : 7; /**< MUX configuration */
}mux; /**< Union containing the MUX configuration to configure AMD APU */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_alt_mode_hw_data_structures */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_alt_mode_hw */
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_vdm_alt_mode_manager
* \{
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_vdm_alt_mode_manager_data_structures
* \{
* @struct cy_stc_pdaltmode_atch_tgt_info_t
* @brief Struct holds Alternate Mode discovery information which is used by Alt Mode manager
typedef struct
cy_pd_pd_do_t tgtIdHeader; /**< Holds device/AMA discovery ID header */
cy_pd_pd_do_t amaVdo; /**< Holds AMA discovery ID response VDO */
const cy_pd_pd_do_t* cblVdo; /**< Pointer to cable VDO */
uint16_t tgtSvid[CY_PDALTMODE_MAX_SVID_VDO_SUPP]; /**< Holds received SVID for device/AMA */
uint16_t cblSvid[CY_PDALTMODE_MAX_SVID_VDO_SUPP]; /**< Holds received SVID for cable */
* @struct cy_stc_pdaltmode_vdm_msg_info_t
* @brief Struct holds received/sent VDM information which is used by VDM Alternate Mode managers
typedef struct
cy_pd_pd_do_t vdmHeader; /**< Holds VDM buffer. */
uint8_t sopType; /**< VDM SOP type */
uint8_t vdoNumb; /**< Number of received VDOs in VDM */
cy_pd_pd_do_t vdo[7u]; /**< VDO objects buffer */
@struct cy_stc_pdaltmode_alt_mode_reg_info_t
@brief Structure holds all necessary information on Discovery Mode stage
for supported Alternate Mode when Alt Modes manager registers new Alt Mode.
typedef struct
uint8_t atchType; /**< Target of disc SVID (cable or device/AMA) */
uint8_t dataRole; /**< Current data role */
uint8_t altModeId; /**< Alt Mode ID */
cy_en_pd_sop_t cblSopFlag; /**< Sop indication flag */
cy_pd_pd_do_t svidEmcaVdo; /**< SVID VDO from cable Discovery mode response */
cy_pd_pd_do_t svidVdo; /**< SVID VDO from Discovery mode SOP response */
const cy_stc_pdaltmode_atch_tgt_info_t* atchTgtInfo; /**< Attached targets info (dev/ama/cbl) from Discovery ID response */
cy_en_pdaltmode_app_evt_t appEvt; /**< APP event */
} cy_stc_pdaltmode_alt_mode_reg_info_t;
* @struct cy_stc_pdaltmode_vdm_task_status_t
* @brief Struct to hold VDM manager status
typedef struct
/** Current VDM manager state */
cy_en_pdaltmode_vdm_task_t vdmTask;
/** Current VDM manager event */
cy_en_pdaltmode_vdm_evt_t vdmEvt;
/** Info about cable, device/AMA */
cy_stc_pdaltmode_atch_tgt_info_t atchTgt;
/** Struct with received/sent VDM info */
cy_stc_pdaltmode_vdm_msg_info_t vdmMsg;
/** Sent/received VDM retry counters */
uint8_t recRetryCnt;
/** Holds svid index if we have more than one Disc SVID response */
uint8_t svidIdx;
/** Holds count of D_SVID requests sent */
uint8_t dSvidCnt;
/** VDM EMCA Resets count */
uint8_t vdmEmcaRstCount;
/** VDM EMCA Reset state */
cy_en_pdaltmode_cable_dp_reset_state_t vdmEmcaRstState;
/** VDM VCONN SWAP Request state */
cy_en_pdaltmode_vdm_vconn_rqt_state_t vdmVcsRqtState;
/** VDM VCONN SWAP Request count */
uint8_t vdmVcsRqtCount;
/** Enter USB data object */
cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_pd_cmd_buf_t eudoBuf;
/** Flag indicating USB4 status */
cy_en_pdaltmode_usb4_flag_t usb4Flag;
/** Alt modes supported flag */
uint8_t altModesNotSupp;
/** USB4 pending flag */
uint8_t usb4UpdatePending;
/** USB4 Enter mode retry count for wait response */
uint8_t usb4EnterRetryCount;
/** Cable start-up delay period */
uint16_t appCblStartDelay;
/** VDM busy delay period */
uint16_t vdmBusyDelay;
/** Enter USB4 wait period */
uint16_t enterUsb4WaitDelay;
/** VDM fail retry period */
uint16_t vdmFailRetryDelay;
* @brief Billboard USB descriptor update function callback
* @param context Pointer to the Alt Mode context
typedef void (*cy_pdaltmode_bb_bos_decr_update_cbk_t)(void* context);
* @brief Function is used by Alt Modes manager to communicate with
* any of supported Alt Modes.
* @param context Pointer to the Alt Mode context
* @return None
typedef void (*cy_pdaltmode_alt_mode_cbk_t) (void *context);
* @brief Function is used by Alt Modes manager to run alternate
* mode analysis of received APP command.
* @param context Pointer to the Alt Mode context
* @param app_cmd Received APP command data
* @return true if APP command passed successful, false if APP command is invalid
* or contains unacceptable fields.
typedef bool (*cy_pdaltmode_app_cbk_t) (void *context, cy_stc_pdaltmode_alt_mode_evt_t app_cmd);
* @brief Function is used by app layer to call MUX polling
* function.
* @param context Pointer to the Alt Mode context
* @return MUX polling status
typedef cy_en_pdaltmode_app_mux_status_t (*cy_pdaltmode_mux_poll_fnc_cbk_t)(void *context);
@typedef cy_pdaltmode_mtl_sbu_mux_ctrl_cbk_t
@brief Callback used for MTL SBU MUX control based on the MUX configuration
typedef bool (*cy_pdaltmode_mtl_sbu_mux_ctrl_cbk_t) (void *context,
cy_en_pdaltmode_mux_select_t cfg);
/** \} group_pdaltmode_vdm_alt_mode_manager_data_structures */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_vdm_alt_mode_manager */
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_common
* \{
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_common_data_structures
* \{
@struct cy_stc_pdaltmode_status_t
@brief Structure holds all necessary information Alt Mode handling
typedef struct
uint8_t vdmTaskEn; /**< Flag to indicate if VDM task manager enabled */
uint8_t discCblPending; /**< Flag to indicate if cable discovery is pending */
bool cblDiscIdFinished; /**< Flag to indicate that cable disc id finished */
uint8_t altModeTrigMask; /**< Mask to indicate which Alt Mode should be enabled by EC */
uint16_t customHpiSvid; /**< Holds custom Alternate Mode SVID received from HPI */
bool altModeEntered; /**< Flag to indicate if Alternate Modes currently entered */
bool vdmPrcsFailed; /**< Flag to indicate if VDM process failed */
bool vdmRetryPending; /**< Whether VDM retry on timeout is pending */
uint8_t customHpiHostCapControl; /**< Holds custom host capabilities register value received from HPI */
bool cblRstDone; /**< Flag to indicate that cable reset was provided */
bool trigCblRst; /**< Flag to trigger cable reset */
bool isMuxBusy; /**< Flag to indicate that mux is switching */
cy_pdaltmode_mux_poll_fnc_cbk_t muxPollCbk; /**< Holds pointer to MUX polling function */
bool usb4Supp; /**< Flag to indicate if USB4 is supported */
bool usb4Active; /**< Indicates that USB4 mode was entered */
uint8_t usb4DataRstCnt; /**< Indicates number of Data Reset retries */
bool usb2Supp; /**< USB2 supported flag for Ridge related applications */
bool usb3Supp; /**< USB3 supported flag for Ridge related applications */
bool skipMuxConfig; /**< Flag to indicate do not configure MUX */
bool trigTbtVdoDisc; /**< Flag to indicate that TBT cable DISC MOde is in progress */
bool tbtCblEntered; /**< Flag to indicate that TBT cable was entered TBT mode */
cy_en_pdaltmode_app_mux_status_t muxStat; /**< Indicates current MUX status */
cy_pd_pd_do_t tbtCblVdo; /**< Holds TBT cable VDO */
cy_pd_pd_do_t dpCblVdo; /**< Holds DP cable VDO */
cy_pd_pd_do_t tbtModeVdo; /**< Holds TBT mode VDO */
uint8_t amdDataResetUsb4Mode; /**< Holds current APU mux state during AMD DataReset flow */
cy_pd_pd_do_t eudo; /**< Holds EUDO */
} cy_stc_pdaltmode_status_t;
/** \} group_pdaltmode_common_data_structures */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_common */
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_vdm_alt_mode_manager
* \{
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_vdm_alt_mode_manager_data_structures
* \{
* @struct cy_stc_pdaltmode_mngr_info_t
* @brief Structure holds all necessary information for interaction between
* Alt Modes manager and selected Alternate Mode.
typedef struct
cy_en_pdaltmode_state_t modeState; /**< Alternate Mode state */
cy_en_pdaltmode_state_t sopState[CY_PD_SOP_DPRIME + 1u]; /**< VDM state for SOP/SOP'/SOP" packets */
uint8_t vdoMaxNumb; /**< Maximum number of VDO that Alt Mode can handle */
uint8_t objPos; /**< Alternate Mode object position */
uint8_t cblObjPos; /**< Cable object position */
uint8_t altModeId; /**< Alternate mode ID */
cy_pd_pd_do_t vdmHeader; /**< Buffer to hold VDM header */
cy_pd_pd_do_t* vdo[CY_PD_SOP_DPRIME + 1u]; /**< Pointers array to Alt Mode VDO buffers */
uint8_t vdoNumb[CY_PD_SOP_DPRIME + 1u]; /**< Current number of VDOs used for processing in VDO buffers */
cy_pdaltmode_alt_mode_cbk_t cbk; /**< Alternate Mode callback function */
bool isActive; /**< Active mode flag */
bool customAttObjPos; /**< Object position field in Att VDM used by Alt Mode as custom */
bool uvdmSupp; /**< Flag to indicate if Alt Mode support unstructured VDMs */
bool setMuxIsolate; /**< Flag to indicate if MUX should be set to safe state while
ENTER/EXIT Alt Mode is being processed */
bool amSafeReq; /**< Flag to indicate that Safe state should be while entering AM */
/* Application control information */
bool appEvtNeeded; /**< APP event flag */
cy_stc_pdaltmode_alt_mode_evt_t appEvtData; /**< APP event data */
cy_pdaltmode_app_cbk_t evalAppCmd; /**< APP command cbk */
} cy_stc_pdaltmode_mngr_info_t;
* @typedef cy_pdaltmode_reg_alt_modes_cbk_t
* @brief Alternate Mode handler type
typedef cy_stc_pdaltmode_mngr_info_t*
void *context,
cy_stc_pdaltmode_alt_mode_reg_info_t* regInfo);
@typedef cy_pdaltmode_hw_cmd_cbk_t
@brief Callback type used for notifications about Alt Mode hardware Commands
typedef void (*cy_pdaltmode_hw_cmd_cbk_t) (void *context, uint32_t command);
* @struct cy_stc_pdaltmode_reg_am_t
* @brief Structure to hold the Alternate Modes SVID and handler
typedef struct
uint16_t svid; /**< Alternate Mode SVID */
cy_pdaltmode_reg_alt_modes_cbk_t regAmPtr; /**< Alternate Mode SVID handler */
} cy_stc_pdaltmode_reg_am_t;
* @struct cy_stc_pdaltmode_alt_mode_mngr_status_t
* @brief Struct to hold Alt Modes manager status
typedef struct
/** Holds info when register Alt Mode */
cy_stc_pdaltmode_alt_mode_reg_info_t regInfo;
/** Supported Alternate Modes */
uint32_t amSupportedModes;
/** Exited Alternate Modes */
uint32_t amExitedModes;
/** Active Alternate Modes */
uint32_t amActiveModes;
/** Pointers to each Alt Mode info structure */
cy_stc_pdaltmode_mngr_info_t* altModeInfo[CY_PDALTMODE_MAX_SUPP_ALT_MODES];
/** Number of existed Alt Modes */
uint8_t altModesNumb;
/** Buffer to hold VDM */
cy_stc_pdstack_dpm_pd_cmd_buf_t vdmBuf;
/** Holds application event data */
uint32_t appEvtData[CY_PDALTMODE_EVT_SIZE];
/** Current Alt Modes manager status */
cy_en_pdaltmode_mngr_state_t state;
/** Pointer to vdm_msg_info_t struct in vdm task manager */
cy_stc_pdaltmode_vdm_msg_info_t *vdmInfo;
/** Hold current SVID index for Discovery mode command */
uint8_t svidIdx;
/** Check whether the device is a PD 3.0 supporting UFP */
bool pd3Ufp;
/** Exit all Alt Modes procedure callback */
cy_pdstack_pd_cbk_t exitAllCbk;
/** Flag to indicate that exit all Alt Modes is required */
bool exitAllFlag;
/** Modes which requires datapath update */
uint32_t amDatapathChangeModes;
/** Flag to indicate is=f custom Alt Mode reset is required */
bool resetCustomMode;
/** Holds unprocessed attention VDM header */
cy_pd_pd_do_t attHeader;
/** Holds unprocessed attention VDO */
cy_pd_pd_do_t attVdo;
/** Holds pointer to Alt Mode which saved attention is related to */
cy_stc_pdaltmode_mngr_info_t *attAltMode;
/** Flag which indicates that saved attention have to be run */
uint8_t runAttFlag;
/** \} group_pdaltmode_vdm_alt_mode_manager_data_structures */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_vdm_alt_mode_manager */
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_display_port
* \{
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_display_port_data_structures
* \{
* @struct cy_stc_pdaltmode_dp_status_t
* @brief DP Status
typedef struct
cy_stc_pdaltmode_mngr_info_t info; /**< Alt Mode manager info */
cy_pd_pd_do_t vdo[CY_PDALTMODE_MAX_DP_VDO_NUMB]; /**< VDO */
cy_en_pdaltmode_dp_state_t state; /**< DP state */
cy_en_pdaltmode_mux_select_t dpMuxCfg; /**< DP MUX configuration */
cy_pd_pd_do_t configVdo; /**< Config VDO */
bool dpActiveFlag; /**< DP active flag */
uint8_t ccgDpPinsSupp; /**< CCG's DP pin supported mask*/
uint8_t partnerDpPinsSupp; /**< Port partner's DP pin supported mask*/
bool dp2LaneActive; /**< DP2 lane active flag */
uint16_t hpdState; /**< HPD State */
uint8_t queueReadIndex; /**< HPD queue read index */
uint8_t dp21Supp; /**< DP2.1 support indication flag */
uint8_t curHpdState; /**< Current HPD state */
cy_pd_pd_do_t statusVdo; /**< Status VDO */
cy_pd_pd_do_t sinkVdo; /**< Disc Mode VDO */
uint8_t vconnSwapReq; /**< VCONN Swap request */
uint8_t vconnInitRetryCnt; /**< VCONN init retry count*/
uint8_t vconnCbkRetryCnt; /**< VCONN retry count callback */
bool dpExit; /**< DP exit */
uint8_t dp4Lane; /**< DP4 lane */
uint8_t dp2Lane; /**< DP2 lane */
uint8_t dpCfgCtrl; /**< DP configuration control */
uint8_t maxSopSupp; /**< Max SOP supported */
uint8_t cableConfigSupp; /**< Cable configuration support */
const cy_stc_pdaltmode_atch_tgt_info_t* tgtInfoPtr; /**< Attached target info pointer */
bool dpActCblSupp; /**< DP active cable support */
cy_pd_pd_do_t cableVdo[CY_PDALTMODE_MAX_DP_VDO_NUMB]; /**< Cable VDO */
cy_en_pdaltmode_dp_state_t prevState; /**< DP previous state */
#endif /* DP_DFP_SUPP */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_display_port_data_structures */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_display_port */
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_alt_mode_hw
* \{
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_alt_mode_hw_data_structures
* \{
* @struct cy_stc_pdaltmode_hw_details_t
* @brief Alt Mode HW details
typedef struct
cy_pdaltmode_hw_cmd_cbk_t hwCmdCbk; /**< Holds command callback information */
volatile cy_en_usbpd_hpd_events_t altModeHpdState; /**< Holds current HPD pin status */
cy_en_pdaltmode_mux_select_t appMuxState; /**< App MUX state */
uint32_t hwSlnData; /**< Holds HW solution event/command data */
uint32_t appMuxSavedCustomData; /**< Custom data parameter saved for future MUX update */
uint32_t appMuxSavedModeVdo; /**< Alt Mode VDO saved for future MUX update */
cy_en_pdaltmode_mux_select_t appMuxSavedState; /**< MUX state saved for future MUX update */
bool appMuxUpdateReq; /**< Flag to indicate that MUX update is required */
volatile uint8_t muxCurState; /**< Store the current MUX config */
volatile bool altModeCmdPending; /**< Holds current HPD command status */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_alt_mode_hw_data_structures */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_alt_mode_hw */
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_billboard
* \{
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_billboard_data_structures
* \{
* @brief Internal Billboard module handle structure
* No explicit structure for the handle is expected to be created outside of
* the Billboard module implementation.
typedef struct cy_stc_pdaltmode_bb_handle
/* Common Billboard fields */
cy_en_pdaltmode_bb_type_t type; /**< Billboard implementation type */
cy_en_pdaltmode_bb_state_t state; /**< Billboard current state */
uint8_t numAltModes; /**< Number of valid Alternate Modes */
uint8_t bbAddInfo; /**< AdditionalFailureInfo field in Billboard
capability descriptor. */
uint32_t altStatus; /**< Current Alternate Mode status -
The status can hold a maximum of 16
Alternate Modes (2 bits each). */
uint32_t timeout; /**< Pending timeout count in ms for Billboard
interface disable. */
/* Internal Billboard fields. */
uint8_t *ep0Buffer; /**< EP0 data buffer pointer in case of
internal Billboard implementation. */
bool usbConfigured; /**< Internal flag indicating whether the
configuration is enabled or not. This is valid
only for internal Billboard implementation. */
uint8_t usbPort; /**< USB port index used in case the device
has multiple USB ports. */
bool flashingMode; /**< USB flashing mode state. Valid only for
internal Billboard implementation. */
bool usbI2cmMode; /**< USB I2C Master bridge mode state. Valid only
for internal Billboard implementation
supporting I2C Master bridge interface. */
bool queueEnable; /**< Billboard interface enable request
queued. Valid only for internal
Billboard implementation. */
bool queueDisable; /**< Billboard interface disable request
queued. Valid only for internal
Billboard implementation. */
bool queueI2cmEnable; /**< USB-I2C Master mode enable request.
Valid only for internal Billboard
implementation. */
cy_pdaltmode_bb_bos_decr_update_cbk_t updateBosDescrCbk; /**< Callback for updating BOS descriptor */
} cy_stc_pdaltmode_bb_handle_t;
/** \} group_pdaltmode_billboard_data_structures */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_billboard */
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_common
* \{
* \addtogroup group_pdaltmode_common_data_structures
* \{
* @struct cy_stc_pdaltmode_context_t
* @brief Structure to PDStack Alt Mode Middleware context information
typedef struct cy_stc_pdaltmode_context
cy_stc_pdstack_context_t * pdStackContext; /**< PD Stack Library context Pointer */
cy_stc_pdaltmode_status_t* altModeAppStatus; /**< Alt mode Layer status */
cy_stc_pdstack_app_status_t* appStatusContext; /**< Application status */
cy_stc_pdaltmode_alt_mode_mngr_status_t * altModeMngrStatus; /**< Alt Mode Manager Status */
cy_stc_pdaltmode_vdm_task_status_t* vdmStat; /**< VDM Task Manager Status */
cy_stc_pdaltmode_hw_details_t* hwDetails; /**< Alt Mode HW details */
cy_stc_pdaltmode_dp_status_t* dpStatus; /**< DP Status */
cy_stc_pdaltmode_host_details_t* hostDetails; /**< Host Details */
cy_pdaltmode_mtl_sbu_mux_ctrl_cbk_t mtlMuxCtrlCbk; /**< MTL SBU MUX control */
volatile cy_stc_pdaltmode_bb_handle_t billboard; /**< Billboard interface internal handle structure */
uint16_t altModeCfgLen; /**< Length of the Alt Mode Config table */
uint8_t dfpAltModeMask; /**< Mask to enable DFP Alternate Modes */
uint8_t ufpAltModeMask; /**< Mask to enable UFP Alternate Modes */
uint16_t baseAmInfo[CY_PD_MAX_NO_OF_DO * 2]; /**< Stores base AM configuration info */
/**< Array to store the D_ID response received from the port partner */
uint8_t vdmDiscIdRespLen; /**< D_ID response length*/
/**< Array to store the D_SVID response received from the port partner */
uint8_t vdmDiscSvidRespLen; /**< D_SVID response length*/
const cy_stc_pdaltmode_cfg_settings_t * altModeCfg; /**< Alt Mode config table */
const cy_stc_pdaltmode_custom_alt_cfg_settings_t* custAltModeCfg; /**< Custom Alt Mode config table */
const tbthost_cfg_settings_t * tbtCfg; /**< TBT config table*/
const cy_stc_pdaltmode_dp_cfg_settings_t * dpCfg; /**< DP config table */
const intel_soc_cfg_settings_t * iclCfg; /**< ICL config table */
const amd_cfg_settings_t * amdCfg; /**< AMD config table */
const cy_stc_pdaltmode_ridge_hw_config_t* ridgeHwConfig; /**< Ridge communication configurations */
struct cy_stc_pdaltmode_context* ptrAltPortAltmodeCtx; /**< Alternate Port PD Alternate Mode context */
uint8_t noOfTypeCPorts; /**< No of Type-C ports available in the controller */
} cy_stc_pdaltmode_context_t;
/** \} group_pdaltmode_common_data_structures */
/** \} group_pdaltmode_common */
/* [] END OF FILE */