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* \file xensiv_radar_presence.h
* \brief
* Provides API declarations for the XENSIV(TM) RADAR presence detection library.
* \copyright
* (c) 2022 Infineon Technologies AG.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \addtogroup group_board_libs XENSIV(TM) Radar Presence
* \{
* This library provides an interface for human presence detection using radar.
* There are a number of reasons behind the use of radar in the this application:
* - It can operate at any time of the day in all weather conditions.
* - It can have a broad coverage and can even penetrate through walls.
* - Furthermore, it can detect and track moving targets and can operate unmanned.
* \section subsection_xensiv_radar_presence_radar_system Radar System
* A typical radar system consists of the following components: \n
* - A transmitter
* - A receiver
* - RF Generator
* - Amplifiers
* - Mixer
* - Analog to Digital Converter
* This is represented by the following figure:
* \image html typical_radar_system.png "Radar system block diagram" width=600px
* \image latex typical_radar_system.png
* An electromagnetic wave generated by the RF generator is amplified and then transmitted through
* the transmitter. The wave travels at a constant speed, approximately at the speed of light and
* gets reflected once it strikes a target. The reflected signal is collected by the receiver,
* amplified and fed to a mixer where it gets mixed with the transmitted signal. The resulting
* signal from the mixer is called as IF (Intermediate frequency) signal, whose instantaneous
* frequency is equal to the difference of the instantaneous frequencies of the two input signals
* and phase is equal to the phase difference of the two input signals.
* The IF signal is digitized through an ADC, resulting in a time domain data which can then be
* processed further for different use cases.
* \section subsection_xensiv_radar_presence_detection Presence Detection
* This application detects human presence within a configurable distance
* and a certain field of view from the radar. The maximum range to detect
* human presence can be configured using the library API. Presence detection
* can be further utilized for applications such as keyword-less
* authentication, automatic user interaction with smart devices
* and many more. The following figure shows a high-level representation of
* presence detection:
* \image html Presence.png "Presence detection application" width=600px
* \image latex Presence.png
* \section subsection_xensiv_radar_presence__mounting_recommendations Mounting Recommendations
* The connected sensor kit with the Radar Wing Board can be mounted
* anywhere on the wall in front facing orientation at 1-1.5 meters
* height from the ground level. The following figure provides an
* illustration of radar coverage for macro and micro movements.
* \image html radar_coverage.png "Radar coverage for macro and micro movements" width=700px
* \image latex radar_coverage.png
* \section subsection_xensiv_radar_presence_algorithm_implementation Presence detection algorithm
* The presence detection library detects macro and micro movements.
* The macro then micro detection mode could be illustrated using a state machine
* \image html algo.png "Presence detection algorithm" width=600px
* \image latex algo.png
* When the detection is in absence state, it would check the macro level.
* If macro level is higher than macro threshold, macro trigger confirmation
* count will increase by
* 1.
* If confirmation count exceeds macro trigger delay, state would transit
* from absence to presence.
* For presence state, state remains in presence when micro level is higher
* than the micro threshold.
* When the micro level is lower than the micro threshold, absence count
* will increase by 1.
* If absence count exceeds micro valid, the state would go back to absence.
* The user can configure:
* - operation mode (macro only, micro only, macro and micro or micro after macro)
* - minimum and maximum range detection can be configured.
* - sensitivity level of each mode can be adjusted by changing the thresholds levels.
* - enable filtering
* \section subsection_xensiv_radar_presence_memory_requirements Memory Requirements
* Code size (Bytes) : 10506
* RAM size (Bytes) : 86404
* \note All values are minimum requirements with default configuration, no application code and
* Release build
* \section subsection_xensiv_radar_presence_quickstart Quick Start
* \section subsection_board_libs_snippets Code snippets
* \subsection subsection_board_libs_snippet_1 Snippet 1: Example usage.
* The following snippet shows a task that allocates and initializes an instance of the radar
* presence detection algorithm using \ref xensiv_radar_presence_alloc.
* Next, the user event callback handler is configured using \ref
* xensiv_radar_presence_set_callback.
* Finally, it waits in idle mode until new raw radar data is available
* and feeds it to the algorithm using \ref xensiv_radar_presence_process_frame.
* \snippet snippet/main.c snippet_xensiv_radar_presence
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "ifx_sensor_dsp.h"
/************************************** Macros *******************************************/
/** Result code indicating successful operation. */
/** Result code indicating a not supported configuration. */
/** Result code indicating a memory allocation error. */
/********************************* Type definitions **************************************/
/** Type definition for timestamp. */
* @brief XENSIV(TM) Radar Presence detection algorithm state
typedef enum
} xensiv_radar_presence_state_t;
* @brief XENSIV(TM) Radar Presence detection algorithm mode
typedef enum
/*! Only macro movement detection */
/*! Only micro movement detection */
/*! The algorithm would first detect macro motion for presence,
and enter micro motion detect mode when the object movement is smaller */
/*! The algorithm would always detect both macro and micro movement;
either kind of motion exceeding the threshold would be treated as a presence */
} xensiv_radar_presence_mode_t;
* @brief XENSIV(TM) Radar Presence detection algorithm event
typedef struct
/*! event time [ms] */
/*! range bin index */
int32_t range_bin;
/*! event type \ref xensiv_radar_presence_state_t */
xensiv_radar_presence_state_t state;
} xensiv_radar_presence_event_t;
* @brief XENSIV(TM) Radar Presence detection algorithm configuration
typedef struct
/* initialization only parameters */
/*! Number of samples per chirp. */
int16_t num_samples_per_chirp;
/*! slow time FFT, e.g. number of chirps accumulated
before calculating micro movement FFT */
int16_t micro_fft_size;
/*! FMCW Radar signal bandwidth [Hz] */
float32_t bandwidth;
/* run-time parameters */
/*! minimum detection range bin */
int32_t min_range_bin;
/*! maximum detection range bin */
int32_t max_range_bin;
/*! Threshold value used in macro movement detection */
float32_t macro_threshold;
/*! Threshold value used in micro movement detection */
float32_t micro_threshold;
/*! macro compare interval */
XENSIV_RADAR_PRESENCE_TIMESTAMP macro_compare_interval_ms;
/*! trigger delay for macro movement detection.
Input value is multiple of \ref macro_compare_interval_ms.
For example, if macro_compare_interval_ms is 250 and
setting macro_movement_confirmations is 3, the algorithm will determine the motion as
macro movement for a continuous 750ms of major motion */
int32_t macro_movement_confirmations;
/*! macro trigger range for macro movement detection.
At least that many range bins need to be triggered, so that a presence is reported.
Default is 1. */
int32_t macro_trigger_range;
/*! Time-out value [ms] used to judge motion is no longer macro movement.
For example, if the value is 1000, it means a detected value below the
macro threshold for 1 second continuous would be treated as no macro movement */
XENSIV_RADAR_PRESENCE_TIMESTAMP macro_movement_validity_ms;
/*! Time-out value [ms] used to judge the motion is no longer micro movement.
The judging criteria are the same as for a valid macro value. */
XENSIV_RADAR_PRESENCE_TIMESTAMP micro_movement_validity_ms;
/*! Sets the presence detection detect mode \ref xensiv_radar_presence_mode_t. */
xensiv_radar_presence_mode_t mode;
/*! Enable/disable vibration filter */
bool macro_fft_bandpass_filter_enabled;
/*! Enable/disable micro FFT low pass filter */
bool micro_fft_decimation_enabled;
/* number of micro doppler FFT ranges to accumulate */
int32_t micro_movement_compare_idx;
} xensiv_radar_presence_config_t;
/** \cond INTERNAL */
struct xensiv_radar_presence_context;
typedef struct xensiv_radar_presence_context* xensiv_radar_presence_handle_t;
/** \endcond */
* @brief XENSIV(TM) Radar Presence detection callback to notify user about
* presence events
typedef void (* xensiv_radar_presence_cb_t)(xensiv_radar_presence_handle_t handle,
const xensiv_radar_presence_event_t* event,
void* data);
/******************************* Function prototypes *************************************/
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** Assigns malloc and free functions for malloc_fptr and free_fptr variable
* @param[in] malloc_func Pointer to a function that is used for allocating memory
* @param[in] free_func Pointer to a function that is used for freeing memory
void xensiv_radar_presence_set_malloc_free(void* (*malloc_func)(size_t size),
void (* free_func)(void* ptr));
/** Assigns callback function for presence context
* @param[in] handle Pointer to a presence context
* @param[in] callback Pointer to a function that will handle presence events
* @param[in] data Data pointer that is passed to the callback
void xensiv_radar_presence_set_callback(xensiv_radar_presence_handle_t handle,
xensiv_radar_presence_cb_t callback,
void* data);
/** Initialize XENSIV(TM) Initializes Radar Presence detection algorithm configuration
* structure with defaults settings:
* @code
* bandwidth = 460E6
* num_samples_per_chirp = 128
* micro_fft_decimation_enabled = false
* micro_fft_size = 128
* macro_threshold = 0.5f
* micro_threshold = 12.5f
* min_range_bin = 1
* max_range_bin = 5
* macro_compare_interval_ms = 250
* macro_movement_validity_ms = 1000
* micro_movement_validity_ms = 4000
* macro_movement_confirmations = 0
* macro_trigger_range = 1
* macro_fft_bandpass_filter_enabled = false
* micro_movement_compare_idx = 5
* @endcode
* @param[in] config Pointer to a variable that holds the configuration
void xensiv_radar_presence_init_config(xensiv_radar_presence_config_t* config);
/** Allocate XENSIV(TM) Radar Presence detection algorithm context.
* @param[out] handle Pointer to a handle that holds the computation context
* @param[in] config Pointer to a variable that holds the configuration
* @return XENSIV_RADAR_PRESENCE_OK if the initialization was successful; else an error indicating
* what went wrong.
int32_t xensiv_radar_presence_alloc(xensiv_radar_presence_handle_t* handle,
const xensiv_radar_presence_config_t* config);
/** Obtains current presence detection algorithm configuration.
* @param[in] handle Handle that holds the computation context
* @param[out] config Pointer to a variable where the configuration will be saved
* @return XENSIV_RADAR_PRESENCE_OK if current configuration was read successful; else an error
* indicating
* what went wrong.
int32_t xensiv_radar_presence_get_config(const xensiv_radar_presence_handle_t handle,
xensiv_radar_presence_config_t* config);
/** Sets presence detection algorithm configuration.
* @param[out] handle Handle that holds the computation context
* @param[in] config Pointer to a variable that holds new configuration
* @return XENSIV_RADAR_PRESENCE_OK if configuration could be updated; else an error indicating
* what went wrong.
int32_t xensiv_radar_presence_set_config(xensiv_radar_presence_handle_t handle,
const xensiv_radar_presence_config_t* config);
/** Process one radar frame.
* @param[in] handle Handle that holds the computation context
* @param[in] frame Pointer to radar raw frame data.
* \note frame data will be modified
* @param[in] time_ms Current time in milliseconds
* @return XENSIV_RADAR_PRESENCE_OK if no problem found during frame processing;
* else an error indicating what went wrong.
int32_t xensiv_radar_presence_process_frame(xensiv_radar_presence_handle_t handle,
float32_t* frame,
/** Returns macro fft buffer from presence context
* @param[in] handle Handle that holds the computation context
* @return Pointer to the macro_fft_buffer array of size num_samples_per_chirp.
cfloat32_t* xensiv_radar_presence_get_macro_fft_buffer(const xensiv_radar_presence_handle_t handle);
* @brief Return last maximum detected energy of macro movement against set threshold.
* This function can be called after processing several frames for getting the estimates
* of the energy amplitude with which the macro movements are detected and compared against
* the last set threshold. This is useful in finding the right value of the threshold for
* given scenarios.
* @param[in] handle Handle that holds the computation context
* @param[out] macro Value representing amplitude of energy of the macro movement
* @param[out] index Value representing the distance of macro movement
* @return XENSIV_RADAR_PRESENCE_OK macro could be read
* @note Call to this function will reset the values of the macro and its range.
bool xensiv_radar_presence_get_max_macro(const xensiv_radar_presence_handle_t handle,
float* macro, int* index);
* @brief Return last maximum detected energy of micro movement against set threshold.
* This function can be called after processing several frames for getting the estimates
* of the energy amplitude with which the micro movements are detected and compared against
* the last set threshold. This is useful in finding the right value of the threshold for
* given scenarios.
* @param[in] handle Handle that holds the computation context
* @param[out] micro Value representing amplitude of energy of the micro movement
* @param[out] index Value representing the distance of micro movement
* @return XENSIV_RADAR_PRESENCE_OK macro could be read
* @note Call to this function will reset the values of the micro and its range.
bool xensiv_radar_presence_get_max_micro(const xensiv_radar_presence_handle_t handle,
float* micro, int* index);
* @brief Return bin length in meters.
* The length is calculated from the configured bandwidth of the radar.
* @param[in] handle Handle that holds the computation context
* @return float32_t bin length in meters.
float32_t xensiv_radar_presence_get_bin_length(const xensiv_radar_presence_handle_t handle);
/** Resets the presence algorithm
* @param[in] handle Handle that holds the computation context
void xensiv_radar_presence_reset(xensiv_radar_presence_handle_t handle);
/** Frees up resources allocated during initialization.
* @param[in] handle Handle that holds the computation context
void xensiv_radar_presence_free(xensiv_radar_presence_handle_t handle);
/** \} group_board_libs */
#ifdef __cplusplus